BENELUX CLUB - Benelux DX Club

BENELUX CLUB - Benelux DX Club

BENELUX CLUB - Benelux DX Club


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-1 0-<br />

0P DE MIDDENGOTF med.ium ryave section all times GLfI compiled bv JB l(Iei.in,<br />

E!ís;Zi3IIZIy -Z!í!zrii:eillle-í!3!Ig!:!etrs:yl!E-!Fe;E3!e:g!i7qrIïe-Z:!Frl<br />

155<br />

L73<br />

150 Brasov llu;nania t6/4 at 2232 nx in 3 QRM DtF & janrne:: ( I )<br />

500 híosc.orv I t6/4 at 2130<br />

4244í<br />

"Govorit }{oskva'r 54554<br />

185 1000 Deutschl-and.sender 16/4 at L650 rrith weather report 5555t<br />

19I 600 lvíotaLa Srved.en L6/4 at 225A wj.th St'edish f o}k music 64564<br />

665 R Vilnius USSR ZO/Z at 1605',{ith nx in Russian 5455t<br />

827 20 R l{adrid. L4/3 at 0015 rvith Sp lrght mx 44444<br />

872 30 R Zaragoz.za t4/3 at 0C10 rri-;Ii i.d in Sp 44344<br />

L025 ? R City 4/4 aL 1.200, horve-,'..:r sonetimes off the ai:: all day 44+51<br />

1052 P" TV Romina L3/,4 at 1750 in ll,umanian<br />

1078 1000 Volr Okinawa 27 j.r<br />

/3 4 with id and progr sked, .<br />

1106 R Viln-i-us II USSR t3 'al, /4 at 1740 with classical mx<br />

L220'IVGAR 50 Cle're}and Ctrio TIfg 0.1?3 with vreather report<br />

3244t<br />

2222i<br />

42+4i<br />

2293,<br />

1235 ZBM1 1<br />

1250 CB0F 10<br />

R Berrnuda 27 /3 at A226 wi.tir po'rr mx<br />

Ottawa 2L/3<br />

3244't<br />

'aL 0352 with taLir in Fr 3333:<br />

1259 I(ING radio London 2!/t, a1; 0900 vrith light mx 3ó451<br />

l-268 I(I}'IG radio Lond.on L6'/1 at 0900 rvitir pop mx (tatety heard<br />

1-280 CJl,tS 10<br />

on this QBG only)<br />

l,'Íontreal 2t/3 at 033? with Iir tight mx<br />

24443<br />

3333[<br />

Bv GH<br />

1286 3 R F,enascenca Port 27 /3 at 0i4B with Port mx<br />

1304 40 It Àlgeria 27 /3 at 0310 ( t ) rrith Arabic rnx<br />

131C H0KA 0.3 R ritl-antico Fanama 2B/3 at ,0205 rvitir id<br />

1310 CHGB 5 St r*nne de Ia Pocatieve 2!/g at 0251 in Fr<br />

f.i30 CIffII 10 Toronto<br />

3244,<br />

5333t<br />

2rt222<br />

3333i<br />

g/4 at 0211 Toronto's rveather 3392t<br />

1"520 10 n Caroline I testtr"ansrnission Ió//", tlf + & t8/4 at 231,0-<br />

2350 rvith id in ll Fr Gerrnan and )utch 65434 GI{ Kbí<br />

Apart fron these 1oggings from Europe, the followirrg were received from Canadt<br />

540<br />

580<br />

XIIIIA<br />

IYI{AQ<br />

San Luis Fotos.i tS /Z at 0345 in Sp language<br />

Fuertc iiico 3/3 aL 0309 rvibh I,atin American mx<br />

43331<br />

4LI3,<br />

61-0 iIJII Bogota t/'/3 at 0402 hours rvj th LA mx 2t3í<br />

640 Cl,{Q Iiabana 4,/3 at 0145 rvith id<br />

640 Bassc Terre Guad.eloupe 4lb at 150 with Rock & RoIl rux<br />

21L71<br />

*<br />

800 PJB 525 Bonai re Zt f Z at 015 0 n,=r i n Sp or Port l<br />

1180 CB11B Valparaiso Chile I2f3 ab 0347 rvittrr nx in Sp<br />

11g0 1,[L't'í0 Radio<br />

}I1-Lt<br />

32223<br />

ztlll<br />

JF<br />

jylarathon VoA relays t3/3 at 0320 with dialoque<br />

L235 T,Fi',lft L Be rruud a Lg /3 at 04ï5 r,,i th re c o rd"e C nx<br />

IILil<br />

53444<br />

lVell, this inonth rve seeln to have vcry few l'flï (nCS) contributors, which results<br />

a,veilablc spo.c;e for general information. Ycu are not excused. next inonth howeve<br />

Our thanks go to the f ollorving reporters:<br />

nN Robert Newhart ïotrorrkiiping Srveden IS{ - I(J }íarsyla , Delfzijl<br />

IIM Hans V ïi{iklleLse n F,anders }en:ia:rh GIl Gerartl. Huybens ÏIaarlel:r<br />

[F lv{alcolm Fed,ciar St EdrnunCs trngLand. BV Bert Vierhout Ï{unspeel<br />

HB II D 3os Groningen Nethcr-l-anCs JT John l,fc Farlane iïalif a:<br />

Át this point \4re lrelcone in the l''i\"í section a new reporter, John Farlane arld John,<br />

thanks f,or your cornpJ-inent on this sectior'. rire might nention that we should. IiLre -bo<br />

rece ive nore reports fron your part of the lt.crlcl,<br />

inte r:e ste d.l By thc I,Íay ,f ohn, youï' uniCe ntif iecl o11<br />

Venezuelal try to ic'!.entify it nowl.<br />

'tilI,K<br />

Malcohl PedCar, thanl:s for your expl.ana-i,cry note on the US station on,65<br />

well, this may happcn to a1t of u.sl Best of luclc with SuCbury 1,ïorlil Conn. Df<br />

r.s is already iientioneL in this ncnthtt "short itemstf a ner,'pirate is planne<br />

coast of StockhoLre, Srvec1en. The narne shoulcl be Rar'!.io trCentertt. Robert Ncwhar<br />


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