Baptize by Blazing Fire BOOK #3 - Divine Revelations

Baptize by Blazing Fire BOOK #3 - Divine Revelations

Baptize by Blazing Fire BOOK #3 - Divine Revelations


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Today, the members of the Lord‟s church live a life totally different than they had before. Our faith has totally changed spiritually. Since we now<br />

know the Lord‟s will, the church members, my family, and I cannot live in complacency or indolence to the Lord anymore.<br />

We now always put the Lord and His business first.<br />

Sister Baek, Bong-Nyu: *King Snake In The Form Of A Spring Coil<br />

While I was in fervent prayer, the Lord showed me a vision. In the vision, many small snakes had covered the earth. I was frightened and felt like<br />

vomiting from the revolting appearance of the snakes. The small snakes had formed a coil with their bodies to form a line. The line continued<br />

endlessly. From a distance, the line of small snakes appeared to be one large snake. The line connected to hell. As I quickly glanced at the small<br />

snakes, they all formed to look like a spring.<br />

As the snakes were coiled around the earth, small insects that looked like maggots came out from the bodies of the snakes. The insects attached<br />

themselves to the people and dragged them to hell through the pathway of the line. The maggots had hundreds of tiny legs which attached to the<br />

peoples‟ bodies and they did not fall off. The Lord gave an explanation to the nature of these people. These were the souls that did not believe in<br />

Jesus. The Lord had given these people countless opportunities to believe unto Him but did not.<br />

Lee, Haak-Sung: *Meeting Pastor Kim, Young Gun In Heaven<br />

After the hospital had notified us of the Pastor‟s passing, I thought to myself. „Tonight, it is my determination to meet Pastor Kim, Young Gun in<br />

heaven!‟ We began to pray once the pastor‟s sermon had concluded. When I began to pray, I entered heaven with the Lord. I was very excited and in<br />

ecstasy as I thought about meeting Pastor Kim, Young Gun. I asked the Lord, “Jesus! Please allow me to meet Pastor Kim, Young Gun. He had died<br />

today but I already miss him.” Jesus said, “He has just arrived and is very busy looking and venturing all around the places in heaven.” As I tilted my<br />

head down, I asked again. “Lord, can you please lead me to him?” The Lord replied, “Very well.”<br />

The Lord pointed to the flower garden. “Look over there.” As the Lord pointed, I looked toward the flower garden and saw Pastor Kim, Young Gun<br />

running around like a little boy. I ran toward the pastor and shouted. “Pastor! Pastor! Pastor Kim, Young Gun. It is I, Haak-Sung.”<br />

But the pastor replied, “Who? I don‟t think I recognize you.” I in turn said, “I attend the Lord‟s Church and my name is Lee, Haak-Sung. I met you<br />

once when you were in the hospital. My pastor is Kim, Yong-Doo.” He then recognized me and said, “Yes, yes! That is right! The Lord‟s Church is<br />

very well known in heaven. I had not known how well known the Lord‟s Church was on earth, but I had now realized it after I had arrived here. It is<br />

a great church. Give my best regards to Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo! Tell him that I would like to meet him in the near future. Therefore, I hope his<br />

spiritual eyes are opened as soon as possible.” As I watched, Pastor Kim, Young Gun rejoiced like a little boy. He ran all over the place and was busy<br />

sight-seeing.<br />

Sister Baek, Bong-Nyu:<br />

After I had witnessed the gruesome scenes in hell, I went to heaven. I then met Pastor Kim, Young Gun. He had just passed away today but he was<br />

now looking like a handsome young man. As soon as the pastor saw me, he clapped and said, “Welcome! Sister Baek, Bong-Nyu. I have heard about<br />

you and your church many times. I am in so much joy that I do not know what to do! After I had passed, you sang a lot of great hymns and I was very<br />

thankful. Earnestly walk in faith at the Lord‟s Church. Oh, and I forgot to recommend Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo as my successor to senior Pastor. I<br />

regret greatly in forgetting my last wishes while I was in the hospital. After I had arrived in heaven and observed the Lord‟s Church from heaven‟s<br />

giant screen, I had realized the Lord‟s Church was very well known.<br />

The pastor and I said our farewells to each other and I returned to the Lord‟s Church. I then began to pray. I told Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo about my<br />

encounter with Pastor Kim, Yong Gun in heaven.<br />


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