August 21, 2011 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School

August 21, 2011 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School

August 21, 2011 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School


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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong><br />

Longmont, Colorado<br />

Twenty-first Sunday<br />

in Ordinary Time<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Thank you to all <strong>the</strong> parents throughout <strong>the</strong> years who have entered <strong>the</strong>se doors<br />

<strong>and</strong> were willing to make sacrifices in <strong>the</strong>ir lives for <strong>the</strong> greater good of our students.<br />

Loving God, our Creator, our Savior, our Companion,<br />

please bless all <strong>the</strong> students in our community as <strong>the</strong>y begin a new school year.<br />

Refresh <strong>the</strong>ir souls <strong>and</strong> renew <strong>the</strong>ir spirits.<br />

<strong>St</strong>reng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>m to share <strong>the</strong> wonderful gifts You have given <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

May You guide <strong>the</strong>m to return to <strong>the</strong>ir classrooms with open hearts <strong>and</strong> minds,<br />

eager to gain knowledge that is pleasing unto You.<br />

We ask this in Your name. Amen.<br />

Please visit us at www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org.

Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

323 Collyer <strong>St</strong>reet<br />

Longmont, Colorado 80501<br />

Parish Office Hours<br />

Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />

4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.<br />

Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.<br />

Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />

Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.<br />

Eucharistic Adoration<br />

Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.<br />

Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.<br />

Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />

To inquire about or sign up for adoration, please<br />

call <strong>the</strong> parish office at 303-776-0737.<br />

Please see page 9 for <strong>the</strong> new Adoration schedule<br />

taking effect on September 6th.<br />

Children’s Adoration<br />

Thursday 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.<br />

All children <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir parents are welcome. Please<br />

call Amy at 303-682-8824 for more information.<br />

Baptism Information<br />

Parents <strong>and</strong> godparents must attend baptism<br />

preparation class prior to a child’s baptism.<br />

The next class is September 13, <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Adults only—no children, please.<br />

Registration is at 6:20 p.m. Class starts at 6:30 p.m. in<br />

Benedict Hall. English classes are in <strong>the</strong> middle school.<br />

Spanish classes are in Benedict Hall.<br />

Wedding Information<br />

Please contact <strong>the</strong> parish office at least eight months<br />

in advance of your planned wedding date.<br />

For baptisms <strong>and</strong> weddings, please contact<br />

Jaime Morales at 303-776-0737, ext. 144 or<br />

jaimem@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Food Bank<br />

located at 804 S. Lincoln <strong>St</strong>reet<br />

Hours<br />

Tuesdays 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.<br />

Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.<br />

Thursdays 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.<br />

Gabriel Project Ministry serving women in need<br />

during a crisis pregnancy - 303-776-0737, ext. 167.<br />

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Liturgy Schedule<br />

Masses<br />

Weekday Mass<br />

Monday-Friday - 6:30 a.m. <strong>and</strong> 8:30 a.m.<br />

Misa en Español - Jueves 6:00 p.m.<br />

Saturday<br />

5:00 p.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., <strong>and</strong> 5:00 p.m.<br />

Misa en Español - 12:30 p.m. <strong>and</strong> 7:00 p.m.<br />

First Saturday of <strong>the</strong> Month<br />

7:30 a.m. Reconciliation<br />

8:30 a.m. Mass in chapel<br />

Reconciliation<br />

Thursday at 4:30 p.m.<br />

Saturday 3:30 p.m.<br />

Sunday 11:45 a.m.<br />

Also by appointment.<br />

Anointing<br />

Second Saturday of <strong>the</strong> month following<br />

5:00 p.m. Mass or please call for an appointment.<br />

In Our Gift Shop…<br />

Pick up a gift for someone special!<br />

New items arrive weekly!<br />

Gift Shop Hours:<br />

Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.<br />

Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.<br />

Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.<br />

Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.<br />

Friday 9:00 a.m. - Noon<br />

Please contact Nancy Olivari<br />

at 303-776-0737, ext. 108.<br />

We accept Visa <strong>and</strong> MasterCard.

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

A Word from Our Pastor<br />

My Dear Family in Christ,<br />

The second reading from <strong>the</strong> letter to Romans<br />

begins: “Oh, <strong>the</strong> depth of <strong>the</strong> riches <strong>and</strong> wisdom <strong>and</strong><br />

knowledge of God!” (Romans 11:33). This is a profession<br />

of faith. It is based on Paul’s experience as a believer <strong>and</strong><br />

apostle; <strong>the</strong> fullness of God has been offered to him<br />

experientially. I should like to suggest this passage for our<br />

consideration this week.<br />

God is not a concept. God is not an idea or force.<br />

We are fortunate to know God personally, <strong>and</strong> that means<br />

as a person. We must turn to <strong>the</strong> depth of God. All ancient<br />

peoples <strong>and</strong> cultures had <strong>the</strong>ir gods. The chosen people<br />

had not <strong>the</strong>ir gods, but <strong>the</strong> LORD, <strong>the</strong> One who is creator<br />

<strong>and</strong> sustainer of all that is. This is not limited to underst<strong>and</strong>ing,<br />

but is an invitation to accept, through faith, a<br />

personal God. By personal, I mean <strong>the</strong> capacity to relate, to<br />

make commitments <strong>and</strong> live out of conviction.<br />

One does not respond to <strong>the</strong>ories or concepts with<br />

conviction, but evidence. That is <strong>the</strong> basis for a twofold<br />

exchange. This God that has been fully disclosed by Jesus<br />

of Nazareth is Fa<strong>the</strong>r, Abba. This dem<strong>and</strong>s faith because it<br />

is beyond reason. How can one believe in one God yet<br />

three persons? Only in <strong>the</strong> living out of this relationship by<br />

<strong>the</strong> Son do we come to an underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> acceptance of<br />

this divine mystery.<br />

The knowledge of God is not so much information<br />

<strong>and</strong> facts, but an invitation to <strong>the</strong> disclosure of God, who<br />

has fully come into <strong>the</strong> world in <strong>the</strong> Son, who in turn<br />

entrusts us to <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit. This summarizes <strong>the</strong> riches,<br />

wisdom, <strong>and</strong> knowledge of God. It is ours when we place<br />

our trust in <strong>the</strong> unsearchable ways of <strong>the</strong> divine gift that has<br />

been fully disclosed in love. He gave his life to set us free.<br />

Fr. Ron<br />

Lectors for Mass<br />

Lord, make me a hollow reed<br />

so that your voice will be heard by all who hear me.<br />

Free me of excessive concern over my performance.<br />

Convert my feeling of nervousness <strong>and</strong><br />

turn all my apprehension into an energy<br />

for proclaiming your word with power <strong>and</strong> authority.<br />

May your Spirit live in me <strong>and</strong><br />

fill <strong>the</strong> holy word that I proclaim.<br />

Do you feel beckoned to become a Lector or Minister of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Word? For more information, please contact Gary<br />

Lewis at gm4solutions@aol.com.<br />

Please call Karen Sabo at 303-776-0737, ext. 109 or e-mail<br />

karens@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org for more information.<br />

1943<br />

Farewell Reception<br />

for Sr. Margaret Jo<br />

Sr. Margaret Jo Brown was born in <strong>St</strong>eamboat<br />

Springs in 19<strong>21</strong>, but was raised in<br />

Longmont from <strong>the</strong> age of two. She<br />

graduated from <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s <strong>School</strong> in 1936<br />

<strong>and</strong> from Longmont High <strong>School</strong> at 9th <strong>and</strong><br />

Main <strong>St</strong>reets in 1940. She entered <strong>the</strong><br />

Convent of <strong>the</strong> Sisters of <strong>St</strong>. Francis of<br />

Assisi in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on <strong>August</strong><br />

30th of that same year <strong>and</strong> took her religious<br />

vows in 1943. She returned to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s in<br />

1968. At that time<br />

she saw <strong>the</strong> needs of<br />

elderly persons,<br />

both in <strong>the</strong> parish <strong>and</strong> local rest<br />

homes. She was able to organize<br />

special Masses, dinners, <strong>the</strong><br />

sacrament of Anointing, <strong>and</strong><br />

Eucharistic visits for <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s<br />

shut-ins. Throughout <strong>the</strong> years, Sr.<br />

Margaret Jo enjoyed <strong>the</strong> privilege<br />

of being at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s as a student,<br />

music teacher, <strong>and</strong> pastoral assistant.<br />

While enjoying retirement, she was still<br />

Teaching piano<br />

active in several church <strong>and</strong> prayer groups <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Franciscan<br />

Associates. After years of service, Sr. Margaret Jo is retiring<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Franciscan Mo<strong>the</strong>r House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.<br />

A reception for her will be held after all morning Masses on<br />

September 11th. Please come sign a memory wall hanging,<br />

say your farewells, <strong>and</strong> enjoy a dessert. For more<br />

information, please call Berta Egan at 303-776-2743.


<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Food Bank<br />

<strong>and</strong> Outreach<br />

By <strong>John</strong> Williams<br />

At least 80% of food bank families with children<br />

depend on <strong>the</strong> USDA’s National <strong>School</strong> Lunch Program<br />

which feeds nearly <strong>21</strong> million children from low-income<br />

households. However, when school is out for <strong>the</strong> summer,<br />

fewer than 15% are fed through <strong>the</strong> Summer Food Service<br />

Program. As we near <strong>the</strong> end of summer <strong>and</strong> school is<br />

about to resume, we wish to share <strong>the</strong> efforts we have made<br />

to keep <strong>the</strong> children of our Food Bank clients fed, based<br />

largely on <strong>the</strong> generosity of our parish.<br />

Since <strong>the</strong> beginning week of June, our Food Bank<br />

has been adding extra items to all our medium boxes<br />

(3-4 in family), our large boxes (5-6 in family) <strong>and</strong> extralarge<br />

boxes (7 or more in family). Almost every week we<br />

were able to include cereal because of <strong>the</strong> great response of<br />

<strong>the</strong> parish for <strong>the</strong>se donations. We also added macaroni <strong>and</strong><br />

cheese, tuna, hot dogs, fresh cheese, eggs, peanut butter <strong>and</strong><br />

jelly, <strong>and</strong> extra loaves of bread. Some of <strong>the</strong>se were not<br />

weekly, but most were. These made up for <strong>the</strong> breakfast <strong>and</strong><br />

lunch meals that <strong>the</strong> children would o<strong>the</strong>rwise have had at<br />

school. We are quite sure that <strong>the</strong> nutritional needs of many<br />

of <strong>the</strong> children in our families would not have been met<br />

without this extra service.<br />

The feedback from our Food Bank families has<br />

been impressive. So many of our clients have expressed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir gratitude to our drivers. Some have even written to us<br />

with loads of thanks. We would like to share one such letter<br />

with you.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Food Bank,<br />

Please accept my apology for not writing to you<br />

sooner <strong>and</strong> thanking you for <strong>the</strong> wonderful food box your<br />

organization has been providing for us each Wednesday.<br />

This food box has helped cut our grocery expenses <strong>and</strong> we<br />

appreciate that very much.<br />

Our driver is wonderful. She is very punctual, very<br />

friendly, <strong>and</strong> always has a smile on her face. Please let her<br />

know that we appreciate her very much.<br />

On behalf of us <strong>and</strong> all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r food bank families<br />

who receive <strong>the</strong>se food boxes, we thank you. Your organization<br />

is doing a great <strong>and</strong> needed job.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

We are so pleased about this service. Thank you!<br />

A Grateful Food Bank Family<br />

www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

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Be A Part of Our Annual<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>'s Fun Run!<br />

You can make a difference<br />

for our school!<br />

Dust off your running shoes <strong>and</strong> get training! It's time<br />

to get ready for <strong>the</strong> 4th Annual <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>'s Fun Run!<br />

It is just around <strong>the</strong> corner on September 25th!<br />

In addition to running or walking in <strong>the</strong> Fun Run, you<br />

can also be a sponsor! Any business or <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>'s<br />

family can help support <strong>the</strong> students of <strong>St</strong>.<br />

<strong>John</strong>'s. Sponsor levels are $100, $250 <strong>and</strong> $500 which<br />

are all tax deductable. As a sponsor your name will be<br />

on <strong>the</strong> race T-shirt <strong>and</strong> poster at <strong>the</strong> event.<br />

Please make checks payable to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>'s <strong>School</strong> with<br />

"Fun Run" on <strong>the</strong> memo line <strong>and</strong> drop it by <strong>the</strong> school<br />

office. You may also mail it to<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

350 Emery <strong>St</strong>reet<br />

Longmont, CO 80501<br />

For fur<strong>the</strong>r details, please contact Corinne Veltien at<br />

303-774-8780.<br />

Registration forms are available in <strong>the</strong> school<br />

<strong>and</strong> parish offices.<br />

Scripture Classes<br />

Please join Fr. Ron for scripture classes<br />

on Monday mornings in<br />

Benedict Hall. Classes will follow 8:30<br />

a.m. Mass <strong>and</strong> conclude at 10:30 a.m.<br />

This week’s honored advertiser is:<br />

Please support our bulletin advertisers<br />

listed on <strong>the</strong> back pages!

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

A Letter From Our Pastor<br />

Dear <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Parishioners,<br />

Our 2nd annual Fall Golf Classic is scheduled for September 24, <strong>2011</strong> at Saddleback Golf Course<br />

in Frederick. Last year, with your support, over $26,000 was contributed to our <strong>School</strong> Endowment<br />

<strong>and</strong> Tuition Assistance Funds. Again, all proceeds from this year’s event will go toward our<br />

<strong>School</strong> Endowment <strong>and</strong> Tuition Assistance Funds.<br />

Our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Knights of Columbus Council #14898 is again hosting this fun-filled event.<br />

Individual <strong>and</strong> Sponsor registration forms are available at our parish <strong>and</strong> school reception desks<br />

<strong>and</strong> our website. We will also be selling raffle tickets for some great prizes! Tickets will sell for <strong>the</strong><br />

cost of $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. You do not need to be present to win. The prizes include <strong>the</strong><br />

following: 60” flat screen HD television<br />

$1,000 in cash<br />

Weekend trip in a two-bedroom condo to ei<strong>the</strong>r Estes Park or <strong>St</strong>eamboat Springs<br />

$500 in cash<br />

One-day guided fishing trip for two<br />

Our council members will be available to offer golf tournament registrations, sponsorship information, <strong>and</strong> raffle<br />

ticket sales after all Masses <strong>the</strong> following weekends: <strong>August</strong> 27-28<br />

September 17-18<br />

Our Fall Golf Classic is an annual event that provides an opportunity to support our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Parish <strong>and</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

Please join us!<br />

In Christ,<br />

Fr. Ron Weissbeck<br />

Raffle Tickets<br />

Available Next Weekend!<br />

To see prizes for our Knights of<br />

Columbus Golf Classic raffle, please view<br />

<strong>the</strong> slideshow over Benedict Hall.<br />

For more information, please contact:<br />

Rich Kohl at 303-772-6389<br />

or Phil Sock 303-678-8681.<br />

www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

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Witness <strong>the</strong> Exciting Foundations of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

with Acts: The Spread of <strong>the</strong> Kingdom<br />

The Acts of <strong>the</strong> Apostles is more than a history of <strong>the</strong> first Christians. It is an incredible story of <strong>the</strong> power of <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit.<br />

After <strong>the</strong> Ascension of Christ, <strong>the</strong> Apostles appeared worried <strong>and</strong> confused. They had spent three years in <strong>the</strong> presence of<br />

our Savior <strong>and</strong> our God, <strong>and</strong> now He had returned to His Fa<strong>the</strong>r. But He did not leave <strong>the</strong>m alone. Christ sent <strong>the</strong> apostles<br />

<strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit to guide, instruct, <strong>and</strong> empower <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

In Acts: The Spread of <strong>the</strong> Kingdom, you will witness how <strong>the</strong> apostles, through <strong>the</strong><br />

power of <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit, continued <strong>the</strong> saving mission of Christ on earth. You will see<br />

how <strong>the</strong> Kingdom of God is truly among us in <strong>the</strong> Holy <strong>Church</strong> established by Christ,<br />

<strong>and</strong> you will come to a greater appreciation for <strong>the</strong> entire <strong>Catholic</strong> faith.<br />

Join us for Acts: The Spread of <strong>the</strong> Kingdom in <strong>St</strong>. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Room beginning<br />

Thursday, September 8th at 9:15 a.m. <strong>and</strong> continuing each Thursday. For more<br />

information or to register, please call Betty Garvert, 303-772-0620 or Pauline Higgins<br />

303-651-0109. Workbooks for this are available in our Gift Shop.<br />

Important: Safe Environment Training<br />

If you would like to volunteer, drive, substitute teach,<br />

teach, hall monitor, entertain, help with parties, decorate,<br />

host, or participate in any way with SJB youth activities,<br />

you must attend <strong>the</strong> Safe Environment Training.<br />

Dates <strong>and</strong> times are below:<br />

Spanish: Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 28th, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.<br />

English: Monday, <strong>August</strong> 29th, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.<br />

Safe Environment training is a one-time only training.<br />

If you have already taken <strong>the</strong> class, it is not necessary<br />

to take it again.<br />

For more details, please call Karen Sabo at 303-776-0737,<br />

ext. 109 or e-mail karens@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org.<br />

P<strong>and</strong>aMania Thank You<br />

From <strong>St</strong>. Francis of Assisi<br />

Mrs. Helen Herman <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Vanessa Vaughn would like<br />

to thank <strong>the</strong> kids <strong>and</strong> teens from <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s who attended <strong>the</strong><br />

VBS program at <strong>St</strong>. Francis of Assisi. Thanks also to <strong>the</strong><br />

awesome volunteers who made this week remarkable <strong>and</strong><br />

fun. They especially want to thank Briana Benalcazar,<br />

Lauren <strong>and</strong> Kara Sawinska, Kendall <strong>and</strong> Kristin Holmes,<br />

<strong>and</strong> James Jensen. You are amazing!<br />

Thursday Morning Bible <strong>St</strong>udy<br />

Youth News<br />

www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

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Mark your Calendar<br />

For Religious Education!<br />

Religious Education will begin September 12th <strong>and</strong> 14th,<br />

with classes on Monday <strong>and</strong> Wednesday evenings<br />

from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m.<br />

Join <strong>the</strong><br />

excitement of an all new<br />

youth group with<br />

Fr. Geronimo<br />

Gonzalez!<br />

For all kids, grades 7-12<br />

Join us in <strong>the</strong> Youth Center<br />

on Wednesday evenings<br />

from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s <strong>School</strong> News<br />

M<strong>and</strong>atory For Our Volunteers<br />

Safe Environment Training<br />

If you are considering volunteering at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s <strong>School</strong><br />

this year (<strong>and</strong> we hope you are!), you MUST complete our<br />

Safe Environment training. The training is open to all<br />

those who work closely with children. Please see <strong>the</strong><br />

dates <strong>and</strong> times listed below.<br />

Spanish Safe Environment Training:<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 28 from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.<br />

English Safe Environment Training:<br />

Monday, <strong>August</strong> 29 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.<br />

Safe Environment training is a one-time only training.<br />

If you have already taken <strong>the</strong> class, it is not necessary to<br />

take it again. For additional information, please call Katie<br />

in <strong>the</strong> school office at 303-776-8760.<br />

Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Picnic<br />

Yes, it’s coming. Be <strong>the</strong>re to kick-off <strong>the</strong> new<br />

school year in style with our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s <strong>School</strong><br />

family. Meet old friends <strong>and</strong> welcome<br />

some new faces.<br />

Our picnic will take place on<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> <strong>21</strong>st<br />

from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.<br />

Join us in Benedict Hall <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> courtyard! Along with some delicious food, we will have new <strong>and</strong> used uniform sales,<br />

class lists, <strong>and</strong> packets of school information for each family. Our office staff will be on h<strong>and</strong> to answer<br />

any questions you may have. Don’t forget to order your lunch/milk cards!<br />

If you pre-ordered school supply kits from<br />

<strong>School</strong>Kidz, Inc., <strong>the</strong>y will be at <strong>the</strong> picnic<br />

ready to be picked up!<br />

Our Philosophy <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>School</strong> is called by faith to proclaim <strong>the</strong> Risen Christ through <strong>the</strong> lives <strong>and</strong> experiences of its<br />

parents, students, <strong>and</strong> staff. It is committed to providing faith, academic, <strong>and</strong> social experiences to prepare its students to be<br />

life-long learners <strong>and</strong> leaders in <strong>the</strong> church <strong>and</strong> community as witnesses to <strong>the</strong> gospel of Jesus Christ.<br />

www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

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Things to Remember<br />

Our first day of school is <strong>August</strong> 22nd. This is a regular<br />

uniform day with dismissal at 12:00 p.m.<br />

The Preschool Boo-Hoo Breakfast for preschool parents is<br />

in <strong>the</strong> gym foyer from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. on ei<strong>the</strong>r Monday,<br />

<strong>August</strong> 22nd or Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 23rd, depending on your<br />

child's first day of preschool.<br />

Coffee <strong>and</strong> muffins will be served.<br />

On <strong>August</strong> 25th, please join us for our first all school Mass<br />

of <strong>the</strong> school year at 8:30 a.m. in <strong>the</strong> church.<br />

<strong>St</strong>udents must wear <strong>the</strong>ir Mass uniforms.<br />

Alert Now<br />

If you are a school parent <strong>and</strong> are not receiving our Alert<br />

Now messages with all <strong>the</strong> UPCOMING EVENTS AND<br />

IMPORTANT INFORMATION, please e-mail Michele<br />

Osentoski at micheleo@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org.

Un mensaje por parte<br />

del párroco<br />

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas,<br />

El sábado pasado yo participé en un retiro de parejas.<br />

Lo que me llamó la atención fue la diferencia en la<br />

edad de los participantes. Me di cuenta de que el amor es<br />

siempre vivo. Estas parejas se comprometieron de pasar un<br />

fin de la semana para profundizar a su relación matrimonial.<br />

Verdaderamente, no hay nada más importante dentro la<br />

familia que el calor sobre todo de la pareja.<br />

El matrimonio es el base de la familia y de cualquier<br />

sociedad que está viva. Todos nosotros pertenecemos<br />

a una familia. Mientras todo la relación entre la pareja es<br />

esencial para una familia cristiana.<br />

La palabra de Dios nos invita a una repuesta a la<br />

riqueza la que el Señor nos reveló a través el Hijo. Dios<br />

nos ama tanto pero nosotros también tenemos el deber de<br />

no solamente creer pero crecer en la fe. Dentro la familia<br />

hay momentos para compartir. Si la fe esta importante la<br />

familia toma algunos momentos durante la semana de rezar<br />

juntos. Hay oraciones tradicionales: el rosario, el Padre<br />

nuestro, Ave María, y una lectura de la biblia. La familia<br />

no solamente comparte el mismo techo pero también el<br />

calor del hogar. Y no solo el rezar pero yo quisiera<br />

recomendar tiempos para comunicar sobre la familia y cada<br />

persona dentro la familia.<br />

La familia no es principalmente un hecho de la<br />

naturaleza pero más que todo la comunidad mas intímate de<br />

compartir y crecer como persona.<br />

Si, los retiros ayudan pero todos tienen que respetar<br />

y profundizar la riqueza y la tradición de cada uno.<br />

P. Reinaldo<br />

Boletos para una Rifa<br />

Agosto 27-28 y Septiembre 17-18<br />

Los Caballeros de Colón están teniendo el Clasico de Golf<br />

de San Juan Bautista. Se estarán vendiendo boletos para<br />

fabulosos premios. Los boletos se estaran vendiendo a $5.00<br />

cada uno o 5 por $20.00. No necesitas estar presente el dia<br />

de la rifa para poder ganar. Los premios son los siguientes:<br />

• Una television plana de 60 pulgadas<br />

• $1,000 dolares en efectivo<br />

• Viaje de fin de semana en un condominio de 2 recamaras<br />

puede ser en Estes Park o <strong>St</strong>eamboat Springs<br />

• $500 dolares en efectivo<br />

• Un dia duiado para ir de pescar para dos<br />

Los miembros de nuestro concilio estarán disponibles para<br />

ofrecer registraciones, informacion sobre patrocinadores, y<br />

para vender los boletos despues de todas las misas en los<br />

siguientes fines de semana.<br />

Porqué Servir en un Ministerio<br />

Servir como Ujier/Acomodador<br />

Un mensaje por parte del Vicario Parroquial<br />

Un ujier/acomodador es un ministerio esencial para<br />

la parroquia. Es un ministerio de hospitalizada. Un ujier/<br />

acomodador da la bienvenida a los fieles cu<strong>and</strong>o entran a la<br />

iglesia. También ayudan a las personas a encontrar un lugar<br />

donde sentarse si es necesario. Los ujieres/acomodadores<br />

son responsables de recoger las ofrendas de pueblo durante<br />

la colecta y de mantener el orden cu<strong>and</strong>o invitan a la gente<br />

a comulgar. Ellos o ellas también dan la despedida a los<br />

fieles después de la misa.<br />

En el capitulo doce de su carta a los Romanos, San<br />

Pablo escribe, “Que entre ustedes el amor fraterno sea verdadero<br />

cariño, y adelántense al otro en el respeto mutuo…<br />

compartan con los hermanos necesitados, y sepan acoger a<br />

los que estén de pasada” (es decir sean hospitalarios). Este<br />

es un llamado que todos tenemos. Un ujier/acomodador<br />

lleva esta misión acabo de una manera específica con su<br />

servicio en este ministerio durante la misa. D<strong>and</strong>o la bienvenida<br />

a los hermanos y tratándoles con amor y paciencia.<br />

Ayud<strong>and</strong>o en lo que sea necesario con respeto y honestidad.<br />

Recibir a un hermano o hermana con una sonrisa y un<br />

saludo puede cambiarle la vida a alguien. Si no cambia su<br />

vida, por lo menos puede cambiará su día. Hacer sentir a un<br />

emano o hermana que es parte de nuestra comunidad y que<br />

es bienvenido(a) es recibir a Cristo mismo como lo recibieron<br />

Marta y María; las hermanas de Lázaro.<br />

Lo hospitalidad es una gran virtud. Su fundamento<br />

es el amor al cual todos estamos llamados y pare el cual<br />

fuimos creados.<br />

Pbro. Gerónimo González<br />

Llamados a Proteger<br />

Todas las personas que quieren ser voluntarias y que<br />

trabajen con niños en la parroquia y en la escuela tienen que<br />

tomar el entrenamiento “Llamados a Proteger.” Por favor<br />

planee asistir a una de las clases. Usted puede llamar a la<br />

oficina de la escuela para registrarse 303-776-8760. El entrenamiento<br />

en español se dará el 28 de agosto de 1:30<br />

p.m. a 4:00 p.m. El entrenamiento en Ingles se dará el 29<br />

de agosto de 6:00 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Se requieren 20 horas<br />

de de su tiempo para que usted sirva como voluntaria en la<br />

escuela. Las clases serán aplicadas a sus horas requeridas.<br />

Lecturas para la semana del <strong>21</strong> de agosto de <strong>2011</strong><br />

Domingo: Is 22, 19-23/Rom 11, 33-36/Mt 16, 13-20<br />

Lunes: 1 Tes 1, 1-5. 8-10/Mt 23, 13-22<br />

Martes: 1 Tes 2, 1-8/Mt 23, 23-26<br />

Miércoles: Ap <strong>21</strong>, 9-14/Jn 1, 45-51<br />

Jueves: 1 Tes 3, 7-13/Mt 24, 42-51<br />

Viernes: 1 Tes 4, 1-8/Mt 25, 1-13<br />

Sábado: 1 Tes 4, 9-11/Mt 25, 14-30<br />

Domingo siguiente: Jr 20, 7-9/Rom 12, 1-2/<br />

Mt 16, <strong>21</strong>-27

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Mass Intentions<br />

Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 20, <strong>2011</strong><br />

5 p.m. †Fredolin Schoendaller<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

7 a.m. †<strong>John</strong> Thompson.<br />

8:30 a.m. †Ed Casal<br />

10:30 a.m. †Alberta Clark<br />

12:30 p.m. †♥Parishioners of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong><br />

5 p.m. †Ann Didion<br />

7 p.m. †Jose Magdaleno<br />

Monday, <strong>August</strong> 22, <strong>2011</strong><br />

6:30 a.m. ♥May Sullivan<br />

8:30 a.m. †James Bernardelli<br />

Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 23, <strong>2011</strong><br />

6:30 a.m. Margaret McQuade<br />

8:30 a.m. †Sarah A. Medina<br />

Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 24, <strong>2011</strong><br />

6:30 a.m. †Helen Ashbaugh<br />

8:30 a.m. †Lawrence Kasperbauer<br />

Thursday, <strong>August</strong> 25, <strong>2011</strong><br />

6:30 a.m. †Howard Wargo<br />

8:30 a.m. ♥Ronald Fisher<br />

6 p.m. †Irma Mares<br />

Friday, <strong>August</strong> 26, <strong>2011</strong><br />

6:30 a.m. †Mr. <strong>and</strong> †Mrs. Edward E. Obrecht Sr.<br />

8:30 a.m. †William H. Kruse<br />

Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 27, <strong>2011</strong><br />

5 p.m. †Marie Rennick<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 28, <strong>2011</strong> – Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

7 a.m. †Howard Wargo<br />

8:30 a.m. †<strong>John</strong> Chopyak<br />

10:30 a.m. ♥Jose De La Hoya<br />

12:30 p.m. Rebecca McGee<br />

5 p.m. †♥Parishioners of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong><br />

7 p.m. †San Jose<br />

Intentions indicated by † deceased <strong>and</strong> ♥ living. Unmarked if unknown.<br />

Select Events at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> <strong>21</strong>:<br />

• Coffee <strong>and</strong> donuts, after all morning Masses, Benedict Hall<br />

• Back-to-school picnic, 3:00 p.m., Benedict Hall <strong>and</strong> Courtyard<br />

Monday, <strong>August</strong> 22:<br />

• Scripture Class, 9:30 a.m., Benedict Hall<br />

• Summer Bible <strong>St</strong>udy, 7:00 p.m., Benedict Hall<br />

Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 24:<br />

• Youth Ministry Group, 6:00 p.m., Youth Center<br />

• Blue Army, 7:00 p.m., Nursery<br />

For a complete schedule of events, please see <strong>the</strong> list<br />

posted on <strong>the</strong> bulletin board in <strong>the</strong> south foyer.<br />

www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

9<br />

Scheduling Information<br />

Parish Office Hours<br />

On Fridays beginning <strong>August</strong> 26th, <strong>the</strong> parish<br />

office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.<br />

Mass on Labor Day<br />

We will only have 8:30 a.m. Mass (no 6:30 a.m.<br />

Mass) on Labor Day, September 5th. Adoration<br />

will also be closed on this day.<br />

Adoration Changes<br />

Beginning September 6th, we will have<br />

Adoration on <strong>the</strong> following days only:<br />

Monday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.<br />

Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.<br />

Thursday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.<br />

Readings for <strong>the</strong> Week of <strong>August</strong> <strong>21</strong>st<br />

Sunday: Is 22:19-23/Rom 11:33-36/Mt 16:13-20<br />

Monday: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10/Mt 23:13-22<br />

Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8/Mt 23:23-26<br />

Wednesday: Rv <strong>21</strong>:9b-14/Jn 1:45-51<br />

Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13/Mt 24:42-51<br />

Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8/Mt 25:1-13<br />

Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11/Mt 25:14-30<br />

Next Sunday: Jer 20:7-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:<strong>21</strong>-27<br />

What is <strong>Catholic</strong> Relief Services?<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Relief Services was founded in 1943 by <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops of <strong>the</strong> United <strong>St</strong>ates to serve World War II<br />

survivors in Europe. Since <strong>the</strong>n, <strong>the</strong>y have exp<strong>and</strong>ed in size<br />

to reach more than 100 million people in more than 100<br />

countries on five continents. Their mission is to assist impoverished<br />

<strong>and</strong> disadvantaged people overseas, working in<br />

<strong>the</strong> spirit of <strong>Catholic</strong> social teaching to promote <strong>the</strong><br />

sacredness of human life <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> dignity of <strong>the</strong> human<br />

person. Although <strong>the</strong>ir mission is rooted in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

faith, <strong>the</strong>ir operations serve people based solely on need,<br />

regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. Within <strong>the</strong> United<br />

<strong>St</strong>ates, CRS engages <strong>Catholic</strong>s to live <strong>the</strong>ir faith in solidarity<br />

with <strong>the</strong> poor <strong>and</strong> suffering of <strong>the</strong> world. To learn more<br />

about CRS, please visit www.crs.org.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> community honors our military troops by keeping <strong>the</strong>m in daily prayer<br />

<strong>and</strong> by publishing <strong>the</strong>ir names in our bulletin.<br />

Please submit his or her name, rank, <strong>and</strong> branch of service to joanw@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org.

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Phone (303) 776-0737<br />

Fax (303) 772-5636<br />

Website www.john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

Clergy<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>r Ron Weissbeck, Pastor<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>r Geronimo Gonzalez, Parochial Vicar<br />

Deacon Bob Howard<br />

Deacon Mike Berens<br />

Parish <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Mary Ruth Chopyak, Facility Scheduler<br />

maryruthc@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 110<br />

Teresa Cuevas, Receptionist<br />

teresac@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 100<br />

Joanie Daly, Accounting Manager<br />

joanied@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 101<br />

S<strong>and</strong>y Gross, Director of Faith Formation<br />

s<strong>and</strong>yg@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 117<br />

Lyle Herrera, Maintenance Manager<br />

lyleh@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 135<br />

Maggie Howard, Music <strong>and</strong> Liturgy<br />

maggieh@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 112<br />

Loretta Lewis, Scrip - Ext. 107<br />

Jaime Morales, Sacramental Coordinator<br />

jaimem@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 144<br />

Nancy Olivari, Gift Shop<br />

nancyo@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 108<br />

Karen Sabo, Administrative Assistant to Formation<br />

karens@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 109<br />

Theresa Valencia, Director of Administrative Services<br />

<strong>the</strong>resav@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 111<br />

Ruby Vesely, Pastoral Assistant<br />

rubyv@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 139<br />

Joan Willden, Social Media Coordinator<br />

joanw@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

<strong>John</strong> Williams, Outreach Coordinator<br />

johnw@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 105<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

350 Emery <strong>St</strong>reet, Longmont, CO 80501<br />

303-776-8760<br />

contactschool@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org<br />

Grades P–8<br />

Julie Rossi, Principal<br />

Mary Wellems, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director<br />

Michele Osentoski, Assistant to <strong>the</strong> Principal<br />

Please call <strong>the</strong> school office for information.<br />

Alumni Office, alumni@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org or Ext. 136<br />

10<br />

Treasure Sharing<br />

From <strong>the</strong> weekend of <strong>August</strong> 13-14<br />

Collection Online Giving<br />

Offertory $16,270.29 $ 2,733.00<br />

Food Bank/2¢ a Meal $ 401.00 $ 137.50<br />

Renew <strong>and</strong> Reserve $ 155.00 $ 156.50<br />

Scrip Program<br />

Sales $6,730.00<br />

Profit $ 156.30<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Food Bank<br />

Families Served 271<br />

Assistance $200.34<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s also gives $150.00 a month to Safe Shelter of<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vrain Valley <strong>and</strong> $100.00 a month to <strong>the</strong> OUR Center.<br />

Purchasing Scrip<br />

Purchasing scrip is an easy way to support <strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s<br />

<strong>Church</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>School</strong>. You simply exchange your cash<br />

or check for an equal value gift certificate<br />

for participating vendors.<br />

Thank you for supporting our scrip program!<br />

Safeway - $50<br />

King Soopers - $50<br />

Vitamin Cottage - $50<br />

Wal-Mart - $100 <strong>and</strong> $25<br />

Home Depot - $25<br />

Lowe's - $25<br />

Panera Bread - $25<br />

Perkins Restaurant - $25<br />

Chipotle - $10<br />

<strong>St</strong>arbuck's - $10<br />

Ziggi's Coffee - $10<br />

Your Butcher Frank - $10<br />

Longmont Florist - $25<br />

Target - $25<br />

Larger amounts of<br />

Lowe's <strong>and</strong> Home Depot<br />

can be ordered for special<br />

projects by calling Loretta<br />

at 303-776-0737.<br />

A Legacy Gift<br />

Would you consider committing resources to <strong>the</strong> future of<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>School</strong>? Bequests<br />

<strong>and</strong> legacy giving are a major revenue source for many parishes.<br />

You can easily accomplish this through an<br />

outright gift or a planned gift via your will, revocable trust,<br />

retirement plan, or life insurance policy.<br />

Your legacy is a reflection of your life, work, <strong>and</strong> faith.<br />

Your legacy gift will honor <strong>the</strong> organizations or people<br />

who have had an impact on your life <strong>and</strong> will guarantee<br />

that future generations have <strong>the</strong> same opportunities.<br />

For more information or to make arrangements, please<br />

contact Theresa Valencia at 303-776-0737, ext 111<br />

or <strong>the</strong>resav@john<strong>the</strong>baptist.org.

Fox Creek<br />

Wine, Beer & Spirits<br />

• Over 2,000 H<strong>and</strong> Selected Wines<br />

• Incredible Beer Selection including Microbrews<br />

• & Spirits from around <strong>the</strong> world<br />

Ph: 720-494-0771<br />

1610 Pace <strong>St</strong>., #700, Longmont (By Safeway)<br />

Wine Tasting Every Friday 4:30 pm to 7 p.m.<br />

mike slater • fred blackmere<br />

alej<strong>and</strong>ro m. ruiz<br />

Parishioners<br />

A tradition of care <strong>and</strong> service to <strong>the</strong> Boulder County Communities<br />

MoRtuaRy • CEMEtERy • CREMatOry • PRE-aRRangEd SERviCES<br />

3395 PeNrOSe PLACe 3016 kalMia avEnuE<br />

bOuLDer, CO 80301 bOuLDer, CO 80301<br />

303-442-4411 303-442-4448<br />

www.cristmortuary.com<br />

Jim Marty & Associates, LLC<br />

Certified Public Accountants<br />

& Consultants<br />

1714 Duchess Dr.<br />

303-651-0304<br />

www.jimmarty.com<br />

24 South Main <strong>St</strong>reet<br />

Longmont, CO 80501<br />

(303) 776-6031<br />

614 Coffman<br />

303-776-2804<br />

650 20th Ave.<br />

www.longmontflorist.com 776-4077<br />

Support Our Advertisers<br />

Check <strong>the</strong> ads on this page before<br />

you check <strong>the</strong> yellow pages.<br />

Support Your <strong>Church</strong><br />

Place A Business Or Personal Ad<br />

In The Parish Bulletin.<br />

Elizabeth Crowley<br />

1-800-950-9952<br />

Ext 2568 or<br />

720-468-9423<br />

Email: ecrowley@4LPi.com<br />

www.SeekAndFind.com<br />


CPA, InC.<br />

JOHn C. POWer, CPA • 303-776-6123<br />

201 Terry <strong>St</strong>reet, Suite 1-C<br />

Longmont, CO 80501<br />

Se r v i n g t h e Lo n g m o n t a n d Bo u L d e r Co u n t y area Si nC e 1950<br />

accounting • taxes • Payroll Services<br />

individuals • Small Businesses<br />

Free Initial Consultation<br />

Chamberlain Coins <strong>and</strong> Collectibles, LLC<br />

385 Main <strong>St</strong>reet<br />

Longmont, CO 80501<br />

(303) 774-9661<br />

Mark Chamberlain<br />

www.facebook.com/chamberlaincoins<br />

U.S./Foreign Coins <strong>and</strong> Currency<br />

Gold <strong>and</strong> Silver Investments<br />

Buy • Sell • Trade • Appraisals<br />

Valley Nissan Subaru, llC<br />

Longmont • 776-0443<br />

www.valleynissan.com<br />

www.valleysubaru.com<br />

Ka p s a K La w Fi r m LLC<br />

Dan Kapsak<br />

Parishioner<br />

303-651-9330<br />

Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney,<br />

Advance Care Directives,<br />

Guardianships, Conservatorships<br />

www.kapsaklaw.com<br />

Commercial<br />

residential & H.O.A.’s<br />

Full Service<br />

L<strong>and</strong>scape Maintenance<br />

303-684-9484<br />

Colorado<br />

<strong>St</strong>onecrafters<br />

Granite <strong>and</strong> Marble<br />

Fabrication & Installation<br />

Joel Csotty<br />

1710 Skway Dr. Suite E<br />

Longmont, CO 80504<br />

Ph# 303-702-9560 / Fax# 303-702-9570<br />

kevin Cavanaugh, M.D.<br />

Board Certified in eNt –<br />

Head <strong>and</strong> Neck Surgery<br />

Fellowship trained in<br />

Facial Plastic Surgery<br />

& reconstructive Surgery<br />

(720) 494-9111<br />

DLD Painting<br />


Damon Lee Drake<br />

owner<br />

ipaint2@hotmail.com<br />

303 506 1402<br />

Insured<br />

Commercial. Residential.<br />

Established in 1996<br />

©<strong>2011</strong> FOR AD INFO CALL EL i z a bE t h Cr o w L E y 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM <strong>St</strong>. Jo h n, Lo n g m o n t, Co<br />

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is an Art”<br />

Full Service<br />

Dry Cleaning & Laundry<br />

Alterations • Lea<strong>the</strong>r Cleaning • Specialty Items<br />

Environmentally Friendly<br />

Green Earth Cleaning<br />

Free Pick up & Delivery<br />

1631 Pace, Longmont<br />

www.artcleaners.com 303-684-8585<br />

303-417-9000<br />

Certified<br />

Restoration & Cleaning<br />

Professionals<br />

www.rapid-dry.com<br />

Zumba<br />

with Danae<br />

Free Trial<br />

720.352.6244<br />

600 S. Airport Rd. Bldg B, Suite A<br />

www.viscariafitness.com<br />

Dr. Peter Schmid<br />

Board Certified in<br />

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive<br />

Surgery; Head/Neck Cancer;<br />

Diseases of <strong>the</strong> Ears, Nose & Throat<br />

1305 Sumner <strong>St</strong>reet, Suite 100<br />

303-651-6846<br />

Jack P. Wolfe<br />

AttOrNey At LAW<br />

303-776-0880<br />

749 tanager Circle<br />

Construction • Real Estate • Corporate<br />

Estate Planning • Wills & Probate<br />

european & Japanese Auto Care<br />

303-772-4770<br />

328 third Ave.<br />

(3rd & emery)<br />

b 2C 05-0018<br />

08-11-<strong>2011</strong> 16:45:32

Check Out<br />

Longmont’s<br />

Largest Wine<br />

<strong>St</strong>ore With<br />

A Wine Cellar<br />

And Tasting Bar<br />

<strong>St</strong>ore Hours:<br />

Mon. thru Sat. 9am to 11:45pm<br />

Sunday 10am to 8pm<br />

Wine Tasting: Saturday 4pm to 7pm<br />

999 S. Hover <strong>St</strong>. • Longmont, CO 80501<br />

Phone# 303-684-9165<br />

Parishioner<br />

Traditions<br />

29 Year Parishioner<br />

Alyson Canepa<br />


303-912-4663<br />

Alyson@AlysonSellsHomes.com<br />

mary kay<br />

CosmetiCs<br />

Helen Herman<br />


303-776-7679<br />

AGAPE AnGElICum<br />

SChOOl OF nuRSInG ARTS<br />

80 Garden Center, Suite 114<br />

Broomfield, CO 80020<br />

Be a Certified nursing Aide<br />

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1 Month Training<br />

Potentially<br />

Earn<br />

$12-15/hour<br />

And Up<br />

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Call: 720-938-6734<br />

AgapeAngelicum@gmail.com<br />

www.AgapeAngelicum.com<br />

303-678-5296<br />

www.nutrilawn.com/colorado<br />


Daily Delivery Available-Call Today<br />



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In Boulder for over 35 years<br />

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gu n b a r r e l sq u a r e Ce n t e r<br />

bo u l d e r Co 80301<br />

303 530 4818<br />

Parishioner<br />

www.kofc.org<br />

knights of Columbus<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong><br />

Council #14898<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> - Family - Fraternal - Service<br />

— Parish First —<br />

Contact http://kofc14898.org<br />

or Rich Chopyak, (303) 746-4375<br />

Edward Smith<br />

Injury lawyer<br />

Parishioner<br />

Auto Accidents<br />

Slip & Fall Workers Comp.<br />

Wrongful Death<br />

(303) 682-2944 www.edsmithlaw.com<br />

Longmont<br />

Memorials<br />

Celebrating 100 Years<br />

of Quality<br />

<strong>and</strong> Craftsmanship<br />

303-776-0162<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong>’s Parishioner<br />

JOHN SkOMal<br />

Individual <strong>and</strong> Family<br />

Health Insurance Plans<br />

303-979-4891<br />

www.denverhealthplanquotes.com<br />

General <strong>and</strong> Family Dentistry<br />

New Patients Welcome<br />

Dr. Paul Hartig`an, D.D.S.<br />

Dr. Michael Kellogg, D.D.S.<br />

1616 Mountain View Avenue<br />

303-772-3313<br />

dr.hartigan@gmail.com<br />

LONGMONT 1834 Main <strong>St</strong><br />

Just North of Albertsons<br />

303-678-0111<br />

NIWOT 7960 Niwot Rd<br />

Cotton Wood Ctr<br />

303-652-0830<br />


“We Bring Our Ovens To You”<br />

303-652-6224<br />

Locally owned & operated by “Big” Tom Sma<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

303-775-2317<br />

Your leader in home staging <strong>and</strong> redesign<br />

ECOnomically!<br />

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Lisa Darrah<br />

ASP, IAHSP<br />

Owner<br />

303-772-7678 Licensed Insured Jim, Parishioner<br />

email: jemohanplumbing@gmail.com • Mobile: 303-901-0796<br />

Premier Designs Jewelry<br />

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Host your very own “Girls Night Out”<br />

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JRWard79@MSN.com<br />

Since 1898<br />

303-776-2434<br />

Ask for <strong>St</strong>eve Powers<br />

or Elizabeth Rittenburg<br />

303-682-9015<br />

510 2nd Avenue<br />

Longmont, CO<br />

8am - 5:30pm M-F<br />

Excellence, Integrity, Value<br />

& Positive Relationships<br />

Dimensions Salon & Spa<br />

www.dimensionssalon<strong>and</strong>spa.com<br />

Hair, Skin, nailS<br />

MaSSage, Coffee<br />

free Wi fi, Spray Tanning<br />

Alea Herrera<br />

Owner/<strong>St</strong>ylist/Parishioner<br />

380 Lashley <strong>St</strong>, <strong>St</strong>e 300<br />

303-651-2705<br />

J.E. Mohan<br />

PluMbing ContraCtor<br />

Service/remodel<br />

New Construction • Hydronic Heat • Basement Finish<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong> OpeninG<br />

New Ownership<br />

*Lower Prices<br />

*Rewards Program<br />

*More Inventory<br />

*Free Delivery<br />

for all of Longmont<br />

*2% of Parishioner sales go<br />

to <strong>St</strong> <strong>John</strong>’s <strong>School</strong> & Parish<br />

750 West 9th avenue<br />

303-776-1955<br />

$5 off $50 purchase<br />

$10 off $100 purchase<br />

with coupon<br />

mix or match wine & spirits.<br />

Sale items excluded<br />

Sedation, Cosmetic &<br />

Family Dentistry<br />

New Patients Welcome<br />

Complete Care in a Comfortable<br />

<strong>and</strong> Caring Environment<br />

Dr. Cliff Rogge<br />

(Parishioner)<br />

920 S. Hover<br />

Longmont, CwO 80501<br />

303-485-8888<br />

Artistic Smiles.org<br />

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To Advertise Here,<br />

Call Elizabeth Crowley today at<br />

1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2568<br />

or 720-468-9423<br />

or email: ecrowley@4LPi.com<br />

www.SeekAndFind.com<br />

a 4C 05-0018<br />

08-11-<strong>2011</strong> 16:45:32

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