Volume 31 – 1990 (PDF) - Searching The Scriptures

Volume 31 – 1990 (PDF) - Searching The Scriptures

Volume 31 – 1990 (PDF) - Searching The Scriptures


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Page 14<br />

law against murder in Matt. 5: 21-22. His interpretation<br />

implies that the prohibition against murder involved<br />

more than just a condemnation of homicide. He extends<br />

it to be a prohibition against verbally depreciating an<br />

individual by saying to him, "Raca, " (empty-head) or<br />

"You fool. " While the young ruler had never committed<br />

homicide could he pronounce himself innocent, never<br />

having depreciated a person's value? Probably not.<br />

Matthew indicates that he asked, "What am I still<br />

lacking?" (19: 20). Do you ever feel like this young<br />

man? You worship after the Biblical pattern every<br />

Sunday, you have been baptized, you try to pattern your<br />

life after what the Bible has to say but still you feel<br />

something is lacking.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rich ruler had come to Jesus in a state of innocent<br />

ignorance. He just didn't know any better. He had done<br />

what, in his limited understanding, he knew to do, but<br />

God's requirements were so much greater. He was like<br />

the little child who returns to a parent with joy on his<br />

face convinced he had accomplished everything that has<br />

been required when in reality he had not even comprehended<br />

the requirement. I am convinced that that's the<br />

way each of us comes to God asking, "What shall I do to<br />

inherit eternal life?"<br />

Jesus said, "One thing you lack; go and sell all you<br />

possess, and give it to the poor... and come, follow Me. "<br />

What was the one thing he lacked? Self-sacrifice. While<br />

it may have seemed to him that he had done all the<br />

commandments of the Lord, in reality he had not done<br />

the one thing that was basic to all of them. He had not<br />

given himself to the Lord. Is this the one thing you lack?<br />

Peter said he and the other apostles had left everything<br />

to follow the Lord (Mk. 10: 28). <strong>The</strong> churches of<br />

Macedonia begged to help support the needy saints in<br />

Jerusalem because "they first gave themselves to the<br />

Lord" (2 Cor. 8: 1-5). Paul was stoned and dragged out of<br />

the city of Lystra but went on preaching in the face of<br />

death (Acts 14: 19-20). Men could not take Paul's life<br />

because he did not have it. He had given it to God. "It is<br />

no longer I who live but, Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2: 20).<br />

Abraham gave everything, even the life of his son,<br />

Isaac (Gen. 22). <strong>The</strong> rich ruler gave nothing. Abraham<br />

left Mt. Moriah with everything (Gen. 22: 16-18). <strong>The</strong><br />

rich ruler left Jesus with nothing. God gives to those who<br />

give themselves.<br />

"Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house<br />

or brothers, or sisters, or mother or father or children or<br />

farms, for My sake and for the gospel's sake, but that he<br />

shall receive a hundred times as much now in the<br />

present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers<br />

and children and farms, along with persecutions;<br />

and in the world to come eternal life" (Mk. 10: 30).<br />

"He died for all, that they who live should no longer<br />

live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again<br />

on their behalf" (3 Cor. 5: 15).<br />

Yes, our perception of Christianity is very narrow. We<br />

search for the minimum that we must do, reduce Christianity<br />

to a specified number of requirements and fail to<br />

understand it as a religion of being. Only one thing do<br />

we lack.

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