Instruction 5110 - Uniformed Services University of the Health ...

Instruction 5110 - Uniformed Services University of the Health ...

Instruction 5110 - Uniformed Services University of the Health ...


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SUBJECT: Use <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uniformed</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Sciences Facilities<br />

<strong>Instruction</strong> <strong>5110</strong><br />

(TRS)<br />


JAN t I 1999<br />

Th.is l.nstrucdon provides a d~taUed description <strong>of</strong> policies and procedures ln place for<br />

usc <strong>of</strong> Lhe facilities at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Uniformed</strong> Sr:rvices <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Health</strong> St.:ie0£:.(.."-'1 (LSU rtS).<br />

lnclud~tl is a Jist <strong>of</strong> sch.cdul.i:ng prioriti c~ nnd thoir arnlicRtion ro difforcnf requemors. Also<br />

included Is a description <strong>of</strong> charges that may be incurred as '~-el l as n checkll.st <strong>of</strong> areas <strong>of</strong><br />

.support for meetings held at <strong>the</strong> USUHS.<br />

A. R~~sun11£C nnd furpoHc. This<br />

<strong>Instruction</strong>:<br />

l. Reissues USUHS lnstn1ctiou <strong>5110</strong>';<br />

3. Estnblishe~ policies und procedures<br />

for lhe use <strong>of</strong> USUHS facilities; and<br />

4 Assign!i tc~pon~;ibilitie}; in<br />

c~1mpliance with rcquircmoms <strong>of</strong> DoD<br />

<strong>Instruction</strong> I 000.1 sa and USUHS<br />

lnstn1c:.tion 1 OOSd,<br />

n. Rdenncc.s. See Enclosure /.<br />

C. Anpi!11JtbJUll!... This [nstruction applies<br />

to all facilities Of <strong>the</strong> USlJH~ .<br />

D. Definit!ogs. See l!:nclosure l .<br />

E. PoJis;y.<br />

1. Facilities A'(ailablc.<br />

Enclosures 3 and -1 list lhoso<br />

USUI IS fa.cilili~s nvnilablc for gcnctt,ard meetings:<br />

(3) Cour!ies for USt .. 11S<br />

employees sponsored or approved by lhe<br />

Civilian Uuman Resources (CHR) or<br />

M iliLr.uy Pet:-;nnnel Office (MPO):<br />

(4) USUHS·sponsored and<br />

co~sponsored COt'\lirming e.ducation<br />

fuuclions;<br />

(5) Depprln1ent1ll semlnars nnd<br />

n'reetings;<br />

(6) USUHS, depurtmental. and<br />

sludcnl fullctions o<strong>the</strong>r t.han lh()se lititcd<br />


(7) Henry M. Jackson<br />

Foundation for <strong>the</strong> Advancement <strong>of</strong><br />

MiHtary Medicine (IIM.JF)IUSUHS<br />

conferences;<br />

(8) Non-USlJ11S conferences<br />

and functions with a USlJI rs sponsor;<br />

(9) Non-USUIIStt:.S.<br />

Government functions; and<br />

( 1 0) USUilS-saJlctioncd,<br />

non-pr<strong>of</strong>it organi:atlion functions (i.e.,<br />

USUI-IS students wives' clubs. etc).<br />

b. Graduale student classes will<br />

have priority for <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> Classroom A,<br />

Conference Rooms /\2054 and A2040, <strong>the</strong><br />

Comptllcr Lt.tb (Room A2058), and <strong>the</strong><br />

Learning Re,source Center (LRC) Rooms<br />

(02001. D2002, D2013).<br />

c. All functions at <strong>the</strong> USlJHS<br />

rm1st have a USUHS sponsor. This<br />

spomor or designate should be present at<br />

<strong>the</strong> function. The sponsor must be an<br />

employee <strong>of</strong> lhe USlJHS. Members <strong>of</strong> lht:<br />

HMJF who do not work on campus may<br />

not sponsor fLmctions that have no relation<br />

to <strong>the</strong> mission <strong>of</strong> eilher rhe USUHS or <strong>the</strong><br />

HMJF.<br />

d. Exceptions ro <strong>the</strong>se priori Lies<br />

may be aLLthorize.d only by <strong>the</strong> PrcsidcnL,<br />

USUT IS, through <strong>the</strong> Dcnn, School <strong>of</strong><br />

Medicine (DEl\>). or Dean, GSK.<br />

J. Participation by USUHS Personnel.<br />

l\on-USUHS organizations and<br />

groups using <strong>the</strong> USUHS facilities must<br />

have a USU ILS sponsor and musl ngr~~ ltl<br />

permit o<strong>the</strong>r USUHS personnel to<br />

participate in <strong>the</strong>ir meetings, workshops,<br />

and similar functions to U1e extent <strong>of</strong> up to<br />

10% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> total number <strong>of</strong> pnrticlp

familiar with Lhe type <strong>of</strong> equipment to be<br />

used. lf sucb a person is not already<br />

available to <strong>the</strong> group, <strong>the</strong> USUHS strongly<br />

encourages <strong>the</strong> hiring <strong>of</strong> :;uch an<br />

individual. The MD is not sufficiently<br />

:ilaffcd to provide projectionists.<br />

c. AU S.WJtches, buttons, knnb~,<br />

etc., which ~rl! LQ he used or not 1o be ust:d<br />

nre cle~r l y marked on Lhc equipment in <strong>the</strong><br />

rooms.<br />

d. Aucllovisuu.l equipment may not<br />

be removed.<br />

7. Telephone Service.<br />

Telephone Service will not be<br />

provided for non·VSUHS functions. Pay<br />

phones are located througbout tile USlJHS.<br />

Non-USL'HS groups may :mange for<br />

inotullalion or nuditional telephone service,<br />

at <strong>the</strong>ir expense, by conlucling lhe<br />

Communiculion Coordinator at<br />

(301 )295-3667, with at least a three week<br />

notificarjon. For lelcconfcrcncing<br />

r~quirements see £'nclo.wre 6.<br />

8. rood and ncvorages.<br />

a. Lighl refr~shme n ts, such as<br />

doughnuts nnd c.<strong>of</strong>i't!e, may bt! served at<br />

meetings held in <strong>the</strong> USU I IS, wirh rhc<br />

exception <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Auditorium. No lbod or<br />

bcveruges will be serv~d Clf consumed in<br />

any laboratory being used for a hands-on<br />

demonstradon <strong>of</strong> analytical equipment<br />

requjrh1g th~ use or bluod or tissue<br />

samples.<br />

b. Meals nrc not usually scrvud in<br />

any USIJHS facility, except U1c Ca:ft:lt!ria<br />

am.! lhe Executive Dining Room. Approval<br />

to serve a meal in any orhcr area must bl:'<br />

obtained from tbe President, USUilS.<br />

Guidelines for serving meals are described<br />

in Em:lostm.: 5. food served by outsidl'<br />

caterers (o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> USUHS cufl!teria<br />

concessiom•irc) ur~ subject to a fcc,<br />

payable to <strong>the</strong> USt:HS Post Restaurant<br />

Fund as per <strong>the</strong> peruenlage <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gross<br />

prico listed on <strong>the</strong> current USUHS Form<br />

<strong>5110</strong>, see Enclo."itll'e 7. The USUHS<br />

caterer should be given Jirst option. If<br />

unavailable. and ~n outside catcrt~r must be<br />

used, <strong>the</strong> sponsor t1111st contract directly<br />

with <strong>the</strong> USUHS janit\lrial service.<br />

Oul!>ide caterers arc not autbori7.ed usc <strong>of</strong><br />

tho USUHS kitchen fndlities.<br />

c. II is overall policy th o1 alcoholic<br />

beverages will nol be served or consumed<br />

within <strong>the</strong> USUHS complex. As an exception.<br />

approvaJ to serve win¢ Qr beer. o1·<br />

spirits within a designated area (i.e.•<br />

Rxecurive Dinlng Room ur Cafeteria, may<br />

be granted by <strong>the</strong> _llresidenl, USUHS).<br />

Approval will usuolly be limllcd 10 afterdUty<br />

hours, L 600 hours or later, or<br />

Saturdays or Sundays. Spirits may only be<br />

served if provided by <strong>the</strong> M \VR<br />

Conccssionoi rc.<br />

d. Alh;r hour.s potluck functions an:<br />

required tu contract directly with <strong>the</strong><br />

USUilS j~nitodaJ s~r v ice for clealling.<br />

9. Clenn-up <strong>of</strong> Pncilities.<br />

AJl groups are expected lo leave <strong>the</strong><br />

facilities clean and in an orJcrly colldition<br />

following <strong>the</strong>ir u!\e. All trash is to he<br />

removed and furniture returned in ch~<br />

original condition aud location us at <strong>the</strong><br />

slart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> function. Jt is <strong>the</strong> responsibility<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> USUHS sponsor to assure that tllis<br />

function is pcrformeu. The sponsor f(.:~r<br />

mm-USUHS meeti ngs will be rt!Sponsihll'<br />

for rhc coordination, negotiation, and<br />

payment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cleaning requirements <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> particular mucling site directly with lhc<br />

USUHS cleuning contra.ccor.<br />

USUHS <strong>Instruction</strong> 51 10, 1/99<br />


I 0. UuauUtori:t.ed Usc.<br />

Except as authorized in this<br />

<strong>Instruction</strong>, for-pr<strong>of</strong>it organizations are not<br />

nuthurizud lo usc th1.1 USUHS fttcilities.<br />

Products <strong>of</strong> for-pro fi t organhmtions will not<br />

be sold on <strong>the</strong> USUI IS property, except in<br />

Naval Exchungc stores or ambori~cu<br />

fucil ities, and muy be displuyed only in<br />

accordance with this <strong>Instruction</strong>. Meetings,<br />

regardless <strong>of</strong> sponsorship, hnvi.ng a<br />

political, discriminatory, or oU1er purpose<br />

are in violation <strong>of</strong> OoD regu lations.<br />

I I . Support Personnel Expenses.<br />

'L'he sponsoring organization <strong>of</strong> a<br />

non-USUHS meeting being held during<br />


to include security, p3Ikiug, janitorial<br />

se:vicc, control <strong>of</strong> members, etc. In<br />

addi~:inn1 he/she '"ill be physicaJJy present<br />

ar <strong>the</strong> USUHS during Lhe scheduled<br />

activities in <strong>the</strong> USUI-IS Jil~ilities, see<br />

Endosttrc 8.<br />

7. The USUUS Cafeteria Officer shnl.l<br />

oversee Lhe use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cafctcrin, fout..l<br />

served, and cleam .. Jl.<br />

8. Adjunct Fac'J.ltv Yl~n:bet·s shall be<br />

gcogruphic.ally billeted within one hour <strong>of</strong><br />

lhe US1 fHS to cnsc.re <strong>the</strong>y are able to<br />

fulfill <strong>the</strong> responsibilities <strong>of</strong> o USUHS<br />

S'JOn.sor (i.e, direct coordination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

mcoting w:iLh lhe vtDL arotl).<br />

G. l,ro_ecdures. See Enclosure 9.<br />

Enclosures:<br />

1 . References<br />

2. Defmilions<br />

3. General Purpose Facilities<br />

4. Departmental Confercn~ Rooms<br />

5. L imi ted - Us~ Facilities<br />

6. Teleconferencing Requirements<br />

7. USUHS Form <strong>5110</strong>, ''Reqncsl for Use <strong>of</strong> USU.HS Dining Facility(ies)"<br />

8. Respon~ibilities for Groups Csiug UStJHS 1-'ucilitit:s<br />

9. Procc:Jurcs<br />

I.SUHS <strong>Instruction</strong> St lO, 1199 5

Enclosure 1<br />


(a) lJSiffi-fS lnsuuction S 110, "U!>~ o!<br />

<strong>Uniformed</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Univer.:;ity Clf <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Health</strong> Scienccs F ~ilities,'' dated<br />

August 12, 1985 (hereby cancelled)<br />

(b) USLfllS <strong>Instruction</strong> 4104. "Scheduled<br />

Usc <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Rege1:ts' Rooms and<br />

US Ul-IS Dining Facilit.es,'' dated<br />

October. 24. 1990 (hercb~· canceLled)<br />

(d) lJSlJHS <strong>Instruction</strong> 1005, 11 PriYate<br />

Org:mizatiom a.L USUHS," dated<br />

January 17, 1990<br />

(e} USU [{S lnstrucrion 5000, "Individual<br />

and Small Group Study Rooms in <strong>the</strong><br />

l.L!aming Resource Center.'' dated<br />

August ~ 0. 1982<br />

(c) DoD <strong>Instruction</strong> 1000.(5, ''Private<br />

Orgru1iz.ntions on DoD lnstallatiOliS. 11<br />

dated October 23, 1997<br />

lJSllllS lnstrtu.:tion <strong>5110</strong>, l/99

Enclosure 2<br />

lllt FJNfTIOr\S<br />

l. Continuing Education Functior.s: An)'<br />

~unction sponsored or co-sponsored by <strong>the</strong><br />

tJ~U l l S for which CW1linuing l;)du~.:mio n<br />

cr¢dit is ovailob:e tl1rough <strong>the</strong> Ofti ce <strong>of</strong><br />

Ccn.tinuing ~ducation tor <strong>Health</strong><br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals (CHE).<br />

2. Private For-Pr<strong>of</strong>it Organizatior-s: Any<br />

organization <strong>of</strong>fering a product or service<br />

tor purchase by <strong>the</strong> USUllS or its faculty.<br />

staft~ or students (i.e., military uniform<br />

item:>, ·::>OOks. laboratory supplies, and<br />

equipment) and oot recognized as non·<br />

pror11 by <strong>the</strong> lnternal Revenue Service<br />

(lRS).<br />

4. Sponsor: Arty BJll-[imc USUIIS faculty<br />

member. studcnt, or s!alf member, miliw.ry<br />

or civ:t ian. in addi Lion [O o<strong>the</strong>r focu I ty<br />

members wbo are gcogrApbicolly bil i ~Lcd<br />

v ... i.thln one hmu· <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> USUI IS.<br />

5. USUHS Function: All/ fUL1clion<br />

whoUy spcruor~;:d by USL"HS personnel<br />

ami i.ntend~d primarily for panicipalion by<br />

USLHS perso.llflel (i.e., medtcat student<br />

classes, gruduot ~ studonl classes. continuing<br />

education programs, and USUilS<br />

comm.inoc or b ard meeting~)<br />

J. Privalc Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it Orga.nimtioru;: Any<br />

urganizalion recognized as:. "Non-PJOfil"<br />

or "Not-for-Pr<strong>of</strong>it'' organization by <strong>the</strong><br />

LRS.<br />

USUHS <strong>Instruction</strong> 511U, 1!99

Enclosure 3<br />


ROOM<br />

Snllford Auditoriwn<br />

Classroom A<br />

Classroom B<br />

Classroom C<br />

Classroom D<br />

Cla.'lsroom E<br />

Confet ence Room A-2052<br />

Confert!nce Room A-2053<br />

ConfercJtce Room A-2054<br />

Co<strong>of</strong>(;)rence Room A-201 1<br />

Conference Room A-20 15<br />

Ccm~crence Room A·2040<br />

Conference Room B-3004<br />

Conferetlce Room B-4004<br />

JvTDL I .abora:olic:s<br />

A TL Laboratory<br />

Building Lobbjes<br />

Outdoor Plaza Between Buildings<br />

Room 02-00 I<br />

Room D2-002<br />

Room D2-013<br />

CAl,ACITY<br />

353<br />

54<br />

54<br />

100<br />

188<br />

19~<br />

30<br />

30<br />

30<br />

20<br />

20<br />

lO<br />

10<br />

10<br />

24 p(;r lab<br />

Varies with ust:<br />

Varies wilh us.e<br />

Varies wi1h usc<br />

8<br />

8<br />

12<br />

To schedule t.se <strong>of</strong> tbL-se facilities contact <strong>the</strong> tviDL Office at (301)295-3301.<br />

USUHS J ostruction 511 0, I 199

Enclm;nre 4<br />



Enclosure 5<br />


The following facilities al'e available<br />

for limited use as described:<br />

I. Dining Facililics • The small dining<br />

area and Exceutiv~ Dilling Room with<br />

kitchen may be reserved for special<br />

functions sponsored b;· USUHS pcrsonnt;]<br />

or g•oups, or for USUHS ~os Led activities.<br />

Tbe cafeteria may be reserved for cvcnh1.g<br />

meals such as aiumni dinners und<br />

Dining-In's. lt may also include similar<br />

events, but is limi ~ed to students and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

USUHS members who are billeted to <strong>the</strong><br />

USUHS and have a pcrm

Enclosure 6<br />


L Rooms with S

Etaclosurc 7<br />


Torlay's D;ate;<br />

Group or OrgarJz:ttlon N:~me : ---- - - ----------- ---------- ----<br />

Evenc Purpose or Tide : -------- -----------<br />

I.venc requesttd fo;-: Dare: Number <strong>of</strong> Attendees: ___ ___ _<br />

T1mc (Beginnm&) ____ (a.m.) ( p.m.) Tim~ (Em' in~ __ (a.m.) ( p.m.)<br />

FcllitJI(ies) RCl(J.ntsted:<br />

See bact ev~m~es ate ·eques1i:d<br />

C Alcoholic b~er:sges (only OSL1IS c-:mrctl, . ncJ ONLY AFn:R HO ta~.s-~'t'l; lustrucUou,; un back or funu)<br />

~--- US;;;----------J;~:~;,-; ~$(}1:1; O~~trnn::~ - -~ ---:-:-o-~-USt:BS 0 rg~utlo~~;~<br />

1<br />

!------ven __<br />

I I I<br />

I<br />

c _S_ponsor ___ _ _ _ -+---- C l~~~~ctlvi t y ~d--~ - --- ' Pomt ~r Co n ~c_t _ ____ -4<br />

I I I ' I<br />

II r~ C!/1' Pnt:led Nlllfll: 1!11\d Ofll~r C olt I Typ;d Q" Prh:t~d Nam; lll\d Ofn« Cod• I T')lfJ~d or l'linlcd Na.me !<br />

1<br />

I<br />

: Si~:tllllt ~ I>.Jtc i Slv:a:u:-e tnd IR~ ! T~epl!or.e -"~<br />

I<br />

I I I ~~~~~---------------<br />

: OClec Tekpltone 1\'~rnb:r l O!lk: Trl:pilor.: !-

<strong>Instruction</strong>s<br />

Enclosure 7<br />

1 SPONSOR RESPONSIBILITIES: The USUHS Sponsor andlor <strong>the</strong> Point <strong>of</strong> Contact are personally responsible For<br />

ensuring that <strong>the</strong> room(s) are clean and restored to !her original eonilguraUon following conclusion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scheduled<br />

activity. Tables and c airs must be in proper configurallon, trash, audio visual equipment and excess tables & chairs<br />

must be removed attor each use. If a room or Facility is not clean and orderly prior to a ft.nc1ion or event. ttte Sponsor<br />

must notlfy th& Cafeteria Manager or Urlverslty Affairs staff immediately.<br />

2. CATERED EVENTS: Sponsors <strong>of</strong> events catered by <strong>the</strong> USUHS Contract Cate~cr should make an agreement for<br />

clean up with <strong>the</strong> careieria Monagor at (301) 493-6554. Clean up arrangertenls for weekend events should be made<br />

directl~· with MAKRO Janitorial Ser.1ice at (301) 948-3395 or at <strong>the</strong>ir USUHS Office al (301} 5€4-3470.<br />

If an outside caterer Is usoo. cleanup (La lnctude removal <strong>of</strong> & ga·baga <strong>of</strong>f L'le ~remises) IiillS! bo arranged by<br />

<strong>the</strong> outside CAterer or with MAKRO. A copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> contract or arrangenent must be presented to <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Affa:rS-Office before aoproval tor use oltlle room will bo considered.<br />

If claanup is not satisfactory after a scheduled function, with or without food, <strong>the</strong> Sponsor wUI be monetarily<br />

liable for <strong>the</strong> cleaning service charged to <strong>the</strong> Unlversl~ .<br />

3. UNIVERSITY PARKING: All USUHS members who sponsor or schedule meetings. presentations, confsrences or<br />

social events during e rea1.uar work dey (Monday - Friday between 060:>-1 600 hoJrs) MUS! make special parking<br />

arrangerrer Is 'for groups In excess <strong>of</strong> 25 people_ Al:tendees who are not assigned to trte <strong>University</strong> are asked to use<br />

alternative means <strong>of</strong> transportation such as public transportation, taxis or shuttle buses. The USU HS Security Office<br />

can provide assisla"lce in making special parking arrangements/including disabled. ·<br />

4. NON-USUHS FUNCTIONS: All non:usUHS organizations requi·e a <strong>University</strong> sponsor who wi.l obtain <strong>the</strong><br />

organization's Potn1 <strong>of</strong> Contact name, slgrarure, teiephone number and address for inclusion on lhe reservation form.<br />

lncomphJ:a :orms will not be approved and <strong>the</strong> reservation w II not be confirmed.<br />

5_ SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: All functions held after normal duty hours, on weekends or holldays must be<br />

coordlnatsd with USUHS Security Office. Because <strong>University</strong> Security is a contract operation. <strong>the</strong>ro normally will he a<br />

charge for additional security guards or security re:tu'remonts: negotlatlors re~ard ing lhe need and cost <strong>of</strong> guards are<br />

made with <strong>the</strong> USUHS Sec·Jri:y Office at (301) 295--303313654.<br />

6. LOBBY RESERVATIONS: Reservations for use <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> USUH$ BuHding Lobbies ::an be mado through <strong>the</strong><br />

MOL Office. It is <strong>the</strong> Sponsor's responsibiUty to reserve <strong>the</strong>se spaces using a USUHS form ?10L lo confirm<br />

availability <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lobby. Cleanup and Security requirements are also applicable lo Lobb;1 reservallons.<br />

7. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Alcoholic beverages are not authorized unless approved by lhe Director, Unlvars ty<br />

Affairs- NOTE: Alcoholic beverages will only be sarvod by <strong>the</strong> USUHS Cafeterra Contractor/Manager and only<br />

after rogular duty hours.<br />

B. COMMERCIAL CATERER: Requests .. or use <strong>of</strong> an outsl::1e commercial caterer (for food Olnd non-alcoholic<br />

beverages only) mus: be submitted In writing (letter or memorandum format) to lhe Director, Un verslty Affairs<br />

(OUA). See number 1 above regarding clean up requirements. Approval w~i only be granted when <strong>the</strong> event or<br />

function Is considered to be in <strong>the</strong> best interest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Unlversil)'. Outside food companies that provide catering wit"llr<br />

USUHS facilities are required to raimburse <strong>the</strong> Post Restaurant Fund Committee wllh 10% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> total cosl <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

contract. A co:ly <strong>of</strong> lhe catering contract to Include cleanup, and a check mede paysblo to <strong>the</strong> "USUNS Post<br />

Restaurant Fund· Is required before approval <strong>of</strong> outside caterer will be considered.<br />

9. IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBER$: USUHS Contract Caterers: The USUHS Cafeteria Manager can be<br />

rea chad at (301) 493-6554 and t'lO Officers' Club Ma1ager can be reached at (30 1) 652--6318. To recuesl set-up and<br />

demonstration <strong>of</strong> ALdlo VIsual Equipment call <strong>the</strong> MDL Office at (301) 295-3301. To request set-up and removal or<br />

addiUonaltables and chairs call Property Ma11agement Office at (301) 295~ 3435 , <strong>University</strong> lnfonnaUon Systems (for<br />

computers, telephones, etc. (301) 295-9800. USUHS Security (301) 295-3654. USUHS Facilities Department (301)<br />

295-3045. <strong>University</strong> Affairs Office (Inform ol VIP altendanco et events) call (3:.>1) 295·31 66.<br />

10. SUBMIT FORMS TO: Com::>leted forms must be turned In to: USUHS, Office or <strong>University</strong> Affairs,<br />

Room B-1009, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Be<strong>the</strong>sda, MD 20814-4799, or FAX to (301) 295-3757.<br />

For additional information or questions, telephone: (301) 295-3166 or 1 (800) 515-5257.<br />

Addl:lonal lnformallon may be found In USUHS <strong>Instruction</strong> <strong>5110</strong>.<br />

USUHS Form <strong>5110</strong> (Revised July 1998)

lnclosur-e 8<br />


Dining Fucili1ies<br />

A "Request for Use <strong>of</strong> USUHS Dining Pucili:ics,'' USUUS Form <strong>5110</strong> must be completed<br />

with proper signature~<br />

1n USUHS Instntction 5 11 0. Compl\;ted forms may he faxed to <strong>the</strong> Ofticc <strong>of</strong> Ulliversity<br />

AffaLrs, 81009, AlTN: Secretary, ar (301)295-3757.<br />

in order to secure SJ)acc. Guidelines to fill out this fom, arc piOVic cC.<br />

.Mcctin.c Facililics<br />

Anyone wishing to reserve UStJHS lecuue ronms. cor.ference rooru, rue audilorium, or<br />

common areas sucb as lobbies or <strong>the</strong> courtyard/breezeway most complete a "Rcqu~.:sl for Use<br />

<strong>of</strong> Facililil!s at USUHS," USUI{S Fonn 4104 or USUHS Form 4 11 1 c.nd retun: it to <strong>the</strong><br />

Multidiscipline Laborutory (MDL) Ocpartmcn.l lor approval. A confirmation copy may be<br />

picked up by <strong>the</strong> POC in <strong>the</strong> MDL <strong>of</strong>fice or ,,.,;11 be returned through lhc inner <strong>of</strong>lice moi l.<br />

All Facilities<br />


Enclosure 8<br />

4. Make all support requests at least 30 days in advan~ <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> meeting ~<br />

5. Make certai n all audio visual eguipment or fumiture is returned to tbci1· original<br />

localiollS:<br />

6. Ensure <strong>the</strong> number or pU!'L icipUJ~ ts doe ~: no t exceed <strong>the</strong> number specified on <strong>the</strong><br />

rc::crvafion form ;<br />

7. Ensure 1hc mcering bcgitls and ends on time: and<br />

8. [nfonu tile Otfice <strong>of</strong> Uni·vcrsity Aftairs <strong>of</strong> tiJl)" VlPs in ancndance.<br />

Attachments:<br />

l. USUH ' Form 4104, "Request for l!se <strong>of</strong> lJSUHS Facilities"<br />

2. USUHS Form 4l11. ".R.equesl for "Csc <strong>of</strong> l;SUHS Facilities- Laboralory Request Only'<br />

USLliS Instructi()n 51 10, 1/99 2


Enclosure 8<br />

Athu:hment l<br />

Con(trence and Lecture Room Reguest ONL~<br />




Laboratory Request ONL V<br />

Enclosure 8<br />

Attachment 1<br />

Date ol Request<br />

FROM: Spollllor<br />


. ~<br />


. , [)epartment..'Ocganlzalio11<br />

,. . •_t ..., .. ..<br />

I . ~<br />

l - ..<br />

• . ·~· .<br />

,. «Jo.~,_; :. - .._ ~;.V'"t-C't""f ~ "!! . ~· ~ ~ ,: :; , ;:_,~ • I I >-c :"' : '"' :- :: ~ . :.: ~. _,..,. • '-+--1 f• .. .......:~·..; ._ h ...<br />

" ' . ~· "! {1:1l.<br />

11tlfi andiO• Purpoi e o1 Meeting<br />

• ·~ -~ ~ ~~t;~· •• •"l:'f~ B .... ;.y . {"; ! ..... !.~·'::-;.;;i~~~~ ..... :"·. ~;~· "' ·~ · k 11'· -~.u.~ •t·ra'· •· • ; 4" • ·' a e + < ~<br />


Number ol Artendii&S<br />

" '.,....... ~~..:._ !.,.. ~ ~-· -" "' ~· . : -· . ~ .......<br />

0 0<br />

Modicru Student Taaching<br />

f lit•;,: ·~ 1 '"' ~, t<br />

Gredua1e Student Tuching [j<br />

•.• .o .... ......,:-:-·r; ~: ;-:.·.....; ... . t • ~ -... 'f!·oe yr~~ ~~!~ ..... )d :-; ~· -·., .,. ... ~:;.;.~ .;~ .. ~, ::;.._~.:;:"':O:...;""' "· ...... ~ .~ ~ ·:-::.-: :. .. ~·;,<br />


CONFIRMED tl<br />


-<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r<br />

(<br />

...? -~· 1 ...... ~ "' ,.,.,~ •. -:: . :~ n'~.:. .. "f ~~<br />

~ ~: 7;~<br />

-- ~~-~~~~ ~t!X·; t ~!~'~'!=~ - ~~~ ! : .~·- if o~<br />

...<br />

d(ff r-i ~ .. b<br />

•• 1 ,..-.·!'J l!: ~li.O;.. :o .'•···~·:-·•--~w a t 1ona a s .~ .., ......... d. • ;. feu""·-:'"'" I' - ••• ,...... .,.t<br />

LAf3 EQ!JIEM~I':.H BEO!JIBED: .<br />

-<br />

.. '~'·'": : ."':t' ~••-c·•<br />

-<br />

Dale<br />

Data<br />

USUI--iS Form •11 t (MDL)fHY90)<br />

White: SPONSOR: Pink: MOL: Yellow: AV (MOL): Blue: SECURITY

Enclosure 9<br />


I. The Coordinator. Multitii ~cipline Laboratories (MDL) wir s:hedule <strong>the</strong> Sanford<br />

Auditorium, classrooms. USUHS conference rooms., and c01mnon area" such a..'l bnilding<br />

lobbies and lbe courtyanJ/brcezewuy by using USlHJS Fom1 4104 or 4lll R.corn requests<br />

wi II not be made over <strong>the</strong> telep:ume; proper forms must be tilled ut for ull requests. An<br />

Event Checklist is provided for use wheu scheduling an event at <strong>the</strong> LSUHS. t\mmal room<br />

scheduling for medical and graduate studcm tcachlng is accomptishcd during <strong>the</strong> June-July<br />

tine frame. Tbc MDL schedules rooms dn.ily for requests oC1e: than those requi red on an<br />

onnuaJ basis. The Sanford Auditorium may be schcduJ~d up to ortc year in. ~1dv;:u::.ce for<br />

nationaliregional meetings or;::urriug in Jaooary throush April. July, or Oc1ober through<br />

December.<br />

2. Scheduling <strong>of</strong> rooms during ~cure hours (1900 • 0600 hours, Monday thr·ough Fridny,<br />

weekend~ = ami holidays) will he rnurcd rhrough USUHS SEC for determination <strong>of</strong> Lh~,; number<br />

and avtli lubilily oF guards required, i.n addi.ion to checking for possible conflict with o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

after duty l1our~ a::tivities.<br />

3. lu recognition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fact that it is diffi~ult to obmin ti.nn C01mniunents <strong>of</strong> prc:;entotion<br />

datl!s from dislint;ruished speakers <strong>of</strong> nalional st.ature, <strong>the</strong> Auditorium may be booked for a one<br />

week "ho·lding period." Tills holding period will represent <strong>the</strong> one week during which <strong>the</strong><br />

distin.~;,111ished .speaker ~.:an commit bimself./herself to speak. A tinal commitrr.cnt (i.e .. rhe day<br />

on which lhe distinguished sp~1.11· will pre~ent) must be submitted irl writing to lbc MDL<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice no less than 3 mon1hs prior to <strong>the</strong> holding period. If <strong>the</strong> sponsor fn:ls Lo advise <strong>the</strong><br />

MDL <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> his/her final choice <strong>of</strong> dates. <strong>the</strong> Auditariurn will be rescheduled with o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

penc.ing requests v.ritbout notification.<br />

4. Sch~du l ing <strong>of</strong> dcpatim~.;ntal~.:anfercncc rooms may he arranged as dcsc;:ibed in l£nc[Q.wre<br />

4.<br />

5. Sch~duling <strong>of</strong> limi!cd-us,; fncilitio:.; may be nrranged U!i des

Enclosure 9<br />

Rc::crved parking (15 spaces) is available on a daily basis for d istinguished gur.::itS and<br />

visiting leclurers. Spcciru visitor pru:king permits musl be coordinald tln-ougb 1le USUHS<br />

SEC Office 48 bours before <strong>the</strong> special parking is required<br />

During building secure hours (1900-0600 hours Monday lhrough frid~). ~kends , nnd<br />

ho lidays) parking is available for group,.~ in excess <strong>of</strong> 25 attendees .<br />

7 Evcttts Lh ~:l nre scl1eduled during build ing .r.;~-curc hour~ (1900-0GOO hou:rs Monday rhro ugh<br />

Friday. wet.:keods. arld holidays) may require additional ;)¢¢uri'!) gtwrd servic-e. \Vbcn<br />

additional security guard service is required for non-<strong>of</strong>ficial USl; HS functions . <strong>the</strong> sponsoring<br />

organization will be required lo pay for this sorvice by check or casb.<br />

W h ~11 additi nal secw·ity guurds are llOl required for both oaici:d and non-

Endosure 9<br />

Attachment<br />


l11is checklist ,s to ass ist you wl1cn )"ftU uro plnnning an event it· gives ) 'Oil lht.: name <strong>of</strong> cm.:h dcpartmcnl yuu<br />

will nec.J to contad :md <strong>the</strong> fonn s needed for each ocuvity. Plc:I.Se make arrangements wid• <strong>the</strong>se depar1mcnto;<br />

ilt yum earlles( convenience so <strong>the</strong>y may schedule :u.:cordingly.<br />


2.9S..33(}1<br />

All MDL conferen~ rooms contam a.lSm111 ~ lide projec:Or, l6truu movie projector, overhead paojector. black<br />

l.lod.J'd. tttdntlor Ji4" Uwatk VU{. and wooden poiuter. f11e Auditorium also contains a laser poimer. VHS 1.12"<br />

VCR. nml n c:aso;clle recorder in oddition to <strong>the</strong> abo,•e li::.lcd ~o:~Ju ipmenl. Atldi~ional equipment cru1 be loaned to<br />

your group. Since j1ere is a limited numbel' <strong>of</strong> ·Jppli;;s, equipment must be reserved in ndvaucc. and is on a<br />

first come, tirst served basis. TdcpJNlnc:>, nip charts. easels. sign stancb.ions, poster ucards. microphones. 112"<br />

V1.:1-up, :1re sorne uf <strong>the</strong> items that muy be borrcwcd rrom <strong>the</strong> MDL Tl ~e<br />

lecture halls and <strong>the</strong> Auditorium are pem1anently set trp .u an amphithc:llcr style. 'I e conference rooms are set<br />

up with conference t::ibles.<br />

0 Roon\ Rcservntion Fonn completed (USUI IS ro11n 41011)<br />

Auditorium. Leclllre Halls. Confe.rcn ~ <strong>of</strong> Buildings. Srcezcw11 , Outdoor A l ""'p hith~ter,<br />

Courtynrd<br />

0 llave you rc\ervcJ e.'\:Lra Autlin Vir,ua l Equipment through MDL?<br />

OFJc1CF: OF Ul\ 1\'ERSI'I'Y AJlFAlRS (OliA):<br />

295..J886<br />

0 Room Reservation Form completed ( USUHS Form 51 1 0)<br />

M1i1 Oining Room, Snml l Dining Koom , Executive Diniug Room<br />

0 Notify OUA <strong>of</strong> any YIPs in attendru1cc.<br />

0 f·nx a copy or <strong>the</strong> ngc.ntb to <strong>the</strong> OUA (301)295-3757<br />

0 Cleaning should be <strong>the</strong> respansibiht)' <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sp·.)I130r. Cout:acl cl ir~cLy wilh I he USUI IS cleaning cwHracl.or<br />

and provide a c.opy <strong>of</strong> rbe col1lnct to <strong>the</strong> OUA.<br />


24)5-J435<br />

0 Wt.)l k 1cquesr cootpleted (USUlJS Forlll 53J 5)<br />

0 T:thlco; -----(!I) Deli\.cr where? --- - - D:ue & Time---- --<br />

0 Ch11ir:; ----- til) IJclivt.:r where.? _____ Dare & Time ------<br />

0 Timt! &. Date items c.con be removed --------------- -----<br />

USlJIJS <strong>Instruction</strong> 5llU, l/99<br />

.,<br />


Enclosure 9<br />

Attlcbmcmt<br />

FACU.,ITIES (FAC):<br />

295-3045<br />

D \Vork reques( comp lc!cd (USUHS Fortn 5335}<br />

D ~heck Lights _ _____ (room)<br />

0 Flags needed (room). Please reserve <strong>the</strong> flag ,YOl1 need, we httvo a limited invonU1ty M<br />

na~s . (Please speci fY.: Stnte Ooven~ meut.. Unifmmcd Service. Foreign Co11nuy, indoorloutside)<br />

List Flags-------- -------- - -------<br />

0 Wi ll ne!ed Air Conditioning!l [cnt ________ (rooru)<br />

0 Ch

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