U P C / R e g d . - rdso

U P C / R e g d . - rdso

U P C / R e g d . - rdso


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lanHkZ<br />

U<br />

P<br />

C<br />

/<br />

R<br />

e<br />

g<br />

d<br />

.<br />

/Ref:-<br />

M/s As per list<br />

vuqla/kku vfHkdYi vkSj ekud laxBu] ekud uxj y[kuÅ&11<br />

Goverment Of India-Ministry of Railways<br />

Research Designs & Standards Organisation, Manak Nagar, Lucknow-11<br />

SP-1/131/M&C/LT/11<br />

Stores Directorate<br />

13 April 2011<br />

dì;k fuEu fyf[kr fufonk ds rgr viuk izLrko Hkj dj lhy can fyQkQs esa Hk.Mkj funs'kky; v0v0ek0l0<br />

y[kuÅ ds dk;kZy; esa miyC/k fufonk isVh esa 14-30 cts ls igys vo'; igq¡pk nsaA<br />

Please Submit Your offer against under noted tender duly filled in sealed envelope in the nominated tender box<br />

by 14:30 hours at Stores Directorate RDSO Lucknow.<br />

fufonk la[;k<br />

S.No.<br />

/Tender notice No.<br />

can dh frfFk<br />

LT_211_11 26/04/2011<br />

/Date Of Closing<br />

dze la0 lkexzh dk fooj.k vko';d ek=k bZdkbZ<br />

Description of the material Qty. required Unit<br />

300 Kg.<br />

ewy nj vadks ,oa 'kCnks<br />

ea<br />

Basic Rate (in figures &<br />

Words)<br />

jsy i;ZUr fu%'kqYd /For Destination --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fcdzhdj@oSV<br />

/Sales Tax/Vat---------------------- mRikn 'kqYd<br />

iSfdax ,o izs'k.k izHkkj / Packing & Forwarding Charges -------------------------------------------------------------------vU;<br />

izHkkj / Other Charges -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dqy<br />

dher / Total Value of --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------izLrko<br />

dh oS/krk / Validity of the offer /60 days from the date of opening of the tender--------------------------ifjnku<br />

vof/k / Delivery Period ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fujh{k.kdrkZ<br />

Inspection by ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dksbZ<br />

vU; 'krZ / Any other condition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cSd<br />

[kkrk ,oa cSd dk uke ,oa irk Bank A/c No. Name & Address of the bank ------------------------------------<br />

QeZ dk iSu ua0 / PAN No. of the firm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eSa@ge<br />

mijksDr lkexzh dks esjs@gekjs }kjk Hkjh x;h mifjfyf[kr njksa ij oRkZeku Hkkjrh; jsyos dh Bsds dh<br />

lkekU; 'krksZ ,oa ihNs vafdr vuqns'kksa ds vuqlkj vkiwfrZ djus ds fy;s jkth gq¡@gSaA<br />

/ Excise duty-----------------------------------------------<br />

I/we agree to supply the stores noted at the rates quoted by me/us in accordance with the current IRS<br />

condition of the contract and also special instruction printed on the reverse.<br />

Copy to:<br />

1. Consignee<br />

2. TMS<br />

M.S.Flat.Size - 30mm x 5 mm as per<br />

IS-2062-92GB<br />

AMM<br />

fufonkdrkZ ds gLrk{kj iwjk irk ,oa<br />

Qksu ua0<br />


fo'ks"k vuqns'k Special Instructions<br />

1- fufonk Hkstrs le; rFkk leLr i=&O;ogkj esa Ñi;k fyQkQs ds Åij fufonk la[;k ,oa [kqyus dh frfFk vo'; fy[ksa vU;Fkk vkidk izLrko<br />

vekU; gks ldrk gSA While sending tender or in any correspondence please mention Tender No. and due date for opening on the<br />

envelope otherwise your offer may be rejected.<br />

2- Ñi;k njsa vadksa ,oa 'kCnksa nksuksa esa Hkjsa vU;Fkk vkidk izLrko utj vUnkt fd;k tk ldrk gSA Please quote your rates in figures and<br />

words as well, otherwise your offer will be liable to be ignored.<br />

3- izLrko Li"V Hkjs tkus pkfg,] isafly ls Hkjs x;s] vf/kfyf[kr vFkok dVs&fiVs vkSj feVk;s x;s izLrko utj vUnkt fd;s tk ldrs gSaA The offers<br />

should be clearly filled in, the offers with overwriting, cutting and erasures or filled in with pencil are liable to be ignored.<br />

4- ;fn fufonk ysVj gSM esa nh tk jgh gS rks bl QkeZ dks gLrk{kj djds LohÑfr ds rkSj ij yxk;sA Offer on Letter heads should submit<br />

this form duly signed as token of acceptance.<br />

5- fufonk nkrkvksa dks fufonk Hkjus esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh vLi"Vrk vFkok lansg dh laHkkouk ls cpuk pkfg, ugh rks vkQj dh ekU;rk lekIr gks<br />

ldrh gSA The tenderers should avoid any ambiguity while filling in the tender document, otherwise offers are liable to be<br />

ignored.<br />

6- fufonk nkrk ;fn foØsrk gSa rks mUgsa izLrko ds lkFk fuekZrk dk izkf/kdkj&i= layxu djuk pkfg;sA The tenderers who are traders should<br />

enclose the authorisation letter of the manufacturer alongwith the offer.<br />

7- fufonk nkrk Hkqxrku 'krsZ crk;sa vU;Fkk lkekU; Hkqxrku 'krZ 100 izfr'kr Hkqxrku lkexzh izkfIr ,oa LohÑfr ds iUnzg fnuksa ds vUnj ykxw gksxhA<br />

The tenderers should specify the payment terms otherwise normal payment terms of 100% payment within 15 days of receipt<br />

and acceptance of material shall be applicable.<br />

8- xUrO; rd fu%'kqYd ds vfrfjDr izLrkoksa dks utj vUnkt fd;k tk ldrk gSA The offers other than "FOR Destination" are liable to be<br />

ignored.<br />

9- fufonknkrk tks foØsrk gSa mUgsa vius izLrko esa fuekZrk ds uke ,oa irs dk mYys[k djuk pkfg, rkfd izs"k.k ls igys fuekZrk ds ifjlj esa lkexzh<br />

dk fujh{k.k fd;k tk ldsA The tenderers, who are traders, should mention the name and address of the manufacturer so that<br />

inspection can be carried out at the manufacturer's premises prior to despatch.<br />

10- v-v-ek-la- vkbZ-,l-vks- izekf.kr vkiwfrZdrkZvksa dks ojh;rk nsrk gSaA ,slh QeZs tks vkbZ-,l-vks- izekf.kr gSa] bldk mYys[k djsaA RDSO prefer<br />

firms with ISO certification, Firms holding such certification should state/enclose the same.<br />

11- lkexzh ds fuekZ.k ,oa ifjogu dh izfØ;k ds nkSjku vkiwfrZdrkZ LFkkuh; iznw"k.k fu;a=.k izkf/kdj.k ,oa dsUnzh; iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ ds ykxw fu;eksa dk<br />

ikyu djsxkA During course of manufacture and transportation of the materials. the vendor shall comply to All applicable<br />

legislation of local pollution control authorities and Central Pollution Control Board and other laws of land.<br />

12- Øsrk dks lkoZtfud {ks= dh bdkb;ksa vkSj@vFkok y?kq m|ksx@dqVhj m|ksx bdkb;ksa ls izkIr izLrkoksa dks vU; Qeksa ds izLrkoksa ij ljdkj dh uhfr;ksa<br />

ds vuqlkj Ø;@ewY; ojh;rk nsus dk vf/kdkj gSaA fdUrq bl ojh;rk dks vf/kdkj ugha le>k tk ldrk] mUgsa ewY;ksa esa deh djus vkSj izfrLi/kkZ<br />

mRiUu djus ds gj laHko iz;kl djus pkfg,A The purchaser reserves the option to give purchase/price preference to the offers from<br />

public sector units and / or small scale/cottage industries units, over those from other firms, in accordance with the policies of<br />

government from time to time. The price preference above cannot however be taken for granted and every endeavor need be<br />

made by them to bring down the cost and achieve competitiveness.<br />

13- tc lHkh ;k vf/kdrj fufonknkrk ,d gh njsa Hkjrs gSa vkSj dkVsZy cuus dk lansg gks rks jsyos dks fdlh ,d QeZ ;k vf/kd QeksZ dks fcuk<br />

dkj.k crk;s vU; dks NksM+rs gq;s] Bsdk nsus dk vf/kdkj gSA Whenever all or most of the participating tenderers quote equal rates and<br />

cartel formation is suspected, the railways reserve the right to place order on one or more firms with exclusion of the rest<br />

without assigning any reason thereof.<br />

14- ,slh QesZ tks dkVsy esa fufonk Hkjrh gSa mUgsa psrkouh nh tkrh gS fd mudk uke vkiwfrZdrkZvksa dh vuqeksfnr lwph ls gVk;k tk ldrk gSA The<br />

firms who quote in cartel are warned that their names are likely to be deleted from list of approved sources.<br />

15- v-v-ek-la- dks nks ;k vf/kd QeksZ ij vkns'k dks foHkkftr djus dk vf/kdkj gSaA RDSO reserves the right to split order on two or more<br />

firms. The splitting shall be in fair way as per guide line issue by Railway Board.<br />

16- v-v-ek-la- U;wure izLrko dks Lohdkj djus dks ck/; ugha gS vkSj dksbZ Hkh izLrko fcuk dkj.k crk;s jn~n vFkok utjvUnkt fd;k tk ldrk gSA<br />

RDSO is not bound to accept lowest offer and any offer may be rejected or ignored without assigning any reason thereof.<br />

17- tc Hkh fufonk ds lkFk uewus eaxk;s tk;sa rks fufonk ds lkFk lhy cUn ,oa eqgj yxs uewus Hksts tk;sa vFkok mUgsa vyx ls Hkst fn;k tk;s fdUrq<br />

mUgsa fufonk [kqyus dh rkjh[k ls igys igq¡p tkuk pkfg,A Whenever samples are called for in the tender, the samples must accompany<br />

the tender duly sealed and stamped or be sent separately but should reach before the due date for opening of the tender.<br />

18. vkj0 Mh0 ,l0 vks0 jsy ea=ky; dk vuqla/kku laLFkku vkSj oSKkfud ,ao vkS|ksfxd vuqla/kku foHkkx ubZ fnYyh esa Hkh iathd`r gksus ds dkj.k<br />

ljdkjh vf/klwpuk la0 51@96 dLVe fnukad 23-07-1996 ¿;Fkk la'kksf/krÀ vkSj ljdkjh vf/klwpkuk la[;k 10@97 lsUVªy ,DlkbM fnukad 01-03-<br />

1997 ¿;Fkk la'kksf/krÀ ds vUrxZr ewY;kuqlkj 9% ,ao iw.kZ mRikn 'kqYd ds vykok] iw.kZ lhek 'kqYd Hkqxrku ls NwV izkIr laLFkku gSA vuqla/kku en<br />

ds fy;s dsoy fufonknkrk lhek 'kqYd ,oa mRikn 'kqYd] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] dks fudky dj gh viuh njsa izLrqr djsaA RDSO being a<br />

Research institution of Ministry of Railways and registered with Department of Scientific and Industrial Research New<br />

Delhi, is exempted from payment of customs duty for research items only in full except 9% ad-valorem plus cess & excise<br />

duty in full under Government Notification No. 51/96-Customs dated 23 July 1996 (as amended) and Government<br />

notification No. 10/97-Central Excise dated 1 March 1997 (as amended). Hence, tenderers should quote taking this into<br />

consideration but should indicate elements of custom duty & excise duty separately.<br />

19. ,slh QeSa ftUgs fufonk i= ugh Hkstk x;k gS vkSj ;fn os fdlh jsyos dh vuqeksfnr lqph esa Hkh ugh gSa vkSj mUgksus fufonk osclkbZM ls MkÅuyksM<br />

fd;k gS mUgs vU;Fkk mi;qDr ik;s tkus ij ekud lqj{kk /kUk jkf'k 10% tek djus ds mijkUr gh ,slh QeksZ dh fufonk Lohd`r dh tk;sxhA<br />

The firms who have not been issued Tender enquires and are not on approved list of any Railways but who have downloaded<br />

tender from website their Tender offer may only be accepted against Submission of Standard SD (10%) and if found<br />

otherwise Suitable.<br />

20. QeZ dks vius izLrko ds leFkZu esa lkexzh dk yhQysV@rduhdh fooj.k izLrqr djuk pkfg, ,slk u djus ij izLrko ij fopkj ugh fd;k tk,xkA<br />

Firm;s should submit leaflet/technical literature in support of offer, as otherwise offer may be ignored<br />

21. QeZ dks vius vuqHko] lkeF;Z vkSj fiNys fu"iknu ds laca/k esa izys[kh; lk{; izLrqr djuk pkfg,A ,slk u djus ij izLrko ij fopkj ugh fd;k<br />

tk,xkAFirm should give documentary evidence of credential, Capability and past performance failure witch offer should not be<br />

considered.<br />

22. fufonk vkSj lafonk] vkbZ0 vkj0 ,l0 lafonk 'krksZ ls 'kkflr gksaxh] tks osnlkbZM ij miyC/k gSA The tender and contract shall be governed<br />

by IRS conditions of contract, witch are available on website.<br />

23- vU; fu;e ,oa 'krksZ ds fy, vkSj vkbZ-vkj-,l- 'krksZ ds fy, Ñi;k vkj-Mh-,l-vks- osclkbM ij ns[ksA For updated terms & conditions &<br />

IRS conditions please see website www.<strong>rdso</strong>.gov.in.

Tender No:<br />

Tender Due On:<br />

SP-1/131/M&C/LT/11<br />

26. 4. 2011<br />

UPC/Regd.Post<br />

1 M/S Ashwa K. Enterprises, D-350, Rajajipuram, Lucknow-226017 M.No<br />

09415422609 .<br />

2 M/S Kumar Traders, SS-II, 170 D-1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow - 226012<br />

M.N0. 09415467626<br />

3 M/S Lucknow Sales Corporation, (Budh Mandir) Latouche Road, Lucnow-226 018.<br />

Ph. No. 0522-2626361, M.No. 9415018401.<br />

4 M/S Pal Traders, 107, Sneh Nagar, Alambagh, Lucknow-226005 Ph. No.<br />

0522-2454316<br />

5 M/S Shivika Enterprises, 55/5, Malviya Nagar, Aishbagh, Lucknow - 226004<br />

M.No. 09838729892 .<br />

6 M/S United Traders, 548 Ch/61 Ka, Near RDSO Gurudwara, Manak Nagar,<br />

Lucknow-226011 Ph. 0522 2459901 .<br />


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