Physics 2020 Summer 2011 Richard Ingebretsen REVIEW FOR ...

Physics 2020 Summer 2011 Richard Ingebretsen REVIEW FOR ...

Physics 2020 Summer 2011 Richard Ingebretsen REVIEW FOR ...


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<strong>Physics</strong> <strong>2020</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Richard</strong> <strong>Ingebretsen</strong><br />

<strong>REVIEW</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> MIDTERM 3<br />

1. A In the year 2100, an astronaut wears an antique, but accurate, “quartz” wristwatch on a journey at a<br />

8<br />

speed of 2.0 × 10 m/s. According to mission control in Houston, the trip lasts 12 hours. How<br />

long was the trip as measured on the watch?<br />

(a) 6.7 hr (b) 8.9 hr (c) 12.0 hr (d) 16.1 hr (e) 21.6 hr<br />

B. Which one of the following statements concerning the proper length of a meter stick is true?<br />

(a) The proper length is always one meter.<br />

(b) The proper length depends upon the speed of the observer.<br />

(c) The proper length depends upon the acceleration of the observer.<br />

(d) The proper length depends upon the reference frame in which it is measured.<br />

(e) The proper length is the length measured by an observer who is moving with respect to the<br />

meter stick.<br />

C. A UFO flies directly over a football stadium at a speed of 0.50 c. If the proper length of the field<br />

is 100 yards, what field length is measured by the crew of the UFO?<br />

(a) 59 years (b) 75 yards (c) 87 yards (d) 113 yards (e) 121 yards<br />

D. An electron gun inside a computer monitor sends an electron toward the screen at a speed of<br />

8 -31<br />

1.20 × 10 m/s. If the mass of the electron is 9.109 × 10 kg, what is the magnitude of its<br />

relativistic momentum?<br />

-23<br />

(a) 9.88 × 10 kgms<br />

-22<br />

(d) 1.41 × 10 kgms<br />

-22<br />

(b) 1.09 × 10 kgms<br />

-22<br />

(e) 3.25 × 10 kgms<br />

-22<br />

(c) 1.19 × 10 kgms<br />

E. How much energy is required to accelerate a golf ball of mass 0.046 kg initially at rest to a speed<br />

of 0.75 C?<br />

(a) 1.2 × 10 J<br />

(b) 2.1 × 10 J<br />

15<br />

(c) 6.3 × 10 J<br />

14 16<br />

(d) 3.6 × 10 J<br />

(e) 7.5 × 10 J<br />

15 16<br />

F. Astronomers on earth, an inertial reference frame, observe Galaxies A and B that are moving away<br />

from the Earth as shown. The speeds indicated are those measured by the astronomers on Earth.<br />

What is the speed of Galaxy B as measured by an observer in Galaxy A?<br />

(a) 0.22 c (b) 0.60 c (c) 0.71 c (d) 0.95 c (e) 1.42 c

2. Given the circuit shown. All capacitors fully charged.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(c)<br />

What is the equivalent capacitance of the entire circuit?<br />

How much charge does the battery deliver to the circuit?<br />

What is the voltage drop across the 5.0 F capacitor?<br />

How much energy is stored by the 2.0 F capacitor?<br />

3. Given the circuit shown.<br />

(a) What is the equivalent resistance of the whole circuit?<br />

(b) How much current does the battery provide to the entire<br />

circuit?<br />

(c) What is the total power dissipated by the entire circuit?<br />

(d) Find the current in the 12 resistor.<br />

(e) Find the voltage drop across the 2 resistor.<br />

(f) Find the power dissipated by the 4 resistor.<br />

(g) Explain how a voltmeter would be hooked up to the<br />

circuit to measure the voltage across the 2 resistor.<br />

(h) Explain how an ammeter would be hooked up to the<br />

circuit to measure the current flowing through the 12 <br />

resistor.<br />

4. For the circuit shown, both capacitors are initially uncharged and both switches are initially open.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

Find the time constant for the circuit.<br />

Now, switch A is closed. How much time<br />

elapses until the capacitors collectively<br />

store 35.0 C?<br />

When both capacitors are completely<br />

charged, switch A is opened and switch B<br />

is closed. The capacitors are used to run<br />

a small motor. How much time has<br />

elapsed when the capacitors have lost 40% of their charge? The equivalent resistance of the motor<br />

is 2 ohms.<br />

The motor is used to raise a 2.0 g mass vertically off the floor. How high does the motor raise the<br />

mass? (Assume 100% efficiency of the motor.)<br />

How long does it take the motor to raise the mass to its maximum height?<br />

5. A A Wookiee spacecraft has a speed of 0.70 c with respect to the earth. The Wookiees measure<br />

29.0 h for the time interval between two events on the earth. What value for the time interval<br />

would they measure if their ship had a speed of 0.96 c with respect to the earth?<br />

B. An electric furnace runs nine hours a day to heat a house during January (31 days). The heating<br />

element has a resistance of 5.5 and carries a current of 25 A. The cost of electricity is<br />

$0.10/kWh. Find the cost of running the furnace for the month of January.<br />

C. For a three-way bulb (45 W, 110 W, 155 W) that is designed to operate at 110 V, find the<br />

resistance of each of the two filaments. A three-way bulb uses one filament, the other filament, or<br />

both filaments to produce the necessary light.<br />

D. Quasars are believed to be the nuclei of galaxies in the early stages of their formation. Suppose a<br />

41<br />

quasar radiated electromagnetic energy at the rate of 4.20 × 10 W. How much mass does the<br />

quasar lose as a result of this radiation during one hour?

6. A. A light bulb is wired in series with a 130 resistor, and they are connected across a 134.0 V<br />

source. The power delivered to the light bulb is 22.6 W. What are the two possible resistances of<br />

the light bulb?<br />

B. Two cylindrical rods, one copper and the other iron, are identical in lengths and cross-sectional<br />

areas. They are joined, end to end, to form one long rod. A 12 V battery is connected across the<br />

free ends of the copper-iron rod. What is the voltage between the ends of the copper rod?<br />

8<br />

8<br />

= 1.72 × 10 m; = 9.7 × 10 m<br />

copper<br />

iron<br />

C. Three identical capacitors are connected with a resistor in two different ways.<br />

When they are connected as shown in drawing, the time constant to charge up<br />

this circuit is 0.33 s. What is the time constant when they are connected with<br />

the same resistor as in Fig. 2?<br />

7. A. A battery has an internal resistance of 0.5 . A number of identical lightbulbs, each with a<br />

resistance of 12 , are connected in parallel across the battery terminals. The terminal voltage of<br />

the battery is observed to be one-fourth the emf of the battery. How many light bulbs are<br />

connected?.<br />

B. Examine the circuit shown. The power dissipated by the 12 <br />

resistor is 192 W.<br />

(a) Calculate the current flowing through the 3 resistor?<br />

(b) What is V?<br />

8. A. A rectangular plate of glass, measured at rest, has sides 30.0 cm and 60.0 cm.<br />

(a) As measured in a reference frame moving parallel to the 60.0 cm edge at a speed of 0.4c<br />

with respect to the glass, what is the area of the glass?<br />

(b) How fast would a reference frame have to move in the same direction so that the plate of<br />

glass viewed in that frame is a square? (Answer in terms of c.)<br />

B. Six identical capacitors are arranged as shown. When fully charged,<br />

4<br />

the collection of capacitors store 1.0 × 10 J of energy. The battery<br />

has a voltage of 6 volts.<br />

(a) Find the equivalent capacitance of the circuit.<br />

(b) What is the capacitance of each capacitor?<br />

(c) What is the charge stored on the capacitor nearest to the<br />

positive terminal of the battery?<br />

9. A.<br />

13<br />

A spacecraft has a nonrelativistic (or classical) momentum whose magnitude is 2.70 × 10 kgm/s.<br />

The spacecraft moves at such a speed that the pilot measures the proper time interval between two<br />

events to be one-eighth the dilated time interval. Find the relativistic momentum of the spacecraft.<br />

5<br />

B. A resistor is connected across the terminals of a 9.0 V battery, which delivers 1.7 10 J of energy<br />

to the resistor in 5 hours. What is the resistance of the resistor?<br />

8<br />

C. Suppose one gallon of gasoline produces 1.1 × 10 J of energy, and this energy is sufficient to<br />

operate a particular car for 28 miles. An aspirin tablet has a mass of 265 mg. If the aspirin could<br />

be converted completely into thermal energy, how many miles would this car go on a single tablet?<br />

D. A Wookiee spacecraft has a speed of 0.70 c with respect to the earth. The Wookiees measure<br />

29.0 h for the time interval between two events on the earth. What value for the time interval<br />

would they measure if their ship had a speed of 0.96 c with respect to the earth (in hours)?

10. A. A resistor has a resistance R, and a battery has an internal resistance r. When the resistor is<br />

connected across the battery, 13% less power is dissipated in R than would be dissipated if the<br />

battery had no internal resistance. Find the ratio r/R.<br />

B. The circuit in the drawing contains five identical resistors of Resistance R.<br />

The V = 60 V battery delivers 87 W of power to the circuit. What is the<br />

resistance R of each resistor?<br />

C. In a heart pacemaker, a pulse is delivered to the heart 78 times per minute. The capacitor that<br />

6<br />

controls this pulsing rate discharges through a resistance of 1.8 10 . One pulse is delivered<br />

every time the fully charged capacitor loses 70.0% of its original charge. What is the capacitance<br />

of the capacitor?<br />

11. A. A light bulb is wired in series with a 137 resistor, and they are connected across a 120 V source.<br />

The power delivered to the light bulb is 22.8 W. What are the two possible resistances of the light<br />

bulb?<br />

B. A portable electric heater uses 18 A of current. The manufacturer recommends that an extension<br />

cord attached to the heater dissipate no more than 1.9 W of power per meter of cord length. What<br />

is the smallest radius of copper wire that can be used in the extension cord? (Note: An extension<br />

-8<br />

cord contains two wires. Resistivity of copper 1.68 × 10 m.).<br />

12. A. Given the circuit shown. All capacitors are fully charged. How much energy is stored by the<br />

2.0 F capacitor?<br />

B. Examine the circuit shown. What is the power dissipated by the 12 <br />

resistor?<br />

13. A. The resistance of a bagel toaster is 16 . To prepare a bagel, the toaster is operated for one minute<br />

from a 120 V outlet. How much energy is delivered to the toaster?<br />

B. A resistor is placed in parallel with a 156 resistor and the equivalent resistance is 117 . What<br />

is the equivalent resistance when these two resistors are in series?<br />

C. The current in a series circuit is 17.0 A. When an additional 19.0 resistor is inserted in series,<br />

the current drops to 11.5 A. What is the voltage applied over the circuit?<br />

D. A Wookie spacecraft has a speed of 0.70 c with respect to the earth. The Wookies measure 10.0 h<br />

for the time interval between two events on the earth. What value for the time interval (in hours)<br />

would they measure if their ship had a speed of 0.96 c with respect to the earth?

14. A. An electric furnace runs nine hours a day to heat a house during January (31 days). The heating<br />

element has a resistance of 5.5 and carries a current of 25 A. The cost of electricity is<br />

$01.0/kWh. Find the cost of running the furnace for the month of January.<br />

B. A resistor has a resistance R, and a battery has an internal resistance r. When the resistor is<br />

connected across the battery, 6% less power is dissipated in R than would be dissipated if the<br />

battery had no internal resistance. Find the ratio r/R.<br />

C. A carpenter on a space station has constructed a 30.0° ramp as<br />

shown in the drawing A rocket moves past the space station with a<br />

relative speed of 0.680 c in a direction parallel to side y. What<br />

does a person aboard the rocket measure for the angle of the ramp?<br />

15. A. A resistor (resistance = R) is connected first in parallel and then in series with a 3.50 resistor. A<br />

battery delivers six times as much current to the parallel combination as it does to the series<br />

combination. Determine the two possible values for R.<br />

B. An extension cord is used with an electric weed trimmer that has a resistance of 17.0 . The<br />

-7 2<br />

extension cord is made of copper wire that has a cross-sectional area of 3.10 × 10 m . The<br />

-8<br />

resistivity of copper is 1.68 × 10 m. The combined length of the two wires in the extension<br />

cord is 80 m. The extension cord is plugged into a 60 V socket. What is the power applied to the<br />

trimmer (the rest of the power is dissipated in the wire)?<br />

16. A. Examine the circuit shown. All capacitors are fully<br />

charged. How much energy is stored by the 2.0 F<br />

capacitor?<br />

B. Examine the circuit shown. What is the power dissipated by<br />

the 12 resistor?<br />

17. B. A heating element in a stove is designed to dissipate 3000.0 W when<br />

connected to 240.0V.<br />

1. Assuming that the resistance is constant, calculate the current in this element if it is<br />

connected to 120.0 V.<br />

2. Calculate the power it dissipates at 120 V.<br />

18 Find the current in the 12.00 resistor.

19. A. Determine the equivalent capacitance between A and B for the<br />

circuit shown.<br />

B. A 45.0 and a 75.0 resistor are connected in parallel. When this combination is connected<br />

across a battery, the current delivered by the battery is 0.32 A. When the 45.0 resistor is<br />

disconnected the current from the battery drops to 0.120 A. Determine the emf of the battery.<br />

Neglect the internal resistance of the battery.<br />

20. Find the energy dissipated in the 4 resistor.<br />

21. Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B.<br />

22. Given the circuit shown.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Find the current in the 12.0 resistor.<br />

Find the voltage across either of the 6 resistors.<br />

23. A.<br />

6<br />

Consider a series RC circuit for which C = 6.0 F, R = 2.0 × 10 and = 20.0 V. Initially the<br />

charge on the capacitor is zero and the switch is open.<br />

(a) Find the maximum charge on the capacitor after the switch in the circuit is closed.<br />

(b) What is the charge on the capactior 4 seconds after the switch is closed?<br />

B. A lamp (R = 150 ), an electric heater (R = 25 ), and a fan (R = 50 ) are connected in parallel<br />

across a 12.0 V line.<br />

(a) What is the total current flowing in the circuit?<br />

(b) What is the voltage across the fan?<br />

(c) What is the current in the lamp?<br />

(d) What power is expended in the heater?

24. B. A heart pacemaker fires 72 times per minute. The pacemaker fires when a 25.0 nF capacitor that is<br />

in series with a resistor is charged to 0.632 of its full voltage. What is the value of the resistor?<br />

25. Given the circuit shown.<br />

(a) Find the total resistance in the circuit.<br />

(b) What is the total power dissipated in the circuit?<br />

(c) Find the current in R 2.<br />

(d) What is the power dissipated in R 2?<br />

(e) What is the voltage drop from A to B?<br />

(f) What is the voltage drop from A to C?<br />

26. A. The current flowing through the 8.45 resistor in the drawing<br />

is 1.22 A. What is the voltage in the battery?<br />

B. A three-way light bulb has two filaments with resistance R 1 and R2<br />

connected in series. The resistors are connected to three terminals<br />

as shown in the drawing. The light switch determines which two of<br />

the three terminals are connected to a potential difference of 120 V<br />

at any given time. When terminals A and B are connected to the<br />

120 V, the bulb uses 75.0 W of power. When terminal A and C are<br />

connect to the 120 V, the bulb uses 50.0 W of power.<br />

(a) What is the resistance in R 1?<br />

(b) What is the resistance in R 2?<br />

(c) How much power does the bulb use when 120 V is connected to terminals B and C?<br />

27. A 0.22 F capacitor is charged by a 1.5 V battery. After being charged, the capacitor is connected to a<br />

small electric motor. Assume 100% efficiency.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

To what height can the motor lift a 5.0 g mass?<br />

What initial voltage must the capacitor have if it is to left a 5.0 g mass to a height of 1.0 cm?<br />

28. Given the circuit shown.<br />

(a) What is the current flowing past point A?<br />

(b) Find the power dissipated by the 20 resistor.<br />

(c) Calculate the power dissipated by the entire circuit.<br />

(d) What is the potential difference between points B and C;<br />

points A and G; points C and D; points B and F; points H<br />

and I?<br />

29. Six identical capacitors are arranged as shown. When fully<br />

-4<br />

charged, the collection of capacitors store 1 × 10 J of energy.<br />

The battery has a voltage of 6 volts.<br />

(a) Find the equivalent capacitance of the circuit.<br />

(b) What is the capacitance of each capacitor?<br />

(c) Calculate the charge on capacitor A.<br />

(d) Determine the voltage drop across capacitor A.

30. The drawing shows a resistor and capacitor connected to a battery. The capacitor is initially uncharged and<br />

the switch is initially open.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

What is the time constant for this RC circuit?<br />

Now the switch is closed. How much charge is on the<br />

plates of the capacitor after 0.1 seconds have elapsed?<br />

When the switch is closed, how long does it take to charge<br />

the capacitor to 95% of its maximum value?<br />

After the switch is fully charged, the switch is opened.<br />

How long does it take for the capacitor to loose 50% of its<br />

charge?<br />

31.. Given the circuit shown.<br />

(a) What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit?<br />

(b) How much energy does the circuit use in 1 minute?<br />

(c) What is the voltage drop between points C and D?<br />

. Using the points shown in the drawing, explain in writing how<br />

you would connect the following:<br />

(d) a voltmeter to get a reading of 12 V,<br />

(e) a voltmeter to get a reading of 0 V,<br />

(f) an ammeter to get the smallest current in the circuit.<br />

32. In the circuit shown all capacitors are fully charged.<br />

(a) What is the equivalent capacitance of this circuit?<br />

(b) Find the energy stored in the circuit.<br />

(c) Calculate the voltage drop between points B and C.<br />

(d) Calculate the voltage drop between points A and C.<br />

(e) What is the charge residing on the 5 F capacitor?<br />

33. Given the circuit shown. All switched are initially open.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Now switches A and B are closed and the others<br />

remain open. How long does it take to the charge the<br />

capacitor to 95% capacity?<br />

Switches A, B and E are now closed and C and D are<br />

opened. When fully charged, how much charge is on<br />

the capacitor?<br />

Now switches A, B and E are opened and C and D are<br />

closed. With the capacitor fully charged, the energy<br />

stored in the capacitor is turned into mechanical<br />

energy by the motor. The motor lifts a 5 gram mass off the floor. What height does the mass<br />


34. A. The resistance of a bagel toaster is 16 . To prepare a bagel, the toaster is operated for<br />

one minute from a 120 V outlet. How much energy is delivered to the toaster?<br />

B. A resistor is placed in parallel with a 156 resistor and the equivalent resistance is<br />

117 . What is the equivalent resistance when these two resistors are in series?<br />

C. The current in a series circuit is 17.0 A. When an additional 19.0 resistor is inserted in<br />

series, the current drops to 11.5 A. What is the voltage applied over the circuit?<br />

D. A Wookie spacecraft has a speed of 0.70 c with respect to the earth. The Wookies<br />

measure 10.0 h for the time interval between two events on the earth. What value for the<br />

time interval (in hours) would they measure if their ship had a speed of 0.96 c with<br />

respect to the earth?<br />

35. A. An electric furnace runs nine hours a day to heat a house during January (31 days). The<br />

heating element has a resistance of 5.5 Ω and carries a current of 25 A. The cost of<br />

electricity is $0.10/kWh. Find the cost of running the furnace for the month of January.<br />

B. A resistor has a resistance R, and a battery has an internal resistance r. When the resistor<br />

is connected across the battery, 6% less power is dissipated in R than would be dissipated<br />

if the battery had no internal resistance. Find the ratio r/R.<br />

C. A carpenter on a space station has constructed a 30.0° ramp<br />

as shown in the drawing. A rocket moves past the space<br />

station with a relative speed of 0.680 c in a direction parallel<br />

to side y. What does a person aboard the rocket measure for<br />

the angle of the ramp?<br />

36. A. A resistor (resistance = R) is connected first in parallel and then in series with a<br />

3.50 Ω resistor. A battery delivers six times as much current to the parallel combination<br />

as it does to the series combination. Determine the two possible values for R.<br />

B. An extension cord is used with an electric weed trimmer that has a resistance of 17.0 .<br />

The extension cord is made of copper wire that has a cross-sectional area of<br />

3.10 10 -7 m 2 . The resistivity of copper is 1.68 × 10 -8 m. The combined length of<br />

the two wires in the extension cord is 80 m. The extension cord is plugged into a 60 V<br />

socket. What is the power applied to the trimmer (the rest of the power is dissipated in<br />

the wire)?<br />

37. A. Examine the circuit shown. All capacitors are<br />

fully charged. How much energy is stored by the<br />

2.0 μF capacitor?

B. Examine the circuit shown. What is the power<br />

dissipated by the 12 Ω resistor?<br />

38. A. A comet is on a collision course with Earth and is travelling 2.40 × 10 8 m/s relative to<br />

Earth. An alien race has teleported a rescue team onto the comet in order to save us all.<br />

The comet has a mass of 3.42 × 10 11 kg.<br />

1. NASA calculates that the comet will impact in 40.0 hours. How much time do<br />

the aliens on the comet calculate before impact?<br />

2. What is the difference (A-B) between the classical momentum and the relativistic<br />

momentum of the comet as measured by Earth?<br />

3. The aliens realize that if they can slow the comet to 1.80 × 10 8 m/s (relative to<br />

Earth), the comet will miss Earth. How much energy is required to slow the<br />

comet to this new speed?<br />

B. A parallel plate capacitor has a cross sectional area of 1.0 cm 2 and has a separation<br />

distance of 0.10 cm. It is filled with ethylene glycol. When fully charged with a 12.0 V<br />

battery, the negative plate has an excess of 2.45 × 10 9 electrons. Find the dielectric<br />

constant of the ethylene glycol.<br />

39. A. A new computer sits idle 95% of the time. When it is idle, it draws a current of<br />

I rms = 0.832 A from a V rms = 120 V alternating current outlet. If the price of energy is<br />

$0.10/kWh, and there are 8760 hours in a year, how much money is spent running the<br />

idle computer for one year?<br />

B. [8 pts.] The circuit shown has been operating for a<br />

long time. Find the charge on the positive plate of the<br />

15.0 µF capacitor?<br />

C. An alternating sinusoidal current from a specially designed outlet has a peak current of<br />

14.1 A and delivers an average power of 122 watts. What is the peak electric potential<br />

delivered by the outlet?<br />

D. Two identical resistors in parallel are each 1.0 cm long and have a cross sectional area of<br />

0.10 cm 2 . The equivalent resistance is 2.5 Ω. What is the resistivity of each resistor?<br />

40. A. A light bulb is wired in series with a 160 Ω resistor, and the combination is connected<br />

across a 144.0 V source. The power delivered to the light bulb is 25.6 W. What are the<br />

two possible resistances of the light bulb?

B. Given the circuit shown.<br />

1. Find the current through the battery.<br />

2. Find the power dissipated by the 3.0 Ω<br />

resistor.<br />

41. A. A battery has an internal resistance of 0.5 Ω. A number of identical light bulbs, each<br />

with a resistance of 12 Ω, are connected in parallel across the battery terminals. The<br />

terminal voltage of the battery is observed to be one-fourth the emf of the battery. How<br />

many light bulbs are connected?<br />

B. Given the circuit shown.<br />

1. Find the voltage drop across the 5.0<br />

µF capacitor.<br />

2. Find the energy stored in the<br />

4.0 µF capacitor.<br />

42. A. A space traveler moving at a speed of 0.58c with respect to the earth makes a trip to a<br />

distant star that is stationary relative to the earth. He measures the length of this trip to be<br />

8.3 light-years. What would be the length of this same trip (in light-years) as measured<br />

by a traveler moving at a speed of 0.76c with respect to the earth?<br />

B. The current in a series circuit is 7.0 A. When an additional 7.0 Ω resistor is inserted in<br />

series, the current drops to 3.9 A. What is the resistance in the original circuit?<br />

C. A cigarette lighter in a car is a resistor that, when activated, is connected across the 14 V<br />

battery. Suppose a lighter dissipates 33 W of power. Find the current that the battery<br />

delivers to the lighter.<br />

D. Two capacitors are connected in parallel across the terminals of a battery. One has a<br />

capacitance of 2.0 µF, and the other a capacitance of 3.0 µF. These two capacitors<br />

together store 5.2 × 10 -5 C of charge. What is the voltage of the battery?<br />

43. A. In a heart pacemaker, a pulse is delivered to the heart 78 times per minute. The capacitor<br />

that controls this pulsing rate discharges through a resistance of 1.8 × 10 6 Ω. One pulse is<br />

delivered every time the fully charged capacitor loses 70.0% of its original charge. What<br />

is the capacitance of the capacitor?<br />

B. Quasars are believed to be the nuclei of galaxies in the early stages of their formation.<br />

Suppose a quasar radiated electromagnetic energy at the rate of 4.20 × 10 41 W. How<br />

much mass does the quasar lose as a result of this radiation during one hour?<br />

C. A portable electric heater uses 15 A of current. The manufacturer recommends that an<br />

extension cord attached to the heater dissipate no more than 1.6 W of power per meter of<br />

cord length. What is the smallest radius of copper wire that can be used in the extension<br />

cord? The resistivity of copper is 1.68 × 10 -8 Ω m. (Note: An extension cord contains<br />

two wires.)

44. A. A battery delivering a current of 60.0 A to a circuit has a terminal voltage of 23.4 V. The<br />

electric power being dissipated by the internal resistance of the battery is 34.0 W. Find<br />

the emf of the battery.<br />

B. Given the circuit shown. How much energy is<br />

dissipated by the 2 Ω resistor in 2.0 minutes?<br />

45. A. A carpenter on a space station has constructed a rectangle as shown<br />

in the drawing. A rocket moving past the space station with a<br />

relative speed of 0.800 c in a direction parallel to side y measures<br />

the area of the rectangle to be 1.40 m 2 . What area does a person<br />

moving in a rocket with a relative speed of 0.999 c in a direction<br />

parallel to side x measure?<br />

B. Given the circuit shown. All capacitors are fully<br />

charged. How much energy is stored by the 6.0 μF<br />


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