6. Stellar Spectra

6. Stellar Spectra

6. Stellar Spectra


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<strong>6.</strong> <strong>Stellar</strong> spectra<br />

excitation and ionization, Saha’s equation<br />

stellar spectral classification<br />

Balmer jump, H -<br />


Occupation numbers: LTE case<br />

Absorption coefficient: <br />

= n i<br />

<br />

calculation of occupation numbers needed<br />

LTE<br />

each volume element in thermodynamic equilibrium at temperature T(r)<br />

hypothesis: electron-ion collisions adjust equilibrium<br />

difficulty: interaction with non-local photons<br />

LTE is valid if effect of photons is small or radiation field is described by<br />

Planck function at T(r)<br />

otherwise: non-LTE<br />


Excitation in LTE<br />

Boltzmann excitation equation<br />

n ij : number density of atoms in excited level i of ionization stage j<br />

(ground level: i=1 neutral: j=0)<br />

n ij<br />

n 1j<br />

= g ij<br />

g 1j<br />

e −E ij/kT<br />

g ij : statistical weight of level i = number of degenerate states<br />

E ij excitation energy relative to ground state<br />

g ij = 2i 2 for hydrogen<br />

= (2S+1) (2L+1) in L-S coupling<br />

log n ij<br />

=log g ij<br />

− E ij (eV) 5040<br />

n 1j g 1j T<br />

The fraction relative to the total number of atoms of in ionization stage j is<br />

n ij<br />

n j<br />

= g ij<br />

U j (T) e−E ij/kT<br />

U j (T )= X i<br />

g ij e −E ij/kT<br />

U j<br />

(T) is called the<br />

partition function<br />


Ionization in LTE: Saha’s formula<br />

Generalize Boltzmann equation for ratio of two contiguous ionic species j and j+1<br />

Consider ionization process j j+1<br />

initial state:<br />

final state:<br />

n 1j & statistical weight g 1j<br />

n 1j+1 + free electron & statistical weight g 1j+1 g El<br />

n 1j+1 (v) dx dy dz dp x dp y dp z<br />

R R<br />

n1j+1 (v)dV d 3 p = n 1j+1<br />

number of ions in groundstate with free electron with velocity in (v,v+dv) in phase space<br />

g El : volume in phase space normalized to smallest possible volume (h 3 ) for electron:<br />

g El =2 dx dy dz dp x dp y dp z<br />

h 3<br />

2 spin orientations<br />

R<br />

dx dy dz =<br />

R<br />

dV = ∆V =1/ne<br />

dp x dp y dp z =4πp 2 dp =4πm 3 v 2 dv<br />


Ionization: Saha’s formula<br />

n 1j+1 (v)<br />

dV dp x dp y dp z = g 1j+1<br />

g El e −(E j + 1 2 mv 2 )/kT<br />

n 1j g 1j<br />

using Boltzmann formula<br />

n 1j+1 (v)<br />

dV dp x dp y dp z = g 1j+1<br />

2dV dp x dp y dp z<br />

e −[E j+ 1<br />

n 1j g 1j h 3 2m (p 2 x +p2 y +p2 z )]/kT<br />

Sum over all final states: integrate over all phase space<br />

n 1j+1 = n 1j<br />

g 1j+1<br />

g 1j<br />

2 ∆V<br />

h 3<br />

e −E j/kT<br />

Z ∞<br />

Z ∞<br />

Z ∞<br />

−∞ −∞ −∞<br />

e − 1<br />

2mkT (p2 x +p2 y +p2 z ) dp x dp y dp z<br />

Z∞<br />

−∞<br />

e −x2 dx = √ π<br />

(2πmkT ) 3/ 2<br />

Saha 1920<br />

n 1j+1 n e<br />

n 1j<br />

=2 g 1j+1<br />

g 1j<br />

µ 2π mkT<br />

h 2<br />

3/ 2<br />

e − E j<br />

kT<br />

- ionization falls with n e<br />

(recombinations)<br />

- ionization grows with T<br />


Ionization: Saha’s formula<br />

Generalize for arbitrary levels (not just ground state):<br />

n j =<br />

∞X<br />

n ij n j+1 =<br />

i=1<br />

∞X<br />

i=1<br />

n ij+1<br />

n ij+1 = n 1j+1<br />

g ij+1<br />

g 1j+1<br />

e −E ij+1/kT<br />

using Boltzmann’s equation<br />

n j+1 = n 1j+1<br />

g 1j+1<br />

∞ X<br />

i=1<br />

g ij+1 e −E ij+1/kT<br />

U j+1 (T) :<br />

partition function<br />

also<br />

n j = n 1j<br />

g 1j<br />

U j (T) n j+1 n e<br />

n j<br />

=2 U j+1(T)<br />

U j (T)<br />

µ 2πmkT<br />

h 2<br />

3/2<br />

e − E j<br />

kT<br />


Ionization: Saha’s formula<br />

Using electron pressure P e instead of n e (P e = n e kT)<br />

n j+1<br />

n j<br />

P e =2 U j+1(T)<br />

U j (T)<br />

µ 2πm<br />

h 2<br />

3/ 2<br />

(kT) 5/2 e − E j<br />

kT<br />

which can be written as:<br />

n<br />

log j+1<br />

U<br />

10 = −0.1761 −log 10 P e +log j+1 (T )<br />

10<br />

n j U j (T )<br />

+2.5log 10 T − 5040<br />

T<br />

E j<br />

with P e in dyne/cm 2 and E j in eV<br />


Ionization: Saha’s formula<br />

Example: H at P e = 10 dyne/cm 2 (~ solar pressure at T = T eff )<br />

T (K) n(H + ) / n(H) n(H) /[n(H) + n(H + )] n(H + ) /[n(H) + n(H + )]<br />

4,000 2.46E-10 1.000 0.246E-9<br />

6,000 3.50E-4 1.000 0.350E-3<br />

8,000 5.15E-1 0.660 0.340<br />

10,000 4.66E+1 0.021 0.979<br />

12,000 1.02E+3 0.000978 0.999<br />

14,000 9.82E+3 0.000102 1.000<br />

16,000 5.61E+4 0.178E-4 1.000<br />

H fractional ionization<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

4000<br />

6000<br />

H I<br />

8000<br />

10000<br />

H II<br />

Temperature<br />

12000<br />

14000<br />

16000<br />

18000<br />

20000<br />


On the partition function<br />

Partition function for neutral H atom<br />

E i0 ≤ E ion = 13.6 eV<br />

U 0 (T)=<br />

∞X<br />

g i0 e −E i0/kT<br />

i=1<br />

g i0 = 2i 2<br />

U 0 (T ) ≥ 2 e −E ion /kT<br />

infinite number of levels partition function diverges!<br />

reason: Hydrogen atom level structure<br />

∞X<br />

i 2 calculated as if it were alone in the universe<br />

not realistic cut-off needed<br />

i=1<br />

divergent<br />

idea: orbit radius r = a 0 i 2 (i is main quantum number)<br />

there must be a max i corresponding<br />

to the finite spatial extent of atom r max<br />

4π<br />

3 r3 max = 1 N = 4π 3 (r 0i 2 max) 3 i max<br />

introduces a pressure<br />

dependence of U<br />


An example: pure hydrogen atmosphere in LTE<br />

Temperature T and total particle density N given: calculate n e , n p , n i<br />

N = n e + n p +<br />

iX<br />

max<br />

i=1<br />

iX<br />

max<br />

n i = n e + n p + n 1<br />

i=1<br />

g i<br />

g 1<br />

e −E i,1/kT<br />

From Saha’s equation and n e = n p (only for pure H plasma):<br />

n p n e<br />

n 1<br />

=2 g µ 3/2<br />

p 2πmkT<br />

e − E ion<br />

g 1 h 2<br />

kT<br />

g p =1 g 1 =2<br />

n 1 = n 2 e<br />

µ<br />

h<br />

2<br />

2πmkT<br />

3/2<br />

e E ion<br />

kT<br />

N =2n e + n 2 e<br />

µ h<br />

2<br />

2πmkT<br />

3/2<br />

e E ion<br />

kT<br />

iX<br />

max<br />

i=1<br />

i 2 e −E i,1/kT =2n e + n 2 e α(T)<br />

(T)<br />

n e = − 1<br />

α(T) + r<br />

1<br />

α 2 + N =⇒ n p = n e =⇒ n 1 → n i<br />


The LTE occupation number n i<br />

*<br />

From Saha’s equation:<br />

n 1j+1 n e<br />

n 1j<br />

=2 g 1j+1<br />

g 1j<br />

µ 2πmkT<br />

h 2<br />

3/2<br />

e − E j<br />

kT<br />

n 1j = n 1j+1 n e<br />

g 1j 1<br />

g 1j+1 2<br />

µ<br />

h<br />

2<br />

2πmkT<br />

3/2<br />

e E j<br />

kT<br />

+ Boltzmann:<br />

n ∗ i := n ij = n 1j+1 n e<br />

g ij 1<br />

g 1j+1 2<br />

n ij<br />

n 1j<br />

= g ij<br />

g 1j<br />

µ h<br />

2<br />

2πmkT<br />

e −E 1i/kT<br />

3/2<br />

e E ij<br />

kT<br />

in LTE we can express the bound level<br />

occupation numbers as a function of T, n e<br />

and the ground-state occupation number<br />

of the next higher ionization stage.<br />

Note n i<br />

*<br />

is the occupation number used<br />

to calculate bf-stimulated and bfspontaneous<br />

emission<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification and temperature:<br />

application of Saha – and Boltzmann formulae<br />

temperature (spectral type) & pressure<br />

(luminosity class) variations<br />

+ chemical abundance changes.<br />

Qualitative plot of strength of observed<br />

Line features as a function of spectral type<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification and temperature:<br />

application of Saha – and Boltzmann formulae<br />

The pioneers of stellar<br />

spectroscopy…<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification<br />

Type<br />

O<br />

Approximate Surface<br />

Temperature<br />

> 25,000 K<br />

B 11,000 - 25,000<br />

Main Characteristics<br />

Singly ionized helium lines either in emission or absorption. Strong ultraviolet<br />

continuum. He I 4471/He II 4541 increases with type. H and He lines weaken with<br />

increasing luminosity. H weak, He I, He II, C III, N III, O III, Si IV.<br />

Neutral helium lines in absorption (max at B2). H lines increase with type. Ca II K starts<br />

at B8. H and He lines weaken with increasing luminosity. C II, N II, O II, Si II-III-IV, Mg<br />

II, Fe III.<br />

A 7,500 - 11,000<br />

Hydrogen lines at maximum strength for A0 stars, decreasing thereafter. Neutral metals<br />

stronger. Fe II prominent A0-A5. H and He lines weaken with increasing luminosity. O I,<br />

Si II, Mg II, Ca II, Ti II, Mn I, Fe I-II.<br />

F 6,000 - 7,500<br />

G 5,000 - 6,000<br />

Metallic lines become noticeable. G-band starts at F2. H lines decrease. CN 4200<br />

increases with luminosity. Ca II, Cr I-II, Fe I-II, Sr II.<br />

Solar-type spectra. Absorption lines of neutral metallic atoms and ions (e.g. onceionized<br />

calcium) grow in strength. CN 4200 increases with luminosity.<br />

K 3,500 - 5,000<br />

Metallic lines dominate, H weak. Weak blue continuum. CN 4200, Sr II 4077 increase<br />

with luminosity. Ca I-II.<br />

M < 3,500<br />

Molecular bands of titanium oxide TiO noticeable. CN 4200, Sr II 4077 increase with<br />

luminosity. Neutral metals.<br />


online Gray atlas at NED<br />

nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Gray/frames.html<br />

<strong>Stellar</strong> classification<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification<br />

ionization (I.P. 25 eV)<br />

The spectral type can be judged easily by the ratio of the<br />

strengths of lines of He I to He II; He I tends to increase in<br />

strength with decreasing temperature while He II decreases<br />

in strength. The ratio He I 4471 to He II 4542 shows this trend<br />

clearly.<br />

The definition of the break between the O-type stars<br />

and the B-type stars is the absence of lines of ionized<br />

helium (He II) in the spectra of B-type stars. The lines<br />

of He I pass through a maximum at approximately B2,<br />

and then decrease in strength towards later (cooler)<br />

types. A useful ratio to judge the spectral type is the<br />

ratio of He I 4471/Mg II 4481.<br />


http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Gray/Gray_contents.html<br />


O-star spectral types<br />


B0Ia<br />

SiIV<br />

SiIII<br />

B-star spectral types<br />

B0.5Ia<br />

B1Ia<br />

B1.5Ia<br />

SiII<br />

B2Ia<br />

B3Ia<br />

B5Ia<br />

B8Ia<br />

B9Ia<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification<br />

(I.P. 6 eV)<br />

H & K strongest<br />

T high enough for<br />

single ionization, but<br />

not further<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification<br />

Balmer lines indicate stellar<br />

luminosity<br />

Gravity atmospheric density<br />

line broadening<br />

Are the ionization levels for different elements<br />

observed in a given spectral type consistent with a<br />

“single” temperature?<br />

<strong>Spectra</strong>l class<br />

O<br />

B<br />

A-M<br />

ion and ionization potential<br />


24.6 24.4 29.6 35.1 33.5<br />


13.6 11.3 14.4 13.6 1<strong>6.</strong>3 1<strong>6.</strong>2<br />

Mg II Ca II Ti II Cr II Si II Fe II<br />

7.5 <strong>6.</strong>1 <strong>6.</strong>8 <strong>6.</strong>8 8.1 7.9<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> classification<br />

Saha’s equation stellar classification (C. Payne’s thesis, Harvard 1925)<br />

The strengths of selected lines along the spectral sequence.<br />

variations of observed line strengths with spectral type in<br />

the Harvard sequence.<br />

Saha-Boltzmann predictions of the fractional concentration<br />

N r,s /N of the lower level of the lines indicated in the upper<br />

panel against temperature T (given in units of 1000 K along<br />

the top). The pressure was taken constant at P e = N e k T =<br />

131 dyne cm -2 . The T-axis is adjusted to the abscissa of the<br />

upper diagram in order to obtain a correspondence between<br />

the observed and computed peaks.<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> continua: opacity sources<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> continua: the Balmer jump<br />

From the ground we can measure part of Balmer ( < 3646 A) and<br />

Bracket ( > 8207 A) continua, and complete Paschen continuum<br />

(3647 – 8206 A)<br />

Provide information on T, P. Spectrophotometric measurements in<br />

UV (hot stars), visible and IR (cool stars)<br />

ionization changes are reflected in changes in the<br />

continuum flux<br />

for > (Balmer limit) no n=2 b-f transitions<br />

possible drop in absorption<br />

atmosphere is more transparent<br />

observed flux comes from deeper hotter layers<br />

higher flux BALMER JUMP<br />

Balmer discontinuity (when H^- absorption is negligible T > 9000 K) =<br />

κ bf (> 3650)<br />

κ bf (< 3650) = κ bf (n =3)+...<br />

κ bf (n =2)+κ bf (n =3)+... ' κbf (n =3)<br />

κ bf (n =2)<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> continua: the Balmer jump<br />

from<br />

κ bf = σ bf<br />

n N n σ bf<br />

n ∼ 1<br />

n 5 ν 3<br />

and Boltzmann’s equation N n ∼ N tot<br />

g n<br />

U n<br />

e −E n/kT = n 2 N tot e −E n/kT<br />

κ bf ∼ 1<br />

n 3 e−E n/kT<br />

κ bf (> 3650)<br />

κ bf (< 3650) ' 8 27 e−(E 3−E 2 ) /kT<br />

e.g. 0.0037 at T = 5,000 K<br />

0.033 at T = 10,000 K<br />

if b-f transitions dominate continuous opacity the Balmer<br />

discontinuity increases with decreasing T measure T<br />

from Balmer jump<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> continua: H -<br />

apply Saha’s equation to H - (H - is the ‘atom’ and H 0 is the ‘ion’)<br />

N(H 0 ) n e<br />

N(H − )<br />

=4× 2.411 × 10 21 T 3/2 e −8753/T<br />

N(H 0 )<br />

log 10<br />

N(H − ) =0.1248 − log 10 P e +2.5log 10 T − 5040<br />

T<br />

under solar conditions: N(H - ) / N(H 0 ) ' 4 × 10 -8<br />

E I<br />

at the same time: N 2 / N(H 0 ) ' 1 × 10 -8<br />

N 3 / N(H 0 ) ' 6 × 10 -10 (Paschen continuum)<br />

N(H - )/ N(H 0 ): > N 3 / N(H 0 ): b-f from H - more important than H b-f in the visible<br />


<strong>Stellar</strong> continua<br />

at solar T H - b-f dominates from Balmer limit up to H - threshold (16500 A). H 0<br />

b-f dominates in the visible for T > 7,500 K.<br />

Balmer jump smaller than in the case of pure H 0<br />

absorption: instead of increasing at low T,<br />

decreases as H - absorption increases<br />

Max of Balmer jump: ∼ 10,000 K (A0 type)<br />

H - opacity ∝ n e higher in dwarfs than<br />

supergiants<br />

Balmer jump sensitive to both T and P e in A-F<br />

stars<br />


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