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• RNA Gheraoes Maoists • Vajpayee-Musharraf ... - Digital Himalaya


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Low Pass Rate<br />

Only one third of the examinees are able to cross the<br />

'iron gate'<br />


T<br />

heresults of this year's School Leaving<br />

Certi ficate (SLC) examinations<br />

- regarded as iron gate among Nepalese<br />

dents - came as shock to two third of<br />

le students.<br />

Among the 2, l3,807 students who<br />

had sat for the exams three months ago,<br />

o nl y 3 1.62 percent managed to pass. The<br />

low pass rate has raised the eyebrows of<br />

many. Last year the pass rate was around<br />

45 percent.<br />

plagued by uncertainty and lack of employment<br />

opportunities. Some even go to<br />

the extent of saying that these students<br />

who have failed and have nowhere to turn<br />

to could be lured by violent elements.<br />

One remarkable feat of this year's<br />

SLC was lhal bOlh the toppers (boy and<br />

girl) belonged to schools away from the<br />

capital. Earliertheschools of Kathmandu<br />

used la dominate the toppers' list.<br />

Swachhanda Sangmen, of Bidur English<br />

Boarding School, Bhadrapur, Jhapa<br />

topped the list securing 714 marks -<br />

" With such a low rate , __________________,<br />

of passing students, a big<br />

lump of government's investment<br />

on education has<br />

gone waste," said a principal<br />

of pri vate school.<br />

As the government<br />

";Qends around ten percent<br />

of its total expenditure on<br />

Iheeducation, such low passing<br />

rate means that its in­<br />

~c';tlllent has not been utiproperly.<br />

The reason<br />

behind this could be many<br />


Successful<br />

Convention<br />

A two-day second general<br />

convention of the Green<br />

Nepal Party calls for rooting<br />

out corruption from politics<br />

Although the two-day general convention of<br />

lhe Green Nepal Party (GNP) was a small<br />

gathering of people. it sent a strong message<br />

in political circles that it is the only pany that<br />

follows the rules of transparency and accountability.<br />

Unlike the convention~ of the big par·<br />

ties, the GNP meeting was devoid of fanfare<br />

and disputes. It has shown the way to the other<br />

big parties that small is always beautiful when<br />

it comes to propounding new concepts.<br />

Founded four years ago through the ini·<br />

tiative of Kuber Prasad Sharma and other<br />

like-minded politicians. the GNP has now<br />

been able la generate hope among the small<br />

panies that they do have a future. "Hariyali<br />

Nepal Party should lead the movement la<br />

reunite all small parties for the benefit of the<br />

country," said Dr. Meena Acharya, general<br />

secrelary of Nepal Praja Parishad. the oldest<br />

political party of Nepal.<br />

From former prime minister Kirtinidhi<br />

Bista to formerspeakt'T Damannath Dhungana<br />

and from the first general secretary of ePN·<br />

ML and left intellectual C.P. Mainali w RPP­<br />

Nationalist leader Rajcshwor Devkota. politicians<br />

oraB hues hailed the role of GNP in the<br />

including quality of teach- School students: Who is to blame for poor results?<br />

Cl'S. teaching-learning environment<br />

or the syllabus.<br />

89.24 percent. Amo ng the girls, Rarnila current national polilical context.<br />

Others like Sahadev Bhatta of the Shilpakar of Everest Boarding School. Leaders from small panies like Hemanta<br />

Omce ofthe Controller ofExarninations, Bhaktapur, topped securing 686 marks- S.C of Commul1J5l Party of Nepal Uniled,<br />

which conducted the exams, believe that 85.74 percent. Lok Narayan Subedi oftheCommunistPartythe<br />

newly introduced stringent rules about According to the Office of the Con- Marxist and K.S. Shahi of Samykla PraJatantra<br />

Parry also emphasized the need to<br />

checking exam papers and addition of a trailer of Examinalions, of the 2,13, 807<br />

subject - stretching the total marks from<br />

strengthen unity among small panies.<br />

students who sat forthe exams, 1,60.123 Chaired by president of GNP', high<br />

700 to 800-could have affected the pass<br />

were in the regular group while 52,884 command and founding chairmclll Kuber<br />

rate.<br />

were in the exempted group. The number Sharma, the newly elected chairman of Ihe<br />

This year the office introduced the of boys were 1.23,252 and girls were party. Badri Pra5sd Khaliwacta, urged other<br />

system of coding and dec9ding, parallel 90,555. parties 10 join the GNP's campaign against<br />

set of question papers in compulsory subjects<br />

This year the results of the SLC were corruption. The second general convention<br />

and decentralization of evaluation published more lhan three months after it elected a seven· member high command with<br />

centers.<br />

was taken in April. Due to this delay many Kuber Sharma as president and Badri Prasad<br />

Whatever be the reason, the high failure<br />

rale is sure to hit the YQuths already<br />

Khatiwada as chairman of the puny's central<br />

ten-plus-two colleges had already started<br />

committee.<br />

enrolling studenlS on a provisional basis.. L _______________<br />

SPOTLIGHT/JULY 20, 2001<br />


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