Tutorial Penelusuran Online

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Mata Kuliah <strong>Penelusuran</strong> <strong>Online</strong><br />

D<br />

I<br />

S<br />

U<br />

S<br />

U<br />

N<br />

OLEH :<br />


YOHANNA HARIATY S (110709028)<br />

SUETHA RONARUMATA H. (110709029)<br />

WINNIE AGNESA DAMANIK (110709032)<br />

FRISKA NATALIA DAMANIK (110709047)<br />

TRIA FEBA SITEPU (110709061)<br />




MEDAN<br />



Keterangan :<br />

Fitur dalam katalog<br />

perpustakaan:<br />

1. Tampilan dan<br />

nuansa dari<br />

antarmuka<br />

pengguna<br />

2. Pencarian<br />

lanjutan<br />

3. Pencarian<br />

federasi<br />

4. Informasi dalam<br />

catatan katalog<br />

5. Tips<br />

penelusuran.<br />

*katalog berfungsi sebagai<br />

temu kembali informasi.<br />

*katalog perpustakaan<br />

sebenarnya sangat<br />

membantu untuk<br />

menghemat waktu<br />

pencarian.<br />

Katalog perpustakaan adalah daftar semua bahan<br />

pustaka (buku, majalah, kartografi, kaset, keping CD dan lainlain)<br />

yang ada di perpustakaan. Dengan melengkapi semua<br />

cantuman bibliografis sesuai dengan sistem yang telah<br />

ditentukan pada katalog untuk semua jenis bahan pustaka yang<br />

dimiliki perpustakaan, diharapkan pengguna maupun petugas<br />

perpustakaan mampu menemukan kembali bahan pustaka yang<br />

diperlukan dengan cepat dan tepat.<br />

Fungsi dari daftar nama-nama buku atau katalog<br />

memiliki tujuan untuk menyediakan dan memudahkan akses<br />

informasi tentang daftar-daftar buku, artikel dan hal lain yang<br />

terdapat di dalam perpustakaan. User dapat memperoleh<br />

informasi hanya dengan mencari kata kunci berupa nama<br />

penulis atau judul bahan yang anda cari. Kata kunci dalam<br />

pengkatalogan di perpustakaan memiliki fungsi yang sama<br />

dengan mesin pencari, user dapat menggunakan kata kunci yang<br />

berhubungan dengan materi yang ingin dicari untuk mencari<br />

materi pustaka yang tidak memiliki judul yang pasti. Hal ini<br />

dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam mencari cakupan bahan<br />

yang ingin ditemukan.<br />

Tujuan katalog perpustakaan pertama kali dikemukakan<br />

Cutter yaitu:<br />

1. To enable a person to find a book about which one of the<br />

following is known: the author, the title, the subject.<br />

(memungkinkan seseorang menemukan sebuah buku yang<br />

diketahui berdasarkan : pengarangnya, judulnya, subjeknya)<br />

2. To show what the library has by a given author, on a<br />

given subject, in a given kind of literature. (menunjukkan buku<br />

yang dimiliki perpustakaan : oleh pengarang, berdasarkan<br />

subjek tertentu, jenis literatur tertentu)<br />

3. To assist in the choice of a book, as to its edition, as to its<br />

character literacy or topical. (membantu dalam pemilihan buku :<br />

berdasarkan edisinya atau berdasarkan karakternya (bentuk<br />

sastra atau topik).

Katalog perpustakaan yang muncul akan secara otomatis<br />

menampilkan daftar hasil pencarian yang pas dengan apa yang<br />

ingin ditemukan. Harus diingat bahwa urutan hasil pencarian akan<br />

berbeda antara satu perpustakaan dengan perpustakaan yang lain.<br />

Pengguna akan menemukan fungsi katalog di hampir semua<br />

catalog perpustakaan yang memudahkan user mencari materi melalui situs<br />

pencari tambahan. Setelah mendapatkan daftar hasil pencarian, user dapat<br />

mencakup catatan-catatan sebagai bahan individu..<br />

Apapun jenis catalog perpustakaan yang dicari, pengguna akan<br />

memperoleh informasi tentang penulis, judul buku, serta informasi<br />

penerbitan yang dapat dijadikan daftar referensi pada bagian bibliography.<br />

Termasuk juga ringkasan atau pokok pembahasan buku tersebut pada<br />

bagian bawah catatan tersebut. Pengguna dapat menuliskan hasil hasil-hasil<br />

tersebut untuk kemudian melanjutkan pencarian dengan menggunakan kata<br />


Keterangan :<br />


Jenis-jenis gaya kutipan:<br />

1. A P A<br />

2. M L A*<br />

3. Chicago**<br />

4. ISO 690- First elemen<br />

and date<br />

5. ISO 690- Numerical<br />

Refence<br />

6. GB7714<br />

7. GOST- Name Short<br />

8. GOST-Title Short<br />

9. SIST02<br />

10. Turabian<br />

* merupakan gaya kutipan<br />

yang paling umum,dan<br />

singkatan dari asosiasi<br />

bahasa modern.<br />

** gaya kutipan<br />

menggunakan database<br />

perpustakaan<br />

berlangganan<br />

Plagiarisme adalah mengambil kata-kata dari orang lain<br />

dan mengungkapkan kembali untuk membuatnya tampak<br />

seperti asli . Memainkan kata dan gagasan sendiri mungkin bisa<br />

saja gagal untuk kertas nilai Anda atau mungkin bahkan untuk<br />

kelas Anda belum lagi kenyataan bahwa itu hanya biasa. Tidak<br />

jujur salah satu perangkap beberapa mahasiswa termasuk<br />

dalam salah satu melakukan penel.<br />

Contoh plagiarisme tersebut membeli makalah dari<br />

perusahaan maupun perorangan dan kemudian mengubahnya<br />

dengan nama Anda di atasnya. Contoh lain membuktikannya<br />

kata secara langsung dari kertas orang lain atau dari karya yang<br />

diterbitkan dan mewakili sebagai Anda sendiri. Ini termasuk<br />

menyalin dari format cetak seperti buku dan majalah atau dari<br />

sumber-sumber online seperti database atau web bentuk yang<br />

lebih halus.<br />

Menentukan gaya kutipan referensi/ daftar pustaka yang<br />

ingin Anda gunakan sebenarnya juga akan bekerja sama dengan<br />

beberapa spesialis program yang saat ini seperti catatan akhir<br />

atau Acuan karya bahwa beberapa mahasiswa yang digunakan<br />

untuk mengelola kutipan dan catatan mereka. Jika Anda<br />

berencana untuk melanjutkan pendidikan Anda di universitas<br />

sekitar empat tahun mungkin senilai biaya untuk mendapatkan<br />

salah satu program karena mereka membuat karya<br />

pengembangan kutipan dan daftar pustaka.<br />

Cara terbaik untuk menghindari plagiarisme adalah mengambil<br />

catatan teliti dan akurat ketika Anda melakukan penelitian. Bagaimana<br />

Anda menggunakan pengolah kata Anda pada suatu kartu indeks atau<br />

bahkan menggunakan software khusus pencatat memastikan bahwa Anda<br />

menandai segala kutipan (termasuk nomor halaman di mana kutipan yang<br />

muncul) .<br />

Selain itu tempat dan tanggal publikasi untuk terbitan berkala Anda<br />

akan memerlukan nama penulis artikel, judul secara berkala, tanggal<br />

publikasi dan nomor halaman di mana artikel itu muncul, serta jurnal Anda<br />

juga akan memerlukan nomor volume dan edisi untuk situs web. Ada baiknya<br />

nama penulis judul halaman web muncul untuk mengatasi publikasi<br />

halaman web pelaksana dan penyelenggara.



What source of feature that you want to find in library catalog and how do you<br />

use the catalog to find out what resources available. That’s the topic for this tutorial in<br />

the information literacy series. Hi, my name is Bob Baker and I’m the library director of<br />

PCC community catalogs. Hi, my name is Bob Baker and I’m the library director of PCC<br />

community catalogs .<br />

Welcome to series of online tutorial designed to help you become the more<br />

knowledgeable consumer and help you to get better grades. As we have discussed any<br />

library catalogs is going to provide you with aces to information about what the library<br />

owns, books, artikels, video and etc. You’ll be able to find the information by searching<br />

by keyword or under an author’s name, a title or by subject.<br />

Keywords is frequently the default searching in many library catalogs just most<br />

as it is in search engines. You can use a key word search tree bracket for library material<br />

when you know a few word are related to items you are seeking, but don’t have any<br />

exact title or don’t know what the official subject terms are. It’s the simplest typing in<br />

your search terms and your search box and hitting the search button. The library<br />

catalogs will tree the listed items that match for your search for. Note that the arrange<br />

from further result is going to be firmly library one to another. For example, if I did a<br />

keyword search in PCC materials on Global Warming the result for being presented in<br />

order of relevance just as you might see in the web searching ‘Google’. .<br />

The same thing goes at the Pima County Library. Hal yang sama juga ditemukan<br />

di Pima County. But this search on Global Warming at the University of Arizona will<br />

returns also in alphabetical order by the title of the material the sources treat. Beside<br />

this the look of the initial resources is going to very as well, for example : In PCC you will<br />

see a result list to identify the type of research material such as book, e-book, or video<br />

and also have a button that allows you to request the item.<br />

The public library just place a small cover of the book and question and<br />

indicates by icon the types of information source. The UFA presents the simple title list.<br />

Again, how result of this played will vary from library to library depending on who their<br />

library catalogs offer under his and what the library beliefs will be the most useful<br />

display for their own patterns.<br />

Remember when you search in some localities library could be part of a larger<br />

consortium or network of library so that searching in that catalogs retreat networks<br />

from multiple libraries. Here in Pima County we don’t’ have such a consorsium, but we<br />

do work with the UFA library so it is easy to search each other library catalogs. Di Pima

County. You will find button on search result pages that allow you to quickly conduct<br />

the same search in other library catalogs without having retype your search inquiry.<br />

Always been a few minutes carefully examining the library catalogs to<br />

determine what may be search and if there are special network or consorsium that are<br />

included. Most library usually never get the beyond simple keyword search on library<br />

homepage, but if you go a little further into a library catalogs you will find really useful<br />

and time safing features that will help you narrow your search. For Example if you are<br />

in the link of PCC library you will see a more search option links right below the default<br />

entry form.<br />

If click on this you will be able limit the search to say video or DVD owe at the<br />

west campus library or only e-books. Similiarly if you check only the search library<br />

catalogs but non UFA library website you will see a search screen that will afford you<br />

the opportunity to get very detail on your searching.<br />

You will find this kind of functionality in most of library catalogs today just look<br />

around for link label advanced search or more search option. . Once you get the result<br />

list you can embrace the record for the individual items. Regardless of what library<br />

catalogs you are searching, you will find the information about the authors, title and<br />

publishing information that you can copy for your bibliography or reference list Also<br />

included the summary of the content and usually subject of the official subject terms<br />

near the bottom of the record. You can jot this terms down just as you did your keyword<br />

for continuing your searching you search the keyword for continuing the searching and<br />

you use the link keyword.



When writing a paper how do you determine what you should recognize from<br />

other sources and how you do it that's the topic for this episode of information literacy.<br />

Hi, my name is bob baker in the library director who PCC in campus community.<br />

Welcome to the series of online tutorials designed to help you become a more<br />

knowledgeable consumer information and help you to get better grades this tutorial<br />

open with a definition of plagiarism. Examples of plagiarism is to buy papers from<br />

companies and individuals and then change it with your name on it.<br />

Another example to prove directly the word of another person or of a paper<br />

published work and represent it as your own copy of this include traditional print<br />

format such as books and magazines or from online resources such as databases or web<br />

forms more subtle plagiarism is taking the words of others and express their back to<br />

make them look like there is your own original ideas we play word that could greatly<br />

increase in land values may fail for your paper or maybe even for your class not to<br />

mention the fact that it's just plain dishonest one trapping several students including<br />

the one doing penel . The best way to avoid plagiarism is to take careful and accurate<br />

records.<br />

When you are doing your research pays to spend some time before you start to<br />

research give some thought to be the organization how are you going to bring your<br />

notes by using your word processor on an index card or perhaps even by using special<br />

software timers.<br />

When you take note to make sure that you mark any quotes as quotes include the<br />

page number where the quote appears . Additionally if other than the first and the place<br />

and date of publication of periodicals you will need the name of the author of the article<br />

's title is the title of the article periodically the publication date and page number where<br />

the article appeared.<br />

For the journal you will also need the volume and issue numbers to web sites<br />

you'll want to name the author of the web page title in the title of the website where the<br />

web page appears to overcome the date of publication of the sponsoring organization of<br />

web pages visited and the date not all websites related to the various elements of this<br />

data may be available.<br />

In this case you will report elements available your instructor will determine the<br />

style of your citations are expected to use the citation style has developed over the<br />

years so I have a consistent way to present information about the sources using PIMA<br />

college two most citation style general or MLA which stands the modern language

association and DP eight which stands for American Psychological Association NLA<br />

stylists are often needed in the arts and humanities DP eight is usually the preferred<br />

stock in the social sciences.<br />

But there are other styles that you may encounter as Chicago manual style these<br />

days it is becoming easier to manage quotations because many of the library<br />

subscription databases which provide support for citations in the database periodically<br />

from both schools on proquest you will be given the option to also receive a citation for<br />

in either format APLA or if you call or e - mail does not store any database command<br />

provides access to citations in both the style LAAPA. You can specify the style you want<br />

to use a virtual reference library actually gail will also work closely with several<br />

specialist programs today as endnotes or reference work that some students who are<br />

used to manage citations and records them if you plan to continue your education and<br />

university four years maybe worth the cost to get one because they make work<br />

program development and bibliography citations he been much easier for PCC library<br />

website offers help with avoiding plagiarism on citing sources in the special section<br />

below how to write a research paper there are links to resources to write citations<br />

plagiarism tutorials and documentation of research and even some short cons for both<br />

MLANAPA style.<br />

But you can download and print a copy of the library are also guides that you can<br />

consult if you have a very complicated quotation to handle that's all for this episode is<br />

episode records information literacy program that will display all the resources that<br />

discuss some of the things suggested additional reading the entire manuscript.

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