1972-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1972-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1972-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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ence in Wasnington, D.C.<br />

still exist and ,;rid they 111(1)1 Ix corrected<br />

011 both Ihe roc:l1 and Intefnational<br />

leveh in order for Ihe<br />

IBFW 10 n,'main ;1 uniun power in<br />

the wn"truction indu\lry in [he<br />

United SI.lles.<br />

Strongly ~Irc"mg: the jlllrlledj,ll..:<br />

nc.:d for organi/ing the 'Iualrfi..::d<br />

clcClrkial1~ Ihal arc Ill!! organi/cu.<br />

I'rc,>idcnl rillard mad ... 1\ \\!r) ,-kar<br />

thai if the nrg.uli/ing \\;1' not done<br />

by the local un ion .... Ihe \ kc Prc\idcnt~<br />

and Ink'rtlational \)rgani/ing<br />

,[at!":. wuuld CIlil1e inhr the jllri ... diclion<br />

a! arc:,\ and organi/!.' the unurgalli/eli<br />

dcctrical .... orkc(\. " It j"<br />

ridiculou\ fm I UF\\ Illl'lI1hcf'l h)<br />

sec k Cll1plo)1ll1.!1l1 :,\\ :I} fmlll tHIIllC<br />

\\!wn \u much COIl ... lrlU;liull \\01'1.. <strong>of</strong><br />

all '}PCS i:. beio!! dlln~' b) !lun-union<br />

d ..:clril"ritrl\ 111 the 1\)(";11 union\ juri\­<br />

diction,"" Pre\iJcnt Pill OI rd ~ai J , and<br />

he :11'0 l'lIlpha,i/ed Ihe need for illlprodn!,!<br />

Ihe job rl'lallul1\ "ith our<br />

~'Illplo)cr\, ~lUrril\r untili' juh~. \\il"­<br />

cat 'tri~c~" and IInne~c"ary juri,dictiunal<br />

di'pUIC' which I11ml be curbed<br />

if IBeW m('mher~ mc to hu\c the<br />

~ecurit} o(\\orl.. 0pp0rlUnilie\. I)r ....\;­<br />

dent Pilla rd ga\\.' Ihc uckg;!!e, a<br />

rundlmn on [he Con\[rucli{lJ1 Indu\­<br />

II") Stabili/a[ion COll1mittee and Ihe<br />

func[ioJ1~<br />

<strong>of</strong> the else: "ho the<br />

prc~ent exi,ting t:(lnf u ~i\lI1'<br />

thaI keep<br />

tIll' 1':1) Boaru from ruling fairly for<br />

the \\orker. <strong>of</strong> Ihi, country.<br />

Pre,iuent PillanJ '1)O ~ e about Ihe<br />

nccu for aOirmati\c atliun in sakI)"<br />

l"dutation <strong>of</strong> Ill'" rn('ml.x·r~ in ba,ic<br />

Irauc unionism. and re-educating the<br />

older mCll1ber~ in order to keep Ihe<br />

unit) and \lfCtlglh the Brotherhoud<br />

mm jXl"C"l"'. Pre,idl'nl Pilla rd COtlcludl'd<br />

hi, tal~ h) l'\.p rc, .. ing confidem:<br />

.... in the comtruetion branch<br />


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