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I N L A N D L A K E S & R E S E R V O I R S S u B - C A T E G O R y<br />

059 114 Population Dynamics & Food Habits Of Channel Catfish In Lake Sharpe J O N A H D A G E L<br />

060 123 Effects Of A Biomanipulation In A Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Illinois Impoundment: Insights From Bioenergetics Models N I C H O L A S W A H L<br />

061 124 The Effect Of Panfish Predation On The Milfoil Weevil In Two Michigan Lakes C O R E Y J E R O M E<br />

062 128 Effect Of A Simulated Cold-front On Hatching Success Of Yellow Perch Eggs A N D R E W J A N S E N<br />

063 131 Reproductive Cycle Of The Female Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Largemouth Bass In The Upper Midwest D A N I E L S P E N G L E R<br />

064 146 Smallmouth Bass Bioenergetics In Pickerel Lake, South Dakota T H O M A S B A C U L A<br />

065 159 Affects Of Nutrient Release On Phy<strong>to</strong>plank<strong>to</strong>n Dynamics As Influenced By Winterkill Conditions C A S E Y S C H O E N E B E C K<br />

066 163 Patterns Of Angler Effort, Harvest, & Exploitation Between Dissimilar Yellow Perch Populations C A S E Y S C H O E N E B E C K<br />

067 233 Comparing Scale & Sagittal O<strong>to</strong>lith Back-calculated Lengths At Age In Crappies N A T H A N R A T T E R M A N<br />

068 241 Where’s Walleye: Assessing The Impact Of Adding Cobble Substrate To A Nebraska Irrigation Reservoir J O R D A N K A T T<br />

069 256 Extending The Risk-mortality Trade<strong>of</strong>f: Population Dynamics & Management Implications M E L I S S A K J E L V I K<br />

070 299 A Synopsis Of Lit<strong>to</strong>ral Habitat In Lakes Of The Upper Mid-western United States Relative To Fish J O N A T H A N S T O F F R E G E N<br />

071 303 Do Fillet Weights Differ Between Sexes In Winter Fisheries For Yellow Perch? D A N I E L I S E R M A N N<br />

072 308 Walleye Spawning Habitat & Recruitment In Lit<strong>to</strong>ral Zones Of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Wisconsin Lakes G I N A R A M M E R<br />

073 315 The Nesting Environment For Bluegill Sunfish In Small Ponds: Is There Variation In Seasonal Nesting? J E S S I C A R E T T I G<br />

074 323 Evaluating Multiple Day On-site Angler Survey Estimation By Simulations Z H E N M I N G S U<br />

075 328 A Typology Of Recreational Anglers Based On License Purchasing Behavior J E R E M Y B R U S K O T T E R<br />

076 332 Using Bathymetry & GIS To Improve Managment Of Seasonally Flooded Impoundments At Muscatatuck NWR D A N I E L W O O D<br />

077 342 Use Of Artificial Structure As Fish Habitat In A Western Illinois Reservoir B R E T T F E G E R<br />

078 344 Improved Diet Analyses Through The Use Of Fish Cleithra D A N I E L T R A Y N O R<br />

079 348 Brood Reduction & Nest Abandonment: Does Parent Age Affect Abandonment Rate By Smallmouth Bass? B R I A N N E L U N N<br />

080 350 Channel Catfish Catches In Tandem Hoop Nets: The Influence Of Sampling Date L I N D S E Y R I C H T E R S<br />

081 359 Terrestrial Organic Carbon Subsidies To Gizzard Shad In <strong>Ohio</strong> Reservoirs A L L I S O N B A B L E R<br />

082 374 Land Use & Precipitation Variability Influence Reservoir Carbon Dynamics L E S L E Y K N O L L<br />

083 389 Reservoirs As Regula<strong>to</strong>rs Of Climate Change: Using Optical Tools To Characterize Doc E R I N O V E R H O L T<br />

115 103 Prey Fish O<strong>to</strong>lith Chemistry Consumed By A Preda<strong>to</strong>r: Does Digestion Hinder Russian Doll Techniques? Q U I N T O N P H E L P S<br />

R I V E R S & S T R E A M S S u B - C A T E G O R y<br />

084 055 Effects Of Hydrologic Alterations On Fish Diversity In The Wabash River From 1974-2007 M A R K P Y R O N<br />

085 056 Redside Dace In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula: Indigenous Or Bait Bucket Escapees J E S S I C A C O M B E N<br />

086 059 Freshwater Mussel Distribution & Demographics In Relation To Microhabitat In A Michigan Stream K A T H R Y N H A R R I G E R<br />

087 079 Can Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) Improve Rural Development? An Example From Ispir, Erzurum, Turkey A Y H A N Y I L D I R I M<br />

088 086 Population Dynamics & Potential Management Of Bowfin In The Upper Mississippi River J E F F K O C H<br />

089 087 Precision Of Hard Structures Used To Estimate Age Of Bowfin In The Upper Mississippi River J E F F K O C H<br />

090 140 The Current Biological State Of The Lower Olentangy River Ecosystem J U S T I N W A L T E R S

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