01 - DISA

01 - DISA

01 - DISA


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April 15 April 1966<br />

r" Prindpll! 0. whim good<br />

Induslrial Mlssi,. Won<br />

IIlSt ~ Based<br />

(Cotl,u.IId from _. 61<br />

DEALING wrm ALL<br />

8. Good ilOduJtrial ....~iol\ IWJ'"k<br />

"lUll ~ co,werrottl ",ill> all wlw loor"<br />

I,. ;Nitul,.,·.<br />

Some man.agcrs feci that it is a<br />

very good thing (or the men. Some<br />

men feci that industria.l mission<br />

shouk! concentrate its dforts upon<br />

management. In fact. il is essential<br />

th~t bolh groups be involved. It ill<br />

aM • nlistake to suppose thal in·<br />

dustrial miSllion deals wilh only<br />

church members. More II&tm than<br />

good may be done by hiving off<br />

lhe holy into religious discussion<br />

grollps. Industrial mission should<br />

relate itself to pioos and impious<br />

alike and 10 all t~ in between.<br />


9. Goo. i,.dUJlritsl mini(>,. worlr<br />

mwl slr;w. w mt1~ ~II a hry IQO~."<br />

.....1\1.<br />

aergy uc: inevitably oul$ideq in<br />

industry and their nUnlbel1i will al·<br />

WlYII be small. Therefore, one of the<br />

industrial mission's main jobs is to<br />

di.scover and train, inspire and a.ssist<br />

lavmen to CI\le in<br />

South Africa. In England the idea<br />

of Industrial Mi""ion has been pur­<br />

~ued since the late forties when the<br />

Sheffield Industrial Mission WllS cstlblished.<br />

Eventually the n.alionwidc<br />

network required lhe establbhment<br />

of the Church <strong>01</strong> England Industrial<br />

Committee to co-ordinate the work.<br />

In February, 1966 the Christian<br />

Council of 5ol.tth Africa. representing<br />

'n member churcbe:s. organised<br />

a ..""m.:: on Industrial MillSion and<br />

invited delegates from member<br />

ellurcl1ts and the other major<br />

churches to participate. The coun>C<br />

WlIS well advertised and wa. attendctI<br />

by 11. rqmsentative number of<br />

churches. TIle course offered a se-<br />

rics of Icdul'eS from<br />

expericnalJ<br />

,ejNaentalives of Industry 10<br />

acquaint Pi"rticipanlS with the<br />

South African .cUing of IndUSlrial<br />

MillSion. The chief lreas covered<br />

were the organintional palltrn$ of<br />

Industry. Management PoIicieli Ind<br />

human relatiON wilhin the in·<br />

du~trial IiClling.<br />

The C'hutcli of England Industrial<br />

Commiuee offeretJ the services <strong>01</strong><br />

Iheir secretll.ry. the Rev. John Rugan.<br />

who had long uperienoe in<br />

conducting and co-ordUtatlng In·<br />

dustrial Mission in ~Iand. From<br />

this double presentation participant,<br />

were required to make reconunendMtions<br />

which would be<br />

suitable in the local .ituation.<br />

While the COUnt was in session<br />

the visiling leclurer also paid anum·<br />

ber of Cllll< on local industrial concerns<br />

to discover the attitude of<br />

local indus:trieli towards this form<br />

<strong>01</strong> Chrislian ministry and 1tn'K:e.<br />

The idea of lndulltrial Mission was<br />

favourably received allhough certain<br />

conditions pectJliar to 5ol.tth<br />

Africa will have 10 be taken into<br />

considemtion. Most importanl wall<br />

that the chun:hes would have to<br />

evol\"C ~ fOl"mula to prevent<br />

OI'Wlpping or reduplication cl ap­<br />

I'roach or Iny spirit of competition<br />

in their approach to Industry. In·<br />

dustry was Prep.llred to participate<br />

in the selection and trainin~ of Illini

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