Maharaja.Ranjit.Sing.. - Gurmat Veechar

Maharaja.Ranjit.Sing.. - Gurmat Veechar

Maharaja.Ranjit.Sing.. - Gurmat Veechar


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In the Hands of the Hindu Kings 21<br />

Government with a systematic administration. His<br />

death was again a signal for lawlessness and his vast<br />

kingdom was broken into pieces. Raja Lalit Dittya<br />

established a new kingdom in Kashmir. He<br />

reorganised a strong army and annexed Tibet, Kanauj,<br />

Magadh, Orissa, Assam, Gujarat, Malwa and Ujjain.<br />

His empire extended over the whole of northern India.<br />

The break-up of one empire after another and<br />

fall of different dynasties, none of which could<br />

establish themselves sufficiently, failed to give to the<br />

people some sort of a continued government for any<br />

appreciable length of time. An adventurer appeared<br />

here or there, gathered a number of soldiers around<br />

him, established his sway over some area and declared<br />

himself a King. If he was able to extend his territory<br />

by overpowering his neighbours, he was able to form<br />

even an empire. Lack of homogeneity and any<br />

common tie in the shape of some ideal or patriotic<br />

fervour prevented him to weld the various sections,<br />

clans and tribes into an organic body, able to inspire<br />

either confidence or feelings of loyalty in the masses.<br />

People recognised no other bond than that of tribes<br />

or region and in most cases it was all a question of<br />

personal loyalty to this leader or that,· according to<br />

the degree of power he wielded to enforce his will.<br />

Petty rivalries between the different clans and their<br />

heads, kept the country in a state of turmoil for a<br />

long ·time. Might was right and anyone who could<br />

muster sufficient courage and gather the necessary<br />

strength could get himself recognised as the overlord.

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