1974-02 February IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1974-02 February IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1974-02 February IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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21 Graduate from Machining and Welding Training<br />

Programs at Westinghouse Division<br />

• Graduatio n UII) callle reccntly<br />

for 2 1 hourly cmplo}t!cs rcprcscllh:d<br />

b} Local 1914 ,11 the Electro­<br />

\1..'chanil:al Dhi,ion ( 1::. \11) <strong>of</strong><br />

WC'linghoo\c Electnc ( "orpor:l.lioll.<br />

r he dhj,ion io; located at the ~'ompan)""<br />

Chc,\\ kk "Ie in 11:lrIllar<br />

To" n .. hi p. 1\:1111,»1\ :mia.<br />

rhl'y rccd\'\!d ccrtificah:\ rur<br />

I,:ompl.:tinj,; tIJrllprch..:n\jl''': dilj,jull­<br />

' I)ot"on:d 11.li, li.,S I'luglam\ i,l machi<br />

ning and "dding \\hil'h l\.:g:1II<br />

la.,1 II illla. T he training hdpcu<br />

prepare Ihe 21 gruuu;IIl'\ 10 mnt'hin.:<br />

and weld Ih.: prcci .. j(lll C.<br />

It j, not practical to cOluinlie<br />

g.:ncr:lting ckctricity with oil. or<br />

\\ ith natural gas. But i, lIuctt.':lr generatinn<br />

Ill'Cl',\;tI'). wh ... n thac i, ",ill<br />

plcnt) <strong>of</strong> coal"! L..:t U" c,amin,' that<br />

;l rgUI1l ... nt,<br />

\\ hat aboul cml]'! Coal i ~ :111 ur·<br />

ganit' 'uO~t;lm:e. iI curnpoUluJ <strong>of</strong><br />

hydnl(.·arbuns, On~' IIwjor u,c <strong>of</strong><br />

,'oal j, hurning il to gcnerat.: clcc·<br />

Iril'i t~ , Ilowcvcr. il can also b.: u,.:d<br />

III protJuc.: ") lI thctic ga~<br />

Cual i .. a ,oun:.: <strong>of</strong> p rotl'in. Coal i~<br />

\~'r) \aluabk a~ :t ch.:mical. c'pc·<br />

.i.tll) ill l.:Ia ti('\[1 to pla" tic" produc·<br />

liun, C{l;tl i, a pr,'ciOl l ~ re~o ll rcclIll<br />

... luo "aluable to mcrd) burn lip.<br />

110w 10l1g will coal laM'! A, a fud<br />

fur gencrilting ckctricil). il \\ould<br />

I:l!>t about 500 }ears, \, J "tlur~..­<br />

<strong>of</strong> '~nthctic nil. iI \lnultJ 101M (tlughl~<br />

200 )l·a..... or ~i.'( g~'Il ... rati{1n,. \,:t<br />

,tlUrce nf protdn and chemk'al"<br />

:tbuut IOO.()(X) }'1.':If"',. It j, :t ok .."<br />

l1l'ril:lgc fur otlr lk\c"' l1 tJ"IH~,<br />

If coal. thcli. is 1(It) \:thIJbk It)<br />

be uwd for gen1.'r:ning I)(mcr. 'Ir~'<br />

Ilk'r ... 311) lliher optiOIl) np ... n·! I h ... rl'<br />

arl' ind ...... d \1tcrnatin',. tl) n;Il111' J<br />

f ...\\ ar~' lidal pmH!r. "olar ]lO\\cr.<br />

gClllhcrmal I)(J\\cr. :trill \\ind I)(m.:r<br />

Ilo\\cI.,.r. tet', not "id tlll r,dlc~<br />

.. bout the :lvailubil it), <strong>of</strong> thc".: m ... lh·<br />

(1",. Such I.lpti\l n ~ ar.: 1101 ,I\ailabk<br />

luduy. becau,e much r"':-'~'arch and<br />

de,clopmcnt ar.: ) ... 1 ncc.:~":.r~. r ...·<br />

lluiring billion, <strong>of</strong> doll;lr, and lifle.:n.<br />

l\\crH~. tlr more ) ... ar"<br />

Ob:.tructiuni:.h, \\ho bdi.,., ... the\<br />

arc III thl' right. hllw ddaYl'o lila!<br />

nuclear "talion~ .lnd nlh1.'r Clll'rgy<br />

pmjccl~ which, if in llpcralion now,<br />

would bc d i, crting rnilti()l1~ <strong>of</strong> barrel,<br />

<strong>of</strong> oil III Ullk'r \ilal ''''gmelll, <strong>of</strong><br />

our cconOI1l~ I h~'~ ar~' tho.: one,<br />

\\ho h:llc ,O\ln th..: \\ind. bUI thc<br />

worker i~ oe,tin1.'d to rc:tp thcir<br />

\\hirl\llnd. If\1nl~!<br />

I h..: nation', I .. bor tor~'c Ilumh..-r,<br />

about 92 mill io n. r he 1Ill'l11plllY­<br />

Ilk'llI tigur.: h :l~ b":"'11 running at<br />

,LlIJ uil.<br />

abotlt Ii" ... p~'rc"'rll, wh ich mean, ol.6<br />

milliun pcrSlln~ ar ... without jub,.<br />

Ikcau,c <strong>of</strong> the oil .. llOnf:.1!. it h<br />

nrJCClcJ that ullcmplO)melll \I ill<br />


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