Part 1: Guest satisfaction still first priority

Part 1: Guest satisfaction still first priority

Part 1: Guest satisfaction still first priority


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» Brought » Brought to you to you today today by by Xxxxx Choice Hotels International<br />

DAY<br />

68<br />

Read It »<br />

<strong>Part</strong> 1: <strong>Guest</strong> <strong>satisfaction</strong> <strong>still</strong> <strong>first</strong> <strong>priority</strong><br />

This two-part column discusses why the most important<br />

time to step up levels of quality, service and<br />

cleanliness is during an economic downturn<br />

By Robert Zarco<br />

hwn contributor<br />

The hospitality industry is suffering through this recession<br />

disproportionately more than other segments of the<br />

economy. The St. Regis Hotel in Detroit, the Tropicana in<br />

Atlantic City and the historic Greenbrier Hotel in West Virginia have<br />

all sought bankruptcy protection recently, with more sure to follow.<br />

According to the latest hotels.com Hotel Price Index, the average<br />

price of a hotel room around the world fell by 12 percent last year.<br />

Leaders in the hospitality industry are<br />

struggling to find ways to save money<br />

without sacrificing their brand image.<br />

The most important thing to remember<br />

is that these challenging economic times are<br />

temporary—the economy will eventually get better.<br />

Unfortunately, in response to unfavorable economic<br />

circumstances, many hoteliers reflexively do things<br />

like cut down on the amount and quality of guest<br />

perks and customer services. This is not necessarily the<br />

wisest course of action, as it may accelerate the demise of<br />

a hotel/motel property. Don’t think that guests won’t notice<br />

when the services and accommodations at their favorite hotel<br />

franchise are curtailed or perhaps even eliminated. By resorting to<br />

quick fixes that pinch pennies but offend guests, hotel brands will<br />

sacrifice their long-term well-being.<br />

In fact, the most important time to step up your levels of<br />

quality, service and cleanliness for your hotel is during an<br />

economic downturn, because you are competing for fewer<br />

dollars that are available in the marketplace. Customers are<br />

price-conscious to some extent, but they have not forgotten the<br />

discriminating tastes they developed during more robust times. If<br />

a hotel wants to survive and flourish, it has to continue to live up<br />

to these high standards.<br />

Believe it or not, there are ways in which to improve the guest<br />

experience that do not cost the hotel a single penny. Here is one<br />

example:<br />

An attorney in my law firm who was traveling to attend a<br />

court hearing landed at 10 p.m. on the night before a 10 a.m.<br />

court hearing. In the morning she ordered room service, for<br />

convenience and to save time. The food arrived, it was very<br />

good, and usually, that would have been the end of the guest<br />

experience.<br />

This time, however, 10 minutes after the food<br />

arrived, her hotel room phone rang. It was<br />

the customer service representative from the<br />

hotel, simply calling to confirm that her room<br />

service order was accurate and that everything<br />

she ordered had arrived and was at the<br />

proper temperature. This made a fantastic<br />

impression on a business traveler. As it<br />

happened, her room service order had<br />

arrived in perfect condition. But she was<br />

truly impressed that the hotel made this<br />

unexpected, proactive effort to guarantee<br />

her <strong>satisfaction</strong>. It really connected. Because<br />

the truth was, as a busy professional, if there had<br />

been something missing from her breakfast order,<br />

she wouldn’t have had the time to complain, but<br />

<strong>still</strong> would have made a permanent mental note.<br />

Even though her order was perfect, she was left<br />

with the indelible impression that, if there had been<br />

something amiss, this hotel would have seamlessly<br />

more»<br />

Sponsored Message: Choice Hotels International ® is one of the largest hotel companies in the world, with more than 5,800 hotels open worldwide. Choice properties<br />

range from limited service to full service in the economy, mid-priced and upscale segments, offering new build, conversion, and membership opportunities.

Create It »<br />

Radisson Hotels & Resorts:<br />

Promotion of the week<br />

From May 15 through<br />

Sept. 15, guests will<br />

receive a free Friday<br />

night stay at Radisson Hotels<br />

& Resorts when staying two<br />

or more consecutive nights<br />

(Thursday or Saturday night<br />

required). “Friday is Freeday” is<br />

available for booking now at participating<br />

Radisson properties, and must be booked<br />

seven days in advance.<br />

“A free Friday night provides a great<br />

opportunity to extend a business trip or<br />

plan a long weekend with family<br />

or friends this summer,” says<br />

Baron Carr, VP of marketing<br />

for Radisson Hotels & Resorts.<br />

“With many great properties<br />

to choose from, travelers can<br />

experience all that Radisson<br />

has to offer while exploring a<br />

favorite city or a new destination.”<br />

For updated information on<br />

promotional packages at hotels, visit<br />

www.hotelworldnetwork.com/<br />

listing/promotions.<br />

Do It »<br />

Reworking design careers<br />

Today’s economic climate is diverting career paths, disrupting lifestyles and affecting<br />

perspectives on life and the future for many design professionals. Understanding<br />

the significant impact the economy continues to have on the design community,<br />

several industry players have begun to host events called “Re:work.” The events, held in<br />

major U.S. cities, are designed to help out-of-work architects and designers get back to the<br />

drawing board—and hopefully, back to work.<br />

Sponsors include carpet manufacturer The Mohawk Group (Durkan) and the<br />

International Interior Design Association (IIDA).<br />

The free, day-long workshop and seminar-style events provide valuable opportunities<br />

to work with experts on résumé writing, financial planning, interview skills and career<br />

coaching, while offering constructive industry insight from architects and designers.<br />

Information about local career and other job loss-related resources in each city are also<br />

available to attendees. The events are CEU-accredited (0.4 CEU credits) by IDCEC.<br />

The events, which have already been held in Atlanta, New York and L.A., run from<br />

8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and will come to Dallas on May 27 and Chicago on June 25.<br />

Additional dates and locations are expected to be announced later.<br />

For more information about “Re:work” or to register for an event, visit www.<br />

themohawkgroup.com/rework.<br />

pheney@questex.com<br />

Continued»<br />

taken care of it for her.<br />

This phone call is a beautiful, effective<br />

marketing device on multiple levels. First<br />

of all, it reaches out and connects with<br />

every guest—not just the demanding<br />

ones. One of the problems with many<br />

customer service campaigns is that “only<br />

the squeaky wheels get the grease.”<br />

By following up with every guest who<br />

orders any type of service from the hotel<br />

staff, the hotel not only makes a great<br />

impression on those guests whose order<br />

was perfect, but it gets an opportunity to<br />

rectify mistakes it might otherwise not<br />

have known about.<br />

Look for the second part of Robert<br />

Zarco’s column in the Day 69 newsletter.<br />

Robert Zarco is an attorney and founding partner<br />

with Zarco Einhorn Salkowski & Brito, known for<br />

providing legal services in the area of franchisor/<br />

franchisee relationships. He can be reached at (305)<br />

374-5418 or www.zarcolaw.com

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