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Parliamentary Monitor<br />

A Weekly e-Newsletter e<br />

Published by the Parliamentary Monitoring Trust of Zimbabwe<br />

15 February, 2013. issue 2.6<br />

Ordinary Voices<br />

Xtra-ordinary Impact<br />

March Referendum<br />

Taurai Moyo<br />

—<br />

GNU Principals<br />

and Copac are so<br />

confident that we<br />

will VOTE YES<br />

and they have no<br />

reason to loose<br />

sleep over the<br />

matter. You must<br />

have asked what<br />

will happen if the<br />

we have 50/50<br />


In this issue<br />

What they said 2<br />

Village Observer 2<br />

Social Media 3<br />

Back Page 4<br />

The Bottom-line<br />

The GNU parties are<br />

now bigheaded and<br />

they think that they<br />

own the electorates.<br />

The people of Zimbabwe<br />

has been taken for<br />

a ride<br />

While the three political parties in the GNU have campaigned for a YES, there<br />

are other organisations which are advocating for a NO. As such, it is important<br />

for us as Zimbabweans to respect each side’s view and let the numbers do the<br />

talking on March 16. Democracy is like a blind woman choosing not to align<br />

with one side but that with the higher numbers. The blind woman holds the<br />

YES and the NO in balance until the numbers decide. This is a dress rehearsal<br />

for the general elections to come and our efficiency, tolerance and turnout<br />

may be a pointer of how we will deal with the next elections.<br />

www.pmtz.org info@pmtz.org<br />

Ipalamente yethu ilizwi lethu our parliament our voice paramende yedu izwi redu

Page 2 P a r l i a m e n t a r y M o n i t o r<br />

15 February, 2013. issue 2.6<br />

Yvonne Mashie<br />

I will vote YES because:-<br />

1.There is devolution of power and<br />

responsibilities to lower tiers of<br />

government and especially to the<br />

provincial tier of government.<br />

2. The President has a limited term<br />

of office of a maximum of two five<br />

year terms. Other key officers of the<br />

state including to commanders of<br />

security services, permanent secretaries,<br />

the clerk of parliament also<br />

have limited terms of office.<br />

3. Dual or multiple citizenship is<br />

guaranteed in respect of all Zimbabwean<br />

citizens by birth. Multiple or<br />

dual citizenship is allowed in respect<br />

of Zimbabwean citizens by<br />

descent and registration although<br />

this may be prohibited by an act of<br />

parliament when parliament deems<br />

this necessary.<br />

4. The people formerly commonly<br />

referred to as aliens, who were born<br />

in Zimbabwe but of parents from<br />

the SADC region are now zimbabweans<br />

by birth and as such they<br />

are entitled to vote or be voted for.<br />

5. All Zimbabwean citizens irrespective<br />

of circumstance are entitled to<br />

vote and are entitled to free and fair<br />

elections without any form of violence<br />

and other electoral malpractices.<br />

6. All Zimbabwean workers, including<br />

civil servants have a right to fair<br />

and reasonable wages, as well as fair<br />

and safe labour standards and practices.<br />

7. All Zimbabwean workers including<br />

civil servants have the right to<br />

collective bargaining for the determination<br />

of their wages and other<br />

conditions of service.<br />

8. There is now an independent National<br />

Prosecuting Authority in<br />

charge if all criminal prosecutions<br />

meaning that the the Attorney General<br />

being legal advisor to government<br />

no longer has prosecuting<br />

powers.<br />

9. All security services are under the<br />

constitution and subject to parliamentary<br />

oversight. Members of security<br />

services can not be members<br />

of political parties. They are not allowed<br />

to further or prejudice the<br />

interests of a political party or cause<br />

and shall observe fundamental<br />

rights and freedoms.<br />

10. There now a National Peace and<br />

Reconciliation Commission which<br />

among other things deals with post<br />

conflict justice healing and reconciliation.<br />

11. Every Zimbabwean is<br />

entitled to free basic education.<br />

To page 4<br />

David Chidende<br />

Zvikonzero zvekuramba bumbiro<br />

reCopac<br />

18. Mitemo yekodzero(Bill of<br />

Rights) iri muBumbiro ndeyechipameso<br />

chete, sezvo pasina<br />

nzira dzokuti kodzero idzi dzipuhwe vanhu.<br />

19. Kodzero yekuratidzira yavashandi haikwanisiki. Sokuti,<br />

vashandi vehurumende vanoramba vaine mitemo isingavapi<br />

mikana yokuratidira kana isingabvumirani nehurukuro dzokugadzirisa<br />

nhunha nemushandirwi.<br />

20. Bumbiro haripi kodzero yekuvhota kune maZimbabwe<br />

anoshandira kunze kwenyika(diaspora).<br />

21. Kodzero dzekusununguka kutaura pfungwa dzako<br />

(freedom of expression) dzinokanganiswa neZimbabwe<br />

Media Commission, yakaiswa muBumbiro( sec<br />

248).<br />

22. Bumbiro rinoti ahwinha sarudzo anowana masimba ose<br />

okutonga, pasina kugoverana namamwe mapato akwikwidza,<br />

nyange ruzhinji ruchida kugoveranwa kwamasimba,<br />

kuti paramende ivewo nenhengo dzemamwe mapato<br />

[proportional representation].<br />

23. Mutongo werufu unopihwa kumhondi unerusaruro.<br />

Madzimai mhondi havachatongerwi rufu. Nevarume mhondi<br />

vadarika makore 70 havachatongerwi rufu. Mutongo<br />

werufu kana wanzi uripo ngaurege kusarura.(sec 48).<br />

24. Bumbiro rine mimwe mitemo inonzi izotanga kushanda<br />

kwapera makore 7 kusvika 10, uye imwe inopera kwapera<br />

makore akati kuti. Hapana chikonzero chekuitema iye<br />

zvino, iyo ichizoshanda kwapera nguva refu. Bumbiro<br />

harifaniri kuve rokuchengetedza zvido zvevari kutonga<br />

panguva iyoyo.<br />


15 February, 2013. issue 2.6<br />

Virtual Public Gallery …….<br />

P a r l i a m e n t a r y M o n i t o r<br />

Using Social Media to Monitor Parly<br />

Page 3<br />

PMTZ’’s facebook group Parliamentary Monitor is an interactive virtual public gallery where instead of being spectators,<br />

citizens raise issues and seek solutions. As part of the integration of the social media platform and this e-<br />

newsletter, we take excerpts of some of the posts on the facebook group and share with others.<br />

Jones Musara<br />

dai yachisvika Constitution Referendum<br />

tipedze nezve Consitution tochifambira<br />

pamberi nedzimwe nyaya dzinoda<br />

mushandirapamwe pachedu semhuri<br />

yeZimbabwe. Nyaya dzakaita sedzegutsaruzhinji<br />

nebudiriro dzemhuri yose<br />

yeZimbabwe. I'm Voting yes to the new<br />

proposed National Constitution of Zimbabwe<br />

so that we can have a new totally<br />

home grown national contract, covenant<br />

and foundation and also so that we can<br />

move on to other pending and pressing<br />

issues of public national state interest.<br />

Once that new National Constitution is<br />

passed by we the people as largely expected,<br />

we must vigorously and rigorously<br />

uphold and enforce what is in the Constitution<br />

so that we fulfill what we the people<br />

say we have written in the Constitution<br />

should we pass our proposed new National<br />

Constitution of Zimbabwe.<br />

Like · · Follow post · 19 February at 05:56<br />

Blessed Hove and 11 others like this.<br />

Tangwara Mashayamombe Lets<br />

hope everything wil be wel.Mwari tibatsirei kuti<br />

tisazobayiwa neminzwa.vana vedu vazotitenda<br />

paneremangwana ravo amen 19 February<br />

at 13:15 via mobile · Like<br />

Cde Mwanawevhu Varungu<br />

Muchapfidza Musazofunga mwari Pama<br />

VOTE kwete Haanzwe Uye Minamato Yenyu<br />

Kanaichi Mwari Bvisai Gushungo Pachigaro<br />

Haishande 19 February at 19:23 via mobile ·<br />

Like<br />

Tangwara Mashayamombe<br />

Asiri mwana wevhu ndiyani?tese<br />

mdc,zanupf,upp,zapu,mavambo tose tiri<br />

vevhu.takasiyana pakuti vanozviti vana vevhu<br />

ndovekuteura ropa risina mhaka.whether u<br />

like or not ngozi dzichakupengesai nemastreet<br />

ivo vagere mumba.mwari vhurai meso amwanawevhu<br />

asvunure aone amen 20 February<br />

at 13:30 via mobile · Like<br />

Cde Mwanawevhu Varungu<br />

Muchapfidza Mwana wevhu haatengesi nyika<br />

Sezvinoitwa Nema M D C 21 February at<br />

10:57 via mobile · Like<br />

Tangwara Mashayamombe<br />

Madofo munonetsa.kusaziva kufa.ndosaka<br />

muchiponda,nokuraper,kuba.kudya zvausina<br />

kushandira.maoko amaidimura ehama dzenyu<br />

makaisepi?plus iwe unorevera zanupf nhema,chako<br />

kuda kudya.waivepi makore ese<br />

aya?tsotsi 21 February at 12:24 via mobile ·<br />

Like<br />

Joshua Mbewu My vote is a yes!!<br />

for the draft. 21 February at 14:46 · Like<br />

Cde Mwanawevhu Varungu<br />

Muchapfidza Kanamunhu achiisa (X) pa M D<br />

C Unenge Uchiti Vamugabe Nema Geners<br />

Ese Ngavauraiwe Nekuti Vanoparidza Huipi<br />

wemurungu Ne west Yesezvayo America Ne<br />

Austr Sakaiwe ukaita Zvinoita Kutindife Koini<br />

Ndiitewosei? Ukapindura Ndozotauranewe 21<br />

February at 19:55 via mobile · Like<br />

Cde Mwanawevhu Varungu<br />

Muchapfidza Kanamunhu achiisa (X) pa M D<br />

C Unenge Uchiti Vamugabe Nema Geners<br />

Ese Ngavauraiwe Nekuti Vanoparidza Huipi<br />

wemurungu Ne west Yesezvayo America Ne<br />

Austr Sakaiwe ukaita Zvinoita Kutindife Koini<br />

Ndiitewosei? Ukapindura Ndozotauranewe 21<br />

February at 19:57 via mobile · Like<br />

Cde Mwanawevhu Varungu<br />

Muchapfidza Kanamunhu achiisa (X) pa M D<br />

C Unenge Uchiti Vamugabe Nema Geners<br />

Ese Ngavauraiwe Nekuti Vanoparidza Huipi<br />

wemurungu Ne west Yesezvayo America Ne<br />

Austr Sakaiwe ukaita Zvinoita Kutindife Koini<br />

Ndiitewosei? Ukapindura Ndozotauranewe 21<br />

February at 19:58 via mobile · Like<br />

Joshua Mbewu get away nehucomrade<br />

hwako, go to hell 22 February at<br />

13:21 via · Like · 1<br />

William R Boyd Away from petty<br />

party politics, and in to the dynamics and<br />

economy of the country, your business acumen<br />

and direction is set to make a valued<br />

contribution to the future of a new rejuvinated<br />

Zimbabwe...Jones....and it is in this regard<br />

that I support your philosophy. 28 February at<br />

10:06 · Like · 1<br />

Feedback? info@pmtz.org

Page 4<br />

P a r l i a m e n t a r y M o n i t o r<br />

15 February, 2013. issue 2.6<br />

Gilbert Fanzayi Its high time we put<br />

the final nail to the coffin of western countries &<br />

have our own home grown policies,now that will<br />

be total emancipation not to mention it will also<br />

show we have grown as a nation to a high level<br />

of maturity,not to remain juvenile in the world of<br />

politics.As Zimbabweans we should rewrite history<br />

not to be lazy to thinkLets be masters of our<br />

own destinies. . 28 February at 18:56 via mobile<br />

· Like · 2<br />

thank you.<br />

Jones Musara @William R Boyd:<br />

28 February at 20:38 · Like · 1<br />

James Kamchacha Jones always changing<br />

colours. Not so long ago you were<br />

saying you wanted the Lancaster hse<br />

one to stay and castigating the draft<br />

1 March at 09:42 via mobile · Like · 1<br />

12. The elderly are entitled to reasonable<br />

care and assistance, health<br />

care and medical assistance, and<br />

social security and welfare from the<br />

state.<br />

13. Every child is entitled among<br />

other things to the provision of a<br />

birth certificate, education, health<br />

care services, nutrition and shelter.<br />

They may not be recruited into any<br />

militia. 14. The veterans of the liberation<br />

struggle include those who<br />

fought in the war of liberation and<br />

those who assisted the fighters, detainees<br />

and restrictees. As such they<br />

are entitled to recognition and suitable<br />

welfare such as pension and<br />

access to basic health care. 15. The<br />

people living with disabilities are<br />

now entitled to the means to make<br />

them more self reliant and to state<br />

funded education and treatment<br />

when they need it.<br />

16. There is now established a Constitutional<br />

Court which among other<br />

things deals with the protection of<br />

the people against human rights<br />

abuses.<br />

freedom from torture, cruel, inhumane<br />

and degrading treatment or<br />

punishment.<br />

18. Every person has the right to personal<br />

security and has freedom from<br />

all forms of violence. Further every<br />

person has the right to privacy and<br />

against any entry or search of their<br />

homes property or premises.<br />

19. All elections are going to be held<br />

in the last month of the Presidential<br />

term meaning that the election period<br />

has been made certain.<br />

20. The Anti Corruption commission<br />

can direct the Commissioner General<br />

of police to investigate and act<br />

on alleged corruption and when so<br />

ordered the Commissioner General<br />

of police shall obey the directive.<br />

17. Every Zimbabwean person has<br />

Madisnyongoro of the<br />

Week????<br />

The ZRP has a constitutional role to play. They are responsible for<br />

maintaining peace in the country. However, this week they went<br />

overboard denying NCA led by Prof Madhuku from holding a<br />

meeting. NCA, under the take charge, is campaigning for a NO<br />

vote. It is NCA’s constitutional right to organize and campaign for<br />

a NO vote. The ZRP by denying them the opportunity were seen as<br />

becoming partisan and becoming the madisnyongoro of the week.<br />

PMT Zimbabwe promotes openness, active participation, debate, engagement and respects divergence of<br />

views. In view of this, PMT Zimbabwe encourages the posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents<br />

and links (embedded or otherwise) on its site and facebook page. However, these postings do not in any way,<br />

shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such<br />

posted material or parts therein. In some extreme circumstances, our monitoring team may be<br />

compelled to pull down or delete offending postings. www.pmtz.org / info@pmtz.org/<br />

http://www.facebook.com/groups/parlymonitor<br />

+263 738 577 576

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