Bulletin: 30 March - ADCS

Bulletin: 30 March - ADCS

Bulletin: 30 March - ADCS


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Sector-led improvement and support in children’s services<br />

Children’s Improvement Board <strong>Bulletin</strong> 11<br />

<strong>30</strong> <strong>March</strong> 2012<br />



Welcome to the latest bulletin from the Children’s Improvement Board (CIB).<br />

This bulletin provides updates on progress in developing and implementing<br />

sector led improvement for children’s services.<br />

CIB is a partnership board set up by the Local Government Association<br />

(LGA), the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (<strong>ADCS</strong>), and<br />

SOLACE (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives) supported by the<br />

Department for Education (DfE). It is a direction setting and decision making<br />

group that is responsible for the overall delivery of a new programme to<br />

develop sector led improvement for children’s services. More details about<br />

sector led improvement can be found on our website: www.local.gov.uk/CIB<br />


1. Looking forward to 2012-13<br />

In its first full year operation, the Children’s Improvement Board will be<br />

focusing on four priorities to support a systematic, intelligence led and<br />

sustainable approach to self improvement These are:<br />

• Promoting and supporting peer challenge so that all councils are<br />

involved: this is critical to building a culture of trust and mutual support<br />

• Reducing the number of councils subject to improvement notices.<br />

• Stronger ownership of self- improvement by the sector, including<br />

councillors and chief executives<br />

• Supporting councils to deal with the impact of new policy developments<br />

2. Working with regions<br />

Delivering on these priorities will depend on the active support of councils. As<br />

last year, part of the CIB budget is being allocated to regions to spend in<br />

support of self improvement. A total of £3.018m will be allocated across the<br />

nine regions based on number of councils and population. In each region<br />

there is a lead director of children’s services, lead member for children and<br />

chief executive and we will be looking to these colleagues to support and<br />

champion self improvement in their region. A list of the three leads identified<br />

by each region is attached.<br />


These regional arrangements are relatively new and the CIB team will be<br />

working to build closer links with regions and to get the balance right between<br />

the regional and national support offered through CIB. To take this forward a<br />

meeting of the lead DCSs from each region will take place on 16 April and we<br />

will be writing shortly to invite all three leads from each region to a meeting at<br />

the end of May. We hope these initial meetings will form the basis of a<br />

stronger dialogue between local authorities working in regions and the<br />

national CIB team during this year.<br />

Because of the importance of peer challenge to building a culture of mutual<br />

trust and support, CIB will be carrying out an early evaluation of the impact of<br />

peer challenge in the summer, with a view to reporting the findings in the early<br />

autumn. More details of this evaluation will follow shortly.<br />

3. Supporting councils on adoption<br />

At the time of writing, the government has announced its intention to produce<br />

local authority scorecards on adoption, including performance thresholds for<br />

the timeliness of adoption processes. The Children’s Improvement Board has<br />

been considering its response to this initiative and echoed concerns that this<br />

represents an apparent reversal of the government’s commitment to a sector<br />

led approach. The partners on CIB have taken the view that, irrespective of<br />

these concerns, the implementation of the adoption policy will pose a serious<br />

challenge in a significant number of councils and that it is essential to be in a<br />

position to offer support to them. CIB will advise on and commission a<br />

“diagnostic” process which will be of particular assistance to those councils<br />

that may be approached by the DfE with questions over their performance<br />

following the publication of scorecards. The diagnostic assessment is<br />

intended to assist councils in understanding and presenting the picture behind<br />

any scorecard data or indicators and to help in shaping its response to the<br />

DfE. We will continue to keep you informed as this area of policy develops.<br />

4. Early support and information sharing<br />

At its last meeting on 12 <strong>March</strong>, the Children’s Improvement Board discussed<br />

an LGA paper setting out an overarching framework for sector led<br />

improvement, including managing the risk of under performance. This<br />

framework will set the context for support to councils in children’s services<br />

and will bring together the three different strands of sector led support around<br />

corporate issues, children’s services led by CIB and adult social care led by<br />

Towards Excellence in Adult Social Care.<br />

Local government is currently in a transition from high levels of assessment<br />

and inspection to a sector led approach, with inspection being risk based and<br />

limited to services affecting vulnerable people. In developing a sector led<br />

approach, the LGA consulted widely with councils and received strong<br />

backing for a number of key principles:<br />

• Councils are responsible for their own performance and improvement<br />


• Councils are accountable to local communities, not government or<br />

inspectorates<br />

• Councils have a collective responsibility for the performance of the<br />

sector as a whole<br />

• The role of the LGA is to lobby for further reductions in inspection,<br />

assessment and data reporting; to maintain an overview of the<br />

performance of the sector in order to identify potential performance<br />

challenges and opportunities and to provide tools and support to help<br />

councils take advantage of this new approach<br />

An LGA paper on sector led improvement and CIB appendices setting out the<br />

approach to children’s services in more detail will be published and circulated<br />

to councils shortly.<br />

5. Integrated working<br />

The Children’s Workforce Development Council will cease to operate from the<br />

end of <strong>March</strong>. As part of the winding up process, a number of online<br />

resources have been transferred to the Children’s Improvement Board and<br />

are now available on the LGA’s Knowledge Hub (Khub). To log on to Khub<br />

and access the documents, please use the following link:<br />

https://knowledgehub.local.gov.uk/signin?p_p_id=58&p_p_lifecycle=0&_58_re<br />

direct=%2Fgroup%2Fchildrensimprovementboard%2Factivity<br />

6. Youth innovation<br />

Under the umbrella of the Children's Improvement Board (CIB) the<br />

government’s Positive for Youth statement before Christmas announced the<br />

setting up of a small network of Youth Innovation Zones to act as pioneers<br />

and assist wider development of new approaches. CIB’s delivery partner for<br />

this initiative is FPM. The government aims to promote sector led<br />

improvement of services, and working with the LGA wants to support<br />

innovation and creative re-design of youth support. There will be a small<br />

budget from CIB (likely to be between £400k and £500k in total) to support a<br />

number of new innovation zones in 2012/13 led by local councils.<br />

The bidding process is now open and applications information can be made<br />

via the LGA Knowledge Hub website (https://knowledgehub.local.gov.uk). You<br />

will be required to register onto the site, once this is done please search<br />

supporting services for young people to access all relevant<br />

documentation. If you have any issues accessing the information or have any<br />

questions please contact abby.sharpe@fpmonline.co.uk 0116 249 5000.<br />

7. Implementing policy<br />

On 7 <strong>March</strong> CIB convened a workshop on putting policy into practice. A report<br />

from the event is attached.<br />


8. CIB contact<br />

For enquiries on CIB please contact<br />

childrens_improvement_board@local.gov.uk .<br />

Peer reviews and peer challenge – what’s the difference?<br />

These terms are used in different ways:<br />

Sector led peer challenge for children’s services, now being developed in<br />

regions, refers to an annual process of self evaluation and challenge involving<br />

two or more councils. It is developing in different ways in different places to<br />

meet local needs. It is intended to be a light touch process and there is no<br />

prescribed format. The challenge can relate to any aspect of children's<br />

services. Sector led peer challenge for children’s services mainly relies on<br />

time which is donated by officers or councillors in a local authority, in return<br />

for challenge from others.<br />

The children's safeguarding peer review is the title used for a specialist review<br />

of children's safeguarding that is on offer to all local authorities once every<br />

three years, funded via the Children's Improvement Board. The exact focus<br />

for the review is discussed with the local authority but there is an established<br />

model that is followed. Children’s safeguarding peer reviews need to be<br />

booked with the peer review team via<br />

Paul Curran curran56@yahoo.co.uk 07738 600101<br />

Caroline Bosdet caroline.bosdet@local.gov.uk 07876 106183<br />

Beyond children’s services, all councils are also entitled to a free corporate<br />

peer challenge every three years, via the LGA. For more information contact<br />

Andy Bates, Principal Adviser Peer Support andy.bates@local.gov.uk 07919<br />

562849.<br />


Regional leads <strong>March</strong> 2012<br />

E Mids<br />

Cllr Patricia Lincolnshire cllrp.bradwell@lincolnshire.gov.uk<br />

Bradwell (lead<br />

member)<br />

Anthony May Nottinghamshire cfcs.director@nottscc.gov.uk<br />

(DCS)<br />

John Sinnott Leicestershire john.sinnott@leics.gov.uk<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

Eastern<br />

Cllr David Brown Cambridgeshire david.brown@cambridgeshire.gov.uk<br />

(lead member)<br />

Jenny Coles Hertfordshire jenny.coles@hertscc.gov.uk<br />

(DCS)<br />

Gillian Beasley Peterborough gillian.beasley@peterborough.gov.uk<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

London<br />

Cllr Steve Reed Lambeth<br />

sreed@lambeth.gov.uk<br />

(lead member)<br />

Eleanor<br />

Islington<br />

eleanor.schooling@islington.gov.uk<br />

Schooling (DCS)<br />

Cheryl Coppell Havering<br />

cheryl.coppell@havering.gov.uk<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

North East<br />

Cllr Pat Smith Sunderland cllr.patricia.smith@sunderland.gov.uk<br />

(lead member)<br />

John Collings Newcastle john.collings@newcastle.gov.ukj<br />

(DCS)<br />

Barry Rowland Newcastle barry.rowland@newcastle.gov.uk<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

North West<br />

Cllr Ian Moncur Sefton<br />

ian.moncur@councillors.sefton.gov.uk<br />

(lead member)<br />

Peter Morgan Sefton<br />

peter.morgan@sefton.gov.uk<br />

(DCS)<br />

Diana Terris Warrington dterris@warrington.gov.uk<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

South East<br />

Cllr Rob Stanton Wokingham rob.stanton@wokingham.gov.uk<br />

(lead member)<br />

Janette Karklins Bracknell Forest janette.karklins@bracknell-forest.gov.uk<br />

(DCS)<br />

Steve Beynon Isle of Wight steve.beynon@iow.gov.uk<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

South West<br />

Cllr Toni Coombs Dorset<br />

t.b.coombs@dorsetcc.gov.uk<br />

(lead member)<br />

Ashley Ayre Bath and North ashley_ayre@bathnes.gov.uk<br />


(DCS)<br />

Amanda Deeks<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

W Mids<br />

Cllr Ann Hartley<br />

(lead member)<br />

David Taylor<br />

(DCS)<br />

Mark Rogers<br />

((Chief Exec)<br />

Yorks and<br />

Humber<br />

Cllr Linda<br />

Burgess (lead<br />

member)<br />

Elaine McHale<br />

(DCS)<br />

Martin Kimber<br />

(Chief Exec)<br />

East Somerset<br />

South<br />

Gloucestershire<br />

Shropshire<br />

Shropshire<br />

Solihull<br />

Barnsley<br />

Wakefield<br />

Rotherham<br />

amanda.deeks@southglos.gov.uk<br />

ann.hartley@shropshire.gov.uk<br />

david.taylor@shropshire.gov.uk<br />

mrogers@solihull.gov.uk<br />

cllrlindaburgess@barnsley.gov.uk<br />

emchale@wakefield.gov.uk<br />

chiefexecutive@rotherham.gov.uk<br />


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