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JOINT TASK. FORCE... 435<br />

APO AE 09355<br />

2 June<br />

MEMORANDUM FOR Dery.1:y Commander, Joint Task Force 435, Kabul, Afghanistan, APC<br />

AE 09356<br />

SUBJ7..CT: 2 June 2010 Detainee Review Board Reconmend:t7on - :7or the Transfer of Abdul<br />

Kabir iSN 24220t44(a), (b)(1 lottParticipation in a ReconciliaT ion Program<br />

I . T."." 1....thice Review Board (DRB) met on 2 :lune 2010 incl made the following findings and<br />

reconvp t.ons concerning the internment of Abdul Kabir i,ISN 2422):<br />

a. Lr ahir (ISN 2122) ets, the criteria f -nternment„<br />

b,'The.00ttiriued internment: of Abdul Kabir (ISN 24 not necessary to ii the<br />

threat lie noses,<br />

c. L 7- 7 2422) should be transferred to Pakistan for paricipatIon in a<br />

reconcilia<br />

DFIP,<br />

=,, al rir (ISN 2422) sheuid be considered for Rei<br />

e. Abdu.. Kabir (ISN 2422) is not an F. Security Threat.<br />

programs within the<br />

2. In arriving at its recomi end:. ion. the I ound that despite being captured at a checkpoint<br />

while aveling. in a taxi<br />

components were recovered. Abdu: KaHr (NH 2422) has<br />

CCI1S Hed e. ,, ,:re-ship of the ltenis seized at the :,ihrie of n;t1p); 1)1 4a, (L):1 1. ifis<br />

tesi uN mie 20::: 0 DR8 apnea rec , consistent with lidsea cista;ements made<br />

under inrrogatior. some doubt sun e‘ Jading the circumsances o2 his capture and his<br />

culnam, For ern.. tpJe. he was traveling in a taxi — not his owe vehicle — and claimed simply<br />

to have been visitin2 laanistan from (b)(6) / with his frietd(lJL„1 1 4 a), (b)(1)1.4(c), 06There were at<br />

least two ii:JividL:als in the taxi, but the were not detainee. Componentc related to IF.Ds<br />

wc-e ecrr. d, cam there is no fingerprint evidence linking him (coltl . P.4.(a).Lblosi 4(c) oioythese<br />

coni..,nents;. hLere is no evidence of h.s exposure to explosive materials. Me re , i,ve,', there is no<br />

11..17:\41N7 .7 ,reporting or additional evidence linking Abdul Kabir (1:SN 242:1) to ligan or anti-<br />

Coall . ion members, nor is there an evidence that he was involved in the actual emplacement of<br />

IEDs. he evidence is circumstanial at best, but on;y marginally linked to Al -AnIKabir (ISN<br />

2422) Kabir (ISN 2422) testified during his 2 June 2010 DRB that he has never acted in<br />

<strong>BAGRAM</strong> / <strong>CENTCOM</strong> /001389

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