Title Commitment Exception Documents - Tract 1 and 2

Title Commitment Exception Documents - Tract 1 and 2

Title Commitment Exception Documents - Tract 1 and 2


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0049C<br />

0526<br />

~.:~~!""-~-75'<br />

p"pOu4 bT 14:11••••• '1'cl:_y .&l:.:!oD'~",<br />

(i. :--./ -/f:f~'~....•.. ~ Atlaof'"UI7<br />

L\I;IC4 "t1ilg~:J<br />

ttGa-vu. :w .)7"01<br />

••• .>.. -".::"t<br />

!lOOK 49C PAtE 526<br />

riRArrr OP 'l'Rili'irlT:';fiTnrl T,TlfF fl'ASlmRN'I'<br />

nu.~ DO. ~-~<br />

P:>R AllD Ilf COJrSUlEBATIOIl or 1;h~ sum at' :SIX THWSJlI'ID'FOOB llUNDBED .AND 1:.(0/100<br />

--------------------------------------------------~------- Do~rs ($ 6,400.00 >,<br />

essh 1n ha~d paid. Teceipt vbereo1' :is hereby. ac:kDclil.ed8ed i ve, lobe Wlders1gned,<br />

ha.v" this day bargained <strong>and</strong> sol-d. ILI1I1by these presents do bereby grant, b!l.rgQtn, sell~<br />

tra.o.s:Cer. <strong>and</strong> convey lII1to tbe t/tl.ited Stat.el' ot .luDeri.ca a peruanen"t. eaSelJlent <strong>and</strong> r.ight 01'<br />

vq tor the toll.ovinS plUpOSes, _J.y: 'tbe :P"'r:P">tual. ri.gbi: to enter at an;y t.1"", ••••d. 1"ram<br />

1oim.e to tiDe <strong>and</strong> "to erec-t, DUL1Jlt&1..zl. repa1.r. rebuil.d. opera"!:e.<br />

ot poles or t=ns:missioll lille st:ru~tllr

0049C<br />

0527<br />

I<br />

I III<br />

I<br />

BOlI:< 49C PM:E 5Z7<br />

<strong>Tract</strong> No. SltB-82<br />

'l'ha p-rev1CUB IIZ:ldlast ccmveyence or i:hi:J property 1s deed ~ record in Deed.<br />

Book 37-C. plI8e 67]., 1JI. tiJe oft'ic~. of' ttu; Register o~ SUlllV1l.n CCNJIty, 'lemJessee.<br />

, ,<br />

\<br />

TO HA\'E AllD TO HOLD 'the l!taie. eil.\4el3en-t. <strong>and</strong> right.,of tnr;F tJo the Uni1;ed States of'<br />

.Ame?lca.a"d its assigns, forever.<br />

We covenlln't vJ.th the' "aid UI1J.ted Stau>s or ~rlC& that we are ~....-.f'Ul.lJr seized lUI:!<br />

~sselSllecl. of: sa:l.l! real e~at;e, have ••. 60gd' ahd llUff'u.l. r1ght to CQnvey 1;I1e ease:!Ilmt riOlhts<br />

hereinabove dl'!scribed. that sUd property 1s free or all e:IC:UIllbrances. <strong>and</strong> that 'ale vill.<br />

forever W'arra.l\t <strong>and</strong> defend thl'! tit:le ther ••to aglll.Dll't. 'tru. law1\U. cla:i.ms of' &.11.pers~s<br />

'-'homoewr.<br />

liIe do f"urtber CO"1enant s.nd agree t."at t"'" :p~nt of the purcl1a.ee pr.ice ahOY'es~tea.<br />

1,~ ",,,,,,,pJ:lt~n hy "'> liS full CCIm'porolllltian 1'or a1J. d.aDuago oaunnd bV the e""""••elae of' a>'\Y ~<br />

tonerights above descrIbed; EXCEPr that eh", Un1ted Sta.t:es ot: America shaU rell>a:i.a Ua!lle<br />

1'01" 8DY ~e to growine; c:rops <strong>and</strong> f'ru1t trees an:i ~ direct ~1c:al daIlagl'! CSl.llled to<br />

th,. nmn"Tt,v nf tl1- 'mrlltrrim.-'l hlr lh m, .•tn,ntinn f'nlln,"llI IlII hlr lib••••• nD•••t •••.•••••<br />

of its agents lID:! employees, in 1:h~ el:'t!ctio3 <strong>and</strong> lDllintel18l1t:e or ar In !::1Cerc;l.aina ~ right.<br />

or ingress II.IId egress to said line;. .<br />

In 1\I.rther ooDSlderati(Jll or the payment or the purchue price sbove B1.ated, \Ie tor<br />

ou.r&e~ves, our heIrs. persona], repTesentatlves. successors, <strong>and</strong> asSigns, ceweulUIt anI!<br />

~e to <strong>and</strong> nth the United sta'tes ot: .Ar.leriC& that no 'buil.d5..ngsor t'1re hazards .shal.1<br />

bo cnrDotad 0lI lllII.intoinod lrlth1n tho lUd.tn ot' tae pililU sf ~. aJI.!l ~ie al!r.l.l. ~~ 6. 4C..1..<br />

covenant which sbal.1 attach 'to <strong>and</strong> run nth the 1l1Dd af't'eeted by the e••.•ement r1ahts <strong>and</strong>.<br />

shall. be b:!.nc.iagupan ever,yo~ who ~ heree.f'ter ccme 1n1:o otn1erslrlp ot: sUd l<strong>and</strong>. whether<br />

by purchase, dense. descent, or succesaion.<br />

Wherever the contert hl'!reof' requires. tbe pl'llral. DUmberas used herein sha.l.l be<br />

read as slDgUlILr. .<br />

WlDaSS lIHEREOF. we have sullsar.lbed 0'Ur nazr:es on this 1:b&<br />

~ • 1m.<br />

STA7'E OF • CaJNTY OF<br />

Before JOe persoa.e.l.l.y "'-ppeareool<br />

/{y ::OCIll1.asioD expi.res:~<br />

-~-<br />

dow of

0693C<br />

C0692<br />


.Joseph C. Ya~brough<br />

Supt. of Public Utilities<br />

Sullivan County, Tn.<br />

al~'693C 692<br />

'llfIS DEEDOF MSEMmI'. made <strong>and</strong> enteJ:ed into on this the /PI! day of<br />

&6' • 19ft. by ard be~n Lawrence <strong>and</strong> Bettv Jean Garla::ld<br />

___________ • hereinaf~r knawnae the Partiea of the First Part.<br />

<strong>and</strong> SULLIVANaxmn. nNNESSEE. !I political sutdivisioo of the State of<br />

'nmnessee. hen! Inllftet' ltnoom liB the hrty of the Second P

0693C<br />

C0693<br />

I<br />

I<br />

TO \lAVE AND TO HOLD unto Sullivan County, Tennessee, lts<br />

successors <strong>and</strong> ass1gns. for a temporary right-of~vay Bnd<br />

easemen~ to construct. together ~ith a permauent right-ot-vay<br />

<strong>and</strong> easement tD ~alnta~n <strong>and</strong> operate a sanitary sewer main line<br />

ur lines.<br />

The Parties of the First Part CODvenant with tbe Party of<br />

the Second Part, its successors <strong>and</strong> 3s8ig08. that they are<br />

lawfully seized <strong>and</strong> possessed of aa~d property; that they have<br />

a good <strong>and</strong> l.vful right to convey the saae 89 herein conveyed;<br />

choc the 9.~d property 1a free, clear Bnd unencumbered. except<br />

aB hereLn set outl <strong>and</strong> thst they vill forover va~rant <strong>and</strong><br />

defend the rigbt-of-9ay <strong>and</strong> essemont. bere~D conveyed against<br />

the good an~ la~ful claima of all persona yho~soeve~.<br />

easeMlents:<br />

The folleving provisions shall'apply with respect to Baid<br />

1. The Party of the Second Part shall bave the t1ght to<br />

enter upon said property <strong>and</strong> use so much thereof •• 1s necesssry<br />

far the construction of said sever line, <strong>and</strong> sb.ll have the right<br />

per.anently to maintain <strong>and</strong> repair same witb the rLKht of ingress<br />

lind e.gress for suell purposes.<br />

2. After construetion of said sever line, tbe Party of tbe<br />

Second Pare shall restate the premises to as &ood condltio~ aa<br />

befOre layins same. including reseeding of gras8, but excepting<br />

any trees or ahrubbary tAat are cut.<br />

3. The Party of the Second Part ahall be responsible for<br />

all damages caused to the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> buildings in connection with<br />

4. The Parties of the Fir9t Psrt further covenant for their<br />

heIrs snd asaigns that they wIll. nol: build or allow a bu:1ldi.I)B<br />

or structure to be constructed over the easement.<br />

WITNESS the signature(s) of the Partie. of I:he F1rst Part<br />

this date <strong>and</strong> day first above written.<br />

Parties of the First Part<br />

j<br />

I<br />


0693C<br />

C0694<br />



Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority,<br />

a Kotary Public in <strong>and</strong> for the a£oresaid Stat~ <strong>and</strong> County, th~<br />

within-Dame! bargainora, Lawrence <strong>and</strong> Betty Jean Garl<strong>and</strong><br />

____________________________ , ~~th whom 1 am peraoaally acquainted or<br />

w1thin-nBmed barga~nors, <strong>and</strong> who acknowledged the execution of<br />

the foregoing lnstruqent for the purposes therein contained.<br />

WITNESS qy h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> efficlal 8ea1 thig<br />

191!t.<br />

My cammlaaian expires:<br />

II t lJ day of t7c.r:<br />


0693C<br />

C0695<br />

;<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

PAUL<br />

!:lArlNEl.. L ••.•<br />

. I<br />

-",0<br />

" 0<br />

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N 67"'?:'OO.W<br />

240.79'. 1<br />

N 66.31' Ig"w<br />

2BO. DO'<br />

~ BLOUNTVIllE SR 37<br />

, ••• I, II •••••••• .- f' ••••••••••••• '.11,11. III •••••<br />

;.~'~,:~:.:::f:.:::.:; ~~:.::.::~I .~.:~:.:~:::~ ::..~<br />

••••••••••, .•."•••••• ,•••••••• III •••••• _ ••• l. ,. ,_<br />

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'111'- ••• ,., " •. 1'."" ., I.' .'.'In,.<br />

TAX MAP 66 PARCEL 9?<br />

iOO 0 100<br />

11111111111 I<br />

GRAPH Ie s';AL E - I" • 100'<br />

~(-<br />

~"'-.<br />

Pl.an •.••<br />

If ••••.•••.•.•<br />


200<br />

I<br />

10'<br />

300<br />

I<br />

SULt.:rvnN COVHTY Sl:lfER SYSTDI<br />

S6nitJIry sell.r BaSlllDent<br />

LNlU!IIC& ClUtU.JlD<br />

4~b Clvl1 D1a~rLct<br />

[":4' -Su,U ivan Co\lht:y. Tenn ••• e.<br />

----------<br />

N 6r"l2'O:;i"W<br />

39, !>9'<br />

u.••<br />

9-26-89<br />

.Job 110.<br />

35495<br />

r ••••• ---

1063C<br />

C0199<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

This instrument prepared by:<br />

Department of ~~«nupOrtation<br />

Xft~~ • .t!.1.... rCIULt:atlsee.<br />

Project:<br />

92008-2213-04<br />



County:<br />

Sullivan<br />

Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife Betty ~ean Gar~<strong>and</strong><br />

have bargained <strong>and</strong> wId. <strong>and</strong> by these prncnlS do ttllllsfer <strong>and</strong> convey unto the Slale of Tennessee. the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>' or<br />

li1nrh ril'hr'i mnrr nmTirll!lIrly r1rirritn11f fnllnlllr' •<br />

. './);7<br />

SI'rt1ATED, lying <strong>and</strong> being in Civil Di.etric."t No. - ~~1."an County.<br />

renneasBB <strong>and</strong> being more fully described 88 follows: ~ O~ ~<br />

RlGINNING at a right of way marker on the south proposed ~ncoDrt:r . led right of<br />

way line, sud maz;-ker located 120 teet right of centerline a~ion 173+00i<br />

thence with the said south proposed uncontrolled right of wa line north 81<br />

deqrees 00 minutes 00 seconde west 427.89 feet to a right of way ~arker on the<br />

commonproperty line between Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> the grantors herein, said marker<br />

located 1:20 feet right of centerline station 168+72.lIi thence with the said<br />

property line north 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconde east 16.97 feet to a turn;<br />

thence ao~t:h 8]. degrees 40 mi.nutes 38 seconds east 180.96 feet to a t'-lrn;<br />

thence north 00 degrees 57 ~nutes 00 seconds SAst 363.99 £eet to a point on<br />

the north proposed uncontrolled right of way line, sai.d point located 259.51<br />

feet left of centerline station 170+02.38i thence with the said north proposed<br />

uncontrolled right of way line south 90 d~reell .3 minut:ea 33 secondll eallt<br />

;iHHI~i :;c1i 1ii iI l"a,ghli af WIY mil.li;; .g;I1ic~ il:ii~.~a 'C~ ~cf1Ma: .cn1iRiUmi<br />

station l72+60i thence south 56 degrees 43 mLnute8 02 seconds eAst 263.29 feet<br />

to a. right of way marker located 150 feet left of centerline station 175+00;<br />

1:hflnm, nnrt:h 7:1 dflOTRflA 1" minllt,AR 14 RAnnnnR flilR1: .l:U. :U) fRet tc a right of<br />

way marker located 295.00 feet left of centerline station l78+00~ thence north<br />

82 degrees 42 minutes 3S seconds east 34.97 feet to a point on the commCIl<br />

property line between 5tauan ~it~ke <strong>and</strong> the granto~R herein: thence with the<br />

Baid property lLne south 22 degrees 23 minutes 00 aeconds east 103.96 feet to a<br />

corner commonto Kenneth Parrish; thence with the Parri.sh property line aouth<br />

01 degreee 16 minutes 00 seconds eaBt 360.43 feet to a point on the 90uth<br />

proposed uDcontrolled right of way 11ne, said point located 149.81 feet right<br />

of centerli.ne s1:at:i.on 179-+-3B.08i themes •••ii:h the lIaid south proposed<br />

uncontrolled right ot way line north 80 degrees 16 minutes 53 seconds west<br />

387.63 feet to a right of way marker located 1.45 feet right of centerline<br />

BtB~ion 175+50; th~nce north 75 degrees 17 minnte" 22 "Annnda went 251.25 feet<br />

to the Point of BEGINNING.<br />

containinq 7.504 acres, more or less.<br />

The above described tract of l<strong>and</strong> ie conveyed to the grantee in fee eimple.<br />



Being a parcel of l<strong>and</strong> lying outside <strong>and</strong> adj acent to the Routh proposed<br />

uncontrolled right of way line <strong>and</strong> extending from a point located 120 feet<br />

right: of centerline statiCln 171+60 to a. Foint located 120 feet right Clf<br />

",cu\.C.L~l.uc ••l.al.1. •.••• ~'r1+l)l) lU,d L..L4':i 20 I ••.••t. 1.11wl

PARCEL i2<br />

Being a parcel of l<strong>and</strong> lying Qutuide And ii\t;\jJ,Clii!ot to the south proposed<br />

uncontroll.ad ri.ght of way line <strong>and</strong> extending from a point located 138 f_t<br />

rlght of centerli.ne Btation 174+80 to a poi.nt located 142 feet r~9ht of<br />

centerl.ine station 115+20 <strong>and</strong> varyinq in wi.dtb from 28 fQot to 32 feet.<br />

Cor.taining 2,000 square fQ8t~ more or 19S5 in the two libove described parcels.<br />

By this instrument the grantors hereby convey an easement for the construction<br />

of a drainage outsi.de of the proposed right of way line. The title to the<br />

above described l<strong>and</strong> remains vested in the qrantor <strong>and</strong> is to be used by the<br />

oSt.••l."" vr Y•••uAbd........ ito. ~lllft~JL'::a.otOlTa or itll aglli.~nR f'nr ~ period of 2 " 1/2<br />

years frem <strong>and</strong> 4ftar the commencement of construction.<br />

The grantors acquired tit1.e 1:0 lIai.d l.<strong>and</strong> under Deed of record in Deed Book<br />

167. 37-C. 7S-C Page 426. 87', 363 in 'the<br />

Register's affica of Sullivan COunty, Tennessee.<br />

Tile conS1.aera't:1.on mem:.l.uued h~ ••l.,. L •••l ••d~1I pa~e.-' fa. tho proporty ~R1cp.n.<br />

aleo payment for any <strong>and</strong> all i.ncidental damage. to the remainder compensable<br />

under eminent domain.<br />

The above deecr:ibed property is a portion af Parcel No. 093., 095. Tax<br />

Map 066.<br />

Si.i"" ci ToliT:t5S.:e, Counb of S'. lVtlJi<br />

Rf("i~j ff!r ncar.:! the 26 daY of<br />

MtY lS~S at 9:30 An. (RECK S~91)<br />

F:t!':.ortied irl Beak tG"63i: ".am 199- 'Ill<br />

St.?ti' h:{ • .00 Clt'rk~ fel' ~ .O~,<br />

R~cor~ifig$ 12.00. fetal $ 12 0,<br />

F:r~~ster of Da.~ ~Ri UJJ rlUt~N<br />

IJ"Pilt1 Ri?sist~r lOR~I~t:PEHDERCf." S<br />

This conveyance is made in consideration of_...;s~e~v_en_:..:t.:.:y_S_:i._x_T_h_o_QS_an_d _<br />

($ 76. 000 .00<br />

OT-4&78 Pa~e2<br />

) Dollllrs. cash in h<strong>and</strong> paid, the receipt of which is hereby a<br />

1995l<br />


1063C<br />

C0201<br />

I<br />

I<br />

•<br />


1746C .•<br />

C0131<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Prepared by <strong>and</strong> return to:<br />

Jeffrfe M. McClain, Attorney<br />

Tennessee Valley Authority<br />

1101 Market Street. CST 7A-C<br />

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2B01<br />

(423) 751-8125<br />

BOOK 174&C<br />

,<br />


PAGE<br />

". - ..•.•.. :-=•••-"'!' .._---.<br />

131<br />

TVA <strong>Tract</strong> No. SUBL-15<br />


NOnOO DOLLARS ($11,700.00), cash in h<strong>and</strong> paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, we, the<br />

undersigned,<br />

LAWRENCE GARlAND <strong>and</strong> wife, BETTY GARLAND<br />

have this day bargained <strong>and</strong> Sold, <strong>and</strong> by these presents do hereby grant. bargain, sell, transfer, <strong>and</strong><br />

convey unto the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA a permanent easement <strong>and</strong> right-of-way for the followIng<br />

purposes, namely: the perpetual right to enter at any time <strong>and</strong> from time to lime <strong>and</strong> to erect, maintain,<br />

repair, rebuild, operate, <strong>and</strong> patrol lines of transmission rine structures with wires <strong>and</strong> cables for electric<br />

power circuits <strong>and</strong> communication circuits, <strong>and</strong> all necessary appurtenances, in, on, over, <strong>and</strong> across said<br />

right-of-way. together with the right to clear said right-of-way <strong>and</strong> keep the same clear of brush, trees,<br />

buildings, <strong>and</strong> fire hazards; to destroy or otherwise dispose of such trees <strong>and</strong> brush; <strong>and</strong> to remove,<br />

.destroy, or otherwise dispose of any trees located beyond the limits of said right-of-way which in falling<br />

could come within five (5) feet of any transmission line structure or conductor; all over, upon, across, <strong>and</strong><br />

under tile l<strong>and</strong> described in Exhibjt A hereto attached <strong>and</strong> by this reference hereby incorporated in <strong>and</strong><br />

made a part of this instrument as fully as if here written.<br />

The previous <strong>and</strong> last conveyances of this property are the deeds recorded in Deed Book 37-C, page<br />

871, <strong>and</strong> Deed Book 7~, page 363, in the office of the Register of Sullivan County, Tennessee. Betty<br />

Garl<strong>and</strong>, wife of the said Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong>, joins herein to convey any right, tille <strong>and</strong> interest she may<br />

have in <strong>and</strong> to the said easement <strong>and</strong> right-of-way by virtue of her marriage to the said lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

but not further or otherwise.<br />

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easement <strong>and</strong> right-of-way to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA<br />

<strong>and</strong> its assigns forever.<br />

LAWRENCE GARLAND covenants with the said UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that he is lawfully<br />

seized <strong>and</strong> possessed of said real estate, has a good <strong>and</strong> lawful right to convey the easement rights<br />

hereinabove described. that said properly is free of all encumhrances, <strong>and</strong> that he will forever warrant <strong>and</strong><br />

defend lhe title 1hereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.<br />

LAWRENCE GARLAND agrees that the payment of the purchase price above stated is accepled by<br />

him as full compensation for all damage caused by the exercise of any of the rights above described;<br />

except that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA shall remain liable for any damage to annual growing<br />

crops <strong>and</strong> any direct physical damage caused to the property of the undersigned by its construction forces<br />

orby the construction forces of its agents <strong>and</strong> employees in the erection <strong>and</strong> maintenance of or ~n<br />

exercising a right of ingress <strong>and</strong> egress to said lines.<br />

LAWRENCE GARLAND. for himself, his heirs. personal representatives. successors, <strong>and</strong> assigns,<br />

covenants with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that no buildings or fire hazards will be erected or<br />

maintained within the limits of the right-of-way, <strong>and</strong> agrees that this shall be a real covenant which shall<br />

attach to <strong>and</strong> run with the l<strong>and</strong> affected by the easement rights <strong>and</strong> shall be binding upon everyone Who<br />

may hereafter come into ownership of said l<strong>and</strong>, Whether by purchase, devise, descent, or succession.<br />


1746C<br />

C0132<br />

. , .. ~<br />

BOOK . 174E.C PAGE 132<br />

A'~~ WHEREOF, wa have he' •••nto .ub,cribe

17d6C .•<br />

C0133<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

--- J}OOK<br />

EXHlBIT A<br />

174bC PAGE 133<br />

TVA <strong>Tract</strong> No. SUBL-IS<br />




Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong><br />

A permanent easement fur transmission line(s) purposes on, over, <strong>and</strong> across a parcel of<br />

l<strong>and</strong> located in the Fourth Civil District of Sullivan County, city of Bristol, State of<br />

Tennessee, as shown on sheet PSAA of US-TV A drawing LWc4861, revision 0, the said<br />

.parcel being more particularly described as follows:<br />

Beginning at a point where the l,;cutccline of the transmission lIne location crosses the<br />

property line between Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Stephen Kopitzke et we., at survey station<br />

132+34.6; thence leaving the centerline of the location <strong>and</strong> with the said property line<br />

S60 G<br />

43'16"W, 55.07 feet to a point on the west right-of-way line of the location; thence<br />

Ir.Rvinf thr: ••aid pmperty 1in61 <strong>and</strong> with th.e S&.i n ••••l.L~5hL-ur-wiLyline of the locanon<br />

N04°30'13"W, 892.36 feet to a point on the property line between Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

Nita Lang et a1.;thence leaving the said west right-or-wa.y line of the location <strong>and</strong> with<br />

the said property line S68°31'S6"E, 53.94 feet to a point; thence continuing with the said<br />

property line S41°36'42"E, 73.65 feet, crossing the centerline of the location at survey<br />

station 140+78.3 (2.49 feet), to a point; thence continuing with the said property line<br />

S52°37'09"E, 9.50 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of the location; thence<br />

leaving the said property line <strong>and</strong> with the said east right-of-way line of the location<br />

S04°30'I3"E. 757.51 feet to a point on the aforementioned property line between<br />

Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Stephen Kopitzke et ux_; thence leaving the said east right-of-way<br />

line of the location <strong>and</strong> with the said property line S60043'16''W. 55.07 feet to the point<br />

of beginning <strong>and</strong> containing 1.91 acres. more or less.<br />

This description prepared from a boundary survey by;<br />

John N. Scoggins, RLS<br />

Tennessee Valley Authority<br />

1101 Market Street, l\.ffi.4B<br />

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402.2801<br />

Tennessee License No. 1704<br />

10111/01<br />

J<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

~O".3"<br />

.,.",:~~<br />

. ,<br />

MINUTfS, ~he 13th day of Decemher., 1999<br />

BOOK 1482C<br />

, PAGE 1<br />




~or the u.. <strong>and</strong> ben.~l t ot' i t •• lt', X<br />

the State ot' T.nn••••• <strong>and</strong> of the X<br />

n.partment of Highway. <strong>and</strong> Public X<br />

Work. of the stat. of T.nn••••• , X<br />

X<br />

Plaintiff, X<br />

X<br />

~. X<br />

X<br />

PADLDARNELL<strong>and</strong> wit., LOIS ANN X<br />

DARNELL<strong>and</strong> BA.."U( OF TENNESSEE, X<br />

X<br />

D.t.ndants. X<br />


This cause came on to be heard on this ~ day of<br />

~, 1999, before the Honorable John S. McLellan, III,<br />

Judge, holding the Law Court for Sullivan County at Blountville,<br />

Tennessee, upon announcement of counsel for the Plaintiff that all<br />

matters of controversy have been fully settled <strong>and</strong> compromised <strong>and</strong><br />

that the Defendants, Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, Lois Ann Darnell, are<br />

entitled to recover from the Plaintiff the additional sum of<br />

Fourteen thous<strong>and</strong> ($14,000.00) Dollars in full payment for fee<br />

simple title of the hereinafter described property cond~ed'<br />

together with damage to the remainder of said Defendants' property<br />

<strong>and</strong> damage to the right-of-way through said property, <strong>and</strong> any <strong>and</strong><br />

all incidental damages thereto, the sum of Eleven thous<strong>and</strong><br />

($11,000.00) Dollars having heretofore been paid into the Registry<br />

of the Court by the Plaintiff. Further, the Clerk is hereby<br />

directed to issue a check in the total amount of Twenty five<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> ($25,000.00) Dollars to Defendants, Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong><br />

wife, Lois Ann Darnell <strong>and</strong> Bank of Tennessee, for the said<br />

property which is',located in the 4 th Civil District of Sullivan<br />

County, Tennessee, <strong>and</strong> more particularly described as follows:<br />

Commencing at a point in the norlh right-of-way line<br />

, Stat~ Route 37, 142.57 feet left of Centerline<br />

~ ,io 150+89.75 <strong>and</strong> corner to Hal Almaroad; thence<br />

~ 0 07' 12" West, a distance of 349.23 feet to a<br />

' '; thence North 040 06' 48" East a distance of<br />

' :.'.teet to a point in Evans Creek; thence with the<br />

,- :of Evans Creek, North 58<br />

~<br />

0 33' 12" West a<br />

,-.' ice of 105.97 feet to a point; thence North 10°<br />

~\ ',;.t West a distance of 81.73 feet to a point;<br />

'.,jNorth 45° 58' 12" Nest a distance of 94.15 feet<br />

, ,oint; thence North OgO 04' 12" West a distance<br />

~ ,i.53 feet to a point; thence North 40° 06' 12"<br />

l1r'~ distance of 136.39 feet to a point; thence<br />

;\.~I' :-":.,<br />

.... "

I I<br />

L<br />

~OOK 1482C PAGE<br />

North 11° 56' 12" West a distance of 179.52 feet to a<br />

point in the line of Davis Pipe; thence North 74° 29'<br />

48" East a distance of 88.73 feet to an iron pin;<br />

thence South 72° 44' 49" East a distance of 87.94 feet<br />

to an iron pin; thence South 40. 19' 33", East a<br />

distance of 116.04 feet to an iron pin; thence South<br />

27° 40' 43" East a distance of 202.68 feet to an iron<br />

pin; thence South 20° 58' 22" East a distance of<br />

279.76 feet to an iron pin; thence South 88° 56' 51"<br />

East a distance of 161.1~' feet to an iron pin; thence<br />

North 35° 43' 19" East a distance of 162.75 feet to an<br />

iron pin; thence South 19° 44' 31" West a distance of<br />

246.66 feet to an iron pin; thence South 28° 35' 35"<br />

West a distance of 80.42:"feet to an iron pin; thence<br />

South 04° 32' 02" West a distance of 217.35 feet to an<br />

iron pin; thence South 1~.:'40i12" East a distance of<br />

314.66 feet to an iron pi'~';thence South 06° 16' 10"<br />

West a distance of 147 .44 feet to an iron pin in the<br />

north right-of-way line of State Route 37 (162.19 feet<br />

left of Centerline Station 159+32.35); thence with<br />

said right-of-way line North 80° 07' 07" West a<br />

distance of 182.37 feet to a point; thence North 88°<br />

58' 04" West a distance of 161.81 feet to the POINT OF<br />

BEGINNING, containing 372545 square feet or 8.55<br />

acres, more or less,:"as" surveyed by' Frizzell<br />

Engineering in July, 1995; <strong>and</strong> being a portion of the<br />

property conveyed to Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, Lois Ann<br />

Darnell by deed.,dated October 16, 1984 of record in<br />

the Register's Office for Sullivan County ,at<br />

Blountville, Tennessee in Deed Book 428C, at Page 249,<br />

to all of which reference is heteby expressly made.<br />

Included herewith is a twenty foot permahent1easement<br />

granted to Sullivan County, Tennessee, its successors<br />

<strong>and</strong> assigns, for the purpose of ingress <strong>and</strong> egress to<br />

the above-described tract from State Route 394/State<br />

Route 37 more particularl}t'described as'follows:<br />

To find the Point of Beginning, begin at a monument<br />

near the middle of the drainage area on the north<br />

side of the road at Centerline Station 157+50; thence<br />

along the north right-of-way of the road, S. 80° 07'<br />

07" E. 182.37 feet, the corner of the Sullivan County<br />

property <strong>and</strong> Paul Darnell property; thence,continuing<br />

with the side of the road, S. 80° 07' 07" E., 98.00<br />

feet to a point, the center of the road leading to<br />

the Bell South Personal Communications, Inc. Lease<br />

Property, the Point of Beginninq; thence with the<br />

center of the road, N. 47° 07' 00" W., 45.14 feet;<br />

thence N. 43° 39' 10" W., 43.91 feet; thence N. 20°<br />

25' 56" W., 62.26 feet to the Sullivan County<br />

Property, said easement to be ten feet wide each side<br />

of the above described centerline.<br />


that the aforesaid settlement compromise is hereby approved <strong>and</strong><br />

Defendants, Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, Lois Ann Darnell, are to have<br />

<strong>and</strong> :tecover of the Plaintiff, the total sum of Twenty five<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> ($25,000.00) Dollars, the same being the fair cash market<br />

value of the aforesaid described premises for fee simple title as<br />

well as damaqes to the remainder of said Defendants' property <strong>and</strong><br />

damages to the right-ot-way located thereon, <strong>and</strong> further, that the<br />

Clerk shall distribute the total sums deposited by the Plaintiff<br />

'-<br />

l)<br />

LJ<br />


I<br />

I<br />

•<br />

.-., .<br />

BOOK 148E!C PAGE 3<br />

in the amount of Twenty five thous<strong>and</strong> ($25,000.00) Dollars to<br />

Defendants, Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> Lois Ann Darnell <strong>and</strong> Bank of<br />

Tennessee; <strong>and</strong> title to the property described hereinabove <strong>and</strong><br />

property rights be <strong>and</strong> the same are hereby divested out of the<br />

Defendants Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, Lois Ann Darnell <strong>and</strong> vested in<br />

Sullivan County, Tennessee, in fee simple forever subject to a<br />

permanent non-exclusive easement retained by Defendants Paul<br />

Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, Lois Ann Darnell for the purpose of ingress <strong>and</strong><br />

egress to the remainder of said Defendants' property. <strong>and</strong> more<br />

particularly described as follows:<br />

To find the Point of Beginning, begin at a monument near the<br />

middle of the drainage area on the north side of the road at<br />

Centerlirie Station 157+50; thence along the north right-ofway<br />

of the road,S. 80° 07' 07" E., 182.37 feet to the corner<br />

of the Sullivan County/Paul Darnell property line; thence<br />

with the Darnell-Sullivan County property line, N. 06° 16'<br />

10" E., 104.64 feet to the centerline of a right-of-way to<br />

Bell South Personal Communications, Inc. lease property;<br />

thence with the centerline of the right-of-way, the following<br />

nine (9) calls: N. 20° 25' 56" W., 40.63 feet; N. 16° 31' 28"<br />

W., 138.33 feet; N. 18° 22'14" W., 109.3'2; N. 13° 19' 15"<br />

W., 83.34 feet; N. 01° 38' 30" W., 47.93 feet; N. 05° 13' 34"<br />

E. 28.50 feet; N. 07° 47' 20" E., 99.09 feet; N. 08° 12' 07"<br />

E., 113.58 feet; N. 07° 00' 59" E., 91.23 feet to the Darnell<br />

property line, thence the following seven (7) calls: 5. 88°<br />

56' 51" E., 19•.47 feet; N. 35° 43' 19" E., 162.75 feet; 5.<br />

18° 44' 31" W., 246.55 feet; 5. 28° 35' 35" W., 80.42 feet;<br />

5. 04° 32' 02" W., 217.35 feet; 5. 16° 40' 12" E., 314.66.<br />

feet; 5. 06 248 15' 10" W., 42.80 feet to the Point of<br />

Beginning. Said right-of-way bounded as follows: on the west<br />

side of the centerline by a line ten feet from <strong>and</strong> parallel<br />

to the centerline <strong>and</strong> on the south side of the right-of-way<br />

by the Darnell-Sullivan County property line as described<br />

above.<br />

It is understood <strong>and</strong> agreed by the parties that Plaintiff shall<br />

have no obligation whatsoever to maintain the above-described<br />

easement.<br />

The costs of this cause are taxed to Plaintiff •<br />


Sullivan County Attorney<br />

TN BPR No. 7365<br />

Post Office Box 509<br />

Blountville, Tennessee 37617<br />

(423) 323-6481

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

!<br />

i<br />

!<br />

,<br />

,<br />

'';'"<br />

j , ,.<br />

! , "<br />

I<br />

t.<br />

I I :<br />

'.<br />

AttorntfY~or endant. Paul Darnell<br />

<strong>and</strong> ,,1~e, l.o1. AnnDarnell<br />

TN BPR No. 6693<br />

Post Office Box 787<br />

Bristol, Tennessee 37621-0787<br />


BY~;~<br />

~~-<br />


~~~ . ANNDARNBLL<br />

~OOK 1482C<br />

PAGE 4<br />




12-17-1999 IME 3:30<br />

BOOK 1482C PAGE 1<br />

TAX CCF 2<br />

FEE 1G.00 TOTAL 18.00<br />

RECEIPT NO.223845-001<br />

_.p'<br />

~.<br />

'..'<br />

...,<br />

Cowsty, Teaa.~<br />

1~<br />

/ 1. dllY, of<br />

01 J)eeda: Received for record OD~ .'. drl<br />


1028C<br />

C06<br />

~n~s ~ns~rumen~ p£~par~a oy:<br />

Department of Transportation<br />

Knoxville, Tennessee. IL{ l028C PG 642<br />


Project:<br />

County: <strong>Tract</strong>:<br />

82008-2213-04 Sullivan "<br />

51<br />


Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife Lois Ann Darnell<br />

have bargained <strong>and</strong> sold. <strong>and</strong> by these presents do transfer <strong>and</strong> convey unto the State of Tennessee. the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> lor<br />

l<strong>and</strong>s rights. more particularly described as follows:<br />

SITUATED, lying <strong>and</strong> being in civil District No. 4<br />

Tennessee <strong>and</strong> being more fully described as follows:<br />

of Sullivan county,<br />

BEGINNING at a right of way marker on the south proposed uncontrolled right of<br />

way line at the point of intersection with the common property line between<br />

Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the grantors herein, said marker located 120 feet right of<br />

centerline station 168+72.11; thence with the said south proposed uncontrolled<br />

right of way line north 73 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds west 163.33 feet to a<br />

right of way marker located 100 feet right of centerline station 167+101 thence<br />

north 86 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds west 264.11 flBet to a point on the<br />

common property line between R.C. Houser <strong>and</strong> the grantors herein, said point<br />

located 125.44 feet right of centerline station 164+47.12; thence with the said<br />

property line north 64 degrees 37 minutes 20 seconds west 444.87 feet to a<br />

turn; thence north 64 degrees 37 minutes 19 seconds west 448.21 feet to a<br />

corner common to Hal Almaroad; thence with the Almaroad property line north 07<br />

degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds east 16.19 feet to a right of way marker on the<br />

north proposed uncontrolled right of way line, said marker located 142.57 feet<br />

left of centerline station 155+89.75; thence with the said north proposed<br />

uncontrolled right of way line south 88 degrees 58 minutes 11 seconds east<br />

161.81 feet to a right of way marker located 165 feet left of centerline<br />

station 157+50; thence south 80 degrees 07 minutes 07 seconds east 650.08 feet<br />

to a right of way marker located 155 feet left of centerline station 164+00;<br />

thence south 73 degrees 38 minutes 52 seconds east 312.57 feet to a right of<br />

way marker located 115 feet left of centerline station 167+10; thence north 57<br />

degrees 40 minutes 04 seconds east 219.74 feet to a right of way marker located<br />

260.12 feet left of centerline IItation 168+75; thence south 80 degrees 43<br />

minutes 33 seconds east 127.38 feet to a point on the common property line<br />

between Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the grantors herein, said point located 259.51<br />

feet left of centerline station 170+02.38; thence with the said property line<br />

south 00 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds west 363.99 feet to a turn; thence north<br />

81 degrees 40 minutes 38 seconds west 180.96 feet to a turn; thence south 10<br />

degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 16.97 feet to the Point of BEGINNING.<br />

Containing 6.980 acres, more or less.<br />

The above described tract of l<strong>and</strong> is conveyed to the grantee in fee simple.<br />


Being a @arcel of l<strong>and</strong> lying outside <strong>and</strong> adjacent to the north proposed<br />

uncontrolled right of way line <strong>and</strong> extending from a point located 158 feet left<br />

of centerline station 157+00 to a point located 164.85 feet left of centerline<br />

station 157+60 <strong>and</strong> varying in width from 25 feet to 32 feet.<br />

Containing 1,676 square feet, more or less.<br />

DT~ hac I

1028C<br />

C0643<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

DK 1()28C PG 643<br />

By this instrument the grantors hereby convey an easement for the construction<br />

of a drainage outside of the proposed right of way line. The title to the<br />

above described l<strong>and</strong> remains vested in the grantor <strong>and</strong> is to be used by the<br />

State of Tennessee, its contractors or its assigns for a period of 2 & 1/2<br />

years from <strong>and</strong> after the co~encement of construction.<br />

The grantors<br />

428-C<br />

acquired title to said<br />

Page<br />

l<strong>and</strong> under<br />

249<br />

Deed of record<br />

Register's Office of Sullivan County, Tennessee.<br />

--------------<br />

\<br />

in Deed Book<br />

in the<br />

The consideration mentioned herein includes payment for the property taken,<br />

also payment for any <strong>and</strong> all incidental damages to the remaind!r compensable<br />

under eminent domain.<br />

The above described property is a portion of Parcel No. 095.30, Tax Map 006.<br />

A strip of l<strong>and</strong> containing 6.980 acres with the owner being permitted to<br />

retain <strong>and</strong> remove improvements as described in State of Tennessee Department<br />

of Transportations Right of Way Form 32A, <strong>and</strong> which is hereto made a part<br />

of this transaction but need not be copied herein.<br />

This conveyance is made in considerlhion of Sevent Thous<strong>and</strong> Five Hundred<br />

(s" 70,500.00<br />

DT~78 Pu.gc 2<br />

\<br />

Sh1.e 01. Tfmnessee, County of SUL 'VAl!<br />

t(~o.:ejved for record the 31 day of<br />

']Ci8BER 1994 at 8:30 AM. (RECit .. 421)<br />

Recorded in Book 102SC ,.ms 642- :44<br />

State Tax $ .00 Clerk~ Fee $ ,00,<br />

Recordin3 $ 12.00, fot.]l $ 12. 0,<br />

Re-sjster of Deeds l1ARYLOll DUNCAN<br />

Dell.lh ~e:'li5tH REVOIffiA WISE<br />

) Dollars, cash in h<strong>and</strong> paid. the receipt of which is hereby ac;lm

1028C<br />

C0644<br />

:BX .1i)28C PG 644<br />

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said l<strong>and</strong>. wilh Ihe appunenances. eslale. title <strong>and</strong> interesllherelo belonging. excepl<br />

as may be specifiedolherwise herein. 10 Ihe said Slale of Tennessee, II we do covenanl wilh Ihe said Slale of<br />

Tennessee IImt I am I we are lawfully sei1.ed ,md possessed of said l<strong>and</strong> in fee simple. have a righl 10 convey it<br />

amllhe same is unencumbered.<br />

And II we do funher covenanl <strong>and</strong> bind myself I ourselves. my lour heirs <strong>and</strong> representalives, to wammt <strong>and</strong><br />

forever defend lhe title 10 said l<strong>and</strong> 10 the said Slate of Tennessee aga'iosl the lawful claims of all persons<br />

whomsoever.<br />

~<br />

.<br />

our h<strong>and</strong>(s). Ihis<br />


0694C<br />


C0454 Joseph C. Yarbrough<br />

Supt. of Public Utilitiea<br />

Sullivan County, Tn.<br />

aJ~/894C 454<br />

'nus DEED OF EASEMENT. made <strong>and</strong> entered into on this the ~day of<br />

e:Jdo.-bvt/ . 19l2.. by <strong>and</strong> bctwe','nPaul & 1,o:lsI\nn Darnell<br />

___________ 0' hereinafter l(OOW'" as th" Parties of the First Partr<br />

<strong>and</strong> SULLIVAN COtlNTY.TENNESSEE. a political subdivision of the State of<br />

Tennessee. hereinaF.terknown as the Part~,r"f the &

0694C<br />

C0455<br />

I for<br />

I<br />

r<br />

455<br />

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto S llivan County, Tennessee, its<br />

successors <strong>and</strong> assigns, for a t mporary right-of~way <strong>and</strong><br />

easement to construct, .together<br />

<strong>and</strong> easement to maintain <strong>and</strong> op<br />

or lines.<br />

permanent right-of-way<br />

sanitary sewer main line<br />

The Parties of the First P rt convenant with the Party of<br />

the Second Part, its successors <strong>and</strong> assigns, that they are<br />

lawfully seized <strong>and</strong> possessed 0 said property; that they have<br />

a good <strong>and</strong> lawful right to conv y the same as herein conveyed;<br />

that the said property is free, clear <strong>and</strong> unencumbered, except<br />

as herein set out; <strong>and</strong> that the will forever warrant <strong>and</strong><br />

defend the right-of-way <strong>and</strong> eaa ments herein conveyed against<br />

the good <strong>and</strong> la~ful claims of a 1 persons whomsoever.<br />

easements:<br />

The following provisions slall'apply with respect to said<br />

1. The Party of the Secon Part shall have the right to<br />

enter upon said property <strong>and</strong> us so much thereof as is necessary<br />

the construction of said ae line, <strong>and</strong> shall have the right<br />

permanently to maintain <strong>and</strong> rep ir same with the right of ingress<br />

<strong>and</strong> egress for such purposes.<br />

2. After construction of aid sewer line, the Party of the<br />

Second Part shall restore the p emises to as good conditio~ as<br />

before laying same, including r seeding of grass, but excepting<br />

any trees or shrubbery that are cut.<br />

3. The Party of the Secon Part shall be responsible for<br />

all damages caused to the l<strong>and</strong> nd buildings in connection with<br />

the maintenance <strong>and</strong> repair of s id sewer line.<br />

4. The Parcies of the Firs Part further covenant for their<br />

heirs <strong>and</strong> assigns that they wil not build or allow a building<br />

or structure to be construc.ted ver the easement.<br />

WITNESS the signature(s) 0 tht Partiea of the First Part<br />

this date <strong>and</strong> day first above w<br />

fkwa&+/£J~<br />

0'a A4fd1 tJ~de..<br />

Parcies of the First Part

Sap 27 11 07:03p<br />

0694C<br />

C0456<br />

Mindy Carroll<br />



4232930203<br />

4SG<br />

Personally appeared bef~r. me, the under.igne~ 9uthorlty.<br />

a Notarp Publ~c ~n BQd for the aforeeQ1d Statp. BnG County, the<br />

vlth~n-named bargainors, Paul & Lois Ann Darnell<br />

~lt~ ~hn~ I 8m personally ~equainted or<br />

within-Domed bnrgoinof9. n~~ ~h~ ~ekno~ledged the execucion of<br />

the foreBoiDg 1"fttr"~~nt fPT r~. ourpoaes rher@ln ~ontBined.<br />

IHTNESS laY h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> offici.l seal this .?~ da}" of ar~

0694C<br />

C0457<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

---_ ...---------- ._ .<br />

.~.._.----_._--~~--------,----. -'."-_.<br />

SAMUEL<br />

MONGL£<br />

Dewberry 8£Davis<br />

J 20'<br />

N 61' 12'OO~SE~E<br />

200.06' -<br />

'of,t.<br />

N 66 0 31' (S"W" _<br />

200. 00' ~<br />

~ BLOJJt.lTV I LLE SR 37<br />

AUL<br />

ARNELL<br />

B ~28C P<br />

., ••. ., •• "20 •••••.•• .,. Ide,. :, •••. ,.:I.~•. I" _ ••.••<br />

" •••• 1ft••••••. S:'l' u ••• ~•• I'I ••• , ••• , •••• ,. III.'<br />

nu 'H.,I",.~•••.••.••" II ••.••• "~ •••••• ,•• ' •.•• , •<br />

• -.",,"•• , .~, •••.• 'III. ,I'." II 11'1" f ••••••.. ' "' ••••<br />

• ,e", ,., .•.•. ~•• 1I1 11.111 ••••• ,. •••• "I"" ••• 'I •• ,<br />

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TAY. MA~ 66 ~AKCEL ~5.)<br />

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100<br />

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I<br />

GRfPHlC SCALE ,"<br />

200<br />

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0694C<br />

C0458<br />

a,;,J.~C<br />


S 87. IS' /4~<br />

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\ \1 N 09' 03' 30. W<br />

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rAUL D.ARNE L L<br />

\ . . l)B 4l:'SlC P 249<br />

:;:I, t<br />

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200 . a<br />

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Tg~ ~AP 66 R~RC~L<br />

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400<br />

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fJ 09' 40' 22" W<br />

369.92'<br />


10'<br />

N I J' 16' 5,," E<br />

:no. fl7"<br />

N 24'C2' 3

1118C<br />

CO742 This Instrument Prepared By:<br />

~rtL. K8bn<br />

Frantz, McCoDncll &. Seymour<br />

Suite SOO - sso West Main Avenue<br />

Knoxville, TN 37902<br />


Stat.~ of Ten\1e5See, County of SULLIVAN<br />

Reel'ived for I'eeor•.!thl1 0& 'I1.aY of<br />

MARCH 1996 at 10:~~ At! •• (RECII 107670<br />

Ki4~' 7~- 746<br />

State Tax $ .00 Clerks Fee $ ,00,<br />

Recording' 20.00, Total ~ 20.00.<br />

Register of Deeds MARY LOU DUNCAN<br />

Deputy Register LORAINE PENDERGRASS<br />

JH( ilIaC PG 742<br />

THIS MEMORANDUM OF LEASE is made this ,q ~ day of -M f'UI(~,<br />

199&, by <strong>and</strong> between PAUL DARNELL <strong>and</strong> wife,--u5IS ANN DARNELL,f<br />

Sullivan County, Tennessee ("LESSOR") <strong>and</strong> BELLSOUTH PERSONAL<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a Delaware corporation ("TENANT"), successor<br />

in interest to SBA, INC., a pennsylvania corporation ("SBA").<br />

WIT N E SSE T H:<br />

WHEREAS, LESSOR entered into that certain written option <strong>and</strong><br />

Lease Agreement ("Agreement") with SBA, dated July 13, 1995; <strong>and</strong><br />

WHEREAS, TENANT is the permitted assignee of SBA under the<br />

Agreement; <strong>and</strong><br />

WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to have this Memor<strong>and</strong>um of<br />

Lease recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Sullivan<br />

County, Tennfssee, to serve as notice to all persons of said<br />

Agreement; <strong>and</strong><br />

WHEREAS, this Memor<strong>and</strong>um is further intended to supplement the<br />

description of the leased premises <strong>and</strong> to acknowledge TENANT's<br />

exercise of its option under the Agreement <strong>and</strong> to provide for a<br />

commencement date under the Agreement;<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR<br />

($1.00) <strong>and</strong> other good <strong>and</strong> valuable consideration in h<strong>and</strong> paid <strong>and</strong><br />

to be paid by TENANT to LESSOR, <strong>and</strong> in further consideration of the<br />

premises <strong>and</strong> the covenants hereinafter set fortn, <strong>and</strong> subject to<br />

the conditions <strong>and</strong> limitations more particularly set forth in said<br />

Agreement, notice is hereby given that LESSOR has leased to TENANT<br />

<strong>and</strong> TENANT has leased trom LESSOR that certain Property more<br />

particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto <strong>and</strong><br />

incorporated herein by reference, for an initial term of five<br />

years, commencing ~d....",J;aa, "2.5 ,1995, with four additional fiveyear<br />

options <strong>and</strong> annual options thereafter to be exercised in the<br />

manner provided in the Agreement.<br />

Notice is further given that LESSOR has granted to TENANT the<br />

nonexclusive easement <strong>and</strong> right-ot-way for ingress <strong>and</strong> egress<br />

across the access area shown on Exhibit A, as well as a utility<br />

easement as shown on Exhibit A, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto TENANT<br />

during the term ot the Agreement. Said access area may trom time<br />

to time be modified by mutual written agreement of LESSOR <strong>and</strong><br />

TENANT.<br />

The description of the Property, as well as the easements, set<br />

forth on Exhibit A shall supplement the description of the Property<br />

<strong>and</strong> easements contained in the Agreement.<br />

LESSOR hereby acknowledges that TENANT has exercised its<br />

option under the A~eement; <strong>and</strong> the commencement date under sRid<br />

Agreement shall be JXu.mw £....5 _' 1995.<br />

Pursuant to the terms <strong>and</strong> conditions contained in the<br />

Agreement, the sale of the Property or all or any part of other<br />

real property of LESSOR contiguous to, surrounding ,. or in the<br />

vicinity of the Property ("LESSOR's Surrounding Property") shall be<br />

subject to the Aqreement <strong>and</strong> TmlANT's rights thereunder.<br />

Further, pursuant to the texms <strong>and</strong> condit.ionscontained in the<br />

Agreement, LESSOR shall not impose, initiate or consent to any<br />

change in the zoning of the property or LESSOR's surrounding<br />

Property, nor impose or consent to any other restriction that would<br />

prevent or limit TENANT from using the Property for i.ts intended<br />

uses under the Agreement.

1118C<br />

C0743<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

BK lllac PG"1'43'<br />

"<br />

TENANT may sell, sublease, assign or transfer at any time the<br />

Agreement <strong>and</strong> TENANT's rights thereunder, pursuant to the terms <strong>and</strong><br />

conditions contained in said Agreement.<br />

The Agreement extends to <strong>and</strong> is binding upon the heirs,<br />

personal representatives, successors <strong>and</strong> assigns of LESSOR <strong>and</strong><br />

TENANT, <strong>and</strong> constitutes covenants running with the l<strong>and</strong>.<br />

LESSOR <strong>and</strong> TENANT, <strong>and</strong> each of them, agree to perform <strong>and</strong><br />

comply with all of the terms, covenants <strong>and</strong> conditions of said<br />

Agreement required to be performed by them thereunder, including<br />

but not limited to the payment of rent therein provided, the terms<br />

<strong>and</strong> provisions o~ said Agreement being hereby adopted by reference<br />

in their entirety.<br />

In the event of a conflict between the terms of this<br />

Memor<strong>and</strong>um or the addition of any terms in this Memor<strong>and</strong>um which<br />

are not contained in the Agreement, such conflicting or additional<br />

terms shall be deemed to be a part o~ the Agreement <strong>and</strong> shall<br />

otherwise amend the Agreement <strong>and</strong> be controlling.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this instrument,<br />

or have caused the same to be executed by their duly authorized<br />

representatives, as of the date first above written.<br />

STATEOF~<br />

COUNTY ol\S;:5;/!#L., Jt!fa.".:<br />

My Commission expires:<br />

~-r:9d -9 ? .<br />

LESSOR:<br />

~ tD.4~<br />


ciCw~ ~~<br />


LESSEE:<br />


By:<br />

Its:<br />

-9tRn.Jl xL-u, .<br />

A cJ I (LJI..Q t:.4.~.<br />

Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public of the State<br />

<strong>and</strong> County aforesaid, PAUL DARNELL <strong>and</strong> wife, LOIS ANN DARNELL, the<br />

within named bargainors, with whom I am personally acquainted (or<br />

proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), <strong>and</strong> who<br />

acknowledged that they executed the within instrument for the<br />

purposes therein contained. ~<br />

WITNESS my h<strong>and</strong>, at Office. this Q"~y ord~':'t";..':~~~<br />

,f r::,",:g - .••-\~:;"JXV/f1.f~<br />

, , < 'M,

1118C<br />

C0744<br />


COUNTYOF (J?A'J-rtnV BK lliac PG 744<br />

Before me, the undersiqned authority, a Notary Public of the<br />

stat!! an~ county aforesaid, personally appeared<br />

MC~cl U':'6Q,N , with whomI am personally acquainted<br />

(or pro ed to me on the basis of satisfacto~ evidence), <strong>and</strong> who,<br />

upon oath, acknowledged himself to be ItIJP- &111 ls1i7i..<br />


bar9ai~or, a corporation, <strong>and</strong> that he as such<br />

IJlle- f

1118C<br />

C0745.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

"<br />

.'<br />

EXHIBIT"A"<br />

SITE00. 229-013A<br />

BK iliaC PG 745<br />

SI'IUATEDin District l'b. 4 of Sullivan County, Tennessee, <strong>and</strong> being ItOre fully<br />

described as follows:<br />

'IOFINDTHEPOINl'OFBmINNIroccmnenceat TVAStructure No. 99 Station<br />

565+99.10 in the center of a TVApower line easement which structure is<br />

located North of State Route 37; thence SOuth 59 deg. 21 min. 47 sec. West,<br />

90.08 feet to an iron rod marking the );Xlintof BmINNThGherein; thence fran<br />

said);Xlint of BmINNIN3,SOuth03 deg. 08 min. 01 sec. West, 40.00 feet to an<br />

iron rod; thence l'brth 86 deg. 51 min. 59 sec. West, 60.00 feet to an iron<br />

rod; thence North 03 deg. 08 min. 01 sec. Fast, 40.00 feet to an iron rod;<br />

thence SOuth86 deg. 51 min. 59 sec. Fast, 60.00 feet to an iron rod marking<br />

the );Xlintof BEGINNIN3 herein.<br />

THEREIS ALSO~ HEREWI'lH an easement for ingress, egress <strong>and</strong> utilities<br />

thereto u);Xln<strong>and</strong> over a strip of l<strong>and</strong> 20 feet wide, lying 10 feet on either<br />

side of the following described line:<br />

'IOFINDTHEPOINl'OFBEX;INNIliG ccmnenceat TVAStructure No. 99 Station<br />

565+99.10 in the center of a TVApower line easement which structure is<br />

located North of State Route 37; thence SOuth59 deg. 21 min. 47 sec. West,<br />

90.08 feet to an iron rod; thence South 03 deg. 08 min. 01 sec. West, 20.00<br />

feet to a point marking the );Xlintof BEGINNIroherein; thence fran said );Xlint<br />

of BmINNIN3,SOuth 86 deg. 51 min. 59 sec. Fast, 24.93 feet to a point in the<br />

West line of an existing.gravel drive; thence continuing thereafter SOutherly<br />

with the centerline of said existing gravel drive to the point of intersection<br />

of said gravel drive with the North right-of-way line of State Route 37, the<br />

point of termination of the foregoing easement.<br />

The foregoing descriptions were prepared fran the survey of Gary C. Clark, RLS<br />

No. 1329, dated september 1, 1995, bearing File No. 21313. The Surveyor1s<br />

address is 2400 Plaza TOwer,Knoxville, Tennessee 37929.<br />

BEIN;part of the same property conveyed to Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, Lois Ann<br />

Darnell by warranty Deed fran LawrenceGarl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife, Betty Garl<strong>and</strong>, dated<br />

OCtober 16, 1984, of record in DeedBcx>k428C, page 249, in the Sullivan<br />

County Register Is Office.,<br />

.........•.•••..•... -It' 't 'tt ..~ :- .._ -~_..•... .••.•• ~ .•••. '_",'_, __ '-_ .• _._0' ,•••.<br />

, ,

50<br />

o<br />

Q<br />

a:<br />

u<br />

\oJ<br />

az•.. SCAlE: " - 50'<br />

50<br />

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.....••... - "';:<br />


W.O. 428C. PACE 249<br />

586"Sl'S9"E<br />

60.00<br />

I<br />

/<br />

/<br />


1520C<br />

C0371<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

This instrument prepared by <strong>and</strong> after recording.<br />

please return to:<br />

Robert D. Ward, Esq.<br />

Downs Rachlin & Martin PLLC<br />

90 Prospect Street<br />

P.O. Box 99<br />

St.lohnsbury, \rf 05819-0099<br />

Phone: (802) 748-8324<br />

Fax: (802) 748-4394<br />



)<br />

)<br />

)<br />


AND<br />





5-23-2000 IME 8:00<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE 371<br />

TAX CCF 2<br />

FEE 92.00 TOTAL 94.00<br />

RECEIPT NO.236193-001<br />

~OOK 1520C PAGE 371<br />

Indexing Cross Reference:<br />

See Exhibit A<br />


SUBLEASE (the "Supplement"), made effective as of the Site Commencement Date (as<br />

defined below), by <strong>and</strong> between BELLSOUTH PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a<br />

Delaware corporation, with a principal address at 1100 Peachtree Street, Suite 800, Atlanta,<br />

Georgia 30309 ("BeIlSouth"), <strong>and</strong> CROWN CASTLE SOUTH INC., a Delaware corporation,<br />

with a principal address at c/o Crown Communication Inc., 375 Southpointe Boulevard,<br />

Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317, Attention: Real Estate Department ("TowerCo").<br />


WHEREAS, referenc~ is hereby made to that certain Sublease dated August 1, 1999 (the<br />

"Sublease"), by <strong>and</strong> among BeIISouth Personal Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation,<br />

BellSouth Carolinas PCS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, Crown Castle International<br />

Corp., a Delaware corporation, <strong>and</strong> TowerCo;<br />

Site Number: 229-013 / TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLUBDI 809183.1

)<br />

1520C<br />

C0372<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE 372<br />

WHEREAS, the parties desire that the tenns <strong>and</strong> conditions of the Sublease shall govern<br />

the relationship of the parties under this Supplement; <strong>and</strong><br />

WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain lease between Paul Darnell <strong>and</strong> Lois Ann Darnell<br />

(the "Ground Lessor") <strong>and</strong> BellSouth, successor by assignment to SBA, Inc., dated July 13,<br />

1995 (as may have been amended, the "Ground Lease"), the recorded.copy or memor<strong>and</strong>~ of<br />

which is referred to in Exhibit A, BellSouth is the lessee of that certam real property descnbed<br />

therein, <strong>and</strong> the owner of certain improvements located thereon as more particularly described on<br />

Exhibits B, C <strong>and</strong> D attached hereto <strong>and</strong> incorporated herein by reference (the "Site");<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy <strong>and</strong> sufficiency<br />

of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the parties hereby agree as follows:<br />

1. Sublease <strong>and</strong> Defined Terms. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized<br />

terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Sublease. The parties agree that, except as<br />

otherwise set forth herein, the terms <strong>and</strong> conditions of the Sublease shall govern the relationship<br />

of the parties under this Supplement <strong>and</strong> the Sublease is incorporated herein by reference. In the<br />

event of a conflict or inconsistency between the tenns of the Sublease <strong>and</strong> this Supplement, the<br />

tenns of the Sublease shall govern <strong>and</strong> control, except as expressly set forth herein.<br />

2. Demise. Pursuant to the Sublease, BellSouth hereby subleases to TowerCo, <strong>and</strong><br />

TowerCo hereby subleases from BellSouth, the Subleased Property of the Site.<br />

3. Reserved Space. TowerCo hereby expressly acknowledges that, in accordance<br />

with the Sublease, the Subleased Property does not include, <strong>and</strong> BellSouth has reserved <strong>and</strong><br />

excepted from the Sublease pursuant to this Supplement, the Reserved Space as shown on<br />

Exhibits B, C <strong>and</strong> D attached hereto <strong>and</strong> incorporated herein by this reference. Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

any errors or imprecisions in the descriptions <strong>and</strong> depictions set forth on Exhibits B, C <strong>and</strong> D<br />

attached hereto <strong>and</strong> incorporated herein by this reference, TowerCo further expressly<br />

acknowledges that the Reserved Space includes, without limitation, all portions of the Site<br />

utilized or occupied by BellSouth as of the date of this Supplement for the use, enjoyment,<br />

operation or maintenance of its Communications Facility. TowerCo further expressly<br />

acknowledges that, in accordance with the Sublease, the Reserved Space includes, without<br />

limitation: (i) BellSouth's Improvements set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto (together with a<br />

portion of the L<strong>and</strong> having an area of three (3) feet around any equipment cabinet which is on or<br />

permitted to be on the L<strong>and</strong> that is in the Reserved Space); (ii) the nonexclusive rights of ingress<br />

to <strong>and</strong> egress from the entire Site, <strong>and</strong> access to the entire Tower <strong>and</strong> all Improvements thereof<br />

(including any <strong>and</strong> all easements), at such times (on a 24-hour, seven (7) day per week basis), to<br />

such extent, <strong>and</strong> in such means <strong>and</strong> manner (on foot or by motor vehicle, including trucks <strong>and</strong><br />

other heavy equipment) as BellSouth deems necessary or desirable for its full use <strong>and</strong> enjoyment<br />

of the Reserved Space, including, without limitation, except as may be expressly provided in the<br />

Sublease, the construction, installation, use, operation, maintenance, repair <strong>and</strong> replacement of its<br />

Communications Facility thereon; (iii) the right to use any available portion of the Subleased<br />

Property, including the L<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Improvements thereof, for purposes of temporary location <strong>and</strong><br />

Site Number: 229-013/ TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

AT\.UBOI 109113.1<br />


1520C<br />

C0373<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE 373<br />

storage of any equipment (including generators <strong>and</strong> Communications Equipment) <strong>and</strong> any part<br />

thereof in connection with perfonning any repairs or replacements of the Improvements; <strong>and</strong> (iv)<br />

any <strong>and</strong> all rights pursuant to Sections S(b) <strong>and</strong> 2S of the Sublease <strong>and</strong> all appurtenant rights<br />

reasonably inferable to permit BellSouth's full use <strong>and</strong> enjoyment of the Reserved Space,<br />

including without limitation, the appurtenances specifically described in Section S of the<br />

Sublease. For purposes of Section 2S of the Sublease, the weights <strong>and</strong> sail area of the panel<br />

antennas comprising a portion of BellSouth's Tower-mounted Communications Equipment is set<br />

forth on Exhibit F.<br />

4. TermlSlte Commencement Date. The Term of the Sublease as to the Subleased<br />

Property of the Site pursuant to this Supplement shall commence effective as of August I, 1999<br />

(the "Site Commencement Date") <strong>and</strong> shall tenninate on the date which is one day before the<br />

Ground Lease expires in accordance with its tenns (including any extensions or renewals<br />

thereof), unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of the Sublease.<br />

S. Bm!. TowerCo shall pay the Site Payment calculated in accordance with<br />

Section 11 of the Sublease.<br />

6. Notice. All notices hereunder shall be deemed validly given if given in<br />

accordance with the Sublease.<br />

7. Goyerning Law. Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing the terms of the Sublease, this Supplement<br />

shall be governed by <strong>and</strong> construed in accordance with the laws of the State in which the<br />

Subleased Property is located.<br />

8. Modifications. This Supplement shall not be amended, supplemented or<br />

modified in any respect, except pursuant to written agreement duly executed by the parties in the<br />

same manner in which the Sublease was executed.<br />

9. Counterparts. This Supplement may be executed in several counterparts, each of<br />

which shall be deemed an original, <strong>and</strong> all of such counterparts together shall constitute one <strong>and</strong><br />

the same instrument.<br />

Site Number: 229-013/ TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLUBOJ 109183.1<br />


1520C<br />

C0374<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE 374<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their h<strong>and</strong>s as of the Site.<br />

Commencement Date, as defined above.<br />



CO~~=<br />


By. ~<br />

StePhen . Brake<br />

Assistant Vice President<br />


Ml (JII. Nt ~~ a Notary Public in <strong>and</strong> for said State <strong>and</strong> County,<br />

duly commission <strong>and</strong> qualified, personally appeared Stephen A. Brake, with whom I am<br />

personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), <strong>and</strong> who, upon<br />

oath acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Vice President of BELLSOUTH PERSONAL<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, INC., <strong>and</strong> that he executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes<br />

therein contained, by signing the name of the company by himself as Assistant Vice President.<br />

-rWitness my h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> seal, at office in /I n..IiNV?,. GI this :??,~y of<br />

, J1J4"'1/<br />

/<br />

, 1999.<br />

~)h.~<br />

My Commission Expires: _<br />

Site Number: 229-013/ TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

A TLUIIOI I09Il3.\<br />

---------<br />

I ~ ~<br />

Ii! 0I:t\b--:"_ j!<br />

~ ~ ~<br />

~ -- I<br />

f••~~./<br />


1520C<br />

C0375<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their h<strong>and</strong>s as of the Site<br />

Commencement Date, as defined above.<br />



BOOK 1520C<br />


a Delaware corporatio<br />

By:<br />

John P. Kelly<br />

President<br />


PAGE<br />

Before me, Bk.Ci4. 6. /J...I1tw a Notary Public in <strong>and</strong> for said State <strong>and</strong> County,<br />

duly commissioned <strong>and</strong> qualified, personally appeared John P. Kelly, with whom I am personally<br />

acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), <strong>and</strong> who, upon oath<br />

acknowledged himself to be the President of CROWN CASTLE SOUTH, INC., <strong>and</strong> that he<br />

executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the<br />

company by himself as President.<br />

JJJ j.,:z,.e/<br />

Witness my h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> seal, at office in ~a., 6ft thi~---'L- day of<br />

du.Jy ,1999. _---"',<br />

;' J:"- ... ~~ "0 -'. .,<br />

'"<br />

Site Number: 229-013/ TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

A1t.UIlO1 lI098113.1<br />

" , .•.<br />

C.,<br />

NOTARYP~\~ I ~J<br />

My COmmiss~~S -' .#<br />

[NOTARIAL S~"""''''''- .#'<br />

'~~,~,<br />


1520C<br />

C0376<br />

Site Name: Blountville<br />

Site Number: 229-013<br />

County: Sullivan<br />

Exhibit A - Leased<br />

Original Ground Lessor: Paul Darnell<strong>and</strong> LoisAnn Darnell<br />

Original Ground Lessee: SBA, Inc.<br />

Execution Date of Original 7/13/95<br />

Ground Lease Agreement:<br />

~OOK 1520C<br />

PAGE 37E.<br />

Recording Information for Original Ground Lease Agreement or Memor<strong>and</strong>um Thereof<br />

Registry:<br />

Book:<br />

Page:<br />

Record Date:<br />

Friday, April 07. 2000<br />


1118C<br />

742-746<br />


1520C<br />

C0377<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />



BOOK 1520C PAGE 377<br />

See attached "as built" site plan showing the portion of the Site that is part of the Reserved<br />

Space.<br />

Site Number: 229-013/ IN<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLLIBOI 809883.1<br />


1520C<br />

C0378<br />

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BOOK 1520C PAGE 378<br />

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__ , __ ~--J-<br />

-/~--'-'<br />

-,-<br />

.•.'<br />

",'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


---r----------------------<br />

I<br />

I<br />

_L_ ...:....<br />

DO. ••<br />


BELLSOUTH ~1b"':'''"''''~<br />

8m NUMBER 221-013 •<br />


Ii _<br />

---<br />

_ ........• -..-.

1520C<br />

C0379<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

EXHmrrc<br />


£lOOK 1520C<br />

PAGE 379<br />

See attached "as built" tower elevation describing the Tower <strong>and</strong> indicating the portion of the<br />

Tower that is part of the Reserved Space.<br />

Site Number: 229-013 / TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLUSOI 8098831<br />


1520C<br />

C0380<br />

TOWER<br />



I<br />




OF' ANTENNA • 197.67<br />



!Wl CENTER<br />

225<br />

200 (6) EMS-RR90-17 (SPRINT)<br />

o 10<br />

1-<br />

1•• 20'<br />

BELlSOUTH SITE 229-013<br />

SPRINT KNX-3117<br />

•.. -<br />

---<br />

(3) SMART NT (BSMDCS)<br />

20 40<br />

1 __ 1<br />

--<br />


1520C<br />

C0381<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

None.<br />

Site Number: 229-013/ 1N<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLLIBOI 1ll9Il83.1<br />


BOOK 1520C<br />


D-l<br />

PAGE 381

1520C<br />

C0382<br />


BOOK 1520C<br />


PAGE 382<br />

1. All of BellSouth's Communications Equipment located on or in the equipment shelters,<br />

buildings <strong>and</strong>/or cabinets shown on Exhibit B <strong>and</strong> located on the Tower as shown on<br />

Exhibits C <strong>and</strong> D.<br />

2. Equipment shelters, buildings <strong>and</strong>/or cabinets, all as shown on Exhibit B.<br />

3. Generators <strong>and</strong> associated fuel tanks, if any, all as shown on Exhibit B.<br />

4. Pads <strong>and</strong> foundations associated with equipment shelters, building, cabinets <strong>and</strong><br />

generators.<br />

5. Grounding rings for the equipment shelters, if any.<br />

Site Number: 229.013/ TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLU801 8•• 813.1<br />

E-l<br />


1520C<br />

C0383<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


BOOK 1520C<br />


See attached schedule of st<strong>and</strong>ard antenna weight <strong>and</strong> sail area data.<br />

Site Number: 229-013/ TN<br />

Leased Site<br />

ATLLJBOI 809883.1<br />

.,<br />

F-l<br />

PAGE 383

1520C<br />

C0384<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

Allen Telecom<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

Altgon<br />

. Altgon<br />

Altgon<br />

Allgon<br />

Allgon<br />

Altgon<br />

Allgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

Allgon<br />

Allgon<br />

Altgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

A1lgon<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

Andrew<br />

OB910CE-M<br />

OB961 0090<br />

OB9610090T2<br />

OB9610090T2E-M<br />

OB974H90<br />

OB978H90E-M<br />

OB980H105T2E-M<br />

OB980H120E-M<br />

OB980H90E-M<br />

OB980H90T2B-M<br />

OB980H90T2E-M<br />

OB982H90T2A-M<br />

OB982H90T2E-M<br />

OB983H65<br />

OB983H65T2<br />

4158.21<br />

7130.16<br />

7131.2<br />

7143.21<br />

7143.24<br />

7144.24<br />

7144.26<br />

7145.24<br />

7145.26<br />

7145.48<br />

7146.26<br />

7220.14<br />

2980-001<br />

2980-002<br />

7251.01<br />

740198R2<br />

OGC9-825 RFL-2<br />

OGC9-825N<br />

P-7WA48G<br />

RWA-80012<br />

RWA-80016<br />

SRL410 C9 U4<br />

GP10F-21A<br />

GP12F-21<br />

GP6F-21A<br />

GP8F-21A<br />

HP10-107F<br />

HP12F-21A<br />

HP6F-21B<br />

HP8-107F<br />

HP8F-21<br />

HP-8F-21A<br />

P10F-21C<br />

P4F-21D<br />

P6-650<br />

.•_--------<br />

DATA BOOK 1520C PAGE 384<br />

Page 1<br />

0.54<br />

2.80<br />

2.80<br />

2.80<br />

1.20<br />

2.55<br />

2.50<br />

2.50<br />

3.30<br />

3.30<br />

3.30<br />

3.00<br />

3.00<br />

3.30<br />

3.30<br />

3.70<br />

3.90<br />

4.00<br />

1.00<br />

3.90<br />

3.90<br />

6.00<br />

3.90<br />

6.00<br />

7.70<br />

5.80<br />

2.80<br />

3.90<br />

3.90<br />

0.00<br />

3.90<br />

0.36<br />

3.90<br />

3.90<br />

3.90<br />

3.90<br />

5.49<br />

314.00<br />

452.16<br />

113.04<br />

200.96<br />

78.54<br />

452.16<br />

113.04<br />

50.27<br />

50.27<br />

200.96<br />

314.00<br />

50.24<br />

113.04<br />

7.20<br />

11.00<br />

11.00<br />

11.00<br />

3.50<br />

7.10<br />

8.50<br />

8.50<br />

8.50<br />

8.50<br />

8.50<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

12.00<br />

12.00' ..<br />

24.20<br />

17.16<br />

15.90<br />

5.00<br />

21.00<br />

21.00<br />

31.00<br />

21.00<br />

31.00<br />

37.40<br />

31.00<br />

14.00<br />

21.00<br />

21.00<br />

17.60<br />

21.00<br />

7.00<br />

21.00<br />

21.00<br />

21.00<br />

21.00<br />

35.00<br />

418.00<br />

517.00<br />

198.00<br />

282.00<br />

541.00<br />

850.00<br />

281.00<br />

447.00<br />

447.00<br />

447.00<br />

402.00<br />

119.00<br />


1520C<br />

C0385<br />

I DATA<br />

I<br />

I<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE 385<br />

'wr,l'.! ':'\lW<br />

; - H!.2F: :<br />

,fj~tM!J.il,l tr~<br />

'" .'J'<br />

Andrew P6F-21C 113.04 162.00<br />

Andrew P8F-21A 200.96 304.00<br />

Andrew P8F-21C 200.96 304.00<br />

Andrew PAR6-105 113.04 162.00<br />

Andrew PAR6-65A 28.27 281.00<br />

Andrew PAR8-65A 50.27 447.00<br />

Andrew PCS19HA-09016-2DG 3.10 10.00<br />

Andrew PCS19HA-11015-QDG 1.97 10.00<br />

Andrew PCS19HA-11015-2DG 3.10 10.00<br />

Andrew PL1Q-59D 314.00 402.00<br />

Andrew PL1Q-65D 314.00 402.00<br />

Andrew PL6-59D 113.04 162.00<br />

Andrew PL6-65D 113.04 162.00<br />

Andrew PL8-59D 200.96 304.00<br />

Andrew PL8-59D-1 200.96 304.00 "<br />

Andrew PL8-65D 200.96 304.00<br />

Andrew UHP8F-21 200.96 447.00<br />

Andrew UHX1Q-59J RF 314.00 541.00<br />

Andrew UHX12-59J RF 452.16 890.00<br />

Andrew UHX6-59J 113.04 281.00<br />

Andrew UHX6.59J RF 113.04 281.00<br />

Andrew UHX8-59H 200.96 447.00<br />

Andrew UHX8.59H LF 200.96 447.00<br />

Antel BCD 80010 0.23 26.50<br />

Antel BCR 80010:N270 6.00 55.00<br />

Antel BCR 80010N:90 4.20 37.00<br />

Antel BCR-80010 6.00 55.00<br />

Antel BCR80010:N180 6.00 55.00<br />

Antel BCR-80010:N270 6.00 55.00<br />

Antel BCR8-A 4.20 26.50<br />

Antel LPD790512 0.43 4.90<br />

Antel LPD7905/4 0.43 4.90<br />

Antel LPD7907/2 0.75 5.50<br />

Antel LPD7908/4 1.30 7.74<br />

Antel RWA-80012 3.90 14.30<br />

Antel RWA-80010 2.00 8.40<br />

Antel RWA-80012 3.90 14.30<br />

Antel RWA.80013 3.90 14.30<br />

Antel RWA-80014 3.90 14.30<br />

Antel RWA-80015 7.87 31.00<br />

Antel RWA-80017 7.80 31.00<br />

Antel RWA.8006 1.08 5.30<br />

Antel RWA-8009 2.00 8.40<br />

Antel SRL410C2 U4 1.25 7.00<br />

Antel SRL410 C9 R90 5.49 35.00<br />

Antenna Specialist ASP2895 9.00 62.00<br />

Antenna Specialist ASP953 1.60 27.00<br />

Antenna Specialist ASP962 0.16 1.13<br />

Antenna Specialist ASP963 2.55 50.00<br />

Antenna Specialist ASP967 4.43 75.00<br />

Page 2

1520C<br />

C0386<br />

DATA ~OOK 1520C PAGE<br />

?llt .I ~'Wii . 'WOjm~j. ,?-1J<br />


1520C<br />

C0387<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

DATA<br />

Celwave P010188 2.00 25.00<br />

Celwave POi 0201 10.00 28.00<br />

Celwave P010222H-4 0.13 1.60<br />

Celwave POi 0236 4.04 10.00<br />

Celwave P01108 0.85 0.17<br />

Celwave P01109 1.28 17.00<br />

Celwave P01110 1.70 20.00<br />

Celwave P01124 2.63 11.00<br />

Celwave P01132 5.50 60.00<br />

Celwave Po1132R-4 5.50 60.00<br />

Celwave P01136 3.70 38.00<br />

Celwave P01251<br />

Celwave P01610-3 0.36 4.00<br />

Celwave P04()()..8 0.88 17.00<br />

ComsatRSI PCS 0 085-17-2 3.57 11.80<br />

ComsatRSI PCS O085-17-2V 3.57 11.80<br />

ComsatRSI PCS 0 090-20-2 4.18 15.40<br />

ComsatRSI PCS O090-20-2V 4.18 15.40<br />

ComsatRSI PCS SO 085-16-2 0.00 11.80<br />

ComsatRSI PCS SO 090-20-2 0.00 14.00<br />

CSS SA.13 4.67 39.00<br />

oAPA 2900-004 6.11 ., 24.50<br />

oAPA 2900-005 4.58 21.20<br />

oAPA 2900-006 3.26 19.00<br />

oAPA 2942-006 2.38 13.00<br />

oAPA 2960-001 2.44 17.00<br />

oAPA 2960-004 6.11 24.50<br />

oAPA 2960-005 4.58 21.20<br />

oAPA 2960-006 3.26 19.00<br />

oAPA 2960-008 2.44 23.40<br />

oAPA 2962-006 3.26 19.00<br />

oAPA 2980-001 3.26 26.50<br />

oAPA 2980-005 6.11 33.10<br />

oAPA 2980-006 4.35 30.20<br />

oAPA 29S0-011 3.26 26.50<br />

oAPA 29S0-012 3.26 35.30<br />

oAPA 29S1-o06 4.35 30.20<br />

oAPA 3961-005 4.58 21.20<br />

oAPA ALP4014 N 4.00 20.00<br />

oAPA ALPS009 N10T 2.70 16.20<br />

oAPA ALPS009 N20T 2.70 16.20<br />

oAPA ALPS010 N 2.10 16.00<br />

oAPA ALP9211 N 3.90 26.70<br />

oAPA oAPA 2980-002 3.26 35.30<br />

Decibel Products ASPo-952 1.20 17.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPo963 2.55 50.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPo-973 1.60 27.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPo975 3.50 45.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPo975-3 3.50 45.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD975-3T 3.50 45.00<br />

Page 4<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE 387

1520C<br />

C0388<br />

DATA<br />

BOOK 1520C PAGE: 3BB<br />

Decibel Products ASPD975-5T 3.50 45.00 -..<br />

Decibel Products ASPD977 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD977-3 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD977-4 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD977-5 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD977-6 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD978 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPD978-4 1.75 35.00<br />

Decibel Products ASPF-955 0.20 3.00<br />

Decibel Products DB499C 0.25 5.00<br />

Decibel Products DB560 2.34 35.00<br />

Decibel Products DB560 1.66 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB561 2.87 43.00<br />

DecIbel Products DB561 2.87 43.00<br />

Decibel Products DB561 2.87 43.00<br />

Decibel Products DB561K 2.87 43.00<br />

Decibel Products DB561K-CT 2.87 43.00<br />

Decibel Products DB562 3.41 47.00<br />

Decibel Products DB562K-CT 3.41 47.00<br />

Decibel Products DB563 3.52 50.00<br />

Decibel Products DB563Z 3.52 50.00<br />

Decibel Products DB564 4.10 53.00-<br />

Decibel Products DB564K-CR 4.10 53.00<br />

if Decibel Products DB564K-CR 4.10 53.00<br />

,.<br />

Decibel Products DB564K-CT 4.10 53.00<br />

Decibel Products DB564K-CT 4.10 53.00<br />

Decibel Products DB567 R90 3.90 21.00 -<br />

Decibel Products DB567 R90 7.00 80.00<br />

Decibel Products DB567KR90 7.00 66.00<br />

Decibel Products DB567KR90-CR 7.00 80.00<br />

Decibel Products DB567KR90-CT 7.00 80.00<br />

Decibel Products DB580 0.13 3.80<br />

Decibel Products DB583 0.13 3.80<br />

Decibel Products DB586 0.33 8.25<br />

Decibel Products DB586T6 0.33 8.25<br />

Decibel Products DB589 0.33 15.00<br />

Decibel Products D8589-XCT 0.64 11.50<br />

Decibel Products o8589-XCT3 0.64 11.50<br />

Decibel Products D8803 0.33 6.00<br />

Decibel Products D8803M-XC 0.33 6.00<br />

Decibel Products 08806 0.98 21.00<br />

Decibel Products D8806M 0.64 8.00<br />

Decibel Products DB806T6 0.98 21.00<br />

Decibel Products 08809 1.90 30.00<br />

Decibel Products D8809K 1.90 30.00<br />

Decibel Products D8809K-XC 1.90 30.00<br />

Decibel Products DB809M 1.19 25.00<br />

Decibel Products D8809M-XC 1.19 25.00<br />

Decibel Products DB809SR-X 1.90 30.00<br />

Decibel Products DB809SR-XC 1.90 30.00<br />

Page 5

1520C<br />

C0389<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

Decibel Products<br />

DBS09T3<br />

DBS09T3-Xc<br />

DBS09T6<br />

DBS09T6-Xc<br />

DB810<br />

DBS10K<br />

'DBS10KT3-Xc<br />

DBS10KU3-Xc<br />

DB81 OK-XC<br />

DBS10K-Xc<br />

DBS10M<br />

DB810M<br />

DB810M-Xc<br />

DB812<br />

DB812F<br />

DBS12K-Xc<br />

DBS33<br />

DBS33R-F<br />

DBS34<br />

DBS34R-F<br />

DB842H80<br />

DB844HSO<br />

DB844H80T6-XY<br />

DB844H90<br />

DB844H90VT -SX<br />

DB844H90VT-X<br />

DB844H90-X<br />

DB848H90-XY<br />

DBS54H90<br />

DBS54HV90D-SX<br />

DB854HVH90D-SX<br />

DB855DDH90<br />

DBS55DDH90(E)<br />

DB858 H90<br />

DB858DDH90SX<br />

DB858HV65-SX<br />

DB864 H90<br />

DB871 H105<br />

DB871 H120<br />

DB871 H83<br />

DB872 H105<br />

DBS72 H120<br />

DB872 H83<br />

DB872H105-X<br />

DB872H120<br />

DB874H105<br />

DB874H105<br />

DB874H105-X<br />

DB874H105-Xc~<br />

DB874H120<br />

DATA<br />

Page 6<br />

1.90<br />

1.90<br />

1.90<br />

1.90<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

2.34<br />

320<br />

3.50<br />

3.50<br />

2.00<br />

2.00<br />

2.35<br />

2.35<br />

1.00<br />

1.00<br />

1.00<br />

2.00<br />

2.00<br />

2.00<br />

2.00<br />

4.00<br />

4.00<br />

13.74<br />

13.74<br />

5.00<br />

5.00<br />

13.74<br />

13.74<br />

8.00<br />

1.04<br />

1.04<br />

1.04<br />

1.04<br />

2.06<br />

2.06<br />

2.06<br />

2.06<br />

2.06<br />

4.10<br />

4.10<br />

4.10<br />

4.10<br />

4.10<br />

BOOK 1520C<br />

30.00<br />

30.00<br />

30.00<br />

30.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

35.00<br />

66.00<br />

72.00<br />

72.00<br />

15.00<br />

20.00<br />

19.00<br />

19.00<br />

5.00<br />

5.00<br />

5.00<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

12.00<br />

12.00<br />

20.00<br />

17.50<br />

43.00<br />

43.00<br />

28.00<br />

2S.00<br />

41.00<br />

41.00<br />

43.00<br />

5.00<br />

5.00<br />

5.00<br />

5.00<br />

7.00<br />

7.00<br />

7.00<br />

7.00<br />

7.00<br />

14.00<br />

14.00<br />

14.00<br />

14.00<br />

14.00<br />

PAGE 389

1520C<br />

C0390<br />

DATA<br />

BOOK 1520C P~WE: :~90<br />

Decibel Products DB874H120 4.10 14.00 -<br />

Decibel Products DB874H83 4.10 14.00<br />

Decibel Products DB874H83-SX 4.10 14.00<br />

Decibel Products DB878H105 8.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB878H105-X 6.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB876H10S-XC 6.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB678H120 8.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB878H 120-X 6.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB678H120-XC 6.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB678H83 8.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB876H83 8.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB878H83-SX 8.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB878H83-X 8.00 20.00<br />

Decibel Products DB881H60 1.04 5.00 " ""<br />

Decibel Products DB882H60 2.06 7.00<br />

Decibel Products DB884H45 3.90 21.00<br />

Decibel Products DB684H45 4.10 14.00<br />

Decibel Products DB684H45 4.10 14.00<br />

Decibel PrOducts DB684H45-X 4.10 14.00<br />

Decibel Products DB884H60 4.10 14.00<br />

Decibel Products DB930DD65E-M 2.70 15.00<br />

Decibel Products DB932DD6ST2E-M 3.10 17.00<br />

Decibel Products DB932DDSOT2E-M 4.50 18.00<br />

Decibel Products DB978H120E-M 2.00 7.10<br />

Decibel Products DB983H65E-M 3.30 12.00<br />

EMS FC90.11-00NA 4.00 21.00<br />

EMS FRSO-16-QODP 3.10 18.00<br />

EMS FR90-16-Q2DP 3.10 18.00 -<br />

EMS FS70-12-00NA 8.00 36.00<br />

EMS FS70-12-10_A2 8.00 36.00<br />

EMS FS90-09-Q0 5.00 27.00<br />

EMS FSSO-QS-05_A2 S.OO 27.00<br />

EMS FSSO-11-00 8.00 36.00<br />

EMS FSSO-12-Q0_A2 8.00 36.00<br />

EMS FV10S-10-Q0 2.70 15.00<br />

EMS FV105-10-05 2.70 15.00<br />

EMS FV105-10-10 2.70 15.00<br />

EMS FV10S-12-00 8.00 34.00<br />

EMS FV60-1S-QONA 8.00 27.50<br />

EMS FV65-13-Q0_A2 4.00 21.00<br />

EMS FV70-14-00_A2 4.00 21.00<br />

EMS FV90-0S-10NA 2.70 15.00<br />

EMS FV90-11-Q0 4.00 21.00<br />

EMS FVSO-11-05_A2 4.00 21.00<br />

EMS FVSO-11-10_A2 4.00 21.00<br />

EMS FVSO-12-00 6.00 30.00<br />

EMS FV90-12-00_A2 6.00 30.00<br />

EMS FVSO-12-05_A2 6.00 30.00<br />

EMS FVSO-12-10 6.00 30.00<br />

EMS FVSO-12-10_A2 6.00 30.00<br />

Page 7

1520C<br />

C0391<br />

I DATA<br />

I<br />

I<br />

~IOOK 1520C PAGE 391<br />

r--~':~'il[:J;i;iil!.Mll;)~,hifu;:;i, .__.:[ '-"-'-~;iJ~r--'~~'l W.rt~:~~1P:ilif.'i'hHWH t.l.M,<br />

I. • ••• _. _ _ • ....J _ •... _ • • ~ . c. )<br />

EMS<br />

EMS<br />

EMS<br />

EMS<br />

EMS<br />

EMS<br />

Gabriel<br />

Gabriel<br />

Gabriel<br />

Gabriel<br />

Gabriel<br />

Hazeltine<br />

Hazeltine<br />

Kathreln<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathreln<br />

Kathreln<br />

Kathreln<br />

Kathrein<br />

Kathreln<br />

Kathrein<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

FV90-13-00<br />

FV90-13-o0_A2<br />

RR90-14-o0<br />

RR90-17-o2<br />

RS80-10-OO_A2<br />

RV105-11-o0_A2<br />

DDP10P-59BSE<br />

DDP8P-59BSE<br />

GHA10-21<br />

SRD10-59ASE<br />

SRD8-59ASE<br />

820-080-11-9 840<br />

820-080-11-9 870<br />

740198<br />

63-30-6-1<br />

740198 RFM3<br />

740198R2<br />

740198RF<br />

740198RFL2<br />

740198RFM2<br />

KT-740198<br />

KT-740198R2<br />

KT-740198R2<br />

KT-740198RFL2<br />

KT-740198RFL2<br />

KT-740198RFL5/8<br />

KT-740198RFL5/8<br />

HP-100A72 RF<br />

HP-60A120L<br />

HP-60A72 L<br />

HP-60A72 RF<br />

MHP-21A96<br />

MHP-60A72 R<br />

P-21A120G<br />

P-21A120GF<br />

P.21A120N<br />

P-21A144G<br />

P-21A48<br />

P-21A48N<br />

P-21A72G<br />

P-21A72GF<br />

P.21A72N<br />

P-21A96G<br />

P-21A96GF<br />

P-21A96N<br />

P-21B72GF<br />

P-22A72G<br />

P-24A48GN-2<br />

P-24A72GN-U<br />

P-24A96GN<br />

Page 8<br />

6.00<br />

8.00<br />

1.70<br />

3.10<br />

8.00<br />

4.00<br />

78.54<br />

50.27<br />

78.54<br />

78.54<br />

50.27<br />

6.30<br />

6.30<br />

1.37<br />

5.38<br />

2.00<br />

2.73<br />

18.00<br />

1.36<br />

39.00<br />

1.37<br />

2.73<br />

2.73<br />

2.73<br />

2.73<br />

1.73<br />

1.73<br />

113.04<br />

314.00<br />

113.04<br />

113.04<br />

200.96<br />

113.04<br />

314.00<br />

314.00<br />

314.00<br />

452.16<br />

50.24<br />

50.24<br />

113.04<br />

113.04<br />

113.04<br />

200.96<br />

200.96<br />

200.96<br />

113.04<br />

113.04<br />

50.24<br />

113.04<br />

200.96<br />

30.00<br />

34.00<br />

9.00<br />

18.00<br />

36.00<br />

21.00<br />

370.00<br />

280.00<br />

310.00<br />

535.00<br />

395.00<br />

28.00<br />

28.00<br />

16.00. '.<br />

22.00<br />

39.00<br />

23.50<br />

1.80<br />

15.00<br />

2.00<br />

16.00<br />

23.50<br />

23.50<br />

23.50<br />

23.50<br />

18.00<br />

18.00<br />

336.00<br />

860.00<br />

336.00<br />

336.00<br />

491.00<br />

336.00<br />

286.00<br />

286.00<br />

575.00<br />

465.00<br />

127.00<br />

127.00<br />

128.00<br />

128.00<br />

202.00<br />

216.00<br />

216.00<br />

293.00<br />

128.00<br />

128.00<br />

86.00<br />

128.00<br />


1520C<br />

C0392<br />

DATA ~OOK 1520C PAGE 392<br />

'~"-=""'-~":f-'-' -( .,: , ".'[' .._.."" "?:;".~m:WT , limn ~J:,;I' "t.nTH (I~:;\<br />

. ': !;';',J;f:fil.'):) u~'lTI!)')!i'.!](:Jt '." 1 '.' .'~-.;r":,1';'.;' .', ,. I '~c.:... I.! I ... !<br />

( ._.:..:.:.....-.-----..... :..-"-- ..; __' _''':''_'' __..._...__ ...J lw")<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Mark<br />

Northern Telecom<br />

Northern Telecom<br />

Northern Telecom<br />

Northern Telecom<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

RSI<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

P-57848N-2<br />

P-57M8N<br />

P-57A48N-2<br />

P-57A72N-2<br />

P-57A96-2<br />

PA-21B48N<br />

PA-21B72G<br />


SMART<br />

SMART<br />

SMART 2.5<br />

A-57A24N-U<br />

HP-105A120<br />

HP-105A72<br />

HP-60120W<br />

HP-60A72<br />

MHP-21A72<br />

MHP-21A96<br />

MHP-21B96<br />

MHP-6072W<br />

MHP-6096W<br />

MHP-60A96<br />

P-105A48<br />

P-21A120G<br />

P-21A144G<br />

P-21A72G<br />

P-21A96G<br />

P-24M8G<br />

P-24A72G<br />

P-24A72GF-2<br />

P-24A96G<br />

P-57A72N<br />

P-57A96N<br />

P-57B48N<br />

P-57C24N<br />

P-60A72<br />

P-60A96<br />

PA-21B72G<br />

PA-21B72GP<br />

740198<br />

740217<br />

AP11-850/105<br />

AP13-850/065<br />

AP16-850/047<br />

KT740198R2<br />

KT740198R5/8<br />

KT740218R2<br />

KT740218R5/8<br />

OGC 9825RFL5/8<br />

OGC6-825-2D<br />

Page 9<br />

50.24<br />

50.24<br />

50.24<br />

113.04<br />

200.96<br />

50.24<br />

113.04<br />

17.24<br />

17.24<br />

17.24<br />

78.54<br />

78.54<br />

28.27<br />

78.54<br />

28.27<br />

28.27<br />

50.27<br />

50.27<br />

28.27<br />

50.27<br />

50.27<br />

12.57<br />

27.43<br />

46.87<br />

11.22<br />

19.00<br />

6.32<br />

11.22<br />

11.22<br />

19.00<br />

28.27<br />

50.27<br />

12.57<br />

3.14<br />

28.27<br />

50.27<br />

11.22<br />

11.22<br />

1.37<br />

3.90<br />

3.50<br />

3.50<br />

7.50<br />

2.73<br />

1.73<br />

2.73<br />

1.73<br />

1.73<br />

1.94<br />

127.00<br />

127.00<br />

127.00<br />

202.00<br />

293.00<br />

127.00<br />

171.00<br />

176.00<br />

176.00<br />

176.00<br />

20.00<br />

866.00<br />

336.00 ..<br />

866.00<br />

336.00<br />

336.00<br />

491.00<br />

491.00<br />

336.00<br />

491.00<br />

491.00<br />

109.00<br />

286.00<br />

465.00<br />

171.00<br />

216.00<br />

86.00<br />

171.00<br />

171.00<br />

216.00<br />

120.00<br />

240.00<br />

109.00<br />

120.00<br />

120.00<br />

240.00<br />

128.00<br />

128.00<br />

16.00<br />

13.40<br />

13.60<br />

19.00<br />

26.00<br />

23.50<br />

18.00<br />

23.50<br />

18.00<br />

18.00<br />


1520C<br />

C0393<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'-''''-<br />

/ .<br />

,<br />

OGC9-825<br />

OGC9-825 RFL5/8<br />

OGC9-825N<br />

OGC9-825N RFL2<br />

OGC9-825N RFM3<br />

OGC9-825NR5I8<br />

OGC9-825RFL-2<br />

PR-850<br />

PRBB-850<br />

SLR-410C-4R160<br />

SLR-410C-4R60<br />

SLR-410C-4R90<br />

SRL410.C9 R105<br />

SRL410C9 R160<br />

9OO900NA<br />

901200NA<br />

901200NAS<br />

901205NAS<br />

901210NAS<br />

ALP11008<br />

ALP11011<br />

ALP4014-N<br />

ALP4016N<br />

ALP6011N<br />

ALP6014N<br />

ALP6016N<br />

ALP8010N<br />

ALP8013N<br />

ALP9209N<br />

ALP9212N<br />

ALP9214N<br />

ALP-E 9011<br />

CTY10510 N<br />

CTY9006-N<br />

CTY9010<br />

DATA<br />

i' ~';H~;I;'" ,';!:Ir 1~liil')\; ';;':' . f M',•.•/:ii" '. ,<br />

i , '_'. ,'~ .<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Scala<br />

Sinclair<br />

Sinclair<br />

Sinclair<br />

Sinclair<br />

Sinclair<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedeom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

Swedcom<br />

1.37<br />

1.97<br />

1.37<br />

0.60<br />

0.60<br />

1.73<br />

1.37<br />

4.40<br />

4.40<br />

2.80<br />

2.58<br />

2.57<br />

5.50<br />

5.94<br />

1.33<br />

2.30<br />

2.30<br />

2.30<br />

2.30<br />

1.60<br />

3.70<br />

4.00<br />

8.10<br />

2.30<br />

5.40<br />

9.50<br />

2.10<br />

4.50<br />

1.70<br />

3.90<br />

8.10<br />

2.30<br />

5.30<br />

5.10<br />

5.30<br />

'-fY'Q,...(f~ at ~. Noted;n Note Bon<br />

~OOK 1520C<br />


2367C<br />

0059<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

~l9Afi1E 0059<br />

Boult Cummings, Conners & Beny, PLC<br />

1600 DMsion Street, Suite 700<br />

Nashville, Tennessee 37203<br />

Site Name: Blomrtville<br />

BUN: 8132S7<br />

Cingular Si1eNo.: 229-013trN<br />



(the "Memor<strong>and</strong>um") Is made effeotive this ~ day of , by <strong>and</strong> between Paul<br />

Darnell <strong>and</strong> wife, LoIs Ann Damell (collectively "Lessor") baving mailing address of 4403 Highway 11<br />

W, Blouatville, Tennessee 37617, <strong>and</strong> NEW CINOULAR WIRBLBSS PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited<br />

liability company, <strong>and</strong> the successor by December 31, 2004 merger with BeUSouth PerlIOIIS1<br />

Commmiications,lLC, flkIa BeUSouth Personal CommunicatiOllS,Inc., with a principal address at 6100<br />

Atlantic Boulevard, Norcross, Georgia 30071, AtlJmtion: Network Real Bstate ("Tenant").<br />

WHl!REAS, Lessor Is the owner of property descn'bed in Deed Book 428C, page 249, Sullivan<br />

County, Tennessee Register's Office (''LessoI''s Property"); <strong>and</strong><br />

WHEREAS, Lessor <strong>and</strong> SBA, Inc.. eutered into <strong>and</strong> executed that certain Option <strong>and</strong> Lease<br />

Agreement dated July 13, 1995 (the "Lease") for the lease of a portion of Lessor's Property (the<br />

"Property"); <strong>and</strong><br />

WHEREAS, SSA, Inc. <strong>and</strong> BellSouth Penooal Communications, Inc. entered into <strong>and</strong> executed<br />

that certain unrecorded Assignment Agreement dated July 13, 1995;<strong>and</strong><br />

WHl!REAS, Lessor <strong>and</strong> BellSouth Persoaal Communications Inc. entered into <strong>and</strong> executed that<br />

certain Memor<strong>and</strong>um of Lease ofreeord in Book 1118C, page 742, ssid Register's Office; <strong>and</strong> .<br />

WHEREAS, Lessor <strong>and</strong> Tenant entered into <strong>and</strong> execuIlldthat certain First Amendment to Option<br />

<strong>and</strong> Lease Agreement of even date herewith; <strong>and</strong><br />

WHl!REAS, the Lease has an initial term <strong>and</strong> options fur renewal terms, the last of which expires<br />

on December 28, 2020 (the "Original Term") <strong>and</strong> Lessor sud Tensnt desire to amend the terms of the<br />

Lease to provide for additional option tenns beyond the.Original Term; <strong>and</strong><br />

NOW THEREFORE, for good <strong>and</strong> vslusble consideration, the i'eceipt <strong>and</strong> legsl sufficiency of<br />

which are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:<br />

I. Defined Terms. Any capitalized tmms not defined herein shsll have the meanings<br />

ascribed to them in the Lease.<br />

lI63121Yl<br />

-I.<br />




23 F8IJ2OIIG llME 08:011 8<br />

BOOI{ 23l;7C PAGE 0059<br />

TAlI: C Cf 2.00<br />

FEE 20.011 lOTAL 22.011<br />

RECEIPT NO. 20111H111:734

2367C<br />

0060<br />

2. RmewB1Tq:ms. The Lease is c:ummI1yin the fust of four (4) reoewa1 terms, !be fourth<br />

n:newal tam to expire on ,Doc:amber 28, 2020. Lessor gnmlB Tenant an option fOr additional reoewa1<br />

terms as set, forth below: BOOK 2367C PAGE 0060<br />

sfb._altelm<br />

6"' reoewa1 tam<br />

7"' renewal tam<br />

8"' reoewa1 tam<br />

Deccmba" 29, 2020 to Decxmber 28, 2025 '<br />

December 29, 202S to December 28, 2030<br />

December 29,2030 to December 28, 2035<br />

DClccmbar29, 2035 to Decxmber 28, 2040<br />

The reoewa1 tams gnmted bmaiD sbaI1be RIl'llmd to as !be "Additional Renewal Terms". Said<br />

Additional Renewal Terms c=ecd the Original Term by twaIty (20) years.<br />

3. qmmmniqtjODl! J2nrimmnt Pamgraph 6 of the Lease is lIIDCIIdIldby adding !be<br />

followiDg Iaoguage at !be CIidof the ]llUlIlIllIIlh:<br />

"NotwithslaDdillg the 1ingoilIg, Tenant has the rigbt to iDslall or permit<br />

sublesaeea or sublicenses to iDslall additional buiIdiDglI <strong>and</strong> all IlCCCII6BIYconnecting<br />

appurtenaoces na:easary for the pw:polIC of ClJIISlrUCtin&majnlahUng <strong>and</strong> operaliDg<br />

additionalllDteDaas <strong>and</strong> supportiDg cquipmeDt CDthe Property. Lcaaor aclmowlodges aDd<br />

agrees that any <strong>and</strong> alll8signees, sublessee&, IIIIdsub1iceDsees of Tenant sbaI1 have full<br />

usc of any IIIIdall eascmr:ots associated with the Property."<br />

4. Right of FiIllt Rt!fusaI. The Lease is IIDlaIldedto iDcludo the following Iaoguage as<br />

pa11IllI1Iph 26:<br />

5.<br />

toTaoant:<br />

"If; during the 0rigiDal Tarm or any Additional RaHlwal TCIJII,Lessor teCOives<br />

an offer from any entity or penon that desires to acquino any of !be following intcresl3 in<br />

all or a portion of !be Property: (i) file tit1e, (ii) a papetual or other easemmJt, ('Iii) a leasc,<br />

or (iv) any or all portions ofLeasor's iDtareBtin this Lease includiDg but DOtlimited to !be<br />

Rent or mvcoDll derived hcrc:from, whctba" IIqllIIlItely or as part of !be 68le, tmD8fcr,<br />

grim!, asaigomcm, lease or encumbnmcll of Leasor's Property or other interest in !be<br />

Lease, Lessor sbaI1 provide written DOliccto Tenant thirty day&prior to Lessor acceptiog<br />

said offer. Lessor agrees not to BCI1, lease or usc any other Ill'Cllof Lessor's Property upon ,<br />

which the Property is Biluatcd for the p1acanImt of CormmmicationB Equipment of 1ilre<br />

JIIItlR if BUchinstallation iIltIlrferal with the QmnmmicatiODB EquipmsJt ofTClIIlIIIt."<br />

Notice Address. Paragraph 21 of !be Lease is &1IIIlIldedto provide !be following notices<br />

New CinguIar W'Jnl1essPeS, UC<br />

6100 Atlan1ic Boulevard<br />

Norcross, Georgia 30071<br />

Atto: Real Estate ~<br />

with copies to:<br />

Crown Castle Jntemational CoIp.<br />

E. Blab Hawk, 0cIItra1 Counsel<br />

Atto: Real Estate Departmellt<br />

1163827.1 -2-

2367C<br />

0061<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2000 CoJ:poratc Drive<br />

Canonsburg, PA 15317<br />

Crown Castle USA<br />

370 MaI10ty Station, Suite 50S<br />

Franklin, TCIIIHlllllee37067<br />

ATIN: Propc:rty MaDager<br />

BOOK 2367C PAGE 0061<br />

6. Aprmpqgt in Btlm. Blu:ept as exprcsaly modified <strong>and</strong> amended in the AmmIdment, the<br />

Lease shsll RIDIainin full furce <strong>and</strong> cffilct purswmt to each <strong>and</strong> every ODe of its terms <strong>and</strong> conditions.<br />

IN WITNESS WHBREOF, the parties have caused Ibis Memonmdum to be duly CllteCUtcdon the<br />

day <strong>and</strong> year lim written above.<br />

1163821 vi<br />

-3-<br />

LESSOR;<br />

TENANT:<br />

New CinguJar Wudess PCS, u.c. a Delaware<br />

limitcd liability company

2367C<br />

0062<br />

><br />

~~FOFG&i,<br />

BOOK2367C PAGE 0062<br />

Befure me, I!e~~

\<br />

~<br />

~<br />

C.940 I A'Ol"'l<br />



ttell A. DAVitS<br />


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CUHFIC.ur OF ,t,"~CIr,t,L OF STIl(ETS<br />

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.-io_.r..., .<br />

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C[lltFOT£ CF ewte9'r M() OElliC,t,TICtl<br />

t'"' •..•• ..,.e-"I' •..•I •• Io.

---------<br />

., ,. \. \<br />

State Route 394<br />

(1Ugl1t of Itay v.rJ,aeJ<br />

/<br />

!f0.0' ""'m'Dortlltlon<br />

Easement<br />

1012412011 • 03:07:67 PM<br />

Eoa 11312097<br />

~ 1POS:AL.PLA,T BATCH:dU<br />

~ P~l:~~~~~~<br />

~--------<br />

~ REeF'&: 1$00 I<br />

~ DPFEE<br />

===- ARC FEE<br />

2.00 I<br />

0 00 ~<br />

~ T~~~;OfTt"Ift.KE.._UV"'''f;O~O I<br />

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lEGEND<br />

Tram,portatJOII EUf!lllfmt<br />

" ! ! ! ! ! ! II<br />

.Jom,tfl tIlIyn" WJ1JI.<br />

Iff!yrJr #23B5l<br />

Ie" Lane<br />

37615<br />

T<br />

OJtaJ Acrell- 123.637.00 +.<br />

--------'-- .<br />

Part of the Paul Darnell Pr.0perty<br />

!ICJ.LE: 8Y;<br />

DAn:: IO/III2GB ItJ11I11 (lind sur"8yinll<br />

LoeatH 1./1 thlt 4rh ChJJ DJstrict of"<br />

6lJ11Jlflln county, TN.<br />

TaM NaD 66. Parcela ~.30 [; 93.OD llRAIIIIlG tueOl<br />

08. 2181C. PG. 107 [; 08. ~28C, PG. 249 "-20-1"'9-JO

00003<br />

30579<br />

~ ."<br />

;;<br />

~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.r<br />

•• ..•.....•<br />

. Paul 6 1.018 Aftn Darnell<br />

Applicant'. Name<br />


OF. . J1~ JI1<br />



Sullivan .<br />

Coun~J' Name<br />

The property 11.~ed belowhaebeen approved for cl".lflcatlaa under<br />

the Ap:~tural. Eoreat. <strong>and</strong> Open Spaee L<strong>and</strong> Act: of 1976 aa .GDeQded.*<br />

Tl( 66-95.30<br />

Property Identification<br />

04<br />

~1etr1ct<br />

10-16-84<br />

Dat.e Deed<br />

, Date Deed Recorded<br />

11-6.86<br />

DAte<br />

# 2856<br />

Thie .., •• prepaTed by:<br />

Sullivan County Office<br />

of Property AaaeSBmentB<br />

BlountvUle-.1"N.37617<br />

B.t. 1 Box 1.95<br />

BlountvIlle, TN 37617<br />

Al'Pl1c~tl8 Addre ••<br />

}Iyy 37<br />

Property Addreaa<br />

loi.97 aca .•<br />

ACreage<br />

42~C-249 _<br />

Deed BOok - Page.<br />

Deed.Book - Page<br />

.•.Final. rovalmILY.-u eYidellce to the Aseeeear'. Offi~e that<br />

thi. docamenth •• been. accepted for recording by the ReSi.ter of<br />

heda. .<br />

~ C'.""Y.T_~_,,,,Deod,,<br />

.. ~/ .• l~:-at"~. N ted i~.Not~Book_._<br />

..~<br />

..... "<br />

. ,<br />

-.'~'.~<br />

.. :,>::)t

BOO~ NB 6 PAGE 158<br />

OOQOO"<br />

01~ •.,,!\9 . •<br />

. Appltcation for Greenbelt Assessment ..Agricultural<br />

The Agricultural. Forest <strong>and</strong> ~ Space L8nd Act of 1976 ("Greenbelt Law') pc:nnits qualifying l<strong>and</strong> to<br />

Dc lI5Se3SCd for pmpc:ny tues 81 its use -value ratha tban its fair maJW valoe which migltl be based on a mare<br />

inrensive usc. YOU MAY BE LIABLE R)R "ROu.BACK" TAXES laIcr if1he l<strong>and</strong> approvod COl: ~'bc1t is<br />

COI1vcrtedto olber USCllor disquaUfied far gn:cnbelt as Ihe resll11 of a sale or otherwise. 1llc amount due would be<br />

the tax saved duriDg lbe last thI= years of greenbelt elass:iIation. Before applying, you should carc!ully review<br />

i1ai"••••~M .u4Id4i1iGNll iafonNUion UDat &he~t progr.un which Ihould be-,pmvidr.t1 hy yClur<br />

aszssor. Since April 14, 1992, &belaw requiIcs that propcrt)' must be ac1U8lly U3Cdas agricultural l<strong>and</strong> in anIer to<br />

qualify £« !he asricultumJ use classification. It must be pan of a farm "cngaged in &beproduction or growing of<br />

crops, plants, animals, nursery, or flcraI products.'" Tbc assessor may presume 1hal property is used lIS agricultural<br />

l<strong>and</strong> if it cams an aVG'IIF amwal gross agricuItuml income ofSI,SOO or more over an)' three years in greenbelt.<br />

However, the assessor will also consider other available cvideDce indicating haw the property is actua1ly used.<br />

Theassessar may ask you about propeI1Y income, owncIShip aad 0Iher information needed to determine hew the<br />

property is used IIDlI bow it ~wd be vallJCd. Corop1c(e \be .-cmaindu of thu application to have your property<br />

considered for greenbelt.<br />



DisC'ict!Wanl MaplB1odrJGroup<br />

04 66<br />

1. Name: PAUL" LOIS A DARNELL<br />

2. Mailing Address: 141 BAREFOOT LAND:INGS DR.<br />

BLOUNTVILLE, TN 37617<br />

3. Address of Pr.operty: 2295 FEATHERS CHAPEL RD<br />

Spa:iallDterest<br />

000<br />

4. Total Acreage: -4 0 • 85<br />

5. Approximate acreage in crop. pasture or other active farm use:<br />

6. Current crop(s} or other agricuUural produd.(s) <strong>and</strong> expected yield or<br />

volume which will be sold:<br />

R'JSD. lOj92<br />

CT-D068<br />

~-<br />

~uct •... ~<br />

Expected Yield or Sales<br />

t~~<br />

7. Do you own other property in this county which has been approved<br />

for greenbelt?<br />

40.85<br />

s..Source or <strong>Title</strong>:<br />

DeedBook: 2181C<br />

Page: _1_0_7 _<br />

Other. 75C-363<br />

I certify that I mn aD owna of lite property clesc.ribed &hove, that the info~ I ba\IC supplied lCJthe ~ in<br />

applying for greenbelt is true <strong>and</strong> correct to the best of III)' knowledge <strong>and</strong> bclid, ODd tlUll I am pre.scJltly us.1Il 1<br />

said property as agricultUJa1laDd as d.t:scribcd in the above instIuCliODS. I furdlcr ceftify that ~e.prope~y WlU<br />

produce gross agriCIJIuuaI iocome or at least S 1.500 per year on aveJagC ova any thxee yeNS It IS classified<br />

"greenbelt" I undersumd the assessor may presume d1I: propertY a 'DOl used as ~ WIl1 ~ Ihe property<br />

does 1IOt produce this miniml1lD income, unless I prove otherwise that the propc'ltY 15 aclU81ly being used as a<br />

fann.1 have read <strong>and</strong> undersumdLherequirements fa greenbelt eligibility <strong>and</strong> agree to notify the assessor of any<br />

change in the use or ownusbip of the property which might atra:t we cligibility or Lhis propertY for greeabelL<br />

Dated: . 1-~-~..r (Pa-v=f ~<br />

PI'openy Owner<br />

/I ~ ;J.pfj<br />

.On this -.!L- day or~ u~'~_' before me perscnally Bppcan:d the: above named p<br />

owner, to me blown 10 be the p(Z~ ribcd in <strong>and</strong> who CllCCUtodthe foregoing c:ertiracauon. <strong>and</strong> '<br />

acknowledged its execution as (his) (hel) free act <strong>and</strong> deed.<br />

My CQrnlllissi~ expiJes: JJ- a~- ,JbOIP<br />






--7ifi;~::li:ct~~~<br />

A$st:sSJ1£ of~ LOU DUNCA<br />



2- 4-2005 lIME 11:00<br />

BOOK HB 6 PAGE 158<br />

TAX CCF 2<br />

FEE 10.00 iOTAL 12.00<br />

RECEIPT NO.38&312-001<br />


0428C<br />

0249<br />

I<br />

I<br />

29485<br />


THIS INDENTURE. made <strong>and</strong> entered 'Into on this 16th day of<br />

October. 1984. by <strong>and</strong> between LAWRENCEGARLAND <strong>and</strong> wife. BETTY<br />

GARLAND. of Sullivan County, State of Tennessee. of the first part;<br />

<strong>and</strong> PAUL DARNELL <strong>and</strong> wife. LOIS ANN, DARNELL. of Sullivan<br />

County. State of Tennessee of the second part.<br />

WITNESSETH: That the said partie!; of the first part. for<br />

<strong>and</strong> in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars <strong>and</strong> other good<br />

<strong>and</strong> vaulable consideration to them in h<strong>and</strong> paid by the said parties of<br />

the second part. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 'have<br />

granted, bargained. sold. conveyed. <strong>and</strong> do hereby grant. bargain.<br />

se~l <strong>and</strong> convey unto the said parties of the second part. the following<br />

described premises. to-wit:<br />

SIT UATE in the Fourth Civil District of Sullivan County.<br />

Tennessee. lying on <strong>and</strong> to the North of State Highway 37.<br />

<strong>and</strong> designated as <strong>Tract</strong>s 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 on a map entitled "Lawrence<br />

Garl<strong>and</strong> Property". dated September 19. 1984. drawn by<br />

Murrell Weems. Surveyor. <strong>and</strong> being more particularly described<br />

as follows:<br />

BEGINNING at an iron pin at the northern right-of-way line<br />

of State Highway 37. southeastern corner for <strong>Tract</strong> 5. <strong>and</strong><br />

southwestern corner for property of Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong>'. acquired<br />

by Deed of record in Deed Book 167A. page 426;<br />

thence with the line of Garl<strong>and</strong>, N. 13° 06' E. 434.94 feet to<br />

an iron pin; thence S. 77° 12' E. 181.38 feet to a point in<br />

'" the line of Garl<strong>and</strong>. <strong>and</strong> common corner for Lots 5 <strong>and</strong> 4;<br />

thence with the divisional line between <strong>Tract</strong>s 4 <strong>and</strong> 5. N.<br />

050 56' E. 3.379.11 feet to an iron pin in the line of property<br />

of Robert Eaton; thence with the line of Eaton. N. 01° 30' E.<br />

348.48 feet to an iron pin. corner to property of Jan A.<br />

Dewitt; thence with the line of Dewitt. N. 87° 00' W. 446.16<br />

feet to an iron pin. corner to property of Fred K. Godsey;<br />

,thence with the line of Godsey. S. 40° IS' W. 418.44 feet to<br />

an iron pin; thence S. 33° 30' W. 77.88 feet to an iron pin.<br />

corner to property of Betty H. White; thence with the line of<br />

White. S. 16° 30' W. 95.04 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 03°<br />

00' E. 138.93 feet to an .iron pin; thence S. 14° 00' E. 145.86<br />

feet to an iron pin; thence S. 42° 37' W. 91.08 feet to an<br />

iron pin; thence S. 64° 01' W. 207.10 feet to an iron pin;<br />

thence S. 59° IS' W., 186.12 feet to an iron pin. corner to<br />

property of Fred Pierce; thence with the line of Pierce. S•<br />

.36 0 00' E. 95.70 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 05° 00' E.<br />

137.94 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 61° 43' W. 843.15 feet<br />

to an 8-inch oak; thence 5.28° 46' E. 186.48 feet to a double<br />

walnut; thence S. 77° 47' W. 221.26 feet to the center of the<br />

branch. corner to property of Hal S. Almaroad; thence with<br />

the' center of same as it me<strong>and</strong>ers <strong>and</strong> ,with ,the line of<br />

Almaroad. S. 08° 39' E. 179.52 feet; S. 36° 49' E. 136.39<br />

feet; S. 05° 47' E. 113.53 feet;' S. 42° 41' E. 94.15 feet; S.<br />

070 42' E. 81.73 feet; <strong>and</strong> S. 55 0 16' E. 105.97 feet to a<br />

point; thence continuing with the line of Almaroad. S. 07° 24'<br />

W. 394.37 feet to a 16-inch cedar; thence S. 03° 10' W.<br />

365.79 to a planted stone in the line of property of Bruce tV.<br />

Mangle; thence with the line of Mongle, S. /'1° 27' F.<br />

1.128.92 feet to a post; thence S.' 13°25' W. 341.04 feet to<br />

an iron pin at the northern right-of-way line of State<br />

Highway 37; thence with the line of same. So. 76° 57' E.<br />

This lnstrvmont Was Pl'epored By<br />

JAMES N. POINT. Attorney<br />


0428C<br />

0250<br />

'"<br />

ZOO,OO feet to an iron pin, the point of BEGINNING,<br />

containit;'g 10Z.97 acres, more or less.<br />

For source of title, reference is made to the following deeds<br />

of record in the Register's Office for Sullivan County, at<br />

Blountville, Tennessee, of which the above described property<br />

i,s a portion: Deed of Mary Alice Humphreys, Widow, to<br />

Wesley Garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife, Beulah Hamphreys Garl<strong>and</strong>, recorded<br />

in Deed Book i;ZA page 346; Deed of Beulah<br />

Humphreys Garl<strong>and</strong>, Widow, to Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong>, conveying<br />

a one-half undivided interest of record in Deed Book 37C,<br />

page 871; <strong>and</strong> deed of Beulah Humphreys, Widow, to<br />

Lawrence Garl<strong>and</strong>, conveying the remaining one-half undivided<br />

interest, of record in Deed Book 75C, page 363.'<br />

The above described property is subject to a powerline<br />

easement <strong>and</strong> a 35-foot building setback requirement as shown<br />

0428C<br />

0251<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

STATE OF TENNE~£ .•E ,<br />


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