catalogue - Cour international de Justice

catalogue - Cour international de Justice

catalogue - Cour international de Justice


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Avena and Other Mexican Nationals Or<strong>de</strong>r: 919<br />

(Mexico v. USA):<br />

Judgment: 939<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 863, 864, 866<br />

Compagnie du Port, <strong>de</strong>s Quais et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Judgment: 880<br />

Entrepôts <strong>de</strong> Beyrouth and Société<br />

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Radio-Orient (France v. Lebanon):<br />

Company, Limited (Belgium v. Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 209, 219, 224, 233<br />

Spain): Pleadings: 252<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 198, 222, 231, 237, 242<br />

Competence of the General Assembly<br />

Pleadings: 343<br />

for the Admission of a State to the<br />

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power United Nations:<br />

Company, Limited (New Applica- Or<strong>de</strong>r: 27<br />

tion: 1962) (Belgium v. Spain): Advisory Opinion: 33<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 263, 275, 285, 294, 298, Pleadings: 37<br />

304, 311, 316, 322<br />

Judgments: 284, 337<br />

Conditions of Admission of a State<br />

Pleadings: 344, 346, 347, 399, 409,<br />

to Membership in the United<br />

411, 415, 418, 422, 429<br />

Nations (Article 4 of the Charter):<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>r: 5<br />

Bor<strong>de</strong>r and Transbor<strong>de</strong>r Armed Advisory Opinion: 8<br />

Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica): Pleadings: 11<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 523, 534, 535<br />

Pleadings: 602<br />

Constitution of the Maritime Safety<br />

Committee of the Inter-Govern-<br />

Bor<strong>de</strong>r and Transbor<strong>de</strong>r Armed mental Maritime Consultative<br />

Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras): Organization:<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 524, 542, 550, 564, 572, 610 Or<strong>de</strong>r: 212<br />

Judgment: 547 Advisory Opinion: 229<br />

Pleadings: 690, 691 Pleadings: 232<br />

Certain Criminal Proceedings in Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab<br />

France (Republic of the Congo v. Jamahiriya/Malta):<br />

France): Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 476, 485, 497<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 867, 870, 881, 885, 894, Judgments: 496, 513<br />

901, 910 Pleadings: 580, 581, 618, 619, 620<br />

Certain Expenses of the United Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan<br />

Nations:<br />

Arab Jamahiriya):<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>r: 256 Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 442, 453, 459<br />

Advisory Opinion: 262 Judgments: 458, 473<br />

Pleadings: 265 Pleadings: 489, 490, 491, 492, 493,<br />

Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. 494<br />

Norway):<br />

Corfu Channel (UK v. Albania):<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 138, 148, 150, 155 Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 5, 7, 13, 16, 21, 26<br />

Judgment: 163 Judgments: 6, 15, 28<br />

Pleadings: 189, 196 Pleadings: 22, 32, 38, 48, 57, 79<br />

Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru Delimitation of the Maritime Bound-<br />

(Nauru v. Australia):<br />

ary in the Gulf of Maine Area<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 561, 592, 617, 636, 639<br />

(Canada/USA):<br />

Judgment: 616 Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 471, 472, 477, 480, 486,<br />

Pleadings: 834, 835, 836 498<br />

Certain Property (Liechtenstein v. Judgment: 505<br />

Germany):<br />

Pleadings: 553, 554, 555, 556, 557,<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>rs: 824, 849<br />

558, 559, 560<br />

Judgment: 896<br />

Difference Relating to Immunity<br />

Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance<br />

from Legal Process of a Special<br />

in Criminal Matters (Djibouti<br />

v. France):<br />

Rapporteur of the Commission on<br />

Human Rights:<br />


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