Chapter 1 - Sedibeng District Municipality

Chapter 1 - Sedibeng District Municipality

Chapter 1 - Sedibeng District Municipality


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DRP Disaster recovery plan NFPA National Fire Protection Association<br />

DTI Department of trade and industry NPC National planning commission<br />

DWAF Department of water affairs and forestry MAYCO Mayoral committee<br />

EAP Employee assistance programme PMT Political management team<br />

ECD Early childhood development<br />

EEP Employment equity plan DHC <strong>District</strong> Health Plan<br />

EFT Electronic Funds Transfer ITP The integrated Transport Plan<br />

EHS Environmental health and safety TOLAB Transport Operating License Administrative body<br />

OS Strategic Objectives<br />

EIA Environment impact assessment RTO Regional tourism organisation<br />

SA South Africa<br />

ELM Emfuleni local municipality SACN South African cities networks<br />

EMF Environmental management framework SAICA South African institute of chartered accountants<br />

SALGA South African local government association<br />

EPoA Environmental programme of action SALGBC South African Local Government Bargaining Council<br />

EPWP Expanded public works programme SAPS South African police service<br />

ERP Enterprise resource planning SARCC South African rail commuter corporation<br />

FBE Free Basic Electricity SARS South African revenue service<br />

FDI Foreign direct investment SATSA Southern Africa Tourism Services Association<br />

FIFA Federation for international football<br />

SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition systems<br />

association<br />

GAMAP Generally accepted municipal accounting SDBIP Service delivery & budget implementation plan<br />

practice<br />

SEZ Special Economic Zones SDF Spatial development framework<br />

GCIS Government communication and information SDM <strong>Sedibeng</strong> district municipality<br />

systems<br />

GCR Gauteng City Region SDMC Southern district municipal council<br />

GDACE Gauteng department of agriculture,<br />

SEDICHEM <strong>Sedibeng</strong> chemicals<br />

conservation and environment<br />

GDARD Gauteng department of agriculture and rural SEDIFO <strong>Sedibeng</strong> disability forum<br />

development<br />

GDE Gauteng department of education SETA Sector education and training authority<br />

GEDA Gauteng economic development agency SEZ Special Economic Zones<br />

GEP Gauteng enterprise propeller SGDS <strong>Sedibeng</strong> growth and development strategy<br />

GES Green Economy Strategy SLA Service level agreement<br />

GNC Gauteng north cycling SODA State of the district address<br />

GPG Gauteng provincial government SPED Strategic planning & economic development<br />

GRAP Generally recognized accounting practice SRAC Sport, recreation, arts & culture<br />

GTA Gauteng tourism authority STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections<br />

GSDF Gauteng Spatial Development Framework TB Tuberculosis<br />

GVA Gross value added TEP Tourism enterprise programme<br />

HIV/AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired THETA Tourism hospitality and education training authority<br />

immune deficiency syndrome<br />

HSRC Human sciences research council TIE Transport infrastructure & environment<br />

IES Integrated Energy Strategy VEC Victim empowerment<br />

IGR Inter-governmental relations VTAPA Vaal triangle Airshed priority area<br />

IWEX Industrial Waste Exchange VUT Vaal university of technology<br />

IWMP Integrated waste management plan WWTW Waste water treatment works<br />

JHB Johannesburg

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