Complete report - Donostia International Physics Center - Euskal ...

Complete report - Donostia International Physics Center - Euskal ...

Complete report - Donostia International Physics Center - Euskal ...


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2010<br />

Effect of the atomic composition of the surface on the electron surface states in<br />

topological insulators A2 (V) B (3) (VI).<br />

Eremeev SV, Koroteev YM, and Chulkov EV.<br />

JETP Letters 91, (2010).<br />

Ternary thallium-based semimetal chalcogenides Tl-V-VI 2 as a new class of three-dimensional<br />

topological insulators.<br />

Eremeev SV, Koroteev YM, and Chulkov EV.<br />

JETP Letters 91, 594 (2010).<br />

Energy bands, conductance, and thermoelectric power for ballistic electrons in a<br />

nanowire with spin-orbit interaction.<br />

Gumbs G, Balassis A, and Huang DH.<br />

Journal of Applied <strong>Physics</strong> 108, 093704 (2010).<br />

Communications: Nanomagnetic shielding: High-resolution NMR in carbon allotropes.<br />

Kim Y, Abou-Hamad E, Rubio A, Wågberg T, Talyzin AV, Boesch D, Aloni S, Zettl A, Luzzi DE, and Goze-Bac C.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 132, 021102 (2010).<br />

Chain dynamics of poly (ethylene-alt-propylene) melts by means of coarsegrained simulations<br />

based on atomistic molecular dynamics.<br />

Perez-Aparicio R, Colmenero J, Alvarez F, Padding JT and Briels WJ.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 132, 024904 (2010).<br />

Communications: Accurate description of atoms and molecules by natural orbital functional theory.<br />

Piris M, Matxain JM, Lopez X, and Ugalde JM.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 132, 031103 (2010).<br />

Optical to ultraviolet spectra of sandwiches of benzene and transition metal atoms:<br />

Time dependent density functional theory and many-body calculations.<br />

Martínez JI, García-Lastra JM, López MJ, and Alonso JA.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 132, 044314 (2010).<br />

Size consistency of explicit functionals of the natural orbitals in reduced density matrix functional theory.<br />

Lathiotakis NN, Gidopoulos NI, and Helbig N.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 132, 084105 (2010).<br />

Erratum: “Quantum Monte Carlo study of the ground state and low-lying excited states of the<br />

scandium dimer” [ J. Chem. Phys. 128, 194315 (2008)].<br />

Matxain JM, Rezabal E, Lopez X, Ugalde JM and Gagliardi L.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 132, 139901 (2010).<br />

Basis set effects on the hyperpolarizability of CHCl3: Gaussian-type orbitals,<br />

numerical basis sets and real-space grids.<br />

Vila FD, Strubbe DA, Takimoto Y, Andrade X, Rubio A, Louie SG, and Rehr JJ.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 133, 034111 (2010).<br />

Communication: The role of the positivity N-representability conditions in natural orbital functional theory.<br />

Piris M, Matxain JM, Lopez X, and Ugalde JM.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 133, 111101 (2010).<br />

Communication: Systematic shifts of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital peak in<br />

x-ray absorption for a series of 3d metal porphyrins.<br />

Garcia-Lastra JM, Cook PL, Himpsel FJ, and Rubio A.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 133, 151103 (2010).<br />

Time-dependent density functional approach for the calculation of inelastic<br />

x-ray scattering spectra of molecules.<br />

Sakko A, Rubio A, Hakala M, and Hamalainen K.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 133, 174111 (2010).<br />

Copper-phthalocyanine based metal–organic interfaces:<br />

The effect of fluorination, the substrate, and its symmetry.<br />

de Oteyza DG, El-Sayed A, Garcia-Lastra JM, Goiri E, Krauss N, Turak A, Barrena E, Dosch H, Zegenhagen J,<br />

Rubio A,Wakayama Y, and Ortega JE.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 133, 214703 (2010).<br />

Attenuation of excited electrons at crystal surfaces.<br />

Bartos I, and Krasovskii EE.<br />

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 180, 66 (2010).<br />

Change in surface states of Ag(111) thin films upon adsorption of a monolayer of<br />

PTCDA organic molecules.<br />

Zaitsev NL, Nechaev IA, and Chulkov EV.<br />

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong> 110, 114 (2010).<br />

On different mechanisms of electron-phonon scattering of electron and<br />

hole excitations on an Ag(110) surface.<br />

Eremeev SV, Tsirkin SS, and Chulkov EV.<br />

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong> 110, 788 (2010).<br />

Magnetic force microscopy characterization of heat and current treated<br />

Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 amorphous ribbons.<br />

Garcia I, Iturriza N, del Val JJ, Grande H, Pomposo JA, and Gonzalez J.<br />

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 1822 (2010).<br />

Concept of the Pauli potential in density functional theory.<br />

March NH<br />

Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem 943, 77 (2010).<br />

Microstructural and magnetic properties of CoCu nanoparticles prepared by wet chemistry.<br />

García I, Pomposo JA, Echeberria J, Ollo J, Ilyn M, Guslienko KY, and González JM.<br />

Journal Nanoscience Nanotechnology 10, 4246 (2010).<br />

Water dynamics in poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-water solution befote and alter isothermal crystallization.<br />

Cerveny S, Ouchiar S. Schwartz GA, Alegría A, and Colmenero J.<br />

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356, 3037 (2010).<br />

Dielectric relaxation of various end-functionalized polystyrenes:<br />

Plastification effects versus specific dynamics.<br />

Lund R, Plaza-Garcia S, Alegria A, Colmenero J, Janoski J, Chowdhury S, and Quirk RP.<br />

Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 356, 676 (2010).<br />

Positron annihilation response and broadband dielectric spectroscopy: Poly(propylene glycol).<br />

Bartos J, Schwartz GA, Sausa O, Alegria A, Kristiak J, and Colmenero J.<br />

Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 356, 782 (2010).<br />

Intramolecular double proton transfer from 2-hydroxy-2-iminoacetic acid to 2-amino-2-oxoacetic acid.<br />

Bankiewicz B, Wojtulewski S, and Grabowski SJ.<br />

Journal Organic Chemistry 75, 1419 (2010).<br />

Ionization energies for the actinide mono- and dioxides series, from Th to Cm: theory versus experiment.<br />

Infante I, Kovacs A, La Macchia G, Shahi ARM, Gibson JK, and Gagliardi L.<br />

Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 6007 (2010).<br />

Bond paths show preferable interactions: Ab Initio and QTAIM studies on the X-H···π hydrogen bond.<br />

Grabowski SJ, and Ugalde JM.<br />

Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 7223 (2010).<br />

Dihydrogen bonding vs metal-σ interaction in complexes between H 2 and metal hydride.<br />

Alkorta, I, Elguera J, Solimannejad M, and Grabowski SJ.<br />

Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010).<br />

2010<br />

86 DIPC 10/11<br />

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