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The Birth of Jesus (1:18–25) 23<br />

birth—were integral to the faith of the Christian church of the early centuries.<br />

Jesus’ conception was extraordinary, not natural but supernatural,<br />

accomplished by the divine work of the Spirit, and as a result a baby born<br />

to a virgin.<br />

Perhaps no assertion of biblical Christianity fell under greater attack<br />

by nineteenth-century liberalism than the account of the virgin birth. For<br />

some reason more attention was given to that than to the resurrection.<br />

Because the story is so blatantly supernatural, it became a stumbling block<br />

to those who tried to reduce the essence of the Christian faith to all that<br />

can be accomplished through natural humanity.<br />

When Mary’s pregnancy was discovered, Joseph, being a just man—<br />

one who was also kind and gave detailed attention to the observance of<br />

the law of God, not wanting to make her a public example, was<br />

minded to put her away secretly (v. 19). He was not willing to call<br />

down the wrath of the courts upon his betrothed, and he decided to deal<br />

with it from a spirit of compassion. After he thought it over deeply and<br />

carefully, he decided to divorce her or put her away in a private manner, so<br />

as to save his betrothed from total public humiliation.<br />

While he thought about these things, behold, an angel of<br />

the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of<br />

David” (v. 20). The New Testament makes so much out of the fact that<br />

Jesus is the Son of David that it’s almost amazing to find Joseph being<br />

given that same title, but this is also important for the lineage of Jesus.<br />

For Jesus to be a Son of David in Jewish categories, legally His father also<br />

had to be a son of David. That is why the angel gives this honorific title<br />

to Joseph when he addresses him, saying, Do not be afraid to take to<br />

you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the<br />

Holy Spirit (v. 20). This is the second time in this brief narrative that the<br />

conception of Christ in the womb of Mary is attributed to the work of the<br />

Holy Spirit.<br />

In Luke’s version, when the angel Gabriel told Mary that she had conceived<br />

the child and would bring forth a baby, she was stunned and said,<br />

“How can this be since I know not a man?” (Luke 1:34). The angel replied,<br />

“With God nothing will be impossible” (v. 37).<br />

Then Gabriel explained to Mary how the birth would take place. The<br />

Holy Spirit would overshadow her so that the child would be born as a<br />

result of this supernatural work. Luke uses the same language that is used<br />

at the dawn of creation: “In the beginning God created the heavens and<br />

the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was

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