CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY - Epiphany Catholic Church

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY - Epiphany Catholic Church

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY - Epiphany Catholic Church


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<strong>CHURCH</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>EPIPHANY</strong><br />

February 24, 2013<br />

Second Sunday of Lent<br />

<strong>Church</strong> Address<br />

8235 S.W. 57 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33143<br />

www.epiphanycatholicchurch.com<br />

Ministry of Religious Education &<br />

Pastoral Services<br />

Mrs. Isabel Prellezo, Directress<br />

Telephone: 305-665-0037<br />

Office of Development & Parish Affairs<br />

Mr. Edmund F. Onorati, Director<br />

Telephone: 305-667-4911<br />

Ministry of Music<br />

Mr. Thomas Schuster, Organist<br />

Mr. Angelo Marchese, Cantor<br />

Mr. Georgi Danchev, Choirmaster<br />

Telephone: 305-667-4911<br />

School<br />

Sister Margaret Fagan, IHM, Principal<br />

Ms. Ana Oliva, Vice Principal<br />

5557 S.W. 84 Street, Miami, Florida 33143<br />

Telephone: 305-667-5251 Fax: 305-667-6828<br />

www.epiphanycatholicschool.com<br />

Convent<br />

Sister Carmen Teresa, IHM, Superior<br />

Telephone: 305-667-2144<br />

Rectory/Mailing Address<br />

8081 S.W. 54 Court, Miami, Florida 33143<br />

Telephone: 305-667-4911<br />

Fax: 305-667-8067<br />

Masses<br />

Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.<br />

Saturday 8:00 a.m.<br />

Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m.<br />

Sunday 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 a.m.<br />

12:30* & 6:00 p.m. ( * Spanish)<br />

Rosary Daily 7:40 a.m.<br />

Novena Mondays 8:30 a.m.<br />

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament<br />

Monday-Friday 7:00-8:00 a.m. &<br />

8:30-9:30 a.m.<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

Saturdays at 4:30 p.m.<br />

Sacrament of Baptism<br />

Call the Parish Office two months in advance.<br />

Sacrament of Matrimony<br />

Call the Parish Office ten months in advance.<br />

Monsignor Jude O’Doherty, Pastor<br />

Father Luis Largaespada, Associate Pastor<br />

Deacon Don Livingstone<br />

Deacon Norman Ruíz-Castañeda<br />

Deacon José Luis Carrión, Jr.<br />

Deacon Thomas V. Eagan<br />

Deacon Marcos Pérez<br />

<strong>THE</strong> WISE STILL SEEK HIM

Pastor’s Pen<br />

Although most of you already know, it is<br />

fitting at this time to acknowledge in this space<br />

the announcement of the honor to be conferred<br />

on me as Pronotary Apostolic Supernumerary.<br />

I accept it humbly and gratefully as a recognition<br />

by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, through the<br />

person of his Excellency, Archbishop Thomas G.<br />

Wenski, for the people of this Archdiocese for<br />

whom and with whom I have worked over the last<br />

forty-eight years. Any personal achievements<br />

worthy of recognition are of necessity intimately<br />

linked with the support and the cooperation which<br />

I have always received in the performance of my<br />

duties.<br />

I believe that such honors bestowed by the<br />

<strong>Church</strong> authorities on individuals are given, not<br />

specifically because of personal merit, but for the<br />

purposes of focusing attention on the growth and<br />

development of the <strong>Church</strong> in a given area and<br />

for the purposes of encouraging all the people of<br />

God to continue their efforts on behalf of the work<br />

of Christ which must be done by us. If this title is<br />

to mean anything to me as a person, and more<br />

especially as Pastor of <strong>Epiphany</strong> Parish, it is not<br />

because of any personal accomplishments in the<br />

past, but because of what together this whole<br />

Parish as a community will achieve in the future.<br />

For the honor, I am thankful; for the<br />

recognition given to <strong>Epiphany</strong> Parish, I am<br />

grateful. That we may continue to work for Christ<br />

in a more unified manner in this community of<br />

<strong>Epiphany</strong> in the future…for this, I am hopeful.<br />

In all, seven other priests were elevated to<br />

the rank of “Monsignor.” They are Monsignor<br />

James Fetscher, Pastor, St. Sebastian in Fort<br />

Lauderdale; Monsignor Roberto Garza, Rector,<br />

St. John Vianney College Seminary; Monsignor<br />

Jose L. Hernando, Pastor, St. Agnes in Key<br />

Biscayne; Monsignor Chanel Jeanty, Vicar<br />

General for the Archdiocese of Miami; Monsignor<br />

George Puthusseril, Judicial Vicar for the<br />

Archdiocese of Miami; Monsignor Juan Quijano,<br />

Theology Professor, St. Vincent De Paul<br />

Major Seminary; Monsignor Edmund White,<br />

Pastor, St. Mark in Southwest Ranches.<br />

In addition, Father Eduardo Barrios, S.J. will<br />

receive the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross.<br />

The Ceremony of Investiture will take place<br />

at St. Mary’s Cathedral during Vespers on<br />

Sunday, March 10, 2013, at five in the afternoon.<br />

Admission is by invitation only. Each honoree has<br />

been allotted a limited number of tickets.<br />

Unfortunately, I cannot invite all of you to attend;<br />

however, there will be a limited number of<br />

invitations at the Rectory beginning Monday,<br />

February 25 th , after 8:30 in the morning on a first<br />

come first serve basis, should any of you wish to<br />

attend.<br />

I have been aware of the title Protonotary<br />

Apostolic Supernumerary for some years, and<br />

I have known some priests who had this title, but<br />

I have not known much about it. I found a short<br />

history of it and thought you might be interested<br />

in reading about it. For that reason, I have<br />

included it in the next page…for your information<br />

and mine!<br />

I have often been asked for a copy of this<br />

prayer which we use in the General Intercessions<br />

periodically, and so, I print it here for your<br />

consideration and use.<br />

A Daily Prayer<br />

God of power and love, grant us<br />

in all our tasks, your help,<br />

in all our doubts, your guidance,<br />

in all our weaknesses your strength,<br />

in all our sorrows your consolation,<br />

In all our dangers your protection,<br />

in all our sins your loving forgiveness.<br />

We ask this through Christ our Lord.<br />


Protonotary Apostolic<br />

In the Roman <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, protonotary apostolic is the title for a member of the highest<br />

non-episcopal college of prelates in the Roman Curia or, outside of Rome, an honorary prelate on whom<br />

the Pope has conferred this title and its special privileges.<br />

Historically in antiquity there were in Rome seven regional notaries, who, on the further<br />

development of the papal administration and the accompanying increase of the notaries, remained the<br />

supreme palace notaries of the papal chancery. In the Middle Ages the protonotaries were very high<br />

papal officials and were often raised directly from this office to the cardinalate. Originally numbering<br />

seven, Pope Sixtus V (1585-90) increased their number to twelve. Their importance gradually<br />

diminished. On 8 February 1838, Pope Gregory XVI re-established the college of real protonotaries with<br />

seven members called protonotarii de numero participantium, also known as numerary protonotaries.<br />

Since the XVI century, the popes had also appointed honorary protonotaries, who enjoyed the same<br />

privileges as the seven real members of the college; and titular protonotaries, who held a corresponding<br />

position in the administration of the Episcopal ordinariate or in the collegiate chapter. By the motu<br />

proprio Inter multiplices of 21 February 1905, Pope Pius X defined the position of the protonotaries:<br />

privileges, dress and insignia of the members of the four classes...<br />

The protonotarii apostolici de numero participantium exercised their office in connection with the<br />

acts of consistories and canonizations, had a representative in the Congregation of the<br />

Propaganda, and signed the papal Bulls instead of the earlier abbreviators. They enjoyed the use of<br />

pontificals and numerous privileges, and also after examining the candidates, named annually a fixed<br />

number of doctors of theology and of canon law.<br />

The protonotarii apostolici supranumerarii, a dignity to which only the canons of the four Roman<br />

patriarchal basilica majors (the Lateran, St. Peter’s and St. Mary Major, St. Paul Outside The Walls), and<br />

of cathedral chapters outside of Rome to which the privilege had been granted could be raised.<br />

The protonotarii apostolici ad instar (sc. paricipantium), were appointed by the pope and had the<br />

same external insignia as the real protonotaries.<br />

The protonotarii titulars seu honoraria, were found outside of Rome and who received this dignity<br />

from the nuncios or as a special privilege.<br />

Since 1969 these classes are reduced to two:<br />

Apostolic protonotaries de numero continue the work for the College of Protonotaries and still<br />

have certain duties with regard to papal documents; they may be addressed formally as “Most Reverend<br />

Sir or Monsignor,” and they may wear the mantelletta, the purple choir cassock and rochet for liturgical<br />

services, the black cassock with red piping and purple sash at other times, and may add the purple<br />

ferraiuolo and the biretta with red tuft to the black cassock for formal ceremonies of a non-liturgical<br />

nature.<br />

Apostolic protonotaries supernumerary is a purely honorary title awarded to priests by the pope.<br />

It is not attached to any duties in the Curia. This is the type of protonotary found outside of Rome, and<br />

it is considered the highest grade of monsignor. Priests so honored are addressed as “Reverend<br />

Monsignor,” may put the post nominal letters “P.A.” after their names, may wear the purple choir cassock<br />

(with surplice) for liturgical services, the black cassock with red piping and purple sash at other times,<br />

and may add the purple ferraiuolo to this for formal non-liturgical ceremonies.<br />

Before 1969, all protonotaries were entitled to limited use of pontificals (the insignia or ‘regalia’<br />

proper to bishops…mitre, finger ring, Episcopal gloves, pectoral cross and Episcopal sandals).<br />

This privilege has since been abolished.

Mass Intentions<br />

Date Time Intention Requested By<br />

Saturday 5:30 p.m + O’Doherty Family Members<br />

Feb. 23 + George Shahin, Sr. George & Maria Shahin<br />

Sunday 8:00 a.m. Lourdes Chabau Family<br />

Feb. 24 + Filippi Family Members Family<br />

9:30 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wood Pistorino Family<br />

+ Zoila Manzano-Rico Raul Moas Family<br />

+ Victor Diaz Family<br />

11:00 a.m. People of <strong>Epiphany</strong><br />

12:30 p.m. + Trina Mendoza de Miranda Children<br />

+ Petra G. de Flores Family<br />

6:00 p.m. + Laura T. Gonzalez-Gallinal Gallinal Family<br />

Cuba and Political Prisioners Class of ‘55<br />

+ Estela Fernandez Family<br />

Monday 6:30 a.m. Maria Elizabette Pistorino Pistorino Family<br />

Feb. 25 + Marge Puitras Harold Zabsky<br />

8:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving Robelo Family<br />

+ Angelica Salazar de Portocarrero Conde Family<br />

Tuesday 6:30 a.m. + Msgr. Tom Culhane Kubicki Family<br />

Feb. 26 + Guy Tassy Gouraige Family<br />

8:00 a.m. + Luis Lazo Llano Family<br />

Carlos Benedetti Yidi Family<br />

Wednesday 6:30 a.m. + Fr. Max Sodja Alicia Aixala<br />

Feb. 27 + Lucia Suarez-Isaac Gaston Family<br />

8:00 a.m. + Carmelina Garcia Robelo Family<br />

Fr. Santiago Martin Yidi Family<br />

Thursday 6:30 a.m. + Michael & Jane Glasser<br />

Feb. 28 Gavin Campbell Alicia Aixala<br />

8:00 a.m. + Claudio Sciotto Fernandez Family<br />

Misioneros Franciscanos<br />

de Maria Yidi Family<br />

+ Luis Lazo Llano Family<br />

Friday 6:30 a.m. + Walter & Dorothy Kelley<br />

Mar. 1 + Richard Truka Family<br />

8:00 a.m. + <strong>Epiphany</strong> Parish Members<br />

+ Emilio Izquierdo Cristina Miranda<br />

Saturday 8:00 a.m. + Dotty Myrtetus Bernhardt Family<br />

Mar. 2 + Isabel Garcia-DuQuesne John & Lourdes Cooper<br />

(Sunday Vigil) 5:30 p.m Soldiers in Harms Way Shahin Family<br />

+ John Dyer Family<br />

Sunday 8:00 a.m. + Francisco Torres de Navarra Wife & Family<br />

Mar. 3 + Isabel Fajardo Maggie Rotolante<br />

+ Luisa Antonia Prendiles Martinez Cisneros Family<br />

9:30 a.m. + Alex Carrion Family<br />

+ Roberto Suero Beatriz Suero<br />

11:00 a.m. People of <strong>Epiphany</strong><br />

12:30 p.m. + Ubaldina Forero de Diaz Waddell Family<br />

+ Juan Abrante Ana Montoya<br />

6:00 p.m. + Fernando Barros Barros Family<br />

+ Dora & Chuchu Larrieu Gloria Larrieu<br />

Readings<br />

Gn 15:5-12,17-18<br />

Ps 27:1,7-9,<br />

13-14<br />

Phil 3:17-4:1<br />

Lk 9:28b-36<br />

Dn 9:4b-10<br />

Ps 79:8-9,11,13<br />

Lk 6:36-38<br />

Is 1:10,16-20<br />

Ps 50:8-9,<br />

16bc-17,21,23<br />

Mt 23:1-12<br />

Jer 18:18-20<br />

Ps 31:5-6,14-16<br />

Mt 20:17-28<br />

Jer 17:5-10<br />

Ps 1:1-4,6<br />

Lk 16:19-31<br />

Gn 37:3-4,<br />

12-13a, 17b-28<br />

Ps 105:16-21<br />

Mt 21:33-43,<br />

45-46<br />

Mi 7:14-15,18-20<br />

Ps 103:1-4,9-12<br />

Lk 15:1-3,11-32<br />

Ex 3:1-8a,13-15<br />

Ps 103:1-4,<br />

6-8,11<br />

1 Cor 10:1-6,<br />

10-12<br />

Lk 13:1-9

March<br />

2 / 3<br />

Saturday<br />

5:30 p.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

8:00 a.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

9:30 a.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

11:00 a.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

12:30 p.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

6:00 p.m.<br />

Mass Schedules<br />

Celebrants Lectors Altar Servers<br />

Msgr. Jude<br />

O'Doherty<br />

Msgr. Jude<br />

O'Doherty<br />

Fr. Luis<br />

Largaespada<br />

Msgr. Jude<br />

O'Doherty<br />

Fr. Luis<br />

Largaespada<br />

Fr. Luis<br />

Largaespada<br />

Betty Cosculluela<br />

Onelia Lage<br />

Montserrat Morrison<br />

Henry Pujol<br />

Mike Herold<br />

Monica Johnson<br />

Ramon Garcia<br />

Vivian Lasaga<br />

Leslie Gonzalez<br />

Bern Von Retzenstein<br />

Margaret Gidel<br />

Jorge Perez<br />

N. Vazquez<br />

W. Walker<br />

E. Wilson<br />

S. Abarca<br />

A. Aguirre<br />

F. Blanco<br />

D. Bravo<br />

C. Christiansen<br />

N. Milton<br />

G. Morrison<br />

D. Clavijo<br />

C. Diaz-Silveira<br />

A. Fernandez<br />

B. Gilbert<br />

N. Saitcevsky<br />

A.D. Santana<br />

M. Ulloa<br />

G. Villacampa<br />

L. Walsh<br />

R.J. Weber<br />

D. Abreu<br />

N. Cerra<br />

A. Garcia<br />

N. Garcia<br />

V. Rivera<br />

S. Rodon<br />

T. Rosell<br />

E. Roza<br />

A. Smith<br />

M. Suarez<br />

F. Tomasino<br />

A. Torres<br />

Extraordinary Ministers<br />

of Holy Communion<br />

COORDINATOR:Mirza Collazo<br />

HOST:Mirza Collazo<br />

Al Collazo<br />

Sandy Rogowski<br />

Cristina Velarde<br />

Sergio Delgado<br />

Luis Siman<br />

Craig Rogowski<br />

COORDINATOR:Frank Acosta<br />

HOST:Cynthia Risavy<br />

Frank Acosta<br />

Ed Onorati<br />

Tom Risavy<br />

Tom Beier<br />

COORDINATOR:Eileen Fernandez-Silva<br />

HOST:Eileen Fernandez-Silva<br />

Jorge Fernandez-Silva<br />

Monica Perez<br />

Raphael Bastian<br />

Ron Quintero<br />

Alfie Perez<br />

Rosendo Castillo<br />

COORDINATOR:Louise Villalba<br />

HOST:Louise Villalba<br />

Al Salas<br />

Gonzalo Santana<br />

Maria Cristina Sousa<br />

Clemente Vazquez-Bello<br />

Maria Salas<br />

Leticia Santana<br />

Ben Villalba<br />

COORDINATOR:Alina Bolano<br />

HOST:Alina Bolano<br />

Andres Bolano<br />

Marta Rosales<br />

Raul Zabala<br />

Liliana Acosta<br />

Carmen Ruiz-Castaneda<br />

Adolfo Rosales<br />

COORDINATR:Rosa Maria Portuondo<br />

HOST:Rosa Maria Portuondo<br />

Ignacio Portuondo<br />

Debbie Hasty<br />

Jeannette Iglesias<br />

Rene Iglesias<br />

Camilo Lopez<br />

Rick Hasty

Bulletin Board<br />

Stewardship Corner<br />

<strong>THE</strong> RIGHT DECISIONS<br />

I read this story in the Christopher News<br />

Notes printed in August 1994…<br />

It was Vietnam, 1968. A helicopter gunner<br />

had taken a direct hit from a rocket. As the<br />

19-year old lay on a stretcher, more dead than<br />

alive, trauma surgeon Kenneth Swan looked at<br />

his injuries and couldn’t hold back the tears.<br />

His medical team managed to save the GI’s<br />

arms, but had to amputate both legs and a<br />

finger. His eyes were beyond saving. Dr. Swan’s<br />

superior later told him, “I think you ought to know,<br />

the other surgeons feel you should have let that<br />

fellow die last night.” Stiffening, Dr. Swan replied,<br />

“I was trained to care for the sick and wounded.<br />

God will decide who lives or dies.”<br />

Many years later, Dr. Swan recalled his<br />

experience for the American Medical News. After<br />

the interview appeared, readers wanted to know<br />

what became of the soldier, and whether the<br />

doctor still thought he had made the right<br />

decision. So, the New Jersey surgeon set out to<br />

find the soldier. It took eighteen months. His name<br />

was Ken McGarrity. He’s married and has two<br />

children, and he plays the piano and trumpet, and<br />

scuba dives.<br />

A month later, Dr. Swan visited him and<br />

met a determined man in a wheelchair who had<br />

completed his high school and took some college<br />

courses. His wife, Theresa McGarrity said,<br />

“I always wanted to meet the man who saved<br />

Kenneth’s life—to thank you for the twenty years<br />

of love and for our two beautiful daughters.<br />

The decision you made that night is responsible<br />

for my whole world…for the life of the man I want<br />

to grow old with. The surgeon knew then and there<br />

he had made the right decision.<br />

During the Season of Lent ask yourself<br />

whether you are making the right decisions<br />

according to your faith and belief in God and your<br />

vocation in life. We all have to make tough<br />

decisions…so put your trust in God, and you will<br />

make the “Right Decisions.”<br />

Our next scheduled concert, with the Auryn<br />

String Quartet, has unfortunately been canceled<br />

due to the illness of one of the members.<br />

However, we are very fortunate to have the<br />

Moscow String Quartet come as a replacement.<br />

This superb ensemble will be here on Thursday,<br />

March 14 at 8:00 p.m.<br />

<strong>Epiphany</strong>’s Grand Cocktail Party of 2013<br />

The Diamond Jubilee<br />

Saturday, March 16<br />

from 7:00 p.m. to midnight<br />

on the school grounds.<br />

Benefiting <strong>Epiphany</strong> School’s Endowment Fund<br />

Silent Auction, Dancing, Champagne Toast,<br />

Food Stations, Bacardi Bar, Wine & Beer Bar<br />

and Oceania Cruise Raffle Drawing.<br />

Tickets to the cocktail party and cruise<br />

raffle tickets will be available for purchase after all<br />

the Masses on March 2 & 3 and March 9 &10.<br />

Cocktail Party Tickets: $50 per person<br />

Oceania Cruise Raffle Tickets: $20 per ticket<br />

or 6 tickets for $100<br />

(Winner can choose from one of three<br />

10- or 12-night European offered sailings.)<br />

If you have any questions, please<br />

contact Patty Paredes at 305-720-7131 or at<br />

patriciagm@hotmail.com.<br />

Contemplative Cenacle<br />

of the Divine Mercy<br />

Monday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m.<br />

in the church<br />

We meet as a community in adoration and<br />

recollection to contemplate and venerate the<br />

image of the Divine Mercy. Join us!

Bible Study<br />

Discover the first 500 years of <strong>Church</strong> history!<br />

Epic: The Early <strong>Church</strong><br />

This 10-Part Study features dynamic DVD<br />

presentations with <strong>Church</strong> history professor Steve<br />

Weidenkopf and student materials including a<br />

full color workbook, timeline chart, and bookmark.<br />

We will meet every Tuesday from<br />

9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Center.<br />

For information call Mirta Robelo at 786-925-0970.<br />

Prayer for the Election of a New Pope<br />

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Good Shepherd,<br />

And you never leave your flock untended.<br />

You gave your life that we may live,<br />

And you appoint shepherds after your own heart<br />

To lead your people by word and example<br />

To likewise give themselves away in love.<br />

We thank you for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI,<br />

An for his service to the <strong>Church</strong> and the world.<br />

We ask that You now give him a fruitful period<br />

Of rest and prayer, of gratitude and praise.<br />

We ask You, Lord Jesus, with the Father,<br />

To send the Holy Spirit on the <strong>Church</strong> once again.<br />

In particular, guide the Cardinals who will shortly<br />

exercise<br />

The obligation and privilege of electing a new Pope.<br />

Guide their deliberations and decisions<br />

With divine wisdom and insight.<br />

Even now, Lord Jesus, give to the new Pope,<br />

Whom You have already chosen,<br />

And abundance of holiness and strength,<br />

To carry out the mission you have entrusted to him.<br />

May Your Word reign supreme in his life,<br />

And may his every word and action point the<br />

<strong>Church</strong> to You,<br />

The supreme and eternal Shepherd,<br />

And the only mediator between God and Humanity,<br />

For you live and reign forever and ever.<br />

Amen.<br />

Bulletin Board<br />

Lenten Devotions<br />

We have Mass every day at 6:30 and 8:00<br />

a.m. There is no better way of turning towards God<br />

than attending daily Mass.<br />

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed<br />

every day in the church, Monday through<br />

Friday, from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. and again<br />

from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.<br />

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the<br />

Adoration Chapel (next to the entrance to<br />

the Cafeteria, in the old Veritas store) every<br />

Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.<br />

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is<br />

available every Saturday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.<br />

Also, on March 22 from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. and on<br />

March 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.<br />

Making the Stations of the Cross is a<br />

spectacular way of meditating on this part of<br />

Christ's life. You can make the Stations of the<br />

Cross every Friday in the <strong>Church</strong> after the<br />

8:00 a.m. Mass or at 7:30 p.m. at the following<br />

locations:<br />

March 1 - in the <strong>Church</strong><br />

March 8 - in the <strong>Church</strong><br />

March 15 - in the Old <strong>Church</strong><br />


Shelley Aguirre, Annette Diaz Arango, Sr. Blanca<br />

Eugenia Arnaiz, R.A., Zoraida Barreto, David<br />

Carrillo Codines, Fernando Diaz, Sr., Catherine<br />

Doyle, Jane Doyle, Ana Alicia Fernandez, Guillermo<br />

Gonzalez, Angeles Graham, Stephany Kury, Maria<br />

Luisa Llano, Angel David Martinez, Rosi<br />

Maza-Saez, Andres Moas, Jose Rafael Montalvo,<br />

Caridad Mora, Joaquin Parrilla, John Michael<br />

Portuondo, Rolando Ruiz, Lola Salas, Stuart A.<br />

Stanton, Valeria Sofia Terrero.<br />


Carlos Perez Badel, Anita Muriel Horton,<br />

Dr. Francis Stan MacMahon, Anibal Midolo,<br />

Daniel Pino, Maria Solo.

<strong>THE</strong> SIXTH DAY<br />

*************<br />

Monsignor O’Doherty invites<br />

all adult parishioners of <strong>Epiphany</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

to attend this Lenten Retreat on<br />

Saturday, March 2<br />

from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<br />

Open and free to all men and women of <strong>Epiphany</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Free child care available at the Holy Family Center<br />

Free lunch for attendees and children<br />

8:30 a.m. sign-in and coffee at Parish Center<br />

Sponsored by <strong>Epiphany</strong> Men & Women’s Emmaus Ministries.<br />

If you have any questions, please contact Rudy Villanueva<br />

at 954-249-7118 or at rvillanueva@tropicaltouchgarden.com<br />

Registration requested by Wednesday, February 27.<br />

********* <strong>THE</strong> SIXTH DAY *********<br />

<strong>Epiphany</strong> Parish Lenten Retreat<br />

Name __________________________________ Contact Tel. Num. ____________________<br />

Email address ____________________________________<br />

Child care needed? If so, list names and ages of children.<br />

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________<br />

Please return the completed registration form to<br />

the rear of the <strong>Church</strong> after Mass, the Parish Office, or the School Office.

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