MHRD Notification - Homi Bhabha National Institute
MHRD Notification - Homi Bhabha National Institute
MHRD Notification - Homi Bhabha National Institute
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No. F. 9-5/2004-U.3<br />
Government of India<br />
Ministry of Human Resource Development<br />
Department of Secondary and Higher Education<br />
***** .<br />
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi<br />
dated the 3rdJune 2005.<br />
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the University Grants Commission<br />
Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), the Central Government, on the advice of the University Grants<br />
Commission, hereby declare that <strong>Homi</strong> <strong>Bhabha</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (HBNI), Mumbai along with<br />
its following ten constituent units<br />
1. <strong>Bhabha</strong> Atomic.Research Centre (BARC), Tr()mbay<br />
2. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam.<br />
3. Centre for Advanced Technology (CAT), Indore<br />
4. Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata<br />
5. Saha <strong>Institute</strong> of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata<br />
6. <strong>Institute</strong> of Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar<br />
7. Insti.tUteof Physics (lOP), Bhubaneswar<br />
8. Harish Chandra Research <strong>Institute</strong> (HRI), Allahabad<br />
9. Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), Mumbai<br />
10. <strong>Institute</strong> of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai<br />
as Deemed to be University for the purpose of the aforesaid Act with immediate effect subject<br />
to the following conditions:<br />
a. That the institutions listed above which are presently affiliated with or<br />
recognized by or constituent part of any university shall become constituent unit<br />
of the HBNI only with effect from the date they stand disaffiliated / derecognized<br />
tde-linked,as the case may be...fromthe relevant university.<br />
b. That theHl3NI shall adhere to the guidelines / instructions issued by the UGC<br />
and the AICTE from time to time as applicable to institutions Deemed to be<br />
Universities.<br />
c. That appropriate provision in the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and / or<br />
Rules of the HBNI; as the case may be, shall be made to:<br />
. (i) nominate a representative of the Ministry of Human Resource<br />
Development on Council of Management of the HBN!;<br />
,(ii)<br />
putting in place a grievance redressal machinery;<br />
maintain a Seniority List;<br />
Contd 2/
(iv)<br />
(v)<br />
. (vi)<br />
(vii)<br />
(viii)<br />
. (ix)<br />
seek approval of Council of Management for the award of Degrees /<br />
Diplomas.<br />
specify the name of interpreter in Clause (5) ofMOA.<br />
define the constituent unit / institution.<br />
defme the Chmrman and the Director as officers of HBNI.<br />
remove the Chairman and the Director from the list of authorities of<br />
theHBNI.<br />
specify mode of appointment of the officers of the HBNI along with<br />
their terms of appointment, duties and powers.<br />
(x)<br />
The Manager,<br />
Government of India Press,<br />
Faridabad (Haryana).<br />
COpyforwarded for information to: -<br />
empower the Director of the HBNI to exercise the power of<br />
authorities of the HBNI in case of emergency / exige~cy and<br />
thereafter, get actions ratified in the next meeting of the concerned<br />
authority.<br />
r<br />
.1<br />
0 ~T6S 3,.<br />
u"il Kumar)<br />
Joint Secretary to the Government of India<br />
1~e Secretary,UniversityGrantsCommission,NewDelhi.<br />
2. Director, <strong>Homi</strong> <strong>Bhabha</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, Regd. Office: Knowledge Management<br />
Group, <strong>Bhabha</strong> Atomic Research Centre, Central Complex, Mumbai-400 085<br />
3. Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy, Anushakti Bhawan, Chhatrapati Shivaji<br />
Maharaj Marg, Mumbai - 400 001<br />
4. Member Secretary, Al~India Council for Technical Education, IG Sports Complex, J.P.<br />
Estate, New Delhi.<br />
05. Principal Secretary, Technical & Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra,<br />
Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032<br />
6. All Ministries / Departments of the Government of India.<br />
7. All State Governments and Union Territories.<br />
8. Registrars of all Universities and Deemed to be Universities.'<br />
9. Press InformationBfueau, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.<br />
10. The Secretary General, Association ofIndiaIi Universities, AID House, 16, Kotla Marg,<br />
. New Delhi- 110002 .<br />
11. All Officer and Sections in the Department of Secondary and Higher Education..<br />
12. Guard File/Coordination AssistantI<strong>Notification</strong> File/NIC/NIEP A<br />
2<br />
b- )4~~v~<br />
(D. K. Paliwal) -<br />