Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Body of Proof <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

doesn’t remember. He tells them that he had met Skylar during the Steve Owen case and she felt<br />

that he is innocent. He tells them that everything is a blur.<br />

He also says that Skylar called him a lot of times, but he never answered her calls and hasn’t<br />

spoken to her for two months. Megan tells Adam that Skylar’s murder has got something to do<br />

with the Steve Owen case. Adam goes to meet Steve, who has been under house arrest since<br />

January. Adam tells him that Skylar was looking for proof to prove that he is innocent. Steve<br />

tells him that he knows nothing about it. He tells Adam that Skylar was infatuated to Tommy<br />

and she found him as a challenge because Tommy wasn’t interested in her. At the medical center,<br />

Ethan and Curtis tell Megan that the hair strand found on Skylar’s bed is Tommy’s. Also, the<br />

finger nail polish particle that was found on Tommy’s neck belonged to Skylar.<br />

They point out to the abrasions on Skylar’s neck and they tell Megan that she was strangulated<br />

with a man’s belt. At the precinct, The Chief tells Tommy that his lack of recollection of last<br />

night’s events can be very damaging. Adam and Megan check the surveillance footage from the<br />

bar and they have also called a woman who is a professional lip reader. She reads Skylar’s lips<br />

and it becomes clear that Skylar was stalking Tommy. Tommy’s last words were: You will regret<br />

this. At the center, Ethan and Curtis tell Megan that they have found the belt and it contains<br />

Tommy’s epithelial. There is some trace evidence that was found. They have sent it to the lab for<br />

analysis.<br />

At the precinct, Tommy is placed under arrest because all the evidences are against him.<br />

Megan and Adam interrogate Tommy and tell him that his blood work is clean. This means that<br />

he wasn’t drugged. Tommy loses it and says that he did not kill Skylar Greene. They ask him if<br />

there is any other lead he can think of and he says no. At the center, The Chief tells Megan and<br />

Adam that they have received a complaint from a bar called the Red Light. It seems that Tommy<br />

and Skylar went to that bar and got into a fight with the bouncer. According to the bouncer, the<br />

attack was unprovoked.<br />

Adam states that the Red Light is Steve Owen’s bar. The Chief also shows them some confidential<br />

reports on Tommy which prove that Tommy has a pathological problem of lack of control.<br />

Kate pulls Megan and Adam off the case because they are closely associated with Tommy. Later,<br />

Megan comes up with an idea that could possibly prove Tommy’s innocence. She calls Adam and<br />

they go to the bar where the fight took place. The bouncer, who got into the fight with Tommy,<br />

leads them to the spot where the fight took place. Megan finds dried blood on the carpet and cuts<br />

out the piece.<br />

The bouncer confirms that it is Tommy’s blood. Megan analyzes the blood and finds high levels<br />

of Zolpidem in the sample. She explains to Adam that the blood dropped on the floor was from<br />

the night Tommy was drugged, and the blood sample they collected from Tommy was around ten<br />

hours later. This time window is sufficient to metabolize the drug present in the system. They<br />

talk to the Chief and Kate and tell them that this calls for reasonable doubt. The Chief says that<br />

if Tommy can bail himself, she is fine with it, but she cannot do anything more.<br />

Adam tells her that the bail is set at 2 million and Tommy doesn’t have that money. The Chief<br />

says she cannot do anything and leaves. The next day, Tommy is released. Megan bailed him<br />

out. She put up her condo on collateral and everything else she had. She tells him that Tommy<br />

he too went out of his way to save her and Lacey. She wants to know what happened in NY. He<br />

tells her that his sister was killed in a hit and run, and the guy got away. Tommy says that he<br />

lost control and he ended up breaking some rules and bones. Megan and Tommy arrive at the<br />

club. Tommy recollects something. He says that Skylar was trying to give him some photo.<br />

Megan calls Adam and they go to Skylar’s house. They take a printout of the picture and find<br />

that Steve Owen was at the club when he was accused of killing Jason. The killer did not want<br />

this picture to get out and so he killed Skylar. Tommy recollects chasing a guy and also that the<br />

guy jumped the fence. He says that he was too weak to follow him. Megan checks the fence and<br />

finds a material that was also found on the belt. Next, Tommy goes to meet Steve’s lawyer and<br />

hands over the evidence. He tells him that they need any evidence that was found in the Jason<br />

murder case. The lawyer tells him that he will have to pull up the files. He leaves. At the center,<br />

the team processes the fragment Megan found on the fence and finds out that the killer wore<br />

gloves that is specifically used for construction.<br />

Adam thinks that they have got a problem. At the construction site, Tommy is going through<br />

some files and the lawyer attacks Tommy with a baseball bat. A fight ensues and Tommy manages<br />

to render the lawyer unconscious. He too is badly hurt. Adam and Megan arrive at the site.<br />


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