Complete report - Donostia International Physics Center - Euskal ...

Complete report - Donostia International Physics Center - Euskal ...

Complete report - Donostia International Physics Center - Euskal ...


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Unravelling phenomenon of internal rotation in B 13 + through chemical bonding analysis.<br />

Martínez-Guajardo G, Sergeeva AP, Boldyrev AI, Heine T, Ugalde JM and Merino G.<br />

Chemical Communications, 47, 6242 (2011).<br />

Matrix Infrared Spectroscopy and a Theoretical Investigation of SUO and US(2).<br />

Andrews L, Wang XF, Liang BY, Ruiperez F, Infante I, Raw AD, and Ibers, JA.<br />

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 28, 4457 (2011).<br />

2011<br />

Time-dependent density-functional and reduced density-matrix methods for few electrons:<br />

Exact versus adiabatic approximations.<br />

Helbig N, Fuks JI, Tokatly IV, Appel H, Gross EKU, and Rubio, A.<br />

Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 391, 1 (2011).<br />

Assessment of dressed time-dependent density-functional theory for the low-lying valence states of<br />

28 organic chromophores.<br />

Huix-Rotllant M, Ipatov A, Rubio A, and Casida ME.<br />

Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 391, 120 (2011).<br />

Rotational dynamics of propylene in ZSM-5 zeolitic frameworks.<br />

Gautam S, Sharma VK, Mitra S, Chaplot SL, and Mukhopadhyay R.<br />

Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> Letters 501, 345 (2011).<br />

What Is the Covalency of Hydrogen Bonding?<br />

Grabowski SJ.<br />

Chemical Reviews 111, 2597 (2011).<br />

On the nature of actinide- and lanthanide-metal bonds in heterobimetallic compounds.<br />

Vlaisavljevich B, Miro P, Cramer CJ, Gagliardi L, Infante I, and Liddle ST.<br />

Chemistry-A European Journal 17, 8424 (2911).<br />

Broadband dielectric spectroscopic, calorimetric, and FTIR-ATR investigations of D-arabinose aqueous solutions.<br />

Singh LP, Cerveny S, Alegria A, and Colmenero J.<br />

Chemphyschem 12, 3624 (2011).<br />

Diradicals and diradicaloids in natural orbital functional theory.<br />

Lopez X, Ruiperez F, Piris M, Matxain JM, and Ugalde JM.<br />

Chemphyschem 12, 1061 (2011).<br />

Natural orbital functional theory and reactivity studies of diradical rearrangements: ethylene torsion<br />

as a case study.<br />

Lopez X, Piris M, Matxain JM, Ruiperez F, and Ugalde JM.<br />

Chemphyschem 12, 1673 (2011).<br />

Octree-based, GPU implementation of a continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of<br />

complex, evolving surfaces.<br />

Ferrando N, Gosalvez MA, Cerda J, Gadea R, and Sato K.<br />

Computer <strong>Physics</strong> Communitations 182, 628 (2011).<br />

Exotic high pressure behavior of light alkali metals, lithium and sodium.<br />

Rousseau B, Xie Y, Ma Y, and Bergara A.<br />

European <strong>Physics</strong>l Journal B 81, 1 (2011).<br />

Anharmonicity in aluminum hydride at high pressures.<br />

Rousseau B, and Bergara A.<br />

High Pressure Research 31, 30 (2011).<br />

Enhancement of the luminescent properties of a new red-emitting phosphor, Mn(2)(HPO(3))F(2),<br />

by Zn substitution.<br />

Orive J, Mesa JL, Balda R, Fernandez J, Fernandez JR, Rojo T, and Arriortua MI.<br />

Inorganic Chemistry 50, 12463 (2011).<br />

Electronic structure and bonding in heteronuclear dimers of V, Cr, Mo, and W: a CASSCF/CASPT2 study.<br />

Ruiperez F, Ugalde JM, and Infante I.<br />

Inorganic Chemistry 50, 9219 (2011).<br />

Model for a biexciton in a lateral quantum dot based on exact solutions for the Hookean H 2 molecule.<br />

I. Theoretical aspects.<br />

Ludeña EV, Echevarria L, Ugalde JM, Lopez X, Corella-Madueño A.<br />

Int. J. Quantum Chem. 111, 1808 (2011).<br />

A composite fermion approach to the ultracold dilute Fermi gas.<br />

Cazalilla MA.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Journal of Modern <strong>Physics</strong> B 25, 329 (2011).<br />

On the origin of two-dimensional electron gas states at the surface of topological insulators.<br />

Menshchikova TV, Eremeev SV, and Chulkov EV.<br />

Jetp Letters 94, 106 (2011).<br />

Ternary compounds based on binary topological insulators as an efficient way for modifying the Dirac cone.<br />

Menshchikova TV, Eremeev SV, Koroteev YM, Kuznetsov VM, and Chulkov EV.<br />

Jetp Letters 93, 298 (2011).<br />

Three- and two-dimensional topological insulators in Pb(2)Sb(2)Te(5), Pb(2)Bi(2)Te(5), and<br />

Pb(2)Bi(2)Se(5) layered compounds.<br />

Silkin IV, Koroteev YM, Eremeev SV, Bihlmayer G, and Chulkov EV.<br />

Jetp Letters 94, 217 (2011).<br />

A half-step in quantized conductance for low-density electrons in a quantum wire.<br />

Gumbs G, Balassis A, Huang D, Ahmed S, and Brennan R.<br />

Journal of Applied <strong>Physics</strong> 110 073709 (2011).<br />

2011<br />

Surface assembly of porphyrin nanorods with one-dimensional zinc-oxygen spinal cords.<br />

Trelka M, Urban C, Rogero C, de Mendoza P, Mateo-Marti E, Wang Y, Silanes I, Ecija D, Alcami M,<br />

Yndurain F, Arnau A, Martin F, Echavarren AM, Martin-Gago JA, Gallego JM, Otero R, and Miranda R.<br />

CrystEngComm 13, 5591 (2011).<br />

From caging to Rouse dynamics in polymer melts with intramolecular barriers: A critical test of the<br />

mode coupling theory.<br />

Bernabei M, Moreno AJ, Zaccarelli E, Sciortino F, and Colmenero J.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 134, 024523 (2011).<br />

Electron delocalization in organic chemistry.<br />

Matito E, and Solà M.<br />

Current Organic Chemistry 15, 3554 (2011).<br />

Effect of hydration on the dielectric properties of C-S-H gel.<br />

Cerveny S, Arrese-Igor S, Dolado JS, Gaitero JJ, Alegria A, and Colmenero J.<br />

Journal of Chemical <strong>Physics</strong> 134, 034509 (2011).<br />

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