Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions PREFACE CONTENTS

Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions PREFACE CONTENTS

Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions PREFACE CONTENTS


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to keep her from the sight of a man. All went well till McKineely consulted the Banshee of the mountain. Telling him to dress in women's<br />

garments, she ferried him to the island, asking shelter for a noble lady chased by an enemy. Landing the young man, she threw the dozen<br />

guardians into a Druidic sleep, and left the couple together awhile, afterwards rowing the man ashore. Serious results ensued.<br />

Fairies are more pronounced in <strong>Irish</strong> than in English traditions. They are fairly represented in the west of Scotland, in Wales, Lancashire,<br />

and Cornwall, parts frequented by <strong>Irish</strong> friends and foes.<br />

They are Sides, Sighe, Sith, Duine Matha, or Good People. Fear-sig of the supernatural world are <strong>Irish</strong> forms of the Welsh Tylwyth teg,<br />

the fair family; Swedish, Nissen;<br />

p. 92<br />

Danish, Damhest; Polish, Rotri; the Russian, Domavoi; English, Puck, Elf, Fay, or Robin Goodfellow; Cornish Pixie; Burmese, Nats;<br />

Breton, Korigan, or Koril; Scotch Brownie; Norwegian, Trolls, or Nyss; Oriental, Jin; Jewish, Schedim; Italian, Fata; Greek, Parcæ, or<br />

Eumenides.<br />

"That which is neither ill nor well,<br />

That which belongs not to heaven or hell."<br />

Because many are represented as little men, writers have fancied the idea was but a tradition of pre-existing races, small in stature, who<br />

were improved off by visitors or marauders of larger growth. Dwarfs or Duzes are thought in Brittany to haunt the dolmens, or ancient<br />

graves, though in some manner they are known as the ghosts of <strong>Druids</strong>. Certainly Africa bears evidence of a wide-spread pigmy race.<br />

There are Dokos of South Abyssina, Obongo of West Africa, Akka of Central Africa, Batua living in trees like monkeys, and others in<br />

Congo, &c.<br />

The Fairies are associated with mankind at present, though they may carry off their children, replacing them by changelings. The<br />

mannikins may be white, brown, grey, or yellow. Some are small enough to sit in ears of corn, while others fly about on magic horses. It is<br />

sad to know that these little people indulge in faction fights, and pinch those who dance with them. Giants figure less often. The Book of<br />

Leinster tells of giant Luter, with fourteen heads, wooing Gobal, whose charms extended over fifty cubits.<br />

Occasionally these little people are not content with stealing babies, but would run off with men; as Nea, of the golden hair, did the <strong>Irish</strong><br />

Fenian warrior. The busy Maakiset, who worked underground, were more worthy of offerings than the Kapeet, who caused eclipses by<br />

catching hold of the moon. It is discreet always to speak well of<br />

p. 93<br />

fairies, as they listen without being seen. Their females look after men, as their males look after women.<br />

They have kings and queens. Oberon or Elberich was a king, and Titania a queen. The <strong>Irish</strong> say that Don, the Milesian leader, drowned in<br />

a storm raised by the Tuaths, became a King of the Fays. Inis Mananain, now Isle of Man, was so called from Mananan, an ancient chief<br />

transformed to a royal Sidhe. Mab, daughter of King Eochaidh Faidhleach, became Queen of the Fairies, being more than immortalized in<br />

Spenser's Fairy Queen. Another King of the Fairies was the Tuath Fionnbharr. The Welsh Fairy King was Gwyh ab Nudd.<br />

As these spirits of air, earth, and water are numerous, it is a comfort to learn from the Talmud that, while the bad ones are exactly<br />

7,405,926, the good ones number, in the rougher estimate, I,064,340,000,000,000.<br />

.Black fairies are not conspicuous, unless in the mines. The Maories of New Zealand assure us that their merry little fays are not of their<br />

dark colour, but fair like Englishmen. They love the hills of Waikato. A chief, frightened of them, took off his ornaments, and gave them<br />

away. As soon as they finished their song, as he told the tale, they took the shadows of the Maori's earrings, and handed them about from<br />

one to the other.<br />

As all know, the Fairies, or Peris, are suffering from some misconduct in happier climes. Christian tradition holds to their final<br />

redemption.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> fairies are thus mourned for by D. F. McCarthy:--<br />

p. 94<br />

"Ah! the pleasant time hath vanished ere our wretched doubtings banished<br />

All the graceful spirit people, children of the earth and sea--<br />

Whom in days now dim and olden, when the world was fresh and golden,<br />

Every mortal could behold in haunted rath and tower and tree--<br />

They have vanished, they are banished. Ah I how sad the loss for thee."<br />

Some were not so pleasant:--<br />

"While the Phooka horse holds his frantic course<br />

O'er wood and mountain fall,<br />

<strong>And</strong> the Banshee's croon, a rhythmic rime<br />

From the crumbling, ivied wall."<br />

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