Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Body of Proof <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

mentions the flight routes and asks about that. Mindy tells that Ted was only playing with the<br />

idea. Meanwhile, Ethan and Curtis are still trying to figure out the reason to Jessica’s death and<br />

Ethan suggests that she died in the hotel room after getting off the airplane.<br />

Megan and Peter go to the Medical Center that Megan used to work at and Megan tells Peter<br />

that they are going to meet with Gwen Baldwin, the new head of the hospital. They go to her office<br />

and Gwen tells them to hold on a second because she is trimming a bonsai tree. Megan tells that<br />

one of her surgeons may have killed a patient after a surgery. She tells that there are procedures.<br />

Megan asks to talk to Gwen alone and tells her that she was a surgeon too once and that they<br />

used to friends. Gwen tells that her son overdosed at a Frat party during the initiation. Megan<br />

apologizes and consoles her. They go up to Dr. Chandler and Megan tells that Ted Harbison was<br />

operated and he bled internally. She tells that Chandler only clipped on artery. He tells her to<br />

check the video and Megan asks for it. Gwen tells her to talk to their council. Peter tells that<br />

Megan is in trouble with the Chief for making accusations without evidence. Nancy Follett, a<br />

nurse at the hospital, stops them and tells that Chandler is an accident waiting to happen and<br />

that he is horrible at cutting corners.<br />

Ethan comes out to the lobby and meets Karen Archer, Jessica’s identical twin sister. Megan<br />

gets back to the office and Peter asks how Chandler is still practicing medicine if he is a disaster<br />

waiting to happen. Megan sees that it was clipped, but no clips. Megan searches the blood and<br />

finds the two clips. They meet with Samantha and the Chief and Megan says that either it was<br />

malpractice or murder. Peter suggests that there is something to do with Dr. Chandler and Ted.<br />

The Chief tells Megan that she needs to have all the evidence. Megan asks for the Chief’s help<br />

and tells that they need the video and instruments used. Meanwhile, Karen comes in to identify<br />

Jessica’s body and Ethan tells that it was possible Deep Vein Thrombosis. He asks if she wants to<br />

go somewhere else to talk. Karen tells that Jessica didn’t fly anywhere and says that Jessica was<br />

staying at the hotel because her house was being painted. She tells that she has to go through<br />

her apartment and asks Ethan to come with her. He hesitates for a moment, but she insists. She<br />

gives Ethan her number and sets up a date. Meanwhile, Samantha meets with Mindy and she<br />

tells that there was no connection to Ted or the doctor. Samantha sees a cheese steak wrapper<br />

in the trash and she asks if Ted had a life insurance policy. The Chief meets with Gwen and the<br />

hospital council. Gwen tells that there is no video. The Chief tells that she has but to call the<br />

Mayor and she can get what she wants. The lawyer tells that they are not lying and they give files<br />

on all their employees that worked that night. The Chief also asks to see their hazardous waste.<br />

Later, Curtis and Ethan enter into the hazardous waste containment garage and Curtis asks<br />

how come he is there. Ethan says that Megan offered to help with their case if they did this.<br />

Curtis gets fed up with it and starts to leave and trips over the medical equipment they are<br />

looking for. At the medical office, Megan is thinking of Dr. Chandler and how he is hiding behind<br />

the malpractice lawyers. She tells that she could have done that, but decided that it wasn’t<br />

ethical. Ethan and Curtis come in and show the medical supplies. Megan sees that one of the<br />

staple guns has been tampered with. Meanwhile, Samantha talks to Carl again and tells that<br />

Mindy paid him. Carl denies it. The manager says that he recognizes Mindy and says that she<br />

was with Nancy Follett, the nurse. Back at the medical office, Curtis tells Megan that he tested<br />

the equipment and he found spores from something. Meanwhile, Ethan helps out Karen with<br />

getting her sister’s things out and tells that he understands why she is upset and hugs her.<br />

The Chief gets in and tells that there is no video and Samantha tells that Mindy had lunch with<br />

Nancy and the Chief tells that Nancy has been written up for many things and they theorize that<br />

Nancy tampered the gun. Ethan gets back and Curtis tells that Jessica was positive for a blood<br />

clot hereditary disease.<br />

Peter and Megan meet with Mindy and she tells that she was only meeting Nancy so that she<br />

could warn them about Dr. Chandler. She tells that Ted wasn’t even scheduled for the surgery<br />

and Chandler squeezed him in. Samantha interviews Nancy and Megan interrupts and asks<br />

Nancy if Dr. Chandler had any other surgery and Megan says that they need to get to the hospital.<br />

The Chief goes in and tells that she is shutting down the hospital and Dr. Chandler comes out<br />

that he has an open appendix. They get an address of the other surgery patient. Meanwhile,<br />

Ethan is trying to call Karen and tell her that she has the same thing that Jessica has and can’t<br />

get a hold of her. Curtis tells him to go and find her. Megan and Peter find the house and see<br />

George in the middle of the kitchen. They get in and Megan feels that he is still alive. However,<br />

she has to do the surgery to save his life because the ambulance will take too long. It is a success<br />


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