Crown Lands Alienation Act 1868 31 Vic c 46 - Ozcase Queensland ...

Crown Lands Alienation Act 1868 31 Vic c 46 - Ozcase Queensland ...

Crown Lands Alienation Act 1868 31 Vic c 46 - Ozcase Queensland ...


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An <strong>Act</strong> to Consolidate and Amend the Laws relating to the <strong>Alienation</strong> of<br />

<strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong>.<br />

WEI~~REAS<br />


it is expcdicnt bo consolidntc and amend tlie laws Prenmblo.<br />

relating to the alienaiion of Crowii lands Bc it enacted by the<br />

Queen's Most Excellent Illajesty by and with the aclvicc aid consent<br />

of the Legislative Couiicil and Legislative Assembly of <strong>Queensland</strong> in<br />

Parliament asseniblect and 1 ) the ~ authority of the same as follows-<br />

PART I.<br />

htroducto~y .<br />

1. At and from the time of the commencement of this <strong>Act</strong> the<br />

Orders in Council aid several <strong>Act</strong>s mentioned in the schedule A <strong>Act</strong>s kc.<br />

hereto annexecl and a~ rules and regulations made thereunder respectively<br />

coiicerniiig thc sale or other disposal of the waste lands of the<br />

<strong>Crown</strong> micl all otlier <strong>Act</strong>s 1aws and regthtions if any inconsistent with<br />

the provisions or spirit of this Aut in fo~ci. in the colony of <strong>Queensland</strong><br />

at thc time of' the passing of this <strong>Act</strong> shttll be and a~ hereh;~ repealed<br />

saving always all rights claims peiialties :incl liabilities alre&dy trccrued<br />

or incurred and 111 existeiice But noihing lierein contained sliall alter<br />

Or repeal the <strong>Act</strong> of the Yarhment of New South TTal(:s twenty<br />

<strong>Vic</strong>toria<br />


,<br />

Interpretation of<br />

words.<br />

CroJvn lulda.<br />

Town land^.<br />

<strong>Vic</strong>toria number tmenty-nine Provided al\\iays that tlie satisfaction<br />

of all such rights aid claims as tiforesaid sliall be carricd out accordiiig<br />

to the modes of procedure and suhject to the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong><br />

and that no aciioii suit or yroccediiig civil 01' c~iiiiiiial iii aiiy court of<br />

lamr or equity alrendy comiiici~ccd or lic~realkr io be commenccci under<br />

or by i-irtiie of any existing <strong>Act</strong>J law or regulation in respect of any<br />

matter or contract8 already doiic suflercd or eiitcrccl into nor any<br />

penalty forfeiture or liability inciirred 01' to be incurred iuiiclcr any<br />

existing <strong>Act</strong> law or rcgulatioii ill respect of niiy contract already<br />

ciitercd into or aiiy act or matter alrcady donc 01- snffcrecl shall abate<br />

or be waived prc,j~dicccl or hindcrcd by aiiytliing hcrciii contaiued liut<br />

a11 such rights lizhilitics nctioiis suits and 1~rocwcliiigs shall l)c enforced<br />

and contiiiuc to their lti~vfd terniiiiatioii as if this <strong>Act</strong> hac1 not beell<br />

passed.<br />

L-Ai teqmlu t ioi~ C/msc.<br />

2. The folloi~ iug tcriiis within iiirertcd coiiiiiia~ slid1 for tlie<br />

prposes OS this <strong>Act</strong> bear thc, mcaiiiiigs set asaiiist them respectii\-clg<br />

unless wliere the context iiiiplies otlierwise-<br />

" <strong>Crown</strong> Lanc1s"-All lauds vested in Hcr Majesty which<br />

have not been cledicatccl to any public purpose or wliicli<br />

liave not bem graiitcd or lawfully contracted to be<br />

granted to aiiy pcrsoii in fee siinple and all lands<br />

which at tlic time of the passing of this <strong>Act</strong> iuay<br />

have hecoine or which after tlic passing of this <strong>Act</strong><br />

may become forfeited 1)y reason of aiiy breach in thc<br />

conditions on mliicli tlic same haT-e beeii granted OP<br />

contracted to be grantrcl.<br />

" Tonrii I~inds"-All <strong>Crown</strong> laiids in aiiy city town or villagc<br />

a'lready proclaiiilecl or to be hereafter proclaimed as a<br />

site for thc s:~iiie respectively.<br />

Suburban lauds. " Suburban laiicl~"--All Crowii lxiids within distmcC: of<br />

.)ulltT Lnd.<br />

ring purposes.<br />

ultural land.<br />

two ides from rtiiy town lands.<br />

" Country land "-All laiids not bcing town or suburban lands.<br />

'' Mining pwposes"-The searching and working of land for<br />

and removal therefrom of any iintural iiiiiieral body or<br />

liquid otlier than gold or water.<br />

" Agricultural land "-All the rich scrub forest and opcu<br />

lands suitable for cultivation whether such bc found near<br />

rivers creeks the sea or iiilancl.<br />

lrst-clans pastoral<br />

land.<br />

" First-class pastoral lami "-All good open or lightly<br />

timbered couiitry which though unfit for cultivation is<br />

well adapted for grazing pLu'poses.<br />

Second-clrus paahral " SccOnd-clrtSS ]JLLStOrd kLnd " - All coui~hg lands liot<br />

land. agricultural or first-class pastoral.<br />

Rima.<br />

" Runs"-A11 Cro~vn lancls hcld by lessees Lider any existing<br />

Bettled .districts.<br />

Unsettled distncts.<br />

Township reser'res.<br />

Railway resarves.<br />

law for pastoral purposes aid not dividecl by inteimediate<br />

runs or distinct natural bounclaries.<br />

" Settled districts "--All lai~ds described in scliedulc B to<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> togetlm with any lands which may lie Iiereaftcr<br />

proclaimed as such as hereinafter providcd.<br />

;' Unsettlecl districts"--hll <strong>Crown</strong> laucls ~diich at the time<br />

of tlie passing of this <strong>Act</strong> or nt any time hereafter shall<br />

not have been brought wiihin the settled districts.<br />

'' Township reserves"-All lands witliin tlie liniits described<br />

by proclamabion of thc Governor as fomiing a township<br />

reserve.<br />

'' Railway reserves"-All lands within three ides 011 citlicr<br />

side of any railway at present constructed or tlie line<br />

for which has been smvryed and approved by Parlianient<br />

with a view to future construction. " Governor' '

<strong>31</strong>” VICTORIA3 No. <strong>46</strong>. 499<br />

‘‘ Governor” and “ Governor in Council”-shall be held Governor shall mean<br />

indifferently to mean the Governor mitli the advice of Oovernor in<br />

the Executive Couiicil.<br />

“ Minister”-The<br />

(‘ Gcrzette”--The<br />

Secretary for Lancls.<br />

Quee~~slni~rl Go.z;ei*nmmt Gazette. Gazette.<br />

Minister.<br />

“ Pastoral lease and license” shall respectively include every Pastornl lense.<br />

lease or licensc of <strong>Crown</strong> lands for pastoral purposes<br />

issued undcr Ilie provisions of aiiy lam-s now in force.<br />

‘‘ Pastoral tenant” shall mean the lawful holder of any pustorRl tenant.<br />

such lease or license v&ether as original lessee or licensee<br />

or the lawful assignee of any such lessee or licensee.<br />

‘‘ Agricultural lessee” shall mean any person mho at the C O ~ Agricultural - iossae.<br />

menccment of this <strong>Act</strong> shall have ncquirccl any conditional<br />

right to becoaie the purchaser of land in fee simple<br />

under any <strong>Act</strong> nom in i‘orce relating to agricultural<br />

reserTrcs or under any lams or regulations for encouraging<br />

tlic growth of cotton coffec sugar or any other special<br />

production or unclcr the X,rci::iizg <strong>Act</strong> qf 1866.<br />

‘‘ Conditional pnrch2ser” “ Lesscc” or “ Homestead lessee” Conditional purcha-<br />

shall mean any person selecting land under this <strong>Act</strong> sel’--l;essees.<br />

with a right of acquiriiig the freehold of such land on<br />

fulfilling the conditions attached to the occupation<br />

thereof.<br />

“ I)epositor” shall mean any person paying any money to Depositor.<br />

any land agent for the purposes of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

“ Selector” shall mean the incliviclnal person who shall be Selector.<br />

named as such in any selector’s certificate under the<br />

provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

‘‘ Licensed sui’vcyor”-Any person holding a certificate from Licensed sumeyor.<br />

the Surveyor-General that he is compctent to act as c2<br />

survcyor under this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

“ Office clays and lio~~rs”-Such (lays and such hours as shall Office clnyannd llouxb.<br />

he notified as tlic days ancl liours respectively upon<br />

which the land aqeiit ibr any particular district county<br />

area or portion thereof respectjvely shall have his office<br />

open for the transaction of liminess undcr this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

‘‘ Appraisement”-Settlement of price value or clamage by Appraisemmt.<br />

appraisers appointed in manner prescribed by this<br />

<strong>Act</strong>.<br />

“ Arbitration”-Settlement in like nianner by arbitrators of hrbitrntion.<br />

bonndaries or of any question or matter in dispute not<br />

coming under the head of appraisement.<br />

‘‘ Frontage”-Frontage to the sea or to any road river stream Frontage.<br />

or watercourse which according to the regulations to be<br />

made under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> ought to form a<br />

bo~mdary between different blocks or allotnients of land.<br />

“Improvements”-Any head station homesteacl store stable hut Iinprorementa.<br />

woolshed sheep pen drafting yard barn stockyard fencing<br />

well dam rcservoir tank trough fencing of sheep paddocks<br />

artificial watercourse or wntering-place garden clearing<br />

cultivation or plantation of trees shrubs or artificial<br />

grasses or any other builcliiig erection construction or<br />

appliance being a fixture for the working or manage-<br />

ment of a r~m farm grazing-farni or plantation ancl of<br />

aiiy sheep cattle OY horses clepasturecl thereon and for<br />

maintaining or increasing the pastoral oi’ agricultural<br />

capabilities thereof Provided that such improvements be<br />

upon land belon,ning: to the <strong>Crown</strong>.

500 <strong>31</strong>’ VICTORIlE NO. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

RcpIlatioas to be<br />

made.<br />

laiids wlic shall liarc poiver bo exercise the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong><br />

Provided hit tllc Goveriior S l d d&r: a1id d.cchrc th(> dutiC< of<br />

such coiiiiuissioncrs ix regulations to bc iiinclc by him for that par-<br />

Regulations to bo<br />

laid ment. before<br />

pose ,111 such ~eg~lhbions sha!l rithiu fourteen clays Of the iSSUc<br />

tliereof bc laic1 bcforc Parliainciit if tiicii sitting and if not within<br />

fourteen days of the eoiiiiiience~ei~t of the iicst scssion.<br />

Governor in Council 4. Each commissiouer shall sit at thc laiid offices of hi<<br />

to determine the time district at certain stnteil tiiiics to be dcicriiiinccl by the Gomriior in<br />

of of tile<br />

Commissioner. Couiicil.<br />

Commissioner's b. All questions siiall be clccided by thc coivliiiissioncr who<br />

decisions to be con-<br />

firnlcd by Governor shall give his decision in open court subject to confirmation by the<br />

in Council. Governor in Council.<br />

Application book to 6. A book to be called the “ Al~plicatioii Book ” shall be kept<br />

be kept. opeii durkig office hours aiid at all land offices in which the name of<br />

Priority of41t to<br />

be heard liom deter.<br />

mined.<br />

cvcry pers xi desiring to malic any application to tlic commissioner<br />

shall be written in orcler by himself or any person duly a~itliorised in<br />

his behalf and such app1ic:uit shall lodge a written staicineiit of the<br />

subject of his application and tlir coiniiiissioner shall consider mid<br />

determine all applications in the order in wliich they shall apliear in<br />

the applicztion book Provided that if any person shall not appear<br />

himself or by any person duly aubliorisect on his liehalf before the<br />

conimissiouer when called in his turn his alqdicntioii shall Isc dismissed<br />

until his ~iamc shall appear again in the booli in order Provided<br />

also that if two or more persons shall apjdy ai the same time for the<br />

same portion to write their names in the application book the land<br />

agent OF his clerk shall bracket their names aiid shall iiiitial the<br />

bracket a d when they shall appcar beforc the commissioner the<br />

commissioner shall determine bhe priority of right to be heard by lot<br />

ancl it sha!l not bc ladul for the commissioncr to hear any applicatioii<br />

escept such as shall be inade in accorclance with this regulation.<br />

Conimissioner to 7. The couimissioiier shall cause to be kcpt true and dctailed<br />

keep niinutes Of pro- minutes ol’ all applicntioiis made and all decisions therein and of all<br />

ceedings.<br />

sums of moncys paid to the landagent and of a11 proceedings and such<br />

minutes shall be signed by him and shall be open to the inspectioii of<br />

all persons desiring to inspect the same during office hours.<br />

Notice of resumption 8. Within four qdis of the passing of this <strong>Act</strong> notice of<br />

to bc glyentolloldcrs resumptio,i to the ho!dsrs of runs within the settled districts as<br />

3f mns.<br />

required by the forty-fourth clause of tlie <strong>Act</strong> twenty-seven <strong>Vic</strong>toria<br />

number seventeen aiicl not already resumed under the Agyicultzcral<br />

Resemes <strong>Act</strong> of 1S63 shall be given by the Minister for Lsiids and on the<br />

expiration of the period fixed by szicl <strong>Act</strong> of twelve montlis from the<br />

date of such notices such lands shall be opeii to selection by conditional<br />

purchasers or for sale by public auction or subsequciit selection<br />

Holders of rims rimy as hereinafter provided Proviclecl always that shodd any pastoral tenant<br />

lun8 within the said settled districts signify in writing to the Minister for<br />

brought iinder operation<br />

of tili9 <strong>Act</strong>. <strong>Lands</strong> within six moiiths froin the date of the aforcsaid notice his<br />

desire to Lave his run at once brought under the operation of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

the commissioner for the district in mliich such run is situated shall<br />

iiiclicate to the Minister for Laiids such portions of such run as niay<br />

probably be needed for townships or railway reserves and it shall<br />

be lawful for the commissioner to call on the pastoral tenant to di&k<br />

the remainder of the run into tm7o parts as nearly as may be 11y a<br />

right line or natural feature 2nd the comniissioiier shall then recommend<br />

to the Minister for <strong>Lands</strong> Ti-liich portion shall be resumed by the<br />

Government and that a lease be granted in favor of such pastoral tenant<br />

for a term of ten years of the part of the ~ L U least likely to be required<br />

for selection or sale by auction not exceeding one half of the entire<br />

sun.<br />

9. In

<strong>31</strong>" VICTORIZE NO. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

c'i O/lli/ 17,1(7> l~~;Pl/ lnay hold his run or runs nC, tlie same rates after selection.<br />

as at present for rent and assessment till the eiicl of the present<br />

term of his lease sulijcct at the espirtltioii of twelve months' notice<br />

as before mentioiied to free sdec Lion by conclilional purchasers or<br />

to sales by auction or sclcction of the whole or any part of his run<br />

or runs rdlownncc in tlic miit 1)eiiig madc at tlic end of each<br />

year in proportion to the quantity of land selected or sold chiring the<br />

year Provided always that not less tlian twelve months before<br />

the expiration of his: prsscnt tcriv ancl from time to tiinc afterwards<br />

leascs for periods of fivc years at the upset price of onc pound per<br />

squarc inilc iu oiic or inore lots of those portions of the runs still<br />

unoccupied or unsold subj ec-l always to iimnediate free selection or<br />

sale as licrcinafter providccl may be offcrccl for sale by lmblic auction<br />

at; the 1:iiid offcc of tlic clistrid nfttcr at least oylc nioiith's notice<br />


~ __<br />

<strong>31</strong>" VICTORIA2 No, <strong>46</strong>.<br />


thcrcof rcsycctivelp aiitl after aucli proclamation tho laixls comprisecl<br />

within such comitics aiid pari shes respectidy sliall tliuiiccforward bc<br />

recognised by such llallles as coiuntim and parishcs respectively.<br />

21. It shnll ljc la~vfnl for the Qoveriior from tinic to tho to power tu Ive9ervB<br />

grant in trust or by l)rocltLniation to reserw (\ither temporarily or :;i;:;p;z for<br />

pcrinnncntly aiiy <strong>Crown</strong> lmtls ivliicli in his opinion are or may be<br />

required for quays lannliiig placos tramways railways railway stations<br />

roads bridges ferries canals or other internal comiiiimications or for tlic<br />

approachcq OP otlicr purposes necessarily appertaining to any such<br />

tvorlis or for reservoirs aqueducts or water-coLurscs or for the use or<br />

1)eneiit of blic nborigiiiul inlin1,itanls or for the sites of markets<br />

abuttoirs public baths or vnslihouses schools or colleges established<br />

uiider the supervision of tlic Govcriiment according to any <strong>Act</strong>s<br />

for the time being in force iiieclianics’ institutes libraries<br />

lniiseums or other instittitions for public non-scholastic iiistructioii<br />

public gardens or csperiiiicntal farms and parks ngricu1i;nral and<br />

liorticultnval societies hospitals asylums infirmaries cstablishments for<br />

relief of iiidigent pevsons lock-ups police stations or pacldoclm gaols<br />

places for the interment of the dead or for the rccre a t’ ion coiiveniencc<br />

health or amusement of thc people or for niiy other purpose of public<br />

dcfeiice sttfcty niility conwiiiencz: or enjoyment or for othermisc facilitatins<br />

the iiiiprommcnt aiicl settlcincnt of tlie colony.<br />

23. Where before the commcncemeiit of this <strong>Act</strong> any <strong>Crown</strong><br />

prevv’ouspromisa<br />

lands have been promised and set apart for any of the purposes to grollt for public<br />

purposes to be carried<br />

hereinbefore mentioned if possession thereof ham beeii given or if out.<br />

trustees thereof ham heeii appointed or if a written promise to grant<br />

the same have liecn givcii by tlie Government aiicl if sucli promise he<br />

established to the satisfaction of the Governor and the fulfilment<br />

thereof bc claimed within twelve iiioiiths from tlic conimenceinent of<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> aiicl if notice of such claim lias been proclaimed for four<br />

successive weclis thc Goi-criior on behalf OC Her Majesty inay 1rt;vfully<br />

grant! such lands in fee to triistecs for such pryosees.<br />

23. Rftcr :my laad lias hecn tcinporarily resei~xl the stime Ltlllcls rcscrved per.<br />

shall not bc sold uiitil such temporary reservation bt.. revoked manc11tlj not to bo<br />

by tlie Governor aid after aiiy laiicl 113s been perinmeiitly reservecl sO1d’<br />

every conveyance or alienatioii thereof cxcept for tlie purpose for<br />

which swh rescrvatioii has been iilade shall be absolutely yoid<br />

against all persons whomsoever except as apiiist tlie <strong>Crown</strong>.<br />

24. When any land shall be temporarily reservecl by virtue of xotlcc of reservatlol,<br />

the provisions of this ilct notice of such resersratioii sliall be inserted by Crqwll to be 111-<br />

8ortccl 111 Cfarette.<br />

for a period of not less tlmn four consecutive weeks ancl not iiiore<br />

than thirteen coiisecutive Jveelis as circumstances may require in the<br />

Gouer~ze:zt Guzette and before my sucli teiiiporary rescrvation is<br />

revoked iioticc of aucli rcvocatioii sliall be in lilie imnner inserted as<br />

aforesaid.<br />

2.5. Before :wy land is periiiaiiently rcsewcd uncicr the powers Kotlce pl.lor to per.<br />

of this <strong>Act</strong> notice of the intention of’ aucli reservntioii shall be mnentreservation.<br />

inserted iii the Govew~meiit Gctzettc for thirteen consecutive Tveelis and<br />

in every snch iioticc thc land proposed to be reserved ancl tlic pnrpose<br />

for which it is to bp rescri-ed shall be f~dlp desciibccl aiicl stated.<br />

26. Wlicn IIer JIajesig has become or may hcreaftcr bccome P ~ to ~ ,11 ~ ~ ,<br />

entitled to niiy lnl~di<br />

citliey by escheat for mant of heirs or by reason case ofeic1mt ,QC.<br />

of any forfeitnrc for trcasou felony or otlierm-ise or by rcason that the<br />

same lias upon inquisition bccn found io liave brcn gmntcd or otherwise<br />

vestecl into tlic use of or in trust for any alien or aliens<br />

it sliall be ladul for thc Govcrnor on behalf of Her Majesty and<br />

according to tlio fornis of this <strong>Act</strong> to grant auuli lr~uds iii fec-simple<br />

to 011)- persoii for the purpose of restoring tlia same to any of the<br />


504<br />

Application €01.<br />

closing unuecesuary<br />

roads.<br />

Application to bu<br />

advertised.<br />

Cousequeut diena-<br />

tion.<br />

Ct-uiwL Lmtls Aliciiatioii <strong>Act</strong> 4 <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

-<br />

family of Ilic pcrsoii in wV:ioin or for wliusc bcncfit thc same hacl<br />

Iicen vested or of carrying iiito cffcct any iiitc,idcd grant convcyancc or<br />

clcvise of such last-nicntioiicil pcrson iii relation to such or of rcmarding<br />

tiny person 111aIiing discovery of sucli escheat or forfeitwe or of HCY<br />

Majesty's riglit aiid tiilc tliercto I'rovidcd tltnt before any land under<br />

escheat is re-conveyed 1 q the Cromii such slid be aclwxtised for two<br />

consccntivc inoiitlis in Ihc Govei-mcizt Gcmttc.<br />

27. It shall be lawful for tlie owner or o~vuers of any puxhased<br />

laiid adjoining a road wliicli is req~iircd for access to such Irtnds only<br />

aiid not otherwise for pMic usc or convcnlciice to make application<br />

in writing to ilie Minister that such road may he- closecl.<br />

25. Ou the receipt of sucli applicatioii the Minisicr sldl<br />

cause notice tliereof to be inserted in tlie Grmlte and in such<br />

local newspapers if any as hc niay think aclvisable and fbr sucb period<br />

iiot less than two nor niorc t1ia:i six cideiitlar inontiis coiisecutiw-cly as<br />

lie may think right.<br />

29. At the cxpimtioii of such pcyiocl 25: inst tdorcb:iid if tlic<br />

Govcriior approvcs of such application hc mty orcicr tlic closing 01<br />

snch road anti upon payment o€ such 1)rike as lie may think reasonable<br />

(iiot being less than the original upset price oi such adjoiiiing lands)<br />

together with ,211 clccd fkes under tliis <strong>Act</strong> a grant in fce ol tlic soil of<br />

sucli road sh be issued to the o~viier or ratcably to the various<br />

owners of siic Y 1 zdjoining land OP as they may rcqucst in the same<br />

niaimer as if such road had liccn purchascrl by him or them at auction<br />

under the Drovisions liereinhefore contaiiicd.<br />

I<br />

sale in consideration 30. Upon application made within twelve montlis after the<br />

of improvements.<br />

passing of this <strong>Act</strong> hy any psoii who may prior thcrcto have madc<br />

improvements of not less valuc than t8meiit,y pounds upon laiiils coni-<br />

prised within the boundaries of any city town or village OY upoii<br />

iipplication within twelve months aftcr the proclamation in tlic<br />

Goverizineid Guzette of tlie first d e of town lots sitmtecl within<br />

any new city town or village reserve within wliich improvements<br />

may be situated it shall be lawful for the Governor to sell ancl grant<br />

the allotment or allotments containing such iniprovemciits to tlic<br />

owner of such improvements without competition at its fair value in<br />

an unimproved state not being Iess tliaii the niiniiuum upset price of<br />

such lands.<br />

SalCS wlthout corn= <strong>31</strong>. In cases in whicli tliere ln~y be no conveiiicnt way of<br />

lletltlon in spcclal access to any portion of <strong>Crown</strong> lanci or in which any portion niay be<br />

cases.<br />

insufficient in area for public sale or iu wlicli a portion of <strong>Crown</strong><br />

land inay lie between land alreacly granled and a street or road which<br />

forms or should form tlic may of approacli to such granted land or in<br />

which buildings erectec! on ltds alrcady granted imy liavo esteudud<br />

over <strong>Crown</strong> lands or in my 0th cases of a like liincl ilic Go~crnor<br />

may sell and grant such lands to the holder or liolclerd of ac1,jaccnt<br />

lands without competition and at a price to be determined by the<br />

Minister or other officer duly authorised in that behalf.<br />

Limitation of area<br />

thereof.<br />

-Wi?biZbg Pzbrc7~uses.<br />

32. Iu cases wlicre persons or companies shall l)c clcshous of<br />

1)urcliasing laiids for ruining purposes otlier than for gold it shall be<br />

lawful for the Governor to sell the same to such person or conipany<br />

subject to the following coiiditim-<br />

(1.) The area to be sold to any one person or conipaiiy shall<br />

in 110 case exceed six liuiidred ancl forty licrcs iior less than<br />

forty acrcs esccpt wlicrc tho land inay Iiavc been<br />

previously surveyed for salc in which cw,c thc application<br />

may be restrictcd to thc bouncl~rics already 1iiarlicd<br />

not being in any case less than forty acres.<br />

(2.) The

c_<br />

--<br />

3l0 VICTORIJE No. <strong>46</strong>. 505<br />

Crotuiz Ln.zcls Alimation <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

.-- ____ ______________<br />

(2.) The price shall in no case be less than one pound per acre<br />

and the Governor inay affix any higher price which he<br />

inay deem to be the market value of tlie land without<br />

regard to the minerals therein contained.<br />

(3.) A deposit of five shillings per acre shall be paid at the<br />

tiins of applicatjon and the balance of the purcliasc<br />

money within twelve inontlis (hit ii the land is situated<br />

in cithcr the pastoral clistricts of tlie Kennedy Burke<br />

Cook Mitchell Warrego or Gregory within eighteen<br />

months) from the date of the application being approved<br />

and the applicant shall also proclucc satisfactory<br />

cviclence that he lias expended a sum equal to one pound<br />

per acre in boizdJiilc working tlie minerals on said land.<br />

Lcmd Agepzts.<br />

33. It sliall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to Power to appolllt.<br />

timc to appoint persons to act on behalf of the Government for the<br />

sale selection leasing and otlier~visc detiling wit11 the various descriptions<br />

of <strong>Crown</strong> lands according to the several provisions of this <strong>Act</strong><br />

ancl such persons shall bc stylecl " lnnd agents " vith the duties<br />

po~vcrs and lialiilities as hereinafter provided.<br />

34. The Governor in Council sliall require a fidelity bond issued aovernment may<br />

by a, public company from each land agent in a sum of not less than requre<br />

five hundred pounds sterling.<br />

35. On receipt of any moneys paydble UiiCk!r the provisions of Receipts to be given<br />

land *gent.<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> the land agent shall give the depositor a receipt for the same<br />

and shall within seven days thereafter forward a duplicate of said<br />

receipt to the Auditor-General and every such receipt shall be in such<br />

form as the said Auditor-Gencral shall direct.<br />

36. In any case in which any land agent shall npon clemancl fail ~a11d agent to be<br />

subject to proviaions<br />

of Larceny <strong>Act</strong> of<br />

to account for and pay over to tlie C'olonial Treasurer any money which<br />

lic shall have received from any depositor whether lie shall linve given a 1865.<br />

receipt for the same or not and whether such receipt be or be not formally<br />

accuratc ancl notwithstanding any error or omission on the part of the<br />

depositor or of the land agent such land agent shall be p~inzcc fcicie<br />

deeined guilty of embezzling money under the provisions of the Larceizy<br />

<strong>Act</strong> of 1365 relating to public servants and it shall not be necessary<br />

to prove any fraudulent intention on the part of sryh land agent.<br />

37. Yrovided always that a prosecution under the said <strong>Act</strong> for Prosecution under<br />

Larcen,y <strong>Act</strong> not to<br />

any such default shall not whatever bc its result in any may prejuclice prejodlco my civil<br />

or interfere with aiiy civil proceccliugs or forfeiture against any such pi-oceecImg against<br />

land agent.<br />

land agent with respect to tlie money unaccounted for.<br />

38. Every land agent shall kcell n register in which hc shall Agent to kcep regis-<br />

enter all applications to select <strong>Crown</strong> lands which shall be lodgecl at ter*<br />

his ofice and in the event of any such application bcing subsequently<br />

rejected shall record such rejection ngainst the entry of the application<br />

and such register shall be open to public inspection during office<br />

hours.<br />

Sales by &Lection.<br />

30. For the purposes of this <strong>Act</strong> the settled districts of the Settled districts.<br />

colony shall comprise the area specified in schedule B to this<br />

<strong>Act</strong> with further cxtensions that may froni time to time be made by<br />

proclamation of the Governor in conformity with resolutions to that<br />

effect passcd by both HOLEXS of Parliament or by proclamation of<br />

township or milway reserves.<br />

40. ht,thc expiration of two nionths from the passing of this ccri L1ll clcscriptions<br />

<strong>Act</strong> all lands within railway reserves wliicli as such are to be esclude(1 ;'t:;21:;d yp:t;;<br />

fro1<strong>31</strong> the part lensed to the pastoral tenant and countcc1 as part of the aelcctiou.<br />

resumed hdf OB the subdivision of any run a.: nlso the country land<br />

in,<br />

-<br />


606 <strong>31</strong>’ VICTORIA3 NO. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

Proclamation of land<br />

to selectio”.<br />

in the township reservcs as well as all land in the reseryes made or<br />

proclainiccl uiider bhc Agi~icmltzwnl Rcseives Acl of 1SG3 shall till other.<br />

wise classified be deemed and taken to be agricultural laiicl and shall as<br />

such be open to sclection by conditional purchasers or sale by auction 8s<br />

liercinaftcr providcd Provided always that the comniissioncr shall not<br />

at any time have the power to classify aiiy land in such railway or t0M.n.<br />

ship reserve as second-class pastoral lalid Provided also that anything<br />

in this <strong>Act</strong> to the contrary iiotivithstandiiig the lessee shall bc entitled<br />

to the lease of half his ruii for ten years under the pro&ions of this<br />

<strong>Act</strong> even if the same or aiiy portion of the same sliall be iiiclnded in<br />

any agricultw a1 reserve.<br />

41. Previous to any land being open to selcction under<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> except as mentioncd in the 1)rececling clause notification<br />

of its liouiidarics and the day €rom and aftcr which it sliall bc open<br />

shall be given at least oiie month prior thereto by proclamation<br />

in the Govelrziiieizt Cuxette and nearest local nemspaper Provided that<br />

the Governor may withdraw from selection any land for the purpose<br />

of survey with tl view to its being brought forward for sale as surveyed<br />

lots.<br />

Divieion into classes. 42. All lands witliin the settled districts that under this <strong>Act</strong><br />

may be proclaimed open for selection shall according as they are allotted<br />

by the commissioner of such district to conditioiial purchasers or honie-<br />

Limit to conditional<br />

purchasers.<br />

Limit to conditional<br />

purchasers.<br />

Limit to eonditiond<br />

purchasers.<br />

Form and notice of<br />

application.<br />

Piices.<br />

Applications to be<br />

received by land<br />

agent.<br />

Applications to be<br />

registered.<br />

stead lessees be clivideci into tluee classes namely-<br />

Agricultural land<br />

First-class pastoral land<br />

Second-class pastoral land<br />

\<br />

43. Selections by conditioiial purchasers of agricultural land<br />

except such selcctions as come within the provisions of sections seventy<br />

and seventy-ono of this <strong>Act</strong> shall not be less than forty nor more<br />

than six hundred and forty acres.<br />

44. Selections by conditional purchasers of first-class pastoral<br />

land shall not be less than eighty nor more than two thousand five<br />

liundred and sixty acres.<br />

45. Selections by conditional purchasers of second-class pastoral<br />

land shall not be less than ciglity nor more than seven tliousand six<br />

hundred and eighty acres.<br />

<strong>46</strong>. The mode and terms of selection shall be as follows-Any<br />

person (except as hereinafter excepted) niay on any office day during<br />

office hours tender to the commissioner or land agent for the district<br />

an application in the form contained in schedule E of this <strong>Act</strong> for<br />

selection of land within any area proclaimed as open for selection as<br />

aforesaid accompanied hy a deposit in cash or land orders equal to the<br />

first instalment payable on the land to be selected at the price of-<br />

Fifteen shillings per acre payable in ten annual instalments<br />

of one shilliiig and sixpence per acre for agricultural<br />

land<br />

Ten shillings per acre payable in ten annual instalments of<br />

one shilliiig per acre for first-class pastoral land<br />

Five shillings per acre payable in ten annual instalments of<br />

sixpence per acre for second-class pastoral land.<br />

Together with the survey fees payable respectively iii each case.<br />

47. Applications for tlie conditional purchase of agricultuid<br />

land shall be received by the land agent and the land at once<br />

allotted subject to such general regulations concerning survey roads<br />

or the prevention of a monopoly of permanent water or otherwise as may<br />

be made pursuant to the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

48. Previous to survey applications for first and second class<br />

pastoral land shall only be provisionally registered by the land<br />


_-<br />

<strong>31</strong>" VICTOKIlE No. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

Croton Lniids Alierintion <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

agent ancl after survey the evidence of the surveyor or other credible<br />

witness or witnesses and his or their solemn declaration of its quality<br />

to the best of his or their judgment shall be obtained and sliould any<br />

doubts exist the mattcr shall be cletermined by personal inspection of the<br />

commissioner subject to such general regulations concerning survey<br />

roads or the prevention of a monopoly of permanent water or otherwisc<br />

as may be madc pursuant to the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

49. Any person making application to select land uncler this coat of<br />

<strong>Act</strong> shall at the time of delivering such applicatiou to the Or survey made by<br />

applicant.<br />

Iaiicl agent deposit the amount of the survey fees payable<br />

according to schedule H of this <strong>Act</strong> Proviclccl that if the Government<br />

shall not have surveyed the land within three months of the date of<br />

such application the applicant shall be at liherty to have the land<br />

surveyed by a licensed surveyor ancl the survey fecs picl by him shall<br />

be returned.<br />

50. <strong>Crown</strong> lands selected 11y lease before survey and having Proportion of front<br />

frontage to any watercourse or main road shall not have a greater ;~F~;z;:~t;<br />

breadth of frontage thereto than equal to lialf tlie depth of said<br />

portion where the area does not exceed one hundred ancl sixty acres<br />

or two-thirds of the depth where the area exceeds one hundred and<br />

sixty acres but is not greater than three hundred ancl twenty acres or<br />

equal to the whole depth where the area exceeds tliree hundred and<br />

twenty acres and the boundaries not having frontage to roads or<br />

naiiiral features shall be rectangular and be dlrected to the cardinal<br />

points unless the cornmissioner shall deem it desirable to direct that any<br />

other general bearing shall be adopted for that portion of country.<br />

-51. When any land selected as aforesaid shall have been to iasne<br />

sLwveyed sild approvecl by tlie Minister for <strong>Lands</strong> the Governor shall lease.<br />

issue to the selector a lease of said land subjcct to the conclitioiis and<br />

provisions hereinafter contained.<br />

(1.) The term of every such kaSe shall be for ten years com- Term of lease to be<br />

puted from the first day of January or July nearest to ten years.<br />

the date of application to select.<br />

(2.) The annual rent to be reserved under every such leasexmt.<br />

shall be as follows for every acre or fraction of an<br />

acre comprised therein-<br />

For agricultural lands one shilling and sispcnce<br />

For first-class pastoral lands one shilling<br />

For second-class pastoral land sixpencc<br />

and tlie second and all subsequent years annual rents<br />

shall be paid to the land agent on or before the thirty-<br />

first day of March in each ycar of tlic term of lease for<br />

which the rent is due and in clefhult of such payment<br />

the lease shall be forfeited ancl the land selected and<br />

all improvemcnts thereon shall revert to the CroTvva .<br />

Provided that Chc lessee may defeat such forfeiture Forfeiture may be<br />

507<br />

lodged<br />

for non-payment of rent by paying to the land agent in defeated payment<br />

of rent and fine<br />

cash within ninety clays of the day on which klie rent within ,fillety days of<br />

shall have fallen due a sum equal to the annual rent orlpn".lrent<br />

together with an additional sum equal to one-fourth<br />

part thereof by way of penalty but in default of such<br />

payment of rent ancl penalty within such ninety days<br />

the lease shall be absolutely forfeited ancl the said lessee<br />

ancl any person claiming under him shall be deemed a<br />

trcspasser upon <strong>Crown</strong> land ancl lialdc to be removcd<br />

therefrom as such under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

(3.) The

iJU0<br />

Selcctor to ercct and<br />

maintain boiuldary<br />

markr%s.<br />

R.ight of cntry to<br />

work miiierals.<br />

Residcnce neccsswy.<br />

Grant iu fec on Ixoof<br />

af fdtiheat of<br />

ooditions of<br />

improvement.<br />

Grant in foe on<br />

fulGlment of<br />

conditions.<br />

---<br />

(3.) The lcssec of any laiicls shall w-itliin six months fro111<br />

tlic date of selcctioii if thc laiid be prcviously survcyed OF<br />

within six iiioiiths froin tlie conipleiioii of tlic surrey<br />

if sclected beforc smvcy crect hnuiiilary posts along those<br />

boiindarjr lines of said hiid mliicli slid1 iiot bc clefinccl by a<br />

watercourse or clearly defiiicd iintnral fcaturc such 1)osts to<br />

11c not less than six inches iii diameter ailcl sdi tx o feet<br />

into the gro~iiicl mid lx at lcast two fcct nbovc lhc surface<br />

ancl iii no case shall tho tlistaiice belureeii tlic posts<br />

exceed fix cliaiiis 01 tlic lesscc sliall crect a good and<br />

substant)ial €elice along such boundary aiicl if such lessee<br />

sliall allow said bouiiclnry posts to fall iiito decay the<br />

coinlnissioiier shall cause a iiotice to he served 011 such<br />

lcssee requiring liiiii to replace or renew such boundary<br />

posts within three months aiicl if the lessee sliall fail or<br />

refusc to replace tlie same accordingly the coiiiiiiissioner<br />

shall on proof tliereof inflict such fine as lie shall<br />

see fit iiot cxceecling sixpence for each post and<br />

in default of paynmit of such fine into tlie liniicls of<br />

tlie land agent within one nioiitli from tlie clatc of notiiication<br />

tliercof tlie lease may be cancelled by thc<br />

Governor.<br />

(+.) During tlic currency of such lease tlic Governor ur any<br />

person authorised in that behalf imy eiiter on any part<br />

of the lands included in such lease and dig and rcmove<br />

therefrom any gold or other inctal or metallic orc<br />

provided that any pcrson so eiitcriiig tlic land and<br />

removing any such minerals shall pay to tlie lesscc a suni<br />

equal to tlic aniount of tlic actual clamagc which thc<br />

lessec shall sustain thcrefroni and tlic amount of such<br />

damage shall be dctcrinined by wbitrtioii 5s providcd<br />

by this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

(5.) Thc lessee of any agricultural or pastoral laud his agcnt or<br />

bailiff shall rcsidc on such selcctioii contiiiuously and<br />

llojzd $de during the tcriii of his lcasc Proviclcd tliat if<br />

at any timc during the currency of a lease it shall be<br />

proved to the satisfaction of the coniiiiissioiicr thal<br />

the lessee has abaiicloiicd his sclcction md failcd in<br />

regard to the performance of the conditions of rcsideiice<br />

cluing a period of six months it shall be lawful for the<br />

Governor to declare the lease absolutely forfeited and<br />

vacated.<br />

(6.) If within tlirce ycars from thc datc uf sclcctioii by lease<br />

of any pastoral land tlic lesscc slid1 1xovc by two<br />

crediblc witnesses to the satisfaction of tlie coiiimissioiicr<br />

that hc has resicicd in person or by bailiff on tlie said<br />

land for a period of two years ancl tliat ;L suiii at the<br />

rate of not less than ten shilliiigs per aci~ for iat-class<br />

pastoral land and five shillings per acrc for second-class<br />

pastoral land has been expeiided iii substantial iniprovc-,<br />

ineiits on the said land or that he bas fenced in tlie mhole<br />

of the said land witli a good kid substantial kiicc then<br />

ibe coiiiinissioner slid1 issuc a ccrtificate that the<br />

conditions ahresaid liavc been duly performed and the<br />

said lessce sliall be eiititlccl to a deed of graiit in fee<br />

simple on the payiiicnt of the balaiice of the ten years'<br />

rcnt.<br />

(7.) If within tlircc years from the date of selection of :rny<br />

agricalt urd lad the lessee shall prove Iiy two creiliiile<br />


__<br />

<strong>31</strong>" VICTOX4:Cl& xu. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

Ci~ozuiz Zilds <strong>Alienation</strong> Art of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

witnesses to tlic satisfaction uf tlic coinniissioncr tlltit<br />

lie or liir bailiff has resided on tlic Ian:! !uL- a period of<br />

not less than b-tvo ycnrs and that hc lias cspciided a sum<br />

cqud to ten shillin;.s pw acre oil tlic land comprised in<br />

such lease or if at any time during tlic currency of any<br />

such lcasc tlic 1::sscc shall prove by two credible<br />

witnesses io the satisfaction of the said commissioner<br />

that hc lias cultivatcd one-tenth part of tlic land or if<br />

within three years from tlie clntc of selection the lcssec<br />

slid1 pi$& liy tlvo crcclible vitncsscs to the sntisfactioii<br />

of the said commissioner that he or liis bailif€ has resided<br />

two years on tlie said land aiitl fcnccd in tlic mholc with<br />

CL good ancl substaiitinl fcncc then tlie said coinmissioncr<br />

shall issue bo such lcsscc a certificate that he lias cluly<br />

coinpliccl with tlic coiiditions of this <strong>Act</strong> ancl the said<br />

lcssce shall be entitled to a grant of tlic land in fuc<br />

simple 011 tlic payment of the balance of the tcn years'<br />

rent.<br />

No lease shall bc transferred 01' assigned until the original Conditions uiidei.<br />

selector has obtaiiiccl a ccrtificatc from tlic commissioner ~ ~~~~~'"(;lscr<br />

that lie has duly pcrfornied the coiiditions entitling him<br />

to a deed of grant iii fee siinplc 011 the due payment of<br />

the tcntli year's rent But after the issue of such<br />

ccrtificate the lessee may transfer his lease by application<br />

to tlie Minister for Lnnds in the forin containecl in tlie<br />

schedulc G to this <strong>Act</strong> axid the papent of a fee of ten<br />

shillings for the registration of cvery such transfer.<br />

If after a lessee has obtained a certificate by tlie corn- ~csscu III:~~ ncquiw<br />

missioner that he lias drily completecl the conditions of ~~,,s"'~f*cb~,g~;f<br />

cultivation or improvement and residence required by rents.<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> lie sliall pay into the hands of the laiid agent a<br />

sum eqnal to tlie aggregate amount of the aiinual rents<br />

which WO uld becoinc d~ie during tlie unexpired portion<br />

of the tcrm oP ben years' lease together with tlic ainount<br />

of' tlic decd fee such lessee shall l~c entitled to ;L<br />

clecd of grant in fec simple of tlic lands compriseil<br />

in such lease If during the currency of any such<br />

lease the lessee sldl not have duly Pulfillecl tlic conditions<br />

hereinbefore speciiied tlieii on the expiration of tlie term<br />

of lease it shall absolutely cease and determine and thu<br />

lessee shall not have aiiy claim whatsoever to any<br />

miemecl lease or priority of claim to either leasc or to<br />

purchase blie land comprised tlierein or the improveinen<br />

ts or to compensation for any part thereof.<br />

If within ten yews from the date of selection of any laiicl RcsuulptIoll<br />

:~3 at'ordsaid it sldl lje deciiled 11eccssilry to opcn aiiy<br />

public road through tliu same it shall be lawful for the<br />

Governor to 1)roclaim a public road onc chain wide<br />

tlirougli said lalid ancl tlic lessee or owner of such land<br />

shall only be entitled to compensation for the lad taken<br />

for sue11 rorzd at tlic raic of twice the sum which shall<br />

have bcen paid citlicr as rent or purclmc money to tlic<br />

Govt:riiinc.nt for tlic arm so mumecl togctlicr witli tlic<br />

\due of' tlw iiuprweniciits or (:ultiv:ttion thereon such<br />

value to be detcriniiiccl 1)y arbitration Provided tdiat<br />

wlierc such road sliall be proclaimed through any<br />

enclosed lands the Govxm21ciit shdl Edlicl: off tlic s,zich<br />

roncl fmii tlic adjacciit emlosecl lniicls with a fcnc:.<br />

eq ~dly scrviccable with the fence within wliich the<br />

land<br />

509<br />

or ro,.ztis.

510<br />

Limit to coiiditioiial<br />

purcliaser<br />

Conditional pur-<br />

chaser to mahe<br />

declaration.<br />

No ininor or iiiarricd<br />

woman to be lessee or<br />

assignee.<br />

<strong>31</strong>’ VICTO~~ILE KO. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

Croioiz &and8 Alieidioii <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

laiid is otherwise enclosed but such fciice shall after its<br />

erectioii lie niaiiitained at tlic cost of the owner or<br />

0ccLi~)tCiit of the idjacellt lalid.<br />

32. No couclitional piircliascr ?dial1 hold as such at any one<br />

time within tlie eiitirc coloiiy niore of thc clii€ereiit classes of lalid thau<br />

tlie maximum quaiitity of-<br />

Six hundred and forty acres of agricultural land<br />

Tmn tliousaiicl five hundred aiid sixty acres of first-class<br />

1’astoral lalid<br />

Seveii thousand six liuiiilrecl aiid eighty acres of second-class<br />

pastoral laiicl<br />

exclusivc of lands held by tlie selector as a lessee Lmder the provisions<br />

of the Alieimtioik uf CI’OWIL Lccizds Acl of 1860 or the Apiczdtzcrcrl<br />

Reserves <strong>Act</strong> of 1863 or the Leushy <strong>Act</strong> of 1866 or any of said <strong>Act</strong>s at<br />

the timc of tlie passing of this <strong>Act</strong> or of land selected for the growth<br />

of sugar aiid coff’ce under tlie provisions licrcinnftcr contained.<br />

53. 011 niaking applicatioii for my land under the foregoing<br />

clauses of this <strong>Act</strong> a coiiditional pmchaser shall be required to make a<br />

solemn dcclaration to the effect coiitained in sclieclule E Provided<br />

always that this shall iiot apply to coiiditioiial purcliascs or selections<br />

of laiicl made By a pastoral tenant to SCCLUC his liomcstcacl or improve-<br />

ments on tlic resumed half of his original run or to seciirc his hiiprove-<br />

iiients on the leased half as provicled by this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

54. No person sliall bcconic the lessee or nssignec of :ny<br />

of such land who is an iiifant or a married wonian not haviiig<br />

obtained a decree for judicial separation or an order protecting<br />

her separate property binding in Qtiecnslaiid or mlio is iiot a natural<br />

born 01’ naturalized subject of Her Majesty or who is in rcspcct of the<br />

land which he applies to select or any part thereof an agciit or a<br />

servant of or a tiustee for aiiy otlier person or who at tlie timc of<br />

his application has entered into my ngrcenient expressccl or implied<br />

to perinit any other person to acquirc by purchase or otherwise the<br />

land for which he applies And a11 land applied for under thiq part of<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> shall be so applied €or the build $:de use aid benefit of the<br />

applicant in l& own proper ~~crson and not as the agent scrvant or<br />

Proviso 111 case of trustee of any otlier person Provided always that if any person shall<br />

breach of conditions. in violation of any of tlic provisions of this section beconie the lessee<br />

or assignee of any laiicl unclcr the abovc provisions the Governor<br />

may declare the leasc of such land to be forfeited And on<br />

prcclamation of such forfeiture tlic term cwatcd by such lease shall<br />

cease and clctermiiie and all the right title aiid iiiicrest of the lessee<br />

and of every assignee in aiid to such lease or tbe lalid to mliicll<br />

it refers and all nioiieys paid in rcspcct of 6he land comprikeed<br />

therein and the said land itself with all improvcniciits thereon shall<br />

be absolutely forfeited and the said lttnd shall revert to the <strong>Crown</strong> to<br />

be dealt with as lierein provided Provided also that all contracts<br />

agreements and securities iiiadc ciitered into or given with the<br />

intent or which (if the sanic were valid) would have the effect of<br />

violating all or my of the provisioiis of this part of the <strong>Act</strong><br />

or of any coverant or coiidition of a lease granted under this part of<br />

the <strong>Act</strong> and all contracts and agreements relating to laiid selectcd<br />

under the foregoing provisions made and entered into liefore at or after<br />

tlie execution of a lease and to take eirect wholly or in part at or after<br />

She termination of the leasc on completion of conditions shall he and<br />

are hereby declared to bepgal and absolutely void whether at law or<br />

in equity.<br />

Power to selrct lands 55. It shall be lawful for any selector of any piece of land or<br />

adjoining selectl~n~<br />

his legal alienee to make additional selection of lands adjoining to<br />


I have<br />

<strong>31</strong>." VICTORIB No. 416. 511<br />

his first selection or to each othcr but not otherwise and not exceeding<br />

in the aggregate including such first sclectioii six hundred and forty<br />

acres of agricultural land two tliousand five hundrecl ancl sixty acre4<br />

of first-class pastoral land and seven thousand six hundrccl ancl eiehty<br />

acres of second-class pastoral lalid and suhj ect to all the conditions<br />

applicable to such first selcction except residence Provided that in<br />

tlii measiwement of such aggrepte the proportion of frontage to<br />

depth shall not exceed the proportion rcqiiired by the provisions of this<br />

<strong>Act</strong> in the case of an original selection Provided also that nothing<br />

herein contained shall prcyent the salc of the adjoining lands to ?ny<br />

oth& person heforc such aclditionnl selection shall have becn apphed<br />

for.<br />

56. It shall be la\vfd for the C~OWII<br />

grziitce of ally lancls within Power to select lands<br />

the settled districts boii4 JcZc residing on some part of such land iEc;g lauds<br />

to select adjoining <strong>Crown</strong> lands opcn for selection the arca of which<br />

shall not exccctl the maximum quantity allom-ed which selected<br />

lands shall be subject to all thc conclitions other than that of<br />

residence Provided that nothing hcrein contained shall prevent the<br />

sale of such adjoining lands to any other person before sclection shall<br />

been applied for by such grantee.<br />

57. So soon as a lessee shall have made the last payment of Right to grant.<br />

instalments as hereinbefore provided he shall be entitled to a grant in<br />

fee simple of the land leasecl to him subject however to the payment of<br />

the fees chargeable on the issue of deeds of grant ancl provided that<br />

he shall prove to the Governor in Council that he has faithfully<br />

complied with all the covenants ancl conditions contained in or impliecl<br />

by his lease under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

58. It shall not be lawfid for the lessee of any land under Trausfer dic. to be<br />

the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> or ally person claiming through or under regiatered,<br />

him to transfer or assign the same without the consent of the<br />

Minister for Lancls ancl registering the transfer or assignment in the<br />

district land officc and any transfer or assignment made or attempted<br />

to be made shall be absolutely void and of no effccb until such registration<br />

ancl a fee of ten shillings shall be paid for evcry such registration<br />

59. A transmission of interest by death or marriage shall not be<br />

deemed a transfer under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

60. No judgment of the Supreme Court or of any district court E;;?:?<br />

or court, of petty sessions nor any writ ofJicviJCacicts or warrant of<br />

execution issued upon any such judgment shall hawe any effect upon Judgments not to<br />

land selected under the provisions, of this part of this <strong>Act</strong> unless and attach.<br />

until a grant of such land in fee-simple shall have Seen issued.<br />

61. If the Governor shall make or cause to be macle on behalf Forfeiture to bepro-<br />

of the <strong>Crown</strong> entry upon any land selected aiicl leasecl as above for c18imed<br />

breach of any of the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> or for non-payment of<br />

instalments or breach of any conclition or covenant contained in any<br />

such lease as aforesaid such forfeitme shall be proclaimed and the<br />

Governor may cause the same to be notified as again open for<br />

selection or direct it to be solcl by auction in fee-simple,<br />

62. It shall not be lawful for any conditional or other purchaser Proportion of<br />

of land under this <strong>Act</strong> to clepasture upon his land so conditionally or<br />

otherwise purchased until such land is sccurely fencecl more than in<br />

the proportion of twenty head of cattle or horses or fifty sheep for<br />

every hundred acres of land Ancl the brands of all such sheep cattle or<br />

horses shall be registered at the officc of the commissioner of the<br />

pasturage allowed to<br />

purchasers.<br />

district.<br />

G3. Upon proof being given to the satisfaction of the commis- Penalty for over<br />

sioner for the district that any conditional or other purchaser of Pnstnrage.<br />

land or pastoral lessee undcr this <strong>Act</strong> has broken the conditions of this<br />


512 <strong>31</strong>." VICTORIB KO. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

<strong>Act</strong> either by not8 registcring the brands of his sheep cattle or horses<br />

or by runnjiig a greater nuiiibcr of such sheep cattle or horses on<br />

his land than allo~vccl in clauses sixty-two aid sixty-four of this <strong>Act</strong><br />

such conditional or other purchaser or pastoral lessee shall be liable to<br />

a fine of not inore than two shillings ancl sixpencc pci* head of cattle<br />

or liorses and threepelice per head of sheep in csccss of the numbep<br />

allomed to be dcpasttured undcr tlic conditions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

Riglit of pastoral 64. The riglit of thc pastoral tenant to dcpasture on thc unlcascd<br />

tenant to ~h~astu1*~. portion of his run (hiring tlic uncspircd period of tlic lcasc originally<br />

granted as set forth in claim scvx of this <strong>Act</strong> shall Lc limited to not<br />

more tlian one-third of the number of sheep cattle and liorscs actually<br />

depastumxl on the Crovii laiiils of tlic run at tlic tinic of its sulxlivision<br />

or as ninny less as the cornniissioncr niay direet aiid thc license as<br />

rciicmccl from timc to tinic shall bc still fiirther limited in proportion to<br />

the laid alienated on such run to any conditional or other purchaser<br />

Proridcc1 that it sliall not be lawful for tlie pastoral tenant holding<br />

such grazing license as aforesaid to impound any cattlc or liorscs belonging<br />

to aiiy conditional or other purchaser of laiicl on such run found<br />

on the land held by him uuclcr such grazing license or any shcep bclonging<br />

to aiiy conditional or other purchaser as aforesnicl found less than<br />

one quarter of a mile from the boundary of tlic land of such purchaser.<br />

&dectiom fog* Sugar ancl Gofee 2)lmtotioii.s.<br />

Selection for sugar 65. Wlienever any applicant for selection of land within ten<br />

and coffee. miles from the coast or any navigable river not bcing included in lands<br />

leased to the pastoral tenant for ten years as hereinbefore provided shall<br />

state in his application that he intends to use thc lt~nci applied for in the<br />

cultivation of mgar or coffee he shall lic allowcd to selcct a block of<br />

agricultural land in area not less than three 1iundWl and twenty nor inore<br />

tlian one thousand two liundrcd and eighty acres the bounclaries of which<br />

shall bear the same proportion of frolitage to depth as required in the<br />

casc of any other lands selected under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> and<br />

provided such selector shall within three years froin the date of<br />

his application prove to the satisfaction of the Governor that<br />

one-tenth part of the lad selccteci is under cultivation in either<br />

sugar or coffee he shall he rclieved on applying for his grant from<br />

proof of residence or of further or other cultivation but in all other<br />

respects he shall be liable to the same conditions and covenants as<br />

any other selector under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

Lessees in agricul- 66. It shall be lawful for any person wlio shall at the<br />

tnral areas 01 nnder commencement of this <strong>Act</strong> hold land under a lease issued under<br />

coffee or sugar regulations<br />

may PL,rclinse the sugar and coffee regulations hitherto existing to apply to the<br />

by selection. Minister for leave to bring tlie same under the provisions for selection<br />

<strong>Lands</strong> in some cnses<br />

mav be held under<br />

pro%sions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

of acricultural land bv conditional nurchasers contained in this <strong>Act</strong> and<br />

if shi lessee shall l&ve at tlie ti& of his application fully coinplied<br />

with all the conditions binding upon him in respect of such land such<br />

ap+ation shall lie granted Provided that for the money already<br />

paid as rent credit shall be given the holder as instalments of the<br />

purchase money and that in such case no covenants shall apply except<br />

those having reference to the regular payment of the instalments of<br />

purchase money still due.<br />

67. Aiiv nersolz who shall at the commencement of this <strong>Act</strong> be<br />

the lessec un&rLtPe twelfth scctioii of tlie Alienatioib of <strong>Crown</strong> Lunch<br />

<strong>Act</strong> of 1860 of any lands within an agricultural reserve may apply<br />

within sixmonths after the j~~ssing of this <strong>Act</strong> to the Minister for<br />

leave to hold the same as agricultural lands as hereinbefore provicled<br />

under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> Provided always that payments of<br />

wit already made shall be credited as instalments of the purchase<br />

nioney And provided further that in the case of leases under the<br />


<strong>31</strong>' VICTORIA;: No. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

~--.___-<br />

<strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong> <strong>Alienation</strong> <strong>Act</strong> nf <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

twelfth section of the Alieizcctioit of CTOWIZ Luiids <strong>Act</strong> of 1860 which<br />

leases exphcd on the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight<br />

hundred and sixty-s'ix thc lessee inay.apply for renewed leases iincler this<br />

<strong>Act</strong> within six montlis from the passing of the same And that in both<br />

such cases no covenants shall apply except those having reference to<br />

thc regular payment of the instahcnts of purchase money still due.<br />

Lenses f 01- JS~J ecici Z P ui -poses.<br />

68. Any selector who before the passing of this <strong>Act</strong> shall selectop<br />

513<br />

may substi-<br />

have selected land in any agricultural rcservc nncler the fourth ~;ti?~,;,m,~;yt;on.<br />

and fifth sections of the Agihdtzcml Beserves <strong>Act</strong> of 18G3 or<br />

Leasing <strong>Act</strong> oj' lS6G and who shall have proved by two credible<br />

witnesses to the satisfaction of the commissioner that he his heirs<br />

assigns or lessces is or at tlic tinic of selection was a resident within<br />

the &strict ovcr which such ceimissioner may have jurisdiction is<br />

hereby enipomcrcd at his option to suhstitnte improvements in lien<br />

of cultivation tlic fencing of the said land to be deemed and taken<br />

to be part of tlic said improvements Provided that such improve-<br />

ments shall in the aggregate be equal to the sum of five shillings<br />

per acre on the total number of acres so selected by him as aforesaid<br />

ancl upon the said sclector proving by tmo credible witnesses to the<br />

satisfaction of the commissioner of the district that he has 'performed<br />

the conditions aforesaid then the said commissioner shall issue a<br />

certificate accordingly ancl the said selector shall tliereupon he entitled<br />

to a deed of grant in fee simple subject however to the payment of<br />

the fees chargeable in the issue of the said deed of grant and balance<br />

of rent due.<br />

69. It shall be lawful €or the Governor to lease any portion of Q - ~ ~ grant ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .<br />

land not exceeding five acres to any one person or company for any k;;$;fi;;$~.<br />

special purpose such as for the erection of wharves storehouses slips<br />

for building or repairing vessels baths worlts for supplying water or<br />

gas to any town Provided that the term of lease shall not in any case<br />

exceed five years ancl that it shall be a condition that such lease may<br />

at any time bc cancellcd on giving six montlis' notice and payment of<br />

the value of the improvements and that tlie annual rent slid1 in no<br />

case be less than one pound per acre.<br />

70. If at any time after the filing of the afidavit required in Provision for sban-<br />

clause seventy-three and before the expiration of the fivc years afore- d7nn1ent Of Innd.<br />

said it shall be proven to the satisfaction of tlie commissioner subject<br />

however to appeal to the Govcriior in Council that the pcrson having<br />

filed such affidavit his family or his or her heirs shall not have actually<br />

residecl continuously on the said land then ancl in that event the land<br />

so entered shall revert to the <strong>Crown</strong>.<br />

Horn es tecicls.<br />

71. It shall be lawful for any person who is the head of a~~~este~ds.<br />

family or who has arrived at the agc of twenty-one years and who<br />

Would be enabled under clause fifty-four to make a selection of land<br />

to enter upon one hunched and sixty acres or a less quantity of<br />

Unappropriated public lands which may be open for selection Provided<br />

that any person owning ancl residing on land may under the<br />

provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> enter other land lying conriguous to his or her<br />

said land which shall not with the land so already owned and occupied<br />

exceed in the aggregate om hundred and sixty acres Providcd that<br />

any person who shall hereafter arrive in the colony at the public<br />

expense either wholly or in part shall not bc entitled to the bcncfit of<br />

this section of the <strong>Act</strong> until lie shn!l hnvc residecl in thc colony<br />

continuously for the period of three years.<br />

72. Selections by honiestcnd lessees shall be in one block and Homesteads niust-be<br />

not exceed eighty acres nf agricultural or one huntlrecl and sixty acres in one<br />


514 <strong>31</strong>.' TTICTORI2E KO. <strong>46</strong>. -<br />

Applicant to malic<br />

affidavit.<br />

<strong>Lands</strong> not liable to<br />

debt.<br />

Limits to :applicunts.<br />

May in iome cases<br />

purchase at upset<br />

pnoe.<br />

Gold field reserver to<br />

be commons.<br />

-<br />

CI*OZUIZ Lnl~tls ilZicn.ntio,z <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

- I-<br />

of first second-class p:Lstc\ml lalids subject to the yearly paymel1t in<br />

advance for five years from the date of cdry of a quit rent of nine-<br />

pence pw acre in agricultural lmcl and sixpcncc per acrc on first and<br />

second class pastoral lancl.<br />

73. The person applying for a homestend shall 111~011 application<br />

to the land agent in the district in which he is about to make<br />

such entry make affidavits before the said land agent that he or she<br />

is the head of a family or is t~venty-one or more years of age<br />

and that such application is made for his or her exclusive use and<br />

benefit that he or she has not on any former OCCaSiOii exercised such<br />

right or homestead selection and that said entry is made for tl1e<br />

purpose of actual settlement or cultivation and not either directly<br />

or indirectly for the use or benefit of any other person or persons<br />

whomsoever and upon filing the said affidavit and on payment of<br />

the survey fees he or she shall thereupon be permitted to enter<br />

the quantity of land specified Provided however that no grant<br />

shall be given or title issued therefor until the expiration of<br />

five ycars from the date of such entry and if at the expiration<br />

of such time OF of any time within two years thereafter the<br />

person making such entry or if he be dead his widow or in case<br />

of her death his heirs or devisees or in case o€ a widow making<br />

such entry her heirs or devisees in casc of her death shall prove to<br />

the satisfaction of the comrnissioncr of the district by two credible<br />

witnesses that he she or they have resided continuously upon the<br />

land and cultivated one tenth part of the same or that in addition to<br />

residence as aforesaid he she or tJiey shall prove to the satisfaction of<br />

the said commissioner that the said land has becn fenced in with a<br />

good and substantial fence during the timc of five years immediately<br />

succeeding the time of filing the affidavit aforesaid and shall make<br />

affidavit that no part of said land has been alienated and then in<br />

such case he she or they shall be entitled to a <strong>Crown</strong> grant And<br />

provided further that in case of the death of both fathcr and mother<br />

having an infant child or children under twenty-one years of age the<br />

right or fee shall ensue to the benefit of said infant child or children<br />

and the executors administrators or guardians may at any time<br />

within two years after the death of the surviving parent sell said<br />

lands €or the benefit of said infants but for no other purpose and the<br />

purchaser shall acquire the absolute title by the purchase and be<br />

ent>itled to a <strong>Crown</strong> grant on payment of the deed fees.<br />

74. No lands acquired under the foregoing provisions shall in<br />

any evenl become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or debts contracted<br />

prior to the issuinef the <strong>Crown</strong> grant thereof.<br />

75. No individual shall be permitted to acquire title to more<br />

than one hundred and sixty acres under the provisions of the fore-<br />

going sections and the Minister for <strong>Lands</strong> is hereby required to prepare<br />

and issue such rules and regulations consistent v7ith this portion<br />

of this <strong>Act</strong> as shall be necessary and proper to carry its provisions<br />

into effect.<br />

76. Nothing in this portion of this <strong>Act</strong> shall be so construed<br />

as to prevent any person who has availed himself of the benefits<br />

of the foregoing sections of this portion of this <strong>Act</strong> from paying<br />

the upset price for the quantity of land so entered at any time after<br />

two years and before the expiration of the five years xiid obtaining<br />

a grant therefor from the Governor on making proo'o of residence<br />

and cultivation ap required by this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

Gold Field und Towizsh?)? C O~I~OW.<br />

77. All existing gold field reserves or any hereafter to be pro-<br />

claiined shall be deenied to be commons subject to the provisions herein<br />

set forth. 78. It

-<br />

<strong>31</strong>" VICTORIA3 No. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

_.____<br />

Croiuit Lnmls Alieizativiz <strong>Act</strong> of 1SGS.<br />

7s. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to proclaim any Cond;tions upon<br />

unsold land as a township common upon the following conditions- which co-ons may<br />

be proclahccl.<br />

(1.) That a petition signed by not less than thirty frecholders<br />

resident witthin such township praying for the<br />

proclamation of a common adjoining thereto shall have<br />

been presented to the Governor in Council.<br />

(2.) That after the said petition slid1 have been notified in<br />

the GoaemnLewt Gnxetle for a period of sixty clays no<br />

counter petition shall have been presented signed by a<br />

larger number of freeholders resident within tlie said<br />

township.<br />

79. Every such common shall be proportioned to the number Extent of common.<br />

ancl wants of the freeholclers resident in the said tomnship but shall<br />

in no case exceed twenty squarc miles.<br />

SO. Notwithstanding proclamation thc fee simple of all common <strong>Crown</strong> to rebin<br />

lands shall be deemed to be vested in the <strong>Crown</strong> and unalienated ancl nlonages.<br />

nothing herein contained shall prevent the sale of any land comprised<br />

in any common Provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in<br />

Council to extend such common proportionally to any such sales 2!cEcges<br />

which may be effected subsequent to its proclamation.<br />

81. The Minister for <strong>Lands</strong> shall be empowered to frame Minister for Land to<br />

frame common<br />

replations impose hes ancl constitute the machinery requisite to regulations.<br />

give effect to commonage rights subject however to the following<br />

conclitions-<br />

That such regulations shall have received the assent of the<br />

Governor in Council<br />

That commonage rights shall appertain solely to residents<br />

in such townships Provided that nothing herein con-<br />

tained shall prevent bola& $de travellers from depasturing<br />

their bullocks horses or other stock Provided also that<br />

no person travelling with stock shall be deemed a hod<br />

$de traveller who shall not proceed four miles in one<br />

direction during every twenty-four hours unless delayed<br />

by floods.<br />

That the depasturing of sheep except under special condi-<br />

tions shall be prohibited<br />

That payment' be made for the depasturing of cattle at a rate<br />

not less than two shillings per head per annum ancl<br />

that in no case any one freeholder be allowed to run<br />

more than twenty head on the same common.<br />

82. For the purpose of tlie foregoing clause " cattle" shall mean Definitionof<br />

and include mares geldings colts fillies asses mules cows oxen heifers<br />

steers and calves but shall not apply to any entire male animals<br />

exceeding six months old.<br />

Sales hy Ai~tim.<br />

83. It shall be lawful for the Governor to causc town GFovenlor mny oau8e<br />

suburban or country lands of different classes or any such lands lands to be surveyed.<br />

as may have becn leased by selection and thereafter forfeited to<br />

be offered for unconditional sale by public auction and to cause<br />

maps of such lands to be prepared showing and specifying the<br />

counties parishes or towns as the case may. be in which the same<br />

shall be respectively ' situated and also showing all intended reserves<br />

for water roads or other purposes in accorclance with the provisions of<br />

this <strong>Act</strong> as also tlie boundaries and giving the areas of all allotments<br />

therein and the lmgth and bearings of all oubside lines comprised in<br />

such surveys and such maps shall bc clcposited QS public maps in the<br />

office of the Surveyor-Gcneral.<br />

54. All such lnncls shall be distinguished into classes as town subd,vlsio,l.<br />

suburban and country lots according to their respective positions as the<br />

Governor may deem advisable.<br />

85. Such<br />

515<br />


<strong>Lands</strong> to be allottel. S5. Such lands shall be allotted as nearly as may be in aye,<br />

according to the following scale-<br />

Town lands in allotimiits of from one rood to one acre.<br />

Suburban lands within one iiiilc frmi lowii lands in lots of<br />

one acre to eighty acres<br />

Suburban lands OTW one inilc from tovn laiids ill lots<br />

forty acres to one hundred and sixty acres.<br />

Countyy lands in lots of from forty to sis hundred and forty<br />

acres.<br />

Proclamation of lands 86. It shall be lavful for the Governor after such wAlJs<br />

for sale.<br />

aforesaid ham been deposited in tlic office of the Surveyor-General to<br />

proclaim any of the laiicls comprised tlierein for sale by public auction,<br />

Upsct price.<br />

87. It shall be lalVfL1l for the GOVC~~IO~ from time to time<br />

to fix the upsct pricc at Which any such l~~iids shall bc sohi Proirid<br />

al~tlys that such upset price shall iiot in any case be lcss tlian-<br />

For towii lands ciglit pounds per acre<br />

For suburban lands oiic pound per acre when within One<br />

mile from town lads ancl fifteen shillings per acre mrhen<br />

beyond one mile from town lands<br />

For agricultural lands fifteen sliilliiigs pcr acre<br />

For first-class pastoral lands ten shillings per acrc<br />

For second-class pastoral lands five shillings per acrc<br />

And such lands shall be so proclaimed for sale as aforesaid for iiot less<br />

than four consecutive weeks nor more than three calendar months<br />

previous to the intended date of sale.<br />

88. Every proclamation shall specify-<br />

The day and hour of sale<br />

The place of sale<br />

The classes of the land to be sold<br />

The nuinber of the allotments<br />

The respectivc areas of the same<br />

Tlic upset price thereof respectivcly with tlic value ~FJ<br />

approved of any improvemeills thereon as aforesaid<br />

And it shall be lawful for the Governor in selling such lands as<br />

aforesaid to add to the upset prices as hereinbefore provided the value<br />

of such improvements as may have been niade on such lands the value<br />

of such imprommeiits to be appi-aised as hereinafter provided and to<br />

pay to the lessee or lessees of such lands or his or their executors or<br />

administrators the amount or amounts which may have been fixed as<br />

the ralue of such improvements as aforesaid or such portion thereof<br />

as may be deemed advisable.<br />

Land agent to con- 89. Every such sale shall be conducted either by a licensed<br />

duct sde.<br />

auctio-uecr to be appointed by thc Governor or by the land agent<br />

nearest to the land offered for sale or such other place as the Minister<br />

niay appoint and such lad agent shall not require to be licensed as<br />

an auctioneer for any such salc nor incur any penalty 011 account of<br />

not being so licensed.<br />

Power to withdrav. 90. It shall be lawfnl for the Governor OF any 0ilict.r authorised<br />

in that belialf to withdraw any allotnicnt ox- dlotmeiits from sale at<br />

any time from the first proclamation thereof up to the hour of the<br />

Commencement of such sale as proclaimed.<br />

Prepmation of coli- 91. It shall be lawful for thc Governor to prepare or came to<br />

ditions of sale.<br />

be pi-epared for :illy such sale mch conditions as inay appear advisable<br />

ancl coiisisteiit with the lxovkions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

conditions tobe rend. 02. At tlic timc ancl placc of sale thc ziuctioiieer or land agent<br />

sliaU read openly the conditioiis under which such sale is held a d<br />

also exhibit openly a copy of snch conditions and all purchasers and<br />

bidders at any such sale shall be bouild by such conditions.<br />

93. Thc highest bidding for cnch allotinent sold together 11 it11<br />

Deposib payable at<br />

sale.<br />

the name of the purchaser shall be aiiiiouncecl by the auctioneer oL'<br />


<strong>31</strong>' VICTORIA3 No. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

~ _ _<br />

CPOZUU Lts1ad.s <strong>Alienation</strong> <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

_ _ ~ . - ~ ~~~. . .. -<br />

land agent at the timc af sale and the purchaser shall tliereupon pay<br />

to such agent a clcposit at the rate of twenty pouiicls per ~Giit~ull upon<br />

and on account of the pLwchase money.<br />

94. Thc residue of such purchasc nioiiey together with the tlcerl Paulei,t<br />

fees and survey fees as per schcdule shall be paid to such land agent<br />

at his office or into the Treasury within onc calendar month froiii<br />

the datc of such sale and ~ipoii such payment of such residue aid<br />

fees the purchase shall be deemed coinplete and a deed of grant in feesimple<br />

shall then issuc to the purchaser.<br />

be absolutely forfeited to thc <strong>Crown</strong> and the depositor sliall not nor<br />

shall any oiic claiming through under or in trust for hiiii have any<br />

claim whatsoever ngaiiist either the land agent the Governiiient or any<br />

other person whomsoevcr either for thc deposit paid or the land<br />

i1iteiicled to be pmchasccl or any part thcreot' ~*cspectively. .<br />

96. Any country lots which may have been offered at auction collntry lands offerecl<br />

ulicler the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> and not sold or mitlidrnwii froni sale atn1ictloii an(Jilot3ol11<br />

nmy be purclinsed by<br />

may be purchased by selection at the saiiie rate as previously offered selection at<br />

vancecl price.<br />

at auction as hereinafter specified-<br />

Country lots of agricultural lands fifteen shillings per acre,<br />

Country lots of first-class pastoral lands ten shillings per acre.<br />

Country lots of second-class pastoral lands five sliillings<br />

517<br />

re<strong>31</strong>due,<br />

95. In case such residue shall not be so paid such cleposit shall vot.fol.feitaro forclefctdt.<br />

per acre.<br />

97. Any person desiring to purchase country lots by selection PLirclin,sing collutlT<br />

after the same slid1 have been offered at auction and not sold shall lots by selection.<br />

apply to the land agent in the form in the schedule C to this <strong>Act</strong><br />

and shall at the same time pay into the hands of the land agent the<br />

full price of the land together with the deed and swvey fees and such<br />

applicant shall thereupon be deemed to be the purchaser of such lot.<br />

98. Every officer non-coiumissionecl officer and member of thc ar.Luta to volL,uleer!,<br />

volunteer force of <strong>Queensland</strong> not being on the paid staff of or serving<br />

for regdar pay in the said forcc shall be entitled aftcr having servecl<br />

as an efficient member of sucli force for a continuous period of five<br />

years from the passing of this <strong>Act</strong> to receive from tlie Government in<br />

consideration of his efficient service a free grant of ten acres of<br />

suburban lands or fifty acres of country land subject to such rcgulations<br />

and conditions as may from time to time bc approved of by the<br />

Governor and laid before both Douses of Parliament and the certificate<br />

of the officer comniancling the voluntecr force shall be sufficient<br />

evidence that any officer non-conimissioned officer or volunteer has<br />

servecl as an efficient volunteer the prescribed term of five years<br />

Provided that in the case of volunteers wlio ham previously served in Previous<br />

this coloiiy fivc years' servicc shall'bc clecmccl to coL1nt for three gears volunteer to Couut.<br />

and tlirce years for eightcen months for the purposes of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

Cfouclitions of ,%de of hpovecl Lcmcls lioifeited by Lessees.<br />

89. When any improved lands shall be forfeited by a lessee or Corernor II,sy aelI<br />

licensecl occupant it shall bc: hvfd for the Govcrnor to cause such forfeited improved<br />

lands at auction and<br />

improved lands to bc offered for sale at auction at the npsct price of pay v:he of improveunimproved<br />

lands similarly sitnatcd and if such land shall be sold lurnts to lessee who<br />

togcther with the improvements thereon for a higher price tliaii tlie upset "'" forfeited.<br />

then such additional sum not cxccecling tlic value of such impi*ovemeiits<br />

may he paid to the pcrson mho forl'eitetl the improved lmd Provided<br />

that if any such iml)roved lands shall have lieen ofFerecl twice at<br />

auction at the npset price of uiiiinprowd laiicls and shall not be solcl<br />

the ~holc of the proceccls of any subscqucnt salc sliall be paid to the<br />

Goveriiiiient and all claims on tlic part of tlic 13cr:joLis xho eiTected tlie<br />

iuipmrements on the land sliall absolutely cease.<br />

100. ~ lic Govcrlior in Couiicil UXL~<br />

(subject to a,iiy regulations Liceuser to cut timto<br />

11: issucd l)y Government) authorisc Clie cGinmissioners or bench of E%:;;cl,lu&9 be<br />

magistrates<br />


518 <strong>31</strong>' TTICTOlLIZ3 Eo. 44.<br />

Prorided SKY PC~~OU-<br />

~ -~<br />

~~<br />

~ -<br />

C~*oton Lauds Aliciz~~tioiz <strong>Act</strong> of 18G8.<br />

-~ _--<br />

magistrates to issue licciises for any teyw not exceeding oiic ycar to<br />

enter any Crowii 1:~iicls whether under liasto~al lessc or license<br />

or not and to cut aiid takc therefroin niiy timlicr and to dig for ancl<br />

rciiiove any gravel stone brick earth shells or otlicr material but not<br />

within two miles of any head station unless by thc consent of the<br />

lessee Provided that tlic fee fixed for such liccnse shall bc paid<br />

able oby ction may in ad+-ancc Providcil also that any pastoral lesscc or licensee<br />

be ente-mined by<br />

Guvernment. under this <strong>Act</strong> limy malx ally reasonable oljjectioii to the granting<br />

of sucli license and tlic granting or withholding of such license<br />

after any objection sliall havc bccn made to tlie cornmissioner<br />

or bench of magistrates shall be determined by the Governor<br />

witli the ad-\-icc aforesaid Provided that any pastoral lessee may<br />

by notice in writing to that effcct gimn to any such licensee restrict<br />

liim or her from exercising his or her rights as such licensce in any<br />

given spot to be mcntioncd in such noticc for a period not exceeding<br />

one month and such licensee sliall within such period aplm~l to the<br />

commissioner or nearest bench of magistrates who shall have power<br />

respectively to decidc the matter in issue between the parties and such<br />

licensee shall bc liable to a penalty not cxceeding twenty pounds if<br />

after such notice given as aforesaid or in the event of the niatter in<br />

issue being decidccl against him or licr he or she shall exercise the riglit<br />

of a licensee which penalty may be recovered beforc any two of Her<br />

Majesty's justices of the peace in petty sessions in the manner<br />

prescribcd by law.<br />

Persons authorised 101. Except as provided in the foregoing clausc pastoral lessees<br />

by Government ]lot or licensees of runs under this <strong>Act</strong> shall not have power to restrict<br />

pastoral to bo obstructed lessees in by otlicr persons duly authorised by the Government either from cutting<br />

cutting timbcr SEC. or removing timber or material for budding or other purposcs or from<br />

searching for any metal or mineral within the run leased.<br />

Appwiwnent cmd A1'6itmtioia.<br />

hlode of appraise- 102. Whencver it shall become necessary under the provisions<br />

ment or arbitr.ztion. of this <strong>Act</strong> to fix or ascertain any price value or sum of money or<br />

to settle any question or other matter not otherwise provided<br />

for by this <strong>Act</strong> the Minister and the claimant in matters<br />

conceiving the rights of the <strong>Crown</strong> and each of the respcctive<br />

parties interested m my other case may concur in the appoint-<br />

ment of a single appraiser or arbitrator as the case may require and<br />

failing such concurrence it shall be lawful for each party of his own<br />

accord or on the request of the other to appoint an appraiser or arbitrator<br />

as tlie case may require and upon such appointment to give noticc<br />

thereof to the other party or parties and the matter in question shall<br />

be inquired into and determined by such sin@ appraiser or arbi-<br />

trator or such appraisers or arbitrators or the= umpire hereinafter<br />

Arbitrators lo<br />

appoint umpire.<br />

Cost8 in discretion<br />

Appoiiitment of urnpkos<br />

to be under<br />

lIRnds of<br />

referred to.<br />

103. If there be more than 0n.c appraiser or arbitrator the<br />

appraisers or arbitrators shall before they enter upon thc reference<br />

appoint by writing under their respective hands an umpire and if any<br />

such umpire die or become incapable to act the appraisers or arbitrators<br />

sliall proceed to appoint another in his place as if they had not already<br />

appointed one aiid in case the appraisers or arbitrators fail to appoint<br />

an umpire within thirty days after being requested so to do by any<br />

party to the appraisement or arbitration the Minister may appoint an<br />

umpire whose powers slid1 be as ample and coniplete as if he had been<br />

appointed by all parties but such unipire shall not be a Government<br />

officer.<br />

104. All costs charges and expenses of and attending any such<br />

appraiseinent or arbitration shall be in the cliseretion of the<br />

appraiser or appraisers arbi trator or arbitrators or umpire who shall<br />

make the final award subject to appeal in case of dispute to the<br />

Governor in Council.<br />

105. Every sucli appointment and notice respectively shall be<br />

in writing under the hand or hands of the party or Farties making or<br />


giving the same respectively or if any such party be a corporation<br />

with a corporate seal under such corporate seal ancl each such appointlnent<br />

shall be delivered to the appraiser or arbitrator appraisers or<br />

arbitrators and by hiin or them attached to the a,ward when made and<br />

shall be deemed a submission by the parties signing the same to<br />

appraisement or arbitration as the case may be.<br />

106. After the making of any WCII appointment the same shall Appointments irre-<br />

not be revocable without the consent of both or a11 parties to the dispute ~cnble.<br />

nor shall the cleatli of either or any such party operate as a revocation.<br />

107. If for the space of Sixty days nCXt after either party Shdi Arbltrstor in cortain<br />

have given to the other such notice as above referred to of the ;je,40<br />

appointment of an appraiser or arbitrator such notice including a<br />

statement of the matter in dispute and a copy of such appointment<br />

the party to wlioin notice is given shall fail to appoint an appraiser<br />

or arbitrator 011 his own account and to givc similar notice of such<br />

appointment the appraiser or arbitrator appointed by the party giving<br />

the notice shall be deemed ancl talien to be concurrently appointed<br />

by and shall act on behalf of both parties.<br />

108. The award under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> of any such<br />

single appraiser or arbitrator concurrently appointed or the joint award<br />

of the appraisers or arbitrators when they can agree and when they<br />

cannot the award of their umpire appointed as above stated shall be<br />

binding final and conclusive upon all persons and to all intents and<br />

purposes whatsoever.<br />

109. -4ny submission to appraisement or arbitration under the Award be made<br />

provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> as also any valuation or award made thereupon rule of COW+<br />

respectively may and ahall be maclc a rule of the Supreme Court of<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> at the instance of any party thereto respectively.<br />

110. Before any appraiser arhitrator or umpire shall enter upon APprniser and orhithe<br />

consideration of any matter referred to him as aforesaid he shall trntor or umpire to<br />

make out ancl subscribe a declaration before a justice of the peace in make c'eclrLratioll~<br />

the form following (that is to say)-<br />

519<br />

for both<br />

T A B do solemnly ancl sincerely declare that I am not<br />

directly or indirectly interestecl in the matter referred<br />

to me and that I vi11 faithfully honestly and to the<br />

best of my skill and ability hear ancl determine the<br />

matter referred to me under the provisions of the<br />

'' C~ozvia <strong>Lands</strong> dlicmtion <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>."<br />

111. Such declaration as aforesaid shall be annexed to the brencll of decla.<br />

appraiscment or award when made and if any appraiser arbitrator or ration to be B misdemeanor<br />

in addition<br />

umpire shall wilfully act contrary to such declaration hc shall be guilty o pcqiiry.<br />

of a misdemeanor independent of and in addition to any charge of<br />

perjury that may be broug.ht against him in respect of a false declaration.<br />

112. Every appraisement or a-cvard under the foregoing pro- APproisement or<br />

visions shall be in writing uncler the hands of the appraiser or appraisers award $0 be 1n<br />

writing.<br />

arbitrator or arbitrators or umpire malting the same and together with<br />

the papers hereinbefcrc directed to be attached to it sliall be forwarded<br />

with a11 coiivenient speed to the Minister and deposited as a record in<br />

his office.<br />

113. In case appraisers or arbitrators fail to make their amard If defanlt lnnde in<br />

within sixty (1;~~s. after thc clay on wliiclr the last of them was ;;:.fs,;;;;ty;t;<br />

appointed or inthin such extended time if any not, exceeding thirty<br />

days as shall haw been cluly appointc~l hy them €or that purpose the<br />

inatters referred shall be left to the sole decision of the umpire aurl thc<br />

sole decision of the umpire and tho provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> -with respect<br />

to the time for making the nppraisemcnt OF award and with respcct to<br />

extending the same in the casc of a single arliitrator concui-rently<br />

appointed shall apply to my impiragc.<br />

114. If onc of two or more appraisers or arbitrators before thc Appoi1ltment of new<br />

making of their award die or becornu incapable to act the party by arbitrators.<br />


-<br />

<strong>31</strong>' VICTOR133 No. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

~-____-<br />

C~*oto~a Lnlrds Aliei~ntio~t <strong>Act</strong> of 18C8.<br />

- -<br />

whom such appraiser or arbitrator T ~ appointed S may appoint another<br />

in his stead and if lie fail to io so for sixty days next after notice in<br />

writing from the other party in that bchalf the rer-riaining appraiser or<br />

arbitrator niay proceed and slid1 be decmcd to ha~e been coucLiyrently<br />

appointed by both parties.<br />

In case of deatli of 115. If a singlc appraiser or arbitrator coiicurrently ilppoillted<br />

single a1*bitrator Pro- die or become incapable to act before the iimking of his award or fail<br />

ceedings to commence<br />

de wouo. to niake his a~~-arcl wit liiii sixty clays after his appoiiitment or T\ritEn<br />

such extencled time if any not exceeding thirt'y days as shall have been<br />

duly appointed by liini for that purpose the matters rcfc~rcd to llim<br />

sliall be agaiu refcrrcd to appraisenient or arbitration xinder the<br />

provisions hereinbefore contaimd as if no reference had been already<br />

made.<br />

Power to nppoint<br />

<strong>Crown</strong> bailiffs<br />

JfisdenLect U ov T~-espss Peii a1 t ies ct 72 cl Gei?evnE Clit IISPS.<br />

116. It shall be lawfbl for the Governor from timc to tiine to<br />

appoint a sufficient nuniber of persons as bailifls Of croTV11 lands and<br />

every such hailiff may ancl shall during his contjnuaiice in office and<br />

without prejudice to tlie rights and duties of any land agent<br />

or commissioner of <strong>Crown</strong> lands do on behalf of Eer<br />

Majesty or on behalf of the Gomrnor or tlic Minister in<br />

respect of all and any <strong>Crown</strong> lands or lands selected prior to grant<br />

all neccssary acts for preventing intrusion cncroachme~lt or trespass<br />

on such lands or for levying or recovcring the rent OF the license fee<br />

payable in respect thereof or for taking ancl recovering possession of<br />

any allotment or lands in case of forfeiture or for sucli other purpose<br />

as any bailiff lawfully appointed may by law do iii respect of aiiy<br />

lands tenements or hereditaments of his employer.<br />

Proceedings against 117. 'VTJhenever any persoii is in tlic occupation of any <strong>Crown</strong><br />

trespassers. lands such person being unauthorised as a pastoral lessee<br />

OF licensee or if so authorised contrary to or in hindrance<br />

of the pro'isions of this <strong>Act</strong> or under color of any lease<br />

issued under the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> which sliall have become<br />

forfeited or revoked it shall be lawful for any land agent bailiff of<br />

<strong>Crown</strong> lands or police constable to prefer to any justice an inforniation<br />

in writing setting forth such occupation and such justice shall there-<br />

upon issue his summons for thc appearance before any two justices at<br />

a place and time to he therein specified of the persoii against whom<br />

aiiy such coniplaint is made and the justices if on hearing tlie case they<br />

are satisfied of the truth of the complaint shall issue under their hands<br />

a warrant to dispossess and remove such person from such <strong>Crown</strong><br />

lands and to take possession of the same on behalf of Her Majesty<br />

and any constable to whom any such marrant sliall bc directed shall<br />

forthwith execute the same according to the tenor and exigency<br />

thereof.<br />

No land ngent or 118. If any conimissioner land agent or licensed surveyor or<br />

licensed siirve~or any district surveyor directly or indirectly purchase any land<br />

may purchnse land in<br />

respect of whl& J,~ declared opeii for selection in any proclamation in which he is<br />

be eniployed. named or being land respecting Tvliicli he acts as land agent or in the<br />

survey or classification of wliich lands he may have lieen concerned<br />

he shall thereby forfeit his office or license as the case may<br />

be and shall also forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds with full<br />

costs of suit which may be recovered by any person who iiiay sue for<br />

tlie same in tlic nearest district court or in the Supreme Court of<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong>.<br />

Removal of boundary 119. If any person shall Ti-ilfully obliterate remove or deface any<br />

mark to bo a misde.<br />

meanor. boundary tilark wliich may have beert made or erected by or under the<br />

direction of any licensed surveyor land agent bailiff of <strong>Crown</strong> lands<br />

arbitrator valucr or other pmon who shall have lawfully macle or<br />

erected th,: same under or in pursuance of any of the provisions of this<br />

<strong>Act</strong> such ;>erson so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanour.<br />

120, All

cFI_ _--_I_ --<br />

<strong>31</strong>" YlU'l'OltlA3 No. <strong>46</strong>. 021<br />

Ci.ozun <strong>Lands</strong> Alienution Ad of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

- -<br />

120. All actioiis or other proceeclings unless undertaken 011 Lilnitation of nctlons.<br />

behalf of the Crow1 against aiiy land agent hailif€ of CrL,i\-ii lands or<br />

other officer acting uiider the ~wovisions of this <strong>Act</strong> for anything<br />

mrongfully done under or against tlic provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> shall be<br />

commenced witliin twelve months after the matter coiiiplainccl of was<br />

committccl and not otherwise And notice in TT riting of any such action<br />

or proccecling and of thc cause thereof shall be given to the dcfenclant<br />

one nxontli at least before the coiiiiiieiiceiii~ntofsuch action or proceeding<br />

Ancl in every such action or proceeding the defendant may plcad the<br />

general issue and give this <strong>Act</strong> ancl the special matter in evidence at any<br />

trial to be hail thereupon And the plaintiff in any such actioii shall not<br />

recovcr if tender of sufficient amends sliall have been made before the<br />

commencement of 'sucli action or if a sufticient sum of money shall<br />

have been paid into court after such commencement by or on behalf<br />

of the defendant together with costs incurred up to that timc And if<br />

a verdict shall pass for the defendant or the 1daintifF shall becomc<br />

nonsuit or cliscontinitc his action or proceeding or if upon demuriw or<br />

otherwise judgment shall be given apinst the plaintiff tlie defendant<br />

shall recover from thc plaintiff his full costs- as between attorney and<br />

client and liave the like remedy for the same as any defendant has by<br />

law against his plaintiff in similar cascs.<br />

121. It shall be lalvfd for any pcrsoo" who shall feel hhselfAp]>eal to nearest from District<br />

usticpa<br />

aggrievecl by thc conviction or decision of any justice or justices under<br />

any of the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> to appeal therefrom to the district court<br />

nearest to the place where such conviction or decision shall have been<br />

given ancl tlie execution consequent upon the conviction or decision so<br />

appealed from sliall he suspended on thc appellant with two or more<br />

sufficient sureties entering before such justice or justices into a bond<br />

or recognizance to Her Majesty in the sum of fifty pounds which<br />

bond or recognizance the said justice or justices are hereby authorised<br />

to take and the obligee by such bond or recognizance shall be bonnd<br />

to prosecute such appeal to conclusion ancl to be forthcoming to abde<br />

the determiuation of the said court ancl to pay such costs if any as<br />

the said cowl shall awarcl against him and such court is hereby<br />

authorised i d requirecl to hcar and determine the matter of tlie said<br />

appeal aid in any snch matter the decision of such court sliall be final<br />

and conclusive to all intents ancl purposes wliatsoever.<br />

122. No oder Or other proceeding made 01' t2Lken by any NO proceedinga under<br />

justices or any district court touching. or concerning the conviction :; ~~$W';~of<br />

any offenders or touching or concerning any other matter or thing<br />

arising out of the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> shall be liable to be quashed<br />

or vacated for want of form only or be removecl or removable by certiorari<br />

or any writ or process whatsoever into the Supreme Court.<br />

123. Any lease or other instrument issued under the provisions Lease I U be ~ prorod ~<br />

of this <strong>Act</strong> may in all legal proceedings on proof of the destruction or<br />

loss or uiiwarrantable detention of the original be provecl by the<br />

production of a certified copy thereof signed by the officer who issued<br />

tlie original or any of his successors iu office or by aiiy other officer<br />

authorised for that 1mq)ose under or by virtue of any regulation issued<br />

under tlie provisions of this <strong>Act</strong>.<br />

124. It shall be lawful for the Gowrnor from time to time to Governor luay make<br />

make ancl alter or rescind all iiecessary regulations for the due ueceszary regu1ntions.<br />

carrying out of the provisions of this <strong>Act</strong> ancl foor the care<br />

protection ancl mauagcment of all public parks and reserves and for<br />

thc preservation of goocl order and dcccncy therein aiid all sucli<br />

regulations shall be proclaimed and be posted in somc conspicuou5<br />

place iu cverp such prk or rcsen-e and every per30n ~vlio sliall<br />

knowingly and wilfiilly ofI'end against an? such regulation shall 011<br />

convictioii hefore tl just,ice forfeit and ply n penalty not exceeding five<br />

pounds for each such offence iii addition to any other penalty he may<br />

incur<br />

eelstlficd cOp~.

523 <strong>31</strong>’ VhCTORIB NO. 4G.<br />


<strong>Act</strong>s &e. repealed.<br />

The Orders in Council and Regulations issued under the Imperial <strong>Act</strong> of Parliament<br />

9 and 10 <strong>Vic</strong>toria chapter 104 and the following Colonial enactments-<br />

--- -~ __ ___<br />

Date of <strong>Act</strong>. I Title of Art<br />

4 Win. IV. No. 10 ...<br />

5 Wm. IV. No. 12...<br />

11 Vie. No. <strong>31</strong> ...<br />

~-<br />

... I An <strong>Act</strong> for protecting the <strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong> of this colony from<br />

encroachmciit intrusion and trespass<br />

... j An <strong>Act</strong> to amend an <strong>Act</strong> intituled “ An <strong>Act</strong> for protecting<br />

tlic Cromn <strong>Lands</strong> of this colony from encroachment<br />

... ~ An<br />

1<br />

intrusion and trespass”<br />

<strong>Act</strong> to enable trwtees of commons in New South Wales<br />

to have pcrpctual succession ancl to empowcr tlicrn to<br />

rephte Ihe use of such lands as may be grantcd as<br />

commons within tlie said colony and for other iiurnoses<br />

j relating tliercto<br />

54 Vie No. 15 ... ... The <strong>Alienation</strong> of <strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong> <strong>Act</strong> of 1850<br />

37 T’ic. No. 23 ... ... I The Acricultural Reserves <strong>Act</strong> of 1SG3<br />

20 Vie. No. 12 ...<br />

... ! The L&sin,n <strong>Act</strong> of lSG6<br />

And all resolutions of both Houses cr either House of the Parliament of <strong>Queensland</strong><br />

relating to the occupation alicnatioii or otlicr diipo,-nl of the <strong>Crown</strong> lands of the colony<br />

of Queenslaiid and all regulations mndc undor any of tlic abovcmcntioaed <strong>Act</strong>s or any of<br />

the resolutions above referred to.<br />



Commencing at Point Danger and bounded tlience by tlie snuthern boundary of<br />

the colony wcstcrly to Naryland tbcnce ~JY Hcrrics’ Rnngc aid the rang scpnting<br />

the Co idaininc River from the Mclntyrc River T’;eir River and Jlooiiie River to the liead<br />

of Wiilrie’s Creek tlieii by the wntcrslind sepratinz the Condaminc River from TVilkic’s<br />

Creek<br />

‘ 1

<strong>31</strong>’ VICTORIB No, <strong>46</strong>.<br />

__ - .- - ___-_<br />

Cvozoii <strong>Lands</strong> dlio~nf~on <strong>Act</strong> of 1568.<br />

~ -- ___ ._ ----------- __<br />

___creek<br />

to their junction then by the Condaminc Rivcr to the jnnction of Gooranga<br />

Creek then by that crcclr to its head in the Great Dividing Range then by said range<br />

and tho rang separating the Urisbanc River from the Eurnett River thence by<br />

the range seixmtting the i\Iary River from the Brisbane River thcncc by the range<br />

separating the Mary niver from tbc Burnett Piivcr and by a spur range to the<br />

junction of the Degilbo Creclr with the Ihirnett River thence by a line north-west to thc<br />

sepnrating the Burnett Rivcr from tlie Kolan Rivcr thence by that rangc and by<br />

the rang scpxrating thc Ihrnett River from thc Doync liiver and Kroombit Creek thencc<br />

by the range separntiug the Danson Rircr from Krooxibit Creek and the Dee Eiver tu<br />

<strong>31</strong>ount Spencer thcncc by tlie mcstern watershed of Googanja Creclr to the jnnction of that<br />

nit11 the Pitzroy Rivcr tliencc by n lint. north-west to the rmzc scprating the<br />

nI&enzie River from the streams tributary to the River Fitzroy below Googanja Oreck<br />

thenee by that rnngc 2nd the range SCparZting thc ISnaC’R River from matcr flowing direct<br />

to the coast t? Long Hill tlicncc by a line bc.iring nolth-wcst to n point thirty inilcs in a<br />

direct linc from tlic seaconst thcrlcc by a line pardlcl to the seacoast at a diskincc of<br />

thirty liiilcs to tlic 138 dcgrccs meridian of east longitoclc being thc west boundary of tho<br />

colony thencc by that boundary to tllc senconst and by thc beaconst to tlie point of commencement.<br />

_____ - __ .-<br />


Applicatioii ~IJ io sclect C‘rowi~ <strong>Lands</strong>.<br />

Receivcd this day of 18 at o’cloclr Agcn t<br />

Policc Distiict of 18 *<br />

I* alii desirous of purchasing the portion of<br />

<strong>Crown</strong> Land? liereunder described which is now open to selection without compctition<br />

having bcen previously offered for , de and not bid for (or sold and the deposit thereon<br />

forfeited as the case may be) and I hereby tender the sum of<br />

pounds<br />

shillings nnd<br />

pence as the price thereof including the Fee on the Dccd.<br />

No of lot at previous sal?<br />

............<br />

Date of proclamation ...... ........<br />

Date when offered for sale ............<br />

No. of acres in the lot ........ ......<br />

County .....................<br />

Parish or place ..................<br />

No. of portion ...... ............<br />

Upset price (if not bid for) ............<br />

Price at which sold (if deposit forfeited) 2 ......<br />

Less deposit forfeited ...............<br />

[Applicant’s signatiwe]<br />

Land ...... 2<br />

Deeds ......<br />

--<br />

--<br />

e<br />

The Agent for the Sale of <strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong><br />

and<br />

--<br />

&<br />

--<br />

Received from the sum of pounds shillings<br />

pcncd as the price of the land above described.<br />

Agent for the sale of <strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong> at<br />

* Insert the Christian and Burnmm1 nt fill1 length.<br />

f Near1 st post town.<br />


Application to Lease <strong>Lands</strong> fov Cultivation of Sugar or cofee.<br />

To the Commissioner of the District of<br />

Sir<br />

I hereby apply in pursuance of the provisions of the sixty-fifth section of tlie<br />

‘I Cvoru~ Land:: <strong>Alienation</strong> <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong> ” to be declared and entered as Lesscc of the land<br />

specified below.<br />

I herewith tender yon the slim of as the first year’s rent payable in<br />

advance for the said land at the rate of<br />

Bud 1 agree to all the conditions and restrictions of thc said <strong>Act</strong> 60 far as the E~IIIC<br />

apply to the said land.<br />

[ Xigizature]<br />

--<br />

Bescrixtioiz.<br />

county of parish of<br />

per acre.<br />

Received from the sum of pounds<br />

shillings and pence 3s the rent of the land above described and survey fee.<br />

__________<br />



624<br />

-- . _-____<br />

Crow~~ Lauds dlieiiatioii <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

____ - __<br />


Applicatioi, by io Lease <strong>Lands</strong> Before Sui-vey.<br />

Received this day of 1s<br />

A gc11 t.<br />

Rt o’clock.<br />

I<br />

Policc District of<br />

1% ,<br />

do hereby state my desire to bccomc the<br />

lessec of the <strong>Crown</strong> lands hereunder described which is now open to selection without<br />

competition under the proTisions of the (( Alieiiuiion of Ci.oi(<strong>31</strong>2 Luiids <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong> ” and<br />

I hereby tendcr the sum of pounds shillings aud<br />

pencc as the first year’s rcut togethcr with thc surrey fee<br />

I<br />

Aren. I<br />

I declare that I livp<br />

in <strong>Queensland</strong> and that I am above the age of twenty-one ycars and that I apply for such<br />

portion on my own behalf and for NY own USC aud not :IS au agent or trustee for any<br />

othcr person whatsoever And I further declarc that I apply for the said portion in order<br />

that I inay use the same and that I liavc not entered into any ngrcemcnt to sell deinisc or<br />

mortgage tlie said portion.<br />

[ SiyliutulY.]<br />

Declared before me<br />

[Sign a tu 1.e .I J. 1’.<br />

Area of Land applied for-<br />

Acres.<br />

and<br />

Agricultural land ............<br />

First-class pastoral land .........<br />

Sccond-class pastoral land .........<br />

Total area ............<br />

Desci-iptioii of Bountluiies.<br />

-<br />

Received from the sum of pounds shillings<br />

pence as the rent of the land above described and survcy fee.<br />

Land Agcnt.<br />

__-<br />

SCHEDULE E’.<br />

Application to Purchase .Niiieral <strong>Lands</strong>.<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of section thirty-two of the <strong>Act</strong> of the Legislature of<br />

Qtieensland <strong>31</strong> <strong>Vic</strong>toria No. <strong>46</strong> aud of the regulations established thereunder( 1)<br />

of do hereby apply to purchase without competition acre8<br />

roods and perches of land in the(%) of (and which lands are morc<br />

particularly described in the schcdulc annexed) for the purpose of mining for(3)<br />

and hereby tcnder the sum of paunds shillings and pcuce a6 tho<br />

required deposit upon the purchase of the said laud at the rate of five shillings per acre.<br />

Giren under hand this day of 18 .<br />

[Sigil a tu re]<br />

To the Minister for <strong>Lands</strong> Brisbane.<br />

Received from the fium of pounds shillings and pence<br />

being the amount of the deposit on the purchase as above proposed.<br />

(I) 1 01 we all names in full.<br />

(’) Connty 07 District.<br />

(”) Desciiptioii of minerals to be dug for nud worhcd.<br />

Treasurer.<br />

Brisbane 18 .<br />

[Xigiiature of Applicant.]

<strong>31</strong>" Y.LC'l'OXWl3 No. <strong>46</strong>.<br />

Croirii Lnirtls Alieiri~~ioiz <strong>Act</strong> uf <strong>1868</strong>.<br />

_I-.____ _.- -<br />


Tvci~isfe~. of Lease undei.<br />

Sir<br />

hereby notify to you that hJve assigned and<br />

transferred to of<br />

all<br />

riglit title and interest in and to the lease of <strong>Crown</strong> lands hereunder<br />

described-<br />

KO. of acres in 11ie lot ............<br />

County ..................<br />

Parish or place ...............<br />

And nov held by<br />

under the <strong>Crown</strong> <strong>Lands</strong> <strong>Alienation</strong> <strong>Act</strong> of <strong>1868</strong><br />

(<strong>31</strong> <strong>Vic</strong>toria No. <strong>46</strong>) from the <strong>Crown</strong> and<br />

hereby relinquish in favor of the<br />

said<br />

all and any the'riglits and privileges which may belong or accrue to<br />

as the lessee of tlic said land.<br />

As witness hand at this<br />

day of<br />

in the year of our Lord one thousa~~d<br />

eiglit liuncl~d and sisty-<br />

Signed by the said<br />

in the presence of<br />

[J.P. 011 Coininissioner of the Supreme Court.]<br />

To thc IIinistcr for lrands Brisbane.<br />

A fcc of tcn diillillgs iituut be paid OLL every tmiisf'w of 3 1c.m.<br />

Separate fonus of tippLc:ition must bc fillcl1 and d111y signed fur each leaso to be trunsferred.<br />

The Icnsc mist he sriit in will1 t,lw :Lppliration to transfkr that snch transfer mag be notcd thcreon.<br />

SCIIEDULE 11.<br />

Schedule of Fees to be pirl by Selectors and Purchasers to tlefi-uy the cost oj Suwg<br />

Ami of Lnud.<br />

Surrey Fec.<br />

E s. d.<br />

40 acres and under 60 acres ...... 3 8 0<br />

60 It<br />

11 80 I1 ...... 3 10 0<br />

80 I1 I1 120 ,I ... .. 4 12 0<br />

120 I1 I, 100 11 ...... 5 4 0<br />

160 I f<br />

I) 240 I1 ... ,.. 5 16 0<br />

240 11 ,I 320 I1 ...... G 4 0<br />

320 11 I1 480 1) ...... 7 0 0<br />

480 ,I1 I1 640 I1 ...... 7 18 0<br />

610 j i ...............<br />

8 0 0<br />

And for every additional 640 acres or part of 640 acres after the first 640 acres 24.<br />

Soliedtile (,f<br />

SCREDUTiE I.<br />

Deed Fees chatyeuble on Deeds of Gpant in Fee ,%rnple.<br />

Not exceeding<br />

,1<br />

s. d.<br />

50 acres ......... 1 0 0<br />

100 ,] ......... 1 5 0<br />

500 ,, 1 10 0<br />

I1<br />

.........<br />

........<br />

.........<br />

11 1,000 2 0 0<br />

I) 2,000 3 0 0<br />

I1 5,000 ......... 4 0 0<br />

I 10,000 ,, ......... 5 0 0<br />

- ........... T ...... P narr cnrernment Printer. Wil!iain Street, Brisbam.

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