BRAM Technologies Catalog 2014-2015

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Table<br />

of contents<br />

<strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Solutions ....................................3<br />

playout Automation .......................................................4<br />

AutoPlay 1 .............................................................................................................4<br />

AutoPlay 3 .............................................................................................................5<br />

AutoPlay 5 .............................................................................................................6<br />

AutoPlay 7 .............................................................................................................8<br />

NewsAir Module .................................................................................................11<br />

VideoArchive .......................................................................................................11<br />

newsroom .........................................................................13<br />

NewsHouse ..........................................................................................................13<br />

slow motion replay .......................................................16<br />

TimeRunnerSE HD ...............................................................................................16<br />

multi-channel recording ............................................18<br />

SerialCam SD/HD .................................................................................................18<br />

TimeDelay ............................................................................................................20<br />

broadcast graphics .......................................................21<br />

TitleStation 1/3 ....................................................................................................21<br />

System Monitoring and Control Recording ........22<br />

ScreenBox ............................................................................................................22<br />

AirMonitor ...........................................................................................................23<br />

SystemMonitor ....................................................................................................25<br />

Hardware ..........................................................................26<br />

Azimuth ................................................................................................................26

<strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />

Solutions<br />

<strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> (BRoadcast Automation <strong>Technologies</strong>) is<br />

the leading provider of high-quality and cost-effective adaptive<br />

products and automation solutions for multi-channel ingest,<br />

archive and TV playout management.<br />

Founded in 2009 by the experts in television broadcast industry,<br />

the <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> company has rapidly grown keeping with<br />

pace with the latest trends in hardware and software manufacture.<br />

More than 15 years experience allows us to realize the projects of<br />

any budget and complexity - from digital archive to a multi-channel<br />

broadcasting studio. Over the past years, we have become the<br />

trusted partner to more than 700 broadcasting companies in Russia and CIS.<br />

Under the <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>’ support program all the customers are provided with high-quality, almost a<br />

lifetime technical assistance. Our technical specialists are ready 24/7 to make necessary changes and adapt<br />

the systems to deliver new opportunities for enriched workflow.<br />

<strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> does its best to help customers benefit by integrating innovative tapeless broadcasting<br />

technology.<br />

Broadcast Automation<br />

Broadcast Automation solutions of <strong>BRAM</strong><br />

<strong>Technologies</strong> allows to create highly efficient<br />

workflow, connect the main production services<br />

and build a digital tapeless production and<br />

broadcasting technology.<br />

Our playout automation systems are built on<br />

scalable storage platforms and support capacity<br />

requirements of any production environment. An<br />

integrated graphics tools allow to create branded<br />

SD and HD TV channels. With powerful channel-ina-box<br />

capabilities, you get operational reliability<br />

and ease of use, wide opportunities and low cost,<br />

open architecture and flexibility in configuring.<br />

Live & Sports Playout<br />

<strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> company offers high-tech<br />

systems for synchronous multi-channel ingest and<br />

slow motion replay during live events, sports and<br />

TV shows broadcasting. Multi-server configuration<br />

gives the capability to extend to unlimited number<br />

of input and output channels. The solutions can be<br />

used in TV studios or in the field.<br />

Simple and reliable systems allows to decrease<br />

time and labor costs in the most critical branches<br />

of Live and sports TV production.<br />

News Production<br />

Our end-to-end newsroom solutions are aimed<br />

to create high-technology environment for news<br />

production and playout. The systems allow<br />

connecting all operations stages. Open, modular,<br />

fast systems with ability to check each production<br />

stage significantly improve the efficiency of news<br />

production workflow.<br />

Multi-Channel Monitoring<br />

The main point in organization of reliable<br />

broadcast is playout monitoring and control.<br />

<strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> solutions allow control<br />

recording and displaying of audio/video channels<br />

on high-resolution monitors, as well as displaying<br />

additional data (video materials, audio indicators,<br />

text data, GPI and Tally indicators, clocks).<br />

Formed log-files contains all the information about<br />

system status, configuration changings and errors.<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


playout Automation<br />

AutoPlay 1<br />

multi-channel system<br />

The entry-level all-in-one automation system with<br />

advanced functional features offers multi-channel<br />

broadcast with capability to control a built-in video<br />

server, broadcast graphics subsystem and a wide<br />

range of studio equipment.<br />

Features<br />

■■<br />

On-air control of video server and built-in<br />

switcher<br />

■■<br />

On-air control of VCRs and external switchers<br />

(Leitch/Harris, Profitt, Les, Kramer, TeleView)<br />

■■<br />

Two channels of graphics for all playlist events<br />

■■<br />

Standby clip technology<br />

■■<br />

Local and network operation of on-air, ingest and<br />

graphics composing modules<br />

■■<br />

Local and network operation of on-air playlists<br />

ads blocks, recording sheets and production modules<br />

■■<br />

Support of various ingest types in one recording<br />

sheet<br />

■■<br />

Visual configuration of the entire system with a<br />

graphical representation of the components<br />

■■<br />

Graphics templates can use live video, video files,<br />

images, text, key-frame animation<br />

■■<br />

Advanced playout features:<br />

- Ability to manually disconnect control station<br />

leaving video server to continue playback<br />

- Ability to continue playback from video servers<br />

even if the control module is disconnected due to<br />

the network failure<br />

- Recovery of on-air control at any network<br />

workplace<br />

- Edit of all events settings, including those on-air<br />

Functions<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel broadcasting<br />

■■<br />

Automated execution of two-level hierarchic on-air<br />

playlist<br />

- Clips and blocks playback from the video server<br />

- Frame accurate VTRs playback<br />

- Control of various types of built-in or external switchers<br />

- Logos and graphics overlay<br />

■■<br />

Automated insertion of the advertising and<br />

information blocks into a retransmission signal on time or<br />

by an external GPI/DTMF control signal<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel playout automation<br />

■■<br />

Insertion of the advertizing and information blocks<br />

into a signal retransmitted<br />

■■<br />

Advanced playlists features:<br />

- Editing of on-air playlists<br />

- Loading of the next playlist without stopping the<br />

current one<br />

- Playlist looping mode<br />

■■<br />

Advanced GPI / DTMF control signals operations:<br />

- Programming of “special” actions in playlist on the<br />

control signals<br />

- Setting up fixed delay for the actions on control<br />

signals<br />

- Ignoring of the control signals that does not get to<br />

the set time intervals<br />

■■<br />

Open format of playlists and reports for<br />

integration with media planning systems<br />

■■<br />

Creation of complete or partial copies of on-air<br />

playlist on videotape<br />

■■<br />

Ability to share between departments the<br />

processes of media production for playout<br />

■■<br />

Automated media ingest on the schedule<br />

■■<br />

Media ingest with RS422 deck’s control or manually<br />

■■<br />

Broadcast graphics linked to the air’s playlist events or<br />

controled independently<br />

■■<br />

Computer graphics (CG) playout on-line or in graphic<br />

playlist mode<br />

■■<br />

Automated dynamic graphics playout (clock,<br />

temperature…)<br />

■■<br />

As run logging<br />

4 www.automation.tv

AutoPlay 3<br />

advanced playout system<br />

■■<br />

All-in-one automation system:<br />

• Integrated Azimuth video server<br />

• Integrated database<br />

• Integrated audio/video Live Switcher<br />

• Built-in subsystem to control external devices<br />

• Built-in broadcast graphics system<br />

• Built-in HD/SD Up/Down converter for each input<br />

and output channel and IP streaming<br />

■■<br />

Playout:<br />

• SD: 720х576, 50i, video PAL/YUV/SDI, audio AA/<br />

AES/SDI Emb.<br />

• HD: 1920х1080, 50i, video HD-SDI,<br />

audio HD-SDI Emb./AES<br />

• IP: MPEG4 part 10 (H.264)/ MPEG2<br />

• Monitoring of videoserver inputs/outputs by IP<br />

■■<br />

Automatic execution of two-level Air playlist with<br />

the following features:<br />

• Clips and blocks playback from the videoserver<br />

• Media playback from VTR<br />

• Live clips with control of external Air switcher<br />

• Live clips with the use of Live Switcher (passthrough<br />

mode)<br />

• Playback of files that are in process of capture,<br />

import<br />

• Secondary events execution: graphics overlay,<br />

GPI signals output, main event recording<br />

• Multiple channel output from single playlist with<br />

trascoding: HD-SDI, SD-SDI, HD-IP, SD-IP channels<br />

in various combinations<br />

■■<br />

Advanced videoserver control features:<br />

• Control of several playback channels from single<br />

client module<br />

• Local and network operation of all client<br />

modules<br />

■■<br />

Ability to manually disconnect control station<br />

leaving video server to continue playback<br />

■■<br />

Ability to continue playback from video servers<br />

even if the control module is disconnected due to<br />

the network failure<br />

■■<br />

Standby clip technology<br />

Functions<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel playout automation<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel recording to server in various modes<br />

(including TimeDelay technology)<br />

■■<br />

Broadcast graphics with link to the main playlist and<br />

without by means of built-in graphics system<br />

■■<br />

HD/SD Up/Down converting by each input and output<br />

channel<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel playout automation<br />

■■<br />

News blocks playback<br />

■■<br />

Insertion of the advertizing and information blocks<br />

into a signal retransmitted<br />

■■<br />

Control modules recovery at any network<br />

workstation<br />

■■<br />

Advanced playlists operations:<br />

• Editing of on-Air playlists<br />

• Manual or automatic adding of the next playlist<br />

without stopping the current one<br />

• Editing of all primary and secondary events<br />

(including on-Air) properties<br />

• Playlist looping mode<br />

■■<br />

Advanced operation with external control GPI/<br />

DTMF/SCTE-104 signals<br />

■■<br />

Open format of reports for integration with<br />

media planning systems<br />

■■<br />

Creation of Air playlist backup copy on the tape<br />

■■<br />

As run log report for each Air channel<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to export log reports to files of<br />

spreadsheet formats<br />

■■<br />

Storage<br />

• Meta data storage in database<br />

• Manual/automatic files import/export of AVI,<br />

OMF, MOV, MXF, DV, DIFF, M2V formats with<br />

automatic control<br />

• Support of DV/ DVCAM/ DVCPRO/ DVCPRO50/<br />

DVCPROHD, MPEG2 I-Frame & IBP SD & HD<br />

codecs, operation with XDCAM EX 35, XDCAM<br />

422/50 profiles<br />

■■<br />

Metadata storage in multi-user database with quick<br />

search and access<br />

■■<br />

System as run logging with set level of deteils<br />

■■<br />

Users and groups rights for mediadata and its<br />

operation access management<br />


playout Automation<br />

AutoPlay 5<br />

Multi-server system<br />

All-in-one automation system for multi-channel TV<br />

playout in SD/HD formats with integrated Media<br />

Asset Management (A-MAM) system. Network<br />

architecture of AutoPlay 5 allows a broadcasting<br />

company to create high-technology production<br />

environment, connect all of the operations<br />

departments and built a fully digital tapeless video<br />

production and playout.<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Building of a fully digital tapeless video production<br />

and playout<br />

■■<br />

Creation of high-technology production workfrlow<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel broadcasting from video servers<br />

Management of Content Storage in the Network,<br />

on a Videotape and External Digital Storage Devices<br />

■■<br />

Multiple video and media servers support<br />

■■<br />

Tape and optical libraries support<br />

■■<br />

Working with videotapes and external digital<br />

storage devices (optical disks, flash drive)<br />

■■<br />

Work with cartridges and external digital media<br />

(optical disks, flash storage)<br />

■■<br />

Video, graphics, audio and video&audio clips<br />

storage<br />

Management of Media Content Ingest and Import<br />

■■<br />

Import and export of media files in Microsoft AVI,<br />

MXF, Apple QuickTime formats<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel ingest to the Azimuth video servers<br />

on schedule or manualy, with RS422 deck’s control<br />

■■<br />

Creating of a low-resolution copies in sync with<br />

the file import or record<br />

■■<br />

Preview and edit of the available piece of a file<br />

during import or imgest process<br />

Instant Multi-User Access to the Necessary Media<br />

Content<br />

■■<br />

Metadata storage in database under Microsoft<br />

SQL Server control<br />

■■<br />

Many standard data fields for each clip<br />

■■<br />

Ability to create additional descriptive fields and<br />

classification<br />

■■<br />

A quick search on selected fields/all fields/fulltext<br />

search<br />

■■<br />

Instant access to media files preview regardless of<br />

storage place<br />

■■<br />

Ability to preview of a media file copy in low<br />

resolution<br />

■■<br />

Direct access to the AutoPlay database and media<br />

files from special application under OSX<br />

Organization of Media Materials Delivery to the<br />

Customer<br />

■■<br />

Automatic delivery of content from any network<br />

place to playout video servers<br />

■■<br />

Development of an optimal route and data rate<br />

based on the evaluation of the network traffic load/<br />

performance and nodes<br />

■■<br />

Move and copy of files between network nodes<br />

in the system with a capability of video and audio<br />

processing<br />

■■<br />

Integrated video-processor with capabilities<br />

of the format (container) changing, transcoding<br />

and low resolution copies forming Integrated<br />

sound-processor: normalization, noise reduction,<br />

compressor/limiter<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous multi-channel video and audio<br />

processing on any network node complex, including<br />

dedicated processing servers<br />

■■<br />

Files transfer from servers to tape/external<br />

storages and back<br />

■■<br />

Multi-user monitoring and control of import and<br />

copying (inclusive of the user rights) tasks processing<br />

conveyor<br />

6 www.automation.tv

Organization of Multi-Channel Server Broadcasting<br />

■■<br />

Creation of several broadcast channels from<br />

synchronous air paths by Main – Standby type with<br />

the control from one on-air playlist<br />

■■<br />

Initiation of new video servers into service<br />

and server equipment defensive shut off without<br />

broadcasting complex stop<br />

■■<br />

Control of multiple broadcasting channels or<br />

paths from one client module<br />

■■<br />

Automatic on-air playlist execution with<br />

possibility to organize a path-through channel<br />

■■<br />

Playout of files that that are in the process of<br />

recording, import or copy<br />

■■<br />

Playout of loop-files of the TimeDelay system<br />

■■<br />

Possibility of autonomous playout while the<br />

on-air module has been disconnected<br />

■■<br />

Recovery of the broadcasting control from any<br />

network workplace<br />

■■<br />

Standby Clip broadcasting protection technology<br />

■■<br />

On-air playlist editing with the possibility to insert<br />

the events from the database and other playlists<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to set different types of secondary<br />

events: overlaying graphics, GPI signals generation,<br />

the main events recording<br />

■■<br />

Editing of the primary and secondary events<br />

settings, including that are on Air<br />

■■<br />

Extended operation with GPI/DTMF external<br />

control signals<br />

■■<br />

Open playlists and reports format for integration<br />

with media planning systems<br />

■■<br />

As run logging for each broadcasting channel<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to export reports into files of standard<br />

text and tabular formats<br />

Broadcasting Graphics with the Built-in Graphics<br />

Subsystem<br />

■■<br />

Use of graphic templates with elements of live<br />

video, video files, images, text, key-frame<br />

animation and dynamically changing data<br />

(clock, temperature ... )<br />

■■<br />

Graphic design of each broadcasting<br />

channel with linking to the air’s playlist<br />

events or independently<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous playout of up to six<br />

tracks of linked graphics with an unlimited<br />

number of graphical objects on the track<br />

for each playlist event<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous playout of up to six<br />

additional graphical objects of unlinked<br />

graphics online and in graphical playlist<br />

mode<br />

Functions<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel and multi-server broadcasting with<br />

capability to generate multiple simultaneous broadcast<br />

channels on the principle of “The main – Reserve” paths<br />

■■<br />

Multi-user management at all production stages:<br />

planning, media materials preparing, playout, archive<br />

■■<br />

Distributed storage of all operational and stock media<br />

content with a quick search and instant access to any of<br />

them<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel server broadcasting with the ability<br />

of video record, edit and playout using TimeDelay<br />

technology<br />

■■<br />

Computer graphics and channel branding by means of<br />

the integrated AutoGraph system<br />

■■<br />

Automated archiving of media materials with video<br />

servers storage clean up and files transfer to the archive<br />

according to the rules defined<br />

■■<br />

Centralized administration of the entire complex with<br />

the ability to monitor all the automated processes and<br />

system components from any network station<br />

■■<br />

Reports generation on the actions of the system and<br />

users with the preset detail level<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


playout Automation<br />

AutoPlay 7<br />

Multi-server system<br />

AutoPlay 7 is the most powerful all-in-one<br />

automation system for multi-channel TV playout<br />

in SD/HD formats. An integrated Media Asset<br />

Management (A-MAM) system provide AutoPlay 7<br />

with capability to manage a wide range of studio<br />

equipment. Network architecture of the system<br />

allows a broadcasting company to create hightechnology<br />

production environment, connect all of<br />

the operations departments and built a fully digital<br />

tapeless video production and playout.<br />

Management of Content Storage in the Network,<br />

on a Videotape and External Digital Storage Devices<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Building of a fully digital tapeless video production<br />

and playout<br />

■■<br />

Creation of high-technology production<br />

environment<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channle broadcasting from video servers<br />

Instant Multi-User Access to the Necessary Media<br />

Content<br />

■■<br />

Metadata storage in database under Microsoft<br />

SQL Server control<br />

■■<br />

Many standard data fields for each clip<br />

■■<br />

Ability to create additional descriptive fields and<br />

classification<br />

■■<br />

A quick search on selected fields/all fields/fulltext<br />

search<br />

■■<br />

Instant access to media files review regardless of<br />

storage place<br />

■■<br />

Ability to review of a media file copy in low<br />

resolution<br />

■■<br />

Direct access to the AutoPlay database and media<br />

files from special application under OSX<br />

■■<br />

Multiple video and media servers support<br />

■■<br />

Tape and optical libraries support<br />

■■<br />

Working with videotapes and external digital<br />

storage devices (optical disks, flash drive)<br />

■■<br />

Work with cartridges and external digital media<br />

(optical disks, flash storage)<br />

■■<br />

Video, graphics, audio and video&audio clips<br />

storage<br />

Management of Media Content Ingest and Import<br />

■■<br />

Import and export of media files in Microsoft AVI,<br />

Avid OMF, Apple QuickTime formats<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel recording to the Azimuth video<br />

servers on schedule or manualy, with RS422 deck’s<br />

control, including VITC<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous recording to multiple Azimuth video<br />

servers<br />

■■<br />

Creating of a low-resolution copies in sync with<br />

the file import or record<br />

■■<br />

Review and edit of the available piece of a file<br />

during import or recording process<br />

Organization of Media Materials Delivery to the<br />

Customer<br />

■■<br />

Automatic delivery of content from any network<br />

place to the Azimuth playout video servers<br />

■■<br />

Development of an optimal route and data rate<br />

based on the evaluation of the network traffic load/<br />

performance and nodes<br />

■■<br />

Move and copy of files between network nodes<br />

in the system with a capability of video and audio<br />

processing<br />

8 www.automation.tv

■■<br />

Integrated video-processor with capabilities<br />

of the format (container) changing, transcoding<br />

and low resolution copies forming Integrated<br />

sound-processor: normalization, noise reduction,<br />

compressor/limiter<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous multi-channel video and audio<br />

processing on any network node complex, including<br />

dedicated processing servers<br />

■■<br />

Files transfer from servers to tape/external<br />

storages and back<br />

■■<br />

Multi-user monitoring and control of<br />

import and copying (inclusive of the user<br />

rights) tasks processing conveyor<br />

on-air module has been disconnected<br />

■■<br />

Recovery of the broadcasting control from any<br />

network workplace<br />

■■<br />

Standby Clip broadcasting protection technology<br />

■■<br />

On-air playlist editing with the possibility to insert<br />

the events from the database and other playlists<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to set different types of secondary<br />

events: overlaying graphics, GPI signals generation,<br />

the main events recording<br />

Organization of Multi-Channel Server<br />

Broadcasting<br />

■■<br />

Formation of several broadcast channels<br />

from synchronous air paths by Main –<br />

Standby type with the control from one<br />

on-air playlist<br />

■■<br />

Possibility of hardware resources<br />

redistribution between air paths without<br />

broadcasting stop Initiation of new<br />

equipment (video servers, video recorders, etc.) into<br />

service and existing equipment defensive shut off<br />

without broadcasting complex stop<br />

■■<br />

Control of multiple broadcasting channels or<br />

paths from one client module<br />

■■<br />

Automatic on-air playlist execution with<br />

possibility to control a wide range of equipment:<br />

video servers, switchers, VCRs, logo and title<br />

generators, keyers and other devices<br />

■■<br />

Playout of files that that are in the process of<br />

recording, import or copy<br />

■■<br />

Playout of loop-files of the TimeDelay system<br />

■■<br />

Possibility of autonomous playout while the<br />

Functions<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel and multi-server broadcasting with<br />

management of the Azimuth video servers, switches,<br />

VCRs , logo and titles generators, keyers and other<br />

devices<br />

■■<br />

Broadcasting with capability to generate multiple<br />

simultaneous broadcast channels on the principle of<br />

“The main – Reserve” paths<br />

■■<br />

Studio equipment management with the use of<br />

specialized device controllers<br />

■■<br />

Multi-user management at all production stages:<br />

planning, media materials preparing, playout, archive<br />

■■<br />

Distributed storage of all operational and stock media<br />

content with a quick search and instant access to any of<br />

them<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel server broadcasting with the ability<br />

of video record, edit and playout using TimeDelay<br />

technology<br />

■■<br />

Graphic design of TV channels by means of the<br />

integrated AutoGraph system and external logo and title<br />

generators<br />

■■<br />

Automated archiving of media materials with video<br />

servers storage clean up and files transfer to the archive<br />

according to the rules defined<br />

■■<br />

Centralized administration of the entire complex with<br />

the ability to monitor all the automated processes and<br />

system components from any network station<br />

■■<br />

Reports generation on the actions of the system and<br />

users with the preset detail level<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


playout Automation<br />

■■<br />

Editing of the primary and secondary events<br />

settings, including that are on Air<br />

■■<br />

Extended operation with GPI/DTMF external<br />

control signals<br />

■■<br />

Open playlists and reports format for integration<br />

with media planning systems<br />

■■<br />

As run logging for each broadcasting channel<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to export reports into files of standard<br />

text and tabular formats<br />

Broadcasting Graphics with the Built-in Graphics<br />

Subsystem<br />

■■<br />

Broadcasting graphic design by means of the<br />

Azimuth video servers and TitleStationNET graphic<br />

stations<br />

■■<br />

Control of external keyer, logo and title<br />

generators<br />

■■<br />

Use of graphic templates with elements of live<br />

video, video files, images, text, key-frame animation<br />

and dynamically changing data (clock, temperature<br />

... )<br />

■■<br />

Graphic design of each broadcasting channel with<br />

linking to the air’s playlist events or independently<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous playout of up to six tracks of linked<br />

graphics with an unlimited number of graphical<br />

objects on the track for each playlist event<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous playout of up to six additional<br />

graphical objects of unlinked graphics online and in<br />

graphical playlist mode<br />

Example of the Typical Scheme of T V Broadcast Organization<br />

in AutoPlay 5/ AutoPlay 7 Systems<br />

10 www.automation.tv

NewsAir<br />

autoPlay module (option)<br />

New on-air module is specially made for highefficient<br />

news production in dynamic 24/7<br />

conditions. The NewsAir module has no binding to<br />

one or another AutoPlay automation playout system,<br />

so can easily be integrated into any studio complex<br />

based on the Azimuth video servers. NewsAir is the<br />

best solution for the smooth transition to tapeless<br />

broadcasting, since makes this process more<br />

economical and almost “painless” for specialists.<br />

Unconventional Approach<br />

New on-air module is capable to create playlists<br />

in real time by editing old or adding new clips and<br />

blocks from database. Clips from the playlist can be<br />

instantly sent to air by «drag and drop». An operator<br />

can release not only ready clips, but also those in the<br />

process of recording. This is essential for compliance<br />

the strict schedule of the «hot» news broadcasting.<br />

Unlimited Possibilities<br />

NewsAir module features allow to working with playlist<br />

in two modes: with connected server (automated<br />

clips maintenance) or without connection to the<br />

server (manually). Events duration in on-air playlist<br />

is limited only by the disk array size. NewsAir on-Air<br />

module simultaneously plays out events from the<br />

general playlist to different independent channels.<br />

Number of simultaneously broadcasted channels is<br />

limited only by system resources. Also, it is possible<br />

to connect an external switcher that allows the<br />

broadcast from the server and from external sources<br />

(live feed).<br />

Ease of Use<br />

Friendly interface of NewsAir can be easily modified<br />

by changing the panels’ size and shape according<br />

to specific needs of the user. Position of clips in<br />

playlist can be changed easiy. Search filter helps<br />

to find the necessary clip. An operator can review<br />

the final event without the broadcast stopping. The<br />

NewsAir system allows playing out the event from<br />

the required moment in real time mode or by markin<br />

setting.<br />

Reliability<br />

NewsAir has a function enables synchronous<br />

broadcasting of a playlist using two servers –<br />

the main and standby. In case of a failure in<br />

the main server that can affect the quality of<br />

the transmitted signal, it is possible to switch<br />

broadcasting to start from the redundant resource.<br />

In case of extraordinary situations, the system can<br />

instantaneous transfer playout from the current<br />

event to the next one without the broadcast stop.<br />

Costs Reduction<br />

All operator actions are recorded to log- file that<br />

helps to understand the causes of defects in the air<br />

and decrease related costs in future.<br />

Videoarchive<br />

VideoArchive is media asset storage and management system. The system helps to create a single hightechnology<br />

production environment.<br />

System Architecture<br />

VideoArchive has distributed network structure and can include a variety of software and hardware<br />

components. Software components of the system are a common database and a number of multi-<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


playout Automation<br />

functional self-contained modules. The database<br />

of VideoArchive is similar to the AutoPlay and<br />

NewsHouse database, therefore it is possible<br />

to upgrade to any of these systems. Hardware<br />

components of the system are the database server,<br />

media and video servers, tape or disk libraries, client<br />

workstations, VTRs.<br />

VideoArchive provides reliable data storage with<br />

built-in self-test and backup functions. The system<br />

can easily be scaled by the extension of existing or<br />

adding of new storages. The scaling of the system<br />

can be carried out without stopping the complex<br />

operations.<br />

Media Materials Storage<br />

The basic unit of materials storage is a clip consisting<br />

of audio-video file and its description - metadata.<br />

The VideoArchive system has a distributed data<br />

storage structure. All service information and<br />

metadata are located on the database server. Media<br />

materials can be stored on different types of storage<br />

devices. Depending on the access time to materials,<br />

storage devices are divided into on-line (available<br />

immediately and do not require human input), nearline<br />

(available through minor interval of time and<br />

do not require human input) and off-line (available<br />

after a considerable period of time and require<br />

human input). The on-line storage devices are video<br />

and media servers, near-line - tape or disk libraries,<br />

off-line - external computer storage devices or tapes.<br />

The VideoArchive tools provide complete freedom<br />

of media materials control within the system. Any<br />

individual or group copy and transfer of media files<br />

between the storage devices are available.<br />

One clip can simultaneously have multiple copies<br />

on different storage devices, including a copy of<br />

the video in low-resolution, which is always stored<br />

on-line and loaded first in the video window of user<br />

interface.<br />

Operation<br />

The process of adding a new material to the archive<br />

includes a new clip creation in database, text<br />

description input (to the standard fields or in any<br />

form), digital or analog video signal record to a video<br />

server disk array, ready files import from NLE system.<br />

During the import, the video files recompression<br />

with another codec and sound processing by the<br />

integrated sound processor are possible. If the<br />

material is placed only on videotape and does not<br />

have low resolution copy, the on-line access will<br />

consist only metadata stored in the database.<br />

Integrated filters provide fast and efficient search<br />

of materials by a variety of criteria. Special<br />

categories filled by user allow description and<br />

search standardizing, increasing the speed of the<br />

required materials selection. If the found materials<br />

are on the on-line storages, they can be previewed<br />

and exported to any network station, copied or<br />

transferred to other system media storages.<br />

If the found materials are on the off-line storages<br />

(or user actions require the involvement of off-line<br />

storages), an electronic application entering to<br />

the archive service is created. In this case the<br />

following actions can be performed: the transfer of<br />

material to and from tape cassettes, tapes backup,<br />

tapes handing over and taking back, the transfer<br />

of materials from the archival tapes to external,<br />

registration of new and writing-off the old tapes.<br />

The transfer of material to/from the tape is carried<br />

out using the Azimuth video servers. When video<br />

exporting, recompression with another codec is<br />

possible.<br />

User generated the application always sees its<br />

completion status. For greater convenience of work<br />

with off-line storages, the VideoArchive system<br />

supports barcode printers and scanners.<br />

All user actions are strictly regulated by the access<br />

rights.<br />

Additions<br />

VideoArchive can be useful to those television<br />

companies that already have video servers from<br />

other brands. Most of them do not have built-in tools<br />

for video describing and search and work only with<br />

files on the hard disk. In this case, VideoArchive can<br />

store large amount of data and provide quick search.<br />

When materials are required for broadcasting, they<br />

will be automatically copied to a network storage<br />

(in this case - video server array). Yet the copying<br />

process can be carried out with separate files<br />

(standard export function) and in stream mode.<br />

Thus, VideoArchive can increase productivity by<br />

optimizing business processes and eliminating<br />

unnecessary operations. The VideoArchive system is<br />

a safe investment and guarantee of profit.<br />

12 www.automation.tv

newsroom<br />

NewsHouse<br />

newsroom system<br />

NewsHouse is a revolutionary system aimed to<br />

create high-technology production environment<br />

for news preparation and playout. The system<br />

allows to connect all news production departments.<br />

NewsHouse helps to build a digital tapeless news<br />

production and playout technology.<br />

Open modular architecture of the system allows to<br />

build a unique NewsHouse system from different<br />

components, which will satisfy the solution of the<br />

targets. The system can always be extended as the<br />

business grows.<br />

Transparency of the materials movement in the<br />

technological chain and control at each production<br />

stage significantly reduce the time and maintenance<br />

costs and improve the efficiency of information<br />

service operations.<br />

Integrated MAM (Media Asset Management)<br />

System<br />

NewsHouse system has a network distributed<br />

structure that includes many software and hardware<br />

components. Software components of the system<br />

are the integrated MAM (Media Asset Management)<br />

system and a number of multi-functional client<br />

modules. Hardware components are media and<br />

video servers, tape and optical libraries, client<br />

workstations. All hardware components are<br />

consolidated into a single network that provides a<br />

digital way of moving media data from collecting to<br />

release.<br />

The embedded database of the MAM system<br />

contains the entire text and service information<br />

of NewsHouse. By means of advanced search<br />

algorithms, MAM organizes compartmented multiuser<br />

access to the database, supports distributed<br />

media content storage and provides complete<br />

freedom to manage media files inside NewsHouse.<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Creation of high-technology news production<br />

environment<br />

■■<br />

Connection of all operations stages: planning, preproduction,<br />

data collection, scenario plan creation,<br />

news anchors lead-ins writing, editor’s alterations,<br />

prompters texts preparation, titles creation, preview<br />

and playout.<br />

■■<br />

Building of a fully digital tapeless news production<br />

and playout technology<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />

Innovative technology based on the theory of graphs<br />

allows optimally implement any user and system<br />

requests.<br />

Media Data Collecting and Production<br />

The necessary materials for news preparation<br />

include: video, audio, graphics and text. Video<br />

materials can be captured to a disk storage system of<br />

video server from a controlled VTR, from any video<br />

resource manually or automatically on the schedule.<br />

Continuous record “in a loop” of news agencies<br />

video materials disallows to miss any frame of<br />

unscheduled «hot» news without requiring unlimited<br />

disk space.<br />

There is an ability to import files recorded on<br />

cameras with solid-state and optical drive. The<br />

supported formats are: AVI, QuickTime, and MXF.<br />

Pre-assembled materials can be imported from NLE<br />

systems. Specialized graphics templates for quick<br />

news titles creation are generated by means of the<br />

TitleEdit editor integrated in NewsHouse.<br />

Text materials can be recorded in the system in<br />

automatic or manual modes. There is an ability to<br />

record RSS news feeds.<br />

News Production<br />

From the media collected from various sources, news<br />

stories and issues are generated. For its creation<br />

and editing, there are separate software modules<br />

that can be installed on network workstations. The<br />

number of simultaneously working modules of news<br />

preparing and playout in the NewsHouse system is<br />

almost unlimited.<br />


newsroom<br />

When creating a news scenario plan, journalist<br />

has an access to all materials registered in the<br />

NewsHouse system. Graphics, sound and video<br />

files can be stored on the media and video servers,<br />

on tape or optical libraries, external computer<br />

storages or videotapes. That means, that materials<br />

can be stored anywhere, but it does not matter for<br />

a journalist, because they are always at his hand.<br />

With the help of unique tools of describing and<br />

progressive searching technology in the NewsHouse<br />

system, the necessary material can be found in a<br />

second. The work with videos can be carried out<br />

both in high and low resolution. Working with<br />

low resolution videos is very useful for multi-user<br />

configurations, as it significantly reduces the network<br />

and disk load.<br />

Text, video, sound and graphics - everything is<br />

synchronized in news scenario plan. News supply<br />

is based on various forms of materials. NewsHouse<br />

allows to implement them all: synchron, studio, shot,<br />

voice over, graphics insertion, etc.). ** All terms used<br />

in the standard NewsHouse system can be changed<br />

by the user to any convenient.<br />

The news video review with reference to the text<br />

with 8 audio channels and 4 graphics tracks is<br />

available at any time, at any workplace.<br />

NewsHouse offers simultaneous multi-user work<br />

both on one issue, and one piece of news. In<br />

addition, a journalist can work with multiple releases<br />

and news. The editor has the ability of a remote<br />

control over all the ongoing work of journalists in<br />

real time. He can get involved in it, if necessary.<br />

In order to exclude the conflict in simultaneous<br />

operation of several editors and journalists on the<br />

same project, every user is given the rights, under<br />

which he/she can make certain changes to the<br />

project. Thus, any employee has a limited working<br />

area, beyond which he/she has no access to the<br />

process.<br />

Editing<br />

For more efficient and easy news blocks creation,<br />

the NewsHouse system includes an updated<br />

NewsBase module. The module allows editing video<br />

and audio fragments with simple transition effects<br />

overlay, titles and graphics creation. Finished news<br />

stories are then played back from the Azimuth video<br />

servers.<br />

Playout<br />

Prepared, verified and signed news blocks goes on<br />

Air. The core of the process is Azimuth 12 video<br />

server, which allows to implement all the variations<br />

of material supply: clips and blocks playback from<br />

the video server, playback of Adobe Premiere and<br />

Apple Final Cut Pro editing projects, playback from<br />

the controlled VTRs, titles and graphics overlay,<br />

mixers and switchers control.<br />

During playout, the playlist and including events<br />

editing is allowed. Any change of the issue plan<br />

automatically leads to changes in the video’s,<br />

graphics’ and prompter’s playlists. Clips can be<br />

added, and deleted. Moreover, its order and<br />

properties can be changed. Each clip can start after<br />

the end of the previous one manually from external<br />

GPI signal or playout switcher. The issue control is<br />

carried out locally or remotely. Depending on the<br />

requirements, the NewsHouse system allows to<br />

organize as a fully automated news playout, and<br />

operations in standard mode with the anchor man.<br />

14 www.automation.tv

Organization of Media Materials Supply to a Consumer<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


slow motion replay<br />

TimeRunnerSE HD<br />

slow motion replay<br />

TimeRunner SE is a system that provides multichannel<br />

record and slow-motion TV replay in<br />

SD/HD formats during live events and shows<br />

broadcast.<br />

Operations<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Multi-channel recording and slow-motion replay in<br />

SD/HD during sports, live events and shows broadcast,<br />

highlighting key moments<br />

Additional Advantages<br />

■■<br />

Customizable keyboards shortcuts for system<br />

control<br />

■■<br />

Clear and easy interface<br />

■■<br />

Functional and ergonomic control panel with<br />

Sony Jog-Shuttle and T-bar handle<br />

■■<br />

Synchronous recording of video, audio and time<br />

code from unlimited number of sources to the disk<br />

array(s)<br />

■■<br />

Highlighting key (scoring) moments<br />

■■<br />

Compilation of clips sets from the highlighted<br />

material and its playback with dynamically<br />

changing speed<br />

TimeRunner SE produces these operations<br />

without interrupting the recording process. The<br />

signal recording is carried out in compressed or<br />

uncompressed form that is necessary to obtain<br />

maximum image quality of replays.<br />

TimeRunner SE has a distributed multi-user<br />

environment with multi-functional working<br />

stations. Multi-server ideology provides<br />

unobstructed expansion in a number of input<br />

and output channels and allows configuring the<br />

system for any creative task and the required<br />

number of working stations in the field or in a<br />

studio. Independent network places of different<br />

functionality gives the possibility of their<br />

collaboration and connection during the system<br />

operation.<br />

The system is capable to store and apply complex<br />

graphics and animation elements for replays<br />

graphics.<br />

Functions<br />

■■<br />

Broadcast recording on the input camera channels<br />

(from 1 to N) with the possibility of simultaneous replay<br />

■■<br />

Selection of unlimited quantity of key moments<br />

(highlights) on any channel<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to edit the selected moments with setting<br />

of the exact In and Out marks<br />

■■<br />

Immediate creation of a set from the selected scenes<br />

for its playout at any time with a dynamically changing<br />

speed from 0 to 200 % or -200% to 200 %, without<br />

interrupting the recording process<br />

■ ■ Selection of one of the interpolation methods for the<br />

quality slow motion replay<br />

■■<br />

Mixer effect applying between the scenes during slow<br />

motion replay<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to import animation files with alfa-channel<br />

and their further use in a process of replay<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to prepare interim and final summary<br />

about the most exciting moments of the broadcast<br />

directly during the event recording<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to export the reports on broadcasting and<br />

the whole recorded material to DVD<br />

■■<br />

Signals creation and ingest to control the air clip<br />

blocks from the other TimeRunner SE server blocks<br />

■■<br />

Independent network places of different functionality<br />

with the possibility of their collaboration and connection<br />

during the system operation<br />

16 www.automation.tv

Scheme of the TimeRunner SE Multi-Channel Recording System Workflow<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


multi-channel recording<br />

serialcam SD/HD<br />

multi-camera recording<br />

SerialCam is a system for synchronous recording<br />

of an unlimited number of video and audio signals.<br />

During the recording process, the system creates<br />

an edit decision list (EDL) in XML format for further<br />

editing of digital media in non-linear editing systems.<br />

SerialCam is successfully applicable for multi-camera<br />

recording of movies, TV shows, concerts, sports and<br />

other events.<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Synchronously ingests an unlimited number<br />

of video and audio signals during multi-camera<br />

production of movies, TV shows, concerts, sports and<br />

other events<br />

SerialCam is a set of virtual multi-format video<br />

recorders in a compact version with a single control<br />

center. Operation with standard-definition (SD PAL<br />

720x576) and high definition (HD 1080i) signals<br />

provides SerialCam with high flexibility. The user can<br />

select the compression of recording: DV25, DV50,<br />

DV100, XDCAM HD, Apple ProRes, Avid DNxHD and<br />

AVI, MOV or MXF container.<br />

When necessary to capture large number of<br />

incoming channels (8 or more), several servers are<br />

joined to each other over the Giga bit Ethernet<br />

network. In this case one of the servers runs the<br />

SerialCam shell program, which allows managing<br />

all available digitize resources and implement<br />

synchronous recording of incoming (chamber) video<br />

and audio channels.<br />

SerialCam is powered by the Azimuth VS- 5000 video<br />

servers. The use of Fly-Wheel hardware technology<br />

integrated in video server or time-base corrector<br />

software (depending on the type of video server)<br />

guarantees stability of the recorded video signal.<br />

Functions<br />

A key feature of the SerialCam system is the<br />

capability not only to synchronously ingest video and<br />

audio signals, but also create edit decision list (EDL)<br />

in XML format. This is relevant during multi-channel<br />

recording of various, especially repeated, events, for<br />

example when filming series scenes doubles.<br />

Switching performed by an operator can be carried<br />

out with the keyboard, external SC-CP panel or<br />

switcher (Sony, Panasonic, GrassValley, Kramer, etc.)<br />

connected to the server via common interfaces.<br />

By the end of the recording, a digitized multicam<br />

material and its EDL file will be placed on a disk array<br />

of the server. Depending on the format of the video<br />

and audio data recording and the kind of NLE system<br />

planned to be used, project director decides whether<br />

the recorded material is raw or finished, and if the<br />

re-digitalization from the tape is required, or the<br />

final editing in NLE system can be started.<br />

It may happen that the editing of the video material<br />

such as an entertainment event should be started<br />

during recording, without waiting for its completion.<br />

For such cases, the SerialCam system has built-in<br />

ClipOnLine function that allows editors to start<br />

working on the project almost immediately after the<br />

broadcast beginning. One or more editing stations<br />

can be connected to one disk array common with a<br />

server/servers by the help of SAN technology. These<br />

capabilities allows multicam editing during recording<br />

at each working place in real time even in HD format.<br />

SerialCam is a simple and reliable system. It can<br />

significantly reduce time costs and ensure a<br />

reduction in labor costs in the most critical in terms<br />

of deadlines and quality of the results links of TV<br />

production: director’s work, editing stations capacity<br />

and tasks parallelizing.<br />

18 www.automation.tv

Organization of Media Materials Supply to a Consumer<br />

Features<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to record up to 64 sources of SD 576i and<br />

HD 1080i/1080p signals<br />

■■<br />

Input video, audio and timecode signals visualization<br />

on the interface<br />

■■<br />

Integrated center of control over the recording during<br />

multi-server configuration<br />

■■<br />

ClipOnLine technology for video editing during record<br />

■■<br />

Support of the following codecs: DV25/DV50/DV100,<br />

MPEG IMX, XDCAM HD 422, XDCAM EX, Apple ProRes<br />

422/HQ/LT, AVCIntra 50/100 and Avid DNxHD<br />

■■<br />

Support of MOV, MXF and AVI containers<br />

■■<br />

Recording of LTC/VITC/VBI/System Time/TC offset<br />

timecode and its implementation in media files<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to record up to 16 audio channels<br />

■■<br />

Integration with mixers of different companies: Sony,<br />

Snell Group, Panasonic, GVG, etc.<br />

■■<br />

Creation of Multi-Camera projects for Apple FinalCut<br />

Pro<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


multi-channel recording<br />

timedelay<br />

video signals delay<br />

TimeDelay is a system for video signals delay for a<br />

fixed or random time.<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Adoption of retransmission signal to its time zone<br />

■■<br />

Playout with delay by different time zones<br />

■■<br />

Replays when organizing cultural, sports or other<br />

mass events<br />

■■<br />

Redundancy of the main paths while multi-channel<br />

playout<br />

Operation Modes<br />

Passive. You set the file size of the loop file and<br />

the value of playback delay. Run the process.<br />

Then the system will record and playout material<br />

automatically.<br />

Active. Allows to browse the loop file, find necessary<br />

marks and instantly switch over the loop playback<br />

from the selected mark.<br />

Technical Specifications of TimeDelay System<br />

Matrox DSX SD card<br />

Matrox DSX XMIO card<br />

Video Input/Output SDI, YUV, PAL SDI<br />

Audio Input/Output (2 or 4 Channels) SDI Emb., AES, Analogue SDI Emb., AES<br />

Clock Input Yes Yes<br />

Time Base Corrector of Input Signal Software-based Hardware-based<br />

Matrox Fly Wheel Technology No Yes<br />

Computer Bus PCI-E (1x) PCI-E (8x)<br />

Functions<br />

■ ■ Continuous recording of video in a loop file (up to 5<br />

years ) with different compression<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to save loop files<br />

■■<br />

Support for multiple file loops<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to open file loops while continuing<br />

recording in it<br />

■■<br />

Continuous video playback from a loop file<br />

■■<br />

Review of loop files on the computer screen during<br />

video playback<br />

■■<br />

Instant start of playback for any event in a loop Insert<br />

the standart .avi file into a retransmission signal with a<br />

possibility of its loop playback<br />

■■<br />

Playout of standby clip<br />

20 www.automation.tv

oadcast graphics<br />

titleStation 1/3<br />

broadcast graphics<br />

Entry-level single- or multi-channel systems for<br />

broadcast graphics creation and playback of images,<br />

titles, roll captions, logos, dynamically changing<br />

external feed in real time.<br />

Features<br />

■■<br />

Multi-layer graphic templates displaying<br />

■■<br />

Unlimited number of elements in a template : live<br />

video, video files, images, text, rolls and crawls<br />

■■<br />

Key-frame animation of template elements<br />

■■<br />

Creation of rolls and crawls in a real-time<br />

■■<br />

Independent control of each graphic object<br />

Instant on / off / change of the graphics on-air<br />

■■<br />

Editing of the graphic playlist on air<br />

■■<br />

Operational change of template parameters and<br />

its data on air<br />

■■<br />

Instant change of the image on air when the data<br />

changes<br />

■■<br />

Instant display of graphic objects manually or by<br />

an external control GPI signal<br />

■■<br />

Cycling animation support<br />

■■<br />

Automatic adaptation of loop animation to<br />

changes in template duration<br />

■■<br />

Unicode support for displaying of multi-lingual<br />

titles and special symbols (€, £, ¥, etc.)<br />

■■<br />

Automatic transfer and scaling of the text<br />

entering to the limited area<br />

■■<br />

Preparing of graphic playlists on a video server or<br />

any computer in the network with the video server<br />

■■<br />

Open format of playlists for integration with<br />

media planning systems<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to separate the processes of materials<br />

preparation to air between services<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Single/ multi-channel automated system for<br />

broadcast graphics<br />

■■<br />

Single/ multi-channel graphics for live broadcast of<br />

information programms and sports<br />

Functions<br />

■ ■ Single- or multi-channel broadcasting graphics with<br />

automated character generator playout on the schedule<br />

■■<br />

Single- or multi-channel graphics of live broadcasts<br />

online<br />

■■<br />

Graphics imposing on the pass-through video signal<br />

■■<br />

Creation of Fill + key signals for external devices<br />

(keyers, mixers, etc.)<br />

■■<br />

External keyers on-air control using output GPI signal<br />

■■<br />

Automated graphics playout according to the playlist<br />

■■<br />

Graphic objects playout manually or by an external<br />

GPI signal<br />

■ ■ Individual control of each object<br />

■■<br />

Playout of up to 6 graphic objects on each on-air<br />

channel simultaneously<br />

■■<br />

Display of dynamically changing data with manual or<br />

automated update (temperature, time, SMS, chats ... )<br />

■■<br />

Graphics animation<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


System Monitoring and Control Recording<br />

Screenbox<br />

multi-channel monitoring<br />

ScreenBox system generates and displays<br />

multimedia images (including variety of media<br />

data) of high-resolution. Wide range of possibilities,<br />

friendly user interface, as well as the modular<br />

architecture allow the system to meet the<br />

requirements of any production from TV studios to<br />

Central and regional TV channels.<br />

Architecture<br />

ScreenBox solution includes a server and the<br />

application to create display templates.<br />

The server module receives digital video and audio<br />

signals, records them and generates IP streams<br />

of input signals. Depending on configuration, the<br />

system can support the following inputs: Composite<br />

and SD/HD-SDI.<br />

The display module that generates and displays<br />

multi-screen images can be installed on the<br />

same computer as the server module or network<br />

computer. An operator can quickly and easily change<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

TV and video surveillance systems, broadcast and<br />

satellite channels monitoring<br />

■■<br />

AirMonitor and AutoPlay playout systems<br />

interoperation (while viewing a report on stories that<br />

went on the air in the AutoPlay system, it is possible<br />

to watch video recorded by the system of control<br />

recording by the defined channel)<br />

■■<br />

Recording of signals from the on-air control room<br />

key points in order to evaluate vulnerability in case of<br />

failure<br />

■■<br />

Installment to additional surveillance cameras in<br />

on-air control rooms to evaluate the staff actions and<br />

its influence on the quality of Air signal<br />

the parameters for each channel and set the screen<br />

in a convenient way. The size of the video windows,<br />

their location, as well as the graphic design of the<br />

entire screen are determined by the active template,<br />

that can be created and modified at any network<br />

computer using the editor application. Configuration<br />

settings can be saved and then activated in different<br />

studios or OB vans.<br />

Opportunities<br />

The system receives up to 16 input channels, but<br />

can be extended and installed in 1U, 2U, 3U or 4U<br />

chassis. The number of simultaneously displayed<br />

video of various formats is almost unlimited. Each<br />

video window can be accompanied by 2 audio<br />

indications. For monitors’ replacement in the control<br />

room, ScreenBox is able to receive and display the<br />

status of GPI and Tally signals.<br />

Features<br />

■■<br />

Creation and display of multi-channel images (video,<br />

sound indicators, text data, GPI and Tally indicators,<br />

clocks)<br />

■■<br />

Capability to simultaneously display from 1 to 16<br />

video channels of different formats to the screen of video<br />

sever or network computer<br />

■■<br />

Capability of connected audio-video signals control<br />

recording<br />

■■<br />

Support of Composite and SD/HD-SDI signals<br />

■■<br />

Recording of materials on the schedule or in the loop<br />

file<br />

■■<br />

Capability to set individual recording schedule<br />

(arbitrary or periodical)<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to view recorded videos on remote<br />

workstations<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous synchronous display of up to 4 video<br />

channels<br />

■■<br />

Installment to arbitrary number of workstations<br />

22 www.automation.tv

In addition, the system allows displaying static text<br />

fields with user-defined settings of style, size and<br />

color. Any text field can be separate or linked to the<br />

video window. One multi-screen can contain several<br />

analogue or digital clocks with different time zones.<br />

There is a possibility of ScreenBox and AutoPlay<br />

playout system interoperation. In this case,<br />

ScreenBox receives protocol packets from AutoPlay<br />

by the network, including information about the<br />

names of the current and next playlist events, time<br />

to end of the current event, type of the next event<br />

start and other service information.<br />

Control Recording Option<br />

As an option, the ScreenBox system offers the<br />

function of control recording in 25 frame/sec<br />

mode with user-defined datarate. To lower the<br />

amount of video files, the size of recorded video<br />

can be reduced to the size of standard SD or HD<br />

resolutions. Materials can be recorded according to<br />

schedule or in the loop, i.e. the recorded video and<br />

audio information, as far as the array is filled, starts<br />

automatically to rewrite the oldest information.<br />

The recorded image can be overlapped with the<br />

information about the channel name, current date<br />

and timecode. The brightness of the overlaid text<br />

changes dynamically in contrast to the level of<br />

original image brightness that always provides good<br />

information readability, while seeing the full picture<br />

not closed with the on-screen graphics.<br />

With the recording option in the ScreenBox system,<br />

standard delivery includes AirPlayer that allows to<br />

monitor recorded videos on remote workstations.<br />

AirPlayer simultaneously displays up to 4 video<br />

channels. Convenient Timeline and navigation<br />

system allow to quickly finding the necessary video<br />

fragment. In addition, by setting the labels of the<br />

beginning and the end of the necessary fragment,<br />

this fragment can be exported to a separate file for<br />

receiving to the advertiser or control organization.<br />

The number of AirPlayer workstations is unlimited.<br />

Any user who has rights can find, watch and export<br />

any fragment at his workstation by the network.<br />

Airmonitor<br />

control recording<br />

AirMonitor is developed for multi-channel recording<br />

of synchronous audio and video signals. The system is<br />

the ideal solution for control broadcast recording.<br />

Architecture<br />

During the recording process, industrial H.264<br />

hardware compression cards are used. This allows<br />

obtaining high quality video and audio under small<br />

rates. AirMonitor is able to record up to 64 audiovideo<br />

channels to a single server. The system consists<br />

of a video server with installed software and client 4<br />

-channel player, which can be placed at an unlimited<br />

number of workstations.<br />

AirMonitor is capable to record analog video signals of PAL or SECAM standards and unbalanced analog<br />

audio signals. One recording channel includes 1 video and 1 audio signal. Material is recorded at 25 fps with<br />

a user-defined datarates. To decrease the video files volume, size of the recorded picture is reduced to 1/4 of<br />

the standard PAL resolution (360x288). The system also allows to reviewing all the connected channels.<br />

To save disk space, AirMonitor can record materials in a loop file, so that the recording video and audio<br />

information (when the array is full) automatically starts to delete an old information and a new material is<br />

recorded in its place. A size of the loop file is set by a user and is limited only by disk array capacity.<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


System Monitoring and Control Recording<br />

For each channel, a recording schedule can be<br />

configured: random interval recording or periodic<br />

by the hour, day of the week, date, etc. For example,<br />

it can be configured to record one channel on<br />

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm and on Thursdays from<br />

5 to 6 pm, and another - every day from 6 am to 12<br />

midnight.<br />

The recording video can be overlaid with an<br />

information about the channel name, current date<br />

and timecode. Brightness of this data is constantly<br />

changing and adapting to the brightness of the<br />

basic image. This allows keeping the contrast level<br />

required for good readability of the data, but at<br />

the same time to see the full image not covered by<br />

the on-screen graphics. For the local clock of video<br />

server synchronization to sources of time signal local<br />

GPS receiver or NTP server can be used.<br />

AirPlayer Module Features<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

The range of AirMonitor application includes all TV<br />

and video surveillance systems, broadcast and satellite<br />

channels monitoring.<br />

■■<br />

There is the possibility of AirMonitor and AutoPlay<br />

systems interoperation. While viewing a log report<br />

on clips that went on the air in the AutoPlay system,<br />

the player of AirMonitor shows the video recorded to<br />

AirMonitor array for the specific period of time by the<br />

defined channel.<br />

■■<br />

In many cases, in addition to software signals, the<br />

recording of signals from the on-air control room key<br />

points is carried out. Under such scheme it is easy to<br />

identify the «weakest link» in case of failure.<br />

■■<br />

To identify the «human factor», some users<br />

additionally install surveillance cameras in on-air<br />

control rooms. Video signals coming from these<br />

cameras are also connected to the AirMonitor<br />

system. Its multi-channel player helps to evaluate the<br />

personnel actions and its influence on the air quality.<br />

AirPlayer allows reviewing recorded video at remote<br />

workstations. AirPlayer is capable to display up to<br />

4 video channels simultaneously. Built-in search<br />

system allows you to instantly find and show video<br />

material of a particular channel in a specified time<br />

interval. The required fragment can be easily found<br />

on a convenient timeline.<br />

While reviewing a user can with a frame accuracy set<br />

the start and end marks of the required segment for<br />

its export to a file with a standard Xvid codec. The<br />

final file can be sent to advertisers as a confirmation<br />

to the number of ad views and duration.<br />

Video window of AirPlayer is duplicated to video<br />

output of a graphics card that allows video take out<br />

to composite or Y/C outputs. This is sufficient for<br />

information recording to traditional video recorders<br />

in PAL format.<br />

Number of workstations where AirPlayer can be<br />

installed is not limited. This means that any user with<br />

access rights to an array of the AirMonitor system<br />

can search, review and export the required fragment<br />

in the network at his workplace.<br />

Features<br />

■■<br />

Recording of analogue PAL or SECAM video signals<br />

and unbalanced audio signals<br />

■■<br />

Possibility of recording materials in the ring<br />

■■<br />

Capability to set individual recording schedule<br />

(arbitrary or periodical)<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to view recorded videos on remote<br />

workstations<br />

■■<br />

Simultaneous synchronous playback of up to 4 video<br />

channels<br />

■■<br />

Video playback to composite or Y/C outputs<br />

■■<br />

Installment to arbitrary number of workstations<br />

24 www.automation.tv

Systemmonitor<br />

system control<br />

High Scalability and Flexibility<br />

SystemMonitor is the ideal solution for control over<br />

the network infrastructure of any broadcasting<br />

complex. Implemented by standard SNMP protocol,<br />

SystemMonitor provides wide opportunities<br />

for monitoring of video equipment of different<br />

networks, server platforms, network equipment,<br />

applications, workstations and etc. SystemMonitor<br />

provides efficiency of the network infrastructure<br />

improves operating performance and helps to<br />

eliminate idle time. All devices are under the<br />

technicians’ 24/7/365 control that allows to detect<br />

and fix errors at an early stage, which considerably<br />

increases the reliability of the broadcast. Almost<br />

unlimited number of network devices and<br />

their parameters can be under the monitoring<br />

simultaneously. SystemMonitor is able to process<br />

a large number of examinations of availability and<br />

performance per second.<br />

Control Over the Most Important Parameters<br />

SystemMonitor detects the slightest deviation in<br />

the network operation, for example related to the<br />

temperature in the server room. In addition, the<br />

system easily controls the following essential for<br />

high-performance broadcast parameters:<br />

- amount of free disk space for each server;<br />

- state of disks in the array;<br />

- approaching the critical value of the various system<br />

services;<br />

- Air clients status;<br />

- status of all video servers’ ports.<br />

A specialist can configure only important for him<br />

parameters. This method saves network and<br />

computing resources by polling only those variables<br />

that are actually used for monitoring. The list of<br />

these important variables is configured globally.<br />

Application<br />

■■<br />

Monitoring and control over the computer<br />

network services, media/video servers, network<br />

devices and equipment within the broadcasting<br />

complex.<br />

Displaying and Alarming<br />

For easy monitoring of the devices current status,<br />

SystemMonitor has a display module. Its multifunctional<br />

user-friendly interface allows a user to<br />

get all the necessary information about the whole<br />

complex with marks about problem devices.<br />

SystemMonitor eliminates the duty of technicians to<br />

periodically verify the status of important devices<br />

within the broadcasting complex. By setting up<br />

automatic alerts on the monitoring events, any user<br />

can be notified by email. All events are stored in<br />

the MS SQL database, which for convenience are<br />

equipped with filters with the possibility of search<br />

and sort.<br />

Features<br />

■■<br />

Graphic display of the network infrastructure status in<br />

real-time mode<br />

■■<br />

Instant identification of the reasons of failures/<br />

deviations<br />

■■<br />

Integration with almost any system based on the<br />

SNMP<br />

■■<br />

Possibility to change parameters of added devices by<br />

making changes in the configuration description<br />

■■<br />

Providing the set of tools for working with data,<br />

including visual editors, alarm signals, diagrams, sensors,<br />

reports, etc.<br />

■■<br />

The reduction of production costs<br />

■■<br />

Reliable broadcasting<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


Hardware<br />

Azimuth<br />

multi-channel<br />

videoservers<br />

The most powerful multi-channel Azimuth video<br />

servers for audio-video materials ingest, store and<br />

playback can be used in stationary control rooms or<br />

OB vans.<br />

Application<br />

Features<br />

Azimuth series of video servers use Matrox DSX OEM<br />

video cards for audio/video ingest and playback.<br />

Technical characteristics of these cards meet all the<br />

international video standards. The world’s leading<br />

manufacturers that use DSX cards in their products<br />

confirm its reliability.<br />

Azimuth video servers have a full range of analog<br />

and digital video inputs/outputs - composite,<br />

component, SDI, HD-SDI/3G. Video and audio are<br />

hardware synchronized. Azimuth supports a wide<br />

variety of codecs that allows working natively in<br />

most of non-linear editing systems.<br />

Each output channel of the video server has a<br />

graphic buffer for titles and graphics overlay.<br />

Scalability<br />

Azimuth video servers allow simultaneous multichannel<br />

ingesting and playback. Channels quantity<br />

of any basic video server can be increased. Single<br />

video server can record and playback up to 16 video<br />

channels. Most of the applications support the use<br />

of multiple video servers, which makes the extension<br />

capabilities of channels quantity almost limitless.<br />

Video servers can be connected by Ethernet or SAN.<br />

Control<br />

Having a wide ranhe of interfaces for managing and<br />

interacting with other equipment RS-232 , RS-422,<br />

GPI, Gigabit/10G Ethernet, IOG, USB, SAS, Fibre<br />

Channel (optional) allows the Azimuth video servers<br />

to be integrated into virtually any hardware complex.<br />

At the moment, the following systems work with video<br />

servers of Azimuth series:<br />

■■<br />

AutoPlay - complex broadcast automation and<br />

media asset management<br />

■■<br />

NewsHouse – news preparation and playout<br />

■■<br />

VideoArchive - integrated media content<br />

accounting and management<br />

■■<br />

TimeRunner SE - organization of video slow motion<br />

replay<br />

■■<br />

SerialCam - multi-camera ingesting for TV shows<br />

and programs<br />

Disk Subsystem<br />

DriveBox series of external disk arrays, optimized to<br />

work with audio and video data, are connected to<br />

the video server using SAS or FC.<br />

Reliability<br />

The power to video server is supplied by 2 hot-swap<br />

PSUs. Two mirrored system drives and hardware<br />

RAID controller store operating system and data.<br />

Ventilation system consists of 8 fans that ensure<br />

optimal heat transfer. Robust metal housing protects<br />

the delicate electronics.<br />

Quality control of nput components and weeks of<br />

load testing of the ready product provide reliable<br />

operation of video servers within TV station.<br />

26 www.automation.tv

General Technical Specifications of AZIMUTH Videoservers<br />

Characteristics<br />

Control*<br />

Genlock<br />

System Disk<br />

Disk Array<br />

Power Block<br />

Description<br />

1 х RS-422, 1 х RS-232, 4 x GPI in, 2 x GPI out, 2 x 10/100/1000 Ethernet, 3 x USB<br />

internal and external<br />

2 disks, RAID level 1 “mirror”<br />

external ( SAS или FC host), internal<br />

2х800W, hot-swap PSU, active PFC<br />

Dimensions, mm 178 (4RU) х 430 (19”) х 600<br />

Weight, kg (net / gross) ~24 / 30<br />

* - the table shows basic models of Azimuth videoservers.<br />

The other set of management ports is available on request.<br />

Digital-analog back panel of Azimuth VS-52XXAD and VS-55XXADHD videoservers<br />

Digital back panel of Azimuth VS-56XXD and VS-58XXDHD videoservers<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


hardware<br />

Technical Specifications of<br />

AZIMUTH VS-52XXAD and VS-55XXADHD Videoservers<br />

Specifications<br />

Videoserver model*<br />

VS-5212AD VS-5224AD VS-5236AD VS-5511ADHD VS-5522ADHD VS-5533ADHD<br />

Simultaneously Working Video Channels<br />

Max. Number of Recording Channels 1 2 3 1 2 3<br />

Max. Number of Playback Channels 2 4 6 1 2 3<br />

Codecs Support<br />

SD Uncompressed<br />

SD DV25 / DVCPRO / DVCPRO50<br />

SD MPEG-2 I-Frame<br />

SD MPEG-2 IBP / Sony D10 (IMX)<br />

Panasonic DVCPRO HD<br />

Sony XDCAM HD / HD422 / EX<br />

Panasonic P2 AVC-Intra 50 / 100<br />

HD MPEG-2 I-Frame / IBP<br />

MPEG-4 Xvid (proxy-copy, low res)<br />

Formats Support<br />

Files: Microsoft AVI, Apple QuickTime, MXF<br />

Audio<br />

16/32 bit, 48 kHz, PCM, 2 or 4 audio channels for each video channel<br />

Live Preview<br />

Network Audio/Video Streams: RTP / RTSP<br />

(Capture & Playback)<br />

Video Inputs<br />

Composite, BNC 1 2 3 1 2 3<br />

SD YUV, 3xBNC 1 2 3<br />

HD / SD YUV, 3xBNC 1 2 3<br />

SDI, BNC 1 2 3<br />

HD / SD SDI, BNC 1 2 3<br />

Video Outputs<br />

Composite/Y, BNC 1 4 6 1 2 3<br />

SD YUV, 3xBNC 1 2 3<br />

HD / SD YUV, 3xBNC 1 2 3<br />

SDI SDI, BNC 1 4 6<br />

HD / SD SDI, BNC 1 2 3<br />

Audio Inputs<br />

Analog Balanced 2 4 6 2 4 6<br />

Digital Unbalanced AES 1 2 3 1 2 3<br />

SDI Embedded 1 2 3 1 2 3<br />

Audio Outputs<br />

Analog Balanced 4 8 12 2 4 6<br />

Digital Unbalanced 2 4 6 1 2 3<br />

Digital Embedded, SDI 2 4 6 1 2 3<br />

IP-Streaming<br />

IP: MPEG4 Part 10 (H 264)/ MPEG2<br />

* - the table shows basic models of Azimuth videoservers. Other configurations are available on request.<br />

28 www.automation.tv

Technical Specifications of<br />

AZIMUTH VS-56XXD and VS-58XXDHD Videoservers<br />

Specifications<br />

Videoserver model*<br />

VS-5612D VS-5624D VS-5644D VS-5812DHD VS-5824DHD VS-5844DHD<br />

Simultaneously Working Video Channels<br />

Max. Number of Recording Channels 1 2 4 1 2 4<br />

Max. Number of Playback Channels 2 4 4 2 4 4<br />

Codecs Support<br />

SD Uncompressed<br />

SD DV25 / DVCPRO / DVCPRO50<br />

SD MPEG-2 I-Frame<br />

SD MPEG-2 IBP / Sony D10 (IMX)<br />

HD Uncompressed<br />

Panasonic DVCPRO HD<br />

Sony XDCAM HD / HD422 / EX<br />

Panasonic P2 AVC-Intra 50 / 100<br />

HD MPEG-2 I-Frame / IBP<br />

Apple ProRes 422 / HQ / LT<br />

Avid DNxHD<br />

MPEG-4 Xvid (Proxy-copy, Low Res)<br />

Formats Support<br />

Files: Microsoft AVI, Apple QuickTime, MXF<br />

Audio<br />

16/32 bit, 48 kHz, PCM, up to 16 audio channels for each video channel<br />

Live Preview<br />

Network Audio/Video Streams: RTP / RTSP<br />

(Capture & Playback)<br />

Video Inputs<br />

HD/SD SDI, BNC 1 2 4 1 2 4<br />

Video Outputs<br />

HD/SD SDI, BNC 1 4 4 1 4 4<br />

Audio Inputs<br />

Digital Unbalanced 1 2 4 1 2 4<br />

Digital Embedded, SDI 1 2 4 1 2 4<br />

Audio Outputs<br />

Digital Unbalanced 2 4 4 2 4 4<br />

Digital Embedded, SDI 2 4 4 2 4 4<br />

IP-Streaming<br />

IP: MPEG4 Part 10 (H 264)/ MPEG2<br />

* - the table shows basic models of Azimuth videoservers. Other configurations are available on request.<br />

© <strong>2014</strong> <strong>BRAM</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong><br />


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