FF-676 - Public Employment Relations Board

FF-676 - Public Employment Relations Board

FF-676 - Public Employment Relations Board


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vacation request procedure is predominant within the District or within other Orange<br />

County school districts. Had the District done so, its case for change would be more<br />

compelling. As it is, even in the face of no opposing evidence from the Union, the<br />

Panel finds that the District proposal is not justified by any demonstrated need.<br />

Article 13- Leaves<br />

District Position- The District is proposing that Article 13.8.4, which pennits<br />

employees to take 2 paid personal necessity days per year without charge to sick<br />

leave, be suspended during 2012-13 and 2013-14. The District proposes possible<br />

reinstatement of this benefit in 2014-1 S. The District asserts that this proposal is<br />

related to wages and, presumably, is proposed in order to alleviate its aforementioned<br />

inability to pay: With respect to internal comparability," the District intro~uced<br />

uncontroverted evidence that ASTA, APGA, and CSEA have agreed to the District's<br />

proposal.<br />

The Union has proposed modifying Article 13.12, which states that the District shall<br />

grant unpaid leave as specified under the Family Medical Leave Act, by adding "not<br />

run concurrent with sick leave, differential pay, etc." The District opposes this<br />

proposed addition.to Article 13.12 because it could increase length of an employee's<br />

absence by permitting FMLA leave to commence after exhaustion of all paid leaves.<br />

Union Position- The Union did not argue that the District's proposal to suspend the<br />

personal· necessity days was unjustified .. In fact, its representative indicated that the<br />

Union was willing to agree to the suspension of personal necessity days, but it wished<br />

to do so year by year in a side letter.<br />

The Union presented no evidence in support of its proposal to allow unpaid F~<br />

leave to run on a non-concurrent basis with paid leaves.<br />

Panel Discussion/Recommendation- The District's proposal to suspend personal<br />

necessity days during 2012-13 and 2013 .. 14, with possible reinstatement in 2014-15,<br />

is justified by its need to save personnel costs. AFSCME members would be subject<br />

only to the same sacrifices made by the employees in the 3 other bargaining units.<br />

Accordingly, the Panel recommends that the District's proposal under Article 13.8.4<br />

be incorporated into the CBA.<br />


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