Significant Figures PowerPoint

Significant Figures PowerPoint

Significant Figures PowerPoint


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<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

Mathematics Involving Measurements Are<br />

Probably Different Than What You Are<br />

Used To.

Exact vs. Measured Values<br />

Most of the math we are taught involves using<br />

exact numbers.<br />

Exact numbers are used in science along with<br />

measurements, which are inexact numbers.<br />

Counted objects or defined values are exact.<br />

For example, the average person has 10 fingers.<br />

That’s a count.<br />

There are exactly 1000 mm in 1 m. That’s a defined<br />


<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

So what the heck are significant figures, and<br />

how do we use them?<br />

Any measured value is a significant figure.<br />

If you measure a toothpick to be 4.72 cm long,<br />

there are 3 significant figures in the value: 4,7<br />

and 2.<br />

If the toothpick measured 4.70 cm, there are still<br />

3 significant figures.

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

This brings up an interesting question: Are there<br />

digits that are not significant?<br />

The answer is, Yes!<br />

All non-zero digits are automatically significant.<br />

And zeros that show precision are significant.<br />

However, zeros that only serve as place holders,<br />

that is, they locate the decimal in a number, are<br />

not significant!

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

A good guideline to follow is this: If zeros appear<br />

or disappear when you change the units of the<br />

measurement, the zeros are not significant.<br />

For example, 5 m has 1 significant figure.<br />

But 5 m = 5000 mm. Are the 3 zeros significant?<br />

No! They simply appeared because we changed<br />

units. Both numbers have 1 sig. fig.

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

So, zeros at the beginning of a number (like<br />

0.00065) are always place holders and are never<br />

sig figs.<br />

And, zeros at the end of a number where the<br />

decimal place is implied (like 30,000), are also<br />

place holders and are not sig figs.

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

But, zeros in the middle of a number (like 605)<br />

are not place holders. They are part of the<br />

measurement and are always sig figs.<br />

And, most importantly, zeros at the end of a<br />

number with a decimal place show precision.<br />

They are not place holders and are sig figs.

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

This is one of the things your math teachers<br />

probably didn’t tell you.<br />

2.2 g ≠ 2.200 g<br />

The second measurement is much more precise<br />

than the first! The 2 zeros at the end of 2.200 g<br />

show precision and are sig figs.<br />

2.2 g has 2 sig figs, but 2.200 g. has 4!

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

So the trick is to know when zeros are significant<br />

and when they are not.<br />

600 has only 1 sig fig, but 60.0 has 3.<br />

But, what happens if you were measuring the<br />

length of a table to the nearest 1 cm and it came<br />

out to be exactly 300 cm long?

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

If the table had been 299 cm, there would be 3<br />

sig figs. Likewise if it had been 301 cm, 3 sig<br />

figs, right?<br />

How then do we show that the last zero in 300<br />

cm is significant?<br />

The answer is to put a bar over (or under) the<br />

zero to show that it was a measured value.

<strong>Significant</strong> <strong>Figures</strong><br />

To show that we measured our table to exactly<br />

300 cm, we write it this way: 300 cm.<br />

Since zeros at the beginning of a number with a<br />

decimal place are never significant, and zeros at<br />

the end of a number with a decimal are always<br />

significant, the only time we need a zero with a<br />

bar is in a number with no decimal place.

<strong>Significant</strong> Zeros<br />

A simple way to think about zeros is this:<br />

If zeros appear or disappear when you change<br />

the units or put a number in scientific notation,<br />

they were not significant figures.<br />

Ex: 6 m has 1 sig fig. 6 m = 6000 mm: still 1 sig<br />

fig.<br />

0.005 s has 1 sig fig. 5 x 10 -3 s has 1 sig fig.

Scientific Notation<br />

A word about scientific notation, numbers in<br />

exponential form.<br />

We use them frequently in chemistry, because<br />

we often have to deal with very large or very<br />

small numbers. And all those zeros get to be a<br />


Scientific Notation<br />

The classic example involves a number that<br />

chemists use all the time. The number is<br />

602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000<br />

It would be ridiculous to write the number out this<br />

way each time, so instead we use scientific<br />

notation: 6.02 x 10 23 . Much more efficient.<br />

This number has 3 sig. figs: 6, 0 and 2 in both<br />

the exponential and non-exponential forms.

Time to try your hand at sig figs.<br />

How many sig figs in<br />

each of these values?<br />

3.041 m<br />

0.000050 m 2<br />

3,480,200 yr<br />

-1.200°C<br />

1.0800 x 10 -2 L<br />

6000 m<br />

Let’s see how you did.<br />

Here are the answers<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

4<br />

5<br />


Still Confused?<br />

It is not unusual for people to still be a little hazy<br />

on significant figures at this point.<br />

So here’s a trick to help you figure out which<br />

digits are significant and which are not.<br />

It is called the Atlantic/Pacific model.<br />

Your teacher will show you the model on the<br />


Rounding<br />

Round each to 4 sig figs.<br />

12,345,670<br />

2.35500<br />

1.4638 x 10 2<br />

0.000657030<br />

100,250.1<br />

23,475<br />

23,485<br />

Here are the answers:<br />

12,350,000 (1.235 x 10 7 )<br />

2.355<br />

1.464 x 10 2<br />

0.0006570 (6.570 x 10 -4 )<br />

100,300<br />

23,480<br />


Wait a Minute!<br />

No, that last answer was not a typo.<br />

This is another thing your math teacher probably<br />

didn’t tell you.<br />

When you learned to round, in grade school,<br />

your brain wasn’t ready for this idea.<br />

But now you are!!! (Isn’t that exciting?)

Rounding Exact Fives<br />

Five is that magic number that we are not sure<br />

about when rounding. To make things easy<br />

when you were younger, your teachers said to<br />

always round up.<br />

Scientists round exact 5’s so that the rounded<br />

digit to the left of the 5 becomes an even<br />


Rounding Exact Fives<br />

This eliminates the mathematical bias introduced<br />

by always rounding 5’s up.<br />

So, rounding to the nearest 10, the number 75<br />

becomes 80 (just like you were taught), but 85<br />

also rounds to 80. Eight is even, where the 9 of<br />

90 is odd.<br />

5.5 becomes 6, and 4.5 becomes 4.<br />

What about 4.51?<br />

This is not an exact 5. It’s more than 5, so round<br />

up: 5.0

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