Mathematical marvels - CUNY Graduate Center

Mathematical marvels - CUNY Graduate Center

Mathematical marvels - CUNY Graduate Center


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The fi rst project will be devoted to addressing<br />

the question to what extent expansion is a<br />

property of groups alone, independent of the<br />

choice of generators. New robust families of<br />

expanders using recently developed tools from<br />

additive combinatorics will be constructed.<br />

The second project builds on the recent joint<br />

work with Bourgain and Sarnak, in which<br />

expanders were used to obtain novel sieving<br />

results towards non-abelian generalisations<br />

of Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic<br />

progressions. The general problem addressed<br />

in the second project involves sieving for<br />

primes (or almost-primes) on an orbit of a<br />

group generated by fi nitely many polynomial<br />

maps; application of combinatorial Brun sieve<br />

depends crucially on the expansion property<br />

of the ‘congruence graphs’ associated with the<br />

orbit.<br />


Jean Bourgain, School of Mathematics,<br />

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ<br />

Peter Sarnak, Princeton University and<br />

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ<br />


National Science Foundation –<br />

award no. 0645807<br />


Dr Alexander Gamburd<br />

Presidential Professor of Mathematics<br />

Mathematics PhD Program<br />

The <strong>CUNY</strong> <strong>Graduate</strong> <strong>Center</strong><br />

365 Fifth Avenue<br />

New York, NY 10016-4309, USA<br />

T +1 212 817 8539<br />

E agamburd@gmail.com<br />

Videotaped lectures:<br />

www.msri.org/web/msri/online-videos/-/<br />

video/showVideo/14588<br />

www.msri.org/web/msri/online-videos/-/<br />

video/showVideo/14561<br />

ALEX GAMBURD is a recipient of the<br />

Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists<br />

and Engineers (PECASE), which is the highest<br />

honour that a beginning scientist or engineer<br />

can receive in the US. Gamburd has been on<br />

the faculty of UCSC since 2004. In 2007 he<br />

received a Sloan Research Fellowship and<br />

Von Neumann Fellowship from the Institute<br />

for Advanced Study in Princeton. In 2011<br />

he was appointed Presidential Professor<br />

of Mathematics at the <strong>CUNY</strong> <strong>Graduate</strong><br />

<strong>Center</strong>. Gamburd earned his BS degree in<br />

Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute<br />

of Technology and MA and PhD degrees in<br />

Mathematics from Princeton University.<br />


the question of how fast this convergence to<br />

uniform distribution takes place. This question<br />

reduces to the study of the spectral gap for<br />

the averaging operator associated with eight<br />

rotations giving orientations of daughter tiles.<br />

A consequence of the work of Bourgain and<br />

Gamburd on the spectral gap of averaging<br />

operators on a sphere is that this convergence<br />

takes place exponentially fast.<br />


Another application of this result is of<br />

importance in quantum computing. In the<br />

context of quantum computation elements of<br />

three dimensional rotation group are viewed<br />

as ‘quantum gates’ and a set of elements<br />

generating a dense subgroup is called<br />

‘computationally universal’ (since any element<br />

of rotation group can be approximated<br />

by some word in the generating set to an<br />

arbitrary precision). A set of elements is called<br />

‘effi ciently universal’ if any element can be<br />

approximated by a word of length which is<br />

logarithmic with respect to the inverse of the<br />

chosen precision (this is the best possible).<br />

A consequence of the result of Bourgain<br />

and Gamburd is that many computationally<br />

universal sets are effi ciently universal.<br />


In the joint work of Bourgain, Gamburd and<br />

Dr Peter Sarnak the new spectral gap results<br />

were applied to obtain novel sieving results<br />

pertaining to distribution of prime numbers.<br />

“The general belief is that apart from the<br />

obvious local structure of primes (for example,<br />

that they, apart from two, are all odd) they<br />

behave as if they are randomly distributed,”<br />

Gamburd reveals. “This intuition is developed<br />

in sieve methods, to prove, for example,<br />

the following approximation to twin prime<br />

conjecture: there are infi nitely many integers<br />

separated by 2, one of which is a prime and<br />

Few experiences in life are as frustrating<br />

as being stuck on a problem for<br />

10 years. Fewer still are those<br />

which can match the joy<br />

of fi nally solving it<br />


another a product of two prime. What we did in<br />

joint work with Bourgain and Sarnak is to sieve<br />

for primes in problems with hyperbolic fl avour.”<br />

A simple example illustrating this line of research<br />

is related to Integral Apollonian packings (Figure<br />

4). A classical result of Apollonius asserts that<br />

given three mutually tangent circles there are<br />

exactly two circles tangent to all three. Given<br />

a set of four mutually tangent circles, one can<br />

construct (using Apollonius theorem) four new<br />

circles, each of which is tangent to three of the<br />

given ones. Continuing to repeatedly fi ll in the<br />

lunes between mutually tangent circles with<br />

further tangent circles we arrive at infi nite<br />

circle packing. A remarkable fact is that if you<br />

start with four mutually tangent circles having<br />

integral curvatures (curvature is the inverse of<br />

the radius) all the circles in the packing will have<br />

integral curvatures as well – hence the name<br />

‘Integral Apollonian packings’. Affi ne linear<br />

sieve, developed by Bourgain, Gamburd and<br />

Sarnak, begins to probe the properties of prime<br />

numbers appearing in such packings.<br />


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