Tabellarischer Lebenslauf - Rz.informatik.uni-muenchen.de

Tabellarischer Lebenslauf - Rz.informatik.uni-muenchen.de

Tabellarischer Lebenslauf - Rz.informatik.uni-muenchen.de


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Personal Data<br />

Dr. Andreas Butz<br />

Bru<strong>de</strong>rhofstraße 20<br />

81371 München<br />

Tel. +49-089-7230-1617<br />

Currently Professor (C3) at<br />

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität<br />

LFE Medien<strong>informatik</strong><br />

Amalienstraße 17<br />

80333 München<br />

Tel. +49-089-2180-4665<br />

Born on May 6th 1967 in Ottweiler/Saar/Germany<br />

German citizenship<br />

Married, 2 children<br />

Education<br />

1973 – 1977 Primary School: Grundschule Nie<strong>de</strong>rlinxweiler<br />

1977 – 1986 Gymnasium Wendalinum, St. Wen<strong>de</strong>l, Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Gra<strong>de</strong> 1,9<br />

1988 – 1994 Saarland University: Computer Science (Diploma), Gra<strong>de</strong> „Sehr Gut“<br />

1993 – 1994 Saarbrücken School of Arts (guest stu<strong>de</strong>nt), Computer animation, Photography<br />

1994 –1997 Saarland University: Computer Science (PhD), Gra<strong>de</strong> „magna cum lau<strong>de</strong>“<br />

Civil Service<br />

1986 – 1987 Hospital: Ev. Fliedner-Krankenhaus, Neunkirchen/Saar<br />

1987 – 1988 MSHD (meals on wheels) for Arbeiterwohlfahrt, St. Wen<strong>de</strong>l/Saar<br />

Work during Studies<br />

1989 – 1994 Graduate assistant, DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken<br />

1994 – 1995 Freee lance researcher, DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken<br />

1986 – 1988 Stu<strong>de</strong>nt trainee, SIEMENS AG, M<strong>uni</strong>ch<br />

Scientific Work<br />

1998 – 2000 Postdoctoral research fellow, Univ. <strong>de</strong>s Saarlan<strong>de</strong>s, Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster<br />

2000 – 2001 Senior Researcher, DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken<br />

2000 – 2002 Co-foun<strong>de</strong>r and CEO of the Spin-off company Eyeled GmbH, Saarbrücken<br />

2003 – 2004 DFG research group lea<strong>de</strong>r, Univ. <strong>de</strong>s Saarlan<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Seit 9/2004 C3 Professor (tenured) in the Media informatics group at LMU, M<strong>uni</strong>ch<br />

Work Abroad<br />

1997 – 1998 Visiting Researcher (14 mon.), Columbia University, New York, Prof. Steven Feiner<br />

Curriculum Vitae Andreas Butz, Page 1 of 12

Awards<br />

1986 Finalist, German Computer Science Competition 4. Bun<strong>de</strong>swettbewerbs Informatik<br />

1988 Finalist, German Computer Science Competition 6. Bun<strong>de</strong>swettbewerbs Informatik,<br />

BMFT prize for exceptional individual performance<br />

1993 2nd Prize in the competition „Practical computer graphics“, GI Fachgruppe 4.2.1<br />

2007 Research Award for Technical Comm<strong>uni</strong>cation, awar<strong>de</strong>d by Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung<br />

for Comm<strong>uni</strong>cations research<br />

Stipends<br />

1995 – 1997 PhD stipend, Lan<strong>de</strong>sgraduiertenför<strong>de</strong>rung <strong>de</strong>s Saarlan<strong>de</strong>s<br />

1997 – 1998 Postdoc-Stipend from the German Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Exchange Service (DAAD)<br />

2003 – 2008 Emmy Noether Stipend (Young Investigator Award) from „Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft“<br />

(DFG)<br />

Further Training<br />

1986 – 1988 Four stage stu<strong>de</strong>nt trainee program at SIEMENS AG, M<strong>uni</strong>ch<br />

2004 – 2006 Workshop series on the management of a research group, provi<strong>de</strong>d by DFG, covering<br />

topics such as project management, comm<strong>uni</strong>cation, financial management, knowledge<br />

transfer, intellectual property management<br />

2006 – 2007 Lea<strong>de</strong>rship program at LMU M<strong>uni</strong>ch, altogether 10 days, covering topics such as<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rship and personality, self perception, leading in teams, leading through personnel<br />

talks<br />

Memberships<br />

Since 1986 German Computer Science Association (Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI), Member No.<br />

15447, Member of the Special Interest Groups on „Artificial Intelligence“ and<br />

„Graphical Simulation and Animation“<br />

Since 2005 Member of the executive board of the advisory council of University Professors<br />

within GI (GI Beirat <strong>de</strong>r Universitätsprofessoren, GIBU)<br />

Since 2006 German University Professors’ Association (Deutscher Hochschulverband)<br />

Language Skills<br />

English: business fluent, TOEFL in 1997<br />

French: fluent<br />

Serbocroatian: conversation<br />

Personal Interests<br />

Music (piano, trombone, choir, a cappella)<br />

Photography (several publications, workshop organization)<br />

Mountain sports (hiking, alpine tours, skiing)<br />

Curriculum Vitae Andreas Butz, Page 2 of 12

References<br />

Prof. Bill Buxton, Microsoft Research, currently advising a PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nt together<br />

Prof. Steven Feiner, Ph.D., Columbia University, New York, Host for my 14 month PostDoc visit<br />

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, my PhD advisor<br />

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg, advisor of my Diploma thesis<br />

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel, University of Freiburg, member of my PhD committee<br />

Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Gellersen, Lancaster University, research contacts, shared EU Proposal<br />

Prof. Dr. Alexan<strong>de</strong>r Pocsay, IDS Scheer AG, Saarbruecken, Business Angel of Eyeled GmbH<br />

Scientific Activities<br />

Conference Organization<br />

Co-Foun<strong>de</strong>r and Co-chair, International Symposium on Smart Graphics 2001-2008, with Antonio<br />

Krüger, Patrick Olivier and other, annually changing Co-chairs<br />

Short paper and poster chair, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2007<br />

Vi<strong>de</strong>o Chair, International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive) 2005<br />

Poster chair, International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2005.<br />

Workshop Organization<br />

3 Workshops „Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces“ (MU3I 2004-2006), together with Christian<br />

Kray and other, annually changing co-chairs, held at Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2004-2006)<br />

Workshop “User experience <strong>de</strong>sign for pervasive computing”, with Lucia Terrenghi, Irma Lindt and<br />

Mike K<strong>uni</strong>avsky, held at Pervasive 2005<br />

Workshop on Real World User Interfaces (Physical Interaction, PI03), with Albrecht Schmidt and<br />

Steve Benford, held at Mobile HCI 2003<br />

AAAI spring symposium “Smart Graphics”, with Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier, at AAAI 2000<br />

Workshop on Combining AI and Graphics for the Interface of the Future, with Thomas Rist, Steven<br />

Feiner, Ivan Herman and Antonio Krueger, held at ECAI 1998<br />

Membership in Program Committees<br />

INTETAIN 2008: 2nd International Conference on INtelligent TEchnologies for interactive enter-<br />

TAINment 2008<br />

IE08: 4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments 2008<br />

ICAT 2007: International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence<br />

ISMAR 2007: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality<br />

AmI-07: the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence 2007<br />

IEEE Tabletop 2007: The 2nd IEEE TABLETOP Workshop, at ACM UIST 2007<br />

ACM Multimedia 2007: annual conference of the ACM SIG Multimedia 2007<br />

IE07: 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Environments 2007<br />

AITAmI-07: Workshop on AI Technologies for Ambient Intelligence 2007<br />

IE06: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments<br />

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AITAmI-06: Workshop on AI Technologies for Ambient Intelligence 2006<br />

IUI 2006: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2006<br />

PIT06: International Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies 2006<br />

CoMoRea 2005: Workshop on Context Mo<strong>de</strong>ling and Reasoning 2005<br />

IUI 2005: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2005<br />

AIMS 2004: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems at Ubicomp 2004<br />

CoMoRea 2004: Workshop on Context Mo<strong>de</strong>ling and Reasoning 2004<br />

IUI 2004: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2004<br />

ABIS 2003: Workshop Adaptivität und Benutzermo<strong>de</strong>llierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen<br />

STARS 2003: Workshop on Software Technology for Augmented Reality Systems at ISMAR 2003<br />

AIMS 2000-2003: Workshop on AI in Mobile Systems at Ubicomp 2003, ECAI 2002 and ECAI 2000<br />

Reviewing for Conferences<br />

I have reviewed for the following conferences without being a member of their program committee:<br />

2007: IEEE Visualization 2007, VAST 2007, InfoVis 2007<br />

2006: Ubicomp 2006, Pervasive 2006, UIST 2006, IEEE Visualization 2006,<br />

2005: ISMAR 2005, CHI 2005, UIST 2005, ECSCW 2005, Pervasive 2005, ISMAR 2005, IUI 2005,<br />

2004: ISMAR 2004, Pervasive 2004, ISWC 2004, Mobisys 2004, IUI 2004,<br />

2003: ISMAR 2003, Ubicomp 2003, ACM SIGGRAPH 2003,<br />

2002: UIST 2002, SoftCOM 2002,<br />

2001: UIST 2001, ISAR 2001, SoftCOM 2001<br />

1998: ACM SIGGRAPH 1998,<br />

Other Activities<br />

Since 2007 co-editor of the journal „it – Information Technology“, published by Ol<strong>de</strong>nbourg Verlag<br />

Since 2005 reviewing research proposals for DFG<br />

Since 2004 volunteering as a Mentor for foreign stu<strong>de</strong>nts who have a stipend from DAAD<br />

Consulting for clients of Eyeled GmbH, topics inclu<strong>de</strong> UI <strong>de</strong>sign, mobile computing, innovation<br />

Funds Acquired<br />

LMU Excellent internal funding program, Budget 75T€, start:2007, duration: 1 year<br />

EU Project Discreet (STREP) for Eyeled GmbH, Budget 90T€, start: 2006, duration: 2 years<br />

DFG J<strong>uni</strong>or Research Group (Emmy Noether Programm), Budget 1 M€. start: 2003, duration: 5 years<br />

Proposal, calculation and execution (2002, with others) of a successful industry project between DFKI,<br />

Saarbrücken and BMW, M<strong>uni</strong>ch, budget 120 T€<br />

Seed-Financing of Eyeled GmbH (2000), Venture Capital by SWGmbH, TBG, as well as 3 private<br />

investors, budget 0.9 M€<br />

Helping with the second successful follow-up proposal (2001) of the project REAL within the special<br />

research program SFB 378, Saarland University, budget 700 TDM Personnel + 70 TDM <strong>de</strong>vices.<br />

Helping with the first successful follow-up proposal (1998) of the project REAL within the special<br />

research program SFB 378, Saarland University, budget 660 TDM personnel + 56 TDM <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

Curriculum Vitae Andreas Butz, Page 4 of 12

Teaching Activities<br />

Classes at LMU<br />

• Media Technology (concept by Heinrich Hussmann, with own extensions)<br />

• Digital Media (concept by Heinrich Hussmann)<br />

• Human-Computer Interaction I (concept together with Albrecht Schmidt and Heinrich Hussmann)<br />

• Human-Computer Interaction II (concept together with Albrecht Schmidt and Heinrich Hussmann)<br />

• Smart Graphics (own, revised concept)<br />

• 2D Graphics (own concept, partially built upon Klaus Tönnies' book and class)<br />

• Instrumented Environments (own concept)<br />

• Augmented Reality (concept together with Martin Wagner)<br />

Practicals and Seminars at LMU<br />

• Workshop Digital Photography (1 week block, own concept)<br />

• 3D Mo<strong>de</strong>ling: Manual and Digital (2 weeks block, collab. with <strong>de</strong>partment of art pedagogics)<br />

• Seminar Interactive Tabletops<br />

• Seminar Comm<strong>uni</strong>ties, Messaging and Collaboration<br />

• Seminar Mobile Interaction and Mobile Media<br />

Saarland University and Saarbrücken School of Arts<br />

• SS 04: Design of Tangible User Interfaces, Advanced Practical, Andreas Butz and Harald Hullmann<br />

(together with Saarbrücken School of Arts)<br />

• WS 03/04: User Interface Design, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger<br />

• SS 03: Instrumented Spaces, Andreas Butz and Christoph Endres<br />

• WS 02/03: Intelligent Environments, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger<br />

• SS 02: Technische Grundlagen <strong>de</strong>s Web<strong>de</strong>sign, Andreas Butz (at Saarbrücken School of Arts)<br />

• WS 00/01: Intelligente Mobile Visualisierung, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger<br />

• SS 00: SMART GRAPHICS: Intelligente Grafikgenerierung, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger<br />

• SS 00: Technische Grundlagen <strong>de</strong>s Web<strong>de</strong>sign, Andreas Butz (at Saarbrücken School of Arts)<br />

• SS 00: Mobile Computing, with Wolfgang Wahlster, Jörg Baus, Antonio Krüger, Christian Kray<br />

• WS 99/00: Gestaltung und Konzeption interaktiver Computergraphik, Andreas Butz and Burkhard<br />

Detzler (at Saarbrücken School of Arts)<br />

• WS 99/00: A Client for an Infrared-Based Pe<strong>de</strong>strian Information System, with Antonio Krüger<br />

• SS 1999: Computervisualisierung: Prakt. Gestaltung animierter 3D-Graphiken, with A. Krüger<br />

Teaching Evaluations<br />

In the regular evaluations of teaching quality at LMU and Saarland University, I’ve consistently<br />

achieved ratings substantially above the average. According to the German web site www.meinprof.<strong>de</strong><br />

I’m currently on Position 3 of all Professors at LMU (out of 342 who were rated):<br />

http://www.meinprof.<strong>de</strong>/top_flop?<strong>uni</strong>=<strong>uni</strong>-<strong>muenchen</strong>&region=bayern (last visited: 28.05.07)<br />

Curriculum Vitae Andreas Butz, Page 5 of 12

Advised PhD Theses<br />

Lucia Terrenghi: „Designing Hybrid Interaction through an Un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the Affordances of Physical<br />

and Digital Technologies“, will be submitted in 2007<br />

Otmar Hilliges: „Interaction Techniques for Digital Media Collections in Continuous Information<br />

Spaces“ (working title), will be submitted in 2008<br />

Sebastian Boring: „Interaction Techniques in Multi Display Environments“ (working title), will be<br />

submitted in 2008<br />

Committee Member on PhD Theses<br />

Stan Borkowski (Univ. Grenoble, 2006): „Steerable Interfaces for Interactive Environments”<br />

Istvan Barakony (TU Wien, 2006): „Ubiquitous Animated Agents for Augmented Reality”<br />

Wilko Heuten (Univ. Ol<strong>de</strong>nburg, 2007): „Non-Visual Support for Navigation in Urban Environments“<br />

Advised Stu<strong>de</strong>nt Theses<br />

Diploma<br />

Moritz Menzel (LMU): Interaktion mit einer portablen Displayoberfläche – Tracking<br />

Jürgen Pattis (LMU): Interaktion mit einer portablen Displayoberfläche – Projektion<br />

Michael Sedlmaier (LMU): Metho<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>r Informationsvisualisierung für Komm<strong>uni</strong>kationsprozesse im<br />

Kraftfahrzeug<br />

Torsten Fritsche (LMU): Collaborative vi<strong>de</strong>o editing on a tabletop display<br />

Julius Bahr (LMU): Textual Consistency in User Interfaces<br />

Marc Breisinger (LMU): Anzeigekonzept für Head-Up Displays im Automotive Bereich<br />

Maria Wagner (LMU): Entwicklung einer beidhändig bedienbaren Fotobibliothek für <strong>de</strong>n FluidRoom<br />

Armin Prosch (LMU): Implementation and Evaluation of a Kitchen Appliance<br />

Philipp Lehmann (LMU): Ambiente Visualisierung von Kontextinformation auf mobilen Endgeräten<br />

Torsten Geisler (LMU): Ein Werkzeug zur Vorsortierung digitaler Bil<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Tilman Beer (LMU): Die Erweiterung <strong>de</strong>s gemeinsamen Arbeitsbereiches – Kombination einer interaktiven<br />

Tischoberfläche mit mobilen Displays<br />

Manuela Altendorfer (LMU): Designing a „Shoot and Copy“ Method for Mobile Devices and Large<br />

Displays<br />

Gernot Hensberg (UdS): Ein Framework für mobile Kongressführer auf Mobiltelefonen<br />

Ralf Jung (UdS): Ambiente Klanglandschaften in instrumentierten Umgebungen<br />

Christian Schmitz (UdS): Annotation physikalischer Objekte mit Hilfe eines steuerbaren Projektors<br />

Dennis Reiter (UdS): Projektionswidgets für die Interaktion in einer instrumentierten Umgebung<br />

Markus Gross (UdS): TUIster - Systemnahes Konzept und hardwaretechnische Realisierung<br />

Martin Hochstrasser (UdS): AWALOC - A Location Aware Multi Player Card Trading Game<br />

Michael Schmitz (UdS): Spatial audio framework for the Fluid Room<br />

Mira Spassova (UdS): Continuous display with an ED projector<br />

Christoph Bartelmus (UdS): Entwurf und Bau einer Komm<strong>uni</strong>kationsinfrastruktur für ein verteiltes<br />

Präsentationssystem auf Basis von Infrarot-Datenübertragung.<br />

Master<br />

Rupali Mukherjee (UdS): Ambient Graphics for an Interactive Picture Frame<br />

Kai Schrö<strong>de</strong>r (UdS): Camera-based marker recognition for PDAs<br />

Amir Wasim (UdS): Acoustic tracking on the surface of the Fluid Desk<br />

Bachelor<br />

Norbert Bartels (UdS): Design and implementation of a Tangible UI: Pyramid Control<br />

Martin Kaiser (UdS): Design and implementation of a Tangible UI: Smart Security Tags<br />

Thomas Sewenig (UdS): DeskSaver für <strong>de</strong>n Fluid Desk<br />

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List of publications<br />

For updates and PDF files, please refer to http://www.butz.org/<br />

Journal Articles<br />

1. Lucia Terrenghi, Otmar Hilliges and Andreas Butz: "Kitchen Stories: Sharing Recipes with the Living<br />

Cookbook", ACM/Springer Journal on Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), Springer, 2006<br />

2. Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "A mixed reality room following the generalized peephole metaphor",<br />

IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, IEEE press, 2006<br />

3. Christoph Endres, Andreas Butz, and Asa MacWilliams: "A Survey of Software Infrastructures and<br />

Frameworks for Ubiquitous Computing", Mobile Information Systems Journal 1(1), IOS press, 2005<br />

4. Andreas Butz: "Between location awareness and aware locations: where to put the intelligence", in Applied<br />

Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on AI in Mobile Systems, 18(6), Taylor & Francis, 2004<br />

5. Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "Orts- und richtungsabhängige Informationspräsentation auf mobilen<br />

Geräten", it-ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 43(2), Ol<strong>de</strong>nbourg, 2001.<br />

Conference and Workshop Articles<br />

2007<br />

6. Otmar Hilliges, Dominikus Baur and Andreas Butz: "Photohelix: Browsing, Sorting and Sharing Digital<br />

Photo Collections", in Proceedings of IEEE TABLETOP, Newport, Rho<strong>de</strong> Island, 2007<br />

7. Sebastian Boring, Manuela Altendorfer, Gregor Broll, Otmar Hilliges, Andreas Butz "Shoot & Copy:<br />

Phonecam-Based Information Transfer from Public Displays onto Mobile Phones", in Proceedings of<br />

the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (Mobility), 2007<br />

8. Otmar Hilliges, Maria Wagner, Lucia Terrenghi and Andreas Butz: "The Living-Room: Browsing, Organizing<br />

and Presenting Digital Image Collections in Interactive Environments", to appear in the Proceedings<br />

of "Intelligent Environments 2007", The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),<br />

2007<br />

9. Carmen Eisendle, Christine Schnappinger, Karin Guminski and Andreas Butz: "Design and Evaluation<br />

of an Interactive Children's Book", to appear in the Proceedings of "Mensch und Computer 2007",<br />

Ol<strong>de</strong>nbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2007<br />

10. Otmar Hilliges, Lucia Terrenghi, Sebastian Boring, David Kim, Hendrik Richter and Andreas Butz:<br />

"Designing for Collaborative Creative Problem Solving", to appear in the Proceedings of Creativity<br />

and Cognition 2007, ACM press, 2007<br />

11. Otmar Hilliges, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Andreas Butz and Hans-Peter Kriegel: "Browsing and<br />

Sorting Digital Pictures Using Automatic Image Classification and Quality Analysis.", to appear in the<br />

proceedings of HCI International 2007<br />

12. Sebastian Boring, Otmar Hilliges and Andreas Butz: "A Wall-sized Focus plus Context Display", Proceedings<br />

of the 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Comm<strong>uni</strong>cations<br />

(PerCom 2007), IEEE 2007<br />

2006<br />

13. Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "User-centered Development of a Pervasive Healthcare Application",<br />

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for<br />

Healthcare (Pervasive Health 2006)<br />

14. Michael Schmitz and Andreas Butz: "SAFIR: Low-cost spatial sound for instrumented environments",<br />

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2006), Athens,<br />

Greece, 2006<br />

15. Otmar Hilliges, Phillipp Holzer, Rene Klüber and Andreas Butz: "Audio Radar: A metaphorical visualization<br />

for the navigation of large music collections", Proceedings of the International Symposium on<br />

Smart Graphics 2006, Vancouver, Canada, Springer LNCS 4073, 2006<br />

Curriculum Vitae Andreas Butz, Page 7 of 12

16. Lucia Terrenghi, Torsten Fritsche and Andreas Butz: "The EnLighTable: Design of Affordances to<br />

Support Collaborative Creativity", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Smart Graphics<br />

2006, Vancouver, Canada, Springer LNCS 4073, 2006<br />

2005<br />

17. Andreas Butz and Michael Schmitz: "Design and applications of a beer mat for pub interaction", in:<br />

Proceedings of Ubicomp 2005, September 11-14, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, 2005<br />

18. Dennis Reiter and Andreas Butz: "Design and Implementation of a Widget Set for Steerable Projector-<br />

Camera Units", in: Proceedings of ISMAR 2005, October 5-8, 2005, Vienna, Austria, 2005<br />

19. Andreas Butz and Christian Schmitz: "Annotating Real World objects using a Steerable Projector-<br />

Camera Unit", in: Proceedings of "IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems (Procams<br />

2005)", June 25, 2005, San Diego, California, USA, In conjunction with CVPR 2005<br />

20. Michael Schnei<strong>de</strong>r, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "Flash and Peep: A Robust Method for Finding<br />

and Tracking Displays", in: Proceedings of the IEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments<br />

(IE 2005), University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2005<br />

21. Michael Schnei<strong>de</strong>r and Andreas Butz: "Wipe it! A Direct Manipulation Technique for Ubiquitous Information<br />

Items", in: Proceedings of the IEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments (IE<br />

2005), University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2005<br />

22. Ralf Jung and Andreas Butz: "Effectiveness of User Notification in Ambient Soundscapes", in Proceedings<br />

of the workshop on Auditory Displays for Mobile Context-Aware Systems (on conference DVD)<br />

at Pervasive 2005, 8-13 May, 2005, M<strong>uni</strong>ch, Germany, 2005<br />

23. Andreas Butz, Michael Schmitz, Antonio Krüger and Harald Hullmann: "Tangible UIs for Media Control<br />

- Probes Into the Design Space", in Proceedings of CHI 2005 (Design Expo), April 2 - 7 Portland,<br />

Oregon, USA, 2005<br />

24. Andreas Butz and Ralf Jung: "Seamless User Notification in Ambient Soundscapes", in Proceedings of<br />

IUI 2005, January 10-13, 2005, San Diego, California, USA, 2005<br />

2004<br />

25. Andreas Butz, Michael Schnei<strong>de</strong>r, and Mira Spassova: "SearchLight - A Lightweight Search Function<br />

for Pervasive Environments", in Proceedings of Pervasive 2004, Springer LNCS, 2004<br />

26. Antonio Krüger, Andreas Butz, Christian Müller, Christoph Stahl, Rainer Wasinger, Karl-Ernst<br />

Steinberg and Andreas Dirschl: "The Connected User Interface: Realizing a Personal Situated Navigation<br />

Service", in Proceedings of IUI 2004, January 13-16, 2004, Ma<strong>de</strong>ira, Funchal, Portugal, 2004<br />

27. Andreas Butz, Markus Groß and Antonio Krüger: "TUISTER: a Tangible UI for Hierarchical Structures",<br />

in Proceedings of IUI 2004, January 13-16, 2004, Ma<strong>de</strong>ira, Funchal, Portugal, 2004<br />

2003<br />

28. Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "A Generalized Peephole Metaphor for Augmented Reality and Instrumented<br />

Environments", in Proceedings of The International Workshop on Software Technology for<br />

Augmented Reality Systems (STARS 2003), Oct. 7, 2003 in Tokyo, Japan, 2003<br />

29. Andreas Butz, Markus Groß and Antonio Krüger: "TUISTER: a Tangible UI for Hierarchical Structures",<br />

in Proceedings of PI03: Workshop on Real World User Interfaces, at Mobile HCI 2003, Udine,<br />

Italy, 2003<br />

2002<br />

30. Andreas Butz: "Taming the urge to click: Adapting the User Interface of a mobile museum gui<strong>de</strong>", Proceedings<br />

of ABIS-Workshop 2002: Personalization for the mobile World, 2002<br />

31. Thorsten Bohnenberger, Anthony Jameson, Antonio Krüger and Andreas Butz: "Location-Aware Shopping<br />

Assistance: Evaluation of a Decision-Theoretic Approach", Proceedings of the Mobile HCI 2002<br />

symposium, Pisa 18-20 September 2002, Springer LNCS, 2002<br />

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32. Thorsten Bohnenberger, Anthony Jameson, Antonio Krüger and Andreas Butz: "User Acceptance of a<br />

Decision-Theoretic, Location-Aware Shopping Gui<strong>de</strong>", Proceedings of IUI 2002: International Conference<br />

on Intelligent User Interfaces, ACM Press, New York, 2002<br />

2001<br />

33. Andreas Butz, Jörg Baus, Antonio Krüger and Marco Lohse: "Some Remarks on Automated Sketch<br />

Generation for Mobile Route Descriptions", in: "Proceedings of the First International Symposium on<br />

Smart Graphics 2001", ACM Press, 2001<br />

34. Andreas Butz, Jörg Baus, Antonio Krüger and Marco Lohse: "A Hybrid Indoor Navigation System",<br />

Proceedings of IUI 2001: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001, ACM Press,<br />

2001<br />

2000<br />

35. Andreas Butz, Jörg Baus and Antonio Krüger: "Augmenting Buildings with Infrared Information", Proceedings<br />

of the International Symposium on Augmented Reality ISAR 2000, IEEE Computer Society<br />

Press, 2000<br />

36. Thorsten Bohnenberger and Andreas Butz: "Decision-theoretic planning of navigation instructions",<br />

Workshop notes of the ECAI 2000 workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems (AIMS<br />

2000), August 22, 2000, Berlin, Germany, 2000<br />

37. Andreas Butz, Jörg Baus and Antonio Krüger: "Different Views on Location Awareness", Workshop<br />

notes of the ECAI 2000 workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems (AIMS 2000), August<br />

22, 2000, Berlin, Germany, 2000<br />

38. Jörg Baus, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "Incorporating a Virtual Presenter in a Resource Adaptive<br />

Navigational Help System", Workshop notes of the Workshop on Guiding Users through Interactive<br />

Experiences, Pa<strong>de</strong>rborn, Germany, April 13.-14. 2000<br />

39. Antonio Krüger, Jörg Baus and Andreas Butz: "Smart Graphics in Adaptive Way Descriptions", Proceedings<br />

of the working conference on "Advanced Visual Interfaces" AVI 2000, May 24-26, 2000, Palermo,<br />

ITALY, ACM Press 2000<br />

40. Jörg Baus, Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Marco Lohse and Cyrille Breihof: "Some Aspects of Scouting<br />

Smart Environments", In: "Smart Graphics: Papers from the 2000 AAAI Spring Symposium,<br />

AAAI Technical Report SS-00-04, AAAI press 2000, ISBN 1-57735-110-X<br />

1999<br />

41. Andreas Butz, Tobias Höllerer, Steven Feiner, Blair MacIntyre and Clifford Beshers: "Enveloping Users<br />

and Computers in a Collaborative 3D Augmented Reality", Proceedings of the International Workshop<br />

on Augmented Reality IWAR '99, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999<br />

42. Jörg Baus, Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "One Way Interaction: interactivity over <strong>uni</strong>directional<br />

links", Proceedings of the I3 workshop on Adaptive Design of Interactive Multimedia Presentations for<br />

Mobile Users, Sunday, March 7, 1999, http://www.i3net.org/, 1999<br />

before 1999<br />

43. Andreas Butz, Clifford Beshers and Steven Feiner: "Of Vampire Mirrors and Privacy Lamps: Privacy<br />

Management in Multi-User Augmented Environments", Proceedings of UIST '98, ACM press, 1998<br />

44. Andreas Butz: "Anymation with CATHI", Proceedings of AAAI/IAAI '97 in Provi<strong>de</strong>nce / Rho<strong>de</strong> island,<br />

AAAI press 1997<br />

45. Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "Zur Auswahl von Abstraktionsgra<strong>de</strong>n", in O.Deussen, P.Lorenz<br />

(Hrsg.): "Simulation und Animation '97", Mag<strong>de</strong>burg, 1997, ISBN 1-56555-111-7<br />

46. Andreas Butz and Antonio Krüger: "Lean Mo<strong>de</strong>lling - The intelligent use of geometrical abstraction in<br />

3D animations", Proceedings of the ECAI '96 in Budapest, 1996<br />

47. Elisabeth Andre, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Karin Harbusch, Jochen Heinsohn, Anne Kilger,<br />

Bernhard Nebel, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich, Thomas Rist, Wolfgang Wahlster, Andreas Butz, Anthony<br />

Jameson: "WIP: From Multimedia to Intellimedia", in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint<br />

Curriculum Vitae Andreas Butz, Page 9 of 12

Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 95, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 20-25 1995, p.<br />

2053-2054. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995<br />

48. Andreas Butz: "Betty: Planning and Generating Animations for the Visualization of Movements and<br />

Spatial Relations" In: Advanced Visual Interfaces (Proceedings of AVI '94), ACM Press 1994<br />

Books and Proceedings (as Editor)<br />

49. Andreas Butz, Brian Fisher, Antonio Krüger, Patrick Olivier and Shigeru Owada (Eds.): "Smart Graphics:<br />

Seventh International Symposium on Smart Graphics, SG2007, Kyoto, Japan, Proceedings",<br />

Springer LNCS 4569<br />

50. Andreas Butz, Brian Fisher, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Eds.): "Smart Graphics: Sixth International<br />

Symposium on Smart Graphics, SG2006, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,<br />

Proceedings", Springer LNCS 4073, 2006<br />

51. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Eds.): "Smart Graphics: Fifth International Symposium<br />

on Smart Graphics, SG2005, Cloister Frauenwoerth, near M<strong>uni</strong>ch, Germany, 2005, Proceedings",<br />

Springer LNCS 3638, 2005<br />

52. Alois Ferscha, Rene Mayrhofer, Thomas Strang, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Anind Dey, Andreas Butz<br />

and Albrecht Schmidt (Eds.): "Advances in Pervasive Computing", Adjunct Proceedings of the Third<br />

International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2005), Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft,<br />

2005, ISBN 3-85403-191-2<br />

53. Andreas Butz, Christian Kray, Antonio Krüger, Albrecht Schmidt and Helmut Prendinger (Eds.): "2nd<br />

Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces 2005 (MU3I 2005)" at the International Conference<br />

on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2005), SFB 378 Memo Nr. 85, ISSN 0944-7822<br />

54. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Eds.): "Smart Graphics: Fourth International Symposium<br />

on Smart Graphics, SG2004, The Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada, May 2004, Proceedings",<br />

Springer LNCS 3031, 2004<br />

55. Andreas Butz, Christian Kray, Antonio Krüger and Albrecht Schmidt (Eds.): "Workshop on Multi-User<br />

and Ubiquitous User Interfaces 2005 (MU3I 2004)"at the International Conference on Intelligent User<br />

Interfaces (IUI 2004), SFB 378 Memo Nr. 83, ISSN 0944-7822<br />

56. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Eds.): "Smart Graphics: Third International Symposium<br />

on Smart Graphics, SG2003, Hei<strong>de</strong>lberg, Germany, July 2003, Proceedings", Springer LNCS<br />

2733, 2003<br />

57. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Patrick Olivier, Stefan Schlechtweg and Michelle Zhou (Eds.): "Proceedings<br />

of the Second International Symposium on Smart Graphics", ACM Press, 2002<br />

58. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Patrick Olivier and Michelle Zhou (Eds.): "Proceedings of the First International<br />

Symposium on Smart Graphics", ACM Press, 2001<br />

59. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Eds.): "Smart Graphics: Papers from the 2000<br />

AAAI Spring Symposium, AAAI Technical Report SS-00-04, AAAI press 2000, ISBN 1-57735-110-X.<br />

Theses, Technical Reports<br />

60. Schmidt, P. Holleis, M. Kranz, A. Butz: „Kollaboration, Nachrichtenaustausch und Comm<strong>uni</strong>ties”<br />

Technical Report LMU-MI-2006-2, ISSN 1862-5207, 2006<br />

61. Schmidt, P. Holleis, M. Kranz, A. Butz: „Neue Formen <strong>de</strong>r Interaktion mit Mobilen Geräten“, Technical<br />

Report LMU-MI-2005-2, ISSN 1862-5207, 2005<br />

62. Schmidt, P. Holleis, M. Kranz, A. Butz: „Innovative Benutzungsschnittstellen und Neue Formen <strong>de</strong>r Interaktion“,<br />

Technical Report LMU-MI-2005-1, ISSN 1862-5207, 2005<br />

63. Andreas Butz, Tobias Höllerer, Clifford Beshers, Steven Feiner and Blair MacIntyre: "An Experimental<br />

Hybrid User Interface for Collaboration", Columbia University, Department of Computer Science,<br />

Technical Report CUCS-005-99<br />

64. Andreas Butz: "Ein inkrementeller Ansatz zur Generierung informativer 3D-Animationen", PhD Dissertation,<br />

Universität <strong>de</strong>s Saarlan<strong>de</strong>s 1997<br />

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65. Andreas Butz: "Betty: Planung und Generierung informativer Animationssequenzen", Diplomarbeit,<br />

Universität <strong>de</strong>s Saarlan<strong>de</strong>s 1994, auch als DFKI document (D-95-02), DFKI GmbH Saarbrücken 1995<br />

Demonstrations<br />

66. Andreas Butz, Otmar Hilliges, , Lucia Terrenghi and Dominikus Baur: "Hybrid Widgets on an Interactive<br />

Tabletop", in Exten<strong>de</strong>d Abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing<br />

(Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria, Sep. 2007<br />

67. Sebastian Boring, Manuela Altendorfer, Gregor Broll, Otmar Hilliges, Andreas Butz "Shoot & Copy:<br />

Phonecam-Based Information Transfer from Public Displays onto Mobile Phones", in Exten<strong>de</strong>d Abstracts<br />

of the Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria,<br />

Sep. 2007<br />

68. S. Feiner, B. Bell, E. Gagas, S. Güven, D. Hallaway, T. Höllerer, S. Lok, N. Tinna, R. Yamamoto, S.<br />

Julier, Y. Baillot, D. Brown, M. Lanzagorta, A. Butz, E. Foxlin, M. Harrington, L. Naimark, and D.<br />

Wormell: Mobile Augmented Reality Systems. ACM SIGGRAPH ’01 Emerging Technologies, Los<br />

Angeles, CA, Aug. 12–17, 2001.<br />

Patents<br />

69. Andreas Butz, Otmar Hilliges, Lucia Terrenghi: "Digitales Informationsverarbeitungssystem mit Benutzerinteraktionselement"<br />

Deutsche Patentanmeldung Nr. 10 2006 051 967.1 (pending), Deutsches Patent-<br />

und Markenamt, Anmeldung am 03.11.2006<br />

70. Andreas Butz, Michael Schmitz, Matthias Hahnen, Robert Dörr: "Interaktiver Behälteruntersetzer",<br />

Deutsches Gebrauchsmuster Nr. DE 20 2006 003 621-0, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, 06.03.2006<br />

71. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Markus Groß: "Eingabe- und Ausgabeeinheit für Informationen", Deutsches<br />

Patent Nr. 10341045, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, 21.12.2003<br />

72. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Christoph Bartelmus: "Vorrichtung zur Anzeige von Informationen",<br />

Deutsches Gebrauchsmuster Nr. 200 19 794.0, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, 22.02.2001<br />

73. Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Christoph Bartelmus: "Navigations- und Informationssystem basierend<br />

auf Infrarottechnik", Deutsches Gebrauchsmuster Nr. 200 06 566.1, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt,<br />

17.08.2000<br />

Selected Press<br />

74. "Computer erobern <strong>de</strong>n Alltag", LMU Jahresschrift "Einsichten", LMU München, 2006<br />

75. Presse-, Rundfunk- und Fernsehberichte über <strong>de</strong>n interaktiven Bier<strong>de</strong>ckel [17] auf CNN, BBC, Slashdot,<br />

BILD, ZDF, Sat1, Discovery Channel and over 50 print and broadcast media.<br />

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Table of Contents<br />

PERSONAL DATA..................................................................................................... 1<br />

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 3<br />

SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES........................................................................................... 3<br />

TEACHING ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 5<br />

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.......................................................................................... 7<br />

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