August 26, 1999 - Southeastern Oklahoma State University

August 26, 1999 - Southeastern Oklahoma State University

August 26, 1999 - Southeastern Oklahoma State University


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4 Cfje <strong>Southeastern</strong> <strong>August</strong> <strong>26</strong>, <strong>1999</strong><br />

And the Band Marches On,<br />

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youTl love doing drugs.<br />


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Religious Organizations<br />

Offer Comfort, Support<br />

<strong>Southeastern</strong> Home to Wide Variety of Religious Organizations<br />

Charles Coley<br />

for freshman. The Wesley Many students are not<br />

College organizations Center holds weekly programs aware of the programs these<br />

provide the opportunity forstu- such as Tuesday Night Explor- groups offer. The BSU hold?<br />

dents to become involved on ers, which is a discussion Vespers every Thursday night<br />

campus. These organizations group dealing with topics of at 9. The other Christian orga­<br />

cater to a wide variety of inter­ spiritual concern.<br />

nizations (Catholic Student Orests<br />

and groups. Religious or­ According to Jon ganization, Canterbury Society,<br />

ganizations on any campus of­ Heath, Director of the BSU, Chi Alpha) meet weekly. The<br />

ten recruit the largest number maintaining an active pres­ Church of Christ Student Bible<br />

of students.<br />

ence in campus affairs is one Center also offers weekly pro­<br />

Whatever a student's of the best benefits of joining a grams such as lunches.<br />

beliefs, it is often comforting to religious organization. Heath SOSU is also home to a<br />

share fellowship with those of feels that the organizations do very unique organization, the<br />

similar faith. <strong>Southeastern</strong> of­ not exist merely for stressing Muslim Student Association<br />

fers a wide variety of religious specific religions and denomi­ (MSA). Although its numbers<br />

organizations and all maintain nations. Rather, they exist in are not large, its members share<br />

an active presence in campus order to give students the op­ fellowship and a deep faith.<br />

affairs.<br />

portunity to worship with Because Islam mandates prayer<br />

Eric Huffman, 98-99 those of similar faith. five times daily, the group gath­<br />

photo by Charles Coley president of Chi Alpha-Assem­ "We're not pushing ers every Friday at 1:00 p.m. for<br />

Mr. David Christy, director of bands, leads the <strong>Southeastern</strong> Marching Band across the field, bly of God, feels that religious any particular denomination," a special prayer called Jumma.<br />

during a practice session, last week. The marching Band will provide the halftime entertainment, organizations should reflect the Heath said. "Find a local The MSA works in close<br />

as well as the national anthem, at SOSU football games. Under Mr. Christy's supervision, the needs and concerns of the cam­ church and get involved." conjunction with the Interna­<br />

SOSU Marching Band continues to grow each year.<br />

pus. According to Huffman, Both the Wesley Centional Student Association. The<br />

joining these organizations ter (Methodist) and the MSA also works with the Chris­<br />

Financial Aid Available<br />

would be beneficial to any student.<br />

"Just get involved and<br />

Church of Christ Student Bible tian groups on a regular basis.<br />

Center (Alpha Omega) have Whatever a student's be­<br />

off campus facilities. Other liefs maybe, religious organiza­<br />

Continued from page 1<br />

check out a little bit of everything,"<br />

Huffman said.<br />

Christian organizations include<br />

the Canterbury Society<br />

tions offer the chance of getting<br />

involved on campus.<br />

SOSU is home to sev­ for Episcopalians and Chi Al­ "Know your belief and<br />

the Federal Pell (Basic) Grant, video. The video is about 20 out a new permit.<br />

eral Christian groups, ranging pha (Assembly of God). then choose an organization that<br />

Federal Supplemental minutes long and covers the <strong>Southeastern</strong> also offers from the Baptist Student Union "Our goal is to provide will enhance or encourage you<br />

Educational Opportunity basics of having a loan and what alternative types of financial aid to the Catholic Student Orga­ a place of Christian fellowship in thatbelief," Christina Teague,<br />

Grant (SEOG) and the is expected of the students. including Bureau of Indian nization. The BSU also offers where students can come," sophomore English education<br />

<strong>Oklahoma</strong> Tuition Aid Grant "The more they know, the Affairs Grant (BIA) for students activities such as a noon lunch Charles King, Director of the major, said.<br />

(OTAG).<br />

more likely they are to pay it with a degree of Indian on Wednesday and The Door Wesley Center, said.<br />

Loans are monies back," Foster said.<br />

hertiage, and Departmental<br />

provided to students which Students who are Scholarships. Departmental<br />

must be repaid. Generally,<br />

student loans have a low<br />

interest rate and permit long<br />

term repayment.<br />

<strong>Southeastern</strong> offers two<br />

receiving loans for the first time Scholarships are for students<br />

need to watch the video before who meet academic standards<br />

their paperwork will be in a particular academic field.<br />

processed, Foster said.<br />

According to Foster, the<br />

Another option for best time to apply for financial MEMOS<br />

different types of loans. The students needing assistance is aid is as soon as the new<br />

Federal Perkins loan (NDSL)<br />

as only available during the<br />

summer semester and has a<br />

5% interest rate. The Federal<br />

student employment. The<br />

Federal Work-Study Program<br />

provides part-time<br />

employment for students who<br />

applications come out. New<br />

applications come out before<br />

Christmas, but students cannot<br />

submit them until the first of<br />

The Office for Continuing Education is offering the following computer<br />

courses throughout the Fall '99 semester. For more information, call (580) 924-<br />

0121, ext. 2416<br />

Stafford Student Loan Program are enrolled at least half-time the year.<br />

is divided into two categories and demonstrate financial The majority of financial<br />

based on repayment terms. need.<br />

aid applications require<br />

The Federal Subsidized Regular-<strong>University</strong> information found on W2<br />

Student Loan allows students Employment provides part- forms or information only<br />

to borrow money from private time employment for students available after taxes have been<br />

lenders, with a variable interest enrolled at SOSU. This done.<br />

..rate. Loans are not repayable program is for students who do According to Foster, the<br />

until you graduate, leave not qualify for employment biggest mistake students make<br />

-school, or drop below half-time. under the Federal Work-Study with financial aid is their<br />

: There is also a six month grace Program.<br />

signature. Students need to<br />

period before repayment Students who wish to use make sure that their parents<br />

-begins.<br />

student employment as and themselves have signed all<br />

The Federal Unsubsidized financial aid must first fill out a the appropriate papers.<br />

Student Loan Program has the work permit. The permits are For students who get<br />

"same terms and conditions as available in the Financial Aid everything in on time, financial<br />

j?the Federal Stafford Loan, Office.<br />

disbursement will be on<br />

• except that the borrower is According to Foster, September 2. For students<br />

• responsible for interest that student workers need to fill out receiving OTAG, disbursement<br />

accrues during deferment a work permit once per will be in October. These<br />

periods and during the six academic year. Because disbursements will be in the<br />

month grace period.<br />

summer semesters are Student Ballroom.<br />

According to Foster, the considered to be trailer For more information<br />

Department of Education semesters, Foster asks that about financial assistance call<br />

requires all students receiving everyone working during the (580) 924 -0121, ext. 2406.<br />

Computers: Microsoft Word<br />

Course No.: 0113-4402<br />

Instructor: Brenda Neyman<br />

No of Classes: 3<br />

Class Meets: September<br />

14- 28, Tuesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M100D<br />

Fee: $80.00 (MOUS<br />

certified textbook<br />

included)<br />

Computers: Microsoft Access<br />

Course No.: 0113-5402<br />

Instructor: Brenda Neyman<br />

No of Classes: 3<br />

Class Meets: October<br />

5-19, Tuesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M100D<br />

Fee: $80.00 (MOUS<br />

certified textbook<br />

included)<br />

Computers: NT 4.0<br />

Course No.: 0113-4782<br />

Instructor: Chuck Easttom<br />

No of Classes: 10<br />

Class Meets: October 12-<br />

December 14, Tuesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M224<br />

Fee: $450.00 (Textbook not included,<br />

available at Campus Bookstore)<br />

Textbook: MCSE NT Server 4 Study<br />

Guide. Matthew Strebe, Charles Perkins<br />

and James Chellis. $49.99<br />

Computers: Office Pro 97 (Quick Course,<br />

not for novice computer users)<br />

Course No.: 0113-1872<br />

Instructor: Lisa Rogers<br />

No of Classes: 6<br />

Class Meets: September 7 - October 12,<br />

Tuesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M100D<br />

Fee: $100 (Textbook included)<br />

loans to watch an introductory summer time, come in and fill<br />

Computers: Microsoft Excel<br />

Computers: PC Upgrade and Repair<br />

Course No.: 0113-6402<br />

Course No.: 0113-2782<br />

Instructor: Brenda Neyman<br />

Instructor: Chuck Easttom<br />

No of Classes: 3<br />

No of Classes: 7<br />

If you like<br />

Class Meets: October <strong>26</strong>-<br />

November 9, Tuesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M100D<br />

Class Meets: September 1 - October 13,<br />

Wednesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M224<br />

Fee: $80.00 (MOUS<br />

Fee: $200.00 (Textbook not included,<br />

certified textbook<br />

available at Campus Bookstore)<br />

included)<br />

Textbook: A+ Certification Training<br />

Guide. Charles J. Brooks. $49.99<br />

Computers: Microsoft Powerpoint<br />

Course No.: 0113-7402<br />

Instructor: Brenda Neyman<br />

No of Classes: 3<br />

Class Meets: November 16-30,<br />

Tuesdays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M100D<br />

Computers: HTML (not for novice computer;<br />

users. Prerequisite: Beginning/Ad<br />

vanced Internet classes)<br />

Course No.: 0113-0202<br />

Instructor: Daniel Moore<br />

No of Classes: 3<br />

Class Meets: October 4,11,18<br />

Mondays<br />

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Place: M203<br />

Fee: $50.00

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