Family Tree Maker - GBLCreations

Family Tree Maker - GBLCreations

Family Tree Maker - GBLCreations


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Name Birth date Potential error<br />

Gueldres, Godofrid Birth Date is empty<br />

Guines, Sigefried De Abt. 884 Birth Date more than 20 years after the<br />

Guinidilda Abt. 882 Marriage Date to Count Wilfred is emp<br />

Gwen Birth Date is empty<br />

Marriage Date to Deikws- Ddu is empty<br />

Gwynedd, Dafydd ap Owain Abt. 1134 The name may be incorrectly capitalized<br />

Marriage Date to Emma D' Anjou is em<br />

Haardrade, Eystein Abt. 678 Marriage Date to Solveig Halfdansson i<br />

Hague, Lee Anna Private Marriage Date to Melanathan Patterson<br />

Marriage Date to Benjamin Robbins is e<br />

Hainault, Ida (Gertrude) Of Abt. 1109 The name may contain an Aka<br />

Haines, Beulah Twining Birth Date is empty<br />

Marriage Date to Ogden Thornton is em<br />

Haining, Grizel Birth Date is empty<br />

Marriage Date to Thomas Hewetson is e<br />

Haithabu, Godefrid Of Abt. 830 Marriage Date to Matilda is empty<br />

Haithabu, Halfdan Of Bet. 775 - 780 Birth Date occurred too long after the d<br />

Haithabu, Harold Of Birth Date is empty<br />

Marriage Date to Emhild Engern is emp<br />

Hale, Ruth Birth Date is empty<br />

Halfdansson, Eysteinn "Fret" 725 The name may contain an Aka<br />

Marriage Date to Hildi Eiriksdatter is em<br />

Birth Date before the marriage date of A<br />

Halfdansson, Ivar Oplaendinge Aft. 770 Born when mother Mrs-Halfdan Sveida<br />

Birth Date more than 20 years after the<br />

Halfdansson, Solveig Abt. 678 Marriage Date to Eystein Haardrade is e<br />

Marriage Date to Olaf Ingjaldsson is em<br />

Hall, Jr., Samuel There may be a Title in the name field<br />

Birth Date is empty<br />

Hamaland, Dietrich Of Birth Date is empty<br />

Hamaland, Ferderuna Of Birth Date is empty<br />

Marriage Date to Charles France is emp<br />

Hamalant, Wichmann I (Eberhard II) De Abt. 802 The name may contain an Aka<br />

The name may be incorrectly capitalized<br />

Hamilton, Hazel Clair Private Marriage Date to Francis Newton is em<br />

Hamilton, Lynda Elizabeth Birth Date is empty<br />

Hammerlee, Sarah Jane Private Marriage Date to James Borland is emp<br />

Hammond, Thomas Birth Date is empty<br />

Marriage Date to Cason Elizabeth is em<br />

Hamphill, Raymond Private Marriage Date to Rosemary Duncan is e<br />

Hannum, Mary Birth Date is empty<br />

Hanson, Alice December 08, 1562 Marriage Date to William Bradford is e<br />

Hanson, Ardele Marie Birth Date is empty<br />

Hanson, Elizabeth Abt. 1552 Marriage Date to William Horton is em<br />

Haraldsdottir, Thyra Bef. 986 Marriage Date to Styrbiorn Olafsson is<br />

Marriage Date to Mieszko Poland is em<br />

Marriage Date to Thorkil Sprakalaeg is<br />

Harcourt, Amicia Abt. 1160 Born when parent Petronille De Grentm<br />

Harcourt, Bernard 'The Dane' Abt. 903 Marriage Date to Sprote De Bourgogne<br />

Harcourt, Humphrey De Abt. 980 Born when parent Woerta De Crepon w<br />

Harcourt, Robert 'Fitz-Parnell' Abt. 1156 Born when parent Petronille De Grentm<br />

Harcourt, Roger Abt. 1158 Born when parent Petronille De Grentm<br />

Hard, Aaron Orville Birth Date is empty<br />

Hard, Abner 1792 Birth Date more than 20 years after the<br />

Hard, Amos 1776 Birth Date more than 20 years after the<br />

Hard, Amos Butler 1839 Birth Date more than 20 years after the<br />

Hard, Anna March 05, 1795 Birth Date more than 20 years after the<br />


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