1972-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1972-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1972-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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<strong>International</strong> Executive Council<br />

member Ralph " Dulch" I iall<strong>of</strong>an<br />

extended greeting:. to the delegates<br />

and spoke bricfly on his dUlies as a<br />

council member. I EC Secretary<br />

GCUlge P. Pallcrson exprc~sed thc<br />

importance <strong>of</strong> having all union<br />

people throughout the world work·<br />

ing togcther to improvc their standards<br />

<strong>of</strong> In'lI1g.<br />

Followi ng the luncheon recess,<br />

the film entitled, "Convcntion-<br />

1970;' was shown. Rubin Levin.<br />

Editor <strong>of</strong> tobor, then g,lve a brief<br />

report on the goals <strong>of</strong> Ihi, news·<br />

paper. I Ie solicited the support <strong>of</strong> all<br />

loe,lis in striving for II 100 per cen t<br />

subscription quota, which entitles<br />

them to the special discount rate.<br />

Thomas Van Arsdale, Business<br />

Manager. Loe:ll 3, New York City,<br />

spoke about the diversified activities<br />

in which he participates :lIld related<br />

the diflicuhies lIIuJ demand!. <strong>of</strong> his<br />

oltlce, which arc necessary to pHr<br />

tect the local's jurhdictioll. I Ie assured<br />

the delegates that he has<br />

always rec ..·ivcd full cooperation<br />

from the many railroad locab in the<br />

metropolitan :Irea.<br />

Jame, E. YOSt. President <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ra ilway Fmployce~' Dep,IT[lllcnt,<br />

AFL-CIO, ga\c an address on<br />

progress now being made with respect<br />

to the finalizing <strong>of</strong> the sick<br />

leave agreement. Pre,ident Yosl<br />

brought the delegate:. up to date Oil<br />

organizing activities. advising that<br />

Ihe department is currently allempling<br />

to organize emplo}ces <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Auto-Train Corpor:Hion and the<br />

Bay Area Rapid -I ran,it Sy~tcm<br />

(DART) in San Frarlcil>Co. I-Ie as·<br />

sured the dc!egates that everything<br />

po\:.ible is being done by organized<br />

labor to protect and retain lhe Rail·<br />

road Retirement System; notwith­<br />

~ ta nding publicized reports, ample<br />

funds :t re available to administer the<br />

plan for at least the next 16 years.<br />

President Y o~t is confident Ihat<br />

there is sunicient tillle to implement<br />

necessary changes to improve the<br />

plan and make it aClUarialiy sound.<br />

I BEW Safety Director Charles<br />

Tupper conveyed the importance <strong>of</strong><br />

safety and the delegates' responsi·<br />

bility to sec that adequate safety<br />

standards, ll'i prescribed by federal<br />

laws. arc provided for railroad<br />

lIIembers. He urged the locals to<br />

promote safety cOlllmittees and<br />

spoke on the Occupational Safety<br />

and Health Act.<br />

Intern ational Secretary Joseph D.<br />

Keenan covcred the problems<br />

orgllilizing continually in order<br />

Ilwinwin a con:.tant mClI\ber.!>hip and<br />

emphasized the e n ()rmou~ efforts<br />

made by thc BrOlherhood in order<br />

to inc r ea~1! its lIlernber:.hip. lie<br />

hammered away at critical cvents<br />

facing labor, pointing 10 the political<br />

1<br />

Pictured are tnternatlonal Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, Jr.,<br />

and <strong>International</strong> Vice President Frank T. Gladney.<br />

2<br />

Internationat Vice PreSident Frank T. Gladney. lelt. confers<br />

With IEC Secretary George Patterson and <strong>International</strong> Secre·<br />

tary Joseph D. Keenan.<br />

3<br />

More <strong>of</strong> the delegates to the Tenth District Progress Meet·<br />

ing are pICtured.<br />

4<br />

<strong>International</strong> Vice President Gladney accepted this gift f rom i-••• ~~<br />

the Canadian delegation. Lelt to right are IEC Secretary<br />

George Patterson, General Chairman W. K. Redhead. In·<br />

ternational Vice President Ghllllltl)'. General ChairmOln ViC<br />

Clements, and <strong>International</strong> Representative Thivierge.<br />

6 <strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>

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