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THOM'S<br />

IRISH <strong>ALMANAC</strong><br />

AND<br />


OF THE<br />


















Oiilrfonrflj Jhuntitl ^publication.<br />

DUBLIN:<br />







Mackey, John, Mr. Orchard lodge<br />

M alone, llichd. engraver, Ord. Survey<br />

Metropolitan Police Station<br />

Teat, Benj. woollen manufacturer<br />

Smith, Mrs. Ashview<br />

Stewart Institution for Lunatics, Palmerstown<br />

house<br />

Willcocks, Captain, St. Laurence<br />

Ballyfermot.<br />


P. of Ballyfermot.—Uppercross B.<br />

Blanchfield, Mr. John<br />

Coughlan, T. esq. Whitecross<br />

Flood, Mr. Michael, Stone house, and<br />

Fox-and-Geese<br />

M'Donald, Edward, grazier<br />

M'Donnell, Mrs. Anne<br />

Mayers, P. builder, Ballyfermot house<br />

Murray, Luke. vint. Ballyfermot brdg.<br />

Spring, Henry Richard, esq. Johnstown<br />

house<br />

Hibernia-terrace.<br />


Cliapel'izod.<br />

1 Collier, Mrs.<br />

2 Stubbs, George, clerk of works<br />

3 M'Kay, Mr. Donald, Ord. Survey<br />

4 Gaughran, Mrs.<br />

5 Havelin, Mrs.<br />

Xnockmaroon-hill.<br />

P. of Castleknock.—Castleknock B.<br />

Burns, Gilbert, esq. Knockmaroon<br />

lodge, 9GJ.<br />



Crean, John Austin, esq. Glenville<br />

Crowley, Patrick, vintner<br />

Dunphy, Michael, carpenter<br />

Ferrier, Alex. esq.Knockmaroon, 961.<br />

Gibney, John, vintner, Strawberry beds<br />

Glorney, George, flour and rice miller,<br />

Mardyke mills<br />

Macken, Mr. James<br />

Xeill, Robert, woollen factory<br />

Peat, Benj. woollen manufacturer<br />

Pressly, D. Knockmaroon cottage<br />

Road from Knockmaroonbill<br />

to tlie Red IVXills,<br />

P. of Castleknock.—Castleknock B.<br />

RED MILLS.<br />

M'Cormiek, Mr. Joseph<br />

Peat, Benjn. woollen manufacturer<br />

CLONDALKIN, an inland parish and village, partly in Newcastle, but chiefly in Uppercross barony, <strong>Dublin</strong><br />

county, 4j miles S. W. from <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising an area of 4,777 acres, of which 44 are in the village. Population,<br />

'2,179 ; of village, 470, inhabiting b'8 houses. It is situated near the ninth lock of the Grand Canal, and close to<br />

the line of the (xreat <strong>South</strong>ern and Western Railway, of which it is the first station from <strong>Dublin</strong>. It w r as anciently<br />

named Cluain-Dolcan, and by the Danes Dun-awley. ^ The village consists chiefly of one irregular street, of small<br />

but neatly built houses and cottages. The only public buildings are the Parish Church, a small plain modern<br />

building, and a neat Roman Catholic Church. It has Almshouses for destitute widows, a Dorcas Institution<br />

Lying-in Hospital, and Dispensary, a Parochial and tw T o National Schools, and a Constabulary Police Station.<br />

The ancient round tower is ' the nearest stiucture of the kind to the metropolis, and is in good "preservation.<br />

stands 100 feet high, and I is 15 feet in diameter, covered with a conical roof of stone.<br />

It<br />

Caldbeck, Win. esq. D.L. Moyle Park<br />

CLONDALKIN CHUBCH—Rev. Winslow<br />

Berry, rector, Glebe-house<br />


—Rev.John Moore, P.P.; Rev.<br />

P. Duffy, c.c.<br />

CloniMkin Monastery—Rev. A. Colgan,<br />

chaplain ; Thos. B. Fahy, superior<br />

Clondalkin Dispensary—Geo. S. Burnside,<br />

L.u.c.8.1. L.A. medical officer<br />

Convent Presentation — Superioress,<br />

Mrs. Mule ah y<br />

Cummins, Mrs. Newlands<br />

Denis, Julien, merchant, Sally park<br />

Donnelly, Richard, tavern keeper, 9th<br />

lock, Grand Canal<br />

Dowling, Bridget, farmer<br />

Dowling, William,brick manufacturer<br />

Doyle, Denis, esq. Miltown<br />

Doyle, J. esq. St. Mark's<br />

Durie, Mrs. Xeilstown<br />

Pynon, Mrs. Drimna lodge<br />

Farran, Joseph, farmer, Robin Hood<br />

Finlay, Rev. John W. J.P. Corkagh<br />

Fishbourne, Jos. esq. Cheeverstown<br />

Fitzgibbon, Gerald, esq. Master in<br />

Chancery, Larkfield<br />

Fitzgibbon, Ltenry, M.D.<br />

Flood, Messrs. brick

1536<br />


14 Morris. William, pilot, 151. 10s, 36 Miley, Mrs.<br />

15 Doyle, Michael, boat builder, 121 37 Peacock, Mrs.<br />

222. 58 Covington, Mr. John,<br />

25/. 10s. 59 Irwin, Captain John,<br />

20/.<br />

2a.<br />

16 Cooper, Mr. J.' 81.15* 38 Donovan, W. F. esq. 312. 60 Blackmore, Mrs.<br />

202.<br />

17 Chesnaye, Mrs. 35L h)s. 39 and 40 Bowles, Robt. esq. Airhill, 61 Monks, Dr. Valetta lodge, 105.<br />

18 Finlay, George, esq. 351. 10s.<br />

36/. 10s., 33/. 105. 62 CantiUon, Mrs.<br />

152.<br />

19 and 20 The Bird's Aerflnstitution— 41 Kingstown Trotestant Hall, 261. 66 Mitchell, Francis, builder, 13/. 10*.<br />

Mrs. O'Neill, matron<br />

42 Fullwood, James, esq. 40/. 65 Brusy, Mr. James, 152. 5*.<br />

PBESBYTEKIAN CHURCH—Rev. S.J 43 Nelson, Mr. James, 13/. 5s. 66 Bell, Mr. John, P.O. 15/.os.<br />

Hanson—Service, 12, noon, and 7. 44 Barrett, James, gardener, 10/. 10s. 67 Clancy, Wm. greengrocer, Hi.<br />

P.M.<br />

45 Ffolliott, Mrs. 16/. 15s. 08 Keegan, Michael, locksmith, 42. lus.<br />

21 Robinson, Henry, esq.<br />

41/. 46 Sutton, Samuel, dairy, 111. 5s. 69 and 70 Cockburn, William, house<br />

22 M'Ennerney, Mrs.<br />

32?. 47 M'Auley, Mrs. 22/. painter, 37/. 10s.<br />

23 Saunders, Airs.<br />

32/. 48 Woodroofe, Chas. surgeon-maj.227.. 72 Gatchell «fc Co. family grocers and<br />

24 Nason, Mrs.<br />

821. 49 Fleming, James, esq. 22/. j wine merchants, 332. 10*.<br />

25 Sankey. Mrs.<br />

oil. 50 Leggett, Mrs. 28/. 15s. 73 Vacant, 322.<br />

26 Brush, Miss M.<br />

321. 51 Smyth, Miss, 28/. 15s. 74 Neil, Peter, blacksmith<br />

27 Phibbs, Peter, esq.<br />

Z21. 52 Storey, Mrs. 28/. 15s. 75 &, 76 Slevin, Patrick, Italian ware-<br />

„ Phibbs, Charles, solicitor<br />

53 Reid, Walter, surgeon, 28/. 15s. house, 45/. 10s.<br />

28 Lynch, Rev. John, M.A. St. John's ,, Reid, J. C. esq. dloy. esq. j Captain G. Iluband, and William Moran, esq.; Major Hartley, and C. R.<br />

Hamilton, esq. Clerk— Mr, James Gibson.

Annaly, Right Hon. Lord, Woodlands<br />

13 arr, Mr. Andrew, Aliaderrigg<br />

Barr, W, esq. Finstown<br />

Beard, The Misses<br />

Bellaney, David, esq. Esker house<br />

Bennett, Mr. John, Ballyowen castle<br />

Benson, Rev. Charles, The Vicarage<br />

Rossi, The Misses<br />

Bourke, Mr. Patrick, Coldriuagh<br />

Firennan, J. esq. Allenswood<br />

Buckley, Mr. George, Tubber cottage<br />

Buckley, Robert, grocer<br />

Buckley, Washington, auctioneer<br />

Casey, Mr. Peter, Esker<br />

Casey, Mrs. Mary, Esker<br />

Chandler, Mrs. Gritlin lodge<br />

Clarke, William F. esq. c.E. Esker<br />

house<br />

Clinton, Mr. Thos. Finstown cottage<br />

Colclough, Thos. esq. Kinstowu house<br />

Coley, Mrs. E. victualler<br />

Culley, Henry F. esq. J.P. Lucan lodge<br />

Collins, Miss C. Crescent<br />

Convent(Presentation)—Mrs. Kennedy,<br />

Superioress<br />

Cromer, J. painter and decorator<br />

Cunningham, Mr. John, Halhowen<br />

Davis, Thomas, Lucan Arms hotel<br />

Dempsey, Bernard, vintner<br />

Dispensary—Albert E. Watson, esq.<br />

medical officer<br />

Dowrl, Thomas, provision dealer<br />

Edmundson, Mr. Alex. St. Catherine's<br />

park<br />

FitzGerald, Mr. Francis. St. Helen's<br />

Furnell, Chas. Head-Constable 11.1.C.<br />

Ceoght'gan, Mrs. Crescent<br />

Gibson, James, postmaster, and clerk<br />

of petty sessions<br />

Gibson, Robert, esq. Allensvvood<br />

LUCAN—MALAHIDE, 1537<br />

[Good all, Mr. Edward, Tie wmount<br />

Graham, Mr. William, Hillsborough<br />

Green, Mrs. Grange<br />

flail, Mrs. The Mall<br />

Hill, J as. worsted and tweed factory<br />

Hunt, Rev. J. c.c.<br />

Jack, Henry, agricultural mechanist<br />

Keeffe, Mr. Hugh<br />

Keogh, Mr. John Somerton<br />

Kenny, Miss FitzGerald, Hermitage<br />

park<br />

Kingston, Benjamin, grocer and car­<br />

penter<br />

Leonard, Mr. Patrick<br />

Lloyd, Henry C. esq. The Mall<br />

Railway Station, G.S.W.R. — Mr .<br />

Brennan, aj;ent<br />

Rainsford, Mrs. The Mall<br />

Roblastre, Miss. Lucan<br />

Rooney, Mr. Richard, Grange<br />

Rourke, Edward, farmer<br />

Rot/al Irish Constabulary Statto-n—<br />

A. M'ClcIIand. esq. sub-inspector<br />

Scott, Lieut.-Colonel II. B. Woodville<br />

Shaekleton, Joseph, Anna LiftVy and<br />

Grange mills<br />

Sherlock, Thomas, general dealer<br />

I Smith, Mr. Edward, Hillsborough<br />

I Smith. Mr. W. Dodsborouffb<br />

'Smith, Mr. William, Glen wood<br />

Stanford, J. W. esq. C.E. Ounavarra<br />

LUCAS CHUUCII — Rev. Chas, Benson,<br />

incumbent<br />

1 Stewart Institution for Imbeciles, Spa<br />

LUCAN R. CATHOLIC CHURCH—Rev. Asylum — office, 40 Moles worth-<br />

J. Hunt<br />

street, <strong>Dublin</strong> —Dr. Pirn, medical<br />

Lynch, Mr. Edward, Springfield<br />

superintendent<br />

M'Evoy, Bryan, vintner<br />

Tandy, Mr. Michael<br />

Magee, Patrick, vintner<br />

Tandy, Mrs. Annadale cottage<br />

Manning, Mr. Samuel, Springfield Teeling, Mrs. grocer<br />

Masterson, Mrs. Ballyowen<br />

Thornbury, William, builder<br />

Mooney, Mr. Thomas, Twelfth lock Townsend, Rev. IT. Rectory, Esker<br />

Moore, Campbell, esq. Ballyowen cot. Vesey Arms Inn—Mr. Michael Tracey,<br />

Moore, Mr. George, Ballydowd<br />

proprietor<br />

Moran, W. esq. J.F. St. Edmondsbury ; Vesey, Charles Colthurst, esq. j.p.<br />

Mutlins, Robert Forster, esq. LL.D. D L. Lieut. -Colonel County <strong>Dublin</strong><br />

D.O.L. barrister, Primrose hill Militia, Lucan house<br />

Murray, Michael, esq. Balgaddy Vieary, Mrs.<br />

National School — Thos. Delany.master Watson, Dr. Albert, dispensary<br />

Calmer, W. esq.<br />


Parochial School—W. n. Flynn, master Rev. Robert Jameson<br />

Fhelan, Patrick, Laurel lodge i Wills, John, esq. Wills brook<br />

POST OFFICE—Mr. James Gibson Wills, Mrs. Willshn-ok<br />

Proctor, Mr. S. The Mall<br />

Winthorp, Wm. laud steward, Lucan<br />

Quigley, Jas. esq. Lucan hill cottage house<br />

Railway Station, M. G. W. R.—John ^ Young, John, land surveyor<br />

Keogh, agent<br />

LUSK—See RCSH.<br />

MALA RIDE.<br />

MALAHIDE, a maritime town and parish in Coolock barony, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, nine miles N. from <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising<br />

an area of 1,126 acres. Population, 653. The town is situated on a narrow inlet of the sea, and on<br />

the Droeheda railway, of which it forms the fourth station from <strong>Dublin</strong>. The Castle is a large square buildiiig\<br />

flanked by lofty circular towers, and stands on a high limestone rock, commanding a line view of the<br />

town auu and hay. *"\7 • Of V^J. the



RATHCOOLE, an inland town and parish in Newcastle barony, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, 10 miles S.W. from <strong>Dublin</strong>, compri-intr<br />

an area of 4,705 acres. Population, 45.9. The town, which was anciently called Radculi, is situated<br />

upon the road to Naas, and consists of one street, about a quarter of a mile in length, chieHy of small houses<br />

and cabins, irregularly built. The oniy public building is the Parish Church, a neat plain edifice. It has a<br />

Dispensary. It"is the head station of the Constabulary force of the district of Uppercross. About two miles<br />

and a half N. \V\ from Rathcoole is the parish and village of Ne>ccastle, comprising an area of 4/2IJ3 acre*.<br />

Population, 1,1 Oo. It is situated on the Grand Canal. The village was formerly a borough, having a<br />

portrieve and burgesses under charter of James I., and prior to the Union, sent two members to the Irish<br />

parliament. The Church is an ancient picturesque edifice, covered with ivy, having a fine eastern window.<br />

The Roman Catholic Chur.h is a neat buiiding, with a belfry. There is a Dispensary and National Schools.<br />

Petty Sessions are held every alternate Friday.<br />

MAGISTRATES ATTENDING PSTTY SESSIONS AT RATHCOOLE, every alternate Friday.— Charles Edward Kennedy, esq.;<br />

J.T. Verschoyle, esq.<br />

Carty, Mr. James<br />

Buckley, Washington, auctnr. Luc an ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH—ROV.<br />

Consbxlntlary Police Station — John Byrne, Mr. John, Keating's park Thomas M'Cormick, P.P.<br />

Rolleston, constable in charge Cloncurry, Lady, Lyons house, and Shekleton, Joseph, Lyons mills<br />

Cullen, Mr. Matthew<br />

Maretimo, Blackroek<br />

Skerrett, I'eter, esq. Athgoe park<br />

Gerty,Edw esq.ltingwood,Ilazlehatch Connolly, Owen, esq. Ballscott, Hazle- ThornhilL/ Rev, W. J. Glebe house,<br />

Kelly, Mr. R.<br />

hatch<br />

Rathcoole<br />

M'Evoy, James, surgeon<br />

Goold, Miss Ellen, Loughtown, LTazle-<br />

POST OFFICE — Miss Sophia Senior, h a tch<br />

postmistress<br />

Grnydon, Alex. esq. Newcastle house<br />

Saggard.<br />

RATHCOOLE CncacH— Rev. W*. J. Howe, John, esq. Wheatfield Bryan, William, esq. Brittas<br />

Thornliill, incumbent,Glebe house Kelly, Patrick, esq. Newcastle Howling, John, The LTotel, Brittas<br />

Rathcoole Dispensary—Pat. J os. U' E voy, Kennedy, Sir Charles, bart. J.P. M'Donnell, John & Thos. Ai Co. paper<br />

medical attendant, Rathcoole Lambert, James, J.P. Staccumnie, mills—office, 8 Ormond-quay, lr.<br />

Senior, Mr. Charles<br />

Hazlehateh<br />

National School<br />

Sheal, Mrs. Rathcoole house M'Donald, Myles, esq Paymount, L'OST OFFICE — Miss Mary Waters,<br />

Spear, Mr. Edward<br />

Ilazlehatch<br />

postmistress<br />

National School—Julia Reilly<br />


NEWCASTLE CHURCH—Rev. Eugene Thomas M'Cormick. P.P.<br />

O'Meara, incumbent<br />

Verschoyle, John James, esq. J.P.<br />

Weweastle.<br />

Rathcoole Parish School — M. A. Tapsaggard house<br />

Andrews, Michael, esq. Colganstown M' Laughlin, mistress<br />

Walsh, Richard, esq. Kings wood<br />

Stack Churchiim.—Peter Vicars, prop. Richey, Mr. John, Castlevvarden Waters, W. coach prop. Cheevei str.wn<br />


RATHFARNHAM, a parish and village in Uppercross and Rathdown baronies, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, four miles south<br />

from the General Post Office, <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising an area of 2.581 acres. Population, 5,555. It is situated on the<br />

road to Whitechurch, and near where the Military-road commences that crosses the mountains into Wicklow<br />

county. The village consists of one long irregular street: the Church on the right side, with a tower and spire.<br />

The Roman Catholic Church is a large building. The Loretto Convent, in the vicinity is a modern brick building,<br />

attached to which there is an elegant chapel, a female free school, also a ladies' boarding and day school. There is<br />

also at FirhouSG a Carmelite Convent, also a Dispensary, a Petty Sessions Court-house, and District Constabulary<br />

Police Station. A fair is held on July 10. The bridge of Rathfarnham, over the river Dodder, is several hundred<br />

yards from the village, the approach to which is rising ground, thickly shaded in summer by the trees of<br />

the demesnes on each side. The neighbourhood abounds in pretty seats aud villas, commanding rich views<br />

of the <strong>Dublin</strong> mountains and bay. The castle of Rathfarnham was built by Archbishop Loftus in the reign of<br />

Elizabeth. One of the entrances to the demesne, fronting the Dodder, is iu the style of a Roman triumphal arch.<br />

The entrance to the castle is by a portico of eight Doric columns that support a dome painted in fresco with the signs<br />

of the zodiac. Buliyhorfen, a village in the parish of Whitechurch, is about one and a quarter miles tarther on,<br />

and comprises an area of two acres. Population, 252.<br />

MAGISTRATES ATTENDING PETTY SESSIONS, every second Tuesday—George Dcane, esq. ; Charles Granby Burke,<br />

esq.; Thomas Lh-ury.esq. ; James N. Davis, e&q.; Thomas H. Guinness, esq.; John Hatehell, esq.; E. ISlackhuirte,<br />

esq. Q.c. Ron. Hercules Rowley, Henry Ilodgins, esq., Edward Pottrell, esq., and Henry Watson, esq. CUrk—<br />

Richard Molloy, Templeogue.<br />

Alexander, Hen. esq. Glenbrook, i-l. Dingwall, John, grocer and provision Kirwan, Mr. Denis<br />

Arthur, John, bootmaker dealer Kirwan, Mrs. Margaret, baker<br />

Bannan, Patrick, grocer, & c. Dooner, John, solr. Barton lodge,7ZI. Laird, John Allen, esq. Millbrook cot<br />

Blackburne, Edward, Q.c. J.P. Rath-! Dowdall, Rev. Launcelot, A.M. rector Lennon, Christopher, slater<br />

farnham castle, 770/.! of Rathfarnham church, 45Z. 10*. loretto Convent Boarding



PALMERSTOWN, or PALMERSTON, a parish and village in Uppercross barony, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, five miles west from<br />

the General Post Office, <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising an area of 1,518 acres. Population of the parish, 1,511. It is<br />

situated on the river Liffey and road to Lucan, and contains large cotton mills, iron and lead works, and oil and<br />

dye-stuff mills. The village consists of small humble dwellings, irregularly built, a Roman Catholic chapel, and<br />

Constabulary Police station. The Great <strong>South</strong>ern and Western line of railway passes through the parish.<br />

In the vicinity there are several handsome seats and villas, the principal of which is Palmerstown House, a<br />

seat of the Earl of Donoughmore, erected by his ancestor, the Right Hon. T. II. Hutchinson, when Secretary<br />

for Ireland. It is a spacious mansion in an elevated situation, commanding fine views. A fair for horses<br />

and cattle, well frequented, takes place on 21st August.<br />

Close, William, wood turner j Fitzpatrick, Mi*. Jas. Newtown Clark Stewart Institution for Lunatics -<br />

Corrigan, P. W. esq. Palmerstown Fitzpatrick, Miss E. farmer<br />

merstown house<br />

lodge<br />

Godley, John, esq. J.P. Fonthill Straehan, Mrs.<br />

Costello, Mr. Michael, Quarry vale Lawlor, J. J. esq. Irishtown house Tully, Patrick, vintner<br />

Dillon, Miss, Orchard<br />

Moony, Michael, grocer<br />

Dispensary — Robert W. Andrev<br />

medical officer<br />

Brury, Mrs, Neilstown house<br />

Moore, Rev. John, P.P.<br />

Reid, Mrs. Neilstown cottage<br />


Clarkeville-terrace.<br />

1 Brown, Mr. Charles,<br />

Fnrrell, Thomas, fanner<br />

Royal Irish Coirstabulary Station—Robt. 2 May. Robert, constable B.i.c.<br />

litzgibbon, Gerald, Q.C. Larkfield May, constable in charge 3 Duncan, Mr. John<br />

rillBSBOROUGH.<br />

PHIBSBOROUGH, an extensive suburb and district, partly in the parish of St. George, but chiefly in that of<br />

(rrangegorman, Coolock barony, <strong>Dublin</strong> city and county, 1£ miles N.W. from the General Post Office, <strong>Dublin</strong>.<br />

It is situated partly within, and partly without, the electoral boundary, on the road to Navan, along which it<br />

extends, and on the Royal Canal and North Circular-road. AVithin its limits is Grangegormau church; also a<br />

Roman Catholic church ; the Royal Military Infirmary, the Constabulary Police Barracks, and Zoological<br />

Gardens, all three within the Phoenix Park \ "the Convent of St. Mary, Cabra, the Female Orphan house and<br />

Episcopal chapel, North Circular-road ; and National schools.<br />

Blaek&orse-iane.<br />

Near the Phoenix Park.<br />

•Pratt Maria, thimble maker, Cabra 25 Maguire, Miss,<br />

mills<br />

; Ryan, Mathew, esq. Tolka park<br />

Kennedy, Mich 1. Biack Dorse, vintner si Marys Convent—'Mrs. Maker,<br />

Kennedy, Thomas, land steward prioress<br />

King, Thos. gardener, Hampton lodge Wickham,Rev.P. M. superior Catholic<br />

M:iughan, Mrs. fanner and publican ! Institution for Deaf and Dumb,<br />

Qnigley, Patrick, gardener St. Joseph's<br />

Reed, Frederick, market gardener<br />

Ryan, James, esq. Elm grove Cabra-lane,<br />

Sherlock, John,esq. Springfield house 5 Harding, Richd. cattle dlr. Villa pk,<br />

Tuite, John, gardener. Primrose cot. ; Ma^ee, Mr. James J. S. Ordnance<br />

Survey, Anna villa<br />

Reide, Frederick, market gardener<br />

Cabra.<br />

Berford, James, dairy<br />

Kerne, Mrs. Brooiniield<br />

Burns, Mr. Thomas, Eimgrove house<br />

Byrne, Thomas, land steward<br />

Crolly, Mrs. Homestead<br />

Donnelly, Joseph, esq. Everton<br />

Donnelly, Mrs. Mary, Cabra house<br />

D.»ran, Edw.esq. Cabra lodge, 28/. 15*<br />

Gahan, Michael, market gardener<br />

Gilligan, Thomas, assist, commissary.<br />

Cabra villa<br />

ITannon, Patrick, vintner<br />

Healy, Hannah, laundress<br />

Beany, Peter, esq. Cabra house<br />

Iloey, Thomas and Co. pin. hair-pin,<br />

and screw-rivet manufacturers,<br />

6th Lock, Royal Canal<br />

Kerr, Mrs. Sarah, Broom lodge<br />

Cabra-parade.<br />

1 Dunlop, Rev. Adam, 24/. !6*J<br />

2 Gavin, Mr. Thomas, 2H. 15s. I<br />

M*Donald, Mr. John, Belleville house; 15 O'Sullivan, George, esq<br />

M'Master, Hodgson, and Co. oil mer-jlt Grandison, Henry, esq.<br />

chants, oil mills, Ashtown f IT Kean, John M. esq.<br />

ikde Deaf and Ihtmb Institution, under 18 Stuart, Thomas, esq,<br />

thecareof the Christian Brothers, 19 Carson, Mrs. Mary,<br />

St. Joseph's—Rev. B. P.M. Wick- 20 M'Cabe, Charles V. esq.<br />

ham, superior<br />

1 Rorke, Miss,<br />

Metropolism roUce Station — Henry 22 Bury, Patrick, esq.<br />

Gowdy, sergeant in charge, 23 O'NeiU, Mr. Thomas,<br />

Morrison, Mr. John B. Cabra villa „ O'Neill, Mr. Henry E.<br />

O'Hara, Mrs. Broombridge house<br />

O'Keeffe, Mr. John, Cabra villa<br />

.'+ Shew, Richard esq.<br />

,, Moore, Godfrey, m^rJumt<br />

M.<br />

20 Treacy, Mr. Robert,<br />

22/. 10s.<br />

22/. 10s.<br />

27 Costello, Domiuick, esq. 23J. 10a.<br />

28 Fallon, William, esq. Til. 10*.<br />

29 M'Clintock,Rich. esq. G.P.O /.10*.<br />

30 Petit, Christopher, collector, Pembroke<br />

Township rates, 221, 10*.<br />

31 Webber, Captain II. T. 2-V.<br />

32 O'Brien, Michl. coin, traveller, 35f.<br />

Cabra-place.<br />

Cabra-roud.<br />

1 Molloy, R. esq.<br />

2 Hay den, Francis, esq.<br />

Cahra-road.<br />

North Circular-road.<br />

P. Grangegorrnan.<br />

71.<br />

22/.<br />

28/.<br />

3 Burke, Thomas, merchant-office, | Barrett, Thomas, esq. Femmount,<br />

87 Gardiner-street, lower, 22/. j Churchward, T. H. esif. Mary-villa<br />

j 4 Everth, Mrs. Maria, 2-tf. Brennun, Wm. J.merchant, Hollyville<br />

! 5 Tyrrell, Walter, esq. 21/. Ins. Fogarty, Patrick Joseph, esq. Wood-<br />

6 Rochford, J.consultingmechanical villa lodge<br />

engineer, 21/. 10s M'Canhy, Mrs. Gothic lo^ge<br />

7 Colgan, Mrs. Mary Anne, 21/. 10#. Mulloy, Rev. Coote C, Eglinton<br />

8 Jennings, Mrs. 2D. 10*. National Schools--Daniel O'Brien and<br />

9 Rooney, Patk. M. solicitor, 21/. 10*. Timothy O'Brien, teachers<br />

9A Simpson, Robert, esq.<br />

St. Peter's Presbytery, i'hibsborotigh-—<br />

lOQuinn, Mr. W. 23!. Fathers of the Congregation of the<br />

11 Boylan, Henry, surveyor 22£. Mission—Very Rev. Jas. Dixon,<br />

12 Leonard, John, esq. 23/. 10* superior ; Rev. Anthony O'Grady,<br />

13 Henderson, George, esq. 22/. 10*. Rev. John M'Bride, Rev. Michael<br />

14 Kinsella, Francis, esq. 22/, 10*. Gleeson, Rev. John Gowan, Rev.<br />

22/. lns. Nicholas Barlow, Rev. Michael<br />

23/. lo*. Cody, Rev. James Potter, Rev.<br />

221. ins. John Beggan, Rev. Michael<br />

22/. 10s. Rot lie. Rev. Michael Cubbins, Rev.<br />

Patrick Walsh<br />

&t: ios.<br />

Robinson, W. J. esq. Winton<br />

TM. Wi.<br />

Wintou—vacant, 93/.<br />

2M 10.?.<br />

22/. 10*.<br />

22/. 10s. Cabra-terrace.<br />

North VircnUxr-rcxxd.<br />

22/. 10a.<br />

P. of Grangegorman.<br />

1 Carton, Mrs.

Pentony, John, victualler<br />

Petty Sessions Court-house—Mr. Dodd<br />

Mulloy, clerk—res. Templeogue<br />



OFFICE—Mr. E. F. Kirwan, postmaster<br />

Purceli, Patrick, esq. Rose villa<br />

HATHFABNHAM CHOBCH—Rev. Launcelot<br />

Dowdall, A.M. rector<br />

Ra thfamham Dispensary— II e n ry Croly,<br />

M.D. F.R.c.s.i. medical officer<br />

Rock, Patrick J. grocer<br />


Robert Meyler, P.P. ; Rev. Patrick<br />

Hanly, c.c.<br />

Royd Irish Constabulary Station— J.<br />

B. Irwin, esq. sub-inspector<br />

Savage, William, esq. A. B. Wellington<br />

lodge, and Education office<br />

Scott, Isabella, vintner<br />

Sheridan, Peter, bouse painter<br />

Smith, Laurence, tailor<br />

Smith, Marks, car owner<br />

Tottenham, John Denis, esq. AshfieM<br />

Totteubam, Mrs. Denis. Ashheld, tltf<br />

Vveinwiser, Mr. F. Ely lodge<br />

Woods, Miss M. Castle view<br />

White, Andrew, farmer<br />

Ratlifaniliam-bridgre.<br />

P. of Rathfarnham.<br />

Cnllaghan, Joseph, carpenter<br />

Oerrard, Samuel, solr. Bachelor's hall<br />

Kernan, Ricliard, sand contractor<br />

Lambert, Patrick, carpenter<br />

Lennox, John, miller, Ely mills<br />

Murray, Patrick, sand contractor<br />

Ballyboderi.<br />

P. of Rathfarnham..<br />

F>orrows, Henry F. esq. Ballyroan<br />

^'Connor, John, grocer<br />

Drury, Wm. B. bar. Boden park, and<br />

21 Harcourt-street 811. bs.<br />

Jones, Philip, esq. Bolton hall<br />

Keating, Christopher, farmer<br />

Falkiner, Mrs. Ballyroan cottage<br />

Mulvany, Mr. Feter, Somerton cottage<br />

I.'('Grady, Captain, Rookwood<br />

O'Grady, Captain Robert Rose, Rookwood,<br />

7 SI.<br />

Prospect hill, vacant, 90i.<br />

Russell, Wm. esq. J.P. Catherine'spark<br />

Watson, Henry, esq. Ballyroan house,<br />

1441. 5s,<br />

Butterfield-avenue.<br />

P. of Rathfarnham,<br />

RATHFARNHAM. 1551<br />

Edmondstown.<br />

P. of Whitechurch.<br />

Coghlan, Mary Anne, teacher National<br />

school<br />

Dollard, It. P. & Co. paper manufacturers,<br />

Milhnount<br />

Hayes, John, esq. Woodtown<br />

Hayes, Thos. esq. Woodbine cottage<br />

Slaves, William Armstrong, esq. Edmundstown<br />

park, 121J.<br />

Lloran, Mrs. Laurel hill, §81,<br />

Hughes, R. and G. model laundry<br />

Lane, J. A. esq Air park<br />

[Leedom, John . coal factor<br />

Leneban, Mary, grocer, &C.<br />

Mahon, Miss Mary A.<br />

Pickering, William Joyce, solicitor.<br />

Newtown<br />

Reid, James, woollen cloth manufacturer,<br />

Sammeville, 80/.<br />

Rockbrook.<br />

P. of WhitecJnuxh.<br />

Bealin, John, farmer<br />

Byrne, Mrs. Rockbrook house<br />

Casey, James, farmer, Crough<br />

Peiany, Richard, grocer and s-piritdlr.<br />

Doyle, James, farmer .;!.<br />

Gahan, Mathew, and Son, builders —<br />

and 41 Harcourt-street<br />

Guinness, Thos. II, esq J.P. Tibradden<br />

house<br />

Hackett, Kieran, builder, iv-e.<br />

Jenkins, John, farmer, Kilmashom lie<br />

Jenkins, Nich. farmer, Kilmasboujehe<br />

Kelly, Michl. merchant. Grange house<br />

Keough, William, cattle dealer and<br />

farmer, Harold's Grange<br />

MacCaus!and,Coiadly, Major-Genera I,<br />

11 ighneld house, fcȣ<br />

M'Douough, John and Sons, paper<br />

manufacturers, New brook pMp»r<br />

mills—office, 32 Garden-lane,<br />

9SI. 10*.<br />

Mouillot, Auguste, esq. Elm Park,<br />

105/. lo*.<br />

Nolan, John, carpenter<br />

.Volan, Peter, grocer, Grange<br />

Ponfconby, Capfc T. H. Glensouthwtll,<br />

Litt.e Dargle<br />


James Bourke, receiver<br />

Rowley, Lieut.-CoJonel Hon. Ilercuh-s<br />

Langford D.L. J.P. Meath and<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong>, Marlay Grange<br />

ST. COLUMBA COLLEGE—Rev. Robert<br />

Rice, M.A. warden<br />

Swifte, Wm R. esq. Wbitechurch lodtre<br />

Taylor,Dean Conroy, esq. The Priory<br />

Travers, Peter, farmer and road contractor,<br />

Harold's Grange<br />

Willbrook.<br />

P. of Rathfaniliam.<br />

Biayney, Cons tan tine, groeer<br />

Deaue, Geo. K. esq. J.P. Orehardtown<br />

De Rinzy, George, Maj.-Geneial, Wiilbrook<br />

house<br />

Garvan, John, flour miller, Willbrook<br />

nulls<br />

Gibney, Patrick, flour merchant, Rilver<br />

Acre mills, J 4/.<br />

Jones, Philip, esq. Bolton hall<br />

Jones, William Milward, solicitor,<br />

Rose bank<br />

Kavanagb, John, slater<br />

Lambert, R L. esq. Foothill Abbey<br />

Leech, Edward, sol. Riversdrde, - ? .<br />

O'Keeffe, C. nurseiy, Bloom field, :J ? .<br />

Wbelan. Jas. miller, Millbronk nulls<br />

M'tllhrook tavern—( T onstau tine BlaiH-y,<br />

grocer and spirit dealer,proprietor<br />

"Woodtown.<br />

Grim wood, The Misses, Washington<br />

P. of Taliaght.<br />

lodge, 501.<br />

Benson, R. W. esq. Mount Venus, 5



TALLAGHT, an inland town and parish in Uppercross barony. <strong>Dublin</strong> county, seven miles S. W. by W. from Dahlin<br />

comprising an area of 214668 acres. Population of parish, 4,921 ; of town, 312, inhabiting 57 houses. The<br />

town is situated on the road to Blessington, and the parish extends from Balrothery hill on the river Dodder,<br />

to the Green hills at its western extremity. The southern portion forms the range called the Tallaght Hills,<br />

and commands magnificent views of the bay and vale of <strong>Dublin</strong>. The church, a little above the town, dedicated<br />

to St. Maelrune, is a modern building in the pointed style. At Firhouse there is a convent of Discalccd<br />

Carmelites, and at Mount Anne a small monastery of the same order, and a Priory of the Dominican order at<br />

St. Mary's. In the town there is a Dispensary, and there are National and Parochial Schools. It is a Constabulary<br />

Police station, and Petty Sessions are held every alternate Wednesday. There are several paper<br />

and Hour mills in the parish.<br />

MAGISTRATES ATTENDING PETTY SESSIONS, every alternate Wednesday—John Lentaigne, esq. C.B. D.L. ; Dr. Evory<br />

Kennedy ; Richard Walsh, esq. ; John Leonard, esq,; Thomas Roper, esq. ; Henry T. Finlay, esq.—Clerk,<br />

R. D. Molloy.<br />

B agnail, Mr. farmer, Ballinascorney<br />

Boardman, J. and A. paper mills,<br />

Boldbrook<br />

Boothman, Mr. Richard, Kiltipper<br />

house<br />

Brown, James, county cess collector—<br />

office, 38, Dominick st. lr. <strong>Dublin</strong><br />

Brown, James V. esq. Brookfield<br />

Brown, Richard, farmer, Whitestown<br />

Brown, William, farmer, Newhall<br />


superioress<br />

Cobbe, Chas. esq. Glan-na-Smol lodge<br />

Connor, John, Willington<br />

Dispensary—Dr.X.Seward,med. attnd.<br />

—res. Riversdale, Templeogue<br />

Bowling, Francis, esq. Firhouse<br />

Doyle, Michael, farmer*, Killenarden<br />

Doyle, Miles, farmer<br />

Fleming, Anthony, esq. Jobstown<br />

Fox, William, farmer, Whitestown<br />

Gibbons, Thomas Hanlon, farmer<br />

llandcock, Wm. Elias, esq. Sallypark<br />

Healey, James, farmer<br />

ITealey, Myles, farmer<br />

Healy, Patrick Corballis, farmer<br />

Hudson, Patk. esq. Airton, Tallaght<br />

Jordan, Michael, esq. Old bawn<br />

Keon, Rev. J. c.c. Bohernabreena<br />

Lentaigne, John, esq. C.B. J.P. inspector-general<br />

of prisons, and 1<br />

Great Denmark-street<br />

Martin, Mi". Benjamin, Firhouse<br />

M'Conaghy, W. teacher parochial<br />

schools<br />

McDonnell's paper mills, Oldbawn<br />

M'Grane, J. esq. P.L.G. Oldcourt<br />

Molloy, Richard D. relieving officer &<br />

clerk of petty sessions<br />

Muldoou, John, farmer, Allenton ho. |<br />

Mulvany, C. F. esq. Bathamptoncotg.<br />

[Quinn, Denis, esq. Killenarden<br />

ST. MART'S CONVENT— Very Rev.<br />

Thomas Burke, prior ; Yery Rev.<br />

P. T. Conway, provincial<br />

Stuart,John,st. Anne's monastery, 19L<br />

Stubbs, Mr. William, Newtown<br />

TALLAGHT CHURCH—Rev. W. Robinson,<br />

A.M. vicar<br />

Tallaght Parochial Schools—Rev. W<br />

Robinson, M.A. patron<br />

Tynan, A. C. esq. Coukstown<br />

Watson, Patrick, esq. Friarstown ho.<br />

Green-hills.<br />

Nash, Thomas J. esq.<br />

Blackham,Charles, esq. Ballymount<br />

Kiltalown, > Dunne, Lawrence, P.L.G. farmer<br />

137/. 10*. Flauagau, William, farmer<br />

Keill, John, esq. Haarlem<br />

Fox, Farrel, farmer<br />

Neill, Thomas, esq. Haarlem house Gibton, Thos. farmer, brickkilns, Ac.<br />

POST OFFICE AND POSTAL TELEGRAPH Lawler, Michael, farmer<br />

OFFICE — William M'Conaghy, Malone, Denis, esq. Tymon castle<br />

postmaster I West, George, farmer, Kilnamanagh<br />



TERENURE, formerly Roundtown, a village in the parish of Ratlifarnham, Rathdown barony, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, 3<br />

miles south from the General Post Office, <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising an area of 41 acres. Population 851. It is<br />

situated on the road to Rathfarnham, branching from UaroldVcross and Rathgar. The neighbourhood abounds<br />

in handsome seats and villas. There is a Tramway to <strong>Dublin</strong>, and the cars run between Terenure and Sackvillestreet<br />

every six minutes.<br />

Ashley, Mrs. Glenpoolplace, ZOl.<br />

Baylee, Thomas, New court, 40i.<br />

Bermingbam, Mr. James L. Green<br />

Drake cottage<br />

Berry, Joseph, esq. Westhampton, 771.<br />

Boardman, Thomas W. stationer,



TALLAGHT, an inland town and parish in Uppercross barony. <strong>Dublin</strong> county, seven miles S. W. by W. from Dahlin<br />

comprising an area of 214668 acres. Population of parish, 4,921 ; of town, 312, inhabiting 57 houses. The<br />

town is situated on the road to Blessington, and the parish extends from Balrothery hill on the river Dodder,<br />

to the Green hills at its western extremity. The southern portion forms the range called the Tallaght Hills,<br />

and commands magnificent views of the bay and vale of <strong>Dublin</strong>. The church, a little above the town, dedicated<br />

to St. Maelrune, is a modern building in the pointed style. At Firhouse there is a convent of Discalccd<br />

Carmelites, and at Mount Anne a small monastery of the same order, and a Priory of the Dominican order at<br />

St. Mary's. In the town there is a Dispensary, and there are National and Parochial Schools. It is a Constabulary<br />

Police station, and Petty Sessions are held every alternate Wednesday. There are several paper<br />

and Hour mills in the parish.<br />

MAGISTRATES ATTENDING PETTY SESSIONS, every alternate Wednesday—John Lentaigne, esq. C.B. D.L. ; Dr. Evory<br />

Kennedy ; Richard Walsh, esq. ; John Leonard, esq,; Thomas Roper, esq. ; Henry T. Finlay, esq.—Clerk,<br />

R. D. Molloy.<br />

B agnail, Mr. farmer, Ballinascorney<br />

Boardman, J. and A. paper mills,<br />

Boldbrook<br />

Boothman, Mr. Richard, Kiltipper<br />

house<br />

Brown, James, county cess collector—<br />

office, 38, Dominick st. lr. <strong>Dublin</strong><br />

Brown, James V. esq. Brookfield<br />

Brown, Richard, farmer, Whitestown<br />

Brown, William, farmer, Newhall<br />


superioress<br />

Cobbe, Chas. esq. Glan-na-Smol lodge<br />

Connor, John, Willington<br />

Dispensary—Dr.X.Seward,med. attnd.<br />

—res. Riversdale, Templeogue<br />

Bowling, Francis, esq. Firhouse<br />

Doyle, Michael, farmer*, Killenarden<br />

Doyle, Miles, farmer<br />

Fleming, Anthony, esq. Jobstown<br />

Fox, William, farmer, Whitestown<br />

Gibbons, Thomas Hanlon, farmer<br />

llandcock, Wm. Elias, esq. Sallypark<br />

Healey, James, farmer<br />

ITealey, Myles, farmer<br />

Healy, Patrick Corballis, farmer<br />

Hudson, Patk. esq. Airton, Tallaght<br />

Jordan, Michael, esq. Old bawn<br />

Keon, Rev. J. c.c. Bohernabreena<br />

Lentaigne, John, esq. C.B. J.P. inspector-general<br />

of prisons, and 1<br />

Great Denmark-street<br />

Martin, Mi". Benjamin, Firhouse<br />

M'Conaghy, W. teacher parochial<br />

schools<br />

McDonnell's paper mills, Oldbawn<br />

M'Grane, J. esq. P.L.G. Oldcourt<br />

Molloy, Richard D. relieving officer &<br />

clerk of petty sessions<br />

Muldoou, John, farmer, Allenton ho. |<br />

Mulvany, C. F. esq. Bathamptoncotg.<br />

[Quinn, Denis, esq. Killenarden<br />

ST. MART'S CONVENT— Very Rev.<br />

Thomas Burke, prior ; Yery Rev.<br />

P. T. Conway, provincial<br />

Stuart,John,st. Anne's monastery, 19L<br />

Stubbs, Mr. William, Newtown<br />

TALLAGHT CHURCH—Rev. W. Robinson,<br />

A.M. vicar<br />

Tallaght Parochial Schools—Rev. W<br />

Robinson, M.A. patron<br />

Tynan, A. C. esq. Coukstown<br />

Watson, Patrick, esq. Friarstown ho.<br />

Green-hills.<br />

Nash, Thomas J. esq.<br />

Blackham,Charles, esq. Ballymount<br />

Kiltalown, > Dunne, Lawrence, P.L.G. farmer<br />

137/. 10*. Flauagau, William, farmer<br />

Keill, John, esq. Haarlem<br />

Fox, Farrel, farmer<br />

Neill, Thomas, esq. Haarlem house Gibton, Thos. farmer, brickkilns, Ac.<br />

POST OFFICE AND POSTAL TELEGRAPH Lawler, Michael, farmer<br />

OFFICE — William M'Conaghy, Malone, Denis, esq. Tymon castle<br />

postmaster I West, George, farmer, Kilnamanagh<br />



TERENURE, formerly Roundtown, a village in the parish of Ratlifarnham, Rathdown barony, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, 3<br />

miles south from the General Post Office, <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising an area of 41 acres. Population 851. It is<br />

situated on the road to Rathfarnham, branching from UaroldVcross and Rathgar. The neighbourhood abounds<br />

in handsome seats and villas. There is a Tramway to <strong>Dublin</strong>, and the cars run between Terenure and Sackvillestreet<br />

every six minutes.<br />

Ashley, Mrs. Glenpoolplace, ZOl.<br />

Baylee, Thomas, New court, 40i.<br />

Bermingbam, Mr. James L. Green<br />

Drake cottage<br />

Berry, Joseph, esq. Westhampton, 771.<br />

Boardman, Thomas W. stationer,

1574<br />

Campbell, William M. esq. Prospect<br />

house, 38?.<br />

Clay, William Keatinge, sol. Meadowbank,<br />

33?.<br />

Flanagan, James, esq. Riversdale, 601.<br />

Hunt, Rev. Phineas, Rathgar house,<br />

26/.<br />

Dodd's-buildings.<br />

1 Dowling, Mr. James<br />

2 Rooney, Mr. John<br />

3 Murphy, Mr. Michael, Woodvilla<br />

4 Stokes, Mrs. Summerville<br />


Davy, Henry, A.B. M.B. CH.M. medical:<br />

officer, Terenure Dispensary—res.<br />

Kimmage lodge<br />

Davy, Mrs. Kimmage lodge, 341.<br />

Davy, Rev. Humphry, Kimmage lodge<br />

Ennis, Edw. Thomas, flour miller and<br />

corn merchant, Kimmage mills<br />

Ennis, Mrs.<br />

Isdell, Francis C. esq. Brooklawn<br />

Kellett, Richard, esq.—res. 38 Marlborough-street,<br />

and 4 Sussexstreet,<br />

Kingstown<br />

Kellett, Richard, jun. esq. and 35<br />

Morehampton-road<br />

Lennox, John, mill owner and manufacturer,<br />

Tinker mills<br />

Manly, Mrs. dairy<br />

Carroll, Henry, horseshoe?<br />

Carty, J. esq. Charleville<br />

Connor, James, Tempieogue inn<br />

Danford, William, Templeogue mills<br />

Evans, J. O. esq. Mount Michael<br />

Geraghty, Edward Francis, esq. Little<br />

Fortfield<br />

llandcock, William, esq. Sally park<br />

Harrington, John, esq. Cherry field<br />

Hubbard, H. H. esq.<br />

Hume, Mrs. Id rone house<br />

Joyce, Thomas, esq. Delaford house<br />

Kavanagh, Mr. Michael, Springfield<br />

Kennedy, James, farmer, WeUington<br />

King, Chas. Stewart, esq. Cypress grove<br />

Everton-terrace<br />

King, Chas. Strong, esq. Cypress grove<br />

1 Buckley, Rev. J. c.c.<br />

23/<br />

Kirwan, Mrs. SpaweUfarm<br />

„ O'Mulloy, Rev. John, c.c.<br />

2 O'Connor, Thomas, esq. and 10 Peakin, Mr. Patrick, Wainsford Magrane, Jas. esq. Knocklyon castle<br />

Kildare street, 20?. Regan, Ptk. grocer, St. John's cott. Magrane, Mrs. Old court<br />

O'Connor, Wm. Edmond,M.s.B.c.s.i. Roth well, Edw. esq. Meeanee villa, 39/. Martin, William, esq. Mount Alton<br />

Sail, William, esq. Meeanee villa Mullin, Ernest, esq. Templeogue lodge<br />

Ximmage-road. Terenure manor—vacant, 422?. Murphy, J. esq. Templeogue house<br />

Roach, John E. esq. Kilvare<br />

From Terenure.<br />

Roberts, Mrs. Prospect<br />

Alexander, David, esq. Besborough, IVIinnow Brook-terrace. Ryan, Mrs. Knocklyon house<br />

252,<br />

Kimmage-road.<br />

Seward, Xoble, M.D. Riversdale<br />

Byrne, James, sand contractor<br />

Byrne, Richard, teacher National 1 Yacant<br />

Smith, B. esq. Tymen cottage<br />

Smith, Thomas, farmer, WhitehaU<br />

school<br />

2 Barnett, William C. artist<br />

Wall, T. 0. Templeogue mills<br />

Cary, Captain George, late 77th Regt.<br />

Laurel lodge, 60?. Ratbfarnham-road.<br />

Daly,Mrs. Marianne, Hazlebrook, 1301.<br />

From Terenure.<br />

Templeogrue-road.<br />

Dunne, William, esq. Bloomville<br />

Parish of Pathfamham.<br />

Hamilton, Henry F. esq. Temple Baylee, Thomas, esq. Newcourt, 46/. Brady, John, car owner<br />

Hill,<br />

53?, Blackwell. Geo. esq. Be,echlawn, 40/. Farrington, Rev. Elias, Terenure<br />

Hayes, Miss, dressmaker<br />

Dempsey, William, harness maker house, 130/.<br />

Kavanagh, John, farmer<br />

Gilbert, Samuel, esq. Moira villa, 15?. Greer, Thomas, esq. J.P. Bushy park<br />

Kerr, Mr. Robert, G.P.O.<br />

Greene, Mrs. Moira lodge, 18?.<br />

and Sea park, Belfast; and KLU<br />

Kirwan, John, esq. Horton<br />

dare-street Club<br />

Hanbury, R. H. esq. Roseville, 30?.<br />

Mahalm.Wm.esq. Terenure villa, 52/.<br />

Jones, James, carpenter<br />

Herbert, Simon, grocer and provision<br />

Moore, StevensonC.esq. St. John's,106/.<br />

Rogerson, David, esq. Olney, 70/.<br />

dealer, postmaster<br />

Presentation Convent for teaching poor<br />

Sandford, Capt. Wills, Fortfield lodge<br />

Jackson, John, esq. Moira lodge, 18?.<br />

children—Mrs. Anne Reynolds, 52?.<br />

Vogan, John, solicitor, Mayfield<br />

Murray, Richard, horse shoer<br />

Regan, Patrick, grccer<br />

Terenure College, Rev. Elias Farrington,<br />

Nash, Rev. Alexander, Bloonville<br />

Reilly, Mrs. boarding school, Temple<br />

D.D. o.c.c. president; Rev. John<br />

Phillipson, Henry, esq. Everton<br />

Bartley, o.c.c. prov.; Rev. Peter<br />

hill<br />

Ryan, Mrs. Westbourne, 61/. Wheatley, o.c.c; Rev. John Whit­<br />

Rogers, John J. c.E. Wentworth cot.<br />

13?. 10s.<br />

Vincent, Mrs. Wasdale house, 86/. ley, o.c.c; Rev. John Brennan<br />

Ryan, Patk.esq. Minnow brook, 31/.<br />

Scriven, Wm. esq. Oriel lodge, 14/.<br />

St. Bridget's.<br />

Terenure-terrace.<br />

Sheridan, Mrs. Eglinton lodge<br />

Near Terenure.<br />

Sheridan, D. painter & paper hanger 1 Martin, Mrs. 13/. 1 Taggard, George, esq.<br />

35?.<br />

Thompson, Edward, esq. Hollyville 2 Farrell, Mrs. 7/. 10$.<br />

12 Brangan, Christopher, esq. 32?.<br />

Wells, W. F. esq. Air lawn<br />

3 Sharp, Robert, esq.<br />

35/.<br />

3 Prendergast, Mr. James, 10/. 10s.<br />

4 FarrelL Thomas, esq.<br />

40?.<br />

Kimmage, Upper.<br />

Templeogue.<br />

Butler, Thomas, esq. Lakeland house<br />

Lakelands-park.<br />

Clarke. Mr. James<br />

P. of Pathfamham.<br />

Lakelands.<br />

Daly, E. esq. Fortfield park and Tor­ Benner, Samuel, esq. solicitor, Beech<br />

quay, 253?. park, 125?. 1 Holahan, Henry, esq.<br />

Davy, Edmund Wm. A.M. M.D. T.C D. Brodie, Thomas C. esq. Temple ville 2 Cadogan, Anthony, commis. agent<br />

prof, of Forensic Medicine, Royal Campbell,Rev. Dillon Chas. assistant 3 Fox, William B. esq.<br />

College of Surgeons, Elm grove curate, Rathfarnham, Rose hall 4 MacGinley, M. H. esq.<br />



WILLIAMSTOWN, a maritime village in the parish of Booterstown, partly in <strong>Dublin</strong> barony, but chiefly m tha<br />

of Rathdown, <strong>Dublin</strong> county, 4^ miles S.E. i'rom the General Post Office, <strong>Dublin</strong>, comprising an area of 4b acres.<br />

Population, 575, inhabiting 94 houses. It is situated upon the S. shore of <strong>Dublin</strong> bay, close to the Kingstonn<br />

railway, and on the road to Bray. It is resorted to as a bathing-place. There are hot and cold salt water Baths.<br />

In the" neighbourhood, approached from Booterstown or Biackiock, there are many handsome seats and villas.<br />

The parish church h situated in Cross-avenue, Blackrock.

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