Robert B. Todd Publications - IRCPS

Robert B. Todd Publications - IRCPS

Robert B. Todd Publications - IRCPS

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1971<br />

i. J.M. Rist, Stoic Philosophy, Classical News & Views 15 (1971) 44–6.<br />

1972<br />

1. “Epitêdeiotês in Philosophical Literature,” Acta Classica 15 (1972) 25–<br />

35.<br />

2. “Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Alexandrian Quaestiones II.12,”<br />

Philologus 116 (1972) 293–305.<br />

1973<br />

1. “The Stoic Common Notions: A Reexamination and a Reinterpretation,”<br />

Symbolae Osloenses 48 (1973) 47–75.<br />

2. “Chrysippus on Infinite Divisibility (Diogenes Laertius 7.150),” Apeiron<br />

7 (1973) 21–9.<br />

3. “Alexander of Aphrodisias, de mixtione 11, 226.13: An Emendation,”<br />

Hermes 101 (1973) 278–82.<br />

1974<br />

1. “Sunentasis and the Stoic Theory of Perception,” Grazer Beiträge 2<br />

(1974) 251–62.<br />

2. “Lexicographical Notes on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Philosophical<br />

Terminology,” Glotta 52 (1974) 207–15.<br />

.<br />

1975<br />

1. “The Four Causes: Aristotle's Exposition and the Ancients,” Journal of<br />

the History of Ideas 37 (1976) 319–22.<br />

2. “Alexander of Aphrodisias on de interpretatione 16a26–29,” Hermes 104<br />

(1976) 40–6.<br />

i. A.A. Long, Hellenistic Philosophy: Phoenix 29 (1975) 295–9.<br />

1976<br />

A. Alexander of Aphrodisias on Stoic Physics: A Study of the ‘De Mixtione’<br />

with Preliminary Essays, Text, Translation and Commentary<br />

(Philosophia Antiqua 28), E.J. Brill: Leiden, 1976; pp. xiv. 272.<br />

1. “Galenic Medical Ideas in the Greek Aristotelian Commentators,”<br />

Symbolae Osloenses 52 (1977) 117–34.<br />

2. “Two Displaced Passages in Alexander of Aphrodisias’ de anima,”<br />

Eranos 74 (1976) 28–31.<br />


1977<br />

1. “Monism and Immanence: The Foundations of Stoic Physics,” 137–60 in<br />

J.M. Rist (ed.), Stoicism (Modern Studies in Philosophy), University of<br />

California Press: Berkeley, 1977.<br />

2. “The Author of the De qualitatibus incorporeis: If not Albinus, who?”<br />

L'Antiquité Classique 46 (1977) 198–204.<br />

1980<br />

1. “Some Concepts in Physical Theory in John Philoponus’ Aristotelian<br />

Commentaries,” Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 24 (1980) 151–70.<br />

i. M.C. Nussbaum, Aristotle's “De motu animalium”: Phoenix 34 (1980) 352–5.<br />

1981<br />

1. “Themistius and the Traditional Interpretation of Aristotle’s Theory of<br />

phantasia,” Acta Classica 24 (1981) 49–59.<br />

2. “Socrates Dramatised: Georg Kaiser and Others,” Antike und Abendland<br />

27 (1981) 116–29.<br />

1982<br />

1. “Alexander of Aphrodisias, De anima 76.16,” Liverpool Classical<br />

Monthly 7 (1982) 48–9.<br />

2. “A Note on Francesco Patrizi’ Use of Cleomedes,” Annals of Science 39<br />

(1982) 311–14.<br />

3. “Cleomedes and the Stoic Concept of the Void,” Apeiron 16 (1982) 129–<br />

36.<br />

4. “Infinite Body and Infinite Void,” Liverpool Classical Monthly 7 (1982)<br />

82–4.<br />

1984<br />

1. “Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Case for the Infinite Universe,<br />

(Quaestiones III,12),” Eranos 82 (1984) 1–9.<br />

2. “Philosophy and Medicine in John Philoponus’ Commentary on<br />

Aristotle’s de anima,” 103–10 in J, Scarborough (ed.), Byzantine<br />

Medicine (Dumbarton Oaks Papers 38 [1984]).<br />

1985<br />

1. “The Title of Cleomedes’ Treatise,” Philologus 129 (1985) 250–61.<br />


1986<br />

1. “The Manuscripts of John Pediasimus’ Quotations from Dio Cassius,”<br />

Byzantion 56 (1986) 275–84.<br />

2. “An Inventory of the Manuscripts of Cleomedes,” Scriptorium 40 (1986)<br />

261–4.<br />

i. R.W. Sharples, Alexander of Aphrodisias on Fate: Ancient Philosophy 5 (1986) 341–4.<br />

ii. J. Duffy (ed.), Stephanus: A Commentary on the ‘Prognosticon’ of Hippocrates:<br />

Journal of the History of Medicine and the Allied Sciences 41 (1986) 330–1.<br />

1989<br />

1. “The Stoics and their Cosmology in the First and Second Centuries AD,”<br />

pp. 1365–78 in W. Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der<br />

Römischen Welt, II.36.3 (1989).<br />

i. F.H.Sandbach, Aristotle and the Stoics: Ancient Philosophy 8 (1989) 304–9.<br />

1990<br />

A. Cleomedis Caelestia, Teubner: Leipzig, 1990; pp. xxxi. 118.<br />

B. With F.M. Schroeder, Two Greek Commentators on the Intellect<br />

(Medieval Sources in Translation 33), Pontifical Institute of Medieval<br />

Studies: Toronto, 1990; pp. xiii. 160. 1<br />

i. C.Wilberg, (tr.) Philoponus Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the World; and<br />

Philoponus’ Critique of Aristotle's Theory of Ether; R. Sorabji (ed.), Philoponus<br />

and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science: Classical Views/ Echos du Monde<br />

Classique (hereafter = CV/EMC) ns 9 (1990) 70–4.<br />

1991<br />

1. “The Alleged Stoic Distinction between holon and pan,” Liverpool<br />

Classical Monthly 16 (1991) 138–40.<br />

i. W. Dooley (tr.), Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle: Metaphysics I: CV/EMC ns 10<br />

(1991) 362–4.<br />

1992<br />

1. “Cleomedes,” Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum VII (1992)<br />

1–11.<br />

i. O. Temkin et al. (tr.), Soranus’ Gynaecology: Journal of the History of Medicine and<br />

the Allied Sciences 47 (1992) 347–8.<br />

1<br />

See A. Sheppard, Ancient Philosophy 14 (1994) 434–5; J. Opsomer and B. Sharples,<br />

CQ 50 (2000) 252–6.<br />


1993<br />

1. “The Manuscripts of the Pseudo–proclan Sphaera,” Revue d'Histoire des<br />

Textes 33 (1993) 57–71.<br />

i. M. Osler (ed.), Pneuma, Atoms, and Tranquillity: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance<br />

History 14 (1993) 207–9.<br />

1994<br />

1. Balatasar Meliavacca, Andronicus Callistus and the Greek Aristotelian<br />

Commentators in Fifteenth–Century Italy,” Italia Medioevale e<br />

Umanistica 37 (1994) 67–75.<br />

2. “Damianus,” Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques II (CNRS: Paris,<br />

1994) 594–7.<br />

i. W.D. Smith, Hippocrates: Pseudepigraphic Writings: Journal of the History of<br />

Medicine and the Allied Sciences 49 (1994) 113–14.<br />

1995<br />

1. “Peripatetic Epistemology Before Alexander of Aphrodisias: The Case of<br />

Alexander of Damascus,” Eranos 93 (1995) 122–8.<br />

2. “Pietro Catena’s Vernacular Translation of the Pseudo–proclan Sphaera in<br />

Context,” Physis 32 (1995) 105–7.<br />

i. R. Sharples (tr.), Alexander of Aphrodisias: Quaestiones 2,16–3,15: Bryn Mawr<br />

Classical Review [hereinafter BMCR] 6:3 (1995) 234–7.<br />

ii. S. Cohen et al. (eds.), Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: BMCR 6:4 (1995) 288–<br />

90.<br />

iii. V. Barras et al. (tr.), Galien: l’âme et ses passions: BMCR 6:6 (1995) 465–7.<br />

iv. C. Atherton, The Stoics on Ambiguity: CV/EMC ns 14 (1995) 439– 42.<br />

1996<br />

A. Themistius On Aristotle on the Soul (Ancient Commentators on<br />

Aristotle), Duckworth & Cornell University Press: London and Ithaca,<br />

1996; pp. 247.<br />

1. “Henry and Thomas Savile in Italy,” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et<br />

Renaissance 68 (1996) 439–44.<br />

2. “Sundioikizein: A Themistian Coinage (In de an. 37.35),” La Parola del<br />

Passato 49 (1996) 457–8.<br />

i. M. Share (ed.), Arethas of Caesarea’s Scholia: BMCR 7:1 (1996) 77–9.<br />

1997<br />

1. “An Inventory of the Greek Manuscripts of Themistius’ Aristotelian<br />

Commentaries,” Byzantion 67 (1997) 268–76.<br />


2. “Cleomedes,” “Geminus”: Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy<br />

(Westport, 1997), 147, 244–5.<br />

i. P.Murray (ed.), Plato on Poetry: BMCR 8:2 (1997) 161–71.<br />

1998<br />

1. “A Note on the Genesis of E.R. Dodds’s The Greeks and the Irrational,”<br />

Classical News and Views/ Echos du Monde Classique ns 17 (1998)<br />

663–76.<br />

2. “Cleomedes,” Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998), 2: 385–6.<br />

i. B. Fleet (tr.), Simplicius on Aristotle’s Physics 2: BMCR 9:3 (1998) 238–42.<br />

1999<br />

i. E. Brann et al., Plato’s ‘Phaedo’, with translation, introduction and glossary: Scholia<br />

ns 8, no. 18 (1999) (electronic).<br />

ii. L.P. Gerson (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus: University of Toronto<br />

Quarterly 68 (1998–9) 424–5.<br />

iii. I.G. Kidd, Posidonius, Volume III: The Translation of the Fragments: CV/EMC ns 18<br />

(1999) 429–32.<br />

iv. H. Lawson-Tancred, Plato’s ‘Republic’ and the Greek Enlightenment: Scholia ns 8,<br />

no. 1 9 (1999) (electronic).<br />

v. J. Lesher, The Greek Philosophers: Selected Texts: Scholia ns 8, no. 10 (1999)<br />

(electronic).<br />

vi. V. Tsouna, The Epistemology of the Cyrenaic School: BMCR 99.10.02 (electronic).<br />

2000<br />

1. “Géminos,” “Héliodore de Larissa”: Dictionnaire des Philosophes<br />

Antiques III (CNRS: Paris, 2000) 472–7 and 544–6.<br />

2. “Stoicism,” in G. Ferngren (ed.), The History of Science and Religion in<br />

the Western Tradition: an Encyclopedia (Garland: New York and<br />

London, 2000) 132–3.<br />

i. M. Marcovich (ed.), Diogenes Laertius: Vitae Philosophorum: BMCR 2000.07.09<br />

(2353 words).<br />

ii. T.A. Szlezák, Reading Plato: Phoenix 54 (2000) 351–2.<br />

2001<br />

1. “Cleomedes and the Problems of Stoic Astrophysics,” Hermes 129 (2001)<br />

75–8.<br />

i. M. Joyal (ed.), The Platonic Theages: BMCR 2001.10.08 (1557 words).<br />

ii. H. Tarrant, Plato's First Interpreters: BMCR 2001.01.18 (1642 words).<br />

iii. M.A. Wlodarczyk, Pyrrhonian Inquiry: Scholia ns 10 (2001) 12 (electronic).<br />


2002<br />

1. “Plato as Public Intellectual: E.R. Dodds’ Edition of the Gorgias and its<br />

‘Primary Purpose’,” Polis 19 (2002) 1–16.<br />

2. “Themistios,” Der Neue Pauly 12/1 (Stuttgart and Weimar, 2002), 305–6.<br />

i. K. Algra et al., Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy: Mouseion 1 (2002) 343–<br />

8.<br />

2003<br />

A. Themistius On Aristotle Physics 4 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle),<br />

Duckworth & Cornell University Press: London and Ithaca, 2003; pp.<br />

ix, 150.<br />

2. “Damianus,” Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 8 (2003) 1–6.<br />

3. “Geminus and the Pseudo–proclan Sphaera,” Catalogus Translationum et<br />

Commentariorum 8 (2003) 7–48.<br />

4. “Themistius,” Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 8 (2003)<br />

56–103.<br />

i. I. Bodnár & W. Fortenbaugh (eds), Eudemus of Rhodes: BMCR 2003.11.10 (878<br />

words).<br />

ii. N, Denyer (ed.), Plato: Alcibiades: Phoenix 57 (2003) 340–1.<br />

2004<br />

A. With A.C. Bowen, Cleomedes’ Lectures on Astronomy: A Translation of<br />

‘The Heavens’ with an Introduction and Commentary, University of<br />

California Press: Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 2004 (Hellenistic<br />

Culture and Society, vol. 42); pp. xvi. 238.<br />

2005<br />

1. “‘His Own Side–Show’: E.R. Dodds and Neoplatonic Studies in Britain,<br />

1835–1940,” Dionysius 23 (2005) 139–60.<br />

2. “‘One of the Great English Worthies’: Henry Jackson Re-assessed,” 87–<br />

110 in C.A. Stray (ed.), The Owl of Minerva: The Cambridge<br />

Praelections of 1906 (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological<br />

Society, suppl. vol. 28), Cambridge, 2005.<br />

i. P. Moraux, Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen Bd. III: Alexander von Aphrodisias,<br />

Gnomon 77 (2005) 543–5.<br />

ii. A. Rescigno, Alessandro di Afrodisia: Commentario al De caelo di Aristotele,<br />

Frammenti del primo libro: BMCR 2005.10.38 (869 words).<br />

2006<br />

1. “Ernest Barker and the Classical Tradition: Two Studies,” Polis 23 (2006)<br />

368–84.<br />


2008<br />

A. Themistius on Aristotle Physics 5–8 (Ancient Commentators on<br />

Aristotle), Duckworth & Cornell University Press, 2008: pp. x, 199.<br />


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