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Ausführlicher Lebenslauf - ORL Center

Ausführlicher Lebenslauf - ORL Center


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Geburtsdatum: 15.02.1967 in Nicosia/ Zypern<br />

Staatsangehörigkeit: Griechisch- zypriotisch<br />

Muttersprache: Griechisch<br />

Fremdsprachen: Deutsch fliessend, Englisch fliessend, Französisch gut<br />


1984 Abschluss der allgemeinen Hochschulreife<br />

1985– 1993 Erlernung der deutschen Sprache und Studium der Humanmedizin an<br />

der Universität Würzburg<br />

1993 Abschluss der ärztlichen Prüfung an der Universität Wurzburg<br />

1994 – 1996 Assistenzärztin in der Chirurgie am Allgemeinen Kreiskrankenhaus "KAT"<br />

in Athen mit Schwerpunkt in der Unfallchirurgie<br />

1997 – 1998 Assistenzärztin an der Hals- Nasen- Ohrenklinik des allgemeinen<br />

Kreiskrankenhauses für Kinder in Penteli (Athen)<br />

1999 Assistenzärztin in der Fachrichtung Hals- Nasen- Ohrenheilkunde am<br />

"Makarios III" Krankenhaus in Nicosia/Zypern<br />

2000 – 2002 Assistenzärztin in der Fachrichtung Hals- Nasen- Ohrenheilkunde am<br />

allgemeinen Krankenhaus "Agia Olga" in Nea Ionia/ Athen<br />

Oktober 2002 Erlangung der Facharztreife im Fach Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde<br />

2003 – 2004 Fachärztin an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde der<br />

Universität Leipzig<br />

Seit 2005 Lt. Oberärztin, Zentrum fur HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie,<br />

Schädelbasischirurgie<br />


1. A. Papadopoulou, G. Bertolis, D. Lioumbas, K. Niafas, D. Papadima, K. Karra, E.<br />

Kourmbanis, N. Maroudias<br />

Chronische Otitis media und Schallempfindungs-Schwerhorigkeit,<br />

2. Internationaler Kongress fur Allergien im Rahmen der HNO,<br />

Endoskopie und Laserchirurgie und 11. Panhellenischer Kongress fur HNO, Kopf- und<br />

Halschirurgie, Athen, 20.23. Juni 2001<br />

2. A. Papadopoulou, G. Bertolis, D. Lioumbas, A. Prierou, D. Papadima, K. Karra, A. Kio<br />

roglou, N. Maroudias<br />

Akuter Horverlust nach Fettabsaugung,<br />

2. Internationaler Kongress fur Allergien im Rahmen der HNO,<br />

Endoskopie und Laserchirurgie und 11. Panhellenischer Kongress fur HNO, Kopf- und<br />

Halschirurgie, Athen, 20. -23. Juni<br />

3. A. Papadopoulou, D. Rizou, N. Zotalis, D. Lioumbas, N. Maroudias<br />

Mundboden Karzinom,<br />

Panpeloponnesischer zahnarztlicher Kongress, Antiques Olympia, 7. -8. September 2002.<br />

4. A. Papadopoulou, D. Papadima, N. Maroudias, A. Theodoropoulos<br />

Thornwaldt’s Zyste (Poster)<br />

Endoscopies / Laser-surgery and 11. Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-<br />

Surgery, Athens, June 20-23rd 2001<br />

5. A. Papadopoulou, N. Zotalis, D. Rizou, D Triggeriotis, E. Paravalou, N. Maroudias<br />

Benigne Schwellungen der lateralen Halsregion<br />

13ο annual Congress of the medical association Corfu, 5-7 November 2004

6. K. Karra, D. Rizou, N. Zotalis, A. Papadopoulou, D. Lioumbas, N. Maroudias<br />

Mucocelen der Mundhοhle,<br />

Panpeloponnesischer zahnarztlicher Kongress, Antikes Olympia, 7. -8. September 2002.<br />

7. N. Zotalis, D. Rizou, D. Lioumbas, K. Niafas, A. Papadopoulou, N. Maroudias<br />

Bosartige Neoplasmen der Kleinen Speicheldrusen,<br />

Chania - Kreta, 1-3 November 2002<br />

8. N. Zotalis, K. Gavakos, D. Lioumbas, A. Papadopoulou, N. Maroudias<br />

Kombinierte Eingriffe in der Gesichtsplastik,<br />

Thessaloniki, 7-10 November 2002<br />

9. A. Kioroglou, I. Gigounti, G. Bertolis, D. Lioumbas, A. Papadopoulou, D. Papadima, N.<br />

Maroudias, A. Theodoropoulos<br />

Hemangiopericytom der Nasenhohle<br />

Endoscopy / Laser-surgery and 11. Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery,<br />

Athens, June 20- 23rd 2001<br />

10. N. Zotalis, D. Triggeriotis, D. Lioumbas, A. Papadopoulou, N. Maroudias<br />

Surgical Lesions of the Head- and Neck-region<br />

4th Pan-Hellenic Congress of the National Health System, Thessalonica, March 29-31st 2002<br />

11. N. Marangos, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos, R. Marapa.<br />

Endoscopic Restoration of Zenker Divertikel<br />

13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery, Athens, November 10- 13th<br />

2005<br />

12. N. Marangos, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos, G. Tzintros, I. Kantas<br />

Ossiculoplasty with titanium: ten years experience.<br />

13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery, Athens, November 10- 13th<br />

2005<br />

13. A. Papadopoulou, N. Marangos<br />

Cochlear Implants: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft<br />

Radiologie<br />

Meeting of the Euroclinic Athens, Aigli Zappeiou, 15.10.2005<br />

14. A. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos, D. Floros, V. Katsaros, N. Marangos<br />

Synovialsarcom der Schadelbasis<br />

13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery, Athens, November 10-13th<br />

2005<br />

15. R. Marapa, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos N. Marangos,.<br />

Multifocal Paragangliomas as a systemic disease<br />

13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery, Athens, November 10- 13th<br />

2005<br />

16. A. Papadopoulos, A. Papadopoulou, G. Tzintros, R. Marapa, N. Marangos<br />

Tumors of the parapharyngeal space: Differential diagnosis and treatment<br />

13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery, Athens, November 10- 13th<br />

2005<br />

17. I. Kantas, A. Papadopoulos, A. Papadopoulou, G. Tzintros, N. Marangos<br />

Rapid growth of frontal sinus osteoma<br />

13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-Surgery, Athens, November 10- 13th<br />


18. N. Marangos, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos, R. Marapa.<br />

Diagnosis and modern treatment of vestibular schwannoma.<br />

Lecture , 24th ENT Updates Conference in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 26.-28.11.2005.<br />

19. N. Marangos, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos, R. Marapa.<br />

Treatment of Paragangliomas of lateral skull base.<br />

Lecture 24th ENT Updates Conference in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 26.-28.11.2005.<br />

20. A. Papadopoulou, N. Marangos, A. Papadopoulos, R. Marapa.<br />

Surgical approaches of the lateral skull base.<br />

Lecture 24th ENT Updates Conference in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 26.-28.11.2005.<br />

21. A. Papadopoulou, N. Marangos, , A. Papadopoulos, R. Marapa.<br />

Restoration of hearing with cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants.<br />

Lecture 24th ENT Updates Conference in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 26.-28.11.2005.<br />

22. A. Papadopoulou, N. Marangos, A. Papadopoulos, R. Marapa.<br />

Ossiculoplasty with titanium: ten years experience.<br />

Lecture 24th ENT Updates Conference in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 26.-28.11.2005<br />


1. N. Maroudias, A. Papadopoulou, P. Zotos, K. Niafas, A. Theodoropoulos<br />

Diagnostische Annaherung bei Patienten mit Halsschwellungen.<br />

Medizin/ Zypern, Heft 3 und 4, Band 17, 2000<br />

2. N. Maroudias, G. Bertolis, A. Papadopoulou, P. Zotos, A. Kounounis, D. Lioumbas<br />

Die Bedeutung der Neurootologischen – und Laboruntersuchung bei Patienten mit<br />

akuter Schallempfindungsschwerhorigkeit.<br />

Medizin/ Zypern, Heft und 2, Band 17, 2000<br />

3. G. Bertolis, A. Papadopoulou, K. Karra, D. Papadima, N. Maroudias<br />

BPLV bei Patienten mit Meniere’s Krankheit.<br />

Hellenic Otorhinolaryngology/ Head and Neck surgery, Heft 3, Band 23<br />

4. G. Bertolis, D. Lioumbas, A. Papadopoulou, A. Drolapas, D. Papadima, N. Maroudias<br />

BPLV bei Patienten mit Meniere’s Krankheit.<br />

Hellenic Audiology- Neurotology, Part 3, January-April 2003<br />

5. G. Bertolis, D. Lioumbas, A Papadopoulou, K.Niafas, E. Kourmbanis, N. Maroudias<br />

Kombinationstherapie: Aciclovir und Prednisolon in Patienten mit Bell’s-Parese.<br />

Hellenic Otorhinolaryngology/ Head and Neck surgery, Heft 3, Band 23<br />

6. G. Bertolis, D. Lioumbas, K. Niafas, A. Papadopoulou, D. Papadima, K. Karra, E.<br />

Kourmbanis, N. Maroudias<br />

Vestibulares Training- Erfolgreiche Therapie fur Benigner Paroxysmaler Lagerungs<br />

Vertigo.<br />

Hellenic Otorhinolaryngology / Head and Neck surgery, Heft 1, Band 22, Marz 2000<br />

7. A. Kioroglou, D.Lioumbas, Ch. Triantopoulou, A. Papadopoulou, K. Niafas K. Karra, N.<br />

Maroudias<br />

Preoperative Diagnostik bei Patienten mit Erkrankungen der Nase und<br />

Nasennebenhoehlen<br />

Hellenic Otolaryngology / Head and Neck surgery, Part 1, Volume

8. A. Papadopoulou, A. Tannapfel, A. Weber<br />

Intraorbitales Neurinom- eine seltene Differential Diagnose<br />

HNO-Informationen; 29: 50-193, April 2004<br />

9. Kantas I., G. Tzindros, A. Papadopoulou, N. Marangos.<br />

Midfacial degloving: die beste alternative fuer die Behandlung der transsphenoidalen<br />

Meningocele der fossa pterygopalatina.<br />

Skull Base Surg 16:117-122, 2006<br />

10. Kantas I., Papadopoulou A, Balatsouras DG, Aspris A, N. Marangos.<br />

Therapeutic approach to Gradenigo’s syndrome: a case report.<br />

J Med Case Reports 24;4:151, 2010<br />


1. Emergency Surgery of the Esophagus<br />

2nd Pan-Hellenic Symposium of the Diseases of Esophagus<br />

Athens, June 3rd 1995<br />

2. Alternative Methods of the Homolog Transplantation<br />

Training course, Athens, March 9th 1996<br />

3. Endoscopic Diagnosis and Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses- F.E.S.S., Training<br />

Seminar, Athens, September 18th 1999<br />

4. Tinnitus- Clinical Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Vestibule<br />

Training Seminar Athens, April 1st 2000<br />

5. 4th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Ηead and Neck Surgery, Berlin,<br />

13-18 Mai 2000<br />

6. Seromucotympanon and otosclerosis<br />

Training Seminar of the Greek medical Society for audiology and neurootology, Athens,<br />

January 27th 2001<br />

7. Endoscopy / Laser-surgery and 11. Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head- and Neck-<br />

Surgery, Athens, June 20- 23rd 2001<br />

8. Infections and Allergic Diseases of the upper Airway<br />

13th Training Seminar of the Pan-Hellenic ENT-Society/Head and Neck-surgery, Nauplio,<br />

November 9-11th 2001<br />

9. Red Cross Training Course for future International Delegates<br />

Greek Red Cross, Athens, May 20-26th 2001<br />

10. Cardio-Respiratory-Reanimation<br />

Training course, Athens, November 23rd 2001<br />

11. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery by Burns of the Head and Neck Region<br />

Training Seminar of the Greek Society for Plastic /Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery,<br />

Athens, February 23rd 2002<br />

12. 2nd International ENT Seminar of the Greek Society for Rhinology,<br />

Athens, March 1-3rd 2002

13. Chronic otitis media<br />

Greek medical Society for audiology and neurootology, Patras, May 18th 2002<br />

14. Advances in Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery<br />

2nd Course, Myconos, May 24-26th 2002<br />

15. Panpeloponnesic Dentist Congress,<br />

Ancient Olympia, September 7-8th 2002.<br />

16. State of the art of middle ear and lateral skull base microsurgery<br />

GN Resound Course, Athens, October 5th 2002<br />

17. Cardio-Respiratory-Reanimation<br />

Training Course, Leipzig, November 8th 2003<br />

18. The sound of the Voice in Children and Teenagers<br />

2nd Leipziger Symposium, Leipzig, February 28-29th 2004<br />

19. Functional-aesthetic Nasal Surgery<br />

22nd Operations Course of the European Society for Rhinology<br />

and the German ENT- Society, Greifswald/Germany, September 1-4th 2004<br />

20. Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses<br />

Operations Course, Greifswald/Germany, September 5-7th 2004<br />

21. 14th Training Seminar of the Greek medical Society for audiology and<br />

neurootology, Athens, December 11-12th 2004<br />

22. 3rd International Jordanian-Greek Medical Congress,<br />

Amman /Jordan, May 11-15th 2005<br />

23. 3rd Paediatric meeting of the Children-Euroclinic, Athens, June 4-5th 2005<br />

24. 1st Laser Seminar, Loutraki, June 18-19th 2005<br />

25. Course of Audiology and Otoneurosurgery,<br />

ENT- University Clinic of Iash Rumania, July 7-9th 2005<br />

26. Diagnostic and Therapeutic management of chronic middle ear infection,<br />

Seminar of the Panhellenic ENT-Society/Head and Neck-surgery, Athens, October 8th 2005<br />

27. 13th Panhellenic Congress for ENT, Head and Neck-surgery,<br />

Athens, November 10-13th 2005<br />

28. Acute and chronic Vertigo- Progressive Sensoneural Hearing loss,<br />

15th Training Seminar of the Greek medical Society for audiology and neurootology, Athens,<br />

December 3-4th 2005<br />

29. International Workshop on Micro- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery<br />

HNO-Klinik der Universitat Mainz/ Germany, March 02-04.2006

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