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Sensoria - concurrency and mobility group

Sensoria - concurrency and mobility group


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<strong>Sensoria</strong><br />

016004<br />

Software Engineering for Service-Oriented<br />

Overlay Computers<br />

Credit Portal Implementation<br />

Finance Case Study<br />

Author(s): Jannis Elgner <strong>and</strong> Michel Aless<strong>and</strong>rini (S&N)<br />

Period covered: from August 31, 2007 to August 31, 2008<br />

Date of preparation: July 10, 2008<br />

Revision: Draft<br />

Contract start date: September 1, 2005 Duration: 48 months<br />

Project coordinator: Martin Wirsing (LMU)<br />



FAST, BUTE, S&N, LSS-Imperial, LSS-UCL, MIP, ATXT<br />

Integrated Project funded by the<br />

European Community under the<br />

“Information Society Technologies”<br />

Programme (2002—2006)

Credit Portal Implementation (Draft) July 10, 2008<br />

Contents<br />

1 Introduction 3<br />

2 Global Scenario 3<br />

3 Runtime-Environment 4<br />

3.1 jBPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

3.2 Drools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

4 Application Architecture 5<br />

4.1 Graphic-oriented Programming (GOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

4.2 Model-View-Controller Pattern (MVC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

5 Processdefinition 7<br />

5.1 nodetypedefinition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

5.2 processdefinition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

5.3 taskdefinition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

6 Conclusion <strong>and</strong> Oulook 11<br />

References 11<br />

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1 Introduction<br />

This technical report shows the circumstances of the finance case study from S&N AG. It represents<br />

the credit request scenario [Koc06, Dos07] implemented with new SOA technologies from JBOSS 1 .<br />

The report is structured in five main parts. Beginning with the Introduction to give an overview of this<br />

document. The section 2 Global Scenario describes the background, the process <strong>and</strong> some details of<br />

the scenario. The presentation of the runtime demonstrates the chapter 3 Runtime-Environment. The<br />

application structure of the credit portal builds the base for the part 4 Application Architecture. Finally<br />

the section 5 Processdefinition explains the details of the process definitions. In the end a conclusion <strong>and</strong><br />

an outlook to perspectives to the credit request scenario is given.<br />

The finance case study of S&N defines user-interation in a service orientated environment. Only<br />

by using the specification Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) [OAS06a] the realisation of<br />

the human-interaction cannot be done. Following not st<strong>and</strong>ardized BPEL extensions like BPEL4People<br />

[AE05] must be used or own solutions must be developed. In the first credit portal version we have<br />

integrated a self-developed TaskService that realises the user-interaction with the business process implemented<br />

in BPEL. That specification has some more limitations. Currently it is not possible to use<br />

WS*-extensions like WS-Security [OAS06b] or WS-ReliableMessaging [OAS04] directly in the BPEL<br />

implementation. All these facts lead to the conclusion to develop a second version of the credit portal<br />

with slightly different technologies based on partly alternative specifications.<br />

We come to the decision to use JBOSS technologies for the next version of the credit portal. That<br />

technology supports extensible web service-invocations, user-interaction <strong>and</strong> the integration of defined<br />

rulesets. The last capability enables the organise workflows by rules. In comparison to BPEL the decision<br />

h<strong>and</strong>ler defines the processdefinition external. That approach is very dynamic <strong>and</strong> important for changing<br />

environments <strong>and</strong> processes. The bridge between the process manager <strong>and</strong> the application developer<br />

shows a further advantage because of the permanent synchronous states of the process definition <strong>and</strong> the<br />

application workflow.<br />

2 Global Scenario<br />

The credit request scenario [Ale07] is a part of a credit portal. In that scenario three roles are defined to<br />

process the requests: customer, clerk <strong>and</strong> supervisor.<br />

A business customer has the desire to buy an office building. In most cases he will request for a credit<br />

at his bank, in our case by using the credit portal. After starting the credit request process he must insert<br />

the credit amount <strong>and</strong> the purpose of that credit. Having entered this data he has to enter his balance<br />

data <strong>and</strong> securities. Either the balance data can be uploaded within an XBRL-Uploaddialog 2 [Int03] or<br />

the key issues can be entered directly. Following the balance data will be validated by a validation web<br />

service which decides whether the balance data is valid or not. If the balances are validated correctly <strong>and</strong><br />

also the securities, then the credit request is send to the bank. A pre-decision chooses whether the credit<br />

request can be directly approved, declined or send to an employee for proofing. The decision is based<br />

on some defined rules which are based on the data typed in by the credit-requester/customer. In case of<br />

the direct decision, the customer will be informed about the result. In case of a manual decision, a bank<br />

clerk has to process the customer credit request. Then he decides whether the request will be approved<br />

or declined. Additionally he is able to inform the customer about the possibility to update his data,<br />

otherwise the credit request would be rejected. This might be necessary if there are insufficient securites<br />

available, for example. In case of an approvement, the credit request is forwarded to a supervisor who<br />

also has to accept the credit request. Only if both employees accept the customer request an offer will be<br />

made to the customer.<br />

1 http://www.jboss.org/<br />

2 eXtensible Business Reporting Language<br />

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3 Runtime-Environment<br />

The runtime-environment consists of five different frameworks from the JBoss JEMS 3 [jbo07], namlely:<br />

JBoss - Application Server, JBoss Business Process Management jBPM , jBPM Process Definition Language<br />

(jPDL) [jbo06c], Seam [jbo08] <strong>and</strong> Drools [jbo06a]. These frameworks <strong>and</strong> their link to each other<br />

is shown in figure 1. All involved frameworks are running in one instance of the JBoss Applicationserver.<br />

Figure 1: Runtime-Environment<br />

The application was realised with JBoss Seam, a powerful open source development platform for<br />

building rich Internet applications in Java. Seam already integrates some functions from jBPM <strong>and</strong><br />

drools for seamlessly interaction together. As shown in figure 1 the application integrates the jBPM- <strong>and</strong><br />

the Drools-Engine.<br />

3.1 jBPM<br />

JBoss jBPM is a Business Process Management System supporting two business process modeling languages.<br />

In particular BPEL <strong>and</strong> jPDL a derivation of the specification Process Definition Language<br />

(XPDL) [WfM07]. The possibility to use BPEL <strong>and</strong> jPDL in one environment solves the problem which<br />

3 JBoss Enterprise Middleware System<br />

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occured in a scenario where only BPEL could be used. jPDL focuses on user interaction. The central<br />

component of jPDL is the workinglist. This approach was invented in the 80ś known as action-orientated<br />

data h<strong>and</strong>ling [Gad08]. He descibes a way how different tasks are delegated to different actors with different<br />

roles <strong>and</strong> different rights in different <strong>group</strong>s. The approach differentiates between a workinglist of<br />

<strong>group</strong>s <strong>and</strong> users. The different tasks (see 5.3) are assigned to one special actor or one <strong>group</strong> of actors.<br />

If someone wants to start a task he has to assign the task to himself, if it wasn’t already assigned to him<br />

directly, see figure 2.<br />

Figure 2: Workinglist<br />

With this methodology the system prevents that two different actors are working on the same task.<br />

Ths workinglist is the central component where all work begins that has to be done by a human actor.<br />

The implementation of the workinglist <strong>and</strong> the different tasktypes of this case study are described in<br />

section 5.3.<br />

3.2 Drools<br />

Drools is a Business Rule Management System (BRMS) <strong>and</strong> an enhanced Rules Engine implementation,<br />

ReteOO, based on Charles Forgy’s Rete algorithm [wik07] tailored for the Java language. The objectorientated<br />

rete algorithm filters the incoming data depending on its objecttype which means that only<br />

rules that are based on the incoming datatypes are fired. With its external BRMS it is possible to extract<br />

some of the application logic to a repository. In other words it is possible to extract the logic from the<br />

code which makes it easier to administrate the code. Other possibilities of these rules are complex rule<br />

flows that depend on the involved objects <strong>and</strong> their values. Moreover it is possible to calculate complex<br />

mathamatical operations based on defined rules <strong>and</strong> much more. In this case study it is used to control<br />

the workflow based on the values of objects. Moreover it is used to calculate a rating point system.<br />

4 Application Architecture<br />

The application architecture in detail contains the global view on it <strong>and</strong> detailed descriptions of the<br />

process definition <strong>and</strong> the underlying Graph Orientated Programming (GOP) principle.<br />

4.1 Graphic-oriented Programming (GOP)<br />

The process definition is based on the paradigm of the Graph Orientated Programming [jbo06b]. The<br />

structure of the graph is represented with the classes Node <strong>and</strong> Transition. A transition has a direction so<br />

the nodes have leaving- <strong>and</strong> arriving transitions, see figure 3.<br />

All implementations of the node types described in section 5.1 are based on this node class. Moreover<br />

each process model uses a process execution which looks similar to a finite state maschines or to the<br />

UML state diagrams. An execution (also known as a token) is represented with a class called Execution<br />

as shown in figure 4. An execution has a reference to the current node.<br />

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Figure 3: Node <strong>and</strong> Transition<br />

Figure 4: Node <strong>and</strong> Execution<br />

Every instantiated process creates a new process execution/token that will start in a wait state until<br />

it gets a signal. With this signal it leaves its current node over a transition to the next node where the<br />

relevant <strong>and</strong> implemented methods are executed. Every transition- <strong>and</strong> node-classes have special events<br />

like onNodeEnter, onNodeLeaver, onTransitionEnter, . . . that trigger special controller-actions. These<br />

are implemented in the controller-classes. These actions are classes <strong>and</strong> methods implemented in java.<br />

Based on this fact every possible behaviour can be imlemented <strong>and</strong> invoked from the process definition<br />

<strong>and</strong> the jBPM. That is why extended web services can be used like in plain java. Figure 5 shows the<br />

behaviour of the process definition <strong>and</strong> its execution(-token).<br />

Figure 5: GOP Details<br />

4.2 Model-View-Controller Pattern (MVC)<br />

The application is based on the MVC-pattern to separate the model, view <strong>and</strong> controller. The view is<br />

responsible for all user interactions. The model represents the objects <strong>and</strong> persistence. One object could<br />

be i.e. a credit object with different attibutes or a person object to identify the different actors. Figure 6<br />

shows all involved classes <strong>and</strong> their relation.<br />

The workflow has some node types, called decision h<strong>and</strong>ler, which decide the way of the workflow.<br />

In this case study these decision h<strong>and</strong>lers are linked with the rule engine that decides which transition the<br />

process-execution will take. This decision is based on the defined rules, the involved objects <strong>and</strong> their<br />

entered values.<br />

The controller classes are responsible for the provided actions, which means that they are responsible<br />

for operations on the data. These actions are triggerd by the jBPM-Engine <strong>and</strong> are defined by the process<br />

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Figure 6: Credit Portal Class Diagram (extract)<br />

model. They are annotated with special annotations which express/define whether to start a new process<br />

instance or to start or end a special task. The data h<strong>and</strong>ling is managed by the jBPM-engine which makes<br />

it possible to have long running conversations for process instances even if the server has shut down since<br />

the data is persisted after every process-step. This kind of persistence is also useful for later business<br />

intelligence analysis. All relevant task/process-information is persistent including begin/end-timestamp,<br />

involved variables, actors <strong>and</strong> so on.<br />

5 Processdefinition<br />

The process definition consists of different nodes controlling the behaviour of the workflow. The different<br />

node types are described in table 1. It is possible to extend this nodetypedefinition by defining own<br />

nodetypes. Based on the JBoss jPDL documentation all predefined nodetypes are described in table 1.<br />

5.1 nodetypedefinition<br />

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Nodetype<br />

task-node<br />

state<br />

decision<br />

Description<br />

A task node represents one or more tasks that are to be performed<br />

by humans. So when execution arrives in a task node, task instances<br />

will be created in the task lists of the workflow participants.<br />

After that, the node will behave as a wait state. So when<br />

the users perform their task, the task completion will trigger the<br />

resuming of the execution. In other words, that leads to a new<br />

signal being called on the token.<br />

A state is a bare-bones wait state. The difference with a task node<br />

is that no task instances will be created in any task list. This can<br />

be usefull if the process should wait for an external system. E.g.<br />

upon entry of the node (via an action on the node-enter event),<br />

a message could be sent to the external system. After that, the<br />

process will go into a wait state. When the external system send a<br />

response message, this can lead to a token.signal(), which triggers<br />

resuming of the process execution.<br />

Actually there are 2 ways to model a decision. The distinction between<br />

the two is based on *who* is making the decision. Should<br />

the decision made by the process (specified in the process definition).<br />

Or should an external entity provide the result of the<br />

decision.<br />

When the decision is to be taken by the process, a decision node<br />

should be used. There are basically 2 ways to specify the decision<br />

criteria. Simplest is by adding condition elements on the transitions.<br />

Conditions are EL 4 expressions or beanshell scripts that<br />

return a boolean.<br />

At runtime the decision node will FIRST loop over its leaving<br />

transitions THAT HAVE a condition specified. It will evaluate<br />

those transitions first in the order as specified in the xml. The first<br />

transition for which the conditions resolves to true will be taken.<br />

If all transitions with a condition resolve to false, the default transition<br />

(the first in the XML) is taken.<br />

Another approach is to use an expression that returns the name<br />

of the transition to take. With the ’expression’ attribute, you can<br />

specify an expression on the decision that has to resolve to one of<br />

the leaving transitions of the decision node.<br />

Next aproach is the ’h<strong>and</strong>ler’ element on the decision, that element<br />

can be used to specify an implementation of the Decision-<br />

H<strong>and</strong>ler interface can be specified on the decision node. Then the<br />

decision is calculated in a java class <strong>and</strong> the selected leaving transition<br />

is returned by the decide-method of the DecisionH<strong>and</strong>ler<br />

implementation.<br />

When the decision is taken by an external party (meaning: not<br />

part of the process definition), you should use multiple transitions<br />

leaving a state or wait state node. Then the leaving transition can<br />

be provided in the external trigger that resumes execution after<br />

the wait state is finished.<br />

Table 1: nodetypedefinition (part 1)<br />

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Nodetype<br />

fork<br />

join<br />

node<br />

Description<br />

A fork splits one path of execution into multiple concurrent paths<br />

of execution. The default fork behaviour is to create a child token<br />

for each transition that leaves the fork, creating a parent-child<br />

relation between the token that arrives in the fork.<br />

The default join assumes that all tokens that arrive in the join are<br />

children of the same parent. This situation is created when using<br />

the fork as mentioned above <strong>and</strong> when all tokens created by a fork<br />

arrive in the same join. A join will end every token that enters the<br />

join. Then the join will examine the parent-child relation of the<br />

token that enters the join. When all sibling tokens have arrived<br />

in the join, the parent token will be propagated over the (unique!)<br />

leaving transition. When there are still sibling tokens active, the<br />

join will behave as a wait state.<br />

The type node serves the situation where you want to write your<br />

own code in a node. The nodetype node expects one subelement<br />

action. The action is executed when the execution arrives in the<br />

node. The code you write in the actionh<strong>and</strong>ler can do anything<br />

you want but it is also responsible for propagating the execution.<br />

This node can be used if you want to use a JavaAPI to implement<br />

some functional logic that is important for the business analyst.<br />

By using a node, the node is visible in the graphical representation<br />

of the process. For comparison, actions –covered next– will allow<br />

you to add code that is invisible in the graphical representation of<br />

the process, in case that logic is not important for the business<br />

analyst.<br />

Table 2: nodetypedefinition (part 2)<br />

5.2 processdefinition<br />

The credit request scenario uses these node types to implement the given workflow <strong>and</strong> delegate different<br />

tasks to different actor. The process definition is shown in figure 7. The description of the different task<br />

<strong>and</strong> the assigned actors is shown in table 3.<br />

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Figure 7: Credit Request Process<br />

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5.3 taskdefinition<br />

Tasktypes Desciption Actor<br />

creditAmount<br />

the actor is asked to enter his type of customer<br />

credit <strong>and</strong> his creditamount<br />

uploadBalances<br />

the actor is asked to enter or upload his customer<br />

balancedata<br />

uploadSecurities the actor is asked to enter his securitydata<br />

customer<br />

updateInformation the actor has to validate the entered clerk<br />

data <strong>and</strong> has to accept the futher work<br />

if he is able to decide the creditrequest.<br />

Otherwise he has the possibility to reject<br />

the task to the actor<strong>group</strong><br />

createOffer<br />

the actor is asked to approve, decline clerk<br />

or decline but update the creditrequest,<br />

which means that the customer has the<br />

possibility to update his data <strong>and</strong> add<br />

some securities for example to prevent<br />

the decline of the creditrequest<br />

superiorDecision the actor has the same task like the createOffer-task.<br />

supervisor<br />

The only difference is<br />

the <strong>group</strong>role of this task.<br />

changeData<br />

the actor is asked to choose which data customer<br />

he wants to change<br />

changeSecurities same as uploadSecurities except that customer<br />

the actor has to change his old data <strong>and</strong><br />

not to enter new data<br />

changeCreditAmount same as creditAmount except that the customer<br />

actor has to change his old data <strong>and</strong> not<br />

to enter new data<br />

changeBalances<br />

same as balances except that the actor customer<br />

has to change his old data <strong>and</strong> not to<br />

enter new data<br />

decideOffer<br />

actor has to accept or reject the creditoffer<br />

customer<br />

Table 3: taskdefinition<br />

6 Conclusion <strong>and</strong> Oulook<br />

The finance case study shows how it is possible to implement user interaction in a SOA environment.<br />

Further work will be to integrate some of the tools developed in the SENSORIA project. The next step<br />

is the integration of DINO [DS07a, DS07b] to demonstate the dynamic semantic service discovery. The<br />

definition of ontologies for service level agreements will be modeled with UML4SOA profile <strong>and</strong> then<br />

transformed by the VIATRA-Framework [oTB06] from BUTE.<br />

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References<br />

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