Jul 1925 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jul 1925 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jul 1925 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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mmk<br />

XbgeFonr OCEAN OR HEWS, OCEAH (UTK, H. T.<br />

Contract Let For<br />

lin to E. M. Button.<br />

It was owned by Edward M. But- reportod that several big deals or Hard Surfacing<br />

ton. The price reported was 1525more<br />

than ordinary Interest had<br />

Beautiful Home<br />

Keyhan Sales<br />

per foot.<br />

been made, nut the details were Under Consideration<br />

The Keyhan Roalty Company<br />

(Continued from Paffe <strong>On</strong>o)<br />

reported tho - following sales.<br />

Two other pieces <strong>of</strong> beachfront not ready for publication.<br />

Neither the purchase price nor tho<br />

in the same locality- were sold by<br />

(Continued from Pago <strong>On</strong>o)<br />

hntt 8 French doom.<br />

buyers" name wan dlttclosed.<br />

this <strong>of</strong>fice. <strong>On</strong>e.piece <strong>of</strong> 50 foot<br />

was for the account or W. C. Tomorrow's Session ridding the city <strong>of</strong> drain water af-<br />

Thu kitchen, whon completed, Corner <strong>of</strong> Thirtieth Street Lundenborger. to, Charlotte S. Ends Summer School!tor a storm, especially In thocentwill<br />

bo tho last word In modorn and <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue, with riparian Cheater. Price. $425 per foot.<br />

IIT or the city, has confronted the<br />

convenience. Every essential Is rights.<br />

planned wltb an eyo to labor wiv-<br />

Fifty feet <strong>of</strong> beachfront, '.be- (Contlnued from Pago <strong>On</strong>o) <strong>City</strong> Commissioners for many<br />

ing-. This room will bo tiled.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e hundred Ofty. feet, corner tween nineteenth and Twentieth<br />

years.. • •<br />

Among tho modern conveniences<br />

<strong>of</strong> Twelfth Street und <strong>Ocean</strong> Ave-<br />

.Martha Downes, Instructor In<br />

Streets, was sold for Esther Sum-<br />

Installed In the kitchen will bo an<br />

nue, with riparian rights. ner to Arthur DeMarls at the rate,<br />

mathoroatlcs. Newark State, Nor-<br />

The logical method <strong>of</strong> overcom-<br />

oloctrlc regrigoralor.<br />

Tlireo hundred root, corner 6f <strong>of</strong> (425 per foot.<br />

mat School, arithmetic.<br />

ing this condition la the placing<br />

Elithteenth and <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue.<br />

O. Cavallaro. head <strong>of</strong> departor<br />

drain pipes under the city<br />

Midway to tho mKiond floor on<br />

Velma H. Mould, lot 2815. block<br />

streets. Tho cost <strong>of</strong> this work has<br />

Two hundred feet, nt Twenty-<br />

the main stairway-will be a IBTKO<br />

C. Garden tract, to A. G. Chalmeluhtb<br />

Street, with riparian<br />

platform with French doors leaders,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Allentown. Pa., for 12.450.<br />

rights.<br />

cal education.<br />

I«T Into a balcony on, the ocean<br />

aide or tho building.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e hundred feet, at Twcnty- SeUs Beachfront for $67,500 Meta Lnnicbeln. aKslslant superrlgbih<br />

and Wesley, without ri- Some Idea, <strong>of</strong> the activity <strong>of</strong> the visor <strong>of</strong> physical education, West<br />

Tbo second floor will contain parian rights. • ' market can be- known by the -fol- Hoboken, physical education.<br />

4 bedrooms, a dressing room. 2<br />

tiled baths and 2 tiled showere.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e hundred feet, on. WeHley<br />

lowing bale <strong>of</strong> 150 feet <strong>of</strong> beach- E. Marcla Baldwin, associate In-<br />

The baths and uhowers will bo In<br />

between Nlnteenth und Twenfront,<br />

beginning 100 feet north structor in pyacbology. Newark<br />

different colored tile.<br />

tieth. • •• .<br />

<strong>of</strong> Twenty-second Street, for John State Normal School, psychology.<br />

Fllty Feet on Wesley Avenue<br />

M. Simon, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia} to a Irwin B, Kom'erville, principal.<br />

tyalds" rooms will be on th between. Sixteenth and Seven-<br />

buyer not named. Mr. Mould had Rldgewood High, School, sclc.ico<br />

third floor. • '. . • teenth<br />

prepared an advertisement > onnnd<br />

geocraphy.<br />

Streets, .with rlpurlan<br />

Tho construction will be o rights.<br />

UVdnewliiy for this particular lot Frank H. Lloyd, Kiipervlsing prin-<br />

brick and stucco with varlegatod <strong>On</strong>e hundred fifteen' Iota In the<br />

to be printed In this edition. cipal,. Leonurdo, geography and<br />

. alate ro<strong>of</strong>, with all copper Hash Gardens. ,<br />

Thursday morning he called tho HlBtory <strong>of</strong> education.<br />

• lncs, valleys, glitters and con<br />

NEWS'<br />

A tract between' Atlantic an NEWS' otnee und UHked for the I. ^" Edith R. Ilolirouich. instructor<br />

ductors. '<br />

Gull Road was xold und' resold<br />

* ' The tvrrace floor on the ocean <strong>On</strong>e hundred Ufteen feet.- Chel<br />

side or tho house la to be laid with Place, corner <strong>of</strong> Chelueu I'lace and<br />

Importod tile.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue, with riparian<br />

rights.<br />

New Prices Recorded in Herbert S. Smith's Office<br />

Eighty feet <strong>of</strong> beachfront be-<br />

Real Estate Sales tween Twentieth and Twenty-first<br />

Streets waa sold through ihe qf-<br />

(Continued from Pago <strong>On</strong>e) tlce <strong>of</strong> Herbert R. Smith. This <strong>of</strong>-<br />

this plot to E. M. Button through llce also reported the following<br />

the same <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

Hales, the plots Include riparian<br />

Corner lot. Gull Road and At-rights:<br />

66 2-3 reet on Wesley Ave-<br />

' lantle Avenue, 65 feet by 100 feot. nue, between Twcnty-flmt • nnd<br />

for H. Manley. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, to Twenty-Becond Ktreitu: 100 feet<br />

Arthur 8hoemakur.<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> Thirtieth Street: 100<br />

Ten lots In tbo Heart or thefeet,<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> Thirty-third Street<br />

Clardens Tract, from Zoe-9.-Parls and 150 "feet "between' ' Thlrty-<br />

to P. Klaus, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia. thlnl und Thirty-fourth Streets.<br />

Lots 1710. and 1711, on <strong>Ocean</strong> TIIIM olllce reported that It nan<br />

Road, sold for Bert Gurretwon to Bold and renold u group <strong>of</strong> thir-<br />

Mabel Moses.<br />

teen lots on Crescent -Roml; In the<br />

Lota 2502 to 2S17, inclusive. Gardens, Bvc tlmen within tieven<br />

McLaughlun tract, to Nathan lei days. . .<br />

G<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Eighty lots In the varlotiH nec-<br />

• Three lota on <strong>Ocean</strong> Road, sold lions <strong>of</strong>.the Gardens.were Hold by<br />

' for- Edward Hogan to Bert Gur- :bls <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

retson.<br />

Lots 211E to 3122. McLaughlan Mould Sells Beachfront '<br />

Tract. . '<br />

Among the Haled reported by<br />

-on Sea Spray Road, from E. M. he <strong>of</strong>llce <strong>of</strong> ThoniuH W. Mould wan<br />

Button to Zoo 8. Paris..<br />

i 40-foot utrlp <strong>of</strong> beachfront lo-<br />

. Lots 1701 to 1710. Inclusive, cated between Eighteenth and<br />

Heart <strong>of</strong> tho Garden Tract, from Nineteenth Streets, extending<br />

Thomas W. Mould to Zoe 8. Paris. 'ram Wesley Avenue. |6 trarry<br />

- Lots 1370 to 1375. Inclusive, on ferron. <strong>of</strong> Vlnolanil. The riparian<br />

Crescent Road; for James Frank- luhts are Included In thin .tract.<br />

l ?. «• ''"»»'»Kn. insirucior<br />

ad to be changed as the property I L n ,. Ell 5"f h - , N t Warlc State. Normal<br />

had been sold. ^ y Tho coat <strong>of</strong> drainage from Asbury<br />

Avenue on Eighth. Ninth<br />

and Tenth.Streets was estimated<br />

to be about $250,000.<br />

Civic organliatlons and many<br />

property owners, anxious to BCO<br />

the hard surfacing extended, will<br />

be pleased with the announcement<br />

that thin, matter Is receiving the<br />

consideration <strong>of</strong> the Commissioners.<br />

Last Monday the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commorce, In. a,communication,<br />

suggested this work<br />

be continued.<br />

Little opposition' Is expected to<br />

I School. EngllBh.<br />

the plan. Last year many'prop-<br />

Clara Levy. Instructor In 'his- erty owners thought tho cost <strong>of</strong><br />

ThlH olllce reported tho italu <strong>of</strong> tory, Newark State<br />

ulx loin In the Heurt <strong>of</strong> th« Gar-<br />

t Normal School, the pvg puvlng would bo too gKreat.<br />

Af<br />

dens tract, block 18. to II. D. history y and n clvlrn. cll |ter | experiencing p tho great Im-<br />

Chmuberldln, <strong>of</strong> Lancaster. Pa. Ett Etta Donnhuy, helping teacher, J provement that ht resulted ltd r rrom the h<br />

for S13.800. • '•<br />

Morris County. English uad his-1 hard surfaced streets, and the In<br />

Ainu lot* 1762. 1863. Heart <strong>of</strong> tory.<br />

| creased vulue <strong>of</strong> their properties.<br />

Marguerite - M:irquart, nupor- »t a comparatively little, coat.<br />

the Gardenn tract, wax Hold for thevisor<br />

<strong>of</strong> art In nlturnatlng schools. many <strong>of</strong> tho property owners op-<br />

account <strong>of</strong> Beatrice Welker to Dr. Newark, druwlng.<br />

posing tho plan'Iast yeaT requcat-<br />

Charles H. Vull and Edwurd Ho-<br />

Bun. The , price .<strong>of</strong> these IotH.<br />

Lella F. Pay ton, Instructor |n!"<br />

which are located on the corner <strong>of</strong><br />

Surf unrl Inlet Rnudt*. wuu not reported.<br />

Old Timers'Inv««t '<br />

Lam week marked the entry <strong>of</strong><br />

a number *<strong>of</strong> old-time residents <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> lino the- real entuu'<br />

field. Some <strong>of</strong>* those persons hud<br />

lUed here 'for a score <strong>of</strong> yearn, i<br />

but- were always tluilil <strong>of</strong> buying j<br />

"or fear <strong>of</strong> losing liurd-earned BUV-<br />

IIKH. <strong>On</strong>e Investor, who Htepped<br />

nto' the ever-widening circle <strong>of</strong><br />

imut.ur real estate Investors, told<br />

the reporter: "I huvu been living<br />

:iere for twenty-nve years wnltliiR<br />

lo see the bottom drop out <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inurket. I um not going to wait<br />

wenty-flve years and only .huvit<br />

recollection <strong>of</strong> uhut I might huve<br />

(1 'tho ComniUslonerB to extend<br />

art. Thirteenth Avenue School.! •«* work this year.<br />

Newark, drawing.<br />

I It la doubtful, however. If all<br />

Grace W. Engelx. Instructor In'the work Hubmltted by y the <strong>City</strong> y<br />

Industrial dtil urtn, Nk Newark State J Ei Engineer g will.be illb attempted p d this i<br />

Normal School, handwork. i year. The amount t contracted d for<br />

Catherine M. ZlxKen, supervisor will be governed by tho legal<br />

<strong>of</strong> muulc,<br />

x.-Trfnton, prnvluiona ax provided In munlcl-<br />

niiiHlc.<br />

pul management.<br />

Mary. I). Itutlibun, Instructor In<br />

muulc, public UCIIOOIH, Trenton,<br />

Big Dirigible Passes Over'<br />

Mary-C. WHIIlock, aiuoclato In<br />

clnthlnic, department' <strong>of</strong> home<br />

had." Incidentally the tlrHt<br />

thla man mude.waH pur-<br />

conomlcH. UnlverMlty <strong>of</strong> UlnolH, | "P<br />

/Ithin tlireo hour» ut a pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong><br />

1,250. '<br />

The <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Goetz and Knnnub<br />

MOULD'S<br />


50ieet <strong>Ocean</strong> Front Between 36th and 37th. Both sides<br />

011 ». u ». l *\ 1 Fishermen Had Luck Philadelphia,<br />

• . In Delaware Bay the occasion. •<br />

The Ladle,'<br />

A party or <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> flahere. a<br />

'eu at the<br />

who Bpent thn day on tho Dolawaro<br />

Bay.' returned last night<br />

with 160 flsh, 81 croakers and 79 Avonue. on<br />

weak Bsh.<br />

'rom 3 to J<br />

Those In the party wore: William<br />

R. Reynolds, William Came- would enjoy<br />

»l»r<br />

ron, Nelson Brown. 1BOAC Shaner. bay. All<br />

Charlie Shaner. Thoy l<strong>of</strong>t at 7 aro Invited<br />

o'clock yesterday morning from good time.<br />

Reed's Beacb, in Captain Bolce's<br />

boat, and coat lines In the Dela- Watch far K^<br />

ware Bay.<br />

During tho trip they had some <strong>Ocean</strong> Cltjr<br />

experience with man-eating Bleit yt<br />

sharks. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the sharks.was touring car^ whfc»<br />

cstlmatod to weight - about 2S0 to be speeding pe wS<br />

pounds, tho party said. The ^toward<br />

sharks did not attempt to attack<br />

anyone but. merely observed. Tho car was<br />

. . it . .- Atlantic <strong>City</strong> iT<br />

yesterday mornlat<br />

Mo.tor.Car Driver<br />

tho Atlantlo OtT<br />

Flee» After Collision reau. which Seat<br />

legcd l ^<br />

R. W. H<strong>of</strong>fman., or Atlantic morning.<br />

<strong>City</strong>, wan Injured early last Sunday<br />

morning when bis machine ~~<br />

turned turtle after, being struck<br />

by another motor car. the driver,<br />

<strong>of</strong> which Is unknown.<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman was traveling rrom Sea<br />

Isle <strong>City</strong> to Atlantic <strong>City</strong>. At<br />

Thlrty-fqurth Street and Central<br />

Avenue a car traveling In the<br />

same direction struck H<strong>of</strong>fman's<br />

car. which turned over after striking<br />

the curb. THIH wan about<br />

2.30 a. m. The driver <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

other car did not-stop. Tho only<br />

clue to hlB Identity won a render<br />

<strong>of</strong> an Eanex car which was torn<br />

<strong>of</strong>f by the collision.<br />

Despite the early hour, about<br />

u Hcore <strong>of</strong> cars'gathered nround<br />

the spot in u few minutes. Police<br />

Lieutenant Burman arrived a few<br />

minuter after tho accident occur--<br />

The lnjure' at about dltappeure.1 S.45 o'clock In th'-^'. •;'.•:/•'••.- I v - . ' ^ '<br />

&V^'^«i ! «ffli'J&>;w'>^vJ-V;'-\ri>'k'^''. 1 :;^<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> N. J.<br />

I<br />

1Wp<br />

il h<br />

mI-<br />


oday's Best Real Estate Buys<br />

Every<br />

Beach Fronts<br />

We have beach front properties that should net you several thousands<br />

in A short time, some plots are 50 feet, others are 100 feet.<br />

We have 100 Feet Beach Front at 36th Street for $12.000, both sides<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wesley Avenue, if sold today.<br />

Asbury Avenue<br />

We have a good business property, in the WGOLWQRTH BLOCK<br />

that, will show about 8 per cent., owner will take large mortgage. Act<br />

quick on this. -<br />

5 room cottage for. : :._ _ _,._...L $3,500.00<br />

6 room cottage on Anbury Avenue.......... $6,500.00<br />

2 family apartment, furnished.... .'.. $10,500.00<br />

2 family apartment, near beach .,.....'. $12,000.00<br />

' . Come in and see us, we have good bargains.<br />


Real Estate : Insurance ^Mortgages<br />



<strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue at Fourth Street<br />


For Sale—Bargain<br />

Splendid location for doctor or druggist<br />



Real Estate Insurance<br />

333 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

For a Real Bargain House<br />

1245 Asbury Avenue<br />

4 Stories .<br />


7 Bed Rooms—Including Basement Floor^Two Car Garage<br />

Bath-Oas-Electricity—Heat and Hot Water<br />

In the Heart <strong>of</strong>.the Business District •<br />

$18,000.00<br />

, • Financing Easy<br />


607 Eighth Street .<br />

Pnone 1041<br />

Are You Looking for Lots ini<br />

McLaughlan-Conover Tract?<br />


^<br />


this<br />

EJ-<br />

1604 Central Avenue<br />

Two Story Detached Cottage, Separate<br />

Garage<br />

inane ed<br />


933 Asbury Avenue<br />

For Quick Turnover<br />

The wise real estate buyer who focuses his eyes on 34th<br />

Street beach front property has them directed on the right<br />

place. '-"...<br />

It ifl one <strong>of</strong> the safest, surest and most pr<strong>of</strong>itable beach front ventures<br />

ever <strong>of</strong>fered for a speculative investment.' '. •<br />

I have a few choice pieces in this section<br />


Realtor<br />

601 Eighth Street<br />

For a Real Good Bargain<br />

• ' • -3 farnily<br />

Apartment • .<br />

• ' very near<br />

Boardwalk<br />

$16,750<br />

. WeU Financed<br />

Inspection Invited • . .<br />

Consult With • ' - '• ..<br />



REALTORS <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

411 Eighth Street<br />

For Sale<br />

Centrally located ocean front lot with riparian rights, improved<br />

with 2 stores and 2 apartments only<br />

$40,000.00<br />


8th & Atlantic Ave.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Sign<br />

Piece <strong>of</strong> Real Estate<br />

Advertised on This Page is a<br />

Special Value Offered for<br />

Quick Sale <strong>On</strong>ly!<br />

Now is the Time To Get.<br />

In the Real Estate Swim<br />

A glance at the real estate<br />

transfers published on another<br />

page will give »n Idea <strong>of</strong> tho activity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> real estate<br />

market. There U nothing<br />

"OaBhy" about this. It.repre««nt»<br />

bona ado transaction* and. •Olid<br />

values. And there Is a reason for<br />

this. • .<br />

- People—residents as well as<br />

outsiders—are Just' awakening to<br />

the value <strong>of</strong> South Jersey real estate,<br />

especially seashore property,<br />

and they ' aro miking hasto to<br />

snap up the big values which hava<br />

heret<strong>of</strong>ore boon passed by unnoticed.<br />

There will b« no recession from .<br />

these values, either, and the man<br />

or woman who wants to get In as<br />

near tho "around floor" as It is<br />

possible to do now. will • be wise<br />

to make their Investment*, attar<br />

careful Investigation, without unnecessary<br />

delay. " ' ,<br />

' Soon the activity now centered<br />

In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> will extend to other<br />

renortn dawn the coaiit.<br />

100 Yards<br />

From<br />

Shopping<br />

Districts<br />

Corner Property<br />

Accessible from three aide*<br />

—food pnUio garage lite<br />

—ground size, 70 x 90.<br />

little cash needed.<br />

$25,000<br />

Shone 4a<br />

Frank E Darby<br />


. . •. M<br />

•• • ^'fl

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