MTZ - Sunday Bulletin - 12Dec10 - Mt. Zion COGIC

MTZ - Sunday Bulletin - 12Dec10 - Mt. Zion COGIC

MTZ - Sunday Bulletin - 12Dec10 - Mt. Zion COGIC


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Schedule Of Events<br />

�� December 18: 10:00AM - <strong>Sunday</strong> School Meeting<br />

�� December 19: Christmas Program & Dinner (immediately following the 11AM service)<br />

�� December 25: 10:00AM - Christmas Day Service<br />

�� December 26: Minister Wives 100 Women in White Kick Off<br />

�� December 30: Finance Committee Meeting<br />

�� December 31: Charlotte District Watch Night Service (Spirit of Life Christian Ministries,<br />

Columbia, SC)<br />

Regular Meetings<br />

1st. <strong>Sunday</strong>– Holy Communion<br />

1st .Monday-Missionary Meeting at 6:30pm<br />

Wednesdays -Praise Team, Combined Choir and Youth Choir Rehearsal at 6:30pm-7:30pm<br />

1st. Friday– Pastor meet with age group 18-40 at 6:30pm<br />

1st. Saturday-Deacon’s Meeting at 9am, Staff Meeting at 10am, C.W.C. Meeting at 11am<br />

Weekly Services<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong> School………………………………………………………9:30am<br />

Morning Worship………………………………………..8am and 11:00am<br />

Prayer & Bible Band…………………………………………...Tue. 7:30pm<br />

Pastoral Prayer…………………………………………………Fri. 7:00pm<br />

Pastoral Teaching………………………………………………Fri. 7:30pm<br />

Morning Prayer……………………………1st & 3rd Saturday @ 10:00am<br />

Order your CD’s of <strong>Mt</strong>. <strong>Zion</strong>’s Powerful Services.<br />

Stay Fired Up for Jesus!<br />

See Pastor Davis for your copy<br />

Church: 704-394-8880 Fax: 704-391-9575<br />

Website: www.mtzioncogic.com<br />

Email: mtzioncogic@bellsouth.net<br />

Supt. F. L. Davis, Sr.: 704-281-4875<br />

Email: flddad@bellsouth.net<br />

To place an announcement in the bulletin call Sister Regina Haines at 704-299-<br />

Mount <strong>Zion</strong><br />

Church of God in Christ<br />

1746 Camp Greene St.<br />

“Where A Better Tomorrow<br />

Begins Today”<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong>, December 12, 2010<br />

11:00AM<br />

Supt. Frankie L. Davis Mother Jessie B. McClain<br />

McClain<br />

Pastor<br />

Church Mother

�� Sis. Alice Marchmon<br />

�� Mother Rose Simpson<br />

�� Michelle Bell<br />

�� Bro. Waldon<br />

��<br />

��<br />

��<br />

Please, contact Sis. Regina<br />

Haines to add your prayer<br />

request call 704-299-7615<br />

Love Lifted Me<br />

(Hymn 425)<br />

I was sink- ing deep in sin, Far from the peace-ful shore,<br />

Ver-y deep-ly stained with-in, Sink-ing to rise no more;<br />

But the mas-ter of the sea Heard my de-spair-ing cry,<br />

from the wa-ters lift-ed me; Now safe am I.<br />

Love lift-ed me, Love lift-ed me,<br />

When noth-ing else could help, Love lift-ed me; Love lift-ed me.<br />

Souls in dan-ger, look a-bove, Je-sus com-plete-ly saves;<br />

He will lift you by His love Out of the an-gry waves.<br />

He’s the Mas-ter of the sea, Bil-lows His will o-bey;<br />

He your sav-ior wants to be-Be saved to-day.<br />

Love lift-ed me, Love lift-ed me,<br />

Mission Statement<br />

The mission of Mount <strong>Zion</strong>, Church of God in Christ is to develop<br />

individuals to fully experience and cultivate God’s will for their<br />

life through personal commitment to a greater understanding of church<br />

growth; personal holiness; spiritual warfare; and the Lordship of Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

To develop a right-now spirit of compassion to aid the poor and<br />

oppressed, and a priority to reach the unsaved and the un-churched.

The Affirmation of Faith<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in the Bible<br />

The People: We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only<br />

infallible written Word of God<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in God<br />

The People: We believe there is one God, eternally, existent in<br />

three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God<br />

the Holy Ghost.<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in the Church<br />

The People: We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture<br />

of the Church of God, which is in Christ at his return.<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in Repentance and Salvation<br />

The People: We believe the only means of being cleansed from<br />

Sin is through repentance, and faith in the precious<br />

Blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that regeneration<br />

by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for<br />

Personal Salvation.<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in Jesus Christ<br />

The People: We believe in the redemptive work of Christ on the<br />

Cross provides healing for the human body in answer<br />

to believing prayer.<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in the Holy Ghost<br />

The People: We believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost<br />

according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for<br />

it.<br />

The Leader: We affirm our faith in Sanctification<br />

The People: We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost<br />

by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a<br />

Holy and separated life in this present world. AMEN<br />

hen David hears that Saul and Jonathan have died<br />

in battle, he mourns deeply for his friend Jonathan.<br />

But he also weeps for Saul, the man who: 1. tried to<br />

murder him in the palace; 2. tried to get the Philis-<br />

tines to kill him in battle; and 3. chased him through<br />

hills and caves in order to execute him. Why honor<br />

such a man?<br />

In David’s mind, submission to authority has little to<br />

do with the person in charge. In fact, when a young<br />

Amalekite tells David that he put Saul out of his mis-<br />

ery at the king’s request, David orders his execution,<br />

saying, “Your blood is on your own head, for your<br />

own mouth has testified against you, saying, ‘I have<br />

killed the LORD’S anointed’” (2Sam. 1:16).<br />

While leaders earn their influence, God gives them<br />

their authority. We owe our submission to whatever<br />

authorities God installs, regardless of who they may<br />

be (Rom. 13:1)<br />


The Authority Test:<br />

2 Samuel 1:17-27


The Church and World Missions<br />

“Go ye into all the world, and<br />

preach the gospel to every creature”<br />

(Mark 16:15)<br />

The church has certain tasks committed to it by Jesus.<br />

It has been commissioned to tell the story of God’s<br />

Mighty saving acts in Christ. God has been seeking to<br />

redeem man since he plunged into sin in the Garden of<br />

Eden. As God is “not willing that any should perish,<br />

but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9), the Great Commission<br />

is the natural outflow of His character. Christianity is a missionary religion<br />

in its source and total design. The early disciples became missionaries<br />

because the gospel was for all men and because of the indwelling of the<br />

Holy Spirit, the Spirit of missions.<br />

The Great Commission was spoken by Our Lord. In the Markan account<br />

of the Commission, His focus is twofold:<br />

1. The scope—”Go ye into all the world.” Evangelism must be an all-out<br />

missionary thrust, and the church must evangelize the nations of the<br />

world. No geographical area, no culture, and no people are to be without<br />

the good news of Christ. The church must be extensive in its ministry.<br />

2. The method—”Preach the gospel to every creature.” Missions prospers<br />

where the gospel is genuinely heralded and experienced. Meaningful<br />

communications of the good news leads people into and experience of<br />

this grace of God made available through the death and resurrection of<br />

Christ.<br />

The extensive and intensive proclamation of the gospel is the all-out thrust<br />

of missions, but Christians must not stop with the preaching of the good<br />

news and the offering of forgiveness of sins to all who believe on Christ.<br />

They must “make disciples” by indoctrinating them in the teachings of their<br />

Savior and renewing their minds in the truths of God. The discharge of this<br />

task molds lifestyles and produces true Christian discipleship.

Ministry of Consecration<br />

Order of Service<br />

Minister Julius M. Davis, Sr. Presiding<br />

Call to Worship ............................................. Minister Julius M. Davis, Sr.<br />

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that<br />

hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto<br />

him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations “<br />

Psalms 100<br />

Praise & Worship .................................................................. Praise Team<br />

*Invocation ..................................................... Mother Jessie B. McClain<br />

*Doxology ................................................. Minister Julius M. Davis, Sr.<br />

Praise God, from who all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below: Praise Him above,<br />

ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Amen<br />

*Old Testament ................................................... Mother Sandra Waldon<br />

Isaiah 48:16-19<br />

*New Testament Scripture. .................................. Sis. Anne-Marie Davis<br />

Acts 1:4-8<br />

*Affirmation of Faith ............................................ Jr. Deacon Isaiah Bell<br />

*Hymn of Preparation .......................................1st Lady Deborah Davis<br />

Love Lifted Me<br />

Welcome ................................................................................. Hospitality<br />

Morning Glory .......................................... Evangelist Vanessa Copeland<br />

The Church and World Missions<br />

Mission Statement and Offering ...............Missionary Belinda Randolph<br />

Selection ......................................................................................... Choir<br />

Evangelistic Minute ............................................................. Missionaries<br />

Announcements .............................................................. Sis. Nicole Bell<br />

*Congregation Please<br />

Stand<br />

Ministry of Giving<br />

Selection ................................................................................... Choir<br />

Youth Loose Coin March ........................................ Sis. Alyssa Bell<br />

Ingathering of Tithe ................................................. Lady Karla Bell<br />

Deacon Gregorio Lopez<br />

Morning Offering ....................................Deacon Gregorio Lopez T.<br />

Deacon Anthony Copeland<br />

Ministry of Outreach<br />

Introduction of Speaker ...................... Minister Julius M. Davis, Sr.<br />

Sermonic Selection ................................................... Children Choir<br />

The Gospel Message ....................................... Elder Edward McGill<br />

Alter Call “<strong>Mt</strong>. <strong>Zion</strong> Doors Are Wide Open”<br />

Recessional<br />

Benediction ..................................................... Elder Edward McGill<br />

Sermonic Notes<br />

Order of Service<br />

Biblical Text: ___________________________________<br />

Main Points:_____________________________________

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