Veni Sancte Spiritus - Catholicyouthministry.com - Resource ...

Veni Sancte Spiritus - Catholicyouthministry.com - Resource ...

Veni Sancte Spiritus - Catholicyouthministry.com - Resource ...


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<strong>Veni</strong> <strong>Sancte</strong><br />

SpirituS<br />

Life Teen’s 2011 Theme<br />

Life nighT ouTLine<br />

catechiSm reference<br />

# 683-701<br />

# 731-741<br />

# 26070-2672<br />

Scripture<br />

John 14:25-31<br />

John 16:12-15<br />

Acts 2:1-41<br />

Romans 8:26-27<br />

1 Corinthians 12:1-3<br />

Key conceptS<br />

• “<strong>Veni</strong> sancte spiritus” is Latin for<br />

“Come holy spirit.” This is Life Teen’s<br />

theme for 2011.<br />

• We cannot earn the holy spirit; it is<br />

freely given in Baptism. Through the<br />

gift of god’s spirit, god dwells within<br />

us.<br />

• Although we have the spirit, we<br />

recognize our <strong>com</strong>plete need for<br />

god’s presence in our lives and, in this<br />

simple prayer, we ask god to unleash<br />

his power in our lives.<br />

Goal<br />

The goal of this night is to introduce Life Teen’s annual theme to the teens of the<br />

parish. in this Life night, the teens will gain a deeper understanding of the role<br />

of the holy spirit, how we are to pray to and with the spirit of god, and how he<br />

works within our lives.<br />

about thiS niGht<br />

This Life night introduces Life Teen’s annual theme for 2011: <strong>Veni</strong> sancte spiritus.<br />

This is the fifth year Life Teen has chosen an annual theme; each theme helps<br />

guide and direct the content of our events and resources throughout the year.<br />

it is our hope that these themes can also provide a framework for parish youth<br />

ministry programs as well. This year is all about the holy spirit. At pentecost, god<br />

freely gave us his spirit, and it is given to each person at Baptism. The Catechism<br />

describes the holy spirit as “the interior Master of Christian prayer” (CCC 2672).<br />

This Life night will begin with icebreaker games involving pig Latin. The talk will<br />

explain the Latin theme and what it means to call on the holy spirit for wisdom,<br />

guidance and courage. The Break for the night is a time of personal reflection and<br />

prayer. The Life night ends with praying the simple, yet powerful prayer, “Come<br />

holy spirit,” and inviting the holy spirit to move in the lives of the teens.<br />

L i f e T e e n s p o T L i g h T

enVironment<br />

What does the holy spirit look like? even though we can’t see him, we do have a<br />

lot of visuals to help us understand the holy spirit. The environment for this Life<br />

night will utilize all of these images (see CCC 694-701) in an exaggerated way. for<br />

wind, have several (the more the better) high-power fans going. for fire, create a<br />

large, fake bonfire in the center of the room. for doves, have bird sounds playing<br />

(loudly) as the teens enter. for the hand and finger, give each of the Core Members<br />

a foam finger (as seen at sporting events). for light, have several large spotlights<br />

and/or flashlights. have fun with this. The room should be somewhat chaotic as<br />

the teens enter.<br />

media SuGGeStionS<br />

Video: “2011 Theme introduction” by Mark hart (Life Teen Video Support 12)<br />

Video: “The story of pentecost” by Dan stevers (www.danstevers.<strong>com</strong>/work)<br />

song: “Come holy spirit” by Tom Booth (Captured) spiritandsong.<strong>com</strong><br />

song: “holy spirit, have Your Way” by Leeland (Love Is On The Move)<br />

Gather 15 Minutes<br />

Wel<strong>com</strong>e and introductionS (5 min)<br />

The youth minister gathers all the teens together and<br />

wel<strong>com</strong>es them to the Life night. The twist is that the entire<br />

wel<strong>com</strong>e and introduction should be spoken in pig Latin (i.e.<br />

el<strong>com</strong>-way ooh-tay ife-lay ight-nay). This should thoroughly<br />

confuse the teens, but keep going with it until one of<br />

the Core Members steps forward as the official “pig Latin<br />

Translator.”<br />

piG latin challenGeS (10 min)<br />

The youth minister (still speaking pig Latin) and the<br />

“translator” will introduce the pig Latin challenges. Below is a<br />

list of possible challenges; use as many as time allows:<br />

• ursery-nay hyme-ray. Choose one <strong>com</strong>petitor from each<br />

grade level. They will each be given a short nursery<br />

rhyme (i.e. Mary had a Little Lamb, Little Bo peep, Twinkle<br />

Twinkle Little star, etc.). They have to say the entire nursery<br />

rhyme in pig Latin. The first one to do it correctly, without<br />

stumbling, wins the <strong>com</strong>petition.<br />

• name that Verse. The youth minister will read a Bible verse<br />

in pig Latin. The first person to <strong>com</strong>e forward and correctly<br />

say the verse in english wins. You can play several rounds of<br />

this game. some examples:<br />

“or-fay od-gay oh-say uhved-lay eh-thay orld-way, at-thay<br />

ee-hay ayve-gay is-hay only-ay egotten-bay uhn-say,<br />

at-thay oosoever-whay elieveth-bay in-ay im-hay ould-shay<br />

ot-nay erish-pay, ut-bay ave-hay everlasting-ay ife-lay.” –<br />

John 3:16<br />

noteS<br />

“o-say od-gay eated-cray an-may in-ay is-hay own-ay<br />

image-ay, in-ay uh-thay image-ay of-ay od-gay ee-hay<br />

eated-cray im-hay; ale-may and-ay emale-fay ee-hay<br />

eated-cray em-thay.” – genesis 1:27<br />

• Last Man standing. have the teens get into pairs. one<br />

teen will ask questions (in english) and the other has to<br />

answer in pig Latin. once the answering teen responds in<br />

english instead of pig Latin, the roles switch. Keep track of<br />

how many questions are answered in a row. The goal is to<br />

remain the “answerer” as long as possible.<br />

proclaim 20 Minutes<br />

“<strong>Veni</strong> <strong>Sancte</strong> SpirituS<br />

introduction” Video (5 min)<br />

This short video by Mark hart can be found on Life Teen Video<br />

support 12. use it as a transition into the teaching<br />

“<strong>Veni</strong> <strong>Sancte</strong> SpirituS”<br />

teachinG (10 min)<br />

Below is an outline for this teaching. It should be a short,<br />

engaging teaching about the role of the Holy Spirit and how we<br />

engage the Spirit in prayer.<br />

fire, Wind and doves – oh my!<br />

(use the environment to help illustrate this point) What<br />

does the holy spirit look like? We have a lot of images in<br />

here – birds, wind, fire, fingers, light, etc – but how would you<br />

describe the third person of the Trinity? it’s not easy, because<br />

the spirit is not something we see with our eyes. That is why<br />

our Church gives us so many images to help us understand<br />

L i f e T e e n s p o T L i g h T 9

10<br />

who the holy spirit is (CCC 694-701). What do these symbols<br />

tell us about the spirit? fire, wind, light – all can be very<br />

powerful and impact everything around it. same with the<br />

holy spirit; he is god and when god moves, things change.<br />

The spirit is the love between the father and the son, a love<br />

so real and perfect that it is another Divine person of the<br />

Trinity. from the beginning of creation, god has desired to<br />

be with us. This is why Jesus came as a man. This is also why<br />

god sent us his holy spirit after Jesus ascended (Acts 2:1-41).<br />

Just as god gave the Apostles the holy spirit at pentecost,<br />

he gives each one of us the holy spirit at our Baptism.<br />

Through this sacrament (actually through all the sacraments),<br />

god freely gives his spirit to us. Think about it – the spirit<br />

that hovered over the waters at creation, that allowed the<br />

Apostles to speak in different languages, that sustains the<br />

Catholic Church – that same holy spirit dwells in you.<br />

What’s with the latin?<br />

(use the gather game to help illustrate this point) Did you<br />

ever wonder why the Church loves Latin so much? it is<br />

considered the language of the Church. often, parts of the<br />

Mass (sometimes even the entire Mass) are said in Latin. There<br />

is something beautiful and mysterious about prayers in Lain.<br />

it brings the entire universal (Catholic) Church into a <strong>com</strong>mon<br />

language and unites us further as one body.<br />

This year (2011), Life Teen’s annual theme is <strong>Veni</strong> sancte<br />

spiritus. it is a Latin phrase that means “Come holy spirit.”<br />

These three words form a powerful prayer calling out for the<br />

spirit’s assistance. But wait … didn’t we just say that god<br />

has given us his holy spirit in Baptism? We did. Then why do<br />

we need to ask for the holy spirit to <strong>com</strong>e? isn’t he already<br />

here? Yes, he is. But this ancient prayer (found throughout<br />

the Mass) recognizes our need for god. We cry out and ask for<br />

an unleashing of the holy spirit (already freely given in the<br />

sacraments) in our lives. scripture tells us that we don’t know<br />

how to pray, but the spirit of god is constantly interceding<br />

on our behalf (Romans 8:26-27). The spirit is at work in you<br />

even when you don’t acknowledge him. But in this prayer, we<br />

acknowledge the spirit and invite him to move in our lives in<br />

powerful ways.<br />

the holy Spirit and you.<br />

Throughout the year, the entire Life Teen family is going to<br />

be crying out to the holy spirit and asking for his wisdom,<br />

guidance and strength. The question for you is: where do<br />

you need the holy spirit, god’s own life, right now? The holy<br />

spirit is more than a bird in a stained glass window or an oily<br />

spot on your forehead during Confirmation. The holy spirit<br />

is real. The holy spirit is here. The holy spirit is powerful. god<br />

waits for you to give the invitation. he waits for you to open a<br />

door to him. The spirit within you waits for the opportunity to<br />

change, transform and renew you.<br />

L i f e T e e n s p o T L i g h T<br />

perSonal teStimony (5 min)<br />

follow the teaching with a short testimony from a Core<br />

Member or older teen about a time when they recognized<br />

their need for god’s spirit and cried out for him. This<br />

testimony should help set up the Break of the Life night.<br />

breaK 20 Minutes<br />

perSonal reflection (20 min)<br />

This Life night is a little different than the usual routine.<br />

instead of small groups, the teens will be asked to take some<br />

time in personal reflection and prayer. hand each of the teens<br />

the “<strong>Veni</strong> sancte spiritus” handout and a pen. The goal of this<br />

time is to have the teens pray and reflect on the areas in their<br />

lives where they need the power of the holy spirit.<br />

Depending on your group dynamics, you can have the teens<br />

gather in small groups before sending them out on their<br />

own. if possible, bring the teens into the church or chapel<br />

before explaining the reflection. This will allow for an easier<br />

transition into the send.<br />

The handout can be found on page 12.<br />

Send 20 Minutes<br />

impoSition of handS (20 min)<br />

Bring the teens back together from their personal reflection<br />

time. The youth minister should give a short recap of the<br />

night and transition into a time of prayer. have the Core<br />

Members <strong>com</strong>e to the front of the room, sanctuary or chapel<br />

(wherever the group is). invite the teens to <strong>com</strong>e to one of<br />

the Core Members for prayer. explain that the imposition of<br />

hands is an ancient form of prayer and a sign of the anointing<br />

of the holy spirit. When a teen approaches a Core Member,<br />

encourage them to share one area in which they need the<br />

holy spirit’s power. The Core Member will pray with the<br />

teen: “Come holy spirit.” The Core Member can use his/her<br />

own words, or pray the traditional “Come holy spirit” prayer<br />

(below). if possible, give the teens a copy of the prayer to take<br />

home. Challenge the teens to make this simple prayer a part<br />

of their daily prayer routine.<br />

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in<br />

them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be<br />

created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.<br />

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts<br />

of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly<br />

wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord,<br />


After everyone has had a chance to be prayed over by Core<br />

Members, finish the night by asking the intercession of Mary,<br />

the spouse of the spirit. pray together the hail Mary and Ave<br />

Maria.<br />

Laminated copies of the “<strong>Veni</strong> sancte spiritus” prayer card can<br />

be purchased at store.lifeteen.<strong>com</strong><br />

adaptinG thiS niGht<br />

• for larger youth groups, have the teens get into small<br />

groups before the Break. pass out the reflection sheets and<br />

pens within the small groups and then give them time to<br />

pray and reflect individually. for the send, have the teens<br />

get back into small groups and have that Core Member<br />

pray over the teens in his/her small group.<br />

• for smaller youth groups, pray over the teens one-by-one.<br />

encourage the rest of the teens to pray for the person<br />

being prayed over. This will help make it a more <strong>com</strong>munal<br />

time of prayer.<br />

GoinG deeper<br />

• have something throughout the year that reminds the<br />

teens of the annual theme. This can be a sign or a banner<br />

with the annual theme logo. incorporate the theme into<br />

the parish teen retreat or other annual events.<br />

• Make the “Come holy spirit” prayer part of the close of<br />

every Life night for 2011.<br />

L i f e T e e n s p o T L i g h T 11

12<br />

<strong>Veni</strong> <strong>Sancte</strong> SpirituS<br />

<strong>com</strong>e Holy Spirit<br />

Take time to read and reflect on the following questions:<br />

What situation have you been trying to control that you need to surrender to god?<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

What decision have you been trying to make?<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

What person do you struggle with the most right now?<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Where do you need the holy spirit in your life right now?<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Scripture tells us that it is the Holy Spirit in us that recognizes God and our need for Him.<br />

“No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit”<br />

– 1 Corinthians 12:3<br />

We are weak, but God is strong; He sends us His Spirit, who changes, transforms, and renews us. We have been given the<br />

gift to be able to call upon the Spirit for wisdom, guidance, and courage. When God moves, things change.<br />

“In the same way, the Spirit too <strong>com</strong>es to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we<br />

ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings.”<br />

– Romans 8:26<br />

The Church reminds us to cry out to God and ask for an unleashing of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the<br />

agent of change and holiness in us.<br />

“To be sure, there are as many paths of prayer as there are persons to pray, but it is the same Spirit acting<br />

in all and with all.” – CCC 2672<br />

Now the question is: where do you need the Holy Spirit, God’s own life, to <strong>com</strong>e into and transform your life? Take time<br />

to invite the Holy Spirit into those areas of your life you identified before. Make this a moment of honest and genuine<br />

prayer. If you don’t know what to say… just repeat the phrase “Come Holy Spirit.”<br />

L i f e T e e n s p o T L i g h T

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