Oct 1942 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Oct 1942 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Oct 1942 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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LOJ\ Workers<br />

tend Dinner<br />

Women Fet«d by<br />

Men** O<br />

Iftfc EtMrt Mra. Bert,<br />

lies<br />

H^-MtateSB <strong>of</strong>Jb* Wanfin's<br />

CQidj, women worfcejs<br />

arid CrieodB <strong>of</strong> tfie Rt-<br />

partj, i n entertained by<br />

Mrs, Anns<br />

Mrs.<br />

Jean<br />

Mrs.<br />

[tou<br />

BoHord<br />

Mrs, Castle Dotes,<br />

tt» Wedueaday night, Qete-<br />

14* at Hogat^'s,<br />

Sf (toe New J#r-<br />

KefJtibllcan State Committee,<br />

B£re, Harry<br />

MS, tBar* Ptox, Mrs,<br />

MH, Oca* Gi-ubb, Mrs<br />

riaUgghar, lbs,<br />

Oroos, MIS. Bsfnsnd OUTeFd, Mrs,<br />

Mra. Mary aardi-<br />

Rotary Learns Of<br />

Red Cross Work<br />

Next Roll Call-War<br />

Fund Drive to Merge<br />

neTi Mn. T. M« Haapmett, Mrs.<br />

J. ¥• ffisfflBietti Mrs. Howard War-<br />

rig, ate. Leslie O, Hy^SiMra.<br />

Bununel, Mrs. Wlnfeld Hitch-<br />



"Rubber G«g Synthetic" la<br />

the title «f a motion pirtiire,<br />

produced by an oil company,<br />

that will be shown at tonight's<br />

Rfllary dub me*ti&£ at He,'<br />

gate's.<br />

Kitvanis Introduced To<br />

Coast Guard Dog Sentry<br />

tiie mala speaker. Mrs.<br />

that women throughout the<br />

Spuntiy Base feeea doing 1 a pest<br />

' Job, "Witti the women lies the work<br />

^e upholding <strong>of</strong> our way <strong>of</strong><br />

! Ufe, and It is every we-<br />

duty and privUefe ts get<br />

*nrt and work." ^e declared, "She<br />

ner, Mrs, Ida Headrlotown. Mrs<br />

Ruth Hayes. Ifis. L, Hughes. Mrs. .<br />

Alice w&ara Mn Robert Haxbaugh, A const, -# i L-oyrse in what the<br />

fiBs. Samuel Befcetier, Mrs- James Red Orsss is all about and how n<br />

Harvey, Mr§-Hazel Jones, m Vlp- is functioning In ©aean <strong>City</strong> in<br />

let Mwien, B&a, TJvin Johnson, I wartime was given to the resort Ro<br />

jfc, Mrs. Misbeth Sister,<br />

d<br />

eierelse the right to vote and<br />

f*t out fte vote,"<br />


u>rro*t SPEAKS<br />

Mae^MuHen. Hopeweil,<br />

editor <strong>of</strong> the Farm Journal, the<br />

1 largest circulating farm paper in<br />

Elizabeth Sister, iDa,<br />

•, Mrs, Karl Kress, Mrs.<br />

Kramer, ate, L,<br />

Mrs. Laura Liihtcap, B»s=<br />

Lee, Mm, James Lawless, l©s, Jule§<br />

at lfoe&tp ! -s,<br />

told <strong>of</strong> many new<br />

tlfle methods in the process <strong>of</strong> naak=<br />

-^ teg, % BfW future for PUT neeessi.<br />

t|s, MS 1 , MacMulIen spoke ef the<br />

Waited States growing and expand-<br />

ing, and emnttasi^d the fact that<br />

every patriot who loves his Amtri=<br />

freedaj will go to the polls<br />

"Wi must pin our faith on men<br />

feelleve in tamefTaw," ' e said,<br />

W. Btryble, chairman <strong>of</strong><br />

Republican organ isatjon. was<br />

toastaiaster and presented Mrs. W.<br />

I, Booth, president <strong>of</strong> the Women's<br />

Bsgular Repuffiliean Club, Mrs.<br />

Rolirba^h, Cape May County<br />

spoke briefly ur=<br />

every woman to get out and<br />

tary Club<br />

night,<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> the Volunteer special<br />

Service units <strong>of</strong> the Red Cress was<br />

to tfie club men by the<br />

chatnnan or ether aetlvf head.<br />

The Administrative Corps <strong>of</strong> the<br />

""r_,___T ,_u_ „„ Aii^e I ioeal branch was guest <strong>of</strong> the eiub<br />

. Anunaa Lake, Mrs, Alice j ^ ^ efflnprlges ^ <strong>of</strong>ficerS, ehu r=<br />

rflfn arid vice chairmen ef special<br />

services. Each, was introduced by<br />

Mrs. Morgan Hand, chairman,<br />

Ledif, Mrs. Sarah<br />

Lawrence M, Lear,<br />

Linder, Mrs,<br />

Lqckenbaok, Mrs, Rag<br />

Mis, D, MUTFay, Mrs. Ms B, Miller,<br />

Mis. Harry Montgomery, Mrs, Wil-<br />

M ibitte M<br />

Bam NieUes, Ms§r M= Nibiette, Mffs.<br />

V. QEfeed, Mrs, Etna Plaut, Mrs,<br />

Betty Fewel, Mrs. Ger&ude 'Pres-<br />

ton, Mrs, A. W, pieree, Mn, anil<br />

Palmer, Mrs. Ida Ryan, Mrs. Ghar=<br />

les E, Rhodes, Mrs, Lincoln<br />

Hew hund'Teds <strong>of</strong> German<br />

herd dogs a ?e being trained f«<br />

gerviee in the -Coast Guard was ex=<br />

plained to me Kiwanis Ciub at He-<br />

gate's Wednesday by Lieut John<br />

M. Creighten, <strong>of</strong> fa Coast CHi&rd<br />

Deg Training Sehoo],<br />

The COflst Guard, he explained,<br />

uses only German ^iephprd dogs<br />

as tests have proved them br«sf for<br />

the duties they must perforMi. !*hr<br />

ar?ny uses several breeds.<br />

Practically ail the dogs have b !1 t'n.<br />

pets and hav* 5 been doniUpH or<br />

leaned by tfipir OWUPPS fnr th*> W:IF<br />

period, t<br />


Each dog is pnrollPd for thf dur-<br />

ation af the war find will ht> re-<br />

turned to ILS fnrnif'r own«--r iH'it-r<br />

tihe war.<br />

The dDj* is ftAsisjut'ti to two Cq.ist<br />

nt !]"!•' bfKinniny (H ih»><br />

pc-riQrt in Kt*ri'p sol* ! ly ftiHi<br />

thoni throiiuhout t.ht» dnsj's win- en-<br />

reer,<br />

Tlie trainiiii; cttnvvnh thr dnLr<br />

froni a friendly pri Intn nn ;i.-rps-<br />

wkiLChful dou- He is ir:i!rn*t!<br />

to be obedient to his two masters<br />

and suspicious <strong>of</strong> ail ettiers,<br />


The dog servei four houpg when<br />

on duty. Mutual attaehments na<br />

turaily are farnied between the»dog<br />

and his two masterK, If anytliing<br />

happens to ineapneitate them, the<br />

dog must undergo A IIPW ppHnd <strong>of</strong><br />

with new<br />

thi!! ;!ST' H'fTl -«1\V Of (illlld<br />

PPturned immt-tlAUOy to iMi'tr<br />

'rs: LHMit:. CnMi'htnn dpnion=<br />

t.iip rP-siiU-5* tji tmiiiint; witd<br />

;i ring thnt had bf>rn to .Hplinol only<br />

n w**ek DcspiU' thr .Hinmuo ?*ar j<br />

wiih iilnerity.<br />

•: n<strong>of</strong>is \REDEn<br />

Pt i sons who iuiw f"it'nn:»n • Imp<br />

herd<br />

!ht ! War<br />

or I ! HMI puniii'K if this<br />

bv Lawrciii-i-<br />

HIH!<br />

s<br />

jyfi-g, Mabel Hahn, Mrs. OeorgK E,<br />

t l<br />

FOB wma*<br />


C. Smith, Caps May<br />

ehaiiman <strong>of</strong> the Hepubli.<br />

party, urged all voters to reg-<br />

for permanent regktraUan.<br />

•- Kobert K, BcU, resort attorney,<br />

' dpcfce on behalf <strong>of</strong> tiie bleed pjas=<br />

jna bank fer tttK American Bed<br />

Miss Prtsellla Bfoadley enteftaln=<br />

ed as pianist. A slight^<strong>of</strong>-hand ma-<br />

gic'an, pr<strong>of</strong>essional ent&talner, was<br />

^ijoyed. B&ny door prt^s wtre<br />

awarded,<br />

Cttoen attending were; cominis-<br />

borers Henry Heessr, Jr., and ^~<br />

ward B. BoiAer* J^eehQlders Law-<br />

rents M> Liar and Henry Y, Clout-<br />

top; OeiinQf Treasurer Wlnfleld<br />

Kt-^ineri Mrs. Sratt Adams, Mm<br />

Wesley Adams, Mrs. Wilhelmina<br />

Affleribach, MBB. Edyttie Argosd,<br />

P. Howard Bussom, Mi^= Sarah<br />

Mrs, John Harwell,<br />

mitti,<br />

Mrs. John Stpple, Mrs,<br />

Charles Soeffinf, Mrs= Mathanlel<br />

Mrs, Wiiiiam H, h<br />

dyde strutole. Mis, L,<br />

boda, Mrs, Harry Smith, Mrs.<br />

George Sanders, Mrs. John^ Stuebs,<br />

Mrs. George Sniley, Mrs, B.Snlth,<br />

Mrs. Anna Thompson, Mrs. E. Tali-<br />

man, I '*'<br />

Mrs, Joseph Tale^, Mrs, John E,<br />

lh VrtbM M<br />

p<br />

Trout, Mrs. Ralph<br />

Mrs,<br />

f<br />

Vanaman, Mrs. Hannah Weisen=<br />

dial, Mxu, W, Williams, M^s Ea<br />

ma Jane Broadley, Miss Florence<br />

WeaUey, Miss Mary Oorson, Miss<br />

Leufsa Oarlaon, Mim noSBnee £^<br />

Miss Sarah Diannend. Misg Marj'<br />

riffih MU<br />

Miss nhuna Griffiths,<br />

Maude Harrlss Miss Oaroline R,<br />

Leesb, Miss Minnie Shaw, Miss Ju=<br />

Us E. mull, Bert Biaiichard, W J.<br />

Booth Joseph Talese, jchn E<br />

Trout,<br />

! , ~ ><br />



The visit <strong>of</strong> the Ked Crass<br />

mobile unit for Wood dona,<br />

(Jona at Cape May Caurt<br />

liousc, scheduled for today,<br />

was canc*U*d bHaast the quo-<br />

ta <strong>of</strong> donors was anfUled.<br />

Residenta af Middle Town=<br />

ship and nearby artas wen<br />

urged is register and<br />

their blood at either<br />

or <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

VOTERS<br />


Tune In Station WBAB (1490 on Your Dial)<br />

THURSDAY, OCT. 29<br />

At 7tQ5 P. M.<br />

Hear Senator Smathers<br />

And<br />

Congressman Wene<br />

Talk to the Voters <strong>of</strong><br />

Cape May County<br />

VOTE NOV. 3rd<br />

For<br />




TICKET<br />
















Mn. Hand briefly reviewed the<br />

history <strong>of</strong> the branch, organized<br />

in 1917, and said tiiftt two <strong>of</strong> its<br />

present members, Mrs, Harry Head.<br />

ley and Mrs, Harold B. Paris, have<br />

a record <strong>of</strong> 25 years <strong>of</strong> servli= ! e.<br />

Others who outlined. Work and<br />

requirernents <strong>of</strong> the sperm] MM =<br />

vices were; Mrs, Clyde Ellis, ch»ir=<br />

man sf the Junior First Aid Corps;<br />

Mrs, Parker Miller, chairman <strong>of</strong><br />

Home Nursiiif;; Mrs Gporga_ E<br />

Brown, chairman <strong>of</strong> Junior Rod<br />

Cross; Mrs, Paris, treasurer: Mrs.<br />

Wilson Y, Christian, captain <strong>of</strong> Mn.<br />

ter Corps; Mrs, Arthur W. Oehis^<br />

ehlager. ehairman <strong>of</strong> Hems Ser-<br />

vice; Mrs. c. H. Schermerhern.<br />

eliainmfin <strong>of</strong> Produetion Corps;<br />

Mrs, French B. Lsveiand, vice<br />

chairman <strong>of</strong> S'ar Assistance Corps; i<br />

Mrs, Robert K, Bell, chairman/ nf<br />

Nurses' Aide corps; Mrs. Stirling<br />

W. Cole, chairman <strong>of</strong> the Canlfen<br />

Corps,<br />


Mrs, Paris announced that thr<br />

annual Roil Call and War Fund<br />

campaign will DP cOmtainrti nest<br />

Spnnt!. insteiid <strong>of</strong> bein. cundurud<br />

as separate efifBrtn. She cominriid<br />

fd the Fund Drive Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

this year, headed by Robert K, Bt'iS :<br />

and Ciinton B. Price,<br />

Mrs. Brown, on Junior Red Crns.%. '<br />

said the enrelinipnt <strong>of</strong> school e!iil= '<br />

ft-en thk vear will be from Ndvrm =<br />

ber 1 to IS. An effort will be made<br />

to equal lust year's 100 percent en-<br />

rollment, November 7 will be "Tag<br />

Day," Tlie mfltto, she said, is "not<br />

what the child dees fer t4ie prs-<br />

2,ram. but what, tiie program does<br />

for the child/'<br />

Mrs. Christian said menibers <strong>of</strong><br />

Hen to HO kit<br />


'The Rotary Ciub wclcfimrd Liovil<br />

Cliiittin as a now Junior Rssfurisin<br />

to attend me<strong>of</strong>ings for a nimith<br />

and heard a farewell talk by Hurry<br />

CH-'itiard. whosi- Junior terlii i ! : it'i ' WiMihiT pt : t ! \ii:*i!<br />

fMirlv '\i'.'-- wi.'"'ii ;i •'!• iid.!ni * ! ni i!<br />

Rl'-iTl'llMlIM C'i : !iH : ! « ! f Wtlilt piiii<br />

Fall Building ,<br />

Repairs Set In<br />

A ctivity Marked In<br />

$SQQ-LJinit Work<br />

f\tli is Che tiiiie for building' re-<br />

pnirs, and tiiis j^ar is no esfrep.<br />

tion, even though federal restric-<br />

tions have terminated new pen<br />

Kffiu'tion <strong>of</strong> homes.<br />

Reeorts <strong>of</strong> EJie <strong>of</strong>Tice <strong>of</strong> Build<br />

ing Inspector Henry B. Cooper. Jr..<br />

till*, week rfiOWed much activity<br />

among building tradesmen, for all<br />

kinds <strong>of</strong> alteration, repair and ine-<br />

derriiKation prejeets within the SSOO<br />

limit, ExcPtit f°r new buildings, the<br />

volume <strong>of</strong> work Ls aknesE en a par<br />

with la. 1 *! year for Oetober fiCore<br />

aian 30 permits hnve been issued<br />

j so far this month,<br />


AnuinM i he rereiu pi-fiji'fiti be*<br />

Uun werT:<br />

Willhini Ijiiub. 4IT Qreoii rd .<br />

build sum defk on t\*a stflry dwell-<br />

in •,<br />

Fdwiitsi I- Biiteson for J Walter<br />

Ensthurn, f»2 ft tent on pi. re-rent<br />

i!|>Hi-ifn*>iit<br />

Pn'fl ft Tarvi-.*, fur L 3 Ford. 01<br />

HimpMJii rd . L'i'fc: oni'-cnr jjaraci*;<br />

TfirvfN fftr RflLjor M Wood iwM<br />

WcsSi'.v nv. nosv ro<strong>of</strong><br />

Ijan Mnntttunu, intli -A unH h.iy<br />

new rcHjf.<br />

.fifiti K Trout fnr niijird LJfe ,<br />

Iiisiirniict' Co. BAB Ht. James ]-,)<br />

:< l p!iirs m ro<strong>of</strong>, steps aiid pnrt'heh<br />

/in two f:*ii'. ilv si pit rime tit.<br />

Rirhiird <strong>On</strong>lev, 4BfO AsHiiiry nv ,<br />

re ro<strong>of</strong> jipartint'ht.<br />

Harold Mi'uer 421 Baflt'r.M'n rci .<br />

I'Xti'iHi slifft Lii'r<strong>of</strong>iH i-i'iir fil rcjttjiue<br />

IT r Poniieri' lav H C P.ilriier,.<br />

• i^47 As jury i;\ . niiihh ultk' in bun =<br />

1 . i •<br />

are new hauled to thg pet-<br />

trsburg school in the same to us<br />

which tefeej sixth, seventh gnd<br />

eighth grade pupils from all parts<br />

<strong>of</strong> the township to Tuekahee,<br />


The WQniBri's Club stf <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

will meet Tfiursday nlt'ht at the<br />

home <strong>of</strong> Mrs, W, Thomas Adams,<br />

613 Atlantic BV. A Hallo we en party<br />

will be the feature <strong>of</strong> the evening,<br />

Bop't<br />

P Friday, Qciubyt Ii, <strong>1942</strong><br />


!f6B,<br />

ML<br />

lelum<br />

Personal<br />

Social Of Interest to Wome<br />

Ai ui<br />

I nv. ! "' i in (• ^^1 ^gathering<br />

Here Tuesday<br />

HEAT<br />

THIS WiNT<br />

O/AA/GE<br />

blue coal'<br />

conversion equipment<br />

makes change-over EASY<br />

blue coal HUT<br />





The<br />

Annual Event mt<br />

byterian Church<br />

H M:J.<br />

winners<br />

pbnents. Tl.H' vii'tims \vrrc th- 1<br />

the Ieeal Motor Corps passed their Qardnrr^ Rr>ad Hiirdwiiri- PB \<br />

tests wim a general average <strong>of</strong> S7.3 and D^Haj-i'*. Market<br />

pereent A new ambulance, recent- j ^<br />

ly cantritoijted to t.hp <strong>On</strong>pp May i ^..wfcs. WAITN P.U'F<br />

County Chapter by the Masons <strong>of</strong> LADlf'W' I EAOL'K<br />

New York <strong>City</strong>- soon will be es. Action stsirtrd Tueadiiv niuir in<br />

hibited herp. she said. ; thl. Oepan m v ^ y ^ L,,iSTUt, ,„"<br />

50 FAMILIES RECORDED Phiyhmd. wiUi (he WAVES and *h*-<br />

WAFFS ruch winninu 4-0 vit^nr<br />

The Home Service Corps so far<br />

has prepared &0 ease histories in | les over their opponents.<br />

wnneetion with social wark for scr- | WAACB anci WfBDH,<br />

vice men and their families. Mrs.<br />

Oehischlager reported, outlinint?<br />

the varied and sometimes delicate-<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> these duties.<br />

Mrs, seherrnertiorn, discussing<br />

production, said resort women, giv=<br />

Ing 20,655 hours <strong>of</strong> their time, have<br />

produced in a six=month period at | Mrs Burkhrmh.<br />

the Red Dross rooms 912 garments j who had 16? e<br />

and at home 516 artieles, in adtli<br />

tcanis wcrr ihf<br />

WFOAS, WAN'Dg and WtiKNH.<br />

%vho enirfj.'d b> ! 3 i cntint.s<br />

the WA^fH-S. WAKES iinti<br />

High individual Mporrs; wvrr toss-<br />

Od by Mrs Dlmperio and Mrs. S;m.<br />

lllllfj, e i i r l s v , \ \ h \ilH a ,:i.v-!'<br />

C WUJiaiii fur Mrs. Wi'<br />

bc! : . \2h Piiinuclc rd.. si'ri'pn in<br />

l«M"c1i aiitl fentT IT a r ni lot: Wish-<br />

Hill ffir Mrs Hi'ii'n Spii'SO, BiJti Pink<br />

Wi-<br />

ii'h st,.<br />

• Why Kiiiisljip with famiiv health when this, new<br />

r.invrrHim K1 c - : BnuiFi MB.<br />

pustiis D-. Hf>i;pliiM^ Mrs. UiWFfiiW<br />

jf. Lr;ir. Mrh. C niiijuhiffi Lenim*. " ''*'<br />

Mff. Aimu McCurklr. Mrs. il^; 1 '<br />

Vfoni'jfimery. Mrs, Hcrsfhi'l H'"t!i rsfiliO<br />

.1<br />

;U1 Hi..<br />

rt> i or,; ['u! 1 iiyi'<br />

for Hrrher!<br />

;i v ]"!• - i u n t Ji.ii f<br />

|fi<br />

Bode Left Estate-<br />

Valued at $200,000<br />

ho<br />

li.fi here<br />

ininerf ;i<br />

Bndr<br />

tfi!<br />

O; i ill <strong>City</strong><br />

in Park )t\'<br />

ni F ! h<br />

.] nv-<br />

Road Workers to<br />

Get Higher Pay<br />

Hi.lif'r jiiiv Iflr wnrktT^ nnr) fq-<br />

•i;|i:npni MM I H I11 huihwnv wnrk in<br />

'he t'tsilll!.',' i i i if 1 t"r 'lie horOui'h<br />

in'.V!i;-fiij! rn.id ii;in wiih !lie h!;iic<br />

liii.s hrvn npjsifivpfi l>v th*' Rt 'tu-<br />

rrh. WITP informrti Wffini'Krlny.<br />

Tiif' iipprniii] riirrif 5 MS tlic rrKult<br />

nf a yi>(\\iOJisi<br />

Sale to onhun mrti or oquipmt'iit ini<br />

(lr>r the niri '-.ruie nf pny.<br />

tlie new sciile wl'l ineluHe 7<br />

ffiitfi }»'i ! liiiiir ftir<br />

nperiiiinu rijrlt?,. no reiii<br />

for' labor ICt re!!'?; tn Kft<br />

hdur f'sv 'i uriuiij,<br />

| Xj ALBERT W, HAWKE5<br />

For Ccngressman<br />

I [X| I. GRANT SCOTT<br />

per<br />

j; For Surrogate<br />

Boy Thief Chased •<br />

A J5-y»'nr = nld !KSV wa.f nrrletrd<br />

out <strong>of</strong> town suifl biirk in Fhihidrl,<br />

phiii. uhi'ii he nHmiurd n fhnfao<br />

oi prtf.y Him 1 !iv iti pnlirr rfiui't he-<br />

fore Miiyo" Cif'orpe n RU'hiirri.i,<br />

Saturday, Police sniH il;i. hui took<br />

$5 from si resort. ",voin;m:<br />


h ,,<br />

Tuckahoe Pupils<br />

! Sent to Petersburg<br />

1 i ' l i p i l s (i! (!». Jfi 1 !! 1 |f*""( :• ii',<br />

' Hi T l J J ' k : i ! H J C ^t : li^f^! ,ir s. i;fsw lji' =<br />

, liiL! ! I 1 ,! ] i.,j Kil" If | h i i ' f ' l " .. b u r - T .<br />

; THe bnard t)i nhie-uumi ci Up=<br />

iiri'fiUM" uf ;ih cnnjlhiicni iiiTijj<br />

irniii mn So Hift Miire 10^4 The<br />

ir mbt'r ot !i k i'ic*!)f'rs i! Tiirkiihu<br />

. w,!s retiiR't.-f! Iroiii in m fun'. Pu,<br />

I pils from prf-primnry to<br />


For State Senator<br />

For Assemblyman<br />



For Freeholders<br />



For Coroner<br />


, Ordered nnd paid for by Rtpubiiciin Committee.<br />

Urn P; ! is!iii!> VanCilUlnr,<br />

pne Wluic. Mrs Evn f?<br />

and MS>K Juliii E<br />

Flu<br />

A.A.I W TO HAVE;<br />


•jil'j't* c ' i ; i i<br />

: M !<br />

i i n \y.i M i ' M l ti'U'.l'i<br />

it! Ati.ifiur f'.n Hs"h HHintil •<br />


5 fHBmhi alii • taft, plUhlr<br />

l b<br />

ilh Iiid t*r clit iipp*f, H |D 9<br />

I!! in U manih bil*n-|—Hriih!*, hard<br />

i bf »QfB jtifF fii.ij li 4 yejrs old.<br />

Wi 1-i.11. Alhih':.- t 1 ,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mi» Hii,nn. Ui H 1 ;<br />

lunMr C':; , « si! ..',. i: •<br />

iii i.H ;<br />

iiilKsn. a!<br />

l!i,> Ati!<br />

', nv A'<br />

L'-Mit p til.<br />

vi! iiij.fi in<br />

f i||i!m u<br />

' -(!:;' rni"<br />

Ii.!u!;iy ii!<br />

lu Mils 1 , fur i\it> iiunii-oii<br />

iii! -Mh":", n' slit* A A V W MS^ii<br />

A i i i i i . i J J ; , ! ! ! ! ! ' O l ' i i l l f ' i ' I l l i i l l<br />

H t / i i m i j i i i i i i e r i:. | i i ' i • ;>ii !•' f i t t h o<br />

fiiihiiv ni Tlio N'n'iriiirtl Tinnk <strong>of</strong><br />

Ot-f.in C'iiv exl^'rh^i Mill.lH Its Hi -<br />

iii N<br />




Tap bin-nen are easily cleaned in ssip and watar. Be eariful,<br />

howeVBr, not to immerse burner. Be nat uit »oap pawdef whieh<br />

inay eiog perta, and b« sure net to change psiitien <strong>of</strong> air<br />

during clsahing opiration as this alters tha gas and air<br />

Keep drip tmya elean by rsmeving and wwhlng whils eool, Bflow<br />

ire simple directi'ti far three types ef burners.<br />

.PALMER'S*<br />

FOB<br />


Novelties<br />

Gifta<br />

Phone 835-101<br />

lllSAsbury Av.<br />

Mowen Studio<br />

Developing - l*rintlnjj<br />

rhotop^pha - Camera Supplies<br />

721 Wesley Ave, Phone 051<br />

The Great Presto has nothing<br />

up either sleeve. Then where<br />

: did these biscuits come from?<br />

Ah that ees mflgic, madanie,<br />

: Be further astounded by this:<br />

Five <strong>of</strong> those biscuits, _ when<br />

! baked with Rumferd Baking<br />

Powder, provide Vi your daily<br />

minimum requirement <strong>of</strong> phos-<br />

1 ph<strong>of</strong>us, »4 your daily minimum<br />

<strong>of</strong> calcium! These minerals help<br />

build sound hones, teeth, nervei,<br />

, And when it comes to grabbing<br />

, those delicious Rumford biscuiti,<br />

ze hand ii quicker than ze eye!<br />

! rnEE. Write for Rumford's wonder-<br />

working sugarless recipe fslfier used<br />

, hy 2' •> miiiipn fiimillei, 31 recipes net<br />

I one tengpoEjn <strong>of</strong> siigarj Rumford Bak-<br />

finfi Pewdrf, Bos FS, Rumferd, ^J-<br />

>•<br />

Featuring . . . FEATHER 3OBS . . . J<br />



Special—Itcgilr<br />


PH. 1H1<br />

f54 ASBL'RY<br />

WAVE »<br />

Lodges<br />

Clubs<br />

Teg ? Collisson<br />

To Be Married<br />

Q P'ville<br />

Aniiounccd<br />

RT; anti Mi-,, Wil-inns IT<br />

SNtin. Jr., Bui pink jj] ,<br />

ihr i>!iaiiqp!iisj!it: Bi.it 111 tin j<br />

m..nn <strong>of</strong> thoir fUniyhSr' Misi Mar-<br />

LtJUM WfiOlhitTt, Jr. ; ,,i Qf Mr ilnd<br />

vilh>. Thr ;iiiiH"iisnefnn"MH wns<br />

•niiirk" in ki ten ;,t tlu-<br />

oratr'M wiih FaU<br />

My-,. Euy.triw T :h\iry><br />

fitUI, on Jiuni <strong>of</strong> Mte<br />

p^rhrntpri rsich gitnat with a mitiiu-<br />

turf vovmtuv tied with ribbon<br />

Htri'niiH'j-s fi-ijm which wns siisp?ncl»<br />

i'd ii II t'liRMmroht :ins. with u card.<br />

Mv- Bwihii T, Unrf-un and Mrs,<br />

Gri* jii tl<br />

<strong>City</strong> H<br />

is ii Hn<br />

SL'hoo],<br />

' is ;i rasinflte ol Orran<br />

School Mr, Woolbert<br />

nifr <strong>of</strong> ptpasuntvillu High<br />

Bnih yoiths ppupif- nre<br />

{••'iiijjioyi'ri in the At'antir <strong>City</strong> af=<br />

fire nf !ht> Athintir <strong>City</strong> Electric<br />

Go No riflinitp date iins bfen set<br />

for thp wedding.<br />

frlic-t;-. ii L f I'll tliH;> miMIideti: Mrs,<br />

Ciliirli.-.^. I. WonLiwrL. Sr:, Mrs,<br />

Chiirli'K Siiuyor, Plojisanivillr 1 : Mrs<br />

BniiiMjH F. fTJiitncr. Wrat Atlantic<br />

C.tv; Mrs. "Hifhsiid S. BiUlt-y, Mi's,<br />

Aitnisr W. O< hlHChla.er. Qrfsin<br />

Cii;..<br />

i villr, Mis.^ Dorten Hoopor,<br />

Mnrj irif Mon, M'?a<br />

nlndyff 1<br />

hi'iiir f'i'v: Mi;* Q"iu*vr i<br />

Miss M.inon Dittrieh.<br />

;i|i-i M;^;i Mii!'.V COli<br />

<strong>City</strong>,<br />

t'Ol'NTV P. T. A, TO I<br />

MI'.KT NOVKMBER 12 j<br />

II ip 4Jnd fitinijiil fPnventJon <strong>of</strong> i<br />

iiir Nfw Jersey eonmTHS <strong>of</strong> Pur-<br />

i>nu s*sicl Ti'iirlu'rj, will lake place '<br />

Ocin;; 1 !' 2S 29 and 30 m the Hotel ,<br />

Now Yorfcrr. New York <strong>City</strong>. Mrs.<br />

Lt'onard O. Twiichpll, South Or-<br />

ntiiit 1 . is'Sl roiiiiuri thr srsHiaiiH,<br />

Mrs. ,J' ( iti KniaSin, Coiel Sprine,<br />

CK]_:*.' Msiy CouiMv cliiiirman. Will<br />

;t!lfiid t! in [.tmu'itism, Shi? is es=<br />

hiliii fhnirniiin. nth* ! r Pui't*nt=Ton-<br />

tht'i^ workfi^ in the coiiiity ulhy<br />

A'iiiiiiiiK'i'mCiH <strong>of</strong> Uit« Fall ITIL'IM..<br />

HJE* nl iiie Ciip' 1 Mfy Coii'ity Ctjiii!- ;<br />

til <strong>of</strong> Pit run Ls and Trikcliefs reepnt- ,<br />

Iv wns Hiiicif by M;s Kuiuhii, ft<br />

will liikc phtf't' No% i raiub**r 12, mnni- i<br />

iii juifi iiitt-rnfjon sej^iQtiH, witii<br />

nil mtoJ-rs <strong>of</strong> I.IM- Sitiiio Hiifbnr P.-<br />

T. A :U; ilfjMi'H.H.'.v Itrprt'SI'lltiitlVfifc<br />

frnni His 1 '20 fissnt-iiiiio-is in the<br />

will attend, ,<br />

on Sunday nt:<br />

tiic Summyr . uLtayt- <strong>of</strong> Mi's, Alfrcii<br />

M. Gray. 712 <strong>Ocean</strong> nv,<br />

* * •<br />

: Mr. and Mrs. B, C. O = Hai-a, In-<br />

dia nn. Fa , and Mr. atid Mrs, Q'-onii ;<br />

R. Werit, Philadt'lpliia. wQ'e week= ;<br />

endera at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Work's<br />

parents. Mr, and Mrs. Charles<br />

Fiiildjeiner. 929 Wesley av.<br />

Mr, nnd Mrs, Carlinn C lirico, :<br />

vi" f'!"*'ri!l av. find ela»i*fit«r, Miiis j<br />

, Mar»arptta Brier, attended the wed j<br />

| diri^ <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Briee's niece. Miss j<br />

| ITd'ih Fiilci, arid jfjhn Hemsarth,<br />

' at the hfiTif' <strong>of</strong> the fcrtde iii Weed-<br />

bury. Saturday (•veiling,<br />

! F; lends <strong>of</strong> H .Inky Oprjeu ownt>r i<br />

1 and mn.nii.gcr <strong>of</strong> HQwrird Hall. 13D1 j<br />

Central av will b? pieaNcd to :{nfiw |<br />

; hi« M tr "iiffriPini^ fmri! an atmek •'<br />

<strong>of</strong> the' f>riopt': He lia*; iip-en conflii- |<br />

ed to brd.<br />

! " • • - .. . 1<br />

I Mi's r"ii!irl*~'s E. K'icirf's. 7!H O"e. ]<br />

j nn (iv hn,R ;is her hniisf 1 LMIPS^ for<br />

I pevrrni wefrks, Mrs. Sdwurd Lippi, [<br />

arms, ,<br />

Tiie outgoing president, Mrs.<br />

Philip s, Shiifffl, was presented<br />

with a past preaidEnt'H pin. Gift-H<br />

alsn wprt- nreFPntpd m the etlier<br />

puteeiiiK fiffjeers.<br />

The Auxiliary will cooperate with<br />

!hp d> •tf-ei; Heryh--f rommittee <strong>of</strong><br />

the Red Cross at tiie Senire Cen<br />

ter en the Music Pier, and w.il take<br />

the week <strong>of</strong> peceTr.ber 14 for their<br />

hostess duties.<br />

The Alixiiiar^' also voted to fill HE)<br />

kit h !t?s for service njeti,<br />

FoUewing the business meet ins;<br />

refrf* 5 !' iients were sc"vert by the<br />

rrtiring oificers acting as hostesieti.<br />

Other itiemiiers present wers: Mrs.<br />

Mnrtoii O Leach. Mrs. Jark Hor-<br />

sey, Mrs, Ftpy Jeffries. Mrs A. P,<br />

Snyder and Mrs, Henry Grejor> ! ,<br />

Seltzers Join<br />

Winter Colony<br />

Merlon Family Joins<br />

Year-Around Resorters<br />

Mr, and Mrs. Ralph B, Bellmr, <strong>of</strong><br />

M»rien. pa, are ameng tHe latest<br />

to join Qetmn <strong>City</strong>'s year .around<br />

ndlony <strong>of</strong> residents. They are re-<br />

siding at their resort home, 400 Bay<br />

nv.. this Winter.<br />

Mi' Se'tar, 'a prominent metn-<br />

iher &f the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> OewEnuterg*<br />

Chi '}•• is generai manager <strong>of</strong> I he<br />

Monarch Fire Insur&nec Co., <strong>of</strong><br />

rfishfdelphla.<br />

Mrs, Martha Browii is stj<br />

hpi= firm wintur in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, re-<br />

siding ptrmHJiCpntly at her heme<br />

710 Oth st.<br />

Mr, and Mrs. CRrlton W.<br />

forrrjerly <strong>of</strong> Weatiield. N.J., are ,iow<br />

rpKirimv in t!'"ir i'ome, 33 Wesle<br />

rd . year around. Their two daffrush=<br />

iriiis nnU a soeiu! time were en-<br />



Miss Miirie Ann Mi'tigl!<br />

trr <strong>of</strong> Mr, and Mrs, Nifik . _<br />

9HH Hs'veil av,, becanio the bride<br />

nf Corporal Joseph J.ysa.fcowskl. <strong>of</strong><br />

Pa-sKiiif?. N.J, liist Tliursday at 3<br />

jj.m, in tlie Cathrdral <strong>of</strong> the As<br />

sii:-piien. Baliimore. Md,<br />

Tlie rfreniony was per formed by<br />

Rev John J Duspnii. Dnnu-l Lysf-<br />

ktiwj-ki and Charles Miller were<br />

«=;tti.":igci, fsr Hit* psupk 1 . Ti;e bride<br />

iiVlircd in a sky blue street<br />

with brawn necessaries, and<br />

ii ii orchid corsage,<br />

,,A rr«cep(ian fai pie bride and '<br />

..Tftftin tons pince here Sutiduy eve. j<br />

niria iii the headnunrtera <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ColunibtiH Ciub, 037 Simpson uv,, !<br />

u-liic-'li was decorated for the ecca= i<br />

SlfERMANH aiid<br />


Mr and Mrs. Wnlte-r gl'crmnn<br />

clo-M'd their ri'sort iionit 1 , 119 At-<br />

iam it* iiv. nh Tuesday far the<br />

Winter,<br />

Their riiiughter, Mrs, Edward H.<br />

Lfahti, and young dniishMK', Nan-<br />

cy. who sprnt t^e Suminer with ilie<br />

Shetfluns." left Tiief*ri;iy for_the!r<br />

Wintei 1 home in West Pnlm Bs;nc;ii,<br />

Tin.-, necempanied by Mrs. Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Mr, atid Mrs. Lin wood W Mint =<br />

aer. Mrs. Sherman's parents, who<br />

nre ipented on the BourtiWfii'i during<br />

tlir Summer plowed then- candy<br />

shop and accompanied tlio pftPty<br />

to Hie Smith where they also have<br />

their Winter home.<br />

The trip inelut'eii n stop nt Fort<br />

Benniii^ Ga., to visit Major Ed-<br />

ward H, Lahtti, who Is stationed<br />

there in tJie Battalion Con.inriiidflr<br />

Sdiool and -who was unable to be<br />

l-i the resort during the Summer.<br />

Mr. Sherman left recently for<br />

Philadelphia, where he is, rnipioye-a<br />

by tlie Penii Ffult Company, yur-<br />

injr the Summer lie is eonnf-eled<br />

with Mr. nnd Mrs. Mintzer In th-<br />

candy [business here,<br />

W. gcatt Sherman, their soil, is<br />

an. aviation cadet at Avenger Field,<br />

sweetwater. Texas, He formerly<br />

was at Kelly Field, where he was<br />

passed on from pre=fiJHhi to night<br />

training. His mother plans to vis-<br />

it him in Texas within the i.^st<br />

law weeks. «<br />

i- * *<br />


CATHOLIC P. T. A,<br />

A delightful card ptirty took plaee<br />

Tiiursday ef last week for the ben-<br />

efit <strong>of</strong> St, Augustine's parents and<br />

Teachers Association a * the home<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner, 029<br />

Wesley av. Mrs. Riilph L. Chester<br />

was awarded a spfcinl prisse, a eiike,<br />

Thu players were: Mis, Frank Di=<br />

rnonil, Mrs, Geergo Kiiab. M-'s, Jo-<br />

septi Riee. Mrs. Fi=eti O'lmperjo;<br />

Mrs, Peterson. Mrs, M, Nudo, Mr;:,<br />

Emil Palmer, Mrs. Thomas V. Csui-<br />

celHio, Mrs, Walter Kliiw, M"^. R:iy<br />

•lohns, Mrs, Paul Berotte, Mi'f-.<br />

Philip Kuteher, Mrs. pile&Bi. Mrs,<br />

Millie Denan, Mrs, Frank Sannino,<br />

Mrs, Fln'*tH.'iner<br />

Mary Initesi,<br />

y<br />

Tliey are tiir hoys who<br />

our trash regularly.<br />

ntid rren'^er^ trJ'v !•,!." ns rnur*i nr<br />

MP= it'lc <strong>of</strong> each activity as tlisy<br />

desire.<br />

N'.f-'A M^lisiE'Cin. who<br />

is it i\i'fs?~4jnJvs in the >ervire.<br />

tnljutf'ti his sc-"viopa and truck Sat-<br />

urday = Dave Clayton<br />

Mlgliacrio nn the<br />

job with his truck was Lucia,<br />

Among the collect inn madr- hy thr<br />

Wiiter Co. erevy, headrd hy Carl<br />

Moorr. was n pipr orrtar! pipe fi'nii<br />

the belfry <strong>of</strong> Holy TiinHy Epi^rH!-<br />

pfil Ciuirrh, cinlributeJ by K€¥:<br />

Richard S, Bftiley.<br />

| K. jionflnil, Filnipr B Jfn**s rs«d T>*"<br />

stn-t. nt 7:^0 p.m.<br />

ude at 0 or 9;1&<br />

rd proUalnv<br />

"*<br />

M; = s. Jayn Moore, former<br />

Because school buses are p<br />

tsd for the duration only to trans<br />

port children to and ivotm schools<br />

ipr sttujol sessions, it wlli be pee-<br />

essay to cancel the Clare Tree Ma=<br />

lot production <strong>of</strong> children's stage<br />

plays la Qie resort this Winter,<br />

Mrs. Andjew R. Maxwell, presi-<br />

dent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Bdueation&j<br />

Assqci&tien, spenseri sf Ui# plays<br />

for several years, armouocecl ttift ia-<br />

abillty <strong>of</strong> having thi piayi this<br />

Winter, The first play had been<br />

fehduled fer <strong>Oct</strong>ober 28=<br />

KLertlaKd Now<br />

State Trooper<br />

Jack Keriland, fanner Ogean<br />

Oity lifeguapd, was amonq Uiosa<br />

gTaduated last week from ttie Kew<br />

Jersey Stnte Police Truinlnif SEhsoi<br />

at Wilburtha, near Tfentan.<br />

The training was a three month<br />

course, {yfter which each graduate<br />

was immediately assl^ed to duty.<br />

geney „_,— -_^_-._<br />

d:?ik duttei. Ten tenss wfll:<br />

voted ts lectures en S#d ——^r=i<br />

ganlzation and services,, asa -<<br />

to <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Adams Again |b<br />

Auditing for C|^<br />

Harvey W. Adsmsfi<br />

Us a.oeeuntt.nt, wag<br />

READ TIffi ADS<br />

For Fine<br />

Watch Repairing<br />

visit<br />

Ocnan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Leading Jeweler<br />

Jeter - the - Jeweler<br />

832 Anbury Ave.<br />

eity e<strong>of</strong>flfflisslsnr,<br />

make tfw annual audit rt<br />

eeunts for <strong>1942</strong>. His prtae<br />

work will be the same as for<br />

FOB QUIUtk K<br />

DBfi TUB C'LASSnFlB*j<br />

In the .' *:j<br />

Correction <strong>of</strong><br />

ti|f<br />

DefectlYe Vidsn " : -^<br />

• ••:.' 1 ,*.;j<br />

DA. L. W. SETTS * SONS ||<br />

OtTOMETKlSTS •:'<br />

HOURS: 1 i, H. to 5 P. M ,<br />

170S Atlantic<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N,- J.<br />

DIAL<br />

Wfflther faftpci to<br />

Bill Ni"klns, the Iiintiscnpr g<br />

cv, who wfts on hnntl with<br />

truck, Bill served in the Woild<br />

g.irden<br />

his<br />

Ray CwrdDn and Car] ?•ri"',i r;ni- \<br />

bulaiiee drivers, were transfevred tfl j<br />

the scrap collection di-'isievi tcm= i<br />

poriU'ily by M>!:>'i>r Rlflmrtis. !<br />

Ilov, .J. 1J Lopcr. we'jT rrndv tit \<br />

you now! Ttiat 10 tons "yrt in be ;<br />

eonsisiiii,' cf s'i' ! s. isr^c* ,;<br />

etc., awnii your nenii" |<br />

touch.<br />

VVp will sonn know wt.''thri* or<br />

tiiit Lh? Hi'iHIii is W«??th<br />

hiff. An ifiNprfior frotn thr<br />

inat salvage division <strong>of</strong> the Waf<br />

L.ibor BfiSri! is srhp'iylff! In iil =<br />

s,prpi tlie uTPrk an*! spyrnil<br />

tlrpdE-es in nrarhy water!; In Ur-<br />

tcTrtiine their siilviige value.<br />

Now we have ii, the nust job is<br />

to move it.<br />

At a meetinR fif thr scrap wm,<br />

Monday pvenirsp Mnvor Ri-<br />

John E- Troui and Jrir!*<br />

F,"fiith wf-re nuthorb.fd to arrange<br />

for itJi dist»fial.<br />

The Razor Feathered Wind Blown Bob<br />

Is Shorter and Easy TB Oare For<br />

It'i the Blest raAflSgesliie <strong>of</strong> »» 6'K iSHgt_&sL sna<br />

itself fp the<br />

_1 JH9lt<br />

otfier<br />

^j ^ ^^ 52 ^m m b ^c -rr- — — —<br />

pertnioine (Q<br />

•A £= Cerrati Beauty Shoppe<br />

703 Asbury Ave, P hone 1394<br />

type alumjBMn burner held un<br />

Bcrewi for eleining. If enamel, do not<br />

. remove. Wash aluminum type with<br />

loap and water. Dry and replies,<br />

•crewing burnir juit hand tiiht. If<br />

necessary, rtmsve entire burner, clean<br />

with bnub, so^p and water,<br />

With this trp«, aluminum hud decs<br />

net rtsove. Jmt wipe <strong>of</strong>ten when cool<br />

with so*p and water. If neeeuaiy, re<<br />

move entire burner for cleaning uiiBf<br />

brush or eloth, §oap and water, Drj<br />

replace. *<br />

With aid type ttir bM^sr, repsfs «B*<br />

Urt biffatf heid, paftb with<br />

ia*p and w» If nee^wy<br />

pery with hair pis <strong>of</strong> wi«.<br />

maj be cleaned by i»iUng in iflda, bat<br />

thla U apt to cau« rait, and al» ffl*^<br />

it hard to dry thoroughly.<br />


A New<br />


j. — Beauty Salon<br />

J 841 Asbury Ave.<br />

|T|a H ^ mm -<br />

\ — ,<br />

Complete Beauty Service<br />

HELEN C HUDS<strong>On</strong> gth Si « Central Av*<br />

935<br />

SSsauiy<br />

Waving Scalp Ttmtminft<br />

tin fUl<br />

^^TLkJJial<br />

Hair Tinting<br />

Lysakowslii is well known<br />

.,... (Fie rCMnrt younger set, hav-<br />

nt tended the jec.'U snhools. For<br />

.... prrwiit tlie cosipie will miik(?<br />

their" home with Hit? bride's par.<br />

en is.<br />

* - *<br />



Mrs, Harry S. Adams, Jr., 624<br />

Wi-'gley av., returned home last Fri-<br />

driy from Camp Davis, N. O, wlirre<br />

she had been with her hn&band for<br />

three months. Mr, Adams was re-<br />

cently promoted to first lieutenant,<br />

Lieut-errant Adams' parents and<br />

aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mts,<br />

Charles Sack, ef <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> rec<br />

eiitls' returned from a week's visit<br />

with the couple,<br />

Mr. ami Mrs, Adams, Si 1 ,, are<br />

now visiting their daughter, Miss<br />

Marjorie Adams, in Wiiitefleld, New<br />

Hampshire,<br />



Mr and Mrs, Charles C, Van<br />

Ksm 3rd st. and Wesley av.. are<br />

^tnding ttie week in WafiE.ilngton<br />

with their daughter, Mrs. Robert<br />

Millgr, wife <strong>of</strong> ^ptain Revert Mil-<br />

ler Of PhUadelphla, who Is station,<br />

ed at Camp Lee, Va, They eelebrat=<br />

ed their third weddlag annlversry<br />

this week,<br />

SO*, aad Mrs. Van Jforn left Oee<br />



Monday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.<br />

members and friends <strong>of</strong> the Auxil-<br />

iary <strong>of</strong> E'lore Memorial Ko^pitoi<br />

Sgnr.ers Point, will sew in the ree =<br />

reatson rocm for the hOKpital. Sew=<br />

erg are always needed and anyone<br />

desiring to give tiieir services will<br />

be welcomed. A box lunch Is<br />

brought and a beverage served by<br />

the hospital,<br />

* m *<br />



An interested gHi u P <strong>of</strong> women<br />

tosis advantage <strong>of</strong> the Nutrition<br />

Class first meeting Monday aitor-<br />

noon in the high ssheol domestic<br />

science room, given under the di=<br />

reetien wf Mrs, AuBustus D. Hop.<br />

ping, teacher.<br />

Th&re is an excellent amount sf<br />

material <strong>of</strong>fered. There will be a<br />

series <strong>of</strong> sis classes, There is no<br />

charge for the course or niatp*laJs<br />

used and- pt^oae wMiiag to jeta<br />

can do so by attending QiS elass<br />

Monday at 3 pjn.<br />



•DecoraUons to be used for their<br />

Hallowe'en Party next Btiday_nisSit<br />

were given te the fhawnee Qamp-<br />

flre Oirls ty Abe Katz, resort shoe<br />

merchant, when the club met 1*1=<br />

day night at the high ttihool. Plans<br />

for the party were plttid<br />

thp"t* who<br />

tnicks SaturdHv w^o Ph^ip Nn.<br />

nia, Leon Cnsjeilo, C. H, Shnemnk.<br />

ev Lumber Co,, Ancly Rosa and<br />

John B. Trout,<br />

We will nc-vrr lank A! aiifni in<br />

thr far? ti'ivii' witho'.it<br />

weak in the bark A! dnq inj<br />

than five t<strong>of</strong>.s ef p^vnp n<br />

Plnvland! The henvicut n'pfe=, wrre<br />

tiiek^H nwny in the h.nrdrst plaeei<br />

to rench, ?, AH<br />

ir.<br />

T3on*t rorpf't, yaimE' \r'H, fue lii'!-<br />

ies nf^t prlfiriv n f (friicnn, p\avi<br />

ft 3:30. " Aflmiasif-n, tVi v r"<br />

p ef scrn^ D:! ! i't try '?r=or, or ]:hone 3CA,<br />

you fin'sli rent' 1 rig this is-<br />

, wrap it up iind mnll it to Sf?n, ^<br />

bey in the service. Put. yd'ir mmr<br />

on the ttTapoer e o he will know<br />

who sent it. Even if he In a sub-<br />

scriber rie will be elart to Ie.^rn you<br />

are thinking about him.<br />

Here's hopina the boys will be<br />

hack again—SOON,<br />

Colpredl WomiD Get<br />

14O0£W <strong>of</strong> Scrap<br />

The Colored Woman's Republi-<br />

can Organization did its share in<br />

the ssrap drive hy turning in i40<br />

pounds <strong>of</strong> salvage material The j<br />

gnjup alio tuniefl over to LaurSf<br />

•Johnstone 107 old keys for his spe-<br />

cial colleetlsn.<br />

New the ©rganisitlan, aqcsrdlng<br />

ts Anna L, Jsnef, resident, * te<br />

jnaMiig a dtlve fer scraps eif fur<br />

to be donated for veste for mer-<br />

chant sailoii: ^or^a, mlso afe h<br />

H ¥<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong>'s Great Department 5tore=Dial 4-1111<br />

Semi-Annual<br />

Offering <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> thg Greatest<br />

Values in Our Department<br />

Managers' Sale!<br />

Valums to. $3SS<br />

W'v cannot begin to d^*<br />

Htrilj© theao attractive<br />

iiiid nattering hats. You<br />

must Bee them yourself<br />

to appreciate this great<br />

value.<br />

Iffl<br />

Values to $7*75<br />

Hats for every occasion<br />

and for every taste and<br />

type! Your dearest<br />

friend will never believe<br />

this low price!<br />

m 1<br />

An unusual<br />

better hats, in all •<br />

and head aiaeS,. A<br />

ue$ |or the Bi^ %f«^<br />

'lies<br />

S<br />

*?~&<br />


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