Egypt - United Nations Development Programme

Egypt - United Nations Development Programme

Egypt - United Nations Development Programme


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II) Trajectory of NHDR: production, ownership and<br />

dissemination<br />

A) Production<br />

After the publication of two issues of the global HDRs, the UNDP country office in Cairo<br />

convened, in late 1991, a meeting of a group of enlighted <strong>Egypt</strong>ian intellectuals from<br />

different political and spiritual background (liberals, marxists, seculars and islamists), to<br />

review the modalities of operationalizing the HD concept in the <strong>Egypt</strong>ian context. The<br />

group recommended getting in touch with the semi-governmental institute INP, which<br />

included a board of directors chaired by the Minister of Planning, and regrouping a pool<br />

of highly qualified professors in different fields of social sciences.<br />

The INP proposed, through a memo addressed to the Minister of Planning, to be<br />

in charge of the preparation of the NHDR, with technical and financial support from<br />

UNDP. INP also formed an advisory committee headed by the director of the institute,<br />

which included other selected institute staff (the project coordinator and the<br />

administrative officer), a UNDP representative and an international consultant.<br />

Contributors of the background papers were selected from a pool of qualified professors<br />

from INP as well as from outside. A steering committee was also established to<br />

streamline the production process and oversee the daily management of the project.<br />

Since <strong>Egypt</strong>’s first HDR, published in 1994, until the most recent in 2005, nine<br />

reports have been published with varying time lapses. As mentioned in the introduction,<br />

one may distinguish five different areas of these reports: i) the first area covered the first<br />

two reports (1994 and 1995) and introduced the concept of HD, the HDI, participatory<br />

development and the 20/20 approaches; ii) the second area (1996 and 1997/98) focused<br />

on poverty and social spending; iii) the third covered specific issues such as education<br />

(1998/99) and globalization (2000/01); iv) the fourth area (2002/03 and 2004) focused on<br />

the issue of decentralization; and iv) the fifth area, covering the most recent 2005 report,<br />

proposes to policy makers a new pro-poor, pro-growth social contract, and a vision for<br />

<strong>Egypt</strong> until 2015.<br />

The production process of the HDR may be characterized by three features: (a)<br />

All nine reports are of a high caliber and two of them have had a strong impact at the<br />

national as well as local levels – the ‘Poverty’ (1996) and the ‘Decentralization’ (2004)<br />

reports; (b) since the publication of the first report in 1994, an HDI was calculated at both<br />

the national and local (governorate) levels, thus stressing regional disparities and<br />

preparing the ground for the publication of a series of governorate human development<br />

reports (GHDR), as will be mentioned at a later stage; and (c) special attention was given<br />

to data accuracy and data collection. Indeed, updating of data bases, development and<br />

refinement of indicators, and undertaking of special surveys for specific reports were<br />

implemented in close cooperation with the Information Decision Support Center and<br />

CAPMAS. For example, a semi participatory assessment survey on people’s perception<br />

of poverty was conducted in connection with the poverty report in 1996. Similarly, a field<br />


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