1972-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1972-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1972-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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glablx:d a lOpe and lall tu hdp the<br />

boys. who had been submcrged for<br />

approximately Ihe minutes about<br />

J 5 feet frOIll ~ h o r e. Brother Fletcher<br />

sv.am out twice. bringing each boy<br />

and himself back to shore by means<br />

<strong>of</strong> th e rope. The boys were black<br />

from lack <strong>of</strong> oxygen. but thc crew<br />

members applied :Hlll lift and<br />

mouth-to-mouth rc~usc itati on and<br />

had them breathing again by the<br />

tillle the ambulance arrived.<br />

Two orher m (,lI1 h (' r ~ <strong>of</strong> I flC"'al "5<br />

havc \\on II1 EW Lifc-S:lving<br />

Awards.<br />

.Iohn Slllecy<br />

Gell{' WahlstrtJlIl<br />

Loe:11 57. Sa lt Luke C ily<br />

Journc} mall linemen John Eldredge<br />

was worLing 011 the cent cr<br />

swilch <strong>of</strong> a three-phase s\\itch rack<br />

on May 22. 1970. He rC lllo\'cd the<br />

jumper from his ~w it eh. loosened<br />

the station !;rotJnd . and v.as immediatel)<br />

Lnocl..cd uncolI')(;ioll$. Apprentiec<br />

linemen John Stacc} and<br />

Gene Wah lstrom moved o\er to the<br />

center switch. Stacey I.. noeked the<br />

jumper frOIll Eldredge's tHlnd . ;In d<br />

Wahlstrom a .... isted, On the ground ,<br />

as they prepared to administer<br />

mouth - to - mouth rc .. uscitation,<br />

"<br />

Brother Eldredge regained CO IIsc<br />

iousness.<br />

Local 57 has lIine Olher members<br />

v.ho arc Iifc-slI\crs.<br />

F. C. Gilliam<br />

Loclil 8.J, Allan!:l. Ga.<br />

Inadvertently. whi le. l oo~e nin g a<br />

"jew-claw" stick 0 11 the afternoon<br />

<strong>of</strong> March 2-1-. 197 1. Donald I..<br />

Bickers' left hand conweted the<br />

melal head <strong>of</strong> the slieL . and an arc<br />

was ('~'a hli s hc " . F. C. Gilliam immediately<br />

pulled BieLers from the<br />

arc and s!;Irteu mouth-IQ-mo uth resuscitation.<br />

With the aid <strong>of</strong> apprentice<br />

lincm:m L. C:UlIlOI1. Brot hcr<br />

Gilliam lo\\ered BieL ers 10 the<br />

ground . Bickers \\3S re\i\ed before<br />

reaching the ground. but he was<br />

1:lkcl1 to the hospital. \\herc hc was<br />

treated for severe burns and faced<br />

the possible amputation <strong>of</strong> part or<br />

his lefl indc\[ finger.<br />

George 8rud;:<br />

Walter Gahriel<br />

local 98. "hilaclclilhia<br />

Un the 1Il0ming <strong>of</strong> November r 9,<br />

197 1, James Morri" wa~ drilling<br />

hol es in the top <strong>of</strong> a lighting pan el.<br />

in prepar:Hion for pu nchin g holes<br />

for conduits. In the COUl"llC <strong>of</strong> per-<br />

Elijah J. Pryor, local 1377,<br />

Cleveland. OhiO. rescued a<br />

baby who had been overcome<br />

by smoke In a burnmg IIparl·<br />

ment.<br />

forming this job. Brother Morris got<br />

across a cable carr) ing 277 \'olts<br />

and ground. His instant moans notified<br />

George BrucL and Walter<br />

Gabriel. \\ ho were working nearby.<br />

that Brot her Morris was in trouble.<br />

They ran o\er to as~is t him.<br />

promptly kicking th e short ladder<br />

he was on from under hi m, drop­<br />

Jling Morri.. 10 th r nnnr. Bruck<br />

went for help. :rs Gabriel forced<br />

Morris' mou th open and pu lled out<br />

Morris' tongue. which he was in lite<br />

act <strong>of</strong> swa llowin g. Oruck returned.<br />

saw Morris' color ch:rn ging to bili c.<br />

and immed iately applied moulh-tomOllih<br />

resusciwtion until normal<br />

brealhing was rc!>tored.<br />

Local 9R has one prc\ ious awardwinner.<br />

I'elcr Ed\\:lrd Incl1m<br />

Loc:.1 13.J. Chlc:lJ;o<br />

I'eler Edward l"'el1m and hi"<br />

wife were out dri\ing on September<br />

10. 197 1. v. hen they noticed :1<br />

small cro\\{1 gat hering around a<br />

rallen man. Brother Iwcma tumed<br />

hi" c:lr around. retu rning to the<br />

scene. He foulld l'lowan! KrueIJ<br />

IUl consciOll". not breathing, and<br />

with no heart beat. Minute!> befure.<br />

while erecting a :.ign, Kruell"s truck<br />

boom had touched a 11.000-voh<br />

power lin e. and the voltage had<br />

tmvdcd down th e boom to the victim<br />

. hwma immedialely proceeded<br />

to gi\ e mouth-to-mouth rcsuscitntion.<br />

\\ hilc his wife. a registered<br />

nurse. administered eXlcmal heart<br />

Illass:tge. The) werl' able to rCSlOre<br />

regular breathing to Mr. Kruell .<br />

who v.as then tal..ell by ambulance<br />

to thc hospital.<br />

Kenncth J . Kenncdy<br />

Roberl W. Mo .. clc.\ , Jr.<br />

nill~ T . Rogel"\<br />

I)an C. O.n id<br />

Glenn I-I. Fuller<br />

lJonald .1. I'loligh<br />

I\-Ianuel Uriurte<br />

toe:11 266. I'hut'nix, Ariz.<br />

When a to\\er gU) wire gave way<br />

and Ih e lower bucl..led on Septem-<br />

I!lEW Joufnol

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