Resubmission (including cover letter) - Sanford-Burnham Medical ...

Resubmission (including cover letter) - Sanford-Burnham Medical ...

Resubmission (including cover letter) - Sanford-Burnham Medical ...


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Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Molecular Cell<br />

Manuscript Draft<br />

Manuscript Number: MC-D-08-00448R1<br />

Title: F-Box-directed CRL complex assembly and regulation by the CSN and CAND1<br />

Article Type: Research Manuscript<br />

Keywords: Cop9 signalosome; Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase; CAND1; F-box protein; Fission yeast<br />

Corresponding Author: Dr. Dieter A. Wolf, M.D.<br />

Corresponding Author's Institution: <strong>Burnham</strong> Institute for <strong>Medical</strong> Research<br />

First Author: Michael W Schmidt, Ph.D.<br />

Order of Authors: Michael W Schmidt, Ph.D.; Philip R McQuary; Susan Wee, Ph.D.; Kay Hofmann,<br />

Ph.D.; Dieter A. Wolf, M.D.<br />

Abstract: The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is thought to maintain the stability of cullin-RING ubiquitin<br />

ligases (CRL) by limiting the autocatalytic destruction of substrate adapters such as F-box proteins<br />

(FBPs). CAND1, a protein associated with unneddylated CUL1, was proposed to assist in this role<br />

in an as yet unclear fashion. We found that only a subset of S. pombe FBPs, which feature a critical<br />

F-box proline that promotes their interaction with CUL1, required CSN for stability. Unlike the CRL3<br />

adapter Btb3p, none of the CSN-sensitive FBPs were affected by deletion of ubp12. Contrary to<br />

current models, CAND1 does not control adapter stability, but maintains the cellular balance of<br />

CRL1 complexes by preventing rare FBPs from being out-competed for binding to CUL1 by more<br />

ample adapters. These findings were integrated into a new model of CRL control where substrate<br />

availability toggles CRLs between independent CSN and CAND1 cycles.<br />

Suggested Reviewers:<br />

Opposed Reviewers:

A) Cover Letter<br />

Dieter A. Wolf, M.D.<br />

Professor and Director<br />

NCI Cancer Center Proteomics Facility<br />

Dr. Mark Landis<br />

Associate Editor<br />

Molecular Cell<br />

600 Technology Square, 5th floor<br />

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139<br />

USA<br />

June 24, 2009<br />

Dear Dr. Landis,<br />

We are re-submitting our manuscript entitled “F-Box-Directed CRL Complex Assembly and<br />

Regulation by the CSN and CAND1” for your consideration for publication in Molecular Cell.<br />

We apologize that the revision has required more time than we had hoped. In order to<br />

experimentally address the reviewers’ comments, we had to create several new strains,<br />

<strong>including</strong> a knock-in allele of a particular F-box protein point mutant. Since I had recruited my<br />

entire lab anew when I moved to the <strong>Burnham</strong> Institute, there was a significant training period<br />

for my co-workers. However, the wait was well worth it, because we can now include several<br />

new experiments that we believe should address the major concerns of the reviewers.<br />

Specifically, we are addressing three major points:<br />

(i.) Reviewers 1 and 2 wondered whether the degradation of FBPs in csn5 mutants is mediated<br />

by the proteasome. We are now <strong>including</strong> this data for the unstable FBPs Pof1p, Pof9p, and<br />

Pof10p.<br />

(ii.) Reviewers 2 and 3 were curious whether insertion of a proline residue into the CSNindependent<br />

FBP, Pof12p, would render its stability dependent on csn5. In order to do this<br />

experiment, we had to create a strain in which endogenous Pof12p is replaced by the Pof12p-<br />

SP point mutant. The experiments showed that Pof12p-SP, expressed at endogenous levels, is<br />

indeed ectopically targeted into a CRL complex. However, this does not render the protein<br />

unstable in csn5 mutants. This indicates that this artificial protein is not subject to autocatalytic<br />

ubiquitylation and degradation, probably because it does not display lysine residues in positions<br />

that are amenable to modification with ubiquitin. Nevertheless, this experiment adds further<br />

proof that the F-box proline is required and sufficient for CRL complex formation.<br />

(iii.) Reviewer 2 asked whether we had tested the effect of knd1 deletion on other FBPs in<br />

addition to Pof1p. We have now done so, and the results confirm our model of a CAND1 cycle,<br />

which prevents rare adapters from being outcompeted for binding to Cul1p by abundant<br />

adapters. Next to the F-box proline, this is the main novel finding reported in this manuscript.<br />

We have also addressed all other points of the reviewers as indicated in the included rebuttal<br />

<strong>letter</strong>. We hope that you will find our revised manuscript acceptable for publication in Molecular<br />

Cell.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

10901 North Torrey Pines Road. │ La Jolla, California 92037 │ 858.646.3117 │ 858.646.3172 fax │ www.burnham.org

* B) Response to reviewers<br />

We wish to sincerely thank all reviewers for their insightful comments, which we feel<br />

have considerably strengthened the manuscript. In the following, we are addressing the<br />

reviewers’ comments point-by-point.<br />

Reviewer 1<br />

1. The reviewer wonders whether “cullin 1 binding FBPs are ubiquitinated and<br />

subsequently degraded by the 26S proteasome? It would be nice to show selected<br />

cycloheximide chases in the presence of MG132 or other appropriate proteasome<br />

inhibitors”.<br />

This is an interesting question that we have addressed with several new experiments.<br />

Since proteasome inhibitors do not work well in fission yeast probably due to inefficient<br />

passage through the cell wall, we have created strains containing tagged FBPs (Pof1p,<br />

Pof9p, and Pof10p) in the mts3-1 proteasome mutant background. These strains as well<br />

as the corresponding proteasome wild-type strains were also deleted for csn5 to induce<br />

FBP instability. The cells were maintained at the restrictive temperature of 36.5 C for 90<br />

min to inactivate proteasome function. Immunoblotting revealed a dramatic increase in<br />

the steady-state levels of the three FBPs in mts3-1 mutants (data included as revised<br />

Supplementary Figure 3). In addition, Pof1p and Pof10p showed an accumulation of<br />

high molecular weight species, which we believe to be ubiquitylated forms. CHX chase<br />

experiments demonstrated complete stabilization of all three FBPs in csn5 mutants upon<br />

inhibition of the proteasome (see revised Fig. 2C, D). These data strongly suggest that<br />

FBPs that are destabilized in csn5 mutants are degraded by the proteasome. The new<br />

data is included in the revised manuscript as Fig. 2C and D.<br />

2. With respect to our model in Fig. 7, the reviewer asks us to hypothesize on how “the<br />

substrate can induce its own ubiquitination without inducing the ubiquitination of the<br />

FBPs. Any hypothesis?”<br />

This is indeed a difficult question that remains open to speculation until the enzymatic<br />

mechanism of CRLs is entirely clarified. An additional level of uncertainty is added by the<br />

possibility that different CRLs may have different mechanisms. However, we can offer<br />

the following hypothesis, which we believe is consistent with the majority of observations<br />

in the field. We will divide the reviewer’s question into two parts: (i.) How is a true CRL<br />

substrate different from a substrate adaptor (FBPs and other CRL adaptors)? (ii.) Why<br />

does a substrate, but not an adaptor, induce its own ubiquitylation?<br />

As for the first part, we proposed in a 2003 Perspective for Nature Cell Biology that<br />

substrate adaptors may bear lysine residues in regions that are accessible by E2s<br />

cooperating with CRLs (Wolf et al., 2003). Thus, by mere proximity these adaptors may<br />

be ubiquitylated by their cognate CRL core modules. In this sense, adaptors could also<br />

be viewed as substrates. However, the specific positioning of lysine residues of true<br />

substrates appears to enable more efficient ubiquitin transfer, since substrates are<br />

generally turned over more quickly than their corresponding adaptors. It is already well<br />

established that some CRLs can use a variety of different substrate lysines, albeit with<br />

different efficiencies (Petroski and Deshaies, 2003). It is also possible that substrate<br />

binding shields adaptor lysine residues, which may become only accessible, once the<br />

substrate has been ubiquitylated and degraded. We believe that differential accessibility<br />

of substrate and adaptor lysine residues may function as a clock that times the<br />

successive ubiquitylation and destruction of first the substrates and then the adaptors.<br />

As for the second part, we believe the different abilities of substrates and adaptors to<br />

induce their own degradation may be due to their different abilities to stimulate cullin<br />

neddylation. Two reports have clearly demonstrated that substrate is required to induce

cullin neddylation (Bornstein et al., 2006; Chew and Hagen, 2007). Importantly, an<br />

adaptor that binds to cullin, but not to substrate fails to promote neddylation (Chew and<br />

Hagen, 2007).<br />

Since we have discussed some of these ideas previously (Wee et al., 2005; Wolf et<br />

al., 2003) but our new findings do not shed new light on this particular question of the<br />

reviewer, we decided not to persevere on these speculations beyond what is stated in<br />

the description of our model in Fig. 7. If the reviewer believes, however, that our<br />

manuscript would gain from <strong>including</strong> these ideas, we’d be happy to do so in a final<br />

version.<br />

3. “Is the labeling of Cul1p-Nedd8p and Cul1p in Fig. 5B, middle panel, really correct?”<br />

We apologize, the labeling was off. It is fixed in the revised figure, which was moved into<br />

the supplement (Supplementary Fig. 5), because another panel was added to revised<br />

Fig. 5.<br />

4. “In supplementary Fig. 4 the lanes +/- Myc-Knd1p expression should be labeled and<br />

the antibody used in the lower panel should be indicated.”<br />

The missing labels were included in revised Suppl. Fig. 7 (former Suppl. Fig. 4).<br />

Reviewer 2<br />

All spelling and wording suggestions of the reviewer were incorporated into the revised<br />

version of the manuscript. Below, we are only discussing comments about the<br />

experiments and conclusions.<br />

1) The reviewer asks us to discuss the following apparent discrepancy: “Previous reports<br />

hypothesize that neddylation is the driving force of CAND1-Cullin/RBX1 dissociation.<br />

However, based on the data from this manuscript, it seems unlikely that neddylation<br />

plays such a role in the proposed rapid CAND1 cycle. This point and the possible driving<br />

force for CAND1-Cullin/RBX1 dissociation in CAND1 cycle should be discussed.”<br />

The reviewer’s comment points to one of the big mysteries of the interplay between<br />

CAND1 and CRLs. Using a system completely reconstituted from bacterially expressed<br />

proteins, Goldenberg et al. demonstrated that neither the NEDD8 E3, Ubc12, nor Skp1<br />

in a complex with the F-box of Skp2 can dissociate CAND1 from CUL1 (Goldenberg et<br />

al., 2004). The authors speculated that there must be an additional factor that induces a<br />

conformational change in either CAND1 or CUL1 to cause their dissociation. A<br />

subsequent study by Bornstein et al. (Bornstein et al., 2006) showed data that<br />

suggested that a complex of “Skp2–Skp1 promotes the dissociation of Cul1 from<br />

CAND1, whereas substrate increases the neddylation of Cul1 by a different mechanism.”<br />

The CAND1 cycle shown in our model in Fig. 7 is entirely consistent with these findings.<br />

Exactly how SKP2, and by extension other FBPs, drive the displacement of CAND1<br />

remains to be established, but it is conceivable that proline-dependent binding of SKP1-<br />

FBP dimers causes a conformational change in CUL1 that leads to the displacement of<br />

CAND1. The matter is now included on page 17 of the revised discussion.<br />

2. “Performing MG132 treatment in the protein stability tests (both steady state and time<br />

course) is a necessary control to show that the observed protein level decrease is<br />

indeed due to proteasomal degradation.”<br />

We have addressed this with several new experiments. Since proteasome inhibitors do<br />

not work well in fission yeast probably due to inefficient passage through the cell wall,<br />

we have created strains containing tagged FBPs (Pof1p, Pof9p, and Pof10p) in the

mts3-1 proteasome mutant background. These strains as well as the corresponding<br />

proteasome wild-type strains were also deleted for csn5 to induce FBP instability. The<br />

cells were maintained at the restrictive temperature of 36.5 C for 90 min to inactivate<br />

proteasome function. Immunoblotting revealed a dramatic increase in the steady-state<br />

levels of the three FBPs in mts3-1 mutants (data included as revised Supplementary<br />

Figure 3). In addition, Pof1p and Pof10p showed an accumulation of high molecular<br />

weight species, which we believe to be ubiquitylated forms. CHX chase experiments<br />

demonstrated complete stabilization of all three FBPs in csn5 mutants upon inhibition of<br />

the proteasome (see revised Fig. 2C, D). These data strongly suggest that FBPs that are<br />

destabilized in csn5 mutants are degraded by the proteasome. The new data is included<br />

in the revised manuscript as Fig. 2C and D.<br />

3. “The authors have shown that Pof12p(SP) has enhanced Cul1p binding. This is<br />

interesting, but more work should be performed in this line. At least the stability of this<br />

mutant protein should be checked to show if incorporation into CRL could trigger<br />

degradation.”<br />

We have performed this experiment, which was also requested by reviewer 3. In order to<br />

do so, we had to place the Pof12p-S15P mutation into the genomic pof12 locus (as we<br />

did for Pof10p-P35S), because we have previously found that overexpressed FBPs are<br />

not properly controlled by autocatalytic degradation (data not shown). In revised Fig. 5E,<br />

we are now showing that unlike wildtype Pof12p, Pof12p-S15P expressed from its<br />

endogenous promoter gained the ability to interact with Cul1p, albeit at a low level.<br />

Whereas, knock-in of the F-box proline was sufficient to target Pof12p into a CRL1<br />

complex, the mutant protein was neither downregulated nor destabilized in csn5 mutants<br />

(Fig. 5E; Supplementary Fig. 6). This might be due to the low level of recruitment to<br />

Cul1p. In addition, the mutant protein, which is not normally destined for a CRL1<br />

complex, may not bear lysine residues accessible to autocatalytic modification by its<br />

associated Cul1p core complex. In conclusion, the proline is sufficient to target at least a<br />

portion of Pof12p into CRL1 complexes, but this does apparently not result in<br />

autocatalytic instability, and hence there is no effect of CSN.<br />

4. “Do the authors have any example that certain FBPs are less efficiently incorporated<br />

into CRL in knd1 mutant? Based on their CAND1 cycle model, it is expected that, while<br />

some FBPs are interacting with more Cul1p in the absence of Knd1p, some of the less<br />

abundant FBPs may not be able to compete and thus have reduced interaction with<br />

Cul1p in the absence of Knd1p.”<br />

The reviewer’s question gets to the heart of our model, and we have therefore<br />

addressed this with additional experiments. In addition to Pof1p, we have now tested two<br />

other FBPs for interaction with Cul1p in knd1 mutants. For this, we chose Pof3p and<br />

Pof7p, because both are substantially less abundant than Pof1p. While Pof7p binding to<br />

Cul1p was unchanged in the absence of Knd1p, Pof3p showed a stark decrease<br />

(revised Fig. 6E). In addition, knd1 mutants carrying epitope-tagged Pof3p exhibit a pof3<br />

deletion phenotype with slow growth and cell elongation, suggesting that these cells<br />

have a defect in SCF Pof3p function (revised Fig. 6F). This phenotype was neither<br />

observed with wildtype cells carrying tagged Pof3p nor with knd1 mutants containing<br />

other tagged FBPs. This finding suggests that the tagged Pof3p protein is partially<br />

defective and therefore requires an intact CAND1 cycle to maintain a sufficient level of<br />

activity. In conclusion, these findings show that loss of CAND1 differentially affects the<br />

composition of CRL1 complexes, presumably by allowing increased recruitment of some<br />

abundant FBPs at the expense of less abundant adapters as predicted by our model.<br />

These new data should provide the confirmation the reviewer has asked for.

5. “It looks like that the exposure time or protein loading amount in the left panels and<br />

the right panels in Figure 2A must be very different, so that the starting protein<br />

abundance for CSN-sensitive FBPs in WT and csn5 mutant appear to be the same. The<br />

authors should mention this in the legends; otherwise it is quite misleading.”<br />

This adjustment was done in order to enable a better comparison of FBP stability in<br />

wildtype versus csn5 mutant cells. It is now explained in the figure legend.<br />

6. “More than half of the lower panel in Figure 6B is not displayed.”<br />

This is unfortunate, but not our fault. We have checked the integrity of all display items<br />

on the uploaded version of the manuscript. If the problem persists in the revised version<br />

of the manuscript, the reviewer may want to contact the editorial office.<br />

7. “According to Figure 6C, the abundance of Btb3p seems to be more reduced in knd1<br />

mutant than in WT at the 120-minute time point. Is it reproducible?”<br />

A quantification of Btb3p levels in wildtype and mutant cells showed that there is indeed<br />

a 1.4-fold difference in Btb3p levels in the 120 minute time point in this blot. The<br />

difference is not reproducible, but has little bearing on the conclusion we draw from this<br />

figure. Our claim is that the half-live of Btb3p is not affected in a major way by deleting<br />

knd1. The half-live measurement relies on all 5 lanes shown and showed only a 1.18-<br />

fold difference (107.7 versus 90.6 min). We therefore believe that the figure fully<br />

supports our conclusion.<br />

8. “According to Figure S4, the pull-down of Myc-Knd1p is not efficient. A better pulldown<br />

experiment is needed here.”<br />

The reviewer is correct that the amount of overexpressed Myc-Knd1p retrieved by Mycantibody<br />

beads is less than one would hope. However, we have repeated this<br />

experiment several times and always found that overexpressed Myc-Knd1p is apparently<br />

degraded during the immunoprecipitation. However, the retrieved amount is sufficient to<br />

demonstrate binding to unneddylated Cul1p. In addition, we show the same interaction<br />

with proteins expressed at the endogenous levels (Fig. 6A) and the finding is therefore<br />

sound. We have not repeated this experiment but we have included the missing figure<br />

labels the reviewer pointed out.<br />

9. “To make the story more complete, Skp1 blot should be included in the IP assays in<br />

Figure 5A and 5B.”<br />

We are already showing the amount of Skp1p copurifying with FBPs and point mutant<br />

Pof10p at the level of the endogenous proteins at several places (Fig. 4B, C; Fig. 5D). In<br />

addition, we include a figure with overexpressed Pof1p (Suppl. Fig. 4). We therefore do<br />

not believe that our study is incomplete without showing Skp1p levels in Figs. 5A and B.<br />

Reviewer 3<br />

In the general comments, the reviewer raised a number of issues that are clarified first.<br />

“While the observation that the interaction and thus CSN-dependent regulation of F-box<br />

proteins requires the presence of a conserved proline residue is interesting, similar noncullin<br />

associated Skp1-F-box complexes have been described before, and the authors<br />

fail to show an in vivo function for these complexes.”<br />

The reviewer is right that, as we pointed out in the discussion, several FBPs have been

implicated in functions that are apparently independent of CRLs (reviewed in (Hermand,<br />

2006)). However, our goal was not to study these functions, but to understand why only<br />

a subset of FBPs forms CRL complexes. We have successfully pinpointed the<br />

discriminating feature as a single conserved lysine residue in the F-box motif. This is a<br />

significant advance, since it enables a rapid distinction of FBPs that are engaged in CRL<br />

complexes versus those that are not. In addition, our data suggest a mechanism for FBP<br />

recruitment into CRL complex that depends on a conformational change in the N-<br />

terminus of CUL1. Lastly, our findings may enable the design of small molecule<br />

compounds that can specifically interfere with the proline-dependent recruitment of FBPs<br />

into CRL complexes.<br />

“Also, the role of Cand1/knd1 for cullin ligase regulation is not clear, especially as no<br />

effects of knd1 deletions on cullin ligase activity/fidelity are presented in the manuscript.<br />

This contradicts observations in other systems, and it is thus not justified to draw general<br />

conclusions and models from a setting where no effects on cullin activity by Cand1 are<br />

observed.”<br />

To address this comment, we have performed new experiments that clearly show that<br />

CAND1 differentially regulates the disposition of cellular CRL1 complexes according to<br />

the model we have proposed. In the original submission, we had shown increased<br />

recruitment of the abundant FBP, Pof1p, into CRL complexes in knd1 mutants (revised<br />

Fig. 6D). Based on this finding, we predicted that some rare FBPs may be out-competed<br />

thus leading to a defect in CRL1 functions. Our new experiments are confirming this<br />

critical prediction of our model.<br />

We examined the interaction of two other FBPs with Cul1p in knd1 mutants. For this,<br />

we chose Pof3p and Pof7p, because both are substantially less abundant than Pof1p.<br />

While Pof7p binding to Cul1p was unchanged in the absence of Knd1p, Pof3p showed a<br />

stark decrease (revised Fig. 6E). In addition, knd1 mutants carrying epitope-tagged<br />

Pof3p exhibit a pof3 deletion phenotype with slow growth and cell elongation (revised<br />

Fig. 6F), suggesting that these cells have a defect in SCF Pof3p function. This phenotype<br />

was neither observed with wildtype cells carrying tagged Pof3p nor with knd1 mutants<br />

containing other tagged FBPs. This finding suggests that the tagged Pof3p protein is<br />

partially defective and therefore requires an intact CAND1 cycle to maintain a sufficient<br />

level of activity. In conclusion, these findings show that loss of CAND1 differentially<br />

affects the composition of CRL1 complexes, presumably by allowing increased<br />

recruitment of some abundant FBPs at the expense of less abundant adapters as<br />

predicted by our model. These new data also provide the link between Knd1p deficiency<br />

and CRL activity the reviewer has asked for.<br />

1. “What is the function of the non-cullin associated Skp1/F-box complexes?”<br />

This question is addressed in a very nice review (Hermand, 2006), which we are<br />

referencing in the revised version of the manuscript. As pointed out above, the main goal<br />

of our study was to understand why only a subset of FBPs is engaged in CRL<br />

complexes. Determining the function of those FBPs that are targeted into other<br />

complexes, perhaps through Skp1p, will be reserved to future studies by this and other<br />

labs.<br />

2. “S15P mutation of Pof12 established binding to Cul1 - based on the author's model,<br />

this F-box protein should now be subject to regulation by the CSN, but the authors fail to<br />

demonstrate this.”<br />

We have performed this experiment, which was also requested by reviewer 2. In order to<br />

do so, we had to place the Pof12p-S15P mutation into the genomic pof12 locus (as we

did for Pof10p-P35S), because we have previously found that overexpressed FBPs are<br />

not properly controlled by autocatalytic degradation (data not shown). In revised Fig. 5E,<br />

we are now showing that unlike wildtype Pof12p, Pof12p-S15P expressed from its<br />

endogenous promoter gained the ability to interact with Cul1p, albeit at a low level.<br />

Whereas, knock-in of the F-box proline was sufficient to target Pof12p into a CRL1<br />

complex, the mutant protein was neither downregulated nor destabilized in csn5 mutants<br />

(Fig. 5E; Supplementary Fig. 6). This might be due to the low level of recruitment to<br />

Cul1p. In addition, the mutant protein, which is not normally destined for a CRL1<br />

complex, may not bear lysine residues accessible to autocatalytic modification by its<br />

associated Cul1p core complex. In conclusion, the proline is sufficient to target at least a<br />

portion of Pof12p into CRL1 complexes, but this does apparently not result in<br />

autocatalytic instability, and hence there is no effect of CSN.<br />

3. “Why and how is Pof13 regulated by the CSN, but not on the protein level (unlike the<br />

other cullin-associated F-boxes)? What is the mechanism of regulation in this case?”<br />

We have no definitive answer to this question other than the one offered on page 6 of<br />

our manuscript where we describe the observation that Pof13p drops slightly in csn5<br />

mutants, although the protein is not destabilized. We have repeated this experiment<br />

several times with the same result. We also show that pof13 mRNA is not<br />

downregulated in csn5 mutants. By way of elimination, this leaves an effect of CSN<br />

deficiency on pof13 mRNA translation as the most likely explanation. For example, a<br />

protein, which regulates pof13 mRNA translation may be a substrate of a CRL and<br />

hence be dysregulated in csn5 mutants. We plead with the reviewer to see our inability<br />

to pinpoint the exact defect in Pof13p synthesis in the context of our entire work, which<br />

clearly demonstrates that the proline residue in the F-box of several FBPs is required<br />

and sufficient for regulation of FBP stability by the CSN.<br />

4. “While Ubp12 and Ubp1 show no effect on CRL1 adaptor stability, are there other<br />

Ubps that do? If not, why not? Does Ubp12/1 not associate with CSN when it is in a<br />

complex with Cul1?”<br />

We have previously shown that the interaction of cullins with Ubp12p depends on the<br />

CSN (Wee et al., 2005; Zhou et al., 2003). In contrast, the CSN-Ubp12 interaction is<br />

independent of cullins. The CSN complex purified via multiple chromatographic steps will<br />

copurify Ubp12 but not cullins (Zhou et al., 2003). No other DUB was identified in this<br />

purification. We therefore do not believe that other DUBs contribute to CSN-mediated<br />

adaptor stability. The differential effect of Ubp12p on Btb3p versus FPBs is highly<br />

reproducible. A possible explanation is that CUL3 adaptors are regulated differently than<br />

CUL1 adaptors for reasons that remain to be established, perhaps because there are<br />

fewer of them (three BTB domain proteins versus ~16 FBPs). These ideas were already<br />

discussed in the last paragraph of the discussion section.<br />

References<br />

Bornstein, G., Ganoth, D., and Hershko, A. (2006). Regulation of neddylation and<br />

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Chew, E.-H., and Hagen, T. (2007). Substrate-mediated Regulation of Cullin<br />

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Zheng, N. (2004). Structure of the Cand1-Cul1-Roc1 Complex Reveals Regulatory<br />

Mechanisms for the Assembly of the Multisubunit Cullin-Dependent Ubiquitin Ligases.<br />

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Hermand, D. (2006). F-box proteins: more than baits for the SCF? Cell Div 1, 30.<br />

Petroski, M.D., and Deshaies, R.J. (2003). Context of multiubiquitin chain attachment<br />

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* C) Manuscript<br />

Click here to view linked References<br />

F-Box-directed CRL complex assembly and<br />

regulation by the CSN and CAND1<br />

Michael W. Schmidt 1,6 , Philip R. McQuary 2,6 , Susan Wee 1,4 , Kay Hofmann 3 ,<br />

Dieter A. Wolf 1,2,5<br />

Address:<br />

1 Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health, 665<br />

Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, 02115, USA<br />

2 <strong>Burnham</strong> Institute for <strong>Medical</strong> Research, Signal Transduction Program, 10901 North<br />

Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037<br />

3 Milteny Biotec GmbH, D-50829 Koeln, Germany;<br />

Present Address: 4 Bristol-Myers Squibb, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Route 206 and<br />

Provinceline Road, Princeton, NJ.<br />

5 Corresponding author<br />

6 These authors contributed equally<br />

Running title: CRL control by CSN and CAND1

Summary<br />

The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is thought to maintain the stability of cullin-RING<br />

ubiquitin ligases (CRL) by limiting the autocatalytic destruction of substrate<br />

adapters such as F-box proteins (FBPs). CAND1, a protein associated with<br />

unneddylated CUL1, was proposed to assist in this role in an as yet unclear fashion.<br />

We found that only a subset of S. pombe FBPs, which feature a critical F-box<br />

proline that promotes their interaction with CUL1, required CSN for stability.<br />

Unlike the CRL3 adapter Btb3p, none of the CSN-sensitive FBPs were affected by<br />

deletion of ubp12. Contrary to current models, CAND1 does not control adapter<br />

stability, but maintains the cellular balance of CRL1 complexes by preventing rare<br />

FBPs from being out-competed for binding to CUL1 by more ample adapters. These<br />

findings were integrated into a new model of CRL control where substrate<br />

availability toggles CRLs between independent CSN and CAND1 cycles.<br />


Introduction<br />

CRLs represent an extensive class of multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligases each consisting of<br />

a core module containing a member of the cullin family and the RING domain protein<br />

RBX1 (= HRT1, ROC1), which recruits E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzymes to the ligases<br />

(reviewed in (Bosu and Kipreos, 2008; Petroski and Deshaies, 2005)). This core is joined<br />

by one of several hundred adapter proteins each of which appears to target a distinct array<br />

of substrates for ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation. Whereas FBPs are tethered<br />

to the CUL1 core through the linker protein SKP1 to form SCF (or CRL1) complexes<br />

(Deshaies, 1999), CUL3 adapters are recruited into CRL3 complexes via their inherent<br />

BTB domains (Furukawa et al., 2003; Geyer et al., 2003; Pintard et al., 2003; Xu et al.,<br />

2003). Several members of both adapter families are unstable proteins, due to<br />

autoubiquitylation by the intrinsic ubiquitin ligase activity of their associated core<br />

modules (Galan and Peter, 1999; Geyer et al., 2003; Luke-Glaser et al., 2007; Rouillon et<br />

al., 2000; Wirbelauer et al., 2000; Zhou and Howley, 1998) .<br />

CRLs are stimulated through modification of cullins with the ubiquitin-related<br />

peptide NEDD8 (reviewed in (Pan et al., 2004). Cullin neddylation is reversed by the<br />

COP9 signalosome (CSN), a highly conserved protein complex that binds cullins<br />

(Lyapina et al., 2001; Schwechheimer et al., 2001; Wee et al., 2002; Zhou et al., 2001)<br />

and thereby exposes them to a deneddylating activity intrinsic to subunit 5 of the CSN<br />

(Cope et al., 2002). Consistent with neddylation being a stimulatory modification is the<br />

observation that purified CSN inhibits CRL activity in vitro. In addition, the CSN-<br />


associated deubiquitylating enzyme (DUB) Ubp12/USP15 acts to neutralize CRL activity<br />

when assayed in vitro (Groisman et al., 2003; Zhou et al., 2003).<br />

These biochemical findings conflicted with genetic evidence that CSN is required for<br />

efficient CRL-dependent substrate degradation in vivo (Reviewed in (Cope and Deshaies,<br />

2003; von Arnim, 2003; Wolf et al., 2003)). This so-called CSN paradox was resolved by<br />

the demonstration that CSN’s inhibitory enzymatic activities revealed in vitro prevent the<br />

autocatalytic degradation of CRL substrate adapters in vivo thus promoting CRL activity.<br />

For example, the Cul3p adapter Btb3p is destabilized in fission yeast csn and ubp12<br />

mutants (Wee et al., 2005). In addition, several FBPs are unstable in csn mutants of S.<br />

pombe (Zhou et al., 2003) and N. crassa (He et al., 2005), and in human CSN knockdown<br />

cells (Cope and Deshaies, 2006; Denti et al., 2006).<br />

CAND1 is a highly conserved protein that binds to the unneddylated form of human<br />

and plant CUL1 and inhibits complex formation with SKP1-FBP modules (Hwang et al.,<br />

2003; Liu et al., 2002; Min et al., 2003; Oshikawa et al., 2003; Zheng et al., 2002a). By<br />

virtue of these properties, CAND1 inhibits CRL activity in vitro. However, CAND1 was<br />

also shown to be required for efficient CRL function in vivo (Chuang et al., 2004; Feng et<br />

al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2002a). This contradictory pattern reiterates the CSN paradox, and<br />

it was therefore suggested that CAND1 and CSN participate in the same pathway of CRL<br />

adapter stabilization (Cope and Deshaies, 2003; He et al., 2005; Min et al., 2005),<br />

although experimental proof is still outstanding. It also remained unclear whether the<br />

model is broadly applicable to all FBPs. In the present report, we address these questions<br />

by determining the regulation by CSN and CAND1 of a panel of eight FBPs from fission<br />

yeast.<br />


Results<br />

Differential effect of CSN on FBP levels<br />

In previous studies we demonstrated that the stability of the CRL1 adapter Pop1p and the<br />

CRL3 adapter Btb3p is promoted by the CSN in vivo (Wee et al., 2005; Zhou et al.,<br />

2003). In addition, genetic interaction studies suggested that FBPs other than Pop1p are<br />

also subject to regulation by the CSN (Wee et al., 2005). The S. pombe genome encodes a<br />

minimum of 16 FBPs (named Pofs and Pops), but whether all are targets for regulation by<br />

the CSN is unknown. We compared the steady-state protein levels of eight randomly<br />

chosen FBPs in wild-type and csn5 mutant cells, utilizing a panel of strains harbouring<br />

FBPs modified at their endogenous genomic loci with C-terminal Myc-epitope tags<br />

(Lehmann et al., 2004). Pof1p, 3p, 7p, 9p, 10p, and 13p steady-state levels were reduced<br />

in csn5 mutants, whereas Pof8p and Pof12p levels were largely unaffected (Fig. 1A).<br />

The levels of the CSN-regulated Pof1p and Pof10p were also diminished in csn3 and<br />

csn4 mutants (Fig. 1B, Supplementary Fig. 1). Conversely, downregulation of Pof10p in<br />

csn5 mutants was complemented by providing wild-type csn5 from a plasmid (Fig. 1B).<br />

This rescue failed in csn4 csn5 double mutants (Fig. 1B). In addition, efficient rescue<br />

depended on the enzymatic function of the deneddylating enzyme Csn5p, since point<br />

mutants in the catalytic JAMM motif were unable to maintain Pof10p levels in csn5<br />

mutants (Fig, 1C). These results suggested that the cullin deneddylation function of the<br />

entire CSN complex is required to maintain the steady-state expression levels of CSNsensitive<br />

FBPs.<br />


CSN regulates FBP protein stability<br />

The levels of the mRNAs encoding Pof1p and Pof10p were unchanged in csn5 mutants as<br />

determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR (Supplementary Fig. 2A), suggesting that CSNsensitive<br />

FBPs might be regulated at the level of protein stability. Cycloheximide (CHX)<br />

chase experiments confirmed that the CSN-sensitive FBPs Pof1p, Pof3p, Pof7p, Pof9p,<br />

and Pof10p were considerably destabilized in csn5 mutants (Fig. 2A, B). Destabilization<br />

of Pof1p, Pof9p, and Pof10p did not occur in csn5 mutants that carried the temperaturesensitive<br />

mts3-1 allele (Gordon et al., 1996), which encodes a mutant version of the<br />

proteasome subunit Rpn12p (Fig. 2C, D). Likewise, the downregulation of these FBPs in<br />

csn5 mutants was rescued in csn5 mts3-1 double mutants, indicating that proteasome<br />

activity is required for FBP destabilization in csn5 mutants (Supplementary Fig. 3). No<br />

destabilization was observed for Pof8p and Pof12p. Pof13p stability was also unaffected<br />

in csn5 mutants (Fig. 2A, B) despite the decrease in Pof13p steady-state levels apparent<br />

in Fig. 1A. Since pof13 mRNA was not downregulated in csn5 mutants as determined by<br />

quantitative real time PCR (Supplementary Fig. 2B), decreased Pof13p protein levels in<br />

csn5 mutants may reflect an unidentified role of CSN in facilitating Pof13p protein<br />

synthesis. It is well established that some CSN components have dual functions in<br />

proteolysis and protein synthesis (Luke-Glaser et al., 2007).<br />

The DUB Ubp12p maintains the stability of the CRL3 adapter Btb3p but not<br />

FBPs<br />

We previously showed that the level of the Cul3p adapter Btb3p is strongly reduced in<br />

cells lacking CSN deneddylation activity (Wee et al., 2005). An even more pronounced<br />


downregulation was observed in cells deficient of the CSN-associated DUB Ubp12p, and<br />

both effects were attributed to increased autocatalytic destruction of Btb3p by its<br />

associated CRL3 core module (Wee et al., 2005). Unlike with Btb3p, the steady-state<br />

levels of the CSN-regulated FBPs Pof1p, Pof3p, Pof9p, and Pof10p were only minimally<br />

altered in ubp12 mutants when compared to csn5 mutants (Fig. 3A), indicating that<br />

Ubp12p is not a major regulator of these adapters.<br />

To illustrate the differential effect of Ubp12p on Btb3p and FBPs more rigorously, we<br />

generated a ubp12 deletion strain coexpressing protein A-tagged Btb3p and Myc-tagged<br />

Pof1p from their endogenous promoters. A CHX chase experiment revealed that Btb3p<br />

was drastically destabilized in ubp12 mutants as described (Wee et al., 2005), whereas<br />

Pof1p was entirely stable in the same cells (Fig. 3B).<br />

To exclude the possibility that Ubp1p, a DUB sharing 48% amino acid similarity<br />

(32% identity) with Ubp12p and an overall identical domain structure and length (data<br />

not shown), maintained FBP stability in ubp12 mutants, we compared Pof1p levels in<br />

ubp1 and ubp12 single mutants and in ubp1 ubp12 double mutants. Pof1p levels were<br />

unchanged in either mutant (Fig. 3C). These data suggested that, unlike with Btb3p, the<br />

steady-state levels of CSN-sensitive FBPs were not affected by lack of CSN-associated<br />

DUB activity, although we cannot entirely exclude minor destabilization in ubp12<br />

mutants as previously detected for Pop1p (Zhou et al., 2003).<br />

CSN-insensitive FBPs are deficient in forming canonical CRL1 complexes<br />

To understand why the stability of only five of the eight FBPs tested was regulated by the<br />

CSN, we searched for structural features setting the two groups apart. Since the F-box is<br />


the only motif shared by all of these proteins, we performed a ClustalW alignment of the<br />

F-boxes of all 16 fission yeast FBPs. Human SKP2 and -TRCP1 as well as budding<br />

yeast Cdc4p were included for reference. The alignment revealed that all CSN-insensitive<br />

FBPs missed a conserved proline residue at the beginning of the F-box motif (Fig. 4A).<br />

None of the other signature residues of the F-box motif segregated consistently with CSN<br />

regulation. Since the proline is one of the most highly conserved amino acids of the F-<br />

box motif across all species, we reasoned that it might be important for CRL complex<br />

formation.<br />

To test this, Myc-tagged FBPs were immunoprecipitated with Myc antibodies,<br />

followed by immunoblotting with Cul1p and Skp1p antisera. Binding of Cul1p was only<br />

detected for the CSN-regulated FBPs Pof1p (Fig. 4B). In contrast, Pof8p, 12p, and 13p<br />

showed no detectable interaction with Cul1p (Fig. 4B). Skp1p exhibited a binding pattern<br />

closely resembling that of Cul1p, although a low level of Skp1p was also retrieved in<br />

immunoprecipitates of Pof8p, 12p, and 13p (Fig. 4B), suggesting that these FBPs are<br />

principally capable of interacting with Skp1p. In fact, Skp1p immunoprecipitates<br />

prepared from the same lysates efficiently retrieved all eight FBPs (Fig. 4C). These<br />

results suggested that CSN-insensitive FBPs lacking the conserved proline residue in<br />

their F-boxes are impaired in binding Cul1p, and thus, in forming canonical CRL<br />

complexes.<br />

The conserved proline residue determines CRL1 complex formation<br />

To directly address the role of the proline residue, we constructed a point mutant of the<br />

CSN-regulated Pof1p, exchanging proline 114 for serine (= Pof1p-P114S), which is<br />


found in the corresponding position in the F-box of the CSN-independent Pof12p (Fig.<br />

4A). Similarly, we mutated the conserved proline 35 in Pof10p to serine (Pof10p-P35S).<br />

Myc-tagged wild-type and proline mutant FBPs were expressed from pRep81 plasmids<br />

driven by the low strength nmt1 promoter, and binding to endogenous Cul1p was<br />

determined by co-immunoprecipitation. The Pof1p-P114S and Pof10p-P35S mutants<br />

interacted with Cul1p much less efficiently than the respective wild-type proteins (Fig.<br />

5A). For Pof1p-P114S, this deficiency was verified in both wildtype and csn5 mutant<br />

backgrounds, whereas binding of Skp1p was not affected by the proline mutation<br />

(Supplementary Fig. 3).<br />

We next asked whether the proline was sufficient to target an FBP into a CRL1<br />

complex. To this end, we changed serine 15 of the Pof12p F-box to proline and<br />

determined binding to Cul1p. As with endogenous Pof12p (see Fig. 4B), plasmid-derived<br />

wildtype Pof12p was inefficient in binding Cul1p (Fig. 5A). In contrast, prolinecontaining<br />

Pof12p bound Cul1p (Fig. 5A). Thus, the F-box proline residue appears to be<br />

both required and sufficient to target FBPs into canonical CRL1 complexes.<br />

The instability of Pof9p in csn5 mutants (Fig. 2A) and the binding of Pof9p to Cul1p<br />

(Fig. 4B) suggested that its F-box also contains the conserved proline. Indeed, under the<br />

parameters used, the ClustalW algorithm aligned proline 5, a residue near the beginning<br />

of the Pof9p F-box, with the conserved proline of other FBPs (Fig. 4A). The alignment<br />

also highlighted a short insertion following the proline that is shared by human -TRCP<br />

but not by other S. pombe FBPs (Fig. 4A). Remarkably, unlike with Pof1p and Pof10p,<br />

mutation of proline 5 to serine did not reduce the binding of Pof9p to Cul1p but enhanced<br />

it instead (Fig. 5A). Manual editing of the sequence alignment revealed that Pof9p can<br />


also be aligned such that it features a serine in the position of the conserved proline, a<br />

maneuver that would place Pof9p into the group of CSN-independent FBPs (designated<br />

Pof9p* at the bottom of Fig. 4A).<br />

To reconcile this apparent paradox, we considered the possibility that Pof9p may be<br />

targeted into CRL1 complexes independently of its F-box motif. Precedence for such a<br />

scenario was previously provided by the S. pombe FBP Pop2p, which can be recruited<br />

into functional CRL1 complexes in an F-box independent manner through dimerization<br />

with another FBP, Pop1p (Seibert et al., 2002). Truncated Pof9p lacking the N-terminal<br />

F-box retained efficient interaction with Cul1p similar in extent to the wildtype and the<br />

proline mutant proteins (Supplementary Fig. 5). In summary, these findings indicated that<br />

Pof9p, unlike most other FBPs, is targeted into CRL1 complexes and subjected to<br />

stability control by the CSN independently of the integrity of its F-box. Nevertheless,<br />

insertion of a serine upstream further enhances Pof9p binding to Cul1p for reasons that<br />

are presently unclear (Fig. 5A).<br />

Proline-dependent regulation of Pof10p stability by the CSN<br />

Our data revealed a strict correlation between the ability of FBPs to form CRL1<br />

complexes and their requirement for CSN to maintain stability. From this correlation, we<br />

predicted that proline mutant FBPs are no longer targets for stability control by CSN. To<br />

critically test this prediction, we replaced the endogenous copy of the non-essential pof10<br />

gene with the proline mutant Pof10p-P35S in both wildtype as well as csn5 mutants, and<br />

determined its stability by CHX chase. Whereas wild-type Pof10p was downregulated<br />

and destabilized in csn5 mutants, Pof10p-P35S was as stable in the mutant as in wild-<br />


type cells (Fig. 5B,C). Like plasmid expressed Pof10p-P35S (Fig. 5A), the point mutant<br />

expressed from its endogenous genomic locus in csn5 mutants, was completely deficient<br />

in binding Cul1p, but maintained wild-type levels of interaction with Skp1p (Fig. 5D).<br />

These data establish that proline-dependent recruitment of FBPs into CRL1 complexes<br />

destines FBPs for stabilization by the CSN pathway.<br />

We also created a proline knock-in mutation in the endogenous pof12 gene to<br />

generate a strain that expressed Pof12p-S15P in either a wildtype or csn5 mutant<br />

background. Unlike wildtype Pof12p, Pof12p-S15P expressed from its endogenous<br />

promoter gained the ability to interact with Cul1p, albeit at a low level (Fig. 5E).<br />

Whereas, as with overexpressed Pof12p-S15P (Fig. 5A), knock-in of the F-box proline<br />

was sufficient to target Pof12p into a CRL1 complex, the mutant protein was neither<br />

downregulated nor destabilized in csn5 mutants (Fig. 5E; Supplementary Fig. 6). This<br />

might be due to the low level of recruitment to Cul1p. In addition, the mutant protein,<br />

which is not normally destined for a CRL1 complex, may not bear lysine residues<br />

accessible to autocatalytic modification by its associated Cul1p core complex.<br />

CAND1 is not required for maintaining the stability of CSN-regulated FBPs<br />

CAND1 was proposed to participate in the same process of CRL adapter stabilization as<br />

the CSN (Cope and Deshaies, 2003; He et al., 2005; Min et al., 2005), although no<br />

supporting experimental evidence was provided. To address this proposition in fission<br />

yeast, we turned our attention to the uncharacterized open reading frame SPAC1565.07c,<br />

which we named knd1. This gene encodes a protein with an overall similarity of 43%<br />

(22% identity) with human CAND1 over its entire length of 1220 amino acids. In<br />


addition, 25 of the 27 HEAT repeats found in human CAND1, which are responsible for<br />

its hallmark solenoid structure (Goldenberg et al., 2004), are readily predicted from the<br />

primary sequence of S. pombe Knd1p (data not shown). These considerations suggested<br />

that Knd1p is the homolog of CAND1 identified in higher eukaryotes.<br />

This was supported by the finding that Knd1 expressed from a plasmid specifically<br />

interacted with the unneddylated form of Cul1p but not with neddylated Cul1p present in<br />

csn5 mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4). Likewise, Knd1p modified with a single N-<br />

terminal protein A tag at the endogenous genomic locus co-immunoprecipitated the<br />

unneddylated form of Cul1p (Fig. 6A). Importantly, whereas >50% of ProA-Knd1p was<br />

depleted from the cell lysate upon absorption to IgG resin, the bulk of Cul1p was retained<br />

in the lysate, indicating that only a minor fraction of Cul1p was in a stable complex with<br />

Knd1p, at least under steady-state conditions (Fig. 6A).<br />

Like most csn and ubp12 deletions strains (Mundt et al., 2002; Zhou et al., 2001;<br />

Zhou et al., 2003), haploid cells lacking knd1 were viable and did not exhibit any gross<br />

morphological or growth phenotypes (data not shown). Unlike csn mutants, however,<br />

knd1 mutants did not display accumulation of Cul1p in the neddylated state (Fig. 6D).<br />

Nevertheless, since neddylated Cul1p can not interact with CAND1 (Hwang et al., 2003;<br />

Liu et al., 2002; Min et al., 2003; Oshikawa et al., 2003; Zheng et al., 2002a), and since<br />

Cul1p is fully neddylated in csn5 mutants, CSN deficiency might mimic CAND1<br />

deficiency with respect to CRL1 activity<br />

To test this idea, we performed a genetic assay using a strain containing a<br />

temperature-sensitive allele of skp1, which is specifically impaired in binding of FBPs<br />

(Lehmann et al., 2004), but not in binding of Cul1p (Wee et al., 2005). In this strain<br />


ackground, we previously demonstrated that CSN becomes essential for viability when<br />

adapter recruitment to CRL core complexes is compromised. Whereas skp1-ts csn5<br />

mutants lost viability upon shift to the restrictive temperature as demonstrated before<br />

(Wee et al., 2005), skp1-ts knd1 double mutants were fully viable at 36.5 0 C (Fig. 6B).<br />

Thus, unlike CSN, Knd1p is dispensable for viability, even when adapter recruitment to<br />

CRL1 core complexes is compromised.<br />

This finding suggested that knd1 mutants do not suffer the same adapter instability as<br />

csn mutants. In fact, downregulation of Pof1p, Pof3p, and Pof7p steady state levels<br />

occurring in csn5 mutants was not observed in knd1 mutants (Fig. 6D, E). In addition, the<br />

stabilities of the CSN-regulated FBPs, Pof1p and Pof10p, as well as the CRL3 adapter<br />

Btb3p were unaffected (Fig. 6C). These findings indicated that CSN maintains CRL<br />

adapter stability independently of CAND1.<br />

CAND1 controls the composition of cellular CRL1 complexes<br />

Since, CAND1 deficiency did not phenocopy CSN deficiency with regards to the control<br />

of FBP levels and stability, we wondered whether it affected the recruitment of FBPs to<br />

Cul1p. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that binding of Pof1p to Cul1p was<br />

strongly enhanced in a knd1 mutants (Fig. 6D). Consistent with CAND being displaced<br />

from fully neddylated Cul1p, this interaction was also enhanced in a csn5 deletion strain,<br />

in particular when accounting for the low steady-state levels of Pof1p present in this<br />

mutant (Fig. 6D). Whereas the Pof7p-Cul1p interaction was unaffected by the absence of<br />

Knd1p, the Pof3p-Cul1p interaction was substantially decreased (Fig. 6E). Knd1 mutants<br />

carrying C-terminally tagged Pof3p showed the same slow growth and cell elongation<br />


phenotype as described for pof3 deletion strains (Katayama et al., 2002), indicating that<br />

they have a defect in SCF Pof3p function (Fig. 6F). These phenotypes were neither<br />

observed in wildtype cells carrying tagged Pof3p nor in knd1 mutants harbouring tagged<br />

Pof7p (Fig. 6F), suggesting that the pof3-13myc allele is partially defective and therefore<br />

requires CAND1 to maintain a sufficient level of activity. Taken together, these findings<br />

show that loss of CAND1 differentially affects the composition of CRL1 complexes,<br />

presumably by allowing increased recruitment of some abundant FBPs such as Pof1p at<br />

the expense of less abundant adapters such as Pof3p.<br />


Discussion<br />

F-box directed CRL assembly and control by the CSN<br />

The results of this study add further credence to our model that CSN’s cullin<br />

deneddylation activity revealed in vitro serves to maintain the stability of CRL adapters<br />

thus promoting CRL activity in vivo (Wolf et al., 2003; Zhou et al., 2003). However, not<br />

all FBPs are subject to this mode of regulation, a surprising finding, considering that all<br />

FBPs examined here share a canonical F-box motif and interact with Skp1p (Lehmann et<br />

al., 2004). Yet, the CSN-insensitive FBPs are not efficiently incorporated into CRL1<br />

complexes, because they lack a critical proline residue in their F-boxes, which is required<br />

for binding of Cul1p, but not Skp1p (Fig. 4). This proline is also missing from budding<br />

yeast Rcy1p, its fission yeast ortholog Pof6p, and from human Emi1, all of which were<br />

previously found to bind Skp1p, but not Cul1p (Galan et al., 2001; Hermand, 2006;<br />

Hermand et al., 2003; Seol et al., 2001); and Peter K. Jackson, personal communication).<br />

These findings can be rationalized by the crystal structure of the human CUL1-<br />

RBX1-SKP1-SKP2 complex, which showed that the proline is the only conserved F-box<br />

residue within a cluster of three contiguous amino acids that makes side chain contacts<br />

with CUL1 (Zheng et al., 2002b). Despite its extensive interface with both CUL1 and the<br />

F-box, SKP1 is insufficient to recruit FBPs into CRL complexes; instead, this process is<br />

specified by proline-dependent F-box-CUL1 interactions. An interesting possibility is<br />

that recruitment of FBP-SKP1 dimers to the CRL1 core complex requires the induction<br />

of proline-dependent conformational changes within the N-terminus of CUL1.<br />


Based on these data, we propose that all FBPs that lack the critical proline residue are<br />

not engaged in canonical CRL1 complexes and are hence not subject to stabilization by<br />

the CSN. Consistent with this interpretation is our demonstration that mutation of the<br />

conserved proline circumvents the CSN requirement for maintaining Pof10p stability<br />

(Fig. 5C). The same scenario would apply to at least 11 human FBPs that lack the<br />

proline. Conversely, CSN-mediated cullin deneddylation would assist in the assembly of<br />

proline-containing FBPs into CRL1 complexes by shielding them from autocatalytic<br />

inactivation. This mechanism provides a safe environment for the de novo assembly and<br />

maintenance of CRL complexes with labile FBPs (Wolf et al., 2003).<br />

Distinct CAND1 and CSN cycles<br />

CAND1 inhibits CRL activity in vitro (Hwang et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2002; Min et al.,<br />

2003; Oshikawa et al., 2003; Zheng et al., 2002a), but is required for full CRL activity in<br />

vivo (Chuang et al., 2004; Feng et al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2002a). This pattern reiterates<br />

the CSN paradox, and similar resolutions involving adapter stabilization were invoked for<br />

both the CSN and CAND1 paradoxes (Cope and Deshaies, 2003, 2006; He et al., 2005;<br />

Zheng et al., 2002a). This seemed attractive considering that inactivation of CSN is<br />

expected to phenocopy deletion of CAND1.<br />

The results presented here contradict several key prediction of a model of adapter<br />

stabilization involving CAND1: First, only a miniscule fraction of unneddylated Cul1p<br />

was in a stable complex with Knd1p, although the vast majority of Cul1p was in the<br />

unneddylated state (Fig. 6A). Conversely, unneddylated Cul1p readily interacted with<br />

Skp1p and FBPs (Fig. 4B). Both findings are inconsistent with quantitative sequestration<br />


of unneddylated Cul1p into inert CAND1 complexes. Secondly, deletion of knd1 did not<br />

interfere with adapter stability (Fig. 6C). Likewise, the FBP COL1 is not stabilized in<br />

plant CAND1 mutants (Feng et al., 2004). Finally, unlike CSN, Knd1p was not rendered<br />

essential when adapter recruitment to CRL1 core complexes was compromised (Fig. 6D).<br />

Based on these findings, we conclude that CSN-dependent adapter stabilization<br />

principally functions independently of CAND1. CSN is sufficient to sustain this mode of<br />

regulation, apparently because the autocatalytic activity of CRL1 complexes is<br />

dominantly suppressed by CUL1 deneddylation.<br />

If CAND1 does not maintain adapter stability, what might its function be in<br />

promoting CRL activity? Our findings suggest a model according to which transient<br />

interaction of CAND1 with unneddylated CUL1-RBX1 core complexes promotes a<br />

continuous cycle of adapter recruitment and displacement (CAND1 cycle, Fig. 7). This<br />

cycle would assure rapid and constitutive turnover of a given CRL complex in the<br />

absence of its substrate. In support of this mechanism are biochemical studies that<br />

demonstrated that human SKP2 can displace CAND1 from CUL1 (Bornstein et al.,<br />

2006). If substrate becomes available, the corresponding CRL-adapter complex would be<br />

removed from the CAND1 cycle by substrate driven CUL1 neddylation and transferred<br />

into an independent CSN cycle (Fig. 7). Once the substrate is consumed, the CRL will be<br />

deneddylated and redirected into the CAND1 cycle.<br />

This model can readily reconcile the biochemical phenotypes of csn and knd1<br />

mutants: Although only a small fraction of Cul1p was engaged in a stable complex with<br />

Knd1p, a situation that is reiterated in A. thaliana (Feng et al., 2004), lack of Knd1p,<br />

nevertheless, caused a substantial increase in the recruitment of the abundant FBP, Pof1p,<br />


to Cul1p (Fig. 6B). This constellation can only be explained by a continuous and rapid<br />

adapter exchange cycle driven by transient Knd1p-Cul1p interactions. In the absence of<br />

CAND1, slow exchange would competitively disadvantage relatively rare adapters such<br />

as Pof3p thus disturbing the disposition of a subset of cellular CRL complexes. Indeed, in<br />

A. thaliana, an organism with an extensive FBP repertoire, CRL-dependent auxin<br />

response and photomorphogenesis are compromised in the absence of CAND1, albeit to a<br />

lower extent than in CSN mutants, which are presumed to be broadly deficient in all<br />

CRLs (Chuang et al., 2004; Feng et al., 2004). Likewise, in S. pombe, loss of knd1 does<br />

not show the same synthetic effects with skp1-ts as loss of csn5 (Fig. 6E), again<br />

suggesting that only a subset of CRLs is compromised in knd1 mutants.<br />

The proposition that substrate availability transfers CRLs from the CAND1 to the<br />

CSN cycle is corroborated by the finding that the CRL substrate p27 can drive CUL1<br />

neddylation and CAND1 displacement from SCF SKP2 in vitro (Bornstein et al., 2006).<br />

Likewise, CUL1 and CUL2 neddylation is stimulated by substrate in vivo (Chew and<br />

Hagen, 2007). Substrate-dependent toggling of CRLs between the CAND1 and CSN<br />

cycle thus provides a ready means of driving both the selection of corresponding CRLs<br />

and their recycling.<br />

Role of Ubp12p in CRL regulation<br />

Like Knd1p, the CSN-associated deubiquitylating enzyme Ubp12p was dispensable for<br />

the stability of the FBPs examined here. However, the Cul3p adapter Btb3p is strongly<br />

destabilized in the same ubp12 deleted cells, in which FBPs are largely stable ((Wee et<br />

al., 2005) and Fig. 3). Since we were unable to detect an interaction of Cul3p with Knd1p<br />


(data not shown) under conditions at which Knd1p bound Cul1p, CRL3 complexes may<br />

not be subject to the CAND1 cycle. The much reduced adapter repertoire for Cul3p –<br />

only three BTB adapters exist in fission yeast (Geyer et al., 2003) – may alleviate the<br />

need for constitutive exchange. Instead, BTB adapters stably associated with neddylated<br />

Cul3p appear to be protected from autocatalytic turn-over by CSN-bound Ubp12p.<br />

Additionally, Ubp12p may stabilize CRL core components as described for some<br />

organisms (He et al., 2005; Hetfeld et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2005), although we have yet to<br />

detect conditions under which similar regulation would occur in fission yeast.<br />


Materials and methods<br />

Yeast strains and plasmids<br />

The knd1 and ubp1 deletion strains and the epitope-tagged strains were constructed by<br />

one-step gene replacement using PCR-generated fragments containing ura4 or<br />

kanamycin cassettes (Bahler et al., 1998). The ubp1 ubp12 double mutant was obtained<br />

by mating and confirmed by PCR. Strains containing Myc-tagged FBPs were provided by<br />

T. Toda and crossed into our wild-type background and into csn5 mutants. The skp1-ts<br />

knd1 mutant was created by mating, followed by verification of the recombinants by<br />

colony PCR. The strain was assayed for synthetic phenotypes by spotting serial dilutions<br />

exactly as described (Wee et al., 2005). N-terminally protein A tagged knd1 was<br />

constructed following a published protocol (Werler et al., 2003).<br />

A pof10 disruptant was constructed by one-step gene replacement using a PCRgenerated<br />

fragment containing the ura4 cassette and flanking regions thus inserting the<br />

ura4 cassette between codon 31 and 636 of the pof10 open reading frame. The pof10<br />

disruptant was transformed with a PCR-generated fragment consisting of the coding<br />

sequence of full length pof10 carrying a mutation of serine 35 to proline. Transformants<br />

were grown in 10 ml liquid YES at 30 o C for 22 hours. Ten 10-fold serial dilutions of the<br />

liquid culture with fresh YES were prepared and 100µl of each dilution was plated on<br />

YES plates containing 0.1% 5-fluororotic acid (5-FOA). After 3-5 days, colonies growing<br />

on YES + 5-FOA were confirmed as containing the pof10-P35S mutation by colony-PCR<br />

and sequencing. Subsequently, the point mutant pof10 locus was modified with a 13Myc<br />


tag. The pof10-P35S Δcsn5 mutant was created by mating. The pof12-S15P and pof12-<br />

S15P csn5 mutants were created in an identical manner.<br />

The plasmids expressing Csn5p JAMM mutants were described previously (Wee et<br />

al., 2005). FBP plasmids were prepared by amplifying the respective ORFs from<br />

Schizosaccharomyces pombe complementary DNA. PCR products were sequenced and<br />

then cloned into pRep3 plasmids, which drive the expression of amino-terminally Mycepitope-tagged<br />

proteins from the thiamine-repressible nmt1 promoter. FBP point mutants<br />

were constructed with the QuickChange site-directed mutagenesis method (Stratagene)<br />

and verified by sequencing.<br />

Immunological methods<br />

Epitope-tagged proteins were detected by the monoclonal anti-Myc antibody 9E10 or<br />

with monoclonal anti-Protein A antibodies (Sigma). Cell lysates for immunoprecipitation<br />

were prepared as described in a buffer containing 50 mM Tris, pH 7.4, 50 mM NaCl, and<br />

0.5% Triton X-100 (Zhou et al., 2001). Lysates were cleared by centrifugation, and<br />

proteins were precipitated with the respective antisera. Immunocomplexes were collected<br />

by binding to protein A beads, washed, and analyzed by immunoblotting as described<br />

(Zhou et al., 2001). Protein A-tagged proteins were precipitated using whole rabbit<br />

immunoglobulin absorbed to Dynabeads. Affinity-purified rabbit antisera against Cul1p,<br />

Skp1p, and Rbx1p were described before (Geyer et al., 2003; Seibert et al., 2002). For<br />

loading controls Cdc2 (PSTAIR, Santa Cruz) antibodies were used at a dilution of 1:500.<br />


Cycloheximide chase experiments<br />

To measure the stability of adapter proteins, strains containing epitope-tagged versions of<br />

FBPs and Btb3p were grown to an OD 600 of 1.0 in 50 ml YES media. 100 ug/ml<br />

cycloheximide (CHX) was added, and cultures were incubated at 25 o C. 10 ml aliquots<br />

removed after the times indicated in the figures. NaN3 was added to a final concentration<br />

of 1 mM, in order to instantly kill the cells. Cell were harvested by centrifugation and<br />

frozen in liquid nitrogen. Once all samples of the chase period were obtained, cell lysates<br />

were prepared by standard bead lysis, and equal amounts of proteins were analyzed by<br />

immunoblotting.<br />

CHX chase experiments with strains containing the temperature-sensitive mts3-1<br />

allele were performed in the same way, except that strains were maintained at 37 o C for 90<br />

minutes prior to the addition of CHX.<br />

RT/PCR<br />

Total cellular RNA was isolated by cell lysis in hot RNAzol (TelTest, Inc.) and three<br />

cycles each of vortexing in the presence of beads for 5 minutes and heating to 65 o C for 5<br />

minutes. The RNA was extracted and precipitated according to the recommendations of<br />

the manufacturer. 2µg RNA was used in each RT/PCR reaction. Primer design and RT-<br />

PCR conditions were according to the manual supplied with the Platinum Quantitative<br />

RT-PCR Thermoscript kit (Invitrogen). The primer concentration for actin amplification<br />

was 0.25 µM. Other primers were used at 1 µM. Pof13 expression was assayed using a<br />

iQ Multiplex Powermix enzyme kit (BioRad) following the supplied protocol. Triplicate<br />

reactions were analyzed with a iCycler iQ PCR detection system (BioRad).<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

We are grateful to T. Toda for providing strains expressing tagged FBPs and to R. J.<br />

Deshaies for JAMM mutants. We wish to thank C. Hoffman for help with the creation of<br />

the pof1-P35S mutant. M.W.S is grateful to D. H. Wolf (University of Stuttgart) for<br />

support. We thank M. Petroski for helpful comments on the manuscript. This study was<br />

funded by NIH grant GM59780 to D.A.W.<br />


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Figure legends<br />

Fig. 1 Differential effect of CSN on FBP levels<br />

(A) Steady-state levels of Myc-tagged FBPs in csn5 deletion strains. Cdc2p and Cul1p<br />

are shown for reference in the lower panels. The mobility differences of Cul1p reflect the<br />

loss of deneddylation activity in csn5 mutants.<br />

(B) Complementation of Pof10p-Myc levels. The indicated csn4 and csn5 deletion strains<br />

were transformed with plasmids driving the expression of Myc-tagged Csn4p or Csn5p,<br />

and Pof10p-Myc levels were determined by immunoblotting. Two independently derived<br />

strains are shown in the right panel.<br />

(C) Dependence of the rescue of Pof10p-Myc levels on the JAMM motif of Csn5p. Myctagged<br />

wild-type Csn5p or the JAMM point mutant Csn5p-H118A were expressed in<br />

csn5 deletion strains, and the level of Pof10p-Myc was determined by immunoblotting.<br />

Two independently derived strains are shown.<br />

Fig. 2 Stability of FBPs in csn5 mutants<br />

(A). Strains expressing the indicated Myc-tagged FBPs in a wild-type or csn5 mutant<br />

background were employed in cycloheximide (CHX) chase experiments to determine<br />

their stability (see Materials and methods). Note that exposure times were adjusted such<br />

that comparable base line signals of the FBPs in wildtype and csn5 mutant cells were<br />

obtained for improved comparison.<br />

(B) The levels of FBPs remaining in wild-type and csn5 mutants upon CHX chase were<br />

quantified. Quantification was done using IMAGEJ v1.40f analysis software. Mean<br />


intensities were background subtracted and normalized to the loading control Cdc2 (blots<br />

not shown).<br />

(C) Strains expressing the indicated Myc-tagged FBPs in a csn5 or csn5 mts3-1 mutant<br />

background were employed in cycloheximide (CHX) chase experiments. Note that<br />

loading and exposure times were adjusted such that comparable base line signals of the<br />

FBPs in csn5 and csn5 mts3-1 mutant cells were obtained for improved comparison.<br />

(D) The levels of FBPs remaining in csn5 and csn5 mts3-1 mutants upon CHX chase<br />

were quantified. Quantification was done using IMAGEJ analysis software. Mean<br />

intensities were background subtracted and normalized to the loading control Cdc2 (blots<br />

not shown).<br />

Fig. 3 Ubp12p maintains the stability of the CRL3 adapter Btb3p but not<br />

FBPs<br />

(A) Steady-state levels of the indicated CSN-sensitive FBPs in csn5 and ubp12 mutants.<br />

(B) A strain coexpressing protein A-tagged Btb3p and Myc-tagged Pof1p from their<br />

respective endogenous genomic loci was employed in a CHX chase experiment to<br />

determine the stability of the adapters.<br />

(C) Pof1p-Myc levels were determined in ubp1 and ubp12 single mutants, and in ubp1<br />

ubp12 double mutants.<br />


Fig. 4 CSN-insensitive FBPs are less efficient in forming CRL complexes<br />

(A) CLUSTALW alignment of the F-boxes of the indicated proteins. The conserved<br />

proline residue is highlighted by an arrow. Two different alignments are shown for Pof9p<br />

(stippled green and red boxes). Pof9p* denotes an alignment according to which the<br />

Pof9p F-box does not contain the conserved proline. The proline containing FBPs<br />

examined in this study are highlighted in a green box, the proline-less FBPs are in a red<br />

box.<br />

(B) Interaction of FBPs with Cul1p and Skp1p. The indicated Myc-tagged FBPs were<br />

immunoprecipitated with Myc antibodies, followed by immunoblotting with Cul1p and<br />

Skp1 sera. The negative control (denoted “--“) represents cell lysate from a strain not<br />

expressing any Myc-tagged proteins. Total cell lysates are shown in the bottom panel.<br />

(C) The same lysates as in (B) were subjected to immunoprecipitation with Skp1p<br />

antisera, followed by immunoblotting with Myc antibodies to detect co-purification of<br />

Myc-tagged FBPs. Total cell lysates are shown in the bottom panel.<br />

Fig. 5 The conserved proline residue determines FBP binding to Cul1p and<br />

regulation by the CSN<br />

(A) Interaction of plasmid derived wildtype and proline mutant FBPs with Cul1p. Myctagged<br />

FBPs were immunoprecipitated and copurification of Cul1p was assayed by<br />

immunoblotting. “C” denotes a specificity control (lysate from untransformed cells).<br />

(B) Steady state levels of endogenously Myc-tagged wildtype Pof10p-Myc and Pof10p-<br />

P35S-Myc in csn5 mutants and in wildtype cells. Note that, in contrast to wildtype<br />


Pof10p, Pof10p-P35S is not downregulated in csn5 mutants. Cul1p and Cdc2p are shown<br />

for reference. The asterisk denotes an unspecific cross reactivity of the Cul1p sera.<br />

(C) The stabilities of Pof10p and Pof10p-P35S in wildtype (top panel) csn5 mutants<br />

(bottom panel) were determined by CHX chase.<br />

(D) Interaction of Pof10p and Pof10p-P35S with Cul1p and Skp1p. Lysates from<br />

wildtype and csn5 mutant cells harbouring endogenously Myc-tagged Pof10p and<br />

Pof10p-P35S were immunoprecipitated with Myc antibodies followed by<br />

immunoblotting with Cul1p, Skp1p, and Myc antisera. Whereas Pof10p-P35S is deficient<br />

in binding of Cul1p, its interaction with Skp1p is maintained.<br />

(E) Interaction of Pof12p and Pof12p-S15P with Cul1p. Lysates from wildtype and csn5<br />

mutant cells harbouring endogenously Myc-tagged Pof12p and Pof12p-S15P were<br />

immunoprecipitated with Myc antibodies followed by immunoblotting with Cul1p and<br />

Myc antisera. Whereas wildtype Pof12p is deficient in binding of Cul1p, the mutant<br />

Pof12p-S15P shows binding (strong exposure, second panel from top). The Pof10p-<br />

Cul1p interaction is shown for reference (weak and strong exposures, top two panels).<br />

The asterisk denotes an unspecific cross reactivity of the Cul1p sera.<br />

Fig. 6 CAND1/Knd1p does not maintain FBP stability but regulates cellular<br />

CRL composition<br />

(A) Lysate from a strain expressing Knd1p modified with a single N-terminal protein A<br />

tag at the endogenous genomic locus was absorbed to IgG beads, followed by<br />

immunoblotting with Cul1p sera. Total cell lysates before and after chromatography on<br />

IgG resin are shown on the left to indicate the extent of the Knd1p-Cul1p interaction.<br />


(B) Genetic interactions of knd1 and csn5 with the temperature-sensitive allele skp1-A7.<br />

Serial dilutions of the indicated strains were spotted onto YES plates and incubated at the<br />

indicated temperatures. Whereas csn5 shows synthetic interaction with skp1-A7, knd1<br />

does not.<br />

(C) The stability of Pof1p-Myc, Pof10p-Myc, and Btb3p-proA in knd1 mutants was<br />

determined by CHX chase. Cdc2p is shown for reference.<br />

(D) Binding of Pof1p to Cul1p in csn5 and knd1 mutants. Lysates from csn5 or knd1<br />

mutant cells harbouring endogenously Myc-tagged Pof1p were immunoprecipitated with<br />

Myc antibodies followed by immunoblotting with Cul1l antibodies. Duplicate<br />

experiments are shown. Csn5 and knd1 mutants not containing Pof1p-Myc are shown as<br />

negative controls. The asterisk in the Cul1p blot denotes an unspecific band.<br />

(E) Binding of Pof3p and Pof7p to Cul1p in knd1 mutants. The experiment was<br />

performed as described in (D). Pof10p was included as reference for an abundant FBP.<br />

(F) Cell elongation phenotype of pof3-13myc knd1 cells. The indicated strains were<br />

grown in liquid YES, fixed with formaldehyde, and visualized by digital interference<br />

contrast microscopy. The table shows the doubling times (T d ) determined in mid log<br />

phase.<br />

Fig. 7 Model for toggling of CRL complexes between the CAND1 and CSN<br />

cycles<br />

In the absence of substrate, CRL complexes undergo continuous and rapid adapter<br />

exchange in the CAND1 cycle (left). Upon substrate-induced neddylation, CRLs<br />


transition into the CSN cycle (right). Once substrate is consumed, CSN-mediated<br />

deneddylation toggles CRLs back into the CAND1 cycle for maintenance.<br />


Figure 1<br />

A<br />

Pof 1 3 7 8 9 10 12 13<br />

∆csn5 + + + + + + + +<br />

wt + + + + + + + +<br />

FBPs<br />

kDa<br />

124<br />

84<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16<br />

84<br />

26<br />

B<br />

Pof10p<br />

wt<br />

∆csn4<br />

∆csn5<br />

∆csn4 csn5<br />

∆csn4<br />

pRep3.myc-csn5<br />

∆csn5<br />

∆csn4<br />

csn5<br />

kDa<br />

124<br />

C<br />

wt ∆csn5<br />

pREP3.myc-csn5 + +<br />

pREP3.myc-csn5-H118A + +<br />

Pof10p<br />

Myc-Csn5p<br />

kDa<br />

124<br />

52<br />

Myc-Csn5p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

52<br />

27<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

84<br />


Figure 2<br />

A<br />

CHX (min)<br />

Pof1p<br />

Pof3p<br />

Pof7p<br />

Pof8p<br />

Pof9p<br />

Pof10p<br />

wt<br />

∆csn5<br />

0 20 40 60 90 0 20 40 60 90<br />

B<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

Pof1p<br />

0 50 100<br />

Pof7p<br />

0 50 100<br />

Pof9p<br />

0 50 100<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

Pof3p<br />

0 50 100<br />

Pof8p<br />

0 50 100<br />

Pof10p<br />

0 50 100<br />

Pof12p<br />

Pof13p<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

Pof12p<br />

0 50 100<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

Pof13p<br />

0 50 100<br />

min<br />

C<br />

CHX (min)<br />

Pof1p<br />

∆csn5<br />

∆csn5 mts3-1<br />

0 20 40 60 90 0 20 40 60 90<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

Pof1p<br />

0 50 100<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

wt<br />

Pof9p<br />

∆csn5<br />

0 50 100<br />

Pof9p<br />

Pof10p<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

Pof10p<br />

0 50 100<br />

∆csn5<br />

∆csn5 mts3-1

Figure 3<br />

A<br />

wt<br />

∆csn5<br />

∆ubp12<br />

B<br />

CHX (min): 0 30 60 90 120 0 30 60 90 120<br />

Btb3p<br />

wt<br />

∆ubp12<br />

kDa<br />

83<br />

Pof1p<br />

Pof1p<br />

83<br />

Pof3p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

Pof9p<br />

Pof10p<br />

C<br />

∆ubp12<br />

∆ubp1<br />

wt<br />

Cul1p- Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Pof1p<br />

Cdc2p<br />


Figure 4<br />

A<br />

Pof1p<br />

Pof3p<br />

Pof7p<br />

Pof10p<br />

Pof9p<br />

Pof2p<br />

Pof5p<br />

Pof11p<br />

Pop1p<br />

Pop2p<br />

APB1A10<br />

Fdh1p<br />

Skp2<br />

bTRCP<br />

Cdc4p<br />

Pof8p<br />

Pof12p<br />

Pof13p<br />

Pof6p<br />

Pof9p*<br />





















B<br />

IP: α-Myc<br />

Pof 1 3 7 8 9 10 12 13 --<br />

kDa<br />

185<br />

C<br />

Pof<br />

Skp1p<br />

IP: α-Skp1<br />

1 3 7 8 9 10 12 13<br />

kDa<br />

18<br />

FBPs<br />

124<br />

84<br />

185<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Skp1p<br />

84<br />

18<br />

FBPs<br />

124<br />

84<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Skp1p<br />

Lysate<br />

84<br />

18<br />

FBPs<br />

Lysate<br />

124<br />

84<br />

IB: myc

Figure 5<br />

A<br />

IP: α-Myc<br />

Myc-Pof<br />

1 9 12 10<br />

Cul1p<br />

Pof1p<br />

Pof9p<br />

PS<br />

PS<br />

SP<br />

PS<br />

C<br />

Pof10p<br />

IgH<br />

Pof12p<br />

B<br />

pof10-P35S-13myc<br />

pof10-13myc<br />

Pof10p<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

wt<br />

∆csn5<br />

kDa<br />

130<br />

95<br />

130<br />

95<br />

D<br />

pof10-P35S-13myc<br />

pof10-13myc<br />

IP: α-Myc<br />

Pof10p 130<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

wt<br />

∆csn5<br />

kDa<br />

95<br />

Lysate<br />

Cul1p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

34<br />

Skp1p<br />

17<br />

C<br />

wt<br />

CHX (min)<br />

Pof10p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

pof10-13myc<br />

pof10-P35S-13myc<br />

0 20 40 60 90 0 20 40 60 90<br />

kDa<br />

130<br />

34<br />

E<br />

wt<br />

∆csn5<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

pof12-13myc<br />

pof12-S15P-13myc<br />

pof10-13myc<br />

pof10-P35S-13myc<br />

kDa<br />

95<br />

72<br />

short<br />

∆csn5<br />

Pof10p<br />

130<br />

IP: α-Myc<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Pof10p<br />

Pof12p<br />

95<br />

72<br />

130<br />

95<br />

72<br />

long<br />

Cdc2p<br />

34<br />

Lysate<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

95<br />


Figure 6<br />

A<br />

C<br />

post IP<br />

pre IP<br />

Knd1p<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

CHX (min)<br />

Btb3p<br />

Pof1p<br />

knd1-proA<br />

Lysate<br />

wt<br />

No tag<br />

IP:<br />

α-ProA<br />

csn5<br />

knd1-proA<br />

No tag<br />

Lysate<br />

∆knd1<br />

wt<br />

kDa<br />

182<br />

124<br />

80<br />

0 20 40 60 120 0 20 40 60 120 kDA<br />

84<br />

84<br />

B<br />

D<br />

∆csn5<br />

∆knd1<br />

skp1-A7<br />

skp1-A7 ∆csn5<br />

skp1-A7 ∆knd1<br />

IP: α-Myc<br />

∆knd1<br />

∆csn5<br />

wt<br />

Pof1p<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

25 ºC 36.5 ºC<br />

pof1-13myc<br />

No tag<br />

Pof10p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

124<br />

25<br />

Lysate<br />

Pof1p<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

E F wt pof3-13myc<br />

IP:<br />

α-Myc<br />

∆knd1<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Pof10p<br />

Pof3p<br />

Pof7p<br />

wt<br />

pof3-13myc<br />

pof7-13myc<br />

pof10-13myc<br />

kDa<br />

170<br />

130<br />

95<br />

72<br />

170<br />

130<br />

95<br />

72<br />

55<br />

Strain<br />

wt<br />

pof3-13myc<br />

pof3-13myc knd1<br />

pof7-13myc<br />

pof7-13myc knd1<br />

T d (min)<br />

129<br />

146<br />

175<br />

146<br />

144<br />

pof7-13myc<br />

pof3-13myc<br />

∆knd1<br />

pof7-13myc<br />


Figure 7<br />

S<br />

Rbx1<br />

FBP<br />

Skp1 P<br />

FBP<br />

Skp1 P<br />

Rbx1<br />

N8<br />

S<br />

FBP<br />

Skp1 P N8Rbx1<br />

UUUUU<br />

Cul1<br />

Cul1<br />

Cul1<br />

CSN<br />

CAND1 Cycle<br />

CSN Cycle

F) Supplemental Text and Figures<br />

Supplement to:<br />

F-Box-directed CRL complex assembly and regulation by the CSN and<br />

CAND1<br />

Michael W. Schmidt, Philip R. McQuary, Susan Wee, Kay Hofmann,<br />

Dieter A. Wolf<br />

Supplementary Figure 1<br />

Effect of csn deletions on Pof1p and Pof10p levels<br />

The indicated wild-type and csn deletion strains harboring Myc-tagged Pof1p or Pof10p<br />

were examined for FBP expression by immunoblotting with Myc antibodies. Two<br />

independently derived strains are shown for each mutant. Note that Pof1p is known to<br />

occasionally resolve into duplet bands on SDS gels (Harrison et al., 2005). The exact<br />

nature of these forms remains to be determined.<br />

wt<br />

∆csn3 ∆csn4 ∆csn5<br />

Pof1p<br />

kDA<br />

84kDa<br />

Cdc2p<br />

27kDa<br />

Pof10p<br />

124kDa<br />

Cdc2p<br />

1<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />


Supplementary Figure 2<br />

Steady-state mRNA levels of (A) pof1 and pof10, and (B) pof13 in wildtype cells and in<br />

csn5 mutants. mRNA levels were determined by semiquantitaive RT-PCR (A) or by<br />

quantitative real time RT-PCR (B).<br />

A<br />

wt wt ∆csn5<br />

# cycles: 30 30 24 26 28 30 24 26 28 30<br />

Actin<br />

pof1<br />

Actin<br />

pof10<br />

B<br />

100%<br />

% pof13 mRNA<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

wt<br />


Supplementary Figure 3<br />

Accumulation of Myc-tagged FBPs in the mts3-1 proteasome mutant strain. Csn5 and<br />

csn5 mts3-1 strains harboring Myc-tagged alleles of Pof1p, Pof9p, or Pof10p were<br />

maintained at 37 o C for 90 min. The expression of FBPs was determined by<br />

immunoblotting with Myc antibodies. Only 1/10 of cell lysate was loaded for mts3-1<br />

strains. The high molecular weight smears likely represent polyubiquitylated FBP<br />

species.<br />

∆csn5<br />

mts3-1<br />

Pof10p<br />

Pof9p<br />

kDa<br />

170<br />

130<br />

Pof1p<br />

72<br />


Supplementary Figure 4<br />

Interaction of plasmid derived wild-type and proline mutant Pof1p with Cul1p and Skp1p<br />

in wildtype cells and in csn5 mutants. Myc-tagged FBPs were immunoprecipitated and<br />

copurification of Cul1p and Skp1p was assayed by immunoblotting. As noted in the<br />

legend to Supplementary Fig. 1, Pof1p occasionally resolves into a duplet, probably due<br />

to unknown posttranslational modification. “C” denotes a specificity control (cell lysate<br />

from untransformed cells).<br />

pREP81.pof1<br />

Pof1p<br />

wt ∆csn5<br />

wt ∆csn5<br />

wt PS wt PS C wt PS wt PS C<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Skp1p<br />

Lysate<br />


Supplementary Figure 5<br />

The indicated variants of Pof9p were expressed as Myc-tagged proteins from pRep81<br />

plasmids and binding to Cul1p was assessed by immunoprecipitation with Rbx1p and<br />

Myc antibodies. “C1, C2, C3” denote specificity controls (cell lysate from untransformed<br />

cells). The asterisk denotes an unspecific band.<br />

Pof9p<br />

Pof9p-PS<br />

Pof9p-∆F<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Lysate<br />

Pof9<br />

Pof9-PS<br />

Pof9-∆F<br />

IP:Myc<br />

Pof9<br />

Pof9-PS<br />

Pof9-∆F<br />

IP:Rbx1p<br />

C1 C2 C3<br />

Pof9<br />

Pof9-PS<br />

Pof9-∆F<br />

Pof9p variants<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Supplementary Figure 6<br />

Myc epitope-tagged alleles of Pof12p and Pof12p-S15P were created by homologous<br />

recombination and crossed into a csn5 mutant background. The stability of Pof12p and<br />

Pof12p-S15P in wildtype (wt) csn5 mutants were determined by CHX chase. Cul1p and<br />

Cdc2p blots are shown for reference. The asterisk denotes an unspecific band.<br />

pof12-13myc<br />

pof12-S15P-13myc<br />

CHX (min)<br />

Pof12p<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Cdc2p<br />

wt ∆csn5 wt ∆csn5<br />

0 20 40 60 90 0 20 40 60 90<br />

0 20 40 60 90 0 20 40 60 90<br />

kDa<br />

95<br />

72<br />

95<br />

72<br />

36<br />


Supplementary Figure 7<br />

Interaction of Knd1p with Cul1p. Myc-tagged Knd1p was expressed in wildtype cells<br />

(wt) and in csn5 mutants from a thiamine repressible pRep81 plasmid. Cells were kept in<br />

the presence (promoter off) or absence (promoter on) of thiamine for 20 h followed by<br />

preparation of cell lysate. Cell lysates were subjected to immunoprecipitation with Myc<br />

antibodies, and co-purifying Cul1p was revealed by immunoblotting with Cul1p antisera.<br />

Lysates prepared from cells not expressing Myc-Knd1p (promoter off) are shown as<br />

negative controls. Note than only the unneddylated form of Cul1p present in wildtype<br />

cells bound to Knd1p. The asterisk denotes an unspecific band.<br />

Lysate IP: α-Myc<br />

wt ∆csn5 wt ∆csn5<br />

pRep81.myc-knd1 off on off on off on off on<br />

Cul1p-Ned8p<br />

Cul1p<br />

Myc-Knd1p<br />

References<br />

Harrison, C., Katayama, S., Dhut, S., Chen, D., Jones, N., Bahler, J., and Toda, T. (2005).<br />

SCF(Pof1)-ubiquitin and its target Zip1 transcription factor mediate cadmium response in<br />

fission yeast. Embo J 24, 599-610.

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